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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 247 KB, 850x756, __usada_pekora_gawr_gura_inugami_korone_nekomata_okayu_tsunomaki_watame_and_1_more_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_sayuui__sample-45cdc9612fd1bd30f84ecaa6ae874b26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1739816 No.1739816 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question, I would like to understand their thought process. It's really annoying, the streamer won't notice them and the actual good japanese comments will get buried by their english comments that the streamer can't even understand. This is basic decency, those people can't even show a little bit of respect to the girls.

What's the Jp girl that has it the worst in your opinion?

>> No.1740045

retarded post

>> No.1740378

The fact that you have to ask makes you too autistic to understand the answer.

>> No.1740554

Tell me the answer.

>> No.1740805

>Imagine being this new.
Also you literally can ask this either in global of ホロライブ instead of killing another indie thread

>> No.1740865

Fuck off mate

>> No.1740917

The same reason non English speaking fans post in EN streams.

>> No.1741011

Ahhh sweet summer child, do you think that EOPs are bad? be thankfull that you don't understand spanish only posters, my oshi is Korone and the amount of retardation that you can read in her chat is enough to make my eyes bleed

>> No.1741060

Because we like them, and we know that there are other english speakers in the chat. Also, they like it, I cannot even imagine what would be like to feel known and loved overseas. So stop asking stupid questions.

>> No.1741106

Never seen many spanish comments on Korone's streams.
It's disrespectful, it's ok if it's done in small doses, but you retards just spam the chat to the point where there are more english comments than japanese.

>> No.1741135

You will never be Japanese
>you will never learn Japanese
I post comments in the chat in Japanese, faggot

>> No.1741198

No one has answered the OP so far, with the exception of >>1741060, which amounts to "more lines in the chat is better" (for some reason).

I'd like to know as well.

>> No.1741235

You will never be Japanese. You have no ancestry, you have no citizenship, you have no skills that would make Japan ever want you. You are a shut-in self-hating white man twisted by delusions of mythical Japanese superiority and exposure to Japanese media into a disgusting mockery of nature’s perfection.

All 'validation' you get from other people in this position couldn't be worse in making you believe that spending years of your life learning a globally useless language to a first-grader's level was a worthwhile use of your time, but one can't expect that an individual as pathetic as you will ever know the value of the youth you threw away in doing that.

Actual Japanese are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of linguistic evolution have allowed natives to identify frauds from mannerisms and vocabulary alone. Even if your written text of self-hatred and attention begging akin to a stray dog's somehow passes as normal (it won't), any Japanese person will immediately cut all ties when they hear the voice and accent of someone who is not only a basic Japanese speaker at best, but worth no more than garbage in skills, accomplishments, and likeability.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile and laugh to yourself believing that watching a content creator that you understand 20% of at best is somehow superior than watching your own kind, as you project your disgusting traits onto your entire kind. However, deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight, and you know that. You know that all you do now is have an entirely new linguistic medium in which to be ignored, and not even the exotic trait of being foreign makes up for just how uninteresting of a person you are.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a Western man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably Caucasian.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back. Hate yourself and apologize for being white to some Japanese entity that exists only in your mind while actual Japanese people put in effort to learn English for the valid reason of it being the global language.

>> No.1741282
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>> No.1741300

OP fucking destroyed kek

>> No.1741323

Stfu 3rd worlder

>> No.1741338

>he's speaking in english, so he must be a westerner!
stop encouraging the ESLs

>> No.1741339

>pekora giving ME the fuck me eyes

>> No.1741355

The people that complain about English in chat are always BRs/south amerishits that are trying to deflect how shitty they are themselves. ALWAYS.

>> No.1741384

>watame giving ME the fuck me eye

>> No.1741401

Not OP but are you really this retarded?

>> No.1741403

I really hope that you're not the one who spent so much time on this copypasta

>> No.1741544
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>> No.1741547

It's because 12 year olds can't help themselves, they have to say what's on their mind no matter how retarded it might be. No one's going to read it and it added nothing to the chat, but the idea of not posting never crossed their minds. Judging by the ass pain in this thread I would guess our local zoomers are feeling called out

>> No.1741557

BRs are the most annoying always spamming that
meme crap

>> No.1741585

I have this theory that commenting helps the streamer get recommended by the youtube algorithm more. Hell, its funny to see spanish, russian and other languages anyway. It means that your oshi is getting more popular worldwide.

>> No.1741637

Because some people weren't raised correctly. I too was baffled at the stupidity and insensitivity on display. These are the same sort of people that will see an celebrity/e-celeb have a bite to eat with friends/family and interrupt their meal to ask for a picture or even sit with them.
Toddlers, the lot of them.
Seriously though, this is probably an activity that the younger part of Hololive's audience engages in. Makes sense if you think about it that way.

>> No.1741669

Cancerous twitch culture unironically

>> No.1741670

instant block from me
Along with a bunch of other shit. They would hunt low viewed indies in force until they realized people had enough of their shit.

>> No.1741692

You realize people only post that ironically at this point? Pretty sure COME TO BRAZIL is a meme that originated here.

>> No.1741739

JP chat always boils down to うん and 草 in 90% of cases how the hell are EOPs ruining anything

>> No.1741976

It's not. Brazilians are THAT retarded.

>> No.1742095
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Because no one can stop me.

>> No.1742420


>> No.1742463

one of these is kusa, right?

>> No.1742523

Most of them have said they like to see the international comments. Some of them have said that theyre sad they don't see as many anymore. I guess it depends on the streamer

>> No.1742544


>> No.1742592

Because no EOP engagement means no money, that is the key reason. If people don't feel like they can comment and are second class citizens, they will also not give you money as people like Subaru found out and had to change her format somewhat to accommodate.

>> No.1742594

>actual good japanese comments


>> No.1742660

草 is kusa. I don't even mind comments just saying "kusa" or "lol", even if they stand out among the sea of Japanese, but the weirdest comments are the ones that have nothing to do with what's happening on stream or are posted with a 30 second delay or something. They can do whatever they want, it just boggles my mind why someone is watching something in a language they can't understand at all. I still don't understand the comments with a 30s or 1m delay, like are you in a discord having someone translate for you? or is your stream just lagging?

>> No.1742685

>people like Subaru found out and had to change her format somewhat to accommodate.
What do you mean?

>> No.1742725

this never happened btw

>> No.1742823

She was the lowest earner of overseas superchat money despite being very popular in clips because she was known for her morning chats and english commentators couldn't engage with that. She called her english fans ninjas who she wanted to see more of. So now she puts up translations of what she is saying on screen and tries to speak more english in general.

>> No.1743204

>morning chats and english commentators
Are there no translators for her stream?

>> No.1743239

She hired someone recently to help with live translations.

>> No.1743274

>reading chat
What a faggot, です.

>> No.1743322

Those guys are hired? I thought they did that because they loved their oshi. I wanna get hired too.

>> No.1743485

Many people you see do it for free in chat as fans, but if as a streamer you want a consistent experience there are people who do it as a job as well.

>> No.1743637

Livestream chats are just full of cancer in general. Even for non vtubers. Why pain yourself by reading them?

>> No.1743765

Japanese fans are different than whitoids, they post actual good comments that are pleasant to read and are actually intelligent.

>> No.1743857

>never seen spanish on korone stream

haha newfag checked, get the fuck out of vt

>> No.1743919


>> No.1743930

>Things that never once happened in any jp chat

>> No.1743942

La concha de tu madre hijo de puta

>> No.1743954

>and we know that there are other english speakers in the chat
i.e. you want to speak to the other english posters in that chat instead of the JP entertainer.

>> No.1743998

Don't tease me with such fantasies

>> No.1744040

Hey faggotOP you will never be Japanese

>> No.1744166 [DELETED] 

>you will never be Japanese
When did the OP ever said he wanted to be one?

>> No.1744209

>>1744040 #
>you will never be Japanese
When did the OP ever say he wanted to be one?

>> No.1744310

Read between the lines, queer.

>> No.1744550

You are correct, that they wouldn't use that meme, and if anything a typical spic conversation goes like this.

>>Enters stream
>>Greets chuuba
If greeted by chuuba
>>I'm from (insert spic country)
>>"please say "(insert spic, possibly profanity)""
>>or "Say my name"
>>starts talking in taco
If not greeted by chuuba
>>proceeds to spam
>>I'm from (insert spic country)
>>"please say "(insert spic, possibly profanity)""
>>or "Say my name"
>>starts talking in taco
>>begins raging in taco

Pure pain to deal with in chat, and while some would say EOPs can be as annoying, at least they sometimes spam their nonsense in superchats.

>> No.1744661

>Read between the lines
It's not there either. Liking something from Japan, doesn't imply that you want to be Japanese.

>> No.1744805

Sure buddy, that's all it is.

>> No.1744844

I'm glad we agree.

>> No.1744888

But being an elitist retard trying to gatekeep a japanese streamer's chat just because their overseas fans didn't learn how to write moonrunes is a clear sign of a turboweeb

>> No.1744921

Ever heard of sarcasm?

>> No.1744924

>Japanese fans are different
They LITERALLY the same group who STILL spam pettan in Rushia's chat and think that shit is unironically funny
How how the fuck are you this delusional? most web browsers come preinstalled with a translator extension you have no excuse
They spam the same, tired, jokes/phrase that stopped being funny years ago just like english speakers do, the only difference is its in moonrunes

>> No.1745012

>Why do westerners feel the need to comments on JP girls's streams
Because they're fucking retarded nigger monkeys with zero self-awareness.

>> No.1745822

Yes it's fun to chat using the VTuber as topic.

>> No.1745851

I just said that they like it, don't just because of the numbers, but because it's fun to see how many people like you even if they can't understand you

>> No.1745875

Spam of any kind is bad, if you just want to talk I don't see the problem

>> No.1746100

any interaction with the stream or video in question helps

>> No.1746125

The EOP cope thread for low IQ people who aren't capable of learning japanese.

>> No.1746294

is not, it means you at least put effort into what you do

>> No.1746321

t. OP

>> No.1746394

When you think about it though there's a good reason why they can't learn Japanese like >>1746125 that guy said. Of all of the people in the world, half of them have higher IQs than 100, and the other half do not. Guess which ones the people who aren't able to learn the language they watch streamers in fall into?

>> No.1747421

so what's your excuse for not being able to learn?

>> No.1747443

Normal people don't learn a language just to understand v-tubers.

>> No.1747480
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>> No.1747597

Because they understand it, eops dont

>> No.1748604
File: 194 KB, 299x418, beutiful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This much EOP butthurt, all from OP's simple question

>> No.1748706

>Normal people
Anon do you know where we are? Maybe you should check the name of this website on your browser if not. If you want to talk with normal people then I think Reddit or Twitter would be better suited to you

>> No.1748797

I mean...good job outing yourself as a retard. That's like watching spanish TV and not knowing spanish. I get it though, the cope is in full effect.

>> No.1749226

Normal people don't watch v-tubers you absolute mouth-breathing mongoloid

>> No.1749483

>Here at 4chan we are very edgy and obscure, don't mess with us

>> No.1749502

Better yet, if one does not speak Japanese why watch JP streams ? I never understood that. Just watch translated clips and videos like a normal human.
What's the point of watching a stream and not understanding ANYTHING, just hearing nyannyannyan BAKA nyanyannyany HAI nyannyan SUGOI nyanyannyan SUBARASHI.
To me that's some weirdo shit.

>> No.1749509

Based post. EOPs are just painfully aware of their own failures, and project their feelings of worthlessness onto others, to deflect responsibility.
>It's not my fault I couldn't do it!
>I only feel bad about my failure because the ELITISTS are trying to MAKE ME feel bad about it!

>> No.1749528

Typical SOP

>> No.1749608

Watame likes her overseas fans. We also don't have spam problems outside of random tourists who eventually get bored anyway when nobody replies to their idiocy.

>> No.1750076

>there are more english comments than japanese.
What can I fucking do if the audience has higher EOPs, and to a point they had to repress their comments just to let more nip chats rolling in, and that still fails?

>> No.1753722

いいね! !


>> No.1754793

>the streamer won't notice them
They very clearly do, and at least sometimes attempt to interpret and respond to them.
I bet this is what really makes you seethe.

>> No.1756462
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>> No.1756588

I work 2 jobs and am doing my CA at the same time

>> No.1757337

EOPs are subhuman animals always seeking attention and validation. They are totally comparable to Chink insect spammers. They dont even realise nobody ever likes them and reads their vulgar impolite Chinky comments in the shitty globohomo language.

>> No.1758611

Cope until you start bleeding again from your ruined anus. EOPs are good for business, and they're a business first and foremost. Go to bed every night sobbing that your oshi, despite you finally having a third grade level understanding of Japanese, ignored your chat just like they do in the flood of other actual JPs and lonely fucks like you who flaunt their superiority that they learned an entire other language to be ignored in. You will never be special to your oshi just because you poorly speak her language. You are a name and some letters in a chatbox and nothing more. It doesn't matter what language someone speaks there, because unless there's a red color behind their text, your oshi will not care. And even then they might not even acknowledge your existence. Eat shit and seethe.

>> No.1761332

Or maybe, they actually have jobs and don't have time or energy to learn Moon, or want to learn something else. Or just suck at languages.
I don't consider picking up a few words from anime and vtuber streams as not being an EOP

>> No.1761388

>the actual good japanese comments
I hope you don't actually believe their comments are any better

>> No.1761535

Any comment is better than two EOPs talking to each other.

>> No.1761664
File: 342 KB, 750x745, 80172FB5-3A93-48FB-BE7E-4BED38F9B87B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EOP’s and elitists arguing over whether the retarded English comments in chat disrupt the flow of Japanese viewers literally typing noises of agreement

>> No.1761711

OPs problem was with English comments in general being garbage by default even if a lot of Japanese ones are just filler trash. Nobody was even discussing viewers having personal conversations, and no one likes that either whether the people doing it are EOP, JOP or something else.

>> No.1762540

I honestly just closen the chat.

>> No.1762556


>> No.1762610
File: 121 KB, 828x996, 1612463634692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are you not even asking the question in Japanese? You're just being a piece of shit weeb. Now go fuck yourself.

>> No.1762692

Mmm, so intelligent

>> No.1762976

You are cherry picking and making those up on the spot.

>> No.1763284

There are translators in the chat.

>> No.1763330

>and we know that there are other english speakers in the chat

This. Doesn't matter who the streamer is, I'm looking for validation from chat. Hey chat! Look at me! Pinoy power!

>> No.1763353

You talk as if there's no value in learning japanese other than watching vtubers.

>> No.1763433

>OPs problem was with English comments in general being garbage by default
Those conversations between EOPs in the chats are the worst though and this is not something that happens on the japanese comments, only english ones.

>> No.1767033

Because there is a culture that says it's ok to comment in English, users see others do it so they do the same

>> No.1767102

large streams don't have very good comments in general, it's not an EN thing
that being said ENlards are usually the ones to type the most obnoxious comments that aren't outright despicable (like chink comments) since they can't be bothered to read the rules and are usually very rude faggots

>> No.1767130

Subaru said just last week that she misses the English comments because they've essentially disappeared. Just because you haven't watched it in a clip doesn't mean it hasn't happened

>> No.1767269

If that happened clippers would be all over it, but it didn't happen so no clips.

>> No.1767833

Japanese comments interact with the streamers, telling them how they feel about their content. It changes from people talking to their PC to a conversation with people. It's a simple thing, but using "うん" shows agreement, while using "?!" or "ん?" means you're confused and want more details. The streamers can then follow chat's flow and adapt what they're saying. Those that have something to say beyond that can, and are sometimes noticed by the streamer to continue the conversation.
It's certainly better than EOPs being confused about what's happening on screen, begging for translation and saying stuff like "I don't understand but I enjoy it anyway!". The former is an attempt to express your opinion while interacting with the streamer, the later is just morons trying to entertain themselves at the expense of the streamer's and the chat. If your talent one day decides that he doesn't want to interact with his chat anymore because of people spamming unrelated shit, then you'll certainly understand what I'm saying.
Of course, there certainly are JP comments that are rude and don't follow chat rules, but these are a minority and can be told off directly by the streamer. At the same time, there also are EOPs that follow the rules, but there are way too many that don't, and those can ruin the experience for a lot of people

>> No.1768008


>> No.1768116

ask me how I know you don't watch vtubers or read the chat

>> No.1770186

The Vtuber boom last year was strictly because of western audiences, All the girls know it, and are learning english to get more EOP bucks.

>> No.1772258

The EN branch is probably not liking that.

>> No.1772522

This thread is retarded.
Elitists from one side and lazyshits from another.

>> No.1777571

Truths people don't like to hear:
>Learning a new language is not a sign of intelligence
>Spamming english comments on a japanese stream is annoying and adds nothing to the conversation
>You don't have to learn japanese just for vtubers, but there's nothing wrong in learning just for vtubers as well, just do what you want
