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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16703690 No.16703690 [Reply] [Original]

Expect a cliché, i-am-14-and-this-is-deep brap about how she's leaving antis behind in the dust of her memories yo yo uh yea yo!

>> No.16703702
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>> No.16703769
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I asked /mu/ for their opinion on mori's music and they all said it's utterly garbage made by autist eminem fan

>> No.16703790

If you think all the negativity doesn't effect a woman you're unironically an incel.

>> No.16703802

Well they aren't wrong tho

>> No.16703806

>asking /mu/ for their opinion
fucking kek

>> No.16703808

Nah. The song probably contain lyric how she "Own the haters" and haters gonna hate. You know, it's all about me! me! me!

>> No.16703812

And it is

t.actual nigga hip hop fan

>> No.16703821

Broken clocks etc.

>> No.16703836
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Yeah but /mu/ also thinks blacks make good music, their opinion should probably be disregarded

>> No.16703839


>> No.16703855

It always sounds like a song a 14 year old has written to ask out his crush on a all white school

>> No.16703858
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>/mu/'s opinion

>> No.16703865

Based black man. Please rape correct mori.

>> No.16703866

>asking /mu/ about music
Next time you asking about business on /biz/ or video game on /v/
>utterly garbage made by autist eminem fan
Well, since eminem is only rapper who act like biggest bitches on earth, i can see it

>> No.16703878

It doesn't require a so-called "music expert" to notice that

>> No.16703886

>Thinking white people especially BROTBONGS make good music
Next thing you're going to tell me you think spics make good music

>> No.16703897

>asking /mu/'s opinion
>the same faggots that drool all over nigger music as the peak of artistry

>> No.16703958

I'm kinda eternally stuck in the 90s boom bap era so I can only compare her rap with that, and it is painfully bad.

>> No.16703981

but that’s the appeal

>> No.16704046

I'm so excited for her future new songs!
Mori Calliope and Marron5 are my favourite singers
They are the best singers in the world!

>> No.16704045

>multiple anons crying about a boards nigger music preference
>as a defense for a white girl making nigger music
Keep going, I want to see you embarrass yourselves more.

>> No.16704047

/mu/ unironically thiks Kanye West is the best musician of the decade, who gives a shit about their opinion, they're a joke and complete sheep who get their opinions from hipster sites

>> No.16704063

Imagine thinking that black jazz, blues, rock, etc musicians are bad. Probably a pol schizo tho' so no wonder.

>> No.16704064

>Comparing it with the 2000s bling scene
>Comparing it to some of the decent 2010s trap cloud rap scene

Yeah Mori literally got inspired by the wrong hip hop, a wigger that became an edgelord and a Japanese manlet

>> No.16704083

This is news how? Yes the sky is indeed blue.

>> No.16704086

Link the post.

>> No.16704116
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>asking /mu/

>> No.16704124

And on this thread we find out /vt/ is filled with /Pol/yards, you wouldn't have rock and roll without niggers you absolute retards

>> No.16704128

If you don't think at least some jazz is good you are a philistine.

>> No.16704157

She gonna be playing the victim? Write about anti and haters. Is she 14?

>> No.16704160

Did I stutter? Fuck rock.

>> No.16704171
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>she thinks her antis listen to her shitty songs

>> No.16704180
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people here asked /mu/ for their opinion on gura's singing. Guess what? they called her a back alleyway hooker

>> No.16704188

they aren't really wrong but then again, it's /mu/. They only like muh authentic nigger rap there

>> No.16704191
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Alright, correction: /mu/ thinks MODERN blacks make good music, so they should be disregarded

>> No.16704200
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So is Mori gonna become new Kiara where every tweet she makes has to get its own thread?

>> No.16704226

Suisei is a better singer than Gura

t. /mu/tant

>> No.16704267

Deadcuck I...

>> No.16704308

I enjoy her rap for what it is but even I would not deny that.
If she really wants to improve, she may want to move away from Eminem-style rap.

>> No.16704324

I just asked a question. I can join in funposting.

>> No.16704327
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ENsharts need to know their place

>> No.16704329


>> No.16704400

Doom jazz is good

>> No.16704430

>I asked /mu/ for their opinion
are you serious

>> No.16704459
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Aside from people under the age of 15, nobody - not even deadbeats, ACTUALLY like her music. The only reason they pretend to is because it's made by an anime woman.

>> No.16704483

I'm 36 and have a very deep and broad experience listening to music and I like Mori's music

>> No.16704504

same. she's fantastic, especially her lyrics.

>> No.16704505

I like it but i don't think it is anything amazing in grand scheme of things.

>> No.16704515
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>very deep and broad experience listening to music

>> No.16704549

I'm 37 and listen to mostly metal. Some of her songs are good.

>> No.16704582

Yep, been heavily into music since I was 13, I own thousands of albums, I even made music for a bit
People who think Mori are bad are just pretentious teenagers trying to be cool
She's not amazing but she's written some good songs

>> No.16704599

Mentally, you're still under 15

>> No.16704622

I feel genuinely sick to my stomach with Mori's music, It's so awkwardly cringe that I feel physically bad.

>> No.16704652

28, I've been listening to music since i was in my mom's womb. I outrank you. Mori is shit.

>> No.16704665

Aside from End of Life, everything else sounds like a ripoff Nickelodeon music.

>> No.16704683

children cant appreciate music so it doesnt count

>> No.16704686

>nickelodeon music
ESLs have the most insane insults

>> No.16704693

All the people hating on Connor
I pull my scythe and you're a goner
You'll think I'll let this fly?
Shut the fuck up kudasai!

>> No.16704704

What makes End of Life so different?

>> No.16704741


>> No.16704774

Good bars, Mori

>> No.16704779

I finally realized why I don't like her music, because I hate stage plays and musicals.
She's literally rapping like a theaterfag would with hammy and overacting with her line delivery.
During karaoke and randomly during regular streams when she occasionally raps regularly with a laidback tone, it sounds fine.
She definitely needs to stop doing it in english because it's only acceptable in a foreign language

>> No.16704789

how shit this obviously is should make you appreciate even writing dumbass character rap like mori does takes a ton of skill. lol

its normiecore so people who get filtered by something even a tiny bit off beat can enjoy it

>> No.16704812

I always knew she posted here...

>> No.16704818

Lyrical genius

>> No.16704827

F-Fuck bros /we/ got roasted...

>> No.16704835

I actually like it, but in fairness that might just be because the beats/mixing/and like 50% of lyric writing is usually done by someone else.

>> No.16704837

I fucking loathe musicals with all my heart and I love her music

>> No.16704853
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She's going to erect a fucking penthouse to accommodate all of TT, the stars, Kiara and her friend Milky on top of /vt/'s head, FREE OF RENT.

>> No.16704864

found the mumble rap zoomer who's afraid of real emotion being expressed

>> No.16704880

>Some good songs
>All of those are the songs she mostly did singing vocals for over rapping
Sorry old man but I out age you and I've listened to music seriously since I heard Holy Diver at 10. Mori's rap music is shit but her singing stuff is pretty decent

>> No.16704948

>keep sending me all these rude superchats
>this aint the first time i've had to deal with shitty rrats
>you think this has gotten way too political?
>wait till I get fucked on stream by critikal

>> No.16704972

ESL, Yes. Retarded, not.
When you listen to calli song they have different portrayals of character. Each song has these geeky/chuunibyou cartoon characters, be it a reaper, a host etc get the gist? End of life doesn't have that. It's full on story about a person experience. A song that I except and would like to listen on a radio.

>> No.16704977

if you care about music at all and don't respect the concept of a vocalist/rapper working with a producer your opinion is completely fucking null and void and you know nothing about the creation of music on any level

>> No.16704985
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This is exactly like when you dump a chick and she starts spamming her socials about how happy she is.

>> No.16704988

I cried silent manly tears the day Dio died.

>> No.16704997

You say Pitbull, I say Maroon 5
You say Mariah Carey, I say Linking Park
You say Slipknot, I say Blink 182
You say lil Wayne, I say Calliope Mori

>> No.16705036

Oh I'm sorry Ao is a shit producer and Moro literally does singing stuff better than rapping which was inspired by boring ass musicians, fucking old ass nigga deadbeats

>> No.16705063

my fucking sides

>> No.16705062

Musicals aren't rap

I don't have a problem with narrative focused wordy lyricism
mf doom/tribe/nas/pete rock/cl smooth/immortal technique/kendrick etc. are amazing
Moris delivery is just way too hammy, it's like epic rap battles meets broadway

>> No.16705092
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>just enough time for a haircut
Tale as old as time.

>> No.16705112

>mf doom/tribe/nas/pete rock/cl smooth/immortal technique/kendrick
like I said, found the mumble rap zoomer

>> No.16705119
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>inb4 electro swing

>> No.16705130

Yeah, judging by this thread no one cares what /mu/ thinks

>> No.16705145

She sounds like what I'd imagine Ash Ketchum trying to rap would sound like.

>> No.16705230
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I am laughing like retard. Post more

>> No.16705254

Antis who?
Your Mori takes another double U!

>> No.16705269

yea word it like this and you don't look like a rube

i don't like ao's music at all either, very obvious that dyes carried him completely

>> No.16705302

I hope she finally samples her farts for the beat

>> No.16705321

>90s-00s lyrical rap
>mumble zoomer rap

>> No.16705348

I can't take "rap" made by a white weeb woman serious. I mean, rap is kinda ridiculous in the first place, but when it comes from real niggers you can at least somewhat believe that some of them can actually back up some of their gun-slinging bitch-fucking toughguy braggadocio in real life.
What is a goddamn white woman supposed to rap about? Can't really do the reverse and talk about how many dudes she fucks and how huge (or tight?) her vagina is, can't really rap about how much of a hardass she is and how many niggaz she has glocked, because she'd be laughed out of the room. If she were confronted by any actual toughguys, nevermind actual ghetto niggers, she'd be folded over in a second and crumble like a wet paper. No wonder she bolted to Japan, the only place where people are even meeker than her and where they actually buy her "kakkoi" act.
So she raps about her cringe anime character act ("yeah uh...Imma kill you with my scythe and uh... take your souls..." sure sweetie, I'm quaking in my boots over here) which you take about as serious as a five year old larping as a power ranger, or she does her cringe emo introspective "woe is me" laments like the bullied theater kid she mentally still is.

>> No.16705350
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>> No.16705400

I actually laughed when I read "haircut". Its always short hairs with these Karens. cutting hair to show how emotionally strong and independent they are.

>> No.16705423

Holy shit. Literally hang yourself. Quotes all those and calls them mumble rap.

>> No.16705434

>Anon is a loser and a real putz
>endless timelooping, stuck in a rut
>rrats so outlandish you sound like a nut
>can't wait 'til Connor's rearranging these guts

>> No.16705456

Live again and end of a life are bangers

>> No.16705511

calling her an eminem fan is too generous

>> No.16705513

>I'm finally free :}
