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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17820319 No.17820319 [Reply] [Original]

Goodbye ASS Edition

>What is /wvt/?
/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.

Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

>Twitch Clips Guide

>Ref Sheets

>Current Aggie

https://www.twitch.tv/ourchickenlife (embed)

>> No.17820400
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>> No.17820421


>> No.17820448

ASS's farewell stream if you want to say goodbye.

>> No.17820547

Who are your favorites?

>> No.17820647

Junii, yuushakun

>> No.17820774
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chill cowbro's playing some dragon quest mystery dungeon

>> No.17821570

funni finnish combat medic

>> No.17821585


>> No.17822456
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Pls anon, I'm trying my best.

>> No.17823310
File: 396 KB, 1280x720, Redebut Flier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping my debut flier and the link to the Q&A form for that segment. Going to close the form tonight so this is last call.


>> No.17823827

Kana finally got what she wanted

>> No.17824016
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I feel kinda bad that I'll miss "my boyfriend" posting more than I'll miss her

>> No.17824475

Just do it in the phase connect general

>> No.17825539

Is it 100% confirmed she's going corpo?

>> No.17825652

Like 95%

>> No.17825658

https://www.twitch.tv/shimohisae Another fun DJ stream is starting.

>> No.17825790

During the stream she said that she's going to continue streaming, it's a big opportunity and she's going to be busy for at least a year. She also said that it won't be hard to find her.

>> No.17826108

Her boyfriend confirmed it.

>> No.17826278

I thought they were friends?

>> No.17826320


>> No.17827372

Is she nuking her channel after tonight?

>> No.17828163

She said that she will let VoDs disappear naturally so you'll have bit of a time.

>> No.17828242
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Vocaroo material for that guy that keeps asking for it

>> No.17828323

She raided her once in preparation for their collab and Shirara started singing and doing other things she k ew Kana doesn't do. In response Kana leaked that boyfriend streamable link in wvt and her own thread and bragged about it in her sub channel. She was timing people out on one of her streams this week for suggesting she raid Shirara, Kana is vindictive as fuck

>> No.17828349


>> No.17828358

He's right though.

>> No.17828410

You got any proof?
>Kana leaked that boyfriend streamable link in wvt
Wasn't this a public stream? What do you mean "leaked"?

>> No.17828483

>You got any proof?
That's not how rrats work here. You just make up some shit and then spam it until people start to believe it

>> No.17828538

Not on question here

>> No.17828539

Does it work?

>> No.17828592

Retards do.
Unfortunately this category includes most of the non here vtubers

>> No.17828707

She told people not to mention it and edited it out of the VOD, someone malicious had to go through record it and post it here

>> No.17828715

Sadly yes, seeing how some chuubas complained in the past about getting dms because people believed rrats spread in the dumpster. Especially if it involves non /wvt/ vtubers.

>> No.17829018
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Taka sex
https://ehsex dot blogspot.com/2022/02/maid-service.html

>> No.17829078

Kana nuked her sub channel suddenly to hide all that plus the racist shit she used to say. She's canceled people before with discord screenshots so she knew that channel was always a liability

>> No.17829192
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why are indies consistently shitty people

>> No.17829221

>The Kana dramafags are from /wvt/.
I love this thread but sometimes I feel like it deserves the bad reputation it gathered over the months..

>> No.17829306

Even if that were the case, people would have saved screenshots.

>> No.17829479

Who would pay Kana money just to gather dirt on her?

>> No.17829609

You evidently, unless your source is secondhand.

>> No.17829772

I'm just irritated she's trying to clean up her image and pretend that shit never happened like she's trying to get picked up by a corpo or something. I wasn't thinking to do that shit at the time. She was careful to only start purging people after that chat was deleted so no one could go back and gather evidence

>> No.17829825

They're indies because they're shitty people.

>> No.17829861

Nothing you say matters if you don't have proof.

>> No.17829901

She says as she rips her model off from a loli/shota rape doujin.

>> No.17829988

I hate ironic weebs so much

>> No.17830054

Hypocrites abound in the indie scene, it gives people who could never be narcissists before because they're ugly or lack talent another shot as long as they can pay for a cute model

>> No.17830111

Didn’t she run this back to “I don’t care if it doesn’t hurt real kids” after someone pointed out her design is from a monster girl x shota doujin?

>> No.17830114

I wish I knew at the time too, trust me. Someone must have saved all that shit, it'll come out eventually

>> No.17830227

I hate people who don't know what an ironic weeb is

>> No.17830248

Juniper is pure garbo and apparently stupid as fuck. You can legally buy loli stuff in Japan, they even have entire magazine for it lol.

>> No.17830313

Dude, i also can say "streamer x is awful person and did this and that and harrased streamer y".
If you have NOTHING to sustain your rrats just stop, it's cringe.

>> No.17830330

Never watched juniper?

>> No.17830442

99% sure that was just her trying to fit in. Her favorite anime is made in abyss and if you can’t pick up that that guy is an actual pedo you have no eyes.

>> No.17830564

grow up

>> No.17830597


>> No.17830615

Hello Juniper.

>> No.17830715

Your streams are boring as shit.

>> No.17830919

It's just funny to see sheep like you without an original thought in their head dogpile someone.

>> No.17830956
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this cool chunni's playing more of FF8!

>> No.17831073

Mixed wave NijiEN?

>> No.17831129

Extremely ironic considering the kind of content she makes.

>> No.17831216

>loli anti complaining about dog-piling

>> No.17831228

Hello Juniper.
I guess you fell into obscurity again after Domo threw you from under his desk? Imagine succeeding on deepthroating literal nobody simp.

>> No.17831244

>original thought
Good joke. Every person is a stew of shit they heard third hand, including (You), they just aren’t up their own ass enough to think they’re unique

>> No.17831249
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kuudere mouse's playing the milk bag horror game

>> No.17831576

She has 1500 viewers and got boosted from someone else didn't she? It was a YT video by some anituber that went viral.

>> No.17831664

This is the kind of person that asks for ara-ara redeems.

>> No.17832169
File: 115 KB, 680x674, 1629090213401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My boyfriend--... oh shit..."
“You guys didn't hear that!" *nervous laughter*
"Ooooh my god... I have to delete this VOD... Oh my gosh... this is the worst slip up I've had on stream..."
"Anyways, I just doxed myself..."
"No one heard that! Shirara's singles forever!"
"...You guys are deaf. I will have to delete this VOD."
"*nervous laughter* My brother... my roommate... jk."
*rambles for a while about her "roommate"*
"I actually have a korean roommate..."
"I actually have a roommate. Who is NOT my boyfriend."
*nervous laughter* "This is a mess..."
*rambles about her family

>> No.17833138

Its a lose-lose situation. The only thing you can do is to never acknowledge the topic ever.
>I have a boyfriend
Alienates the Goslings and Idolfags
>I don't have a boyfriend
Lying to your fanbase, makes people turn on you if you get found out.
>Saying you dont want to say
Basically means you have a boyfriend but you dont want to say it out loud.

>> No.17833255

goslings and idolfags need the rope

>> No.17833393

>Maybe get a little less money
>Manipulate people who trust you
Why is this a hard decision? Just fucking own up to it

>> No.17833474

>Basically means you have a boyfriend but you dont want to say it out loud.
The best option. Parts of your personal life that you don't want to share aren't anyone's business.

>> No.17833746

Eh if people are giving you shit because they think you're single, and you aren't, and you d'nt tell them, that's generally considered leading them on. Like if you let a guy buy you drinks or god forbid take you on a date and you aren't really interested in him, that's shitty but its different when you're vtubing?

>> No.17833810

>Its a lose-lose situation.
you come out the gates and say you have a boyfriend. now schizos won't watch you or get involved and the viewers who stick around are doing so because they like to watch you. simple as.

>> No.17834015

goodnight /wvt/

>> No.17834166

Literal nobody that got popular because of "BE MY WAIFU!" akachat to Fubuki and letting himself being used as twitter punching bag for Artemis.

>> No.17834481

I know who domo is, but Juniper's popularity didn't come from that as far as I'm aware. This video went viral and it's easy to cross reference with her boost in popularity that same week.

>> No.17834602

Forgot my link

Never bothered watching the video and still won't, but considering the timing of it and her sudden spike of 10x growth in February of last year, it's safe to say she's big mainly because of this person's exposure and not domo right?

>> No.17834684

Shirara's problem was not lol having a BF.
She herself openly said that trying to hide him was her biggest error. But what really weighted her down was few genuine schizo doxxfags that went too far with their vendetta. Hopefully if she will decide to be back to streaming doxxfags will leave her - everyone already know that she has boyfriend, it's nothing weird (95% of your Hololive bitches fucks someone on side, is married and/or has kids) and the OMFG factor will wear down.

>> No.17834774
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>> No.17834938

Well, probably this was the reason.
I applaud her artistic talent and self-made assets but beyond that Juniper is mediocre streamer at best.

>> No.17836513

I love the Nyaru rave gifs so much

>> No.17836563

Whats with male chuubas and brown haired lanky anime protag looking models? You can be anything you want, be a little more creative.

>> No.17836914

i havent seen enough people who look like that to say its even a constant.

>> No.17837155


>> No.17837927
File: 174 KB, 600x550, 1631305275031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valentines day soon, what you gonna gift your chuuba?

>> No.17837999

did anything come from the mysteria drama or has that died already? On a related note I recall an anon here mentioned that the dutch pedo fructose was in a discord server with them, hope you got him banned or at least warned the server owner/mods

>> No.17838217

Can you anons help me remember the name of this blonde yuro vtuber whos outfit and irl work was a preschool teacher, with a blue apron. Is he still around? I remember being shown him when asking for seiso guys ages ago, but then I saw his face in some list of /wvt/ guys with their faces crossed out recently.

>> No.17838261
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>what you gonna gift your chuuba?
my presence if she streams that day, valentine's day is dumb and making an artificial holiday to celebrate your lover is peak consoom

>> No.17838351
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Sounds like Yami.

>> No.17838549

always obnoxious as fuck to see this guy popping up in random chuubas chats, shilling his checkmark and emotes every messages and throwing around asinine networking friendliness before leaving in less than a minute to go to another chat

>> No.17838622
File: 3.11 MB, 3840x2160, Hasu Schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come yell at Hasu's audio balancing this week
get him to 50 follows and you receive scuffed karaoke
make this PNGtuber suffer!
Also, tell him to raise his mic volume!
who knows?

>> No.17838764


>> No.17839120
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Spent the last 2 days doing nothing except running around Villedor and getting used to the combat/parkour changes. I have evolved.
Also I am also rebranding as an official Dying Light streamer since I'm playing it for the 3rd stream in a row.
Game's good, what can I say.

>> No.17839533
File: 796 KB, 396x562, slugmaNEOdeluxe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention all Vtubers! This is your new manager speaking!
Throw away all pride. Throw away all pride and just pander. Pander to the lowest common denominator. Rebrand if you have to. That is my advice. Change colors, yeah, just change colors. Just throw away your pride and change your colors.
Thank you for your attention.

>> No.17839784

It is, thanks

>> No.17840169

God even though Shirara is going corpo I'm going to miss her model and aesthetic. It was cute as fuck.

>> No.17840288

Shirara is the only chuuba where I would prefer her roommate to her model

>> No.17840311

You haven't seen many roommates then.

>> No.17840322

Nothing wrong with stopping by to greet a friend or acquaintance, stop being a jealous viewer.

>> No.17840355
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There's a meme version of this that goes around. Zenlight is another good one if you're looking for comfy onions male streams.

>> No.17840386

Lumi is pretty hot too. Maybe Glimmy if youre into permanently horny PH

>> No.17840401

How did he get out of his drama anyway? There was so much hate towards him I remember.

>> No.17840446
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>if youre into permanently horny PH
How do you know me so well, anon?

>> No.17840487

Because I also have an extreme case of yellow fever

>> No.17840506

Bailed out by the furry mafia probably

>> No.17840525

He didn't. You're the only one who can cancel yourself. Just address the situation, don't try to argue with anyone, and keep creating content.

>> No.17840668

He attracted a true oil baron who donated to him so much that he got tons of youtube videos about him and basically got out of being canceled.

>> No.17840698
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>> No.17840743

tl;dr - ppl trying to cancel him were incompetent and instead of focusing on actual problems were screeching "b-but but he like loli and shota stuff!", leaving him being an asshole and his twitter account proving photos of irl boys at the very fucking end.
No one treated this bullcrap seriously because even people that started this drama did not treated it like that and just wanted free brownie points.

>> No.17840787

>Just address the situation, don't try to argue with anyone, and keep creating content.
Not always work. Some cases are lost forever Watch Arcadum situation

>> No.17840900

I see. I remember his ex mod started it and made mucho texto word file I've never bothered to read. Never watched him really and was really surprised when I saw Taiga continue streaming after all of this and that's why it caught my attention again.

>> No.17841003

and then threw that oil baron under the bus the nanosecond he wasn't convenient anymore

>> No.17841179
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x562, solo girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fear and hunger is a hard game, so now that i've gotten every ending it's time to start doing insane challenge runs to make it even harder on myself. we'll be starting off by using a character that can't use skills or equipment.

this run might actually be impossible btw


>> No.17841441
File: 207 KB, 517x459, 1641360969556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch a chuuba i haven't watched before
>some fucking absolute mouthbreathing moron comes in and shits up the chat minutes after i get there
am i cursed to have this happen every time i watch someone new

>> No.17841947
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, 1641531624725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Tanya video.

>> No.17842008

The money and viewers comes from goslings and idolfags

>> No.17842189

front desk has never really done anything to deserve its reputation other than begrudgingly co-exist with the shithole that is back desk

>> No.17842467

I could cope by claiming it's probably the /trash/ goblins bringing their pointless drama to /vt/, but to be honest I can't muster the energy to even care anymore. Someone's being a piece of shit in other people's threads and there's not really much of anything anyone can do to stop them. If it's any consolation I haven't seen much discussion of Kana up here other than talk of her new model, and I haven't been down there in a very long time so I'm pretty much unaware of any Kana drama to begin with.

>> No.17842737

>lost forever
Ah right, the guy who pulled nearly 800 viewers his last D&D planning stream. Yeah, total lost cause.

The guy was a racist, sexist schizo that was harassing members. This is one of the few times Taiga did nothing wrong. The guy had multiple complaints from multiple community members and was warned before.

>> No.17842892

Hypothetically speaking, if I wanted to groom Glimmy and become her sugar daddy how receptive would she be to it?

>> No.17842912

New Foks video

>> No.17842929

Unless you're bloom not a fucking chance

>> No.17842934

Are you a teacher that can croon 50's ballads?

>> No.17842938

>Ah right, the guy who pulled nearly 800 viewers his last D&D planning stream. Yeah, total lost cause.
First of all is it true that he's back? Second is 800 is nothing and I won't believe that someone will actually play his games especially females.

>> No.17843114

800 viewers is not "nothing". Not sure if you're a tourist from the Numberfag or Holo threads where anything under 5k is a 2view, but 800 viewers is an insane amount to have. All his D&D planning streams these last few ones have pulled great numbers.

>> No.17843186

>800 is nothing
how many viewers did he get pre-cancel arc?

>> No.17843217
File: 2.75 MB, 1330x865, assgone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-she's gone lads

>> No.17843229

is she the based and redpilled talent Pippa's talking about?

>> No.17843260

Glimmy is horny for every one.

>> No.17843310


>> No.17843346

>how many viewers did he get pre-cancel arc?
Much more, around 2-3k. His channel was second biggest DnD related on twitch, first being Critical Role. And that's why I say it's nothing yea. Also how much of those 800 were just curious about him doing these days?

>> No.17843361

I'm tearing up a bit.
But knowing that it's just "see you next time" and not "farewell" makes it easier.

>> No.17843427

You'll see her in a month with CL. She's not dead.

>> No.17843446

Yeah in that case 800 isn't so good.

>> No.17843476

Why are you tearing up, I'd understand if she was quitting for good but this "graduation" is just an advertisement for her going corpo

>> No.17843529

I still feel sad that she is more or less made to abandon all the work and money she put into her current motif and incarnation. I hope she gets plenty of adequate support with PC. She's a great content creator if she's managed correctly and I think we've seen plenty that she's not good at self-managing.

>> No.17843549

This anon >>17843114 is coping too much. Look at this: https://twitchtracker.com/arcadum/statistics
He got hit real fuckin hard. You won't recover after this because half of his previous success is influence of his players aka popular streamers and now non of them want to be associated with him.

>> No.17843568

Because I am fucking pussy, I guess?
Also this kind of graduation always filled me with bit mix of sadness and happiness, you know - like actual graduation.

>> No.17843591

Some people get way too emotionally invested in vtubers who are only in it for the money for some reason. She'll be back doing the same stuff and Shirara will return after a year anyway, which comes sooner than you think.

>she is more or less made to abandon all the work and money she put in
She chose to do it. The b-b-b-b-bb didn't do anything to her, and she's been fine with plenty of viewers since and even made partner during it.

>> No.17843635

Golden Kenji, Nanase Cain

>> No.17843636

I've never really understood the point of a large indie joining a small corpo. Like, if you're jumping on the holo/niji train then that's one thing, but at the PC/CL/etc. level I can't imagine it's worth all the headaches involved both in quitting one life and starting another.

>> No.17843678

I'm just sick of graduations being treated as advertisements
She probably wants musical support and connections

>> No.17843683

I doubt they were "just curious" 3 times in a row when his past ones had no viewers. Clearly something is happening to net him good viewership during those streams despite being excommunicated

>> No.17843773

Having company support can mean a lot. And everyone wants to get in while the gettings good, before the company blows up to be a mini vshoujo. Everyone's hoping they get in and stick with it before a mini vshoujo takes off.

>> No.17843796

>copy and paste a new stream key
Nothing will change unless she pulls a Meg and goes GFE. Joining and org gets you significantly more support because of the org's connections to various creators and the fact most things are done for you.

>> No.17843824

>She chose to do it
I'm aware, but I liked this model, motif, and aesthetic. Plus she put thousands of her own money into it and was really proud of it only to get rid of it 15 months later. It's just kinda sad to see.
>The b-b-b-b-bb didn't do anything to her
It might not have impacted viewership or stream performance but she certainly felt personally impacted by it since she did stream less often and took a rather extended hiatus that ended with "oh btw I'm graduating in a few months". I would have stayed subbed to her had she been more consistent but alas.

>> No.17843864

Because even if company is small they provide some kind of advertisement and basic management. You get bundled with other people that may or may not be more popular and have peace with some papeworks.

>> No.17844201

>watch new chuuba
>only one guy in chat talking
>its the mod
>he is passive aggressively pushing her toward doing something for him like art or saying something
>she just rides along and seems really down the entire time
Feels bad man

>> No.17844205

Even small corpos have connections and money to support talents if they're around to use it.

Like phase connect for example has connections with OTV. If Shirara joined PC, they could have sent her to collab with them giving her a massive instant boost way beyond grinding it out as an indie.

>> No.17844204

I don't believe that

>> No.17844239
File: 180 KB, 360x416, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this fucking robot

>> No.17844372

>Plus she put thousands of her own money into it and was really proud of it only to get rid of it 15 months later. It's just kinda sad to see.
she wouldn't join if she didn't think she'd get that much back, check how menace is doing on money and see why she thinks it was a good idea

>> No.17844436

>Everyone's hoping they get in and stick with it before a mini vshoujo takes off.
This is just not happening to any of the companies out there, maybe to any company at all ever honestly. vshoujo specifically yoinked a bunch of indies who were already large and had high views, if it had just held auditions and hired non established people you'd never even have heard of the company

>> No.17844528
File: 359 KB, 357x420, doki doki waku waku [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdzytiy.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Stack, bros.

>> No.17844555

>she wouldn't join if she didn't think she'd get that much back,
Guarantee she already made it back streaming those 15 months, and more. No chuuba that size is in the red from stream-related purchases.

>> No.17844624
File: 318 KB, 533x494, bitches [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flxd8tc.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17844633

Oil barons seem to love the small agencies. Despite the companies taking a cut of the donos, their talents are probably still pocketing more than the vast majority of indies are (even indies who are much bigger in terms of CCV and follower count).

>> No.17844640
File: 3 KB, 139x154, FD43FkQVUAASFZp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) are gonna make it
keep working hard!

>> No.17844726

I've already made it, I have 3 viewers that show up to my streams and they're awesome people.

>> No.17844737

>even indies who are much bigger in terms of CCV and follower count
This just isn't true at all. A 100 viewer indie is making more money hands down than a 100 viewer mini-corpo. 100% of the income goes to the streamer and indies have plenty of oilers as well at all viewercounts. When I was a 30-view, my income was comparable to that of some of the smaller Tsunderias, except it was all take-home. Corpos are losing a chunk to YT AND a chunk to their contract, on top of other expenses they might incur.

>> No.17844740

Fucking based, im proud of you

>> No.17844752

>negative follower growth since october
>average views more around 100 and below
oh jesas

>> No.17844780

>Val's weekly schedule has her old model instead
I mean, I like it more but I honestly feel really bad how much criticism she got around her new model. I hope it didn't affect the friendship she has with Margo, it's such a weird situation.

>> No.17844803

That is a very good mentality to have. You're doing great.

>> No.17844845

All Margo had to do was draw val's old model in her style, someone even posted a quick mockup of changes when it went live about what could be done to make it look unique

>> No.17844863


>> No.17845157
File: 191 KB, 2558x1368, E7BJsj0XsAYZep2.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss sundress koopa with a passion that's hard to describe

>> No.17845296

This model looks so weird now without the tan

>> No.17845958

we got used to the tan but i hope she adds the tanless version as a redeem whenever she fights boneitis back enough to be able to stream. all the other 20 something models and recolors are good but this one is perfect in all aspects for me

>> No.17846036

I took a look at his channel, and those D&D streams are just a team of absolute nobodies, yet he still managed to pull 800 people on the first session and 300+ on the setup sessions before hand. I guess I'm not surprised, people are quick to forget when its for the sake of entertainment.

>> No.17846305

I feel for the mods, long time subs, and communities they have to cut ties with more. I remember a spotted seal that isekai'd to another company. The 2 members of her old team just have to keep calm carry on attitude about it. I'm happy for when vtubers find success, but it is difficult if you're involved in the community to see everyone left behind.

>> No.17846309

I have a small group that watches me too, but most just rotate in and out throughout the streams they're really cool and I'm glad they think I'm entertaining enough to let me waste their time.

>> No.17846562

If she is I feel bad for them

>> No.17846824

where is megbert?

>> No.17846874

Seduced by witchcraft

>> No.17846909

what does this mean?

>> No.17846919
File: 167 KB, 376x222, 1637843910260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't see her if you take your meds.

>> No.17847349

megbert is a fucking psycho

>> No.17847367

It depends on the corpo, phase I believe is generous enough to pay for MVs and advertising costs which adds up in the long run while having a lower cut. Whereas Prism has a 50% cut and the talents have to pay for everything themselves.

Someone of Shirara's calibre would likely get a very generous offer.

>> No.17847378

Koopa HATE

>> No.17847959

>make small comment
I despise the 'highlight first message' feature

>> No.17847967
File: 348 KB, 392x422, bort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could say she's a menace

>> No.17848002

Homestuck cheeks

>> No.17848359
File: 255 KB, 1421x769, High quality sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to think she streamed with her mother the other day

>> No.17848758

I will now watch your sheep

>> No.17848783

>generous enough to pay
It's what they're taking 50% of your 50% for. Also of that 25% you are getting the govt takes 18%. So for every $100 you make you take home $20.50. So to make what you normally would being an indie you would need a 5x increase in paying viewership, but to put up with the extra red tape you'd probably want more like 10x minimum. Even with hololive if you're below the first quarter of their talent then you're making minimum wage or worse.

>> No.17849042
File: 2.34 MB, 600x424, koishi dance [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx9j45l.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17849194

More like Penislein amirite fellas

>> No.17849268

Computer managed to explode (Windows Registry Error, saved most things, but not everything), so I haven't been able to stream. Even hyped it up on the Tweeter AN HOUR BEFORE the entire thing blew up in my face.

Gah, I hate bad luck, but my new rig should be coming in here soon, and it's better, stronger, and can store far more stupid shit on it.

>> No.17849374
File: 92 KB, 284x284, WigglyCalebTiredSPEEDDragon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for coming by the stream, hope you had a good time!
This game is kicking me down the addiction hole as bad as Outward, godDAMN

>> No.17850434

Sucks to hear, mysterychuuba, but it's nice you have enough money for that to only be a set-back instead of a catastrophe.

>> No.17850490

18% where are you pulling the tax number from? If the 18% tax is indeed income tax, neither being an indie or a corpo exempts you from this. If you are talking about platform taxes, you are misinformed as fuck, there are treaties and exemptions that you can apply for

>> No.17850657
File: 1.63 MB, 2000x825, Illustration1s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for the worst anniversary of the year yet


>> No.17850914

i hate gael
i thought this nigga would have killed himself by now

>> No.17850950

you just replied to him anon

>> No.17850995

i thought he said he would never come back here some months ago??

>> No.17851084

he changes his mind very often. he also once said he'd never go back to the more popular wvt too. He mainly hangs out there these days and probably just posts here to shill

>> No.17851139

what a faggot

>> No.17851187

male vtubers
not even once

>> No.17851431

As someone said it very nicely, she is german Nyanners

>> No.17851707
File: 435 KB, 773x915, 1636238114556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Josa playing Sonic Adventure 2 with Crowd Control
Go spawn omochao. She loves the little fucker.

>> No.17852000
File: 628 KB, 1186x1389, 1618402503268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17852034
File: 7 KB, 336x336, 7C9FB453-3B3A-4A89-BB68-5E845709A844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a streaming platform for eroges?

>> No.17852097


>> No.17852108

Plexstorm, picarto

>> No.17852155
File: 116 KB, 245x252, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basedapoya is playing THAT GAME

>> No.17852169

Is she to scale?

>> No.17852183

Corpos like to talk to corpos because they are more predictable and someone can be sued if things go south.

>> No.17852285

Basedpoya? More like declinepoya

>> No.17852552

I heard some chuuba does eroge VN readings on chatturbate, but forgot who.

>> No.17853027
File: 83 KB, 500x500, 1638946185595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not again...

>> No.17853076

How will Basedpoya recover from this...

>> No.17853077

Poya said WHAT?

>> No.17853714

not hating on bat but this fake twitlonger shit is always so cringe

>> No.17853732

you are cringe

>> No.17853763

Aren't we all

>> No.17853818

It feels so overdone at this point. Maybe twitlonger is cringe in general.

>> No.17853837

End up paying it in taxes sooner or later. Buy goods pay a tax, utilities tax, own a house property tax, school tax, income tax etc.

>> No.17853853

this is her 2nd or 3rd time doing it but she's a pretty basic mainstream memegirl, what do you expect?

>> No.17853935

At least the one before was funny I still can't believe some people took it serious

>> No.17853948
File: 115 KB, 311x409, soosd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beer bear is on

>> No.17854174

The timing was pretty cringe considering the little_s drama

>> No.17854217

The timing makes it better

>> No.17854224

You okay? The last one was in September or October

>> No.17854283

what is going on with little_s

>> No.17854338


>> No.17854393

tough to search archive when you can't search keywords for posts just image files

>> No.17854469

If you're too stupid to figure it out then you don't deserve to know.

>> No.17854540

well checked each wvt thread back to the end of January. Not one mentioned little_s so I guess it's not important; he's pretty chill anyway.

>> No.17854553
File: 270 KB, 1842x1021, FKXsqdamuVcAI8FpO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magical Tea Boy Gongfu tea & 1900 twitch folllowers


>> No.17854573
File: 163 KB, 1116x1003, 1634957769512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bird doing some lockpicking

>> No.17855085

He swatted his own mods retard

>> No.17855257

When asked about it ratten said it wasn't him (it'd make no sense how the previous twitlonger cries how he moved places out of fear from little) and instead said it was yozo except she never talked about it and there's no proof

>> No.17855290

>Didn't even bother searching for alternative names before giving up

>> No.17855456

Meds schizo. I understand you want to hate yozo but try to keep your rrats somewhat believable.

>> No.17855492

searched little_s, little, little s, and snake. Found stuff on twitter though. Reads that he got cucked, then they were sending him sex vids so he was going to dox or worse people.

>> No.17855503

that's not even a rrat it's how it went down
how would little know his address AFTER he moved? and it's his own words too unless you got anything to add

>> No.17855524

You're not checking the right archive, are you?

>> No.17855531

thank you josaposter, i knew i could count in you to help shill for people when i can't do it

>> No.17855545

>Little_S messages one of his mods out of the blue
>pissed off
>ranted about Yozora and him
>dropped their real names
>mod gets concerned and asked what's going on and importantly how and why he used their real names
>Little_S reveals he has personal information
>acquired it from before Yokomeshi when Yozora was indie
>yozo merch sales but too expensive for yozo to ship from her country so she gives shipping details to Little_S because he is in the states
>S kept a copy of all the shipping information including addresses and real names
>this information gets revealed
>others come forward saying they're concerned and ask Little_S to erase that information
>Little_S threatens to dox all the viewers who purchased yozora goods
>no real idea why he's targeting the viewers who bought things
>gets in touch with one viewer and threatens more than just dox
>implies to the viewer that "you should what you're best at and move" referring to their home residences
>all of this is posted on twitter
>Little_S privates his account and disappears

>> No.17855615
File: 93 KB, 320x480, banditElliott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the math teacher tactician's having his anniversary stream today!

>> No.17855636

Well there is the archive here then there is the desu one is there a third?

>> No.17855663

not defending little schizo for a second but it was pretty retarded of yozo to give him that kind of info considering she was clearly just using him anyway
shoulda known something would go down whenever that ticking timebomb blew up, at the very least

>> No.17855760

From what I read he threatened to do that if they didn't stop sending him vids of Yozora getting dicked

>> No.17855797

yeah that was a huge fuck up on yozo's part and pisses me off that it was swept under the rug due to how much worse Little_S looked like in the moment. she needs to own up to that shit.
i didn't see anything like that in the twitter convos and discord screencaps that were posted.

>> No.17855830

I didn't read that but that sounds fucking hilarious.

>> No.17855843

Going to add some known speculation to here. Snake threatened the viewers because it was the only way he could hurt Yozora considering the international distance. He did it because she blocked him after he threatened suicide against her amongst a lot of other things like spreading rrats about her to try and isolate her (I’m guessing to get into a relationship with her). Yozora is a bitch but what snake did was fucked up.

>> No.17855926
File: 209 KB, 550x203, bean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17855952

Yozo is not smart at all and that's why most anons here see right through her. If she's gotten some degree of success in what she does it's because she has no issue in using those who are even dumber.

>> No.17855990

She notified everyone involved and went lawyers to protect those involved. It’s a fuck up but there isn’t much more she could do to make it right.

>> No.17856056

>derailing the thread with old drama because some retard's too stupid to use an archive

>> No.17856073
File: 707 KB, 1662x718, cucked s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i didn't see anything like that in the twitter convos and discord screencaps that were posted.

>> No.17856108

cranberry juice?

>> No.17856119

What did she mean by this?

>> No.17856143

Where is the kiwi pussy snake? I’m still waiting

>> No.17856147

criminal justice

>> No.17856150

Cringe no Jutsu

>> No.17856240
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1365, Bloom Schedule 2.07 to 2.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Noid broke my brain and now I want to actually try to do timed speedruns of that cursed game. Anyways, here's a schedule for the coming week!

>> No.17856323
File: 539 KB, 421x450, 1584853597641.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Criminal Justice major
>thinks he's fucking Batman
What an actual retard, holy shit

>> No.17856386

>speedrunning yo noid
mindbroken bloom indeed

>> No.17856486

I am a Sega 32X apologist and I am not ashamed of it! It was a bad idea but the games on it are mostly okay! Though the fighting games are mostly all terrible except for Virtua Fighter and Mortal Kombat 2.

I'm afraid for TMNT. The goddamned dam level...

>> No.17856779
File: 2.54 MB, 962x2299, 1630911349797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need the shill posts for the screencap... please
This has been surprisingly hard to fill

>> No.17856831

she hasn't done the shill post yet at least not on this stream

>> No.17857094
File: 1.55 MB, 1260x708, z6lfn9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your serial killer little sister's drawing some vtubers today!

>> No.17857188

Damn Bat really hates Poya

>> No.17857651

so is Fleur a tranny or what. I thought he used to be a nun.

>> No.17857695

Effeminate but cis.

>> No.17857913
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, 1623630930573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open up twitch
>Front page unironically uses "Gaymer"

>> No.17857980

that's been a thing for a long time

>> No.17857994
File: 400 KB, 884x497, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17858013

Gotta side with bat on this one after reading that twitlonger

>> No.17858072


>> No.17858295

aisriale is the only one I slightly tolerate, that and one of my old friends is a semi-pngtuber(slightly animated)
but the truth is that he's extremely fuckable(ais)

>> No.17859248

He doesn’t sound effeminate at all.

>> No.17859651
File: 11 KB, 206x91, 1643922248926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17859712
File: 15 KB, 403x302, 1643408063271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the local rock'n'roll racer's playing some destruction derby 2

>> No.17859716

Are they one of those dyke duos?

>> No.17859735


>> No.17859765 [DELETED] 
File: 444 KB, 560x372, 1638774709162.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sigbird's on with SA:DX

>> No.17860085

They both sound fat and they are kind of boring.

>> No.17860419

snigga is so funny, he comes up with new ways to be a fucking moron every week

>> No.17860642

It would be really funny if he suck started a shotgun

>> No.17860692

i don't know when it is but i will gift myself something instead. saves from disappointment

>> No.17860769

>artificial holiday
Anon, that's all of them

>> No.17860797

Considering he s actually started swatting people with the info he had.. Yeah it would be hilarious.

>> No.17860885
File: 130 KB, 300x300, hylo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayane Hylo is now /wvt/

>> No.17860922

Holy shit really?

>> No.17860940

this isn't an indies thread. She was relevant even as a corpo.

>> No.17860958

Don't know much about her, is this good or bad for her?

>> No.17860990


>> No.17861126

first her sister and now her too?!?

>> No.17861160

dead, elitist numberfag thread.

>> No.17861163
File: 36 KB, 492x409, 1644187323910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons please you have to help me! Was there a face that looked almost exactly like this? Was something like this posted before?

Every little bit helps!

>> No.17861221


>> No.17861264
File: 1.09 MB, 1156x1600, 1622133812932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not mint. she looks like this

>> No.17861283


>> No.17861291

Yes but it is a fusion picture of Mint and Mocca

>> No.17861327

>All time average viewers: 49

>> No.17861363

No this is not it. I think the chuuba had white hair and a goofy smile

>> No.17861406

I want to breed every ill chuuba to give them many healthy children.

>> No.17861545

/wvt/ is the chuuba dumpster. literally all of the notable selfposters suck

>> No.17861622

ogey, do not bite the bait

>> No.17861655
File: 3.78 MB, 1448x2048, XteFGqDJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Fox skeb

>> No.17861727
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, arypieEdgeworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ary's going on another code vein date with her oshi!

>> No.17861763

different mint didn't she get a new maid costume or something recently I don't keep up with corpos

>> No.17862196

don't overdose on the copium 2view. maybe its worth explaining that there is a difference between someone that just links their stream in these threads and someone that is actively participating in the threads

>> No.17862213

She did, it even has the same lifted hands pose

>> No.17862280
File: 390 KB, 500x500, 1635701061182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he means maid mint. The silly ghost hands are pretty much a giveaway.

>> No.17862615

well all the ones who actively participate in the threads are all hanging out on the back

>> No.17862965

yes, those are the people that i was talking about

>> No.17863168
File: 255 KB, 800x800, 1643989627895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for coming out to the anniversary celebration if you did; it really means a lot to me. vtubing this past year has been a blast and /wvt/ has added to that experience
if you missed it, i was also able to finally share this project that i've had to keep secret for the past six months: An 8 man cover of Shiny Smily Story!
thank you for linking me!
god being able to share this was like a big weight lifted off me

>> No.17863286
File: 27 KB, 580x164, 1643429418842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17863486

Nice, but I don't know if I can trust this fox

>> No.17863693 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 100x100, 1627719663141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minkye sex
https://ehsex dot blogspot.com/2022/02/heaven-in-hell.html

>> No.17863771

hiding behind 2 spoilers, are we?

>> No.17864182
File: 1.38 MB, 2560x1457, 2560px-The_Garden_of_earthly_delights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am making the most exquisite art works in Garrys Mod! I'm something of a fine artist, don't you know?

>> No.17864336

Where is the porn, snake. One fucking job. Leak the porn.

>> No.17864389

there isn't any and there never was any. he was trying to pull pity points from other NTR cucks.

>> No.17864465

But... But dry Kiwi pussy and small viewer dicks...

>> No.17864565

What a fucking faggot. Holding a gun to the heads of his "friends" who have nothing to do with anything just because things weren't going his way. I bet he felt like fucking Patrick Bateman while typing that out too

>> No.17864647

All over her vods are down. Save any clips before those are removed if you want em.

>> No.17864799
File: 678 KB, 1258x708, cso5zo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

egg's playing some bridge cunstructor today!

>> No.17864812

We have the most important clip on streamable, its OK anon.

>> No.17864889

He probably felt like shit because he got heavy cucked by a chick that was using him to save money on shipping merch. Then is sending him cuck vids. Though yeah threatening innocent people was bullshit. He should have just leaked the video and said what she did. If that were the case then she would have been in shit instead of him.

>> No.17864981

The fact that you think any of that is true means you're as much of an incel as snigga

>> No.17865016

Donation don't entitle to anything. You can't be used for Money if you donate like a manic on twitch.

What video?

>> No.17865104

>What video?
Snake claims he was harassed repeated by Yozo who had her minions spam him with videos of Yozo fucking various viewers. He has released none of it, not even file names or screencaps from these supposed videos.

>> No.17865183

I wish he would. But this is highly unbelievable. Where did he put this claims forward anyway?

>> No.17865252

A failed and pathetic attempt to make people sympathetic for him probably

>> No.17865266

See >>17856073
This was a screencap of a discord convo between Little_S and one of his former mods.

>> No.17865479

>Sending porn of them fucking together.
Based if true, i thought little was into this.
However, without any prove it could be drawings are whatever.

>> No.17865546

Even now you couldn't roll a 5...

>> No.17865626

Please stop interacting with Nanase Cain, he is a sexpest.

>> No.17865669

Is this based on anything real or is this schizoposting

>> No.17865727

This is spicy, do tell.

>> No.17865738

Probably shizo. Sexpest is interchangeable with male by now and has lost all meaning.

>> No.17865786

Can't believe Gondola is a sexpest

>> No.17865812

Gondola is such a sweet person, I'm happy I met him.

>> No.17865895

He is the creepiest guy i've interacted with and I am female. If anybody else comes out I will release screenshots. I'm scared of him.

>> No.17865918

At least say someone more believable like Lance or something. Cain is nearly spotless.

>> No.17865944

Why let other women suffer now? Its almost as if you're making this up

>> No.17865980

Yeah well my uncle works at Nintendo

>> No.17866008
File: 343 KB, 539x425, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not like this bat, her smug aura mocks me

>> No.17866165

That's not the same thing at all, most streamers making over a certain amount qualify for their hobby to be a business if they keep track of t heir finances. My refund is up significantly due to my family's Jew helping me with stream-related deductions and breaks.

>> No.17866180

I love this self hating and suffering batto!

>> No.17866191
File: 405 KB, 2048x1448, FJqWPQ0XwAEFofK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this mouse.

>> No.17866233

So basically you're lying and nothing happened, typical woman

>> No.17866262


>> No.17866385

Post them on a burner or in the back then

>> No.17866544

How would that help? He will know it was me by the DMs.

>> No.17866595

It's great to see how much this smug bat has grown

>> No.17866600

Presumably to expose him and project others, if you don't you're enabling him if it's true.
