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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17858167 No.17858167 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17858219


>> No.17859108

This plays out like a Family Guy (Funny) moment

>> No.17860104

I think it's funny that we've cultivated a community in which having a relationship gets you ostracized

>> No.17860214

Oh this is why she graduated?

>> No.17860227

Rip all the paypigs

>> No.17860236

did she actually read that shit? I'm assuming no since he's not bragging about it in the pastebin edit blog
seems he stopped watching her just before the incident

>> No.17860247

Being a whore always got you ostracized everywhere in the world.

>> No.17860278

>no-one liked my epic burn tweet
>time to post on 4chan for validation
Okay jakeeistweeting.

>> No.17860285 [DELETED] 
File: 366 KB, 744x642, 1611602276877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the updated version

>> No.17860290

Legendary clip. I wouldn't mind this if she hadn't posted several times on twitter how alone she was for maximum wallet extraction.

If someone is sincere from the get go I personally wouldn't mind. They get some shitposters but that's it.
But anyone that pretends to be single to maximize profits by lying to her audience and gets found out afterwards deserves the mockery.

>> No.17860344

Every female western media worship is a whore.

>> No.17860442

God I fucking beg for the day this happens to nijicucks, especially rosemi and pomu fags. Get BTFO every niji paypig alive, god I’d orgasm 1000x times on a clip like that

>> No.17860476

You can pinpoint the exact moment when she realizes she lost 90% of her cunnyfag paypigs.

>> No.17860502
File: 1.76 MB, 1438x1337, 1611947948197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the whole thing

>> No.17860574

>muh japanesu chinesu koreanu hobby where women ask for monies and men fantasize about them
>woman cannot just collect a bunch of cash and use it to buy condoms

Damn, that sucks. Maybe she should get a real job then.

Yes. And this is a no-western-bullshit zone.

>> No.17860611

Honestly, they don't really get ostracized and the backlash should be far bigger. I actually would have zero problem with these streamers if they accidentally mentioned their kids and it turned out they were married. But what excuses them being whores online is that they aren't also whores in real life. When they admit to having a boyfriend it destroys that illusion.

>> No.17860649

This dude is cringe too

>> No.17860658

She didn't really lose paypigs or viewers from that. Her reaction was way overblown.

>> No.17860670

The backlash was over larping as this completely ungirlfriendable loner up until that moment, not the reveal itself.

>> No.17860682

Pomudachi are a cult and have already speculated about Pomusuke actually being a teenage boy she kidnapped and uses as a flesh dildo.

Rosemi survived the Kirtening despite there being ample proofs, so she will also survive.

Being realistic this is a hobby which attracts women with boyfriends. Women who don't have boyfriends are less likely to waste time pretending to be anime girls online, ironically. I guess if you're talking about the very early points where it was mostly a hobby of love/artisanship/memes and actual nerdy people then it would make sense, but anything where money can be smelt will attract golddigging failed normalfags who feel they're just superior enough that they're entitled to the money of nerds.

>> No.17860818

>hey anon, I’m your sexy anime girlfriend
>also, about my boyfriend—OH SHIT WTF OH NOOOO MY MONIES
>teehee anon, just pretend you didn’t hear that, also you know I appreciate your subs—I mean your love and support—teehee ;) I love you anon and would never fuck anyone behind your back

>> No.17860865

A reminder that the faggot who posted some twitchmoji and "Whelp" near the end was a mod on her discord.

>> No.17860928

No, she's going corpo now

>> No.17860980

He's a channel mod why wouldn't he be a discord mod also?

>> No.17861011

How much is rrat?

>> No.17861104
File: 2.75 MB, 1330x865, 1644159749775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero. She's joining Phase

>> No.17861147

I hate your post

>> No.17861165

>4k views almost 5k views

>> No.17861170

...and then she graduated

>> No.17861458 [DELETED] 

These are the type of people that accept a woman’s sexual past openly and are ok with polyamorous BBC relationships. Obviously exaggerating a bit.. or am I

>> No.17861497

What kind of weirdo are you?

>> No.17861556

> But anyone that pretends to be single to maximize profits by lying to her audience and gets found out afterwards deserves the mockery.
The reason why on the west there are so many unicorns is because they try to pander to lonely weebs with cutesy defenseless voices and their GFE act. Without that and if thet casually disclose the info as another tidbit instead of as a big deal like that girl, it should be fine and only the looney unicorns, aka 1% of her audience would find an issue with it.

>> No.17861598
File: 122 KB, 680x674, 1644188566887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes it even better
paypigs are fucking delusional

>> No.17861654

mutt's law

>> No.17861686

Proof that whenever your oshi talks about their "brother", "sister" or "friend" it could be her boyfriend. Remember that, fags

>> No.17861698

It’s actually kind of cute, she got so comfortable with chat her filters lifted and she talked to them like they were buds

>> No.17861827

How is this not fraud? Leading on men for money can get you jailtime but this can't get you to close your acc?
How has there never been a begrudged unicorn taking this shit to court?

>> No.17861839

Oh anon… you’ve been cucked so hard you don’t even realize it. You need to get someone who loves you and treats you right, if you haven’t already

>> No.17861933

Honestly, unicorns are probably deluded enough to believe they still have a chance as long as they throw enough money at her.

>> No.17861975

I’m not a delusional male unicorn though, not having a dick and incel hormones ables me to think clear on this subject

>> No.17862011


>> No.17862064

girl on the internet? NEVER!

>> No.17862068

shes joining a corpo you fucking idoit

>> No.17862103

You put it better than I ever could anon. Its a shame but its a natural course of how things involving money go.

>> No.17862124

Hnnnnng. Can't wait to repost this in every thread of hers.

>> No.17862181

This guy shaming her is even more cringier.
Sasuga cuckbeats

>> No.17862182

>not having a dick
Choose one.

>> No.17862204

>I share a country with this guy

Time to burn it all

>> No.17862214

Surely if you’re here though, there is absolutely something wrong with your brain

>> No.17862268

Bonus point for her chat making her feel comfortable like talking to a friend, minus points for the streamer lying and posting things to bait people.

Just another example for never believing pure western chuubas

>> No.17862308

Like holy hell this other guy is a fucking schizo

>> No.17862323

blue bear who brings her "brother" up every stream kek lmfao ayylmao

>> No.17862391

Instead of burning you should build some establishments to help people like that. In the next decades this kinda of shit will become a endemic problem and govs will have to step in.

China is getting the picture way ahead of other govs.

>> No.17862399

No man alive has so little self-respect as to become "the guy who took his fake e-girlfriend anime girl to court"

>> No.17862457

whores will never be accepted no matter how hard you try newfriend

>> No.17862494


>> No.17862614

How do you people write shit like this and not realize that you're insane? You're not in a relationship with these vtubers. Paying money to them doesn't entitle you to anything, and doesn't give you any connection to them. What the fuck would you take her into court for? "Sir, i wanted to date her so i have her hundreds of dollars but it turns out she's not single!!!"? Get fucking real. You need to get out of the /vt/ bubble where everyone here considers vtubers to be a piece of meat to fuck and nothing more.

Vtubers here are treated solely on their sexual value, so if you're a fan its like you're their boyfriend, and if they're dating someone you're cuck while neither is true. You're fucking nothing to them. In fact most people know this and donate money to vtubers because - get this- they like them as people or entertainers. Donations aren't an investment fund where if you do it enough you get to date them. You're so fucking pathetic.

>> No.17862688

you're unironically the insane one here faggot. stop watching vtubers

>> No.17862745

6/10 bait

>> No.17862801

In what Islamic state do you live in, where leading on men for money can get you jailtime?

>> No.17862803

Why are you acting like these vtubers are 100% innocent? This vtuber wants free money for playing video games. She’s not providing a service, she’s not funny enough to do standup, she provides absolutely nothing other than jail bait and anime girl uwu looks. This whole fucking medium for making money relies on fucking retards donating multiple aka supas to their favorite gachikoi. The only fucking service here is GFE even if no one wants to fucking say it. Get your dumb feminist progressive shit out of here. Btw I’ll never donate to one of these ugly whores and hope they all get a real job

>> No.17862811

It's okay pomusuke is probably a cat I'm pretty sure I heard him purr.

>> No.17862860

Her fans will become autistic and defensive and deny it's her.

>> No.17862868

listen, yeah yeah, parasocial, yes yes unicorn, but dont act like they are innocent, they know what they are doing by lying about not having a BF, taking advantage of lonely men and milking their provider instincts, its not like girls with public BFs cant succeed.

>> No.17862881
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>Vtubers here are treated solely on their sexual value
>You're fucking nothing to them
>In fact most people know this and donate money to vtubers because - get this- they like them as people or entertainers
I feel bad for you since you seem to be watching horrible people if you really think this is the reality

>> No.17862890

>Why are you acting like these vtubers are 100% innocent?
This exact question can be thrown right back at the faggots who only watch vtubers for GFE.

>> No.17862920

Literally every country on earth. Do you think acting ignorant makes you look touugh you retarded 15 year old?

>> No.17862947

I’m sorry, do you watch vtubers for interesting commentary and real life advice? Why exactly does your entertainer require a big titty or uwu loli avatar you fucking ape? NOOO NOT GFE ANYTHING BUT THAT

>> No.17862968

She lied to people for money, no amount of deflection will make that not have happened

>> No.17862969

No it can't. And nothing is lower than a holier than thou white knight on an anonymous forum

>> No.17863014

>exploit people
>call them insane when they want you to stop fucking up their hobby with your golddigging

They could be honest and admit they're taking dick, but they know they'd get fewer paypigs because they'd be judged on how well they can crack a joke (spoiler: people whose entire personality is "being a woman" aren't funny).

>> No.17863083

You're a retard. The only reason fake bitches pander to GFE is to extort as much money as they can from lonely people. If they were open about having a BF they wouldn't make nearly as much money and that's why it's kept under wraps. The fact that there are still dumbasses like yourself who try to deflect this deception is mind boggling.

>> No.17863151


>> No.17863161

I mean, if you look at anything remotely pretty and instantly go “u pretty o yes now u mah gurlfriend” then you’re the one retarded in the head

>> No.17863183

>Vtuber panders GFE
>Audience desiring GFE gathers
Stop being a retard

>> No.17863253

Why would any girl with BF start vtubing?

>> No.17863254

Bro nijicucks are literally how you described them, KEKS. They are already getting cucked by luxiem so i am sure they would be happy to be cucked even more by any of the girls having boyfriends irl.

>> No.17863275

Are we really having the
>you should accept her and you don't own her
>but you should still pay for her things and give her money

Women like that sure fucks the image of anyone in the same gender.

>> No.17863294
File: 195 KB, 319x304, 1643029220317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can cry as much as you want, but that is exactly how it goes when it comes to female streaming, especially VTubers that pander to that shit all the time.

>> No.17863304

Its exactly this mindset i don't understand. Don't you think its sad that you only watch vtubers for GFE? Don't you think your oshi would be sad if she heard that? Like, "i don't think you're funny, or interesting, or entertaining, or intelligent, but you do have a hole that i want to fuck so i'll watch you" is such a bizarre mentality and yet it seems to be extremely prevalent here. Most people here seemingly would not watch their favorite vtubers if they were male/lesbians/romantically engaged, because in the eyes of /vt/ that reduces their value to zero. So basically you don't like them as people, you only like them as objects of sexual desire. And i think that makes you a really shitty "fan", no matter what vtuber you're watching.

>> No.17863347

Same reason people become YouTubers, not every person with an anime avatar is automatically there to be GFE/BFE

>> No.17863349

Because they are ugly, insecure or just want to reek the benefits of being anonymous while at the same time wanting to have it all

>> No.17863365

It's just sunken cost fallacy. Kids got extremely excited over having their oshi read their name and now people are making fun of them so they pretend they support girls richer than them financially for the already free content and don't care if she spends it on her boyfriend.

>> No.17863380

femoids hands typed this

>> No.17863392

Here's a simple way to make you understand the perspective here on someone like Shirara in particular; why is she hiding the fact that she has a boyfriend to begin with? Why is she saying things like "I'll be single forever" when she isn't single?
I think you know the answer to these questions.

>> No.17863417

Unless you are doing something really retarded, like counting romance scams as simply leading on men for money or something, I can pretty confidently say that nobody in the western world has gone to jail in the last 100 years for leading anyone on.

>> No.17863431

This is just a girl with princess issues trying to guilt you from shaming whores. Don't mind.

>> No.17863448

I'm not even talking about her specifically though, this mentality extends to every single vtuber fanbase on /vt/

>> No.17863453

Nobody said only. You're projecting. No idea what kind of weird karthesis you run here but spending time listening and watching to someone you like isn't weird.
Making a grand stand on the internet about that is.

>> No.17863468

>why would someone do something that earns them money

>> No.17863482

No it doesn't. People only behave like this when the streamer in question panders to the GFE crowd.

>> No.17863497

You fags are all mad because you probably donated money. lmao. I've never donated to a single streamer, sucks to be you faggot.
How easily seduced are you you retard? You're the fucking ape you nigger. GTFO niggerboy.
Yes it can. GFEfags watch vtubers for perfect pure cute girls. So I ask: Why are you acting like these vtubers are 100% innocent? You have to suspend so much of your own common sense and logical thinking to even try to believe what the Vtuber is presenting as, especially when the Vtuber tells you that she is a virgin or will be "alone forever" and you interact with her as if she is that person, despite not being anything like that in real life. It's like watching someone play a character. And then you get mad when you pry a little bit into their personal lives, bordering on stalking and shit, just to find out that the vtuber is a human being with flaws and a real life and personality.
more like:
>Vtuber panders GFE
>Audience desiring GFE gathers
>They get upset when the illusion is shattered (because it always happens eventually, I don't care how in-character the VTuber is, they are all still human and something slips or they get doxxed eventually)
>all the retards who donated get mad
>Free-entertainmentChads win again

>> No.17863502

Ok then by that logic, if all those viewers thinks they are the boyfriend then why don’t they get mad at each other for being cucked?? If you really believe in the gfe then why are you okay with sharing her with thousands of people??

>> No.17863510

Vtubers openly having bfs is actually really common when you leave the /wvt/ bubble

>> No.17863541

What do you think a girlfriend is? Do you view women as fuck meat only? Watching a chuuba for GFE and at the same time thinking the chuuba is funny, interesting, entertaining etc.is not a contradiction. It goes hand in hand.

>Most people here seemingly would not watch their favorite vtubers if they were male/lesbians/romantically engaged, because in the eyes of /vt/ that reduces their value to zero
Are you a guy? This also works in real life. Men arent actually that interested in women aside from having them as a girlfriend or having sex with them. Women get a lot less attention from men when they are gay or in a relationship

>> No.17863584

>feeding the ego of the whores ITT
c'mon anon, you are better than that

>> No.17863585

>Why are you acting like these vtubers are 100% innocent? This vtuber wants free money for playing video games. She’s not providing a service
Vtubers are very clearly providing a form of entertainment, since people watch them and give money to them. That may involve GFE or not. It's your word vs. the market making some of these girls actual multimillionaires.

>> No.17863626

Yes I was referring to romance scams. And fraud entails a far broader scope than you are admitting.
If she explicitely claimed to be single and from that clip can be assumed to understand a boyfriend is harmful for her revenue then you have a good case for fraud I'd say. Not claiming to be a lawyer or anything just saying it's weird there is no legal engagement with the topic

>> No.17863631

>They get upset when the illusion is shattered (because it always happens eventually, I don't care how in-character the VTuber is, they are all still human and something slips or they get doxxed eventually)
>all the retards who donated get mad
>Free-entertainmentChads win again
Yeah so the streamer is at fault. Glad we have arrived at the same conclusion.
Idk nigga I dont watch GFEshit

>> No.17863683

>I'm single
>I'm not actually single
>Clearly you are to blame for this
Seek help you deranged faggot.

>> No.17863749

>Are you a guy? This also works in real life. Men arent actually that interested in women aside from having them as a girlfriend or having sex with them.
Not that anon, but I am not interested in "women" as a category. I may be platonically, romantically or sexually interested in individual women for any number of reasons. Most of the women in my life who I find interesting as individuals I would never want to take on a date or fuck

>> No.17863766

>so the streamer is at fault
At fault for what? Making a believable enough lie to fleece enough retards to make rent payments?

>> No.17863807

Glad my Oshi is an absolute train wreck with a very strong past in similar work and some mental issues that make her adverse to men in real life. I hope she heals one day, because it's obvious she is coping hard as is. I'm not going to wish she started dating while vtubing, but I hope the day she decides to hang up her hats, she can get some help with her past trauma.

>> No.17863813

I need some context for this? What did the guy wrote in the first SC?

>> No.17863827

>My imaginary girlfriend's roommate has a boyfriend
>Emphasis on >imaginary
Oh no.... Anyway.
Worse you could say is that it "ruins the immersion" which is the reason why they hide that fact to begin with. Anyone who thinks it's a fraud or that they're actually entitled do the roommate personal life is retarded. They've fallen too deep. It's a show, it's all a show. Next think you're going to tell me that you think wrestling is real.

>> No.17863858


>> No.17863873

>for what? Making a believable enough lie
Yes. Do you need some extra time to figure out what you yourself are saying,?

>> No.17863879

I never donated shit and never will. Also, you lost your time watching a boring whore with cum in her mouth rant about stupid shit while playing Minecraft for hours on end.. you really a free entertainment cuck—I mean chad—alright

>> No.17863882
File: 182 KB, 475x356, lie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, did you think she was going to pick you out of the legions of faggot orbiters? Welcome to the internet, faggot.

>> No.17863887

Twitch grifters make big bucks.

>> No.17863900

We can ear her crying while jokingly speaking about her mistake, i haven no idea who she his and still guessed right, she was whoring herserf as ungirfriendable, it's called karma and everyone like this shit, cope and dilate.

>> No.17863918

Pipkin Pippa lies to her about how lonely her life is so she get pity donations. She pretends to be an autistic virgin with no friends to appeal to particularly pathetic audience she knows has extra cash.

>> No.17863932

>Most of the women in my life who I find interesting as individuals I would never want to take on a date or fuck
Not every man is like this and you may be different but majority of men do not hangout with women that are not pretty or arent someone that they'd like to fuck. Even if majority of the guys are fine with being friends with the said women, they are always 100% in if they get a chance to fuck them or have them as a girlfriend

>> No.17863935

Lying or being a tease isn't itself illegal, all the less when you're playing a character and not even using your own face while doing so.

>> No.17863961

Op really got what he wanted
this thread is peak Vtuber Cringe

>> No.17863971

Was the hats comment too obvious?

>> No.17863975

Nobody in this thread claimed that. Trying this hard to look uppity to your own strawman is extremely pathetic.

>> No.17864024

Lying for financial gain can absolutely be a crime. Using your face has nothing to do with it.

>> No.17864034

>Also, you lost your time watching a boring whore with cum in her mouth rant about stupid shit while playing Minecraft for hours on end
Sounds like you wasted your time considering I don't know who you are talking about. I'm talking about VTubers in general. A reply to this thread caught my eye, so that's what I responded to. Hope you enjoyed it though anon, even if you feel that you wasted your time.

>> No.17864040

be more transparent and say you have a bf and you're just aiming to be an entertainer, btfo the simps right away.
or idk just admit you want to have your cake and eat it, this amount of mental gymnastics women do is hilarious, they want the 'incel' money but the moment they fuck up, they use every pussy pass avaible. unfortunely EN whiteknights will always encourage this entitled behaviour.

>> No.17864172

>No man alive has so little self-respect as to become "the guy who took his fake e-girlfriend anime girl to court"
unirocally would become a fucking legend

>> No.17864204

They don't have to tell you shit
You are the one with the delusion
It is created by you not the fact they don't say they have a boyfriend

>> No.17864216

How about this:
>fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me
You must have been fooled about 1000 times by now. So, when do you start looking inward and begin to realize how pathetic you are for being fooled so much?

>> No.17864262

Why have you been projecting this entire time? I've never donated to a streamer let alone a Vtuber.

>> No.17864275

Guaranteed replies, if you give a woman money over the internet and your pp isn't in her, arrest yourself. unless you genuinely enjoy them as an entertainer and aren't stupid enough to buy into gfe

>> No.17864302

This thread makes me want to get an Oshi who has a confirmed boyfriend to be absolutely certain that none of you schizo watches the same chuuba as me.

>> No.17864329

I've never donated to a streamer. You're still whiteknighting on absolutely insane grounds.

>> No.17864354

Why does matter if a VTuber lies about being single? What's so bad about it? Why do sad faggots donate so much when a girl says she is single on the internet?

>> No.17864357


>> No.17864360

are you still malding over mori giving 50 subs to connor?

>> No.17864367

JP fans
>so you decided to be GFE and want our money? ok, you're our collective gf. if you break the illusion we will end you. also remember it's you who decided to be in an idol company with idol standards
JP vtubers
>h-hai! watashi wa minna no aidoru!

EN fans
>queen, feel free to do whatever you want, you don't owe these weeaboo incels anything, fuck idol culture, you're a human being, we will support you no matter what
EN vtubers
>yeah thanks brb *cock sucking noises*

>> No.17864394

Yeah you beat the shit out of that strawman

>> No.17864413

why would i watch and support a liar?

>> No.17864420

Yeah, I like my Oshi as a person. I think she's cute, she entertains me on days I don't have something to do, and she acts just like what a casual night in with the girlfriend would be. Who would have guessed that it would take away from that feeling I enjoy if she said she had a boyfriend.

>> No.17864443

Kek, it’s always going to be hilarious to me that she self-immolated solely due to her mouth outpacing her brain.

>> No.17864477

Shut the fuck up. The actual problem are simps like you inquiring about personal matters because in your simp mind you believe you’re part of her life just because you paid for the condoms. The beauty about oshis is the roomate crap stays outside the stream but cuckolds like you want to bring the shit on stream. Fuck off.

>> No.17864502

>What's so bad about it?
The lying part.
Fuck do I know I make fun of simps on here regularly. They aren't half as pathetic as the whiteknights itt who openly admit the girls are lying for money but it's okay because you really need to feel superior to some simps right now.

>> No.17864531

Because they're lying to exploit people for more money? Why would you think that's a good thing at all? You're free to call the idiots who fall for GFE shit sad faggots for rolling out the big bucks for this shit but that doesn't make what the girl is doing a good and moral thing all of a sudden.

>> No.17864534

Actually based. The only way to win is to not play.

>> No.17864589

My post didn't indicate one way or the other yet you got mad at me anyway

>> No.17864597

People lie about things everydays. People you trust lie. Your favorite VTuber is lying to your face everytime she presents herself as a virtual anime girl. Why does the lie about being single matter so much above all the other lies?

>> No.17864659

Donating a monthly amazon gift card to my indie oshi was the highlight of my month.
But she's not a wreck, she probably has a boyfriend, I had to stop.

>> No.17864670

They claim to be animals or supernatural beings for fucks sake. Do we need to play good lie bad lie?

>> No.17864721

contrary to popular belief, being an online prostitute does cost quite a lot. It's just not a value that can be measured in dollars.

>> No.17864752

>Your favorite VTuber is lying to your face everytime she presents herself as a virtual anime girl.
That's not what lying means. Do you have no self respect? what do you even get out of this? Clearly you know you're in the wrong.

>> No.17864760

Kayfabe is generally different than malicious duplicity.

>> No.17864768

Because I don't like people who cynically lie in order to make more money? They are bad people, that's all.

>> No.17864772

None of you touched this question:
>Why do sad faggots donate so much when a girl says she is single on the internet?
People in the thread are claiming that it's a strawman to say that GFE viewers want to literally date and be the boyfriend of the VTuber they watch. So then if it is nothing to do with trying to be her boyfriend, why would so many loser donate when a girl says she is single?

>> No.17864778

Unicorn fans
>You want to be GFE, ok please don't break the illusion
>Spends dozens of hours of digging up roommate shit
>Now the illusion is broken, how could this happen?

>> No.17864871

because there is money to be made and retards to be manipulated. there has been a thread where an OP was worried about his gf becoming a vtuber and wondering if he should feel threatened. if I were in his situation I'd just be living it up and having her treat me to things.

>> No.17864903

There are plenty of people in the west who have criticized GFE streamers, but the criticism is that the whole purpose of GFE is to exploit mentally ill males, not that the GFE streamers sometimes lie about being single.

>> No.17864905

Why would you think this is good bait if the video has so many replies?

>> No.17864944

Yeah because you’re arguing we should allow their personal crap as part of their content and that always ends wrong. Mori being the best example of someone who attention whored way too much and now she is butthurt because she wasn’t validated by everyone. Again. The reason why we watch this shit is because it filters the e-thot side out of the streamer. If you are that desperate for a parasocial relationship of that kind go and watch pokimane.

>> No.17865008

Condom money

>> No.17865036

Probs kiara, I posted a reply already

>> No.17865085

So your suggestion is to not care about male collabs and stuff so that we breed more dramawhores like Mori? I don't understand.

>> No.17865170

You realize unicorn retards are criticized in Japan as well right? JP fans as a whole are not at all like your strawman.

>> No.17865177

Literally not a single one of them is honestly concerned about that

>> No.17865195

Get off this site now faggot.

>> No.17865239

Fucking lol

>> No.17865369

When vtubers bait donations are they not scamming people?

>> No.17865445

>That's not what lying means
Yes it is nigger. A lie is an intentionally false statement. By definition, presenting yourself as an anime avatar and interacting as such is a lie. It's just that it is a lie that people like to believe for the purpose of entertainment.
>Kayfabe is generally different than malicious duplicity.
I agree. It's still a lie though.
>I don't like people who cynically lie in order to make more money
>They are bad people, that's all.
Why would VTubers make more money about lying about being single?

>> No.17865459
File: 189 KB, 1456x1092, d9e499297c35918d20ed55c79529689c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there's anything wrong with being an Unicorn

>> No.17865579

That is like the main criticism that every female streamer on twitch gets, regardless if they actually do GFE, but especially if they do.

>> No.17865629

Well there is, but only in the sense that donating to streamers is a mental illness. The funny thing about these arguments is it's almost guaranteed neither side is actually donating money so it's all debating about theoreticals. The people donating money are doing so because they are mentally ill, not because they have a well-thought out principle on whether or not the streamer should be allowed to brag about sucking another man's penis.

>> No.17865636
File: 459 KB, 718x850, d451a7aaea9aa3290029fc7aa95cbc7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saying shit like that is funny, when I love my oshi explicitly because she's pure.
Hell, we digged so much on her past life and even paid people to stalk her IRL and talk with her acquaintances; and even the WE STILL found nothing to imply she ever had an BF.
What about your oshi? Bet she fucks Tyrone while streaming.

>> No.17865731

Even if that's the criticism they get like say a Delphine, the point is not a single person is LEGITIMATELY worried about the welfare of the men being exploited. They are actually just angry that another woman who has what they don't is using that to get ahead. Notice how even when people say mentally ill men are being exploited, they still hate those men. Nobody would ever do a sympathetic piece on the type of male who is donating to these girls.

>> No.17865813

Yes they are. The more right-wing circles talk about this a lot with regards to whole 'simping' shit

>> No.17865880

No the main criticism is
>fucking incels let women do whatever they want!!!

>> No.17865931


>> No.17865986

They do so while shitting on the simps and expecting those same paypigs to donate to them instead. The guy who is most controversial for shitting on e-girls and anyone who is interested in them has the exact same exploitation phenomenon with his own fanbase.

>> No.17866015

For whatever reason, GFE unicorns will donate more money to female streamers if they are known to be single. This is a well-known fact.
By pretending to be single when they are not, the female streamer is exploiting this fact in a deceitful way in order to gain more money.
I personally see this as deceptive and manipulative, and therefore I see someone who does this in a negative light.
Any questions?

>> No.17866040

Stop whiteknighting you faggot. You’re no different from male feminists who espouse bullshit to feel close to pussy you’ll never have. Female streamers, 2D or 3D, are developing parasocial relationships with their fans to milk money from them. Incels, gamergirls, aspies, thots, and simps like you are all participants in that parasocial relationship. If you weren’t, why would you be wasting your time on this forum defending whores who don’t give a fuck about you.
Fuck this bitch for busking on the internet. Fuck you for tripping over your limp dick to defend this whore and other whores like her.

>> No.17866100

Nice deflection.

>> No.17866110

>more right-wing circles
How about you take the bigger picture, not what some midget jew in youtube says or whoever you are even refering to

>> No.17866170

What is the form of entertainment?

>> No.17866258

All e-celebs are doing the parasocial relationship thing for the record and it's just as cringe when males do it, the female factor just adds a sexual element (although with how much homosexuality is on the Internet, even with male e-celebs this happens).

>> No.17866280

> Don’t question the one behind the screen. All the fault lies with you Anon.

Get bent

>> No.17866305

You know the rules cunt.

>> No.17866356

Post boobs.

>> No.17866357

They bring it themselves because they can't separate personas, pal

>> No.17866364

They are bad people.

>> No.17866540

I watch them because i think they're fun to watch, not because i want to pretend that they're my girlfriends. I'm sure it must seem unfathomable for you.

>> No.17866677

Assuming this is even a real story, you do realize your oshi would hate you if she knew about that?

>> No.17866699

I agree with you? I fucking hate streamers for that very reason. Why would vtubers be any different? What’s the difference between them and amaranth or xQc?

>> No.17866786

God people on this board are such fucking faggots

The original superchat is obviously gigacringe but this guy is so desperate about seeming weird and creeping out a girl out he almost reached the character limit. I guess rhe idea of 4chan users desperately trying to virtue signal how sane and normal they are is repulsive to me.

>> No.17866807

>GFE unicorns will donate more money to female streamers if they are known to be single
Because they are so deluded they all believe they have a chance with the streamer.

>> No.17866883

Sure. But the whole GFE-parasocial streamer thing has been critcized by people that are not grifters

>> No.17866913

So many virtue signalers and apparent normies on this thread. It’s almost like I’m not even on 4chan

>> No.17866918

Holy shit. It’s only a matter of time until the Mark David Chapman of the vtuber world shows up, huh?

>> No.17867006

But you’re retarded?

>> No.17867345

>watch 5view vtubers
>donate $0.00
>get free subs from oilers and whales
literally the only way to go.
i realized that you shouldn't get too attached to your oshi because it will either make you a schizo or make you depressed. vtubers that lie about being in relationships knowing their fanbase is full of people that love them and are in love with them and taking advantage of that to increase profit is disgusting. but tards shouldn't expect that by donating 1k a year to them it will make them fall in love with you (unless it's a 5 view you can groom).

>> No.17867411

They talk about parasocial like its a crime but at the same time theyre refreshing the thread every 5 seconds to make sure they are there to defend their oshi as soon as hate is posted

>> No.17867493

this shit is cancer, truly the bane of humanity

>> No.17867599

My point is that it's not exclusive to streamers or females. It's a fundamental problem of Internet culture. The thing is, the previous status quo had the same effect, the celebs themselves just weren't as cringe because they pretended to be above it all. Parasocial relationships with James Dean or John Lennon were one-way but with Pewdiepie or Takanashi Kiara they are two-way. They still are just as unhealthy for the person losing money in the exchange and the person making money is having to sell their soul to do it but at least they can afford some cool stuff I guess. You should never be giving money because you feel you've developed a relationship with someone through a screen.

>> No.17867742

It's not a crime but it's something people have to overcome because it's fucking stupid. Even gambling addicts and drug addicts realize and can logically acknowledge that the choices they made were bad.

>> No.17867778

yes. either you become depressed knowing she has a boyfriend or live long enough to become a schizo.

>> No.17867781

Why are Holotards so obsessed with cuckolding? None of the other fanbases are like that, well maybe except vshojos fags but those girls are actively cuckbaiting

>> No.17867897

There's good oshi's that you can attached out there anon, you are just not worthy of them. But do stay with your twitch whores, I think it's right where you belong.

>> No.17867974

Japanese people love NTR. It's just a cultural carryover, so because weeaboos love Japanese cultural, they feel like they have to adopt every aspect of it.

>> No.17867975

weird this type of people who defend cuckbaiters are easily found in the nijinigger threads

>> No.17867984

Yeah what upsets me is the chuubas that are happy to milk hundreds of dollars donations from people who but shame them for being overly attached as if there is no contradiction. If supas were 100% platonic and not at all transactional then why the fuck do they feel obligated to read them, giving the illusion of a nonexistent relationship?

>> No.17868175

cucks seethings in the replies, I wonder how much they've donated.

>> No.17868212

This post reads like sour grapes. Sounds like the anon you replied to is doing just fine

>> No.17868217

If a rapist comes at you and tries to rape someone and she screams rape. Is the one being raped obsessed with rape?

Its the same situation. Other fanbases are cuckolds and people who watch hololive are scared of cuckolds forcing their shit

>> No.17868242

take a look a jp branch not much diffrence

>> No.17868494

>The VIP in the chat is a veibae sub too
How cucked can you get holy shit.

>> No.17868732

Oh no please no don’t cuck me NOT AGAIN DEAR GOD NOOOOOO

>> No.17868769

because they don't share your opinion unicornchama

>> No.17868849 [DELETED] 

Dont forget the vocaroo https://vocaroo.com/135e2kOXgJsT

>> No.17868994

Dont forget the vocaroo https://vocaroo.com/135e2kOXgJsT (embed)

>> No.17869025

yes it's like he didn't understand what i said kek. im very happy watching my 5view oshi and watching other smaller ones who i am attached to while getting free subs for just watching a vtuber who entertains me for free. stop only watching 1k+ vtuber-chama and look for smaller ones if you actually want a connection with your oshi.

>> No.17869121

Yeah, because they're 'creeps' and 'wierdos'. I guess my issue is that I just don't give a fuck as long as my Oshi doesn't talk about it. Luckily, most people have a hard time not talking about something like having a significant other that they usually craxck at some point. Would I be sad if it happened with my Oshi? Sure, but I'd move on

>> No.17869158

Then why don’t people criticise the jp branch then?

>> No.17869510
File: 27 KB, 480x456, 20220203_072403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares if she would hate me or not.
I would still love her and give her all my support just by virtue of being the purest.

>> No.17869900

Because it's self evident that they're mentally ill and lonely and everybody already acknowledged that? Why in the actual fuck are you defending the cynical exploitation of mentally ill people for monetary gain? Why does it always become "lol they deserve to get bled dry if they're schizophrenic/mentally ill enough to get manipulated into forking over the money to begin with" with you white knight types?
If some scumbag convinced an old lady with dementia or schizophrenia that they were her grandchild and extorted thousands of dollars out of her (something that also happens all the time), I would hope you wouldn't say that she deserved to get exploited for being delusional.
Sure, the mentally ill people are at fault for acting mentally ill and making the decisions of a mentally ill person. But how the fuck do you think that them being mentally ill possibly exonerates the one exploiting them? I'm really curious how you can justify this.

>> No.17869906

If she does something impure, would you hate her and stop supporting her?

>> No.17870062

anon i hate to break this to you but you are still responsible for your own choices and actions, even if you're a burger and have no healthcare if you are in a situation where you are making terrible financial decisions for anime girl puppets then you need to not be in charge of your own financial decisions.

>> No.17870096
File: 18 KB, 324x177, 1644197833977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ was a mistake

>> No.17870109

Because they're not whores

>> No.17870117

How much money have you donated anon?

>> No.17870239

Does anyone in this thread unironically donate? Why do I feel the cucks who defend their oshi’s actions no matter what are the ones donating rather than vice versa?

>> No.17870342

Bro (or sister?). I've literally never donated to a single streamer and never will. I'm just asking how /regardless/ of how insane or retarded unicorn gachikoi are, you can justify exploiting people like that. Normal people don't do that. That's sociopath shit.
I legitimately don't know, maybe it's a sunk-cost thing. I just want to know how someone REGARDLESS of the retard paying their life savings and going homeless or whatever can justify what in literally any other context would be considered fucked up to do.

>> No.17870403

you haven’t sene much jp then. Pube shaving streams, showering streams, prostate talk for a whole stream multiple of them do asmr porn

>> No.17870437

I can't stop someone from donating. I can pity them, but in the end, they pay my Oshi and it makes her happy. I will enjoy and ride the coat tails of the paypigs because I like to hear my Oshi talk mushy and cute to the chat. The reason most of the Hololive girls use a single stand-in character for the whole of the chat is so they can easily say 'character' and mean both the whole chat and (you) at the same time. It's a nice little trick to make it feel a little more personal.

>> No.17870476

Used a free amazon prime for a sub does thst count?

>> No.17870508

Don't forget the improved version

>> No.17870578

never subbed
never donated
neighbour's wifi
stolen laptop

>> No.17870634

god how is this faggot still around a year later,ame banned him how come niji cant follow?

>> No.17870667

If you helped a woman with a boyfriend your a cuck, may the lord bless your soul and forgive your sins

>> No.17870741

LMAO this fucking guy

>> No.17870822

Subbed since March, donated maybe $100 total over the last year. I have the capability to donate more but recognize both that other oil barrons will be able to donate much more than me so she doesn't really need my money and that I can at least have some level of awareness to how stupid all this really is.
I also never interact with her outside of the stream like most of her bigger donors do.

>> No.17870849

Exactly, a gambler doesn't get their money refunded because they are mentally ill but nobody defends casinos on moral grounds (except for you).

>> No.17870873

>Rosemi survived the Kirtening

>> No.17870888

"Something impure" is a bit too far fetched... I would not hate her, but I'd definitely drop her if she were to have a bf.
I believe my fellows bro would do the same.

>> No.17870966

At least your self aware anon, take care of yourself. These streamers only care about their wallets, no matter how they roleplay otherwise. You’re gonna make it son

>> No.17870995

still disagreeing anon, those evil females do not get into streaming thinking to themselves 'hmmm... today i will steal money from mentally ill men with deep pockets!' like they're fucking dan backslide, if an adult is in a situation where they are dumping their money on e-woman for a 'thank you' and a kiss noise that's fucking whatever, dictating what people do with their disposable income is not my business. if a person is spending beyond their means thats still no one's problem but the spenders and whoever is unlucky enough to be dependent on them. adults are responsible for their own choices, and once again
>if you are in a situation where you are making terrible financial decisions for anime girl puppets then you need to not be in charge of your own financial decisions
i hope you keep this passion up against casinos and gacha games.

>> No.17871174

Was he even at her graduation?

>> No.17871241

>Because it's self evident that they're mentally ill and lonely and everybody already acknowledged that
It is self evident, but not enough people (certainly not everyone here) acknowledges that they (those who donate and support GFE streamers) are mentally ill or that what they partake in is a problem for themselves. Anons here like to portray the 'unicorns' (for lack of a better term) as the only audience that a VTuber should possibly have or hope to cultivate, despite the fact that the mindset of both the viewer and the streamer is a fucked up and parasocial mindset that is unhealthy.
>Why in the actual fuck are you defending the cynical exploitation of mentally ill people for monetary gain?
I'm not. I'm arguing against the people that think that they are owed something for donating, especially when they don't even have an accurate impression of the person they are communicating with (whether it be in chat or through donations). The streamer wouldn't exist without the (potential) audience. And They donate despite their better judgements (probably)

>> No.17871300

>Gatcha games
One time my Oshi started to talk about how she was going to invest a little bit of the money she had gotten over the last year into various things through a broker. She then mentioned wanting to buy a little bit of bitcoin (re:not a full fucking bitcoin) and most of the chat flipped out on her screaming about how she should blow it all on gatcha games instead. She apologized (when she should have had to) and said she wouldn't talk about finances ever again on stream.

>> No.17871303

you caught me anon, i play gachas and have a budget to spend on my fun money for them. if someone is going to spend several paychecks worth on cookie run, that's entirely their own problem. i don't think it's a particularly wild statement to say 'adults are responsible for their own actions, if they can't be responsible, they need some sort of assistance' but i get the feeling your oshi must've burned you pretty bad in the past.

>> No.17871428
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god that's humiliatingly cringe but this is what happens when you expect people to act like adults

>> No.17871437

*shouldn't have had to is what I meant to say.

>> No.17871499

>"Something impure" is a bit too far fetched

>> No.17871590

you're being very thorough but i wouldn't waste your time on the obvious deadbeat, he needs to heal and learn to love again

>> No.17871608

>he wasn't here for Kirt

>> No.17871701

Most Niji fans aren't schizo unicorns you faggot. We can enjoy a stream for general entertainment without requiring a curated GFE

>> No.17871715

You are a woman and probably a 2views streamer engaged in the kind of hypocritical behavior people are calling whores like you out for. Stop tricking men, develop a personality and entertain people beyond simply 'being a girl'.

They are more likely to start vtubing.


>> No.17871721

Damn shame I missed it. QRD?

>> No.17871830

Eh, I'm actually on your side insofar as I have no problem with casinos existing and preying on the mentally ill. Where you and I disagree is you wanting to portray the casino as the blameless good guys. I think both the exploiters and the exploited should get a bullet in the head.

>> No.17871892

Oh man, thanks for letting me know. I’ll make sure not to mess with the niji chad viewers ever again

>> No.17871908

Yeah, it seems like there are a lot of broken people in this thread

>> No.17872069

where did i ever say they're blameless? nearly every industry has inherent exploitation you fucking moron, we are not talking about your perfect world long march scenario where you personally get to execute every CEO. if i want to put a couple bucks in a pennyslot why the fuck should i care about a stranger putting thousands into the machine?

>> No.17872143

>those evil females do not get into streaming thinking to themselves 'hmmm... today i will steal money from mentally ill men with deep pockets!'
Then why would they... you know... /lie/ in order to specifically attract that audience i.e. >>17858219? I've got to disagree, because if they weren't trying to then they wouldn't make a big deal out of cynically lying in order to appeal to them specifically. Generalizing the statement "GFE-pandering streamers are exploitative" to "female streamers" is pretty cool of you.
>if you are in a situation where you are making terrible financial decisions for anime girl puppets then you need to not be in charge of your own financial decisions
No shit, but again, how does this justify exploiting that audience? I mean you're saying it right there: they're too retarded and insane to actually have the agency of a rational adult. It's the definition of exploitation. You seem to keep skirting around the fact that at the end of the day you have someone actively exploiting mentally ill retards who definitely need help. If I convinced some schizophrenic man that he had demons living in his walls that would rip his dick off and eat it if he didn't pay me $50 a night I would absolutely be an asshole. The dude again is a delusional insane retard, but I still can't see how you think this exonerates the person explicitly trying to feed into those delusions.
>i hope you keep this passion up against casinos and gacha games.
No shit? I think they're all cancer. The smoking, vaping, and alcohol industries too. Consumerism on the whole is cancer. What do you want me to say?

>> No.17872343

I think it's the fact that your analogy is much more of an active thing vs the typical passive stance taken about the boyfriend question. It's almost a don't ask, don't tell situation between most of the loyal fans and the chuuba, and if you go searching into their personal lives, it is only your fault if you find something that makes you mad, because even if some of the girls pour most of themselves into their character, there's always some things they can,xt talk about.

>> No.17872344

you just keep saying the same shit over and over and your big tantrum isn't convincing anyone.

>No shit? I think they're all cancer. The smoking, vaping, and alcohol industries too. Consumerism on the whole is cancer. What do you want me to say?

not to be all 'yet you participate in society!' to you but do you yammer your local grocery cashier's ears off anytime you buy GMO veggies? do you hand chick tracts out to everyone coming out of the liquor store? you sound like a fucking square, dude, i have no idea how else to word this.

>> No.17872441 [SPOILER] 
File: 96 KB, 276x512, DARE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a pic of anon

>> No.17872543

>...my boyfriend...Oh shit
>I meant my brother, my room mate
>I have to delete this

LMAO she didn't even finish the sentence and she already knew she fucked up hard. Those paypigs must have oinked out of there on the spot. Ooof.

>> No.17872705
File: 88 KB, 960x954, 1484205471363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"i'm a perfectionist so its hard for me to start anything unless i can do it perfect"

no that's called "risk adverse" and it's a highly common psychological trait of first born or lone children

the fact this schizto still lives at home, only underlines the fact he's probably a low t, risk adverse special snowflake who's never kissed a girl.

his passive aggressive bullshit highlights the fact he probably grew up with a single mother or his father was largely absent in his youth, with parents who were likely was a snowplow parent.

all the passive voice in his writing underlines the fact he's not very smart (passive voice writing is usually a sign of mediocre intelligence and a high impression of his own brains) and has a large ego

so we have a brainlette who thinks he's smart, is absurdly risk adverse, thinks he's better then his job, and narcissistic enough to believe sending some girl who made over 1mil in superchats last year alone that his $220 in superchats will make him her special guy, and have her read his horribly written screed live on stream and will become the deadbeat who "saves" her.

somehow i think he probably imagined that she'd want to fuck him at the end of this somehow.

this is some classic cringe shit. amazing, how did i miss this one? not a deadbeat but i'm here enough this shouldn't be new to me.

>> No.17872756

>come in thread expecting to find cringe SC
>thread immediately devolves to arguing about unicorns or something, didn't read
I guess this counts as cringe

>> No.17872813

I hope and pray my oshi is investing what she gets, these people are retards

>> No.17872842

why wouldn't she? I have a girlfriend and i'm going to start vtubing (male), and yes, i know it's going no where. just want to add a hobby to my life that shouldn't cost too much in time money of effort.

>> No.17873048

Look, I'm not interested in your personal life enough to care what's wrong with you but you literally spend your time defending exploiters online, unless you're getting paid you have serious problems. Even if people successfully ban your vice in your locality, not only can you just walk the extra mile to the area where it is legal, there will always be people willing to offer you the experience illegally. You don't have to defend them, they will innovate to squeeze you dry whether you defend them or not. Get a better hobby.

>> No.17873078

>learn to love
>in the context of giving money to chuubas
Don't bother anon, you're going against both sides of the equation in the argument. They need to deal with the dissonance of the realities of exploitation through massive amounts of coping.

>> No.17873134

anon i can diagnose whats wrong with you: twitter leftist. it's fucking terminal, and i'm sorry. i would discuss with your loved ones what you want to do with your time left.

>> No.17873527

I don't know why you think any of this carries over to anything outside of this thread. I'm not saying GFEtubers should be shut down or banned, I'm saying I think they're assholes. Casinos are run by assholes. Fast food chains are run by assholes. Cigarette companies are run by assholes. Monsanto is run by assholes. EXXON-Mobil is run by assholes. Can we agree?

>> No.17873630


>> No.17875378

I too hope that kiara graduates one day

>> No.17875444

It doesn't though.

Because they shut the fuck up about it anon. You have to make up your mind, either this is a persona role they're playing in which case they shut the fuck up about their real life as much as possible, or it's not a role and it's them in which case they should be completely honest and upfront and probably go be a 3d fleshtuber instead if they want to talk about their real life relationships constantly.
I genuinely don't get how that's hard for some people to understand, and even more unbelievable is how the streamers themselves don't understand. You can talk about your mum, or family, or generally wholesome stuff. You do not talk about your personal friendships or relationships, keep it to yourself and your real life good god.

>> No.17875627

>That one time Veibae was gushing over some VR avatar and then said that it looked just like her "brother" in the same sentence.

>> No.17876727

>all the passive voice in his writing underlines the fact he's not very smart (passive voice writing is usually a sign of mediocre intelligence and a high impression of his own brains) and has a large ego

Das right muddafucka. We wuz chosen by the annunaki n' shit, bout time we gots sum recognition from you bitch ass shrinks.

>> No.17877621

This faggot will try to sell you NFTS.

>> No.17880478

>They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.17880777

I don’t think that’s true for all of them. I think it’s more psychological than that. Maybe it makes them feel less inadequate or insecure about their own relationship/sexual hangups if a vtuber appears to be a virgin or a hikineet like them.

>> No.17881000

Would it be fair to say that I just want my oshi to be more like Jerma?

>> No.17881637

Well, speaking of truth, that is clearly the issue here. Why does it matter if you have a 'connection' or not when it's about lying to your audience?
Funny how it's okay to lie about things like this, but not okay to lie about being disabled like ZilianOP did. No one's going to push his wheelchair, so why should they care if he suddenly reveals he can actually walk?

>> No.17881746


>> No.17882322
File: 268 KB, 1534x1600, 1625315476608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing im broke so i dont have to deal with all these, and my oshi clearly loves me even if i just comment a lot.

>> No.17882742

maybe making a board for cumdumpsters to attention whore wasn't such a good idea

>> No.17882868

Where as soon as he was confident in his relationship he just went out and said it. You have to remember that he is talented and entertaining, he doesn't have to rely on trying to take advantage of people for his audience to give him money

>> No.17883265

Did he get a new gf?

>> No.17883750
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1635965476593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>returns to update the pastebin multiple times
>But yeah, if I ever get married (>getting married with current marriage laws) then its 100% guaranteed that this story is getting told at my wedding

Holy shit. This guy's not just a clown, he's the whole damn circus. Deadbeats, what the fuck goes on in your group to make people like this?

>> No.17886340

Exactly right. I can watch non vtuber streamers like speedrunners, lets players, DIY hobbyists, cooking videos, and movie reviewers without wanting to fuck them. Why should it be any different watching retards in anime motion-capture do funny things? The main reason they lie about their relationships is because the GFE is their most valued service and those who tell the truth lose viewers to those who lie.
And the reason men act this way is because the dating scene is abysmal compared to 60 years ago where the government paid women to meet military men and get married. Most boomer marriages were the result of some government GI program or set up by a company.

>> No.17886610

No one complains about Tamaki and she's freaking married. In fact going on her show was and continues to be a badge of honor, it's like the vtuber equivalent of going on Oprah or Ellen.

It's just that new vtubers just memoryhole that it is possible to offer non-gfe, solid content, because they can't stand that it takes far more effort, audience awareness, and tact for less cash.

>> No.17887377

uhhh tamaki is a guy anon

>> No.17887505

It's most likely a woman that wrote that post. Surely no man would go that far in defending women on the internet

>> No.17887514
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>He doesn't know

>> No.17888057

>Surely no man would go that far in defending women on the internet
Read any post on this board about any vtuber

>> No.17888167

I don't want to be in a relationship with these Vtubers. I just wish they wouldn't be dishonest like that.
It shows how much they really give a shit about who watches them.
When they don't treat their audience with respect, why should their audience treat them with respect?

>> No.17889483

The character is. The girl behind him isn't.

>> No.17890688

Unironically get a life. I'm no one to say that, but this is pathetic, retard.

>> No.17892378

This isn't as cringe as you say it is

>> No.17892452

This whole thread is the cringe.

>> No.17892692
File: 23 KB, 331x203, headtaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17892778

Women are so fucking retarded, bandwagoning a hobby they wholly disagree with. Go watch the bachelor

>> No.17893114


>> No.17893323

Not enough. If this were a Jap or korean she would be fucking dead

>> No.17893402


>> No.17893518

if I read something like that on my stream I would probably call the police
>one day I will do something more than donate

>> No.17895493

So based, please do senpai

>> No.17897030
File: 92 KB, 736x907, 1644239320059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't wait to repost this in every thread of hers.

>> No.17897294

For money, anon. They enter entire relationships and dedicate literal decades of their lives to people they dislike. Hell, if anything women are closer to chameleons, and mold their opinions/beliefs around what's useful/popular at the time.

>> No.17897619

How exactly is he taking on his oshi's burden exactly? Does he think just giving money is a stress reliever?

>> No.17897621

Did Mori read any of these superchats?

>> No.17897647

anon i think being in a stable, monogamous relationship is the literal antithesis of being a whore. touch grass

>> No.17897662

Guys we need to stop pretending this isn’t representative of 100% of super chatters

>> No.17897686


>> No.17897941

I don't get how people expect vtubers to not have BFs I mean you don't know right? I get that lying and all about it is bad though. I don't know if she presented herself as pure and all but you really can't expect shit.

>> No.17897991

Her switch had multiple users
The first two are get current and previous personas. The last one could be a man named Kirt, but a more generous interpretation would be that it stands for
KIrihime Ria Tsunderia, which is a bit of a stretch but it would make sense that she has one account per persona.

>> No.17898112

top jej

>> No.17898173

See >>17861598 Pretty sure only the most delusional parasocial dogs would think a cute girl would be single. The thing was that she was pretending to be this "forever alone" single girl to hook the retards to donate for a fake GFE. It's pretty gross, regardless if the people who fell for it are schizos.

>> No.17898260

Lawyer here. The State hates you anon.
Have another one: if you lie to a woman, telling her you're rich, then fuck her... she's fully within her rights to send the police after you. :^)

>> No.17898645

Imagine your oshi. Now, imagine her without GFE. If you would still watch, then you wouldn't care if she's taking dick. Otherwise, it means she shouldn't take dick or she's utter gutter trash, preying on paypigs, no better than most twitch whores, the difference being just hiding in an anime avatar.

>> No.17898689

>Vtubers openly having bfs is actually really common when you leave the /wvt/ bubble

Like who?

>> No.17898892

No matter their attitude and moral values at the start, they always end up changing.
Fans gather, make e-parades telling others how their oshi is the best, throw money, pamper them from critics. This lead to actual womanizer and other guys with wealth advantages to gather around and prey on vtubers whom are attractive. And guess what, women love living a film like romance so they are bound to sleep with one, and you will never know.
Hell, even their bf’s risk getting thrown away because these women are not prepared to face seduction from skilled people, just like how starved viewers fall hard for getting some indirect attention, and this is assuming the best scenario where they are good and loyal. You can see on twitch channels how often their parents are really worried about them as reference.

>> No.17899821

>accuses people of mediocre intelligence
>is an armchair psychologist
