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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17104511 No.17104511 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.
Start creating, stop tweeting.

Last Thread: >>16920332

>> No.17105456

>> 17081503
Gonna re-up this, has anyone dealt with this issue before?

>> No.17105896

ASP, tell me how I meet frens who stream?

None of my friends who I play with wouldn't really want to play with me while I would be live, and the one that does is never online.

They could really be any streamer too, not even vtuber related I just don't know how you would go about it.

>> No.17106266

Do you think it's better to be one of the first to apply for auditions in a given period, or wait till near the end?

I have no clue if it's a first come, first serve type of deal with open slots, but I'm still thinking I'd apply towards the end to scrounge up the extra streaming experience/time putting together audition tape

>> No.17108234


>> No.17109496

From what i understand they look at all submissions after the deadline ends, so the latter would be prefferable

>> No.17111401

>how I meet frens who stream?
Go to Twitch and find a small streamer and chat them up. If you like them stick around. If you don't then leave.

>> No.17111413

Send it in when you feel like you have a good audition tape, don’t try to time it.

>> No.17113025

How do you guys recover after a "bad" stream?

I've done some much better numbers recently, with some niche games. I maintained a double digit average, which is great!
Then played a game I enjoy, and was kind of excited about, dropped back down to four.
Do you push through, stop streaming that game, or just accept it was a bad night?

>> No.17113836

Drop the game for streaming but still play it pravitely.

>> No.17114573

It sound like something went terribly wrong here

>> No.17115120

I'm only the second.
And I guess what went terribly wrong is my gamechoice, and timeslot. A lot of my streamer friends went live this time, when they don't normally, so I had lower numbers. And evidently I picked the wrong game, because I had less randos pop in than normal.
Or maybe this is the curse of the 25th. I get hit with a 60% ccv loss for a stream. I will bear this cross for you, other anons

>> No.17115869

How bad are we talking?

>> No.17116065

Oversaturated or a game you've never heard of?

>> No.17116121


>> No.17116481

I wouldn’t drop that game forever, especially if you’re passionate enough to talk about it a lot. When you’re talking about a drop of ~5 viewers, that could easily be an unlucky time slot for you no matter what you were streaming. If you stream that game 2-3 times and always see that drop, then yeah, it’s probably the game, but I wouldn’t jump to conclusions after a single stream.
(You could also just ask your regulars next stream if they don’t care about that game)

>> No.17118168

>Or maybe this is the curse of the 25th
god i wish the curse could have been as simple as that

>> No.17121630
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>> No.17122028

Mostly I just ignore it because 9 times out of 10, it's a fluke that was out of your control. If it felt especially bad to the point that I felt I was acting differently, I'll review the VOD and try to see if I can pinpoint when I felt a change in my own presentation.

>> No.17123314
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I was playing with someone and the screamed the sacred nword on my stream.

Is it over bros even if I delete the whole stream vid?

>> No.17123561

How many viewers did you have?

>> No.17123584

I am finally getting to work on my Vroid but I'm struggling with the name so I can't make any accounts with a name.
How do I name my arknights OC, I mean, chubba.


>> No.17123923

this is why you stop using 4chan lingo. you make it a habit and it'll start to come out in your streams.

>> No.17124194

I interpreted the 'the' as they and you seem to have interpreted it as then.
Let's hope he clears it.

>> No.17125064

Yeah I meant they haha
>I might have laughed too ._.

>> No.17125244

>Can't stream
>Decide to make a loading screen for when I'm setting up the stream since bored
>Decide on using simple plain colors without much detail.
>It looks too plain at first so I decide to go for a more realistic look
>End up making horrible photo editing collage that wouldn't look out of place in a pc game from 1996
Oh well at least it's soulful.

>> No.17125727
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>did first stream last night
>want to edit a clip
>hearing my own voice
When does it get better

>> No.17125799

I wouldn't even bother with that, loading and starting soon screens.

If your on twitch you get a short while in a tab for recently started streams. I wouldn't join a stream that has a loading screen in it.

>> No.17125815

Years of exposure to hearing your own voice played back to you will reduce the gap between what you think your voice sounds like and what it actually sounds like. Don't cringe, just use it to better inform your own vocal performance. And if someone tells you they like your voice, believe them. They're the ones hearing it, not you.

>> No.17125875

Atleast you dont have a lisp like me

>> No.17125912

If you're consistent then about 3 months.

>> No.17126068

I still don't understand how this happens

>> No.17126199

Ah RIP, at least I learned a bit about Adobe Premiere in the process.

>> No.17126201

>And if someone tells you they like your voice, believe them.
I've had people tell me this for years which is why I decided to give it a try. Guess it's just a matter of constantly doing it
Y-yeah, haha

>> No.17126406

I doubt anybody will ask but if they do just say it was nervous laughter and you lectured your friend and they're gonna do better
Check the clips too

>> No.17130500

oh no!

>> No.17130774


>> No.17130822
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>> No.17131121

Next time any aspie asks for a voice changer, this video should be enough to show why it's a bad idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgEsyuN8oKY

>> No.17133193
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If it's of any help, my lore is that he is the remains of a shinigami/god of death that possessed a discarded android after being eliminated by his superiors for acting like an idiot.
Some feedback on the design would be nice as well. I still haven't done any further work on the jacket so I'm still with the taco bell jacket.

ignore the leg, it's concept art

>> No.17133488
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a-anon. its clever

>> No.17134226
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unrigged pngs
>one of them just plugged this thing to their mic and went with it
What the fuck is wrong with Cover?

>> No.17134791

It's just a bit they're doing, why would they pay thousands to rig a PNG they'll never use again

>> No.17134901


>> No.17135251

That's very funny

>> No.17136536

Yes, that's how much commercial rigging costs for a company, as dog shit as some of the riggers some corpos use. They're not some indies dropping a few hundred for a rig from a guy who started last week. A lot more goes into company-related purchases than with an indie.

>> No.17136799

Anon, we have both seen the kind of models indies get paying a few thousands or rigging themselves.
Some of Hololive's most well spread memes exist solely due to how shitty they can look.

>> No.17137061

Sup, /asp/. I recently learned really basic rigging on a whim. Kinda annoying but weirdly fun. I wanna get more practice in, but getting an actual model drawn is kinda expensive since I'm just doing it more as a hobby.

What are my options? Draw shit myself?

>> No.17137088

I'm fully aware of what indies get vs what corpos get, and corpos are still paying more than the indies are purely due to the nature of the use alone and the "status" of the rigger. They're not paying a SEAnigger 100 bucks on Fiverr, even if it looks like it they are.

>> No.17137135

Just pngtube.

>> No.17137154

>What are my options? Draw shit myself?
not to sound like an ass but why would you have any other options than this if you dont want to buy something? of course youd have to draw it yourself

>> No.17137184

Make a raffle on Twitter. Free exposure and a model to practise with from someone that might not have economical resources. It's a triple W

>> No.17137666

It sounds weird but I honestly just wanna rig vtubers, I don't know so much about actually being one

In retrospect, I realize it was kind of a dumb question. After thinking about it, I could probably take a random piece of art, disassemble it, and then rig it for fun. Although I guess that technically falls under "drawing it yourself"

Possible, honestly

>> No.17138174

Look online for free Live2D practice models.

>> No.17138309


THere's some samples here if you want to practice rigging

>> No.17139330

Thanks, anons.

>> No.17139762

Rigging isnt hard part atleast for me where it would take awhile, is getting things like things like the mouth moving when you smile.

The fun part would be the art theme behind it if you're any good at 3d modeling or drawing

>> No.17141991

Saw this in /Nijien/ so reposting for visibility
Obviously take it with large grains of salt

>> No.17142164

>when you realize that the aspcord could have been useful and shared actual advice like this if it wasn't run by a TBA managerlarping his power fantasies for 10 months
heard there was another discord that got Mysta into Niji with useful advice. anon was probably part of that too. a whole fucking year wasted but guess that's just life.

>> No.17143892

What are my options to the /asp/ discord then?

>> No.17143912
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>> No.17143939

there's the publicaspcord but it's still run by Lance and Spudz so there's really no point in joining it.

>> No.17145081

Spudz left so it's just Lance.

>> No.17145230

Who is the bad man? Lance or Spudz?

>> No.17145312

there's no difference between the two.

>> No.17145355

>genuinely can’t see anything wrong with most of them and would probably think this was legit if I didn’t know any better
I’m going to fail at this hobby, aren’t I

>> No.17145540

spudz doesn't run the public one he's just a member there
the public one is run by cadence i'm pretty sure

>> No.17145784

you are literally deaf

>> No.17145807

its bait

>> No.17145843

>the public one is run by cadence i'm pretty sure
Lance is an admin in it so they're the same thing.

>> No.17146221

>I’m going to fail at this hobby, aren’t I
do you want a (you) this bad?

>> No.17146330

Hopefully this isn't that dumb of a question.
What do you guys think it's better for the eyelashes of Vroids with light hair? Default dark or the same as the hair but with more defined outlines?

>"nobody cares just start"
I care.

>> No.17146521

VTubers with lore about them as a god will never cease to be cringe

>> No.17146633

>I care.
Obviously you don't or you wouldn't be asking for opinions from random anons.

>> No.17146683

I was being completely serious though
Maybe I just don’t talk to enough guys to know the difference

>> No.17146704

Sorry, anon, I wasn't really meaning to use god as a god-god; more as a mostly irrelevant and cult unworthy entity that works moving the gears of a part of reality. No idea what people call those.

I unironically trust this more than most.
I could try /ic/ but I'd feel kind of bad for getting shit for free if it were to work.

>> No.17146897

find someone doing something similar. do something similar to that, worry what you like not the thread

>> No.17148090

I was hoping for some opinions but, yeah, I should just be looking for more art to use for reference.

>> No.17148341

Has anybody seen or even heard of genuine fluid dynamics in a vtuber model? I know Mori Calliope's "formal dress" outfit has a glass of wine that kinda jiggles as she moves around, but I'm lookin for something more realistic. I get fluid dynamics are expensive to simulate live and quickly, so it may not be popular or widely utilized, so if that is the case, can someone point me to at least dynamic particles (such as a large amount of falling or shifting small objects?

>> No.17148578

you look like someone made fluttershy into a 90's kid

>> No.17148606

All "particles" in Live2D have their trajectories created and rigged manually, so you're not going to have splashing water done by a physics engine, but manually drawn and rigged to trigger a splash with a fixed appearance.

>> No.17148698

>you look like someone made fluttershy into a 90's kid
fuck me lmao
I can see it.

>> No.17150789


>> No.17151085

Just call yourself a spirit of [some stuff]. And pagan panthrons had lots of minor deities anyway.

>> No.17151936

This is the only place I can think to ask to get a real answer. How do you even determine whether or not streaming is right for you?

Like sure the first step is to just hit play on your first stream and go for it but does streaming to zero people really tell you how you're going to feel about it further down the line?

Is even asking these questions telling that I wouldn't be cut out for it? If so no big deal I haven't even started but it's just something I've found myself thinking of as I turn the idea of starting a stream over in my head

>> No.17151999

>How do you even determine whether or not streaming is right for you?
is it enjoyable for you? yes or not. ignoring numbers, ignoring money, ignoring everything else. is the act of planning, preparing, scheduling, networking, streaming, managing a community and all the rest of it. is that enjoyable for you?

>> No.17152440

To piggyback of what the niji anon said, if you can befriend people quickly and have interesting or funny stories to keep them coming back, then you must be predisposed and should probably pursue it more seriously.

>> No.17153016

Google doc in the OP has a list of vtuber discords with an LF collab channel.

>> No.17154598

Are there any other place to find Twitch panels sample other than canva?

>> No.17155189

How much should I care about my game choice when starting out? I kind of want to do some advertising but the game I plan to advertise might be too complex and not mainstream enough in the vtuber community

>> No.17155319

cant advertise a game when nobody is watching dumdum. you need an audience first if that's your intent, and you're not going to get one made up of vtubers if you play something completely unknown to them

>> No.17155360

I never saw any Vtuber plays FIFA, you can try this game for start and see what happens.

>> No.17156045

Game choice absolutely matters to make people show up...

But when you're new, it probably won't matter. Get your reps in, learn how to scuffdodge, and play what you know to begin with.

>> No.17158712


>> No.17158754
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>> No.17160996

Page 10 again

>> No.17162916

before bath bump

>> No.17165296

Record some short karaoke sessions worked for me, being able to enjoy yourself overwrite the embarrassment from hearing your cringy voice.

>> No.17165891

I'm a vroid streamer, although it's not a top-tier model. It suffices, though.
I've got some spare money. Enough to buy a leapmotion, elgato, a better camera, or to put towards an upgraded vroid/overlays.
I could start putting towards L2d model, but it's probabyl not enough to make a difference there.
What's the best thing to put toward? already have a good mic.

>> No.17165944

Stream quality comes first, model change/update should come as an event.

>> No.17166040

my current webcam works fine for model, and i don't have enough stuff going on that an elgato is needed. so is leapmotion worth improving with?

>> No.17166092

Looks like it, that'll help the vroid stand out more if you're actually moving around with it.

>> No.17167120

I wonder how the anyaposter's model looks........

>> No.17167439

> I could start putting towards L2d model, but it's probabyl not enough to make a difference there.
If you’re leaning towards getting a new model, there are a lot of artists that cost only $50-150 for a full body and actually rival those who are asking for $300 and up. Just gotta know where to look which is anywhere but Twitter.

>> No.17167559

Not that anon but is it those smaller sites that are dedicated exclusively to artist commissions like the one that russian-isreali girl was from?

>> No.17167574

I'm actually not the anyaposter

>> No.17167609

Where should one look? A lot of the links in the pastebin are twitter artists...

>> No.17167628

It can't be... You posted anya...

>> No.17167901

live2D discord

>> No.17167943

I bought a cheapish vroid, and its a huge step up from the png, but its still noticeably cheap. not sure I'd want to skimp out on another model upgrade, desu.

>> No.17168041

There’s Discord like >>17167901 said but any social media, especially ones with private groups where you can make looking for posts are goldmines because the artists will reply and they’re usually those who aren’t that visible on Twitter. Hope that’s enough of a hint.

>> No.17168310

Eh, you wouldn’t necessarily be skimping out by going with the artists I’ve seen because they’re pretty high quality and I think they could actually get away with charging $500+ if they had larger followings.

>> No.17169363

>tfw too busy building new PC to work on model design
Rio in pepeloni

>> No.17169594

You can always make a mood board and figure out a color scheme from your phone.
Unless you mean busy as in that you can't sit and work on anything that's not upgrading your PC.

>> No.17170290

Thanks. Ive never actually thought about reading it huh

>> No.17170296

That reminded me, I used this site
to pick my colors so my model wouldn't look that bad.

>> No.17171920


>> No.17172974

>have really old account i've used only to post comments on youtube
>over 60 subscribers
Can I do anything with this?

>> No.17173055
File: 488 KB, 850x620, 862F8CE1-27BD-4616-9AAC-9617FCBABB3E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a png for at least one more day…
Thank you Deputy Anyaposter for stepping up while I was asleep.

>> No.17173088


>> No.17173144


but why, though?

>> No.17173156

These guys are pretty helpful!

>> No.17173185

because not only are 60 subs meaningless there is no reason those 60 people will give a shit about you when you randomly start posting videos and streams as a vtuber.

>> No.17173222

Not trying to attack anyone in this thread but I'm genuinely curious that people are buying vroid models? They're free and pretty easy to make, is there that much of a market for buying models?

>> No.17173280

>is there that much of a market for buying models?
If you're asking this because you want to start making models and selling them don't. The market is not that big.

>> No.17173404

Hooray I finally found an artist
I feel like I can quit dragging my feet on my /asp/irations now

>> No.17173457

I am considering opening commissions for emotes and eventually expanding to overlays and live2d models, I was just surprised to see people actually pay for vroid models

>> No.17173556

Commissions can be good depending on how effectively you can market yourself to clients.

>> No.17173876

So far, I'm doing a bunch for a friend for free, and I plan on using those as samples and post on twitter

It's a side side hustle so I have the privilege of being picky and choosy with clients and don't mind if I only get a handful of offers :p

>> No.17174213

Some custom VRoid models genuinely look amazing.


>> No.17174591

I mean literally and figuratively elbow-deep building it over the past few days
Right now I’m trying to debug the Wi-Fi on it because it doesn’t connect to my repeater even though everything else does. IIRC it’s a AX-capable mesh repeater with the encryption set to WPA2/3.

>> No.17174592

Imagine: you've randomly subscribed to an account with no videos 10 years ago. Suddenly, it posts some shit. Would you give a damn about checking it out?
That's even assuming these 60 users still use their accounts.

>> No.17175063

Why is Lance hated? I can't even begin to fathom digging through trash archives. is aspcord really that bad?

>> No.17175086

Now that you mention it, a channel that I didn't even remember being subscribed to started posting videos every two minutes all of a sudden.

Turns out that it was Political Juice who had just gone insane lmao.

>> No.17175270

No one actually hates Lance. He's just the worst person to be in charge of anything related to being a chuuba and growing. At best he'll waste your time and energy on things that don't help you develop as a streamer. At worst he's got some power tripping issues being the new owner for the secretcord and admin for both public and privatecords.

It's a social discord server at this point and if you join it you should treat it as such. There's very little discussion on content creation there and the few chuubas who actually had discussions about it left when the "split" happened.

>> No.17175380

>At best he'll waste your time and energy on things that don't help you develop as a streamer.
Like what? Also a social discord doesn't sound that bad, it seems like a good stepping stone between getting set up and actually streaming.

>> No.17175497

>it seems like a good stepping stone between getting set up and actually streaming.
If all you're doing is streaming as a hobby go nuts with them. They're all hobbyist streamers.

>> No.17175518

Lance is only in charge because he can tard wrangle the users while they're fighting, not because of his streaming crendtials. He's very passively in charge unless something happens.

>> No.17175589

>because he can tard wrangle the users while they're fighting
What's there to fight about when you're all 2views?

>> No.17175666

Streamers are menhara, it's just interpersonal bullshit

>> No.17175765

>interpersonal bullshit
Really is just a social discord at this point. What happened to the actually useful one that helped get Mysta into Nijisanji?

>> No.17175829

No clue, I'm not in either anymore.

>> No.17176253

I wonder how Yakui's daughter is doing..........

>> No.17177590


>> No.17178203

>for one more day
i can't believe anya is debuting tomorrow...
are you anyaposter #7

>> No.17178336

Someone is telling me they want to be a vtuber, do you mind if I link them to this thread?

>> No.17178398

It's all yours friend :)

>> No.17178446

think that was one that was probably made by someone on twitter; the only discords that sprouted from this thread were:
>original /asp/cord, created as a support group for malechuubas just starting out
>the all girls /asp/cord which died and assimilated into the main one
>the one that got created after the first one stopped being posted here (apparently got deleted after a month)
>/esp/cord, for spanish speaking chuubas
if you're looking for the one mysta was in you'll probably have to wade through chuuba support discords on twitter if i had to guess but apparently that gets you into places like jusagi's discord which probably isn't much better than any of the other places listed

>> No.17178666

Are any of these discords actually useful anyway?
I'm not all that concerned about what content to make or what corporation is waiting for me but isn't aware of yet, I just want the kind of help that will get me a few regular viewers.

>> No.17178717

If it's just for a the network then yeah aspcord is pretty helpful. You can see their circle growing with Kenji bodega Cain and kaji. There's artist chuubas, moderately sized people, and presumably some back log of useful links.

>> No.17178830

Thanks friend, I'm waiting for their response
Meanwhile, I was told they will debut on YouTube with an undecided date. They need a commission for 2D rigging

>> No.17178839

like mentioned above most of the thread discords that have popped up here are basically social discords at this point
there isn't really a discord that you can join that will just, instantly give you viewers though but if you talk to people in any community they'll probably at least check you out and maybe feel inclined to raid you but like it gets said here, its not reliable growth as much as it is meeting new people and maybe making new friends

>> No.17180440


>> No.17181203

I wonder if I can be able to get into a company someday

I was almost in a company before some things went down, and then I got an interview with PRISM. I've only been active as an indie for 8 months, so I think being considered by a couple of corpos already with the little experience is a good sign and that's what's keeping me motivated to build my portfolio, but I'm scared to try out for the big leagues like Hololive or Nijisanji

>> No.17181464

I've given up on going corpo. Nijisanji is pushing their next wave of males with larger indies already graduating. I'm going to keep streaming for the sake of building a portfolio though. Something is bound to come after vtubing and I want to be ready for that next big thing.

>> No.17182011

It's Nijisanji or nothing for me. I wouldn't touch Hololive with a 10ft pole because I despise idol culture and HoloEN doesn't seem fun to work with (I've tried getting into watching them, but I just can't). I know how much /vt/ loves Hololive, but I'd rather have good chemistry with my coworkers and wake up happy to stream with less viewers/numbers.

>> No.17182065

Why would you not try it though? If you think you're the right person for the job, just audition, as far as I know they don't have a blacklist for applicants with particularly shitty audition videos.
But hey, don't audition for Nijisanji, less competition for me kek

>> No.17183073

Same, streaming in Nijisanji just seems like the dream, I would rather stay indie than get into a possible HolostarsEN and be forsaken by the company that hired me because they must cater to unicorns

>> No.17183186

I still wanna go for HolostarsEN. Even being "forsaken" over there sounds like a pretty good deal. I feel like being stuck just collabing with the other Holostars wouldn't really be a bad deal

>> No.17183587

Same, I kinda understand what idols are supposed to be about now and being one doesn't seem like a bad deal.

>> No.17183876


do it then, its not like nobody's stopping you. I'm a 2view who barely started streaming and I had the balls to send an audition.
I believe in you anons

>> No.17185497

This is a terrible design with a cringe backstory my dude.

>> No.17185584

thanks bro. good luck to you, too. I feel good about my chances of making it in for whatever reason

>> No.17186223

What would you change?
I'm attached the most to the color scheme but I'm open to any changes.

>> No.17186636

Nta but the leg prosthetic seems very out of place due to how much more detailed it is compared to the rest of the design

>> No.17186842

Ah, sorry about that. It's a placeholder for the idea of having a prosthetic in the design but I went too far when I was redrawing it.
What about the rest of it?

>> No.17186934

>Something is bound to come after vtubing and I want to be ready for that next big thing.
I’m curious, what are you expecting?

>> No.17187966

Nothing's on the horizon yet. Just doing entertainer and voice acting reps right now in the meantime. Looking for any growing trends in tradcam streamers since they are usually more in tune with tech development and most vtubers are behind the curve.

Whatever tradcams come up with next find a way to slap an anime character on it.

>> No.17192554

First, nail down an actual theme that isn't convoluted. Like the colors/pattern? 90s kid all grown up. Disheveled, bags under the eyes, ect. Prosthetic? Cyberpunk-keep your colors and make it cyberpunk w/ vaporwave feels. Death god shit? Change the entire design because that does not make any sense with what you have.

>> No.17195912
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>I feel good about my chances of making it in for whatever reason
It's what we all think, isn't it?

>> No.17197016

Delusions are powerful. Keep doing your reps ignore everything else.

>> No.17199346

yeah, but there's nothing wrong with trying to be positive while doing my reps. it's not like I'm staking my self-worth entirely on making it in or anything, I can just see it happening for myself and thus see it as a goal worth pursuing. quit eyebaggin

>> No.17203413

Probably some of the best advice here. If you're copying a big vtuber trend, odds are it's been weeks or months since a traditional streamer did it and it's no longer relevant. Vtubers tend to be weeks behind on shit because a majority don't seem to follow or watch normal streamers at all, nor do many viewers from what I've looked into.

>> No.17205458
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>> No.17206457

How do you catch up on the latest traditional streamer trends?

>> No.17207137

Like most people do, by watching them. A lot of Vtubers and Vtuber viewers never touched livestreams before Vtubers existed and it kind of shows in how even mildly successful ones (like the 50 viewer area) still struggle with a lot of basics, and totally new ones are ignorant to even the most beginner concepts, like a good amount of questions you see asked here.

>> No.17208134

Could you be specific on what the trends you’re talking about are? You mean games or what?

>> No.17208701

The biggest thing is a mindset change.
You will never make it a streamer in 2022. You need to become a content creator.

If you want to "make it" then you need to be on every platform and marketing your FOR THAT PLATFORM. Tweet things that hit on Twitter. Push out YouTube Short and TikToks that hit on those platforms. Host events in your Discord that your audience can only get on Discord.

The biggest problem that many streamers and not just chuubas fall into is thinking that streaming is the end goal. That's what the most obvious part is but not how you make it. You need to create a "brand" for yourself and your content and post relevant content everywhere.

The second biggest problem is that too many streamers want to force streaming on Twitch to be the end goal. Their mindset is that everything they do is an advertisement to get to their stream. That's fine but is a very limited view of what your brand does and often hinders you on every other platform. No one likes the weekly schedule posting spam on Reddit. Reddit is for sharing major achievements and events not for weekly and mundane shit like schedules. You spam the wrong thing too much by treating every social media post as an advertisement to your Twitch channel and people will mentally filter you out and not even give you a chance.

Viewers on Twitter are there for Twitter. Viewers on Instagram are there for Instagram. Your content should be tailored to the platform and not solely treated as an advertisement to your Twitch. That problematic mindset of "everything needs to be Twitch.tv" is what cause many streamers to fail at marketing themselves on other platforms.

Now I'll wait for the flood of aspies claiming they're just doing this as a hobby and that it's too much work for a hobbyist. If you're a hobbyist then just ignore this post. I don't care.

>> No.17211202
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>> No.17212997

Do you currently do this? If yes, what do you do for a living? Can you link your socials? Genuine questions from someone who's curious to see how you're applying this as someone who eventually wants to turn this into a full-time job far into the future.

>> No.17213297


JP Ryoka wants to make friends with vtubers who can speak jp and en.

>> No.17213895

As someone that watched regular streamers before Kizuna AI popularized the idea of virtual streamers, I'm glad someone put this all into words better than I can, but I hope you don't mind if I expand on a few things to help the people who started watching streamers with chuubas.
>You need to create a "brand" for yourself and your content and post relevant content everywhere.
I imagine this would've been hard for people to recognize if they started with corpos, since Hololive and Nijisanji have a lot of income behind their brands, but yes, they're brands too. They sell merch, run music events, create animated, and Hololive even wants to make games. There are extremely few successful streamers that have succeeded on streaming alone, and you need more plans that just playing games, things people would want to watch on their platform of choice, and that means your content needs to speak for you before people start watching you for you. Since you mentioned youtube as well, I'd like to remind everyone that nobody on Youtube is going to watch an unedited 2 hour vod. That's good for your fans, but not for anyone else.
>No one likes the weekly schedule posting spam on Reddit. Reddit is for sharing major achievements and events not for weekly and mundane shit like schedules.
Extreme emphasis on this! This goes for posting anywhere, schedules are not immediately digestible content! It's basically a list of promises, but nobody has an obligation to check on them when the time comes. With achievements and even sometimes clips, that's something that people can decide whether they want to check you out right at that moment. They're especially helpful to post on any other applicable places, not just vtuber subreddits. My current favorite streamer made it big almost entirely on achievements being posted on reddit, and gaining further momentum to actually dunk on more successful streamers by outdoing their achievements literally the day after. It led to him getting hosted and becoming friends with a really big content creator and he just kept going up from there.

>> No.17214600

So, Reddit should be reserved for posting about special events, basically?

>> No.17215808

Each subreddit has their own rules, and you need to make sure that you understand them - some game subs don't let self-promo fly, some don't care. But if you get one moving at the right speed, that allows self-promo, you'll get a few eyes on you.

The mega subs (r/virtualyoutubes, for instance), move so fast that you're not going to get many eyes on you. It's like the giant vtuber discords, there's so many people, and none of them actually check out the self-promo channel for anything other than link dropping.

>> No.17216442

Thanks, anon.
I know I said was only attached to my color scheme but what would you suggest to keep the exiled former god of death theme? Going again over what I wanted to make of my content, I like the contrast of a supernatural being trudging through trash trying to make a living.
I also remembered that I wanted to have a gimmick/theme of finding a new purpose after failing at my previous one, partly as a reasoning for being a variety streamer and partly because it's kind of what I'm using vtubing for.

>> No.17216814

I noticed with the couple last games I played I don’t get too any clippable reactions, because I’m too focused on finishing the game. Is this a problem of game choice, or would it be better to not force excitement

>> No.17217009

The ultimate challenge of any streamer is when a game is good, how much do you focus on the game vs the stream?
It's not a game choice, it's just about prioritizing and multi-tasking properly. You have to be willing to let yourself lose focus on the game and expect failure at the game if you feel like you are lagging behind on commentary, instead of just finding lulls in the gameplay to start talking. You can start focusing after you've been getting your ass handed to you for a while by a boss or something, because at a certain point people are gonna be gripping their seats to see if you're actually gonna make it through, or may get annoyed if constant failures are because you're not concentrating enough.

>> No.17217116

Well, the problem isn’t that I shut up, the problem is that the stakes are just not high enough for me to overreact most streamers do. Something messed up happens in game, I quip about it and move on.

>> No.17217130

Just create stakes

>> No.17217379

Fill in dead air with stories then. You shouldn't force yourself to act interested in the game.

>> No.17217574

Lore doesn't really matter.

I'm not saying spill your life story (although feel free to, especially if it makes things interesting); but I don't watch anyone because of their backstory.
Don't get me wrong, it can be fun for you as a streamer to do! And it can help frame your stories, and how you present yourself... But it doesn't make any difference beyond that.

A solid theme is good, but if you're playing a god of death (or the dead) are you going for a skull theme? That can be a bit edgy and put people off. A "GETINTHEBAG" theme? Only fa/tg/uys will get it.

>> No.17217859

To any artists in here, how should I go about commissioning an artist to get something as close to what I want? I know any reference is good, even if it's really badly drawn as I've seen people say that before, but is there such a thing as bad/too much reference? If I gave them like five or six different looking things from manga/anime, but pointed out different bits I liked about them would that confuse them or help? Tell me, artist chuubas.

>> No.17217980

>If I gave them like five or six different looking things from manga/anime, but pointed out different bits I liked about them would that confuse them or help?
Helps a shitload, my easiest commission was from someone giving me details like this. Bad references are just vague or contradicting and aren't really helpful for visualizing an idea, but in general it's pretty difficult to have a horrible reference, unless you give a schizo drawing, but I know artists who could probably make due with that. Only thing you should avoid doing is giving too much reference or not allowing the artist to properly give their own interpretation, let them try things out with their style, you picked them out of hundreds after all.

>> No.17218489

any tips on how to use twitter, I feel like I can post whatever I like on it but in the end it'll just be reaching absolutely nobody

>> No.17218872

Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.17219347

I feel like I just had my first experience getting cancelled by some people in chat. On the one hand, I'm happy I'm inclining but I didn't expect some people to be so adamant about arguing about things. How do you guys (already streaming chuubas) usually talk for hours and not let something slip up eventually? I don't really care about the incident that much since people leave the stream eventually but I'm worried more situations like that might pop up.

>> No.17219658

Ignore, move on, don’t start an argument. Say „fair enough“ and go onto another topic or another chatter.

>> No.17219732

Post in drop your png threads, comment and like other people's stuff, interact. Shitpost with trending tags, use vtuber/envtuber/vtuberen to get picked up by the retweeters

Do you know what getting cancelled means? Did they call you out on twitter afterwards for using problematic language, or did they just shit up your chat?

>> No.17219842

Yeah... I tried to ignore the other person but made the mistake of replying to the one after that. I'll try to blacklist the topic in my head and just try to ignore or reply with a neutral quick response like that one.
I guess cancelled might be the wrong word but I couldn't find any better word. I basically said something they didn't like and they told me about it in chat. I honestly didn't expect that to have opinionated people like that in my chat (and one was a regular too). It's my first time experiencing something like this.

>> No.17220184

What did you say? There's a huge difference between stating an unpopular opinion and getting unfairly cancelled vs. being completely and utterly racist or something.

>> No.17220272

When a viewer doesn’t like something, gently direct them towards the big red cross in the corner

>> No.17220584

It's a statement that I didn't think was that big a deal. I was basically endorsing going outside and spending time with friends as an alternative to better mental health than taking prescribed drugs right away. I was speaking from personal experience and my own experience studying a bit about psychology, so I didn't think I was wrong, but I guess that might've been insensitive to them (or they interpreted what I said differently).
I'd honestly prefer to be the same type of streamer as Ina and not have any arguments pop up at all and we all have a good time. I think she's only let herself slip once but she's mostly careful about what she say. It's harder as a smaller streamer since I have to respond to people and not a wall of emotes.

>> No.17220918

Your chuuba's lore is too complicated, IMO. There's a large disconnect between (what we're imagining to be) some ancient shinigami and some futuristic android. While it can work, I just don't see it working with your current design. You can just have a shinigami who is punished by being transformed into a regular human. Or an older model of android that died but suddenly woke up and it was left behind--it would fit your current design given the whole 90's look. Mixing the two just doesn't seem like it would work out. My 2 cents.

>or they interpreted what I said differently
Well, despite me having the opposite experience, your experience/opinion isn't invalid so I guess it's this. It's nothing so controversial to the point of being a career killer so take it in stride.

>> No.17222320

No one fucking cares about lore.

>> No.17223957


>> No.17224232

Anyone here have experience marketing to reddit? I'm actually surprised that Redditors are better at gatekeeping than 4chan is.

>> No.17224382

Elliott Ambers had some success on fire emblem subreddits

>> No.17224486

>I'm actually surprised that Redditors are better at gatekeeping than 4chan is.
thats the difference between an anonymous community and one that not only has accounts but is designed specifically to stroke people's egos for being conformists.
As for marketing, try to show some commitment to stick around in a subreddit if you want to post stream stuff. I don't plan on posting in any specific subreddits unless I can do some kind of longform content related to whatever game it's about.

>> No.17225207
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I would recommend something like attached. (Drawn quick in MS paint with a mouse, but you get the rough idea.) You would need a complete redesign. actually look up tengu and shinigami, do your research, and then try and imitate that aesthetic. If you want more grim reaper, again, look up cultural references and DO RESEARCH. Either that, or hire an artist to design the character for you.

The other anons are correct that lore is really not a big deal. It just has to be a mildly interesting 2 sentences, maybe. Its literally just a theme to carry your vtuber appearance. People buy your personality and design, not your backstory. The shinigami thing is a foot in the cringe bucket, but if you are going to do it do your homework.

>> No.17225943

They're not really gatekeeping as they are just not giving a fuck. Schedule posts, shitty clips, vods and all the rest are just ignored. There's one schizo who goes and upvotes almost everything but never contributes to discussion.

>> No.17226359

No, Redditors are ruthless. The downvote army will shit on every sign of self promotion. Even posts that contribute to discussion will always have one schizo that downvotes for literally any reason.

>> No.17226580

>The downvote army will shit on every sign of self promotion
It's the exact same shit that happens if you go into the trashcan or front desk and just shill yourself shamelessly without caring about the norms of the community. It's why aspies are so disliked because the mass shilling went against what was established. It's no different on reddit. Most self promo posts are just "check out my youtube channel and give me views for no reason other than i play the game the subreddit is about" and that's just pathetic attention begging.

Like the anons above said you post on other platforms you need to fit in with their community and post the things they support not just an ad to your twitch channel.

>> No.17226689

I dunno if I'd say success; I've had clips that do well there and have resulted in me getting new followers but I don't think most of them have ever popped into a stream afterwards

>> No.17226914

nta but how do you properly shill yourself on /wvt/?

>> No.17226999

picture of your model
one sentence description

>> No.17228059

you have to live

>> No.17228310

>meet with some friends to drink and talk for some hours
>no matter how intriguing or informative my answers or interventions are, i can't keep them paying attention to me through the whole thing
>remember that time i tried to explain the setup of the york new arc back when nobody cared about HxH to my screenwriting mates and got the same reaction
Am I fucked?

>> No.17228444

How do you guys set up the technical aspects of a collab? Is it literally just discord and setting up a reactive PNG for your guest?

>> No.17228498

yeah discord, fugi link for collab partners as a website source

>> No.17228522

Why do you think your friends who do screenwriting would be any more interested in anime than the public in general?

Thankfully, vtubing is such a small subset of streamers, which are a smaller subset of online video producers, smaller of entertainers, you sort of filter for people who like it.

If I go up to a random person on the street, they're probably not interested in anime. If I go up to a person in comicon, they're much more likely to. If I go to someone at WeebCon 2022, then we can probably have a discussion about whether Rei Ayanami's left foot is more attractive than her right.

But yes, if your friends NEVER listen to your stories, either you are boring, or you're talking about weird shit they don't care about.

Yep, set up a group chat 24 hours in advance, get everyone to paste in their reactive links, drop them into a folder on OBS

>> No.17229068

based, thanks guys

>> No.17229112

>Why do you think your friends who do screenwriting would be any more interested in anime than the public in general?
Because they watched anime and talked about anime with me all the time.

That's the thing. They listen to part of it so they must be interested at some point but will leave me hanging after a while for some reason. I don't get it.

>> No.17230263

Anon, I'm sorry, but if your friends zone out partway through your stories, you're boring. Or your stories go on too long, but that's the same thing.

>> No.17230383

>crtl+f /asp/ie
>0 results

>> No.17231347

There aren't that many circumstances in which /asp/ies would refer to themselves as such ITT

>> No.17231718

>And it can help frame your stories, and how you present yourself...
That's what I was looking for with this convoluted lore. I believe that once I get into the groove of playing a character that's pretty much just me but from another world I'll be able to talk about my life in code without anyone figuring out any important details.

I wasn't going for a skull theme and bagging is kind of in the past in the lore but you've got me thinking that if that aspect ends up this hidden in the design there might be not much of a point in it or that I'm definitely doing something wrong when trying to theme the design.

>While it can work, I just don't see it working with your current design.
>Mixing the two just doesn't seem like it would work out. My 2 cents.
Yeah, I'm definitely going back to the drawing table after this and see what I can do.
I like the disconnect and theoretically someone could juggle both themes so they aren't a handful for newcomers but I'm obviously not the sort of designer that can pull it off right now.

You're right, you're right.
I think I was too focused on getting anything out of Vroid Studio to get to streaming once and for all. I'll admit that I just winged it this time instead of doing any research before.

That's great for a redesign draft, anon, thanks; but I was going for, or I least I believed so, a cyberpunk/brother sharp/junkyard kind of aesthetic.
I have no idea how to work all of this into a design, though.

>> No.17232578

>I have no idea how to work all of this into a design, though
Then you need to reconsider how complicated your backstory is. It should easily be readily apparent using either your design or lore to get a picture. Use cyberpunk as an example. If you want to cyberpunk mercenary you put your character in military like clothing or tactical wear and put cybernetics on him. The design evokes the theme, but the theme informs the design as well.

>> No.17233347

>I believe that once I get into the groove of playing a character that's pretty much just me but from another world I'll be able to talk about my life in code without anyone figuring out any important details.

Honestly, really convoluted lore like that can put people off very easily. I saw someone who had several paragraphs of lore where it turned out she was an elon musk artificial cat girl turned space pirate, with an OTT vroid design to match, it was just way too much.

>> No.17234093

The fire emblem subreddit is garbage the shitpost one is unironically way better

>> No.17235023

Man, I have no clue. If you saw them ask me things or react to me start talking you'd think they were hyped to hear what I have to say but then they just lose interest. But when I do it again we go through the same cycle.
Oddly enough, the chance of the same thing happening in one on one conversations with no one else around is a 50/50 chance. Some friends seem fascinated by everything I say but other kind of get bored after a while only to go back to wanting to hear me talk.

>> No.17235482

yeah i think i've noticed other content creators like excelblem posting both there and on the regular one; i might as well throw my clips there too

>> No.17235924

Post audio of you talking about something. We'll judge how good you are.

>> No.17236685

>I'll be able to talk about my life in code without anyone figuring out any important details.
I'll tell you right now, no one wants this. Very few people are watching streamers for this, they want to know about the "real" you, or at least the realest version of yourself that you present as being true. No one's going to find out who you are because you talked about seeing someone trip and fall at jamba juice. What does any of this stuff bring to your stream in terms of improving the quality of viewer experience?

>> No.17237440

i wanted some feedback on this audition video i made:
i didnt make it in, but thats ok
i just wanted to see what you guys think of my personality and if you think i have the talent, or if idont lololol
(plz ignore the glitching at the beginning, my equipment is bad)

>> No.17237716

Yeah, my weak link seems to be the more fantastical part of the lore.
Would it be better to start from an aesthetic and then figure out a lore from it?

I guess it's one of those things that work better in your head and in text, provided you are any good at writing.

I thought of using something like
>an eccentric fixer upper android who claims to have been a reaper in a past life.
>exiled reaper looking for a new purpose in life. no, i'm not an android.

But as you guys have told me it's a hard concept to put across in a character design. I think the closest to this from a corpo, meaning professional-level character design, I can think of is Fujikura Uruka but you'd never guess she is a superhero school drop out from her design alone as her background isn't shown anywhere in her design.
I don't think it has ever left her self introduction and debut videos even.

What do you mean with realest version of yourself?
I don't intend on RPing and playing a character all the time but use it to strengthen my opsecs while being myself. Kind of like having a color filter over myself.
Something anyone could see through and figure out like "oh right, he wasn't actually singing out of tune while ferrying the unbaptized out of limbo, he was singing out of tune during a night shift".

>> No.17237846

awkward and stilted at first, you might benefit from a couple of bullet points to bounce off. it's hard at first but try and avoid too many filler words. pretty long for an audition tape as well, usually they're five minutes or less.

also don't give away how little you know about a corpo within the first 30 seconds, kind of a bad look.

>> No.17237885

>20 minutes
>sounds disinterested
>can’t edit out the scuffed obs start
>didn’t even write anything down not to mess up talent names

Bro, have you not watched your tape? You gotta at least pretend to give a crap.

>> No.17237939

Your personality is fine but you need to realize that when you're streaming you are an entertainer first. The bumbling streamer who doesn't understand how to Game Capture properly and shows off their recording software thing is a gimmick that died back in 2013 when streaming was still new. This really looks like you just threw something together with zero experience just because you wanted to make an audition video but didn't want to take it seriously.

>> No.17237991

lololol yeah i kinda just used this video as a fun practice, i wasnt expecting to get in which is why i didnt edit or try too hard
it was really fun just making the video, i cant currently stream cause of equipment issues. Thanks for the feedback :))))) ill become less awkward in the future loll

>> No.17238018

>promises at the end

you have to actually show them you can be loud and lively and perky, they won't just take your word for it. also foolish to give away your age.

>> No.17238172

yea i just wanted to get something out there, ill make sure to try harder next time and learn how to do stuff first lol ill also make myself more of an entertaining type rather than just a random person
sorrrrry i have trouble exciting myself and most of my family was home so i didnt want to be too loud, and yeah 20 minutes cause they didnt put a time limit and i wasnt paying attention to how long it was oops
for the future ill hype myself up more and fix my dead fish attitude

>> No.17238232

20 minutes?? DAMN is too much.
I don't even thing the hololive interview are this long.
I will go for a 5 minutes as much.

>I know this is unprofessional

Act at list like the lore of the vtuber.
It's too awkard to even listend.
God damnit, stop talking about holive. TALK ABOUT YOURSELF.

>I will be more fun on stream
You sound tire and boring, put emotions, ... IT'S FOR AN AUDITION

Wish you luck

>> No.17238434

Just had a breakthrough with fussing with audio in OBS. So I wanted to drop a tutorial that was helpful for me with settings and free OBS plugins that sound good with female voices. Maybe it will help people unfuck their audio quality.


>> No.17238880

I don't know what company you auditioned for, but talking about how you want to get into
Hololive as a final goal is pretty bad look

It's hard to say if you have talent or not because all you did is play game you've never played before and talked about things you *could* do, but that is not representative of how you actually gonna perform as an entertainer. The drawing you did is really good though, so you probably could pop off as an art streamer

Only advice I can give you is to not use streamlabs obs, your setup seems really bad and slobs requires more resources. Make a switch to original OBS, there's gonna be less lag

>> No.17239367

First impressions (1 min watched):

>20 minute audition tape
Doesn't know how to edit

>Shows OBS
Completely new at streaming

>No proper intro for yourself at the start
Didn't put in the minimum effort to plan the video

>Couldn't remember the name of the company's only talent
No research done on the company and again, no planning for the video

1 min - 1min 20 secs:

>Favorite VTuber is Subaru from Hololive
Never included a reason why or expanded the topic. The audition is also about you, not Subaru.

>"Wanted to be a VTuber because... I've played videogames my whole life and drawn pictures and watched anime blah blah blah so I think I would do a good job entertaining people."
Didn't even provide a proper reason to why you wanted to be a VTuber. A VTuber is an entertainer, it's more than just playing games and anime. How can you entertain your audience? What do you have to offer?

>"Cuz the people watching are just like me. I'm a viewer too"
There is a MASSIVE difference between the streamer and viewer, the streamer entertains people while the viewers are here to get entertained

I stopped watching after 1min 20 secs because if you had nothing to offer in the first minute or so of the tape, what do you have to offer for the company and in entertainment? I don't want to be harsh, but there is a clear reason why you were rejected and will continue to be rejected if you don't work on becoming an entertainer.

>> No.17240147

I thought addition video is something like a 3-5 minute video that showing your skill/what you're good about.

>> No.17240458

Don't use 4chins lingo in an audition video, besides that i can't really add anything that other anons haven't said, happy birthday even if it's one week late

>> No.17241604
File: 329 KB, 800x680, Madotsuki4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>internet decided to just take a dive
>can't stream above 240p without massive buffering
Maybe I should just quit now

>> No.17242068

>wanna give up because i realized i'm boring
>feel that by giving up i'd be disappointing the anons that told me they liked my voice on a vocaroo, despite the fact they don't watch my streams

>> No.17242137

Who are you anyway?

>> No.17242444

I'd rather not have my name attached to my menhera ramblings on the offchance i don't give up

>> No.17242779

Decide for yourself, making content is not for everyone. It is a hard and unpaying job, so if you’re not enjoying it, it’s okay to quit.

>> No.17242913

I want to have sex with anya

>> No.17243201

Sorry if my pronunciation is a bit wonky, I haven't used my english in a while.

>> No.17243301

Why does she look so luxurious, bros?

>> No.17243309

1 - take deeper breaths
2 - you need to speak in full sentences
3 - hardware wise you need a better mic

>> No.17243447

I was recording it from my headphones, but I should be getting a real mic Soon™.

am i a boring speaker, tho?

>> No.17243610

yes. i can understand what you mean when you say people tune out and stop paying attention. good thing is that you can practice story telling and speaking with presence. bad thing is that it's going to take you months of practicing it.

>> No.17243932

You're not good at holding someone's attention and you aren't entertaining.

Which one would you rather listen to?
1. Someone talking about whether they're a dog or cat person?
2. Someone talking about why dogs (or cats) are the worst pets ever?

The answer is 2.

Scuffed transcript for other anons so you won't have to endure 1:11 mins of pain like I did:

"Well... lets see, whether am I a cat or a pup person? It's kinda... complicated. You see, I did have a cat at some point, but...Ahh... I wouldn't say I understand cats or how to really deal with them. I fed him, so there's that *inaudible*. But... I didn't really like cats, and my body* didn't like cats because I'm allergic. Dogs... I do get along with dogs, but... well, dogs are... They... I don't like their barking. *inaudible* But their barking is... It just startles me. I don't know how to deal with them. Maybe who knows, maybe I'm a rat person. I like the idea of having a rat. Maybe one day I can have one."

>> No.17244007
File: 60 KB, 332x296, tumblr_1e4125bdb56d5e13b767e517f3c3a550_6d750a8f_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, friends!
I will sound stupid.
> I want to make goofy shitpost shorts for my YouTube channel, but I keep feeling too shy and too embarrassed to do that. Is there any way to beat the barrier in me?
It's stupid to be rejecting myself from doing that, after all, what was the point in becoming a vchuba in a first-place if I decline every tiny idea in my head?
> How do you deal with it?
Thank you. (also I noticed people were arguing after my 'return to pngchuba' question in the other thread. i am sorry. i didn't mean to turn anons against each other...somehow)

>> No.17244098

>I keep feeling too shy and too embarrassed to do that. Is there any way to beat the barrier in me?
Just do it. You'll never be able to psyche yourself into doing it or make yourself feel ready. So just do it.

>> No.17244955

Set yourself a deadline, and resolve to stick to that deadline regardless of quality. Make it soon. It’ll get easier after you have a couple under your belt. Especially with shorts, it’s more important to have stuff out there than for all that stuff to be perfect. t. Doing that same thing with song covers.

>> No.17245062
File: 39 KB, 495x619, pekora cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading the transcript of my audio

>> No.17245124

My brain read this transcript in the voice of the dude from YIIK

>> No.17245539

>> I want to make goofy shitpost shorts for my
the same way you started streaming/posting videos in the first place.
just do it, (you) got this!

>> No.17245781
File: 71 KB, 680x680, amicringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, you need to just take a step back and realize that what you want is just not going to work, period. If you want to just start streaming, and don't have the resources to pay for a character design/model, you should just choose something simple and start.

If you chop off the bottom half of your original image its just some guy in 90's aesthetic shit. Its simple, and simple is fine with where you are at now. DO NOT GET STUCK IN LORE. This is 4chan, so I'm being blunt, but honestly, wanting to be a shinigami death god that looks like a terribly designed cyberpunk character is just not it. No one will care and it will not go over well. Not a good design, Not good for marketing, just not good. Just shelve or trash that and do something simple to start with.

People are there to see you. Not your weird convoluted lore. Start simple, and if you gain a following/income you can use that to start branching out design wise. Like Niji and Holo you have a base character that wears different outfits. You can upgrade to cyberpunk later, and maybe be a weeb shinigami for a halloween look down the line. Or hell, if you have the funds one day, pay a designer to make you something cohesive and good.

In the meantime I will simply hammer home- YOUR PERSONALITY/VOICE MATTERS MORE THAN YOUR DESIGN. You can think of a bunch of popular streamers that either started off, or still havem shit fucking designs, but people continue to enjoy them anyway. On the other hand, you have 50billion dime a dozen pretty, expensive, well designed vtubers that never make it past the 2view gate. Don't become one of them because you are too hung up on this to let go.

>> No.17246080

while we're talking about presenting ourselves speaking i'd like to ask for some feedback on a stream i just did since the content is a bit different than my usual stuff (speedrunning rather than playing through a game)
normally i don't feel like I have a hard time commentating on a playthough of a game because as you progress you'll always have something new to talk about but its a bit different with speedrunning where you're constantly playing through the same game multiple times in an hour
i rewatched parts of the vod, focusing on the stretches without messages; notably the first big gap from 0:40 to 1:14
I think I do go on some decent tangents about what I'm playing but there are some other parts where its just a straight narration of what's going on on the screen. something that i've been trying to keep in mind is the fact that you don't always need to be talking but I think the fact that I'm speedrunning and don't want to just be mute has my brain attempt to say the first thing that comes to mind no matter what

>> No.17246789

So… do any of you guys want to slowly become friends and stream together? O_O

>> No.17246944

You're fine, I wouldn't say you do it any differently than big successful streamers. I might say it's the best I've seen posted to /asp/. I checked other stream too (KH3 one) to see what your usual stuff is like and it was enjoyable. Don't think you need any advice really.

What's the reason for preferring vroid model over your Live2d though?

>> No.17247185

i cant stop looking at how weird your lips move when you talk

>> No.17247336

sure, send me a picture of your dick

>> No.17247370

i agree w/ the other anon, you're doing a good job with talking, but i'd appreciate a little more personality to be mixed in, maybe an anecdote about when you started speedrunning the game and landing a skip/boost for the first time or something (but maybe that's just me)

>> No.17248892

I think my VRoid feels more expressive; my Live2D feels stiff when it comes to looking left and right so I've mostly just been using it for things that would otherwise explode my computer (see: kh3).
It's also just newer and I like playing around with it
i'll keep that in mind! i think the last stream i did of this i mentioned how i first started speedrunning it but i don't think it would hurt to bring it up multiple times
that's fair; is there anything specific about how the move that you find weird? i think my wife also mentioned that she finds the teeth to be weird

>> No.17248911


>> No.17249037

Yeah Vroid + Vseeface experimental expressions is probably the smoothest and most expressive I've seen so far with avatars

>> No.17249299

The middle of your bottom lip isn't moving properly I think, while the edges of your mouth are opening too quick for some reason? So your lower teeth are exposed on the side before your mouth opens properly, which looks incredibly unnatural.

>> No.17249485

Nta but I think it's because your mouth mostly makes the same shape and it maybe looks uncanny. Like your model doesn't do other mouth shapes like "oh" for whatever reason. it's probably something you can fix in your program. I know vroids have more mouth shapes and I saw yours do it for a brief second, do you stream with a webcam?

>> No.17249598

Anyone have luck with opening ZerosArt Eula model on cubism? I've tried both eula and eula2 and after opening the .cmo3 (or .moc3 in eula2) file the log just shows an error.

>> No.17250547

I do stream with a webcam, yeah; you're probably right that its something I could fix in settings; I'll probably ask my model papa about that; i think the explanation of the center of the bottom lips made it more clear as to what was so off with it

>> No.17251527

What video editing program do you guys use? Something with green screen if possible please

>> No.17251600

DaVince Resolve.

>> No.17251664

Davinci Resolve. Look up Chroma Key tutorials on youtube, it's super simple.

>> No.17251689

Davinci Resolve; just have to use the chroma key filter on your image layer to activate the green screen

>> No.17252220

Thank you anons!

>> No.17252459

There are tons of good tutorials on YouTube, good luck anon!

>> No.17255110
File: 180 KB, 385x385, DC9F36FE-6219-484D-8C00-F14C28CE8659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17256006

Punished Anya...

>> No.17257156
File: 974 KB, 2560x2000, eqcomp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, please don't use a stereo widener on your mic. if you really want subtle stereo width and ambience, use a very short reverb (200ms) with a very low dry/wet setting (5%-8%)

>> No.17257319


>> No.17257558

off axis mic position is very good because it clears your entire face for webcam or iphone tracking. get a good mic arm or one of those pneumatic ones that allow finer adjustments.

>> No.17257945

When i add reverb, my sound comes good 15 seconds later

>> No.17258207

>if you really want
if it doesn't work, then don't use it. this effect isn't necessary for everyday use and it sounds horrible if you don't know what you're doing with it or how it works.

>> No.17261282

Why is this design so interesting? Because its easy to take in?

>> No.17263337

it's the artstyle, not the design

>> No.17264862

This sucks real bad as an audition but it's funny.

>> No.17265360

Is there a way to use parameters and coordinates to move stuff in Cubism Editor? I don't wanna end up rigging stuff assymetrically.

>> No.17266490

You can edit standard deformers symmetrically and reflect the motion from one side of a parameter to do the same motions on the other side of the parameter. You should use one deformer for symmetrical features typically because of this, but if for some reason you want to split it into two deformers each, you'll just have to copypaste the deformer and put one side into the copied deformer, but only after you've finished editing all the main motions first.

>> No.17268460

Thanks to you, you gave me faith to actually go with my audition, see ya

>> No.17271046
File: 505 KB, 833x801, C261AA74-0222-491F-84A0-83B8201A2ED9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OL Anya doing numbers I see

>> No.17273713
File: 76 KB, 376x375, 596B98B2-995C-4835-B1D8-567038183324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to bed, the last 10 posts are your responsibility.

>> No.17274182

The only responsibility I have is telling you to sleep tight

>> No.17274468

honestly the best thing to get is a shotgun mic and place it above your monitor

>> No.17277079

I want a 3D model as good as Holo/Niji have.

>> No.17277217

Anon that costs around 12k-15k from what I heard.

>> No.17277265

Then when I succeed and start making double that monthly, I will get one.

>> No.17277317

After streaming to 0 viewers for a few streams, I start feeling bad for people who spend thousands on their rigs just to get no where. good thing I was prepared and didnt spend anything on models and rigs yet....

>> No.17277498

But the real question is what are the good settings for karaoke singing. I had to ditch noise gate and noise suppressor shit because it created noticable audio distortion and cut off any long notes I did. Was weird.

>> No.17277821

This is exactly why I (and others here) always tell others to start as a pngchuuba with a free overlay. Get used to streaming, and then spend money. Doing a Cimrai right out of the gate is only good if you're a proven content creator (she's a professional entertainer beforehand, although I don't think she'd normally deal with 350 other people at once. It might have gotten a bit messy)

>> No.17277970

i haven't tested this, but it should work:
same eq and compressor settings. make sure the song is hovering slightly below where your singing voice is (3-6dB below, each notch is 1dB). if you're using TAL reverb, just pick a preset and make sure the dry knob is at 100% and the wet knob is between 25%-50% so the reverb doesn't drown out your voice.

>> No.17278399

ideally, don't have background noise. this is why you're supposed to treat your room. carpet, curtains, blankets on the walls, rockwool panels—all of these work. make sure the wall directly behind you is treated first, if you can only do 1 wall.

>> No.17278949

Honestly I'm not having noise issues. I only added noise suppression because people said I needed to. I even went to record dead air to test level of background noise. There was nothing.

>> No.17280319

Last for WAGMI

>> No.17282097

Not on my watch. IANGMI

>> No.17282644

actual last for fuck discord cliques, gayest shit ive ever seen

>> No.17282969

final post is discord is good for growth

>> No.17283025

final ultimate post for discord is good for grooming young impressionable fans

>> No.17283922

Don't die on me

>> No.17284116

Okay, last post for real. Good night, everynyan.
