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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17028819 No.17028819 [Reply] [Original]

And I don't mean to shit on Hololive. I really love a lot of the streamers in the company and I'm a member of Gura's channel and I don't even like Mori or Connor, but what he said was right. There are a bunch of talentless vtubers there who are hugely successful not because they're talented or entertaining but because of the brand. I think hate for Mori and Connor is justified but not because of what he said to Ironmouse, but because they're awful.

>> No.17028918 [DELETED] 
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Post cuckbeats

>> No.17028950


>> No.17028968

I agree he is right.
But did Connor have to say a specific brand? No. If he said Vshojo/Nijisanji this drama will still occur but with different vtubers.

>> No.17029013

Nah he implied you could fake auditions to get your way into hololive which is retarded, everyone knows getting into holo will mean success for you

>> No.17029054


That faggotry operates under the logic that anyone could have gotten in and is the kind of shit people say because they hate other people being successful while they are stacking boxes at Walmart

>> No.17029091

He literally said everyone in hololive just lied on their applications

>> No.17029122

>Listening to the opinion of a manchild who streams for 15 year old zoomers on twitch and makes onions clickbait videos for YouTube

>> No.17029123

Anyone could have gotten in before Gen 5 when it was smaller than Nijisanji.

>> No.17029202

He was definitely right about Sana. The rest belong though.

>> No.17029280

>There are a bunch of talentless vtubers there who are hugely successful not because they're talented or entertaining but because of the brand
Is that why he uses "Trash Talk" as a brand? To compensate for the fact he has no talent?

>> No.17029314

Connor was not right, no-one who has been hired by Hololive is talentless, not even the shitters on the lower end like Sana or Anya, not even dumb fucks like Mori. You genuinely have no idea what talentless really looks like and neither does Connor, "they aren't entertaining to me personally" is not talentless. Connor is jealous that being a part of a brand with an established reputation like Hololive gives a headstart to their streamers so he copes by calling them talentless, ignoring the work they put in to get there to begin with. That's it.

>> No.17029448
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>friends with one hololive vtuber specifically
>calls hololive talentless clout chasers that are using the brand to grift
gee, I sure wonder where he got that impression

>> No.17029476

anyone post Gen2 was already "somebody" before they got in, heck everyone except Subaru had something before they got into holo. 3/5 on council were big names.

>> No.17029527

Sana wasn't a nobody before she got in though.

I agree that she has some really sucky numbers though

>> No.17029619

>except Subaru
anon, your roommate reps

>> No.17029651

Subaru got in due to nepotism because she's Yagoo's niece.

>> No.17029667

shut up Connor nobody likes you

>> No.17029696

So when they write "Mori and her extended universe" does conor included in that universe because man this shit is a pathetic behaviour from deadbeat.

>> No.17029779

Yes, Ayame and Sana put a gargantuan amount of work to be where they are

>> No.17029783

Surprisingly tame thread so I’ll add this. People also hate him because he shit on vtubers in the past, until they gained traction in the west. Then they invite Mori onto their podcast and from their he tries to associate himself with vshojo + other tubers. He’s basically what he claims hololive is “talentless individual who tries associate with big brand for easy success”

>> No.17029889

Imagine thinking that Ayame didnt stream a lot when Hololive was literally being built from the ground up. He did her part. Sana got in when hololive is at its peak and she doesnt give a shit. Dont compare Ojou to Sana you polesmoker.

>> No.17029931

takes one to know one kek

>> No.17029952

>There are a bunch of talentless vtubers there who are hugely successful not because they're talented or entertaining but because of the brand.
I've been told a lot about this argument but IF holo is an idol brand than isn't the core part of being idolfags is to grow together with your oshi? CMIIW tho

>> No.17029986

What is her talent? Giggles? Abandoning her channel for months and only uploading videos during special occasions to get some money? Ghosting Coco and admitting on stream?

>> No.17029990

there's a reason they're called cuckbeats, anon....

>> No.17029998

>hololive adjective adjective yang are using the brand to grift
Spotted the SEAnig. That's a very Indonesian way of constructing an English sentence.

>> No.17030051

There are a lot of things you can be right about. Saying quite a few of them these days will brand you as an asshole and untouchable for corporations and their sponsors. What he was right about should have blackballed him but it did not. Being right isn't some sort of magical barrier.

>> No.17030057

Connor lived in Japan for 3 years and couldn't speak Japanese compared to Anya, who lived in the 3rd world shithole in Indonesia and only learned from visual novels and animes but fluent in Japanese
Who really has no talent?

>> No.17030068

Ayame is lazy, not talentless, if anything she's far too good at what she does so every time she comes back all the suckers forgive her immediately
She barely streams but she's clearly talented when she does

>> No.17030072

She* did her part

I think Connor is one of those guys that plays a contrarian in those situations. All those shows / podcast or whatever need one of those guys to generate at least some type of debate or drama or whatever. You see it on sports shows a lot. Someone will say (for example) "Curry is my MVP for this season" and the other guy will go "Maaaan he is not even in my top 3", and the fans go berserk over it, and wage wars in comments... which of course just helps their own channel.

>> No.17030089

Literally anyone can learn Japanese, it's not a matter of talent, just presistence.

>> No.17030113

A white guy from UK has a lot less reasons to learn Japanese than someone from the shithole that is Indonesia.

>> No.17030197

1. Connor was right about hololive =success with that statement, at least for EN
2. Connor was wrong about lying on the cv
3. Connor, despite being right, was shitting on hololive by bringing up the brand name in a totally unrelated topic and interview
4. Connor, instead of being a responsible adult, ran away by claiming his words were taken out of context
5. Connor shat on holo EN members publicly, but never apologized publicly

>> No.17030280

Implying Yagoo isn't Subaru's roommate

>> No.17030291

I just think he's an exceedingly punchable cunt in general.
I'm tired of seeing him in videos, I'm tired of hearing his voice and I'm tired of him being mentioned.

>> No.17030385

>Someone living in Japan has less reason to learn Japanese than someone not living in Japan because he’s white

>> No.17030406

Viable point, but I don’t give him credit for that. More leaning (haha) towards him just trying to be cool in the moment by giving an edgy response. I know too little about him to hate him, but was he said was an incredibly shit take

>> No.17030508

Yeah, and that's exactly what a lot of people don't want to invite into the Hololive sphere which is why you had so many people getting pissy about Connor and TT in general. You can't avoid controversy or yabs entirely, but that doesn't mean you should invite them in with open arms.

>> No.17030636

It's a bit worse than sperging out a specific brand. He said everything in a very very stupid way. You can absolutely read that "brands matter, why wouldn't you capitalize on that?", which is absolutely true.
But he had to make it sound like that meant only talentless hacks would do that or stick to that.

Which, mind, is pretty consistent for him. He stupids his way into this kind of yab all the time.

>> No.17030717

All he needee to do was not re-drudge up the months old drama by not talking about some literal who who was complaining on twitter at him. The second he did bring it back up, all he had to do was say 'I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean for it to come off that way', even if he wasn't actually sorry, and that would have killed the drama as well. He didn't want the drama to die because it means more people looking at him and his work, which is more fans, which is more money. He had all the reason to start shit up again and Mori had no reason to shit on her fan and perpetuate the drama. She could have ignored the 'I don't really like TT' SC from her canuk member and all this wouldn't have happened.

>> No.17032059

>Connor shat on holo EN members publicly, but never apologized publicly
he's friends with ame, kiara and calli you retard

>> No.17032152

There are 10 EN members
Kiara already said she's not in contact with Trash Taste peoole

>> No.17032233


>> No.17032278


>> No.17032331

>calls holomems talentless hacks
>ride or die brapper proves it
>tweets "easy w"

>> No.17032342
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>There are a bunch of talentless vtubers there who are hugely successful not because they're talented or entertaining but because of the brand
Say who you manlet faggot

>> No.17032418

Please don't spread lies, The tweet part wasn't targeted for Hololive! It was just bad timing

>> No.17032464

>Friends with the person who blocked his name in chat after he sent her a superchat
>Friends with the person who went "trash taste? Ew... I've never been in contact with them"
> Kiara is infamous because she always leaks info and is blunt and honest to a fault
Yeah ok, cuckbeat

>> No.17032478

Does this board not shit on council regularly for this exact reason?

>> No.17032496

Sana is a retard who chooses to debuff herself, but she definitely has an artist talent at least

>> No.17032499

kiara said she is not in talks to have collabs with them, not that she doesn't talk to them. it would be strange if mori and ollie are friends with them but not kiara. ame bantered with gigguk on twitter, retard, do your reps.

>> No.17032504

Nah all 4 of them are good.

>> No.17032535


>> No.17032553

Nothing good comes from associating with clout chasers

>> No.17032577

His whole logic was completely flawed. Why would the biggest corporation in the game CHOOSE talentless hacks when they can have literally anyone? That's like saying "I don't trust harvard research because they're relying on the harvard brand." Big companies get top choice of top talent. Saying "oh they don't HAVE to be good because of the brand!" is technically a true statement, except for the fact that they are, measurably in all metrics (monetary producing, viewership, subs) the best.

>> No.17032602

But Anya is Japanese
Her nips member always said that her Japanese even better than average Japanese
So they thinks it's hard to believe that she's not Japanese

>> No.17032611

Some other anon said it before. Getting a job requires talent. Talent that takes someone like a recruiter, whose job it is to scout for exactly that. Basically, like a real job. Something that Cooner will likely never understand.

>> No.17032622

You hate Connor because he's one of those guys who got you seething on /a/ years ago with his shitposts and then proceeded to turn his shitposting into a career and influence the modern anime industry and fandom while you stayed irrelevant and seething. "Trash Taste" literally an /a/ catchphrase.

>> No.17032637

It's almost like everyone in ID is a foreigner, a hafu or a top 1% elite.

>> No.17032639

>t.ranny omega.

>> No.17032655

Look at Aki, Roboco, Lofi, Anya, Luna, Azki, Mel, Choco numbers.
Underperforming trash.

>> No.17032656

Ure too generous

>> No.17032701

Connor was mad salty when he said that. Probably said that to appease her Vshojo friends. Never even knew the guy. At least I have watched Gig and Joey's videos before Trash Taste. He would probably be just remembered as the third guy who struggled pretending to be a weeb. Which holo does he think does not have any talent anyway?

>> No.17032708

I hate Anya and find her completely unwatchable. BUT the people who say "look at Anya! Proof talent doesn't matter!" are delusional. It's just setting up this weird premise where every single holo member has to outperform the entire world in order for Conner's point to be disproven, which is ridiculous.

>> No.17032713

Sana and Iofi can at least draw, Anya can speak Japanese, can that manlet faggot do any of that?

>> No.17032751

I don't even understand why /VT/ is mad at him for saying that because you guys literally say the same thing every thread

>> No.17032788

Fucking retarded takes
Talents doesn't translate directly to numbers!
If talented holos were guaranteed big numbers than holos like suisei, sora, or risu would be on top 5 rn

>> No.17032806

some people are 'mad' and don't realize the hypocrisy but most discussion I've seen here just focuses on how fuckin' rude and unprofessional it is to trash your friend's workplace and make snide comments on members he knew very little about. It was a professional misstep whether people agree or not, because most entertainers actively try to not spread crap about their friends.

>> No.17032820

Go back to plebbit

>> No.17032832

if he knew about vtubing he'd know his statements are wrong. Auditions are fucking hard and the hololive brand doesn't make you an insta success, look at choco and mel. I love them but they clearly didn't get the free pass to print money that Connor thinks exists

>> No.17032871

Bigger number better streamer/idol.
Some shitty obscure talents doesnt translate in to this career get fucked.
STFU, pleb.

>> No.17032878

>8 members suck
>62 active members
>13% underperforming
>87% remaining outperform the rest of the fucking world

Also roboco is a treasure, it's not her fault her model is trash

>> No.17032919

wait hold on, so conner is right because holo gives you guaranteed big numbers but also those you listed suck because they're numbers are terrible?

>> No.17032923


>> No.17032942

>her model is trash

>> No.17032952

no shit

>> No.17032956

Yes cause without holo tag. They would have 2views, are you this fucking stupid?

>> No.17033011

How is Roboco underperforming? She might not be a colossus like some of the others but she's not far behind.
Also her feet are hot.

>> No.17033117

>Choco and Mel

I love those sexy blondes to bits but they came during a time Hololive wasn't the big kid on the block and they don't exactly take in numbers like they used to

>> No.17033133

Views don't equate to quality, if they did we wouldn't even be entertaining this dumb fuck's take because the shittiest holo has significantly more views on average than the 90% 2view vtubers out there therefore they can't possibly be talentless by that notion alone.

>> No.17033186

Retard, do your roommate reps

>> No.17033188
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I love my outdated english-learning robo-wife, I just referenced those 8 that anon listed as underperforming for their sake. my point was it doesn't matter which 8 people choose as the 'underperforming holos' because it's ridiculous to suggest every single holo member has to outperform all other vtubers in order for conner to be wrong

>> No.17033195

Have you ever hear about herd mentality?

>> No.17033241

This numbers are boosted right now.
I dont know what was in the past

>> No.17033515

Connor, in his own right, was successful before interacting with vtubers.

Him still managing to get close to them despite shitting on them in the past is actually kinda based

>> No.17033691

The guy was fujobaiting with a pedophile. He's only relevant because of Trash taste

>> No.17033766 [DELETED] 

In Mel's case, vtubing didn't look like it would be a global phenomenon so she treated it as a side hobby that she could make money off of while hanging with friends.

Choco actually took it a bit more seriously and it showed in 2019 before the ASMR/Lewd hammer got swung down upon him. If Hololive and Vtubing had remained a niche market in an alternate timeline, we could be talking about Choco and not Gura/Pekora as the biggest and most visible member of the company.

>> No.17033801

In Mel's case, vtubing didn't look like it would be a global phenomenon so she treated it as a side hobby that she could make money off of while hanging with friends.

Choco actually took it a bit more seriously and it showed in 2019 before the ASMR/Lewd hammer got swung down upon her. If Hololive and Vtubing had remained a niche market in an alternate timeline, we could be talking about Choco and not Gura/Pekora as the biggest and most visible member of the company.
