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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 998 KB, 1000x1000, 1616927714423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16976466 No.16976466 [Reply] [Original]

This is what happens when your fanbase is a hugbox full of yesmen

>> No.16976522

On her defense, Mori 2.0 was going to the right direction, many had hopes but she crushed all of them for some welsh dick.

>> No.16976525

Which fanbase ISN’T primarily filled with yesmen?

>> No.16976713

SC money will plummet after this fiasco, she's done

>> No.16976786

Someone mentioned in another thread mori 2.0 might be because shes getting trashed while streaming to bear with it all. If that's the case then something like this was destined to happen.

>> No.16977252

funny, when a woman behaves like a normal person she's suddenly a 'bitch' or a 'whore'. that's what years of alienation and brainwashing of japanese media and anime does to a incel, they think these 'submissive and pure' japanese girls from hololive, created in a opressive culture is the norm, that a woman being herself is enough for /vt/ autists throw a tantrum like a bunch of baboons

>> No.16977308

This is what happens when you get hooked on that lean

>> No.16977389

Implying anyone cares about idol rules and this isn't just drama for fun. Maybe 5% truly thinks Mori deserves "punishment" for her actions, most of us don't really care but it's entertaining to see shitstorms

>> No.16977444

on the other hand that superchat is pretty gay

>> No.16977478
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420 lean it

>> No.16977484

No, all of us know some of the JP fuck on the side, have boyfriends etc, but guess what faggot? they keep it from their Vtubing persona, that's called being profesional, if you go looking for roomate shit that's a (You) problem.

>> No.16977493

>tourist thinks schizos here are just people being ironic and having fun
oh sweet summer child

>> No.16977504

>being a drug addict is normal
That’s a concerning worldview, wanna talk about it bud?

>> No.16977536 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 634x356, 1642935935358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal people don't ingest cough syrup to get high you retarded cuck.

>> No.16977552

but I like my menhare unhinged streamer gf

>> No.16977589

and said yesman are depending on "karma" to get back at the "antis" now because they have no real arguments and are turning to mysticism

>> No.16977630

Yeah this is kind of true, Mori is unprofessional, and should think twice before posting something in her Holo account, this not only affects her, but also her coworkers, the post itself I dont think is a huge deal, but shes really dumb for posting that without thinking

>> No.16977633

unironically yes
i warned you guys to put your foot down before she fucked up harder but you called me and others antis

>> No.16977636

>donating subs to guy on twitch means you're fucking him
holy shit holocel please kys

>> No.16977654

There's literally nothing wrong with doing drugs.

>> No.16977707
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>> No.16977708

can you imagine if she was in the middle of a sponsorship?
what are sponsors going to think when they see this tweet while researching her?

>> No.16977791

my oshi associates with mori
her shit behaviour shouldn't mean my oshi misses out on sponsorships
get your oshi in check deadbeats

>> No.16977794

she is paid to perform as a character, not to act as a normal woman

>> No.16977813

Yikes. Not a good look. Maybe you shouldn't watch vtubers if you have so much hate for Japan and their customs, you racist prick.

>> No.16977829

Did something else happen?

Why are you still making threads?

>> No.16977833

I mean, civilization only existed for so long because everyone understood that when women weren't kept in check they destroyed everything around them. Women that are being kept in their place will themselves acknowledge this. The fact that you sincerely think Mori's life spiraling out of control due to her emotional self-destruction is the fault of everyone else is beyond retarded. All it would take is a single dependable man keeping her in line and she could suddenly be a healthy functioning human just like everyone else. It's because she wants to be a strong, independent female that she hates everyone and lives such a shitty life. She is mentally what you hate incels for being, unless you actually are mocking incels for being virgins and not for their view of human relationships, you can't praise Mori and criticize them when their views on relationships are the same.

>> No.16977850

Yes it is just like smoking, drinking and eating junk food is wrong too

>> No.16977857


>> No.16977858

Cool story, American. Tell that to Asians that got royally fucked by Anglos offloading their opium to them. I'm sure you'll change their mind and stop them from deporting her ass if she goes too far.

>> No.16977887

I mean the people who do them should definitely not have any legal protections or citizenship rights but otherwise I agree.

>> No.16977912

schizos are stilll mad Cali talked to guy
please understand, incels are retarded

>> No.16977913

What happened?

>> No.16977931


>> No.16977953

Mori got high on cocaine and cucked her fanbase on twitter

>> No.16977961

you couldve just said you never had sex instead of writing that wall of text

>> No.16977995 [DELETED] 

Yaaas kween, you tell these incels! I can't even how totally problematic they are, sweetie

>> No.16978004

i'm glad japanese birth rates are so low that one day they'll disappear with their shitty culture and patriarchy

>> No.16978017

It's against the law in Japan to the point where you get a bigger punishment from taking drugs there than you do over having CP.

>> No.16978016

This has got to be the most tired bait ever, even people on your own side don't believe this. Nobody on either side has ever claimed this had anything to do with the interaction between males and females and pretending that is what this about will never work because it doesn't even make sense after a second of thought.

>> No.16978022

Calli tweeted that she hit the Lean hard on her Twitter account. Lean is nigger speak for abusing opiates through drinking them with sugary drinks.

>> No.16978024

wait what the hell happened?

>> No.16978047

based anon, you understand the problem
femoids will say otherwise

>> No.16978053

Ok, found the tweet.
How did she import Lean in Japan?

Or is the rapper booze scene there stronger than i thought?

>> No.16978085


>> No.16978104

You will never have sex.

>> No.16978116

So you really are completely ignorant of what the incel phenomenon is about? What are you, 40?

>> No.16978123

Do you even know what that is

>> No.16978136

You can get OTC codeine cough syrup in Japan. Then you just buy sprite and jolly ranchers

>> No.16978183

Reading reps, now.

>> No.16978184

My God, when the fuck do you get that Joey is a scumbag that should never be near any Hololive girl, even by proximity

Have no opinion about what Connor said, since I have not seen the full context

>> No.16978201

maybe you should go to one of those incel forums then schizo
your posts read like something taken straight from there

>> No.16978209

Why can't there be a happy median between hugbox and box full of vultures circling? I hate hugboxes with a passion, but I'm also growing tired of this chaotic taking any opportunity to tear someone down so that you can fuel your high school need for drama. Like, it's seriously tiring how much this board has become about that. Before we wouldn't hold back, but it wasn't all we were about.

>> No.16978225
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Based and Leanpilled

>> No.16978228

you will never be an anime girl

>> No.16978245 [DELETED] 

The more that I think about it she's probably had a lean addiction for a while if she's truly involved in the jp rap scene. Future popularized lean a while ago, she probably knows some manlet nip rapper who got her high on lean and fucked her.

>> No.16978256

low class bait return back to /b/

>> No.16978270

Yeah, Joey is frankly far worse than Connor but only animefans/Nipponophiles are aware of that. Connor is uniquely hated by vtuber fans since he somehow found a way to become a symbol of their community despite hating its fans.

>> No.16978279


>> No.16978388

That's fine if you hate what I said, what isn't fine is you think Mori's views are any less radical. She's just the other side of the same coin. There's no war here between people with unhealthy relationships and people with healthy relationships.

>> No.16978397

because this place is just twitter for autists and love cancelling people as much as the rest of the EN internet

>> No.16978469

i'm beting that connor will be shitposting or talking about the lean situation and get even more hate.
fact is you can't win and he give zero shits at this point.

>> No.16978471

>How did she import cough syrup in Japan?

>> No.16978646

I found more context

>> No.16978703

Nothing will happen

>> No.16978709

Is there a better place to discuss vtubers? Like a place where I can say nigger, but that doesn't ritualistically try to destroy everything it's supposed to love.

>> No.16978747

Negress, drunk posting on your companies twitter account isn't normal behavior. Normal people would in fact be reprimanded for it.

>> No.16978752

She's getting deported and put in a psych ward, it's over

>> No.16978782 [DELETED] 

>/vt/ always tells me to take my meds
>Mori takes her meds and has a mental breakdown on multiple social media platforms
Nice try, fuckers

>> No.16978822

I'd say also that I'd hate to leave you guys, but maybe it's for the best because it's grinding away at my mental health and not just in a normal wholesome schizo way.

>> No.16978824

maybe lolcow but they are even more sperg than this shit and dox even more so no

>> No.16978836

If they didn't want to be cucked by their oshi whilst she laughs in their face, why become a deadcuck?

>> No.16978868

Yes, thats why people are watching vtuber girls, to see a fantasy version of women live, no shit people will get mad if said vtuber ends up being no different than reality, if they cant even play along with the kayfabe and accept the thousands of dollars generated without turning into an unlikeable cunt about it, how about just be a regular female streamer?

>> No.16978902

i don't get /vt/ there are like 50 threads which are all carbon copies

this one is more active

>> No.16978942
File: 283 KB, 1000x966, 456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she is a junkie to own the incels
>she was fired from hololive to own the incels
>she got deported from nihon to own the incels
>she opened an only fans account to own the incels
>she is sucking cocks on the street for meth to own the incels
Holy shit how will I ever recover from this.

>> No.16978949

You’re only supposed to take suppositories. Now open wide, anon.

>> No.16978974

> Vtubers were created by JP
> they got really popular because of JP corpos
> suddenly every e-thot wants to be a vtuber
> Your average western thot can become a vtuber even if she's in her 40s or have below average looks and make a ton of money with their perfect looking avatars.
> still seethe about JP corpos about muh opression, le 'toxic idol culture' and how they have to change because they have standards of behaviour and it's not just "YEAHHH HEDONISM" like twitch culture
i'm probably replying to bait, but holy shit this entitlement make my blood boil

>> No.16978991

This, I just wanna see her retire because it'd be funny to see the blowback. No other reason and I don't gotta feel bad because she's a made woman.

>> No.16979019

QRD for the reason on the Mori spam?

>> No.16979038


>> No.16979047

Shut the fuck up flamenco, go back.

>> No.16979057

and my oshi is sick

>> No.16979095


>> No.16979128

SC money will go up. Most people will sympathize with her and view the people obsessed with it as autistic spergs and well, they aren't wrong.

>> No.16979188

I don't think she deserves punishment because of her actions but if a JP holo did something like this she'd get in a lot of hot water and I think it's only fair if they are both treated the same way.

>> No.16979197

Called her fanbase cucks and then her defence was that she was high on codeine.

>> No.16979386

>Being this new
Idols have been graduated in the past for as little as underage smoking. Being high in illegal drug use is a big up.

>> No.16979499

Cover needs to get rid of this drug addict

>> No.16979616

Nobody gives a shit about idol rules, ppl are only pissed because she isn’t backing up her coworkers.

>> No.16979823

This is your reminder that one of the Yakuza 4 protagonists is now a different voice and face because of a RUMOR that he was a stoner.

>> No.16979854

New Mori VA coming soon??

>> No.16979864


>>16978609 <-

>> No.16979909

why are you spreading around that troll image with out of order info and troll shit added in?

>> No.16979993

go back to kiwifarms*
Finished your sentence, as he outright said that's his place of choice in his videos.
Seems like that place is the new Reddit.

>> No.16980329

Lolcow erased anything Vtuber related months ago.

>> No.16980443
File: 119 KB, 1063x748, 7068DEDC-1532-4962-858E-9771803FBD08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be the funniest image I’ve seen in a minute.

>> No.16980508

Hahahah, holy shit
Is that real?

>> No.16980730

Only someone who's never watched a love one destroy their life, their mind, and their body with cocaine, meth, heroin, or alcohol would make this post.

>> No.16980820

Yeah she deleted it tho

>> No.16981237

This. Hasn't said shit to back up her coworkers but religiously defends Connor and his associates. It's fucking disgusting and if that doesn't show people where her priorities lie then there's no hope for them.

>> No.16981315

I fucking hate people who say shit like that. People who have no fucking idea how horrible drugs can be.

>> No.16981396

this is not funny, she's backing off :((

>> No.16981559

That's exactly why I'm starting to dislike westerners. They carelessly destroy their own entertainment culture by employing talentless hacks and get bored of stuff they make, so they jump into new bandwagon that is vtubers and once again employ talentless hacks that have not much interest in that culture other than leeching off. It's pottery. Makes sense why I ignore them in general.

>> No.16981650

And that's why idol culture alienated most of their demographic and is now dying.

>> No.16981770

Lol it's bigger than ever.

>> No.16981817

Already did, we are currently using Mori-bot 2.0

>> No.16981956

trash taste drama stuff, she replied to a meme calling deadbeats cucks. apologized and said it was because she hit the lean too hard.

>> No.16981968

yeah yeah just keep shitting on her while you can you unicorn incels.

In one month she will return, refreshed and ready and drop a powerful rap about all this drama bullshit.. and it will be so fire that the entire board will be nothing but "DEADBEATS I KNEEL" threads for a good month.

We will win in the end. Screencap this.

>> No.16982047

Ok, but why am I only seeing this defense here on /vt/ seriously this should be talked about in other places to get to the bottom of things instead of "le cucks"
The more people talk about cucks and getting fucked and antis, the more messy things get
For the love of god let's talk about the important point (whether it's true or not, it's not the point but) connor badmouthed hololive
Speak about that directly already

>> No.16982124

>>Vtubers were created by JP
I'm pretty sure Annoying Orange and AVGN are not japanese

>> No.16982138


>> No.16982330

Yeah, Nobody cares what (you) consume. A public figure like Mori on the other hand...

>> No.16982539

We are not talking about content creators that are very different from vtubers.

>> No.16982615
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wtf I love Mori now?

>> No.16982754

>How did she import Lean in Japan?
This shitstorm really just keeps on giving

>> No.16982759

then why did wars happen?

>> No.16982777

>Real Reason
Mori interacting with a Guy
>Cover-up Reason to not appear retarded
Mori befriending guy who said something that could be seen as rude against Hololive and (supposedly) offending her co-idols

>> No.16982815

Genuinely amazing how deadbeats keep deflecting the real reason for the drama to "UNICORNS MAD SHE TALKED TO A GUY"

>> No.16982901

>very different
>the first traditional anime style vtubers uploaded skit videos sometimes voicing over their model
>annoying orange is a model with a voice over in skit type videos
literally started out doing the same thing as kizuna ai
I am not trolling, I’m dead serious.

>> No.16982999

>cover up reason according to redditors
whatever nonsense you just typed
>actual reason
mori's terrible handling of trolls
mori's preexisting friendship with a guy who words his sentences like a retard, and wont shut up because of some chip on his shoulder

>> No.16983307

If the real reason is Mori interacting with a guy, why she Collabinh with Rikka Three times didn't cause any drama, cuckbeat

>> No.16983376

>rappers thrive on drama and beef to have a career

>> No.16983527


>> No.16983805

Is funny when you put it that way

>> No.16983846

He's American. It's not his fault.

>> No.16984124

Nobody likes dumbasses, whores, or dumbass druggie whores.

>> No.16984128

This is what happens when you lack professionalism and accountability for your actions.
This is also what happens when you collab with Anitubers. I thought we already learned this from the whole Nux Vshojo drama.

>> No.16984250

seanig hands typed this

>> No.16984262

You've never watched a matsuri APEX stream, haven't you?

>> No.16984324

she was 100% high when she typed this

>> No.16984697

To be fair, getting downvoted on the holo reddit while being the 2nd (3rd? or is it 4th, I don't know) highest subbed holo is quite the accomplishment.

>> No.16984976

Jesus christ, it's the first time i see the threads going so fast holy shit
Is it over for Mori ? She's going to ask herself is she should continue being an "idol" right ?

>> No.16985553

>Is it over for Mori ?
Unfortunately, no. In a week or two everyone's going to forget about this shit.

>> No.16986309

God i hope so bitch needs to take a hike she isn't worthy of hololive and drags the rest of EN into her bullshit all the time we should of got milky queen.

>> No.16986356

I keep reading hugbox full of semen

>> No.16986382

Don't worry, there's going to be something else in a week

>> No.16986440

Y'all some gross ass fucks

>> No.16986526

What do you think it will be this time?

>> No.16986558

>Yes connor and I are dating, if you can't accept that then stop watching me
Or something equally stupid

>> No.16986607

There's your keyword

>> No.16986623

The Ironmouse fags would be the ones foaming then.

>> No.16986727

why are redditors like this?

>> No.16986762

It's more of an issue of "don't feed the trolls" which is one of the main rules of the internet and Mori is old enough that she should know that rule. When she feeds the trolls she just encourages them to troll her and potentially other Hololive members (I believe someone already trolled Ina with a SC about Connor) and Connor himself will get more flak because of it. It's just a no win situation for her.

Plus she publicly admitted to drug abuse which is kind of a big deal, especially in Japan.

>> No.16986820
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>Connor denies it, too and feeds her to the wolves
This must happen or the dumb cunt won't learn

>> No.16986860



>> No.16986893

YES, but not for the reason you think. It's REALLY tiring being surrounded by NPCs.

>> No.16986928

>Pic related
Thanks Alfred for not letting Moona to cuck their audience with Connor

>> No.16986967

>Plus she publicly admitted to drug abuse
Oh when she do that? I keep hearing stuff about Lean but I don't think Japan recognises Cough Syrup as a drug that's like just an American thing and I don't think its illegal in the states either just frowned upon

>> No.16987037

What if Cover doesnt publicly fire her but a week from now, Calli suddenly has a noticeable different voice?

Has any agency tried to pull something like that before?

>> No.16987051

Cough syrup itself is, of course, not a drug, but using it to create one is clearly against the law. If this shit gets out to Japanese public, she's fucked, completely and utterly

>> No.16987064

Lean uses cough syrup that specifically has codeine in it which is a opioid to get high. Opioids can be very dangerous when not used correctly.

>> No.16987070

I think it happened with Kizuna Ai

>> No.16987078

probably cuz they dont go out of their way to get high off of it

>> No.16987093

>Has any agency tried to pull something like that before?
Kizuna Ai

>> No.16987197

So no

>> No.16987228

like three times

>> No.16987242

They should keep their legs closed until they're ready to graduate from being idols in a few years. Then they can do whatever they want.

>> No.16987307

It happened with Kizuna Ai, and that's why the shark is now #1.

>> No.16987315

????????? you are watching and discussing hololive

>> No.16987540

Mori, please take care of yourself and remember you can always shitpost anonymously with us here. If you ever have the need, come home.

>> No.16987613
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>used her company account to associate to donate and defend a podcaster who shits on her friends and coworkers

>> No.16987624

I would make a funny chopped and screwed edit of her songs but that shit is vile and don't want it on my hard drive

>> No.16987627

How old is she anyway?

>> No.16987662

leftover woman

>> No.16988222

>Calli suddenly has a noticeable different voice?
Myth and Council would riot.

>> No.16988265

every fanbase is like that, idiot

>> No.16988274

Lol no

>> No.16988376

Calli might be a big earner, but she's not big enough for Hololive to brazenly jeopardize the entire brand's trust with a stunt like that.

>> No.16988401


>> No.16988429

>EN growing balls and taking a stance
LMAO Gura would accept that with open arms.

>> No.16988453

Her "I fucked up" reply instantly went to over 100 upvotes.

>> No.16988552


>> No.16988642

I know still funny

>> No.16988677

Go look up why Kizuna AI went from the biggest VTuber in the world to an afterthought

>> No.16988686

A little, sure. Too many discordtrannies are posting this as the "EVERYONE HATES HER" pic though.

>> No.16988697

People saying "It'll be over soon, everyone will forget this in a week" don't get it. Mori is an incredibly unstable person, she's fucked up more times than I can count since debuting. Its just a matter of time before she fucks up again and does something stupid.

>> No.16988716

Get the fuck out of here Connor!

>> No.16988725

People keep bringing up Kizuna Ai but the retards who ran .LIVE to the ground did the exact thing but worse

>> No.16988768

Exactly, what deadbeats don't undastand is that they're not paying for HER, they're paying for a character. It's literally the easiest job in the world, all you have to do is not antagonize the people that send you money

>> No.16988820

Fuck off junkie, get overdose and die like your god fetanyl floyd

>> No.16988868
File: 2.69 MB, 400x170, 81C9B5C4-9F41-41B0-A56F-71CFF6F0F546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decided to check /vt/ to see if they’re still talking about obsolete drama
>The absolute madmen are
Excuse me? See yeah you filthy antis

>> No.16988914

Connor supports her with drugs

>> No.16989038

I can't tell if you are really old or really young with this

>> No.16989087

never forget no matter the board 4chan is still 4chan

>> No.16989149

>Calm down you guys I'm not graduating
One of the deleted post

>> No.16989172

This was her realization that she isn't as bulletproof as she thought.

>> No.16989259 [DELETED] 

Is she really so enfatuated with "black culture" that she started drinking lean? Is she a 17 year old white kid in europe or something? I thought she was at least a bit self aware about how the whole rapper shtick.

>> No.16989279

Can't wait for her to come back and say her mental is amazin', brother; pop off only on occasion, brother.

>> No.16989284

It’s quite fascinating there’s just flat out hate here, and there was some YouTube streaming calling this board out as an anti cesspool, is this what you guys want, for 4chan to be seen as an enemy of hololive? If anything that could get this board shit down if controversy gets any higher (which I doubt)

>> No.16989446

smoking on you're Oshi tonight (tonight)

>> No.16989544

>If anything that could get this board shit down if controversy gets any higher
If the amount of shit /pol/ and /b/ have done throughout the years haven't gotten them deleted then a retard tweeting out a picture of a grown woman's anime avatar getting fucked by her friend and said woman sperging out and admitting to drug abuse won't get this place deleted.

>> No.16989650

Anon, dont get it spinned. We are talking about a holomember who sided against her genmates. People who are laughing at her behaviour are not enemies of hololive.

>> No.16989743

When did she side against her genmates?

>> No.16990039

more like fanbase full of simps kek

>> No.16990093


are people this fucking stupid?
she got a supa telling her to stop interacting with TT, then said she wouldn't be reading Supa's dissing or or discoraging other streamers and she would be sending the money she got to the one's commented on

and then she sent the gift subs to him

like??? Can you people not see two people of the opposite sex and not go "well ofc they are fucking, she sent him gift subs!"

>> No.16990121

they all mald when she streams with a male

>> No.16990150

One more reason that hololive is a cult

>> No.16990234

agree fellow redditor

>> No.16990276

>I am the Omega
Oh, shit...

>> No.16990587

War is incredibly profitable.

>> No.16991010

Because redditors love to go back to ''peace status'' no matter how bad the situations is the moment you give an scapegoat they take it, they are literally going into cope mode thinking Mori got hate because the internet didn't got her sarcasm or people are doing ''victim blaming''

>> No.16991131

Bullshit and you know it.

>> No.16991308

This happens everywhere anon, we literally just saw the rise and fall of isekai series in Japan because of this.

>> No.16992008

all the deadbeats are seething at the moment

>> No.16992427
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, 25598CA6-61CD-43E2-B568-CBAA44147B89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16992834

>woman does not understand that in a position of professional capacity she is not supposed to absolutely fuck everything up

Women always want to be taken seriously until they seriously fuck up and then it's "SHE'S JUST A WOMAN TRYNA BE NROMAL AND SHIT YOU CAN'T JUDGE HER YOUR MAD THAT SHE'S A BILLIONAIRE THERANOS WAS GREAT".

>> No.16992888


>> No.16992941


>> No.16992960

Is there a way to see more of those replies? I'm positively stunned to see redditors talking this way and downvoting the #2 EN.

>> No.16992972

What the fuck Theranos was Calli? He was purple too wasn't he?

>> No.16993107

Can confirm. Woman just got fired from my company for fucking around with and bragging about it to people that work under her. She kept track of all the people she fucked thinking she could us black mail to keep her job. Lost her mind when confronted with it because she bragged to the wrong person about it.

>> No.16993181

>This Is Idol Culture at it's worst and I genuinely feel bad for Calli...
This is in the vid description. In other words even without watching the video you call tell it's just some grifting bullshit. Don't like idols? Don't watch Hololive. Stop ruining it for the rest of us.

>> No.16993204

This has only shown Mori that hololive's fanbase is not a good fit for her and full of schizos that will criticize her for literally nothing. She'll continue to smile for the money, but as soon as she thinks she can leave and still be fine she will do it.

>> No.16993390

Amerilards don't understand respect for foreign cultures, they'll always demand that you change it for them.

>> No.16993441
File: 19 KB, 881x168, unicorns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... are unicorns bad for the vtuber community?

>> No.16993459
File: 202 KB, 463x453, 1625887200331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you all remember, there was a similar wave of anti-Mori sentiment that was building in June, but it disappeared thanks to Coco's retirement and the drama that caused. This time it's different though, there's nothing to hold it back. What's even better is that the longer this goes on the more it drives Mori to full menhera. I don't know where this is going but seeing cuckbeats pulling all the stops to white knight her thread after thread has really made my days just so much more pleasant.

>> No.16993490

What happened? What was achieved by your crusade?

>> No.16993534

Not for male vtubers, but for female vtubers certainly

>> No.16993562

>there's nothing to hold it back
Except you know, even an ounce of rationality.

>> No.16993602

No, they just like to complain about how weird they are. Which is fair but if they weren't here it would be just like American pop culture where people obsess over the girl until she is legal and move on while the media picks at them like vultures till they have mental break.

>> No.16993742

No stupid that's Apokalips, he fought superman.

>> No.16994018


>sex immediately comes into mind
Coomer detected.

>> No.16994238

New here?

>> No.16994265
File: 102 KB, 321x236, 1446363680473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's worse as a burger period, because it's a specific kind of burger that quite literally wants to be in your nice neighborhood and then supports all the shit that -ruins everything- and then thinks everyone else is the bad guy.

>> No.16994297

Man she really thought she'd get an army of yes-men deadbeats on her side. Hilarious

>> No.16994612
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The crazy thing is that there is pointless drama every week, like MumeixMales last week, but it usually fizzles to noting. I don't know why Mori kept fucking feeding it like a retard, like her version of damage control is somehow to make everything worse and send her antis into a schizo frenzy.

>> No.16994653

t.drug addict that would sell his mothers house and valuables for heroin

>> No.16994688
File: 591 KB, 564x564, kiaratechtips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way Myth and Council would go along with it. Do you really think Kiara would just happily collab with neo-Mori and pretend like she's the same person? She respects both Mori and herself too much to stoop that low. Kizuna's VA change worked because she had no genmates or anyone to call her out.

>> No.16994721
File: 102 KB, 854x854, adolfo hitlero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live in a fucked up world.

>> No.16994922


>> No.16995193

>there was a similar wave of anti-Mori sentiment that was building in June
The 5% comment was worse than anything Mori has done. This was followed by the first TT collab too which made it worse.

>> No.16995218
File: 274 KB, 916x883, 1619728970204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way I can cut the throats of reddit tourists who do this shit?

>> No.16995424

fuck off

>> No.16995732

Why are EN fans so fragile with the whole "giving attention to antis" shit? Everyone thought Haachama was based when she featured that anti who inserted things on his ass in her channel with the doxx rap and everything.
Far bigger yab potential than some cuckbeat fanart.

>> No.16995735

>Stop ruining it for the rest of us
schizo faggots are the only ones ruining shit, just like zhangs that harassed coco. No main audience of HoloEN arent people who are into "idols" ugh, idol culture is gross and it's not something that west is interested, its toxic and cancerous and abusive. I watch vtubers all the time, but never idols not even idol anime.

If you ever expected Calli or Ollie to be regular "idol" youre delusional and need to go touch grass.

Vtubers are streamers first.

>> No.16995782

I personally think the 5% comment was taken out of context and overblown.
Mori messed up her comment seriously. What she said was I don't think what she meant at all. She really messed up how she said it. 5% didn't upset me like her becoming obsessed with anti's comments

>> No.16996070
File: 70 KB, 999x558, votes_for_women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they think these 'submissive and pure' japanese girls from hololive, created in a opressive culture is the norm
>that a woman being herself is enough for /vt/ autists throw a tantrum like a bunch of baboons

No and yes. Women in an oppressive culture should be the norm. A women being herself, without restraints, are of no value. Hololive is the ultimate women form: 2D > 3DPD waman; a strict ruleset for them not to be whores as their only personality trait; and pure seiso idol culture enforced to the teeth. Post your tits, whore, because that's the only value that you can offer.

>> No.16996076

You can hate idol culture all you want but it is why Hololive is the way it is. Whether they go all in with it or not. Idol culture exists in all pop cultures just most of them throw out their popstars once they are fucking a dude or they start looking like they are doing hard drugs.

>> No.16996085

Go back redditnigger.

>> No.16996388

why amurica like this

>> No.16996434

how did we go from connor to drugs?

>> No.16996450
File: 13 KB, 274x300, CreepyOtaku-274x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is why Hololive is the way it is.
okay and? I dont give a shit.

> Whether they go all in with it or not
That's not how it works pumpkin, hololive vtubers all have a lot of control and agency on what kind of vtuber they want to be, and they can reject all your made up standards and rules and Yagoo is perfectly okay with that. So you can cope and seethe.

>> No.16996466


Idol culture is the only reason to watch vtubers.

>> No.16996502

k, Mohammed

>> No.16996539
File: 62 KB, 634x356, dead beats if only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16996564

seeing ame pwn noobs in apex or rage has nothing to do with idol culture. None of the gameplay streams do.

>> No.16996618

Idol culture is dead you retarded scizhos.

>> No.16996879

Hololive started as something with the goal of being a virtual idol group. That is what attracted people. Now you are here and want it to change. You want it to be a different thing than it was when you found it because you think you know better than the people that were here first. That is whatever to me personally but please don't act like them lashing out about it is a surprise.

Again you can hate idol culture all you want but it will just be here under a different name. Simps will go after twitch thots with the same mind set and get just as mad over drama. Call them whores and everything. The only difference is that Japanese vtubers try to avoid rolling in shit with antis and exfans. You want them to roll around in it and put themselves in situations that encourage it. Which culture is more toxic? The on that avoids problems beyond their control or the on that tells its fan base to fuck off every chance they get?

>> No.16996957

>want holo girls to collab with people outside hololive

what makes hololive unique to other entertainment/idol company is that they rarely collab with other people outside hololive

>> No.16997067
File: 165 KB, 500x500, k9d1dp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the deadbeats told me they fixed Mori by fighting against the yesmen in mori's fanbase.

>> No.16997148

>that image
>not knowing there were incredibly violent suffragettes out there too

>> No.16997167

I mean her I'm sorry response instantly got tons of upvotes lol, she's too big to fail now and has an army of yes men. Only way she loses popularity is if she actually gets charged with drug possession.

>> No.16997237

Drugs ruin entire communities, Anon. And shit like the Opium Wars, the crack epidemic, and half-baked have had effects that lasted generations.

>> No.16997243

>goal of being a virtual idol group
which is literally memed to death already. Coco didnt give a shit about idol image and was successful for it, whats important what is successful and not what started or who started or what attracted people.

> Now you are here and want it to change
Already changed and will continue to change, you will continue seething.

You can keep watching dedicated idols like suisei and rushia, just dont expect new vtubers to meet this standard.

>Which culture is more toxic? The on that avoids problems
Japanese idol culture is more toxic. Girls get slandered and harassed into retirement, All the most hated "whores" are still here , successful, with loads of fans and more viewers than your oshi - veibei, nyanners, etc. Even thots like amouranth or alinity. And people learned to exclude and rightfully bully obsessed cringelords.

>> No.16997276

Haachama is haachama, she always wins, even YouTube couldn’t demonitize her channel after the porn art collaboration with marine so she did it herself. I’m certain this whole thing will die down eventually but yeah if the folks at EN think the harassment it’s bad, they haven’t seen some of the JP stuff, remember the matsuri thing?

>> No.16997278

Mumei has a history ever since she abandoned her former handles, those rrats never catch on unless it affects her most current streams

>> No.16997364

>hololive unique to other entertainment/idol company

this is false since most people Male Hololive branch collabs with is mostly people outside hololive.

>> No.16997371

Mori the retard shouldn't have applied to fucking hololive if she didn't like being an idol. I can't see her as anything other than a fucking joke now.

>> No.16997378

>Skipping the drug involvement in purpose.

What a faggot.

>> No.16997420 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 533x576, 163728378294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to your place

>> No.16997495

Cough syrup in Japan contains codeine and is available over the counter (OTC) anyone could get it and mix it with sprite or alcoholic beverages. Boom, that’s lean.

>> No.16997569 [DELETED] 
File: 442 KB, 1760x1796, 0oX4XtS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16997573

Joey is a lolicon. Why don’t you guys talk about that if you want to cancel him.

>> No.16997592

I thought the whole "Virtual Idol" aspect was mostly Sora's thing, and even the idol push didn't take off until around Gen 3/4.

>> No.16997617

look not being a idol is fine, like I also think it should be fine for them to reveal their real life names and pictures on separate social media. Like actual actresses.

The thing is, they need to act in character like actresses in a movie as well.

>> No.16997639

Coco might not be the best example seeing as she is gone. You are thinking so short sighted with this but I understand because you are all flustered because someone is asking women to actually think through their actions, which is a major "no no" these days.

Compare cover to Disney. Disney had every worker in their parks present themselves as a generic midwest American for decades. No tattoos, hats, hair colors that are abnormal, etc... All to be as non-controversial as possible. The also changed because people like you thought you knew what is better. Look at them now.

Oh no the girls retire and get another job. Must suck. Ask any of those girls you mentioned how much they love having to see that shit all the time. That is the price of acting the way they do. You can risk a freak out some day by being seiso or you can do what you want and just get freak outs all the time. But on top of that get people that hate you because all you do is sell your body.

>> No.16997735 [DELETED] 

Rikka is a married old man

>> No.16997790 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 640x952, lm66wuk50ob81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your oshi flirt with other men, /vt/?

>> No.16997814

That is why I said started as. Most the girls have fun with playing with the rules and riding the line of what is ok. but people want them to go full past it and be like every other vtuber group. Which all of them are less successful than Hololive. I am sure that is just a coincidence though.

>> No.16997823

What is "this"?

>> No.16997836


>> No.16998002

nobody would care if this wasn’t a person who shat on hololive lol

>> No.16998120

Reminder that while Vshojo is trash, Ironmouse is by far the most level-headed and professional of all those fucktards e-celebs we laugh at since a few days.

>> No.16998261

Your on /vt/ anon. This level of intelligence is normal. Why else do we keep thinking “X will graduate” every day.

>> No.16998296

Oh anon, no wonder you're a virgin

>> No.16998339

Having aids really changes your perspective on life.

>> No.16998361


>> No.16998412

In the modern age emojis are flirting anon. I know I am old and it confuses me too.

>> No.16998415

You keeps fighting on aidsanon, I assume you got it from being constantly anally violated but no judgement here

>> No.16998486

I got it cuz Ironmouse is my gf.

>> No.16998578

I hope not, don't want her getting your aids, she has enough to deal with having cvid.

>> No.16998843

damn she has bad taste.

>> No.16998865

>being a whore insulated her from drama

Based mentally ill lex luthor of cocklust.

>> No.16998909

Don't you care about her happiness?!

>> No.16998927

Literally all she had to do was not get hammered and do retarded things. I feel like this is basic advice that everyone tries to follow, in order to not do retarded shit.

>> No.16998981

>users crossover heavily with Datingover40 and Dog Moms


>> No.16999039

I don't watch HoloEN it's cancer. Aqua is both a proper idol AND better than Ame at Apex.

>> No.16999091

>inb4 the vshojotards tell you about nyanners' 12k simultaneous twitch viewers

I don't understand why people who would be watching amouranth if vshojo didn't exist do so in the first place.

>> No.16999114
File: 243 KB, 1292x1785, mori hate2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where they all went

>> No.16999179

But I feel like that was a thing 10 years ago, I just refused it because it was stupid and gay and degraded everyone involved.

I don't think this is flirting but Mori is painfully cringey while trying to be cool.

>> No.16999444

Bro, you're not going to go on a date with the company Hololive, why you simpin?

>> No.16999513

Can someone tell me what the hell is going on with Moro's Twitter replies? All of them are filled with yesmen bashing the posters calling her out, one of them even activated the Twitter niggaz

>> No.16999537

Yeah dude it is super cringe to have any pride or respect for anything any more. The holomem should just shit on the company nonstop and tell all the fans they are losers for watching.

>> No.16999590

>Everyone thought Haachama was based when she featured that anti who inserted things on his ass in her channel with the doxx rap and everything.
Her entire stream was her getting roasted by diss tracks. Different context.

>> No.16999596 [DELETED] 

Here is the whole timeline.
>Mori collabs with TT people
>person from TT named Connor says in his stream that people in hololive are popular not because of talent but because of brand
>fast forwarding
>member in Moris stream politely asks her to not associate with these people
>Mori insults the members and says that Connor apologised to every holoEN member
>clip of Kiara proof that this was a lie. Kiara hasn't been in contact with any of them
>she donates 50 subs to Connor on her brand new twitch account
>someone superchats "condom money for Connor"
>Mori announces that she wont read superchats anymore
>keeps talking about the drama on stream
>Mori announces that she will be streaming on twitch semi-regularly from now on
>people even in her youtube comment section are mad to her
>few days later she responds to 6 days old tweet of someone posting a comic of deadbeat getting literally cucked by Connor who is fucking Mori on the picture
>even reddit gets mad at her
>she replies to the reddit thread "can I PLEASE just have some fun. Please."
>she gets downvote bombed
>shortly after she deletes it and apologises and announces break
>says she "hit the lean hard"
>anons realize she just confirmed getting high with codeine as drugs are rare in japan for someone as her.
>a mixture of Jolly Ranchers, Sprite, and codeine that will get you high asf.
>basically admits drug use
>damage control a bit later
>Connor tweets "easy W"
>After 2 hours of this yab happened apparently after a meeting with COVER devil cubes posts on roommate account announcing a comeback next month
>Graduation confirmed and incoming
We're HERE

>> No.16999622

Everytime I see "hugbox" I know it's just a dog whistle for "group who banned me for being a massive prick."

>> No.16999788

Every time I see someone like you post I know it is someone doing damage control because there is no way someone from here would think they could shame people here to no act the way they do.

>> No.16999908
File: 784 KB, 804x765, 1613814329278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insider info from the rrat dealers - this yab is a bubble that is about to pop
Sell your yabcoin and buy the mori dip.

>> No.16999971

Her yes men are out in full force making sure she feels good after people freaked out about her being stupid and drunk on twitter.

>> No.16999977

Schizophrenia is based

>> No.16999981

yes anon hugboxes don't exist

>> No.17000056

Full on felating that boot man
Step out of line once and mention Taiwan happens to be a place, fire a bunch of people to please the Chinese government, fuck the fans or even the people who made the company what it is, gotta please that money machine

>> No.17000061
File: 74 KB, 598x512, 1642984825024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17000075

Seething leftoid

>> No.17000083

>Connor tweets "easy W"
How dare he disrespect Ludwig like that
Get him Ludwigbros

>> No.17000196

>there is no way someone from here would think they could shame people here to no act the way they do.
Literally what the fuck are you trying to say?

>> No.17000212

She made a dumb mistake and I believe she'll learn from it, grow from it, and move past it. Inevitably it will live rent free in vt's heads for the rest of time, but that's their problem.

>> No.17000262

this is what happens when you're a wigger

>> No.17000292
File: 136 KB, 400x330, 1642937744952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She made a dumb mistake and I believe she'll learn from it, grow from it, and move past it. Inevitably the cuckening will live rent free in dead beats for the rest of time, but that's their problem.

>> No.17000329

Got em again my dude. The company the girls work for should not be respected by anyone and constantly talked poorly about. We should in fact make them all embarrassed to work for them. They should take no pride in working for a company or care if people talk badly about it or think poorly of it. Because that would be cringe right my fellow twitter user.

>> No.17000498

he's trying to say there is no way someone from here would think they could shame the other for behaving differently.

>> No.17000742


Especially for that whole last part.

>> No.17000775

As someone whose life quality got hindered by them, kill yourself.

>> No.17001023

there's also nothing wrong with getting kicked out of hololive with shame

>> No.17001209
File: 243 KB, 1374x1100, maradona re loco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Diego, is that you? Can you hear my voice?

>> No.17001408

>Leave holoEN for other chuubas
>"Hmm, I wonder what they're up to lately....oh."
One year has passed how the fuck has this dumbass wiggy rapper not learn never to take bait?!

>> No.17001580

top kek
anyway where does connor get off on this

>> No.17001820

What's the longest Mori has gone without tweeting? I wanna see how long it takes for her to go back to twitter and if she is taking a break on her own or if Cover kicked off her account for a bit.

>> No.17002035

Japan continues to be based

>> No.17002504

that beverage is way too calorie dense

>> No.17002644

She hasn't liked anything in 13 hours so theres that. The last thing she liked was a myth unity picture.

>> No.17003201

timeline checks out, i think the lean thing could definitely be played off as a bit though cause ya'know "rapper" image.
considering all of this she really needs a personal manager to double check her tweets and advise her on actual pr cause this damage control (or lack thereof) is abhorrent
im also completely apathetic to whether or not she'll actually be graduating, if it happens it happens

>> No.17003712

>timeline checks out, i think the lean thing could definitely be played off as a bit though cause ya'know "rapper" image.
I'm thinking the opposite.
There is no way in hell she didn't know what lean was due to her rapper image

>> No.17004340

I'll sooner believe that her saying "it's not lean, it's drankies" was her being ironic than that she actually didn't know.

>> No.17004360
File: 66 KB, 600x600, 7E0198FB-8FA8-45F0-86FF-CCE7EC0BEC71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Connor tweets about a crane game
>schizos think it’s him IRL fuckin Mori
I’m not even mad, I’m dying over this holy fuck deadbeats

>> No.17004604

oh yeah definitely. she definitely knows but is trying to use the "rapper" image to play it off as a bit. she's already tried to minimize it by saying she meant regular alcohol.
if anything, it just shows me how out of touch she most likely is

>> No.17004692

"Haha, boomer moment." Yeah, I think she may have been being a little cheeky.

>> No.17004804

I mean I find it far more telling that she actually just said she was drunk on Reddit, and gives me a bit of room for reasonable doubt that she just wanted to sub in the more "hood" expression, before considering how bad a look that would be.

>> No.17006560

This indie schizo vtuber is one of the worse channels I have ever interacted with they spam clickbait titles and report information about the vtuber community (they then proceed to give their shit takes on the drama).

Is it possible to bully this tranny into retirement?

>> No.17010678
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>> No.17011414

Upvoted, bestie

>> No.17011634

t. "I can quit whenever I want"

>> No.17011974

