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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16647127 No.16647127 [Reply] [Original]

let's talk unicorns, are they aware that their favorite vtuber doens't dissapear into the void once the stream ends? it's only normal thinking that they have male friends or a bf/gf, it'll be abnormal if they haven't actually, maybe is an out of sight out of mind thing? can unicorns explain this to me?

>> No.16647213

No it's not normal because she's the purest in the whole world

>> No.16647263

I don't have friends or gf.I don't think it is as uncommon as you think.

>> No.16647316

Unicorns feed your vtuber. Die mad you broke salty bitch.

>> No.16647478

Unicorns are our greatest ally, they reliably and consistently finances our continued entertainment and keep them whores in check from associating with bad actors.
Anyone with a shred of a brain would rather shares an oshi with unicorns instead of casual/normies that pumps and dumps the girls over the next FOTM. Thus pushing the chuubas to chase clout to maintain their ever fleeting normie audience, just like most western e-celebs

>> No.16647565

>it's only normal thinking that they have male friends or a bf/gf
No, anon, having these type of cuckoldry fantasies is not normal.
Also the character they play does in fact stop existing once the stream is over at least in most cases.

>> No.16647792

Once you have made the choice to be vtuber you can no longer have a bf or male friends.

Play idol games, win idol prizes.

>> No.16647804


>> No.16647927

>redditor can't differentiate the actor and the character
many such cases, maybe e-thots are more your speed?

>> No.16647964
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Vtuber only exist on stream.
Once they end the stream they're no longer a vtuber.
You enjoy seeing you oshii collab with m*le, that's a cuck behaviour.

>> No.16648195
File: 22 KB, 1205x129, based unicorns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencapped this from a different thread and I agree 100%. Unicorns might be annoying, but they're the lifeline of most chuubas. No unicorns = no chuubas

Also this >>16647927 >>16647964
Don't care what they do off stream, but they better behave on stream, just like you have to behave properly at your job

>> No.16648242

Ksons biggest paypigs aren't unicorns, Moris aren't either

>> No.16648301

is there an ongoing normalfag invasion?

>> No.16648316

It's all about coping with being ugly.

>> No.16648328

No you fucking retard, trolls just like easy targets

>> No.16648432

I agree, that's why I stalk and harass my oshi after the stream ends.

>> No.16648434

The term Unicorn is fucking retarded because everyone here just seems to make up their own definition for it.

>> No.16648578

if its not shown or if they don't explicitly tell you about it, then they don't have those. I believe that and so should you. Talking about males on stream is a sign of slut. Vtuber should be pure.

>> No.16648865

maybe for people outside /vt but the majority of schizos here talk about the vtuber persona as a whole, vtuber+roommate, they speak like they are one

>> No.16648955

I have no idea what unicorn means, it seems to have exploded just this week, I don't remember seeing it until recently

>> No.16649103


>> No.16649865

>I have no idea what unicorn means
It was supposed to be a reference to actual unicorns who can only be tamed by virgins so they got compared to otaku who only like virgins.
But people now use the term for anyone who doesn't like male collabs.

>> No.16650042

Unicorn/s like the mythical creature the unicorn, they chase something that doesn't exist, pure chuuba, virgin, impeccable, nice, caring, empathetic and understanding. The point of their existence is to idolize their Osho to the point of delusions of them being the perfect being. They are mostly obsessive but on the other hand are willing to pay SC and buy merch, sometimes to unfathomable amount of goods/cash.
Also, they are at the verge of becoming an anti, cause one wrong move from their Oshi can break their reality.

>> No.16650193

just like incel used to mean 'involuntary celibate' now it's 'guy i don't like or doesn't agree with' or 'male with standards'

>> No.16650246

Unicorns were originally supposed to care about virginity. Which disqualifies the majority of Hologirls but unicorns are retarded. Next they hate male collabs because male collabs = sex. Then it just became hate male collab = unicorns.
Now retards here are trying to distort it further to think that unicorn are gachikoi.
Kson has gachikoi but no unicorns. Ok? Kson is in a fantastic position and top superchatted.
Meanwhile the girls with unicorns constantly have to appeal to an unreasonable unloyal fanbase that feels frightened by the faintest shadows of male in the grass.
Actually the majority of gachikoi aren't unicorns, they just don't want their oshi to have a boyfriend. They'll cope with boyfriends and male collabs if it happens, as long as there isn't drama too sudden and too large.

>> No.16650322

>>16650246 (me)
Fuck I meant they'll cope with male collabs if the drama isnt too large. They'll cope with rumors of boyfriends if its relegated to their roommate and is just a rumor, but that has a significantly large cull. Though some will still cope and cuck themselves.

>> No.16650462

If you really love your oshi (which is 100% platonic, there's literally no other way) then you'll accept anything she decides to do if it makes her happy, ANYTHING.

>> No.16650498

>let's talk unicorns, are they aware that their favorite vtuber doens't dissapear into the void once the stream ends?
Yes she does

>> No.16650533

feels like i'm reading a femaledatingstrategy post

>> No.16650580

The moment my oshi brings a dude onstream, I'll smear her reputation to the fucking ground out of spite

>> No.16650582

it's not like its one-way. the girls are treated differently from how I would treat other people. they are the most important thing in the world while they stream

>> No.16650630

First of all, unicorns never trust their Oshi

>> No.16650653

>Reference group only consists of two people

>> No.16650675

I don't want to watch normal people.

>> No.16650684

why would I 100% love a girl
thats fucking insane

>> No.16650697

not surprised if they lurk here, i see shit like this all the time

>> No.16650809

platonic my friend, you understand the difference?
also a real gachikoi wants to make his idol happy and if you are going to call your favorite vtuber your oshi then act like one and stop being a fucking faggot

>> No.16650918

so very much this. I wouldn't be watching vtubers if I wanted to see a bunch of normalfags doing normalfag things. and interaction with the opposite sex REEKS of normalfag

>> No.16650977

being that devoted to a girl is just as insane as expecting her to never have a boyfriend

>> No.16651022

so people who hate unicorns are unironic incels?

>> No.16651204

Nah, they are called functioning human beings, your kind calls them "normal"

>> No.16651260

Why you talking like an alien

>> No.16651541

>functioning human beings
no such thing on this board, retard

>> No.16651545

Unicorns prefer that if its the case it doesnt sap into the 2d life. Its part of the illusion. If that illusion is shattered then the wallet closes.

>> No.16651604

Phase 4 of 6.

>> No.16651866

I'm completely fine if my oshi have BF/husband/kids off stream but it's absolutely irritating to see them interact with males on stream

>> No.16651994

I don't platonically love my oshi and I don't like the idea of her getting fucked after and before each stream by someone who's not me.
I guess unicorn does not equate cuck.

>> No.16652062

I don't give a shit if my oshi gets railed by 20 guys every night
I just don't want to see it

>> No.16652201

>20 guys every night
you should forgive your mother anon

>> No.16652261

no, just femcels sperging about some fans actually having standards instead of drowing them in money just for existing

>> No.16652299

Same, but cucks want to see it and push it as it was normal.

>> No.16652304
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>> No.16652316

then just give her money and don't watch streams if you really love her

>> No.16652434

You can dislike male collabs without being a unicorn, and vice versa unicorns can have no problems with male collabs as long as their oshi is still (pretending to be) a virgin or not have boyfriend. Those two things don't have anything to do with each other.
That's why even Matsuri of all people still had actual unironic unicorns who got mad at her during the hand incident. Because even though she had tons of male collabs she still liked to roleplay as some sort of desperate virgin, more so than most other girls.

>> No.16652439

Grow up retard, not everyone has that idealistic concept of love, especially not /here/ where mental illness, negative emotion and degeneracy run rampant.

>> No.16652441

> y-you should respect my impossible standards or i won't give you muney!
you sound like a control freak

>> No.16652475

and that's why you're a virgin

>> No.16652600

>don't stream together with males for thousands of people to see
>get money
>"impossible standards"
That doesn't really work when some chuubas do in fact fulfil those standards easily.

>> No.16652922

are you pulling this shit outta your ass? 'real' gachikois would probably stalk and murder their oshis the moment they found out she shared the same air space with a guy

>> No.16652992

unicorns are annoying but they don't have any power besides screeching at the void on this board. thus being entertaining when they're having a meltdown about chuubas collabing with males or having bfs

>> No.16653124

>impossible standards
It is simply just not talking about how much dick you for a few hours a couple times a week, everybody else is expected to do the same at their own jobs.

You watch foreign women larp as anime girls and argue about it on imageboards, this argument is stupid, you will never be a normalfag and your attempts to shit on others to escape your own feelings of inferiority is both funny and blatant projection.

>> No.16653125

gachikoi literally means 'fan in love' , and if this love is not reciprocated or you can't have contact with this girl then it's platonic.
> gachikois would probably stalk and murder their oshis the moment they found out she shared the same air space with a guy
that's not love, that's obsession. literally touch grass

>> No.16653194

Gachikoi literally means "serious love", EOP

>> No.16653318

i accept your concession

>> No.16653367

not him but being a male virgin will always be mocked, tribes living under trees probably did it.
the fact you take it so seriously, when it's really no worse than calling someone fat, is what makes it sweet to do.

>> No.16653368

most entertainers live wealthier lives than vtubers without unicorns. This is just massive cope from the mentally ill to have some semblance of ownership over an anime avatar streamer girl

>> No.16653548

t. Femoid

>> No.16653582

>he fact you take it so seriously
Where have I done so?
The fact you pretend to be better is insufferable and retarded.
Mockery is one thing but don't pretend the bait on this board goes above and beyond that, it's being called fat by 400lb bedridden fucks 24/7, and takes the position of the people who hate them themselves.

People are less sensitive to virgin than to the perceived threat of yet another invasion of their hobbies .

>> No.16653648

Please tell me you guys aren't romantically in love with your oshi... that's cringe bros...

>> No.16653662

Not him, just a passing Jchad

>> No.16653687

>Where have I done so?
You crying here right now, you have self-awareness?
>The fact you pretend to be better is insufferable and retarded.
Like this, just because you were slagged for being a virgin doesn't mean I implied I was better than you. Taking it too seriously.
>Mockery is one thing but don't pretend the bait on this board goes above and beyond that, it's being called fat by 400lb bedridden fucks 24/7, and takes the position of the people who hate them themselves
>People are less sensitive to virgin than to the perceived threat of yet another invasion of their hobbies
more jargon

>> No.16653691

Also hilarious that most of these unicorns worship gura of a people lol

How ironic

>> No.16653697

they do not care as long as they do not hear about it, its about illusion dumbass, that is what people are here for, an illusion to break away from the stresses of daily life.

>> No.16653917

>no self awareness
None of that is in response to being called a virgin but the constant bait and hypocritical implications of it.
Pointing out it's silly to throw stones in glass houses is crying now?
Dismiss it as gibberish but it's your own example of being called fat thrown back.

>[calling you a virgin] doesn't mean I implied I was better than you
Stop lying faggot, everybody knows the purpose of an insult.

>> No.16653971


>> No.16654071

It's nothing but ironic weebs with their self deprecation shit.
They've no actual interest in anime related matters beyond using it as a joke and a community they can attempt to easily rise up.

>> No.16654090

>everybody knows the purpose of an insult
well what you said above was an extreme of it, it's obviously to get a reaction.
I think unicorn expectations, while giving the girls both freedom outside of streaming and benefit of doubt in what they get up to is the best way to enjoy hololive.
Pointing out that it was a bunch of incels who hate unicorns was because mostly because of that lack of trust.

>> No.16654278

She wouldn't be my oshi if I didn't want to marry her

>> No.16654546

see bae

>> No.16654709

I wasn't the one called virgin, I just responded after.
It's still cutting your nose to spite your face though, emboldening the types who would remove all standards in the 'women can do no wrong, crowd.
Like I'll laugh and call paypigs out but attacking them using normalfag nomenclature will just end up hurting my own interests eventually.

>> No.16654742

>they don't have any power
They are just the vast majority of the money a vtuber receives from its audience
