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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16399824 No.16399824 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (Vspo, Merise, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, KNR, 芸人旅団, etc.) is also on topic.

VSpo previous projects (watch them if you haven't):
VSpo Autumn Sudden Test
[YouTube] ぶいすぽっ!秋の抜き打ちテスト~抜け出せ学力ブロンズ帯~ #ぶいすぽ学力テスト

VSpo Remote Bistro Queen Showdown
[YouTube] 【MC白雪レイド、料理人トナカイト】リモートビストロクイーン決定戦(ニコ生同時配信枠) (MC only, no cooking process)
https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv334451629 (main stream, but you need to be a member to watch the whole thing)

VSpo Ideal Christmas Date Show
[YouTube] 【ゲスト:バーチャルゴリラ、ギルくん】理想のクリスマスデート品評会(ニコ生同時配信枠)

VSpo Game Queen
[Youtube] 【公式】ぶいすぽっ!令和3年最後の特別企画ゲームNo.1は誰だ!本配信


Upcoming events:
Crazy Racoon Cup Apex Legends Vol.8
Main Event - 16th January 18pm JST
Scrims - 13th - 15th January

English Blog for CR Cup 8

Official CR Cup

Remote VSpo Hot Spring Trip リモート温泉 見学旅
18th January 8pm JST

>> No.16399900
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>> No.16399951

Previous thread:>>16315360

>> No.16400035

i was gonna say people seem to be playing more aggressively in scrims this time but doesn't seem to be the case this match

>> No.16400058

REAL thread this way

>> No.16400094

Learn how to copy paste before making threads retard

>> No.16400106
File: 1.82 MB, 2364x1748, FansRabbits-1468303241570308098-FGB1cgBaQAA7N_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choosing current thread because it has the hotsprings event on the OP.

>> No.16400261
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ty sorry anon cheers to CR

>> No.16400271

kek did selly ask nose and lisa if weed is legal in japan

>> No.16400344

Menhera love!

>> No.16400350


>> No.16400427

How much points did euriece cost? Besides his obvious good mechanical skills, his positioning game looks way above everyone else, keep outplaying his opponent by shaking people off and using high ground advantage. He needs to be nerfed by teaming with two diamond or plat players.

>> No.16400461

Isn't he with a Dia and Plat?

>> No.16400613

Sovault should be count as a master lol his skill is not at dia at all.

>> No.16400620

He cost 16 points -2 for language barrier. 14 for a NA pro that has played professionally and scrimmed in NA pro scene for 2 years. He understands battle royale theories better than anyone else in this lobby.

sovault and KUN doesnt grind ranked. former is more like a bootleg master if he actually tried ranking and comparable to su-chan while KUN is more of a diamond. These two have broke scrims cr cup2 before with mondo

>> No.16400630

Not that anon, just other anon who created the other op.
I just copy pasted and forgot check it. Also, both of us has Vspo Game Queen in op.

>> No.16400640

I don't know about his teammates and thought they are one master and one diamond. They are able to execute his orders properly and cover his back so they aren't really weak

>> No.16400936

>sovault and KUN doesnt grind ranked
this is the way to do it otherwise you end up like gorilla and rarely get invited cause you cost too much. i mean, the points system has always been a joke but unless they have playoffs or something i don't see how it can be improved really

>> No.16401056

thats why the council exists to give proper points BUT sovault was a bitch to leave it to the last minute to invite euriece and KUN so the council probably couldnt reject them (no source)

>> No.16401096

Hinano and towa doing a lot better with alelu guiding them.

>> No.16401319

Kamito theme song

>> No.16401379

How are hskw and hal doing together?

>> No.16401383

wrong link

>> No.16401500

they are fucking

>> No.16401502

If that were mondo he probably go out alone.

>> No.16401537

Is it really that surprising?

>> No.16401772

That does bring the question.
If they ain't grinding ranked, where did they even pick up those skills from? Other BRs/shooters?

>> No.16401844

Dunno about kun but sovault play with cpt a lot.

>> No.16401945

sovault plays a fuck ton of battlefield. Also shills a fuck ton of it. KUN is your average jp minecraft gmaer but he plays quite a bit of OW long ago and been playing apex since season 1

>> No.16402109

lol i like how all 6 games final ring has ended at the south side of the map

>> No.16402194

Well, they are both big map shooters.
Guess it wouldn't be much of a stretch to assume such tactical skill is transferable. Probably easier to deal with 3rd parties compared to getting pincered, at least 3rd parties don't generally communicate with each other.

>> No.16402620

unchipuri..... that was a perfect throw in my books

>> No.16402666

>solo niru with 3k
Fucking monster

>> No.16402873

Alelu is giving team therapy right now

>> No.16402899

Yeah. I was expecting them to crossfire and not the 2 of them jumping right into the gas bubble.
Actually I'm not even sure why the fuck they help their enemy bubble, lack of comms? It was fairly clear there was no one else to bubble against. I'm starting to believe the Gibby sucks theory.

>> No.16402937

Mondo daddy is here.

>> No.16403017

go study for your driving test selly

>> No.16403185

lol, Hinano not touching Vodka's smurf account with a 10 foot pole

>> No.16403375

But sumire play with him a lot

>> No.16403404

That's what Towa said too but Hinano wasn't having it. Just being cautious I guess.

>> No.16403548

Hinano might not be able to afford a two week suspension nor does she probably want to risk antis

>> No.16403555

Imagine apexnigger forcing cover, riddle and vspo to apologize for smurfing lol.

>> No.16403921

An apex smurf account? Doesn't Hinano herself have one?

>> No.16403954

Yeah, that's where she hides to play (have sex with) with me so Kamito can't see.

>> No.16404285
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>> No.16404905

runa tsuyo

>> No.16405122

Qpi must be feeling a bit depressed by her performance lately.

>> No.16405205

dont worry ill cheer her up if you know what i mean

>> No.16405873
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one of the team name is a light novel title

>> No.16405946

Could be a qpi team

>> No.16406179

> thomas gogo
> yumekyawa purple
> usotsuki hamsters
> pastel sour
> candy pop

>> No.16406249

That's CR Cup champion candy pop to you.

>> No.16406516

hmm, wonder if bora is trying for pred

>> No.16406788

kawase getting uppity

>> No.16406921

i love kawase

>> No.16407336

i was about to say they're working so well as a team but they managed to choke right at the end there

>> No.16407518


>> No.16407546


>> No.16407831

sasuga nose

>> No.16407923

I have so many questions and I need answers.

>> No.16408186

It was my helmet

>> No.16408411
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What was that terrible round lmao. Runa left a black market in the open for another team to use and then placed another outside of ring's closing zone on the roof(just as it was closing). Right call to take the roof but final jump pad push was wonky, should have tossed 2-3 grenades, wait a bit and then take the pad, worst case being they all land on their own grenades.

Usually not a Commedator but I got triggered by Runa's black market item choices, feel like grenade/battery would be better than sights since the game is coming to a close.

>> No.16408477

>Usually not a Commedator
A what now?

>> No.16408589


>> No.16408636

Writing the same word in katakana has not at all helped my comprehension of what it is.

>> No.16408646

That happens when you play Valo 24/7

>> No.16408692


>> No.16408840

Much more helpful, when I searched 'コメデター' all I found was this random ass twitter account that didn't really help at all.

>> No.16408875


>> No.16408914

basically anyone who comments here during cr cup lol (me included)

>> No.16409046

That was indeed lucky 3rd partying

>> No.16409133
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00:27 daruma's mimic of masanorichaneru is too hilarious
reconciling skyhook dispute by communicating with team names is just gold
best clip so far best team in my heart

>> No.16409246
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They could have lost that with Runa getting tunnel vision'd. I don't think Noah popped ult the whole time but I could be mistaken. Runa getting stuck on a deathbox was hilarious.

>> No.16409404

>reconciling skyhook dispute by communicating with team names is just gold
oh is that why
I missed the start and had no idea why they were so focused on masanori ch (but daruma always seems to be anyway)

>> No.16410360
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The more Runa gets kill leader, the more aggressive Noah plays. A most optimum outcome.

>> No.16410376

i feel like she is better player in the party but autistic shit she does sometimes is something else

>> No.16410725
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Oh yeah, you have to wonder how large her monitor is to be able to shoot people at range. Every player has strengths and weaknesses and Runa using Loba makes it easier since she doesn't have to worry about other things besides shooting and looting.

For the current stream I'd say QP = Runa > Noah. QP is taking charge and initiating, she's missing out on kills by eating first mags and having to heal up but is doing a great job of not getting knocked down even when taking the brunt.
Noah's kind of lost in the sense that she's waiting for orders to scan and presumably ult which is why she rarely pops the ult. Could be a Noah or a QP fault depending on your view of how much Noah's BH should be micro'd though IMO she should just pop the ult if they are decidedly going to take a fight.

>> No.16412150
File: 1.11 MB, 1264x711, Screenshot 2022-01-15 at 03-55-47 【VALORANT】 耳にタコ【ぶいすぽ 兎咲ミミ】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pop into the other Purple VSPO member's stream
Mimitaya's new map cover is cute! Nazu-Mimi teetee~

>> No.16412341

>Oh yeah, you have to wonder how large her monitor is to be able to shoot people at range
I just imagine she has her face a few inches from th monitor.

>> No.16412684

its not new.

>> No.16413070

Hai hai, kita ktia tunnelvisionmiya

>> No.16413201

is there an arcstar meta right now?

>> No.16413882

>QP is taking charge and initiating
yeah, just by default qpi has to be igl as she's the only one who can say things forcefully enough even though i thought she might be a bit intimidated by noah. i remember she seemed pretty good at it in scrims in vsaikyou too but if she takes any mental damage at all she just falls to pieces

>> No.16414374

>forcefully enough
IGL"asoko chotto kowai... ikou" Qpi

>> No.16414409

what in the hell happened to the vspo 5ch threads on ニュース? there's like 15 of them all getting trolled to fuck. guess cr cup does bad things there too

>> No.16415009
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Explain meta. All I heard was it was nerfed to deal less damage and all I've seen is that it falls off player models on occasion.

That's what Runa is for, morale boost, mental recovery. Noah is mostly talk, can't IGL or improve the mood and it's refreshing to see a newcomer who is mechanically on par or superior to her.
My only complaint is the R-301 addiction but that's no one's fault but Respawn's.

Should emphasize on the initiating bit, I know QP practices movement tech a lot and she has a good head to go with it. A lot of times movement players will stubbornly take a fight and not heal up even if the spot is disadvantageous. QP initiates, takes a bit of damage, deals a bit back and then regroups. Not all of the calls are perfect but she takes a significant amount of risk to ensure they fight on decent ground for less personal reward.

Niji "rrrrat" for variation.

>> No.16415827

>R-301 addiction
she has some kind of priority list for weapons, it's clear that she also like bolt but i have no idea why she always replacing in with r-301
never played apex

>> No.16415838

>Explain meta
Runa had 5 or 6 in her bags when I posted that.

>> No.16416040

>Explain meta. All I heard was it was nerfed to deal less damage and all I've seen is that it falls off player models on occasion.
it does less damage on stick but more damage to shields.
>That's what Runa is for, morale boost, mental recovery. Noah is mostly talk, can't IGL or improve the mood and it's refreshing to see a newcomer who is mechanically on par or superior to her.
Why are people here constantly trying to talk shit about noah? I don't even watch her much but its clear to me that noah is better mechanically than either qpi or luna.
> QP initiates, takes a bit of damage, deals a bit back and then regroups
You literally just described playing the game. Literally all three of them are doing this.
>Not all of the calls are perfect but she takes a significant amount of risk to ensure they fight on decent ground for less personal reward.

>> No.16417355

>Not all of the calls are perfect
exactly, it's a better to make a imperfect decision quickly than to dither and have another team make the decision for you. they're working as a team so much better than when they messing around with noah playing gib
>newcomer who is mechanically on par or superior to her.
i'd say runa's aim is better
>I don't even watch her much but its cle.....

>> No.16417519

nice matchmaking apex...

>> No.16417546

Who did they get matched with?

>> No.16417707

>exactly, it's a better to make a imperfect decision quickly than to dither and have another team make the decision for you. they're working as a team so much better than when they messing around with noah playing gib
Garbage calls are garbage calls regardless of whether they are fast or not
>i'd say runa's aim is better
Watched too many clips of luna killing people that are standing still?
watched her a bit more, noah still better.

>> No.16418096

Not that anon, but I'd say her aim is better. At long range.
Close range Qpi or Noah wins out.

>> No.16418458


>> No.16418830

predator party + at least one master party

>> No.16418878

Some top 400 Preds full party, i suspect that lobby was Master/Pred mix

>> No.16418990

Runa is chibi now...

>> No.16419258

This CR Cup is cursed waiwai prob dropping out too

>> No.16419481

did ojiji manage to anger a vengeful spirit or some shit how come these just keep getting worse

>> No.16419549

IPN+Selen's team is getting fucking demolished

>> No.16420789

oh yeah, forgot that was happening now too. is there a main stream? selen doesn't seem to be showing the results screen on her stream

>> No.16421190


>> No.16421334

cheers. just scrolling through selen's stream i'm glad cr cup isn't this sweaty, just grim..

>> No.16421633
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, 【APEX LEGENDS】折り返しのCRカップカスタム二日目【バーチャルゴリラ_Kamito_伊織もえ】 10-18-46 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, it was gorilla who took them out

>> No.16421820

>QP = Runa > Noah
I dont know, when Qpi switch rolls with Noah and plays BH, shes still dying like usual. Qpi just dies no matter and i recall the part aobut Qpi being replaced with Qu by Adomin because she was too reckless.

>> No.16421833

We almost had a good thread then she gets mentioned again.

>> No.16421838

>>16421633 (me)
embed seems fucked but that's the last match of qpi/noah/runa

>> No.16421911


>> No.16421913

anonchama, your inference reps...

>> No.16422396

? i'm replying to myself make it explicit because i don't trust others will be able to infer

>> No.16423008

Peoples definition of IGL is weird, I remember people saying Towa was IGL for Cpt... I wouldn't strictly call Noah or Qpi IGL here, its just suggestions from either and they would agree or not. No blunt commands.

>> No.16425026
File: 167 KB, 1345x2048, COCA_COLLEGE-1481214625752379393-FI5U2cHUYAA6HDU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me transcribe Runa's incomprehensible tongue. It sucks that the part I can't decipher is exactly what I need to know.


>> No.16425518

Bronze, Kawase and Shinomiya are the same rank.

>> No.16425771

what's the ??? part

>> No.16428132

benibio this noon when she wakes up maybe

>> No.16430688

As in, Kawase is Bronze! and at like the same level as me!

>> No.16434010

so they fucking?

>> No.16434187
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>better mechanically than either qpi or luna
Runa is better at tunnel visioning at range and without holding W. Movement, Noah and QP might be tied it's just the difference in application, Noah likes to push while QP likes to bait and pull back.
Most of their fights QP initiates by being the first, "easiest" target to shoot at before anyone else. Noah and Runa only get shot first if it's a fight they do not intend to take, usually after a scan and QP needing time to decide if they will commit or wait. If all three were "doing this" than we'd have a rotation between all three on who pokes first, BH can initiate, scan and ult out, Loba can jumpdrive. You have to concede that playing point means it's her first mag vs enemy team's first mag and her healing up means she doesn't get as many opportunities to score kill points. If she was a generic Octane/Wraith, she'd push way ahead of the team get 1-2 knock with no ability for the team to capitalize since no angles, way too far to sprint to, enemy team resets and it becomes a 2 v 3 scenario at a location where the enemy team has hunkered down. Also can't undervalue weeding out enemy positions without using BH scan, that way you have it in reserve and available in case of third party or pursuing the enemy as they rotate or retreat.

Moon needs her stars.

People are weird when it comes to their favorite streamers. You can have TWO (2) IGLs, either one main and one backup in case main is dead or swarmed/does not have all the info in a bad situation or dual co-IGLs which pass info back and forth and jointly deciding on a course of action. Neither is exclusive though and main+backup might shift to co-IGL as needed, the only rules of thumb are that they can't take too long on deliberation and to keep the third man(usually the one with best aim) clear and directed.

>> No.16436762

That's not why she got replaced

>> No.16437173

Maybe when dexyuku has time, we might be able to see a dynamic change in orders. The problem with dexyuku is, hes too nice and wont coach them like he does with Fennel.

Another thing is, when Qpi (bh) and Noah(ash) switch roles, Qpi still not getting kills and still dying.

>> No.16437221
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るなあぽ てぇてぇ

>> No.16437329

I dont buy it. Adomin had lots of hate in his twitter when Qpi was replaced.

>> No.16438845


>> No.16439184

benisex biohazard in 40minutes

>> No.16440748


>> No.16441663

It has always been meta.
Even after the nerf.
Sky nades are in theory better but can be more limiting in certain scenarios.

>> No.16441863

CR Cup scrims start an hour later tonight, kind of shitty to be honest because it means less teams will want to extend because it will already be midnight when it ends. The scheduling for this CR Cup is really the worse.

>> No.16442087

...and fuck ojiji

>> No.16442242
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>Eurice(NA's top-tier pro)
>KUN and Sovalt(both ex-pro of Battle Field)

I'll bet $10k on their team

>> No.16442657

i honestly don't know how these obviously broken teams get through, clearly this is supposed to be a funsies tournament and instead a bunch of sweats try and game the points

>> No.16442768

One pay dock wasn't enough

>> No.16443499


>> No.16444359
File: 98 KB, 724x1024, E9e2JH_VIAgAeiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't watched any of the QP/BH, Noah/Ash stuff yet, you'll have to be more precise if it's a full swap of character and roles because if QP on BH is still taking point and giving orders then she'll still be taking lots of damage. Even worse since BH must burn his ult to have the same effect as Octane leaving the scene. Better if there's a vod with timestamps that you can link for better accuracy.

If QP was not taking point or giving orders then it's just down to missing her shots and her bad(with additional can of worms if team was flanked, outplayed etc but that needs full context).

Just my personal opinion but I'm not fond of Ash scouting/roaming because it has the same issue as BH popping the ult to escape if it's really bad and BH as IGL. I don't think Ash is as effective in a "1 in the front, 2 in the back" configuration where she's taking point in comparison to Wraith, Octane or PF.
Hilariously, Ash-Crypto seems to work better than expected as she doesn't need to roam as much with box scan and drone + they can all teleport on top after EMP.

>> No.16445063

imagine fucking sumire

>> No.16445566

Why was Noah's name in Korean?

>> No.16445838

Other anon meant change of character Qpi (octane) Noah-san (BH) to Qpi (BH) Noah-san (ash). Qpi was still IGLing and initiating.
just watch streams, Jeesus

>> No.16445858

i honestly do not understand the design theory/concept behind Ash. She can't play as a forward character and her ult is a 2min long jumppad. Her tactical isn't practical at all with its slow velocity and it lasts for half a second then youre unbound. Her passive is the only innovating part about her design. The new devs past season 8 are a bunch of incompetent uninspiring cunts desu (heard they couldnt code seer's ult to be a hollow sphere that doesnt allow sound to travel out so it became what it is)

>> No.16446399

>ult is a 2min long jumppad
Which is also uninterceptable. Jumppad has predictable arcs and can be beamed.
>Her tactical isn't practical at all with its slow velocity and it lasts for half a second then youre unbound.
It works as a zoning tool. Good luck in any remotely good lobbies when you essentially can't move for a split second.

>> No.16446465

Noah is now Korean officially.

>> No.16446790

Zeder property, he also membered her

>> No.16446985

Too add to language topic, later when Qpi saw russian name in kill feed they talked about what others can read in foreign languages, Qpi snitched on Runa knowing Korean on good level and her passion for Korean idlols. Shame fighting interrupted it

>> No.16447250
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Real talk, I can only watch like 1 stream, sometimes not the whole thing and then time stamp archives or nothing gets done and bills need to be paid. Thanks for clarifying.
Well of course QP is gonna take the most damage if she's still playing point then they just swapped characters and not positions. Arguably worse because Octane is better at fucking off so i wouldn't be surprised if QP just performed worse on BH overall.

It's like Fuse/Rev+Jumppad. The trick I see scouting Ash players do is run through narrow areas and use the snare to choke(same trick Rev and Fuse players use) to escape. Tactical can also be used during holdouts where people just take potshots, again same as Fuse. The supposed ideal situation is you snare someone behind cover with a mate's grenade on the way. Only issue is it really is slow and suited for in-fight or slow cover-shooting rather than for pursuing

The teleport is dummy good though, all margin for error is on the Ash, no Runa "bop my head on a branch" or QP having to teach how to tap strafe on a pad. It's an immediate angle(free, uncontested path to high ground), escape or push. One common scenario is if your team is pinned and the enemy team is pushing, you can immediately move the team to either the enemy team's flank (provided it has cover or higher ground) or a better spot.
If you were annoyed by final rings in KC Capacitor or Artillery with teams on the walls, Ash lets you third party those with little warning.
It's all right that her Tactical is a little weak because the passive and ult balance it out.

>> No.16447585

I would take care with Ash's ult though.
It's both slower than you think and also nerfed to be extremely obvious.
Any non-tunnel visioned team will be preaiming you and perhaps peppering you with grenades before you even exit the portal, keeping in mind the portal is formed before you actually reach the place. Won a match on Phase Runner once just by bursting the Ash down the moment they appeared while trying to flank.

>> No.16448012

Sena's thumbnail looking like SEX

>> No.16448262

cant find tmestamp so there is
poor loba getting raped in the valley
Gyaru igl Qpi

>> No.16449032

I'm asking because it doesn't sound like that at all.

>> No.16449394

The comedic timing on this is so good that it still makes me laugh every time I see it. Runa's really shining for me recently.

>> No.16449483

Its because Sovault got his team hours before the scrims started. Prize is still $14k USD so...

>> No.16449618

Qpi doesn't take point on BH, Noah does. Not sure why you would assume a legend with no escape would play point.

>> No.16449743

I said they switch roles, not just characters. It starts at 5:41 mark i think, for the last 4 games.

>> No.16449789


get fucked

>> No.16450480

it sounds like ブロンズ to me too but that could be because i've been primed by reading other anon's reply. doesn't that make sense though? hinano in chat: "what's with this line-up?", runa explains implying she thought she was going to play just with kawase who's bronze like her but when she joins there's 4 people waiting two of which are gold. hinano: "so you were tricked you poor thing"
lol but that stream was hellish to understand with runa's shit audio quality talking over 4 other people

>> No.16451294
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Yeah it used to be quiet. I guess a good way to classify her is something like Revenant's role where she directs the overall gameplan but not necessarily a play-by-play shotcaller.

Thanks, reviewing the second timestamp full match first since there's a bit easier to unpack.
Had a massive wall of text written up but it can be chalked up to:
1. Noah's scan missing other enemies(sometimes unlucky, especially the Staging scan where the other members were behind the crane)
2. QP not noticing shit and then running after enemy because scan shows only 1 hostile, getting shot in the back all day.
3. Slow decisions especially at Staging where they ended up flanked with a disorderly escape(Runa too far ahead, Noah running out into the middle because she wanted to kill Seer badly despite having enemies behind her, QP stunlocked on who to provide covering fire for).

Watching these now, actual wall of text. QP is still "IGL" for this first game at around 5:40 mark but she's letting Noah direct scans and take charge when she's down(which is a lot of the time) there doesn't seem to be any designated pointman since they're moving in a single group and because they're always out of position for the early part of the match(Runa+QP initiating fight at Landslide).

They had almost no chance to function as a team for that first game because they were always on the back foot. QP got downed a bunch of times at Skyhook because she was camping their roof with Runa when there were more than 2 teams also camping rooftops. Noah wanted a scan on the side of their last building and wanted a coordinated push to kill the PF hiding behind the wall but only QP jumped and got killed for it shortly after.
Closing phase of that game of course Noah now has to take lead and they got destroyed by the team they tried to coordinate a beam on.
A good portion of the match Ash ult spent on bailing the team out, QP going down because she's cooked, smoking the chimneys on their roofs, Runa getting shot because she's slightly ahead of the group or tagging along with QP on the roof watching for aliens.

Will watch the remaining games but idk, seems like they were crashing hard so I doubt they could repeat their previous champion match gameplans.

>> No.16451355

It used to be sneaky as fuck and really was broken.
Now its around half the obviousness of Loba's BM.
Best used to gtfo or taking height imo. Trying anything cheeky is probably just going to get you killed in any decent lobby.

>> No.16451492


>> No.16451545

Will Mondo have his skull screwed on tightly today or not?

>> No.16451554

You'll be lucky if he even shows up

>> No.16451665

Judging by the performance yesterday, Towa and Hinano would be unlucky if he shows up.

>> No.16451782

They should be warming him up before the important bit this time so it should be fine.

>> No.16452087

>ywn be warmed up by Hinano and Towa before the important bit
Why even live?

>> No.16452300

Nice aim mondo

>> No.16452547

>hinano playing with 2 gook

>> No.16452568

She is becoming Towa.

>> No.16454193

Towa sampling all the pink women before she aims for one

>> No.16454254

ghosted much

>> No.16454602

Ras will dominate lobby today.

>> No.16455135

Gorilla sneaking into the enemy teams and gets told off in VC immediately lol.

>> No.16455234

If Qpi stops dying so much, i think they can win some despite dow dysfunctional they are.

The one game where they were in Predator lobby was insane. That movement lol. https://youtu.be/Ng9ZR5n6LUk?t=21669

>> No.16455278

towa talking about her shitting behavior...

>> No.16455330

Towa will have a 3k dmg game

>> No.16455382
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The effort is commendable

>> No.16455572

3k dmg received

>> No.16455778

Not sure why you felt the need to reword this.

>> No.16455938

ras dying first again, he's washed

>> No.16455944 [DELETED] 

thread bugged for me and my post won't come out after update so i reworded it to post again them the previous one came out

>> No.16456005

The fuck is his problem he used to be goot at 1v1? When he dies his team is over

>> No.16456052

Towa destroyed Eureice

>> No.16456253

They should have ban gib and caustic for next cr.

>> No.16456335

If you ban gib then 1/3rd of the lobby cannot play

>> No.16456353

mondo knows what's up

>> No.16456370

more like they can finally have fun

>> No.16456372


>> No.16456417

ta1yo an overwatch ex-pro counted as a 8pt diamond player (punch boosting btw which is banned). pls let the chuubas win just once....

>> No.16456457

Hinano, Towa, Mondo team was pinchered and got Gibby ult'd by 3 teams in a row just after they finished up Eurice team. That was えぐい

>> No.16456477


>> No.16456480

Still impressive.

>> No.16456596

Yeah while everyone talking about euriece dominating, francisco team has been as well since first day.

>> No.16456635

Fuck was meant for this>>16456417

>> No.16456700

ex-pros from other games are dominating CR cup with point frauds.

>> No.16456727

>punch boosting
is that when you punch the ground to move faster?
mondo was talking about francisco's team so close enough

>> No.16456766

They should just count ex-pros as high diamond minimum.
Less if they are newly using another type of control but low-mid diamond minimum.

>> No.16456815

Maybe we will get some Valorant pros join next cr cup as 4pt plats.

>> No.16456855

Please stop booli ras

>> No.16456861

YA. The surface you're punching has to be an elevated one than where youre standing, hold backward key while punching

>> No.16456867

That was crazy to see Greezz who is supposed to be a plat 4 won to Niru on 1v1.

>> No.16456907

>otk tournament dominated by halo pros
>cr cup being dominated by other games ex pros

Simple playing apex and rolling over everyone when????

>> No.16456947

gonna punch boost into hinano's pussy

>> No.16457001

maybe he should have smoked
mondo and selly smoke a shit ton before the match and see they're performing better, smoking saves lives

>> No.16457008

go ahead, ill take ema.

>> No.16457020

>be stylishnoob
>ex-pro of overwatch
>weak ass fuck

>> No.16457038

What do you mean it's banned? I see pros doing it all the time.

>> No.16457049

ema will sniff me like she sniffs a loaf of bread.

>> No.16457057

its different because taiyo was the only japanese ex-ow pro that was actually good at the game

>> No.16457073

Old man is past his prime and he has a troll on his team pls understand

>> No.16457092

banned in algs

>> No.16457098

Banned in ALGS.
Well, tbf the wording is a little weird.
Like wtf does repeatedly mean? You can do it occasionally?

>> No.16457119

Noah and Zeder lagging like crazy, are other teams lagging too? Server issues?

>> No.16457217

>gorilla gets one shot
>kamito immediately abandons the cosplayer slut
>gorilla tells him to come back and cover for her
>he "happens" to forget how to character control

>> No.16457226

>Crypto getting ambushed.
Do they not use their 4th party member to watch their backs or what?

>> No.16457276

the nearby team counter is bugged sometimes

>> No.16457332

Why did mondo need caustic again when he never want to camp

>> No.16457386

Eureice just got peacekeeper 99 dmged by niru outside the bubble when he is inside kek

>> No.16457392

Towa's team is doomed, fucking hell.

>> No.16457435

The important thing is that they had fun.

>> No.16457439

dont say that, Towa will turned the team around on gameday.

>> No.16457470

FINALLY arisaka ibu-chan and shaka wins a game. Grats to them

>> No.16457473

Not with hinano on caustic.

>> No.16457481

Why are Arisaka and Daruna still 10pt Preds?

>> No.16457482

Kamito only cares about one woman.

>> No.16457500

We did it Shaka friends

>> No.16457514

Noah is a trans right? her voice is sounded so

>> No.16457521

you're right :) They should be 8pt instead because they are washed as fuck

>> No.16457523

his mom, mafuyu

>> No.16457532

Anon is a ESLs right? His post is sounded so

>> No.16457541

I don't care what Noah is, she makes my dick hard and I'd like to have sex with her.

>> No.16457576

+2 points for creating easy clip material aka promoting CR cup.

>> No.16457588

Not that, would be pointless in that area anyway with that many teams.
I'm talking about leaving your drone to watch your back. Considering they were indoors in Lava Siphon(?), there really aren't many possible attack angles. Drone should be covering your back when you're engaging.

>> No.16457630

Ojiji is a nigger.

>> No.16457631

Why doesn't she use Loba? I think they mentioned yesterday something along the line "Since the landmark is Dome, Loba would be great"

>> No.16457678

sometimes you don't want the drone out until you emp because if you're drone gets broken early you're fucked. Though I wasn't watching so I could just be spouting garbage.

>> No.16457700

Mondo seem to want caustic for some reason maybe because its his algs comp so he want to play around it with weaker team to get some experience i guess.

>> No.16457749

ibu-chan may be seen as a good crypto to the normie audience but he's really just average on it. Don't expect him to make the right play everytime. Anyways, to your sentiment, if it's outdoors, drone is completely useless to watch your back with its short 30m detect radius. And a lot of the times average crypto players have a habit of just keeping the drone on you when engaging so you can just whip out the drone for ult

>> No.16457776

Kamito’s solo pred days have made him incompatible with team play.
Turning tail and running the moment anything goes to shit is the correct play in solo rank, not in a team.
I like him but some of these plays are just bad. Then again, he’s the pred and I’m just diamond

>> No.16457810

cant igl cant play in a team environment failing every cr cup since the BRG. This is your Oreo

>> No.16457853

I mean it get's Hinano wet so it's useful for something.

>> No.16457864

Of course.
But you know what else fucks you over? The full team coming up right behind you that you missed because you were busy with another team right in front.
They were indoors in a large area so it's not like leaving it open to be sniped by some team miles away, the only ones that can shoot it are those about to buttfuck you.
Was watching Masanori come up one side of the Lava Siphon building and then basically beaming the Crypto through the open door.
Maybe they already lost the drone earlier or something.

>> No.16457952

Probably wasn't Ibu, this team lost their Crypto at least. Doubt the winning team could respawn at that point.
Though even outdoors depending on map you might be able to finagle some safe-ish spot, but yeah, probably better to keep it in for the moment.

>> No.16457956

if a full team comes up behind you that's something you should notice even if you don't have a drone out. just having the drone randomly out slows you down by a lot for everything other than checking specific angles or a set landmine emp play.

>> No.16457967

Hinano likes em useless and floppy

>> No.16458005

then that would be lauren, the only other guy playing crypto. Vodka lauren k4sen

>> No.16458252

Eh, they were seemingly engaging something, so it's not like it was random but...
Thanks, wanted to go check it out but no live replay. Oh well.

>> No.16458392

> 6 whiff wingman shot in close range

>> No.16458411
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>> No.16458416

WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT STANDOFF CPT went fucking godlike in that 2v3 fight hskw just barely grabs the win

>> No.16458439

Hoshikawa carrying washed Hal.

>> No.16458476


>> No.16458525

> instant revive by sovault

>> No.16458660

hskw movement god

>> No.16458692

>throws gas ult on her feet and not at the enemy
hskw > cpt

>> No.16458762
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4pt plat btw

>> No.16458799

>Downed by Hal
Seems accurate, a bit high if anything.

>> No.16458900

Towa destroyed Niru

>> No.16458961

Based towa farting on nirumafu.

>> No.16459150

Told you Towa will get a 3k dmg game.

>> No.16459153

Wait mondo is on crypto?

>> No.16459220

that's what he plays in algs

>> No.16459263


>> No.16459276

Huh, Hinano is no longer on Caustic?

>> No.16459386

Hinano need to stop showing her fat ass to the enemy team.

>> No.16459410

Yeah, she should only show it to me.

>> No.16459498

Daruma... you did your best... ;_; naifai

>> No.16459513

Euriece wipe the floor again.

>> No.16459570

>Point fraud party fighting in the end on loop

>> No.16459579

That euriece position is disgusting, had free spray over everyone, almost down 3 people in a single mag with alternator.

>> No.16459582

I have no idea how he igl his team out of that shit, the zone pulled far from them twice and he still manage to secure the win

>> No.16459606

Gorilla res'd Kamito on the very last ring but he had to be a fucking loot goblin and died to the ring instead of immediately shooting with the Kraber he got.

>> No.16459680

The red armor he got was broken too.
Think he was fucked either way, but he definitely should've shot.

>> No.16459692

Hinano about to get hit with a tsunami

>> No.16459705

Ras team and Zeder team invading each others team chat lol

>> No.16459727

Kamito got it as well.
Does this mean...?

>> No.16459740

is that another earthquake? nose stopped moving

>> No.16459760

They definitely are.

>> No.16459822

Why the fuck do quakes happen during CR cup again

>> No.16459834

selly got coerced into an enchou sex with lisa and nose.......

>> No.16459846

nature itself hates ojiji

>> No.16459868

Somebody fucking.

>> No.16459881

Kamito: i got a tsunami warning
Gorilla and Moe: oh ok. *continues talking about cute dogs*

>> No.16459890

Hinano's fat ass finally broke her creaky ass chair and this is the result.

>> No.16459903

unchipuri on a full-out nuclear war against masanorichaneru by sending them threats in their team name

>> No.16459906

Translator's Note: neko mean dog

>> No.16460020

Apparently it's because of the eruption in Tonga.

>> No.16460117

legit spaced out during the whole conversation because it was so out of place
i just know they were talking about the slut's pet

>> No.16460315

mondo sexually harassing every team asking whether they poop everyday in vc
towa : kotira mo sekuhara sareteirunode

>> No.16460341

Their LOVEandPEASE battle in the team name is probably the most entertaining thing in this pro-fest

>> No.16460492

Stop flashing your fat ass around hinano.

>> No.16460521

She learned from Kamito.
They both love getting shot in the ass.

>> No.16460590 [DELETED] 

what team is that?

>> No.16460715

nice crypto plays by lauren. Daruma's team stood no chance against his crypto ult

>> No.16460923

Hoshikawa too strong.

>> No.16460934

meanwhile ibu gets his drone broken at the most crucial point in a 3v3 standoff

>> No.16461191

>Doesn't camp with caustic comp but camp with crypto
What's mondo endgame here?

>> No.16461210

to make sex noises while EMPing people

>> No.16461237

info wins games. farts dont

>> No.16461269

do you think crypto is bad for camping or something? lol

>> No.16461271

Rion hitting on Kamitos mom now...

>> No.16461340

shes been drawing a lot of avatars for valorant personalities streamers

>> No.16461406

Ras will dominate the lobby tomorrow.

>> No.16461522


>> No.16463014

Runa valorant

>> No.16463194

why nobody making a fuss from a fact that only Kamito and Hinano got tsunami warning?

>> No.16463222

It's common knowledge they live together and fuck everyday.

>> No.16463239

Earthquake is so common in the ring of fire zone it's not even worth talking about

>> No.16463476

Why would anyone make a fuss out of two best friends of differing genders, who definitely aren't fucking RIGHT NOW, to be the only ones getting a tsunami warning?
Also the warning covers a pretty significant area... https://twitter.com/livedoornews/status/1482370861223247875

>> No.16463642

they were far from the only ones if you watched other streams.

>> No.16463688

it doesnt really go inside Tokyo bay, so if people were warned based on this map it gives quite a good estimate, but whatever.

>> No.16465529

Nose bath twitcast...

>> No.16465873

Runa you squeaking bitch, you dont need to explain "funny" moment if you dont close your fucking screen

>> No.16466003

Oi don't talk to my cunny wife like that.

>> No.16466546

Sorry, im emotional about her doing this autistic screen cover.

>> No.16467429


>> No.16467530

she did it again
we missed the whole first round

>> No.16468167

if only bora had done it members only but instead it's lost to the mists of time

>> No.16469925

so do you think Runa will develop any resemblance of game sense?
will any senpais or cr fuckbois teach her?

>> No.16470041

dumb unsophisticated nips celebrating KETCHUP on omuraisu.....

>> No.16470490

nips love their fucking Ketchup, shit is disgusting.

>> No.16472718

taya has joined shinomiya

>> No.16480087
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fall guys legends with egumon til 7am

>> No.16482253

Runa slurping ASMR now

>> No.16483076

It's what makes the most sense but you have to really stretch what came out of her mouth. Even Runa can't have that terrible of an enunciation.
I misheard that sentence for sure, I'm just asking in case someone has a better idea that not only makes sense, but sounds right.
At this rate it's just going to remain a mystery.

>> No.16483382

It is for sure 'Bronze'

>> No.16487149

They have played more Fall gays than Apex
