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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1624438 No.1624438 [Reply] [Original]

What compels someone to give this much money to a fictional character? And have you done it yourself? How much would you be willing to shell out?

>> No.1624553
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Everyone has a reason.

>> No.1624798


>> No.1624877

you know the characters have irl people behind them right

>> No.1624886

some people have an extreme amount of disposable income. usually these dudes have some kind of stem degree and are working high tech so they just have money pouring out of them.
personally i'd doing fine, but i'm jewish so just giving money away for nothing hurts me.

>> No.1625084

Yes but they are giving them money because they are cute anime girls

>> No.1625158

They are real people being the anime face, anon.
Some people are so desperately mentally ill that they think anything that makes them happy is worth throwing all their money away for. I have memberships on a few channels that are $5 and think tiered memberships are lame, but the member only benefits aren't bad.

>> No.1625243
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It's not a fictional character it's a deity, come to this realisation fast

>> No.1625271

can confirm

>> No.1625362

I don't work at Google/Facebook/Amazon but if I did I would be shitposting with red SCs.

>> No.1625421

How much you think Elon SCs? I bet he likes Pekora

>> No.1625431

Marine has a guy who drops 50k yen with no message in the waiting room of every single stream

>> No.1625516

>And have you done it yourself?
I once bought a 3 months twitch sub.
I felt it was like paying back for all the hours of entertainment, male streamer btw.

>How much would you be willing to shell out?
Like 20 dollars top.

>> No.1625543

see memberships i can get, cause you get access to exclusive streams and i heard some of the girls have really good ones.
i can also get spending money on concerts, physical goods or songs.
the thing i just can't wrap my head around is spending hundreds of dollars to make someone read out your fake screen name.

>> No.1625550


>> No.1625734


Agree, money is scalable. What I mean by this is that if someone values something for $1, it's possible that another person, with 500x the money, can value that item for $500. In fact, they're probably willing to spend more because the marginal utility of money generally goes down over time, although this effect is diminished because most people think in terms of changes in money rather than their personal wealth.

>> No.1625770
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>make someone read out your fake screen name.
Some people value their internet persona more than their real names. Then there's Eating Mike Tyson's Ass. Either way its nice when you're in a smaller chuuba's channel, hololive makes no sense though unless its Rushia

>> No.1625840

I pour reds on my indie because it’s nice to see her grow. So far she’s been able to get a better PC which has allowed her to play more games, she got a new mic for better karaokes and asmr, her live2d has improved, and she seems happier overall. It’s my play money, and her streams make me happy.

>> No.1625849

I can agree, when I was working a shitty minimum wage job 100 dollars was a lot to me. Now that I'm making bank, I just buy whatever.

>> No.1625894


>> No.1625907

i do it for watame because she genuinely helps me out mentally. i have no desire or expectation of getting something out of it except making myself feel whole. it feels as normal as paying for food at a restaurant or paying a friend back. i have the spare money for it and haven't donated more than twenty bucks total yet, but will donate more in the future.
it mentally also feels good to know good people are succeeding and you're helping them as well as validating that good people succeed.

she's the first and only streamer ive done it for. i don't plan to do it for anybody else unless they're a kind person who helps sad people be happy.

>> No.1625925

Also, not Jewish but grew up eating generic foods, using Roseart crayons, and getting thrift store clothing and seeing this much money wasted on bullshit like this hurts

>> No.1626042
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I'm a landlord and don't have to work and I only have a membership to all the holos I masturbate to.

>> No.1626112


>> No.1626127

For some reason they get a dopamine boost out of it. They feel like their life has a meaning, even if for a very brief moment of time.

>> No.1626180


>> No.1626210

better this than Cocaine. Also, maybe they use 500$ bills to wipe their ass.

>> No.1626342

I'm also glad to help out the sheep because I think she deserves it. The good feelings I've gotten are worth more than the money anyway.

>> No.1626344

Just curious. Do you jack off while watching them or porn only?

>> No.1626348

>I bet he likes Pekora
A man of taste, I see.

>> No.1626486

sometimes we get really depressed and forget how loved good people are. whenever i feel down i remember how hard watame used to have it and how good ive had it before.

>> No.1626488

I give some money since I use adblocker and I feel bad about getting completely free entertainment

I can't imagine sending a red SC though, let alone 500. I'm too cheap for that

>> No.1626523

Porn most of the time. But there were some legendary streams where my boner was so massive that I had to jack it because it was starting to hurt. Like this legendary stream.
Moona was baiting coomers.

>> No.1626534

I grew up poor and constantly stressing about money. Nowadays I'm pretty financially stable so I just don't pay attention to how much things cost. That's a luxury I've got even when I've got low five figures in the bank. I currently wouldn't give out any $500 akasupas but that's just because I don't want to, I could give out a bunch without having any impact on my finances. There's many, many people out there with far more disposable income than me where it would matter even less and it becomes worth it to them to see the reaction of a streamer or chat. To them it's not really a waste because at a certain point you sorta run out of things to do with your money.

>> No.1626572

i can imagine it in the future but honestly i'd rather buy their merch. right now investing is priority and investing in good content comes second to raising capital for investing in said content.

gotta always take care of yourself first so that you're able to take care of others

>> No.1626643

>mori's superchatters are the most loaded
>Ame & Ina's are the poorest
What's the correlation and why is this the case?

>> No.1626777
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What the hell was she even doing here

>> No.1626812

you know how at some concerts or sports games there are crowd cams that that show people on a big screen? imagine if they made it so you can pay money for it to focus on you, that the more money you paid the longer it would show you on screen and if you paid enough then one of the athletes or band members would call you out and say thank you? thousands would sink money into something like that and many would get addicted to the attention.

>> No.1627117

I'm a telephone engineer and get paid a very decent wage, to the point I would say I'm pretty wealthy. Plenty of disposable income because I live alone, no gf, no pets, no car (just a company vehical that I don't pay anything towards) and I live in the smallest apartment imaginable. I dish out my fair share of akasupas simply because I have nothing else to use my money on - There's literally nothing else I would want to spend it towards and the feeling of giving out a large some of money to chuubas I like makes me feel better than anything else I could think of buying with it.

>> No.1627130

Brilliant idea. People would legitimately go bankrupt if you put a superchat counter up on a jumbotron and tallied the amount each team's fans donated.

>> No.1627214

Basically same - I like the content they produce, I'd like to see more of it, so I donate

>> No.1627242

I have to chalk it up to the IRL roommate posting. Kiara has the same SC boost. I'm sure the top donors are roommate orbiters.

>> No.1627340
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I told myself I would never SC, but I ended up sending $20 to my Oshi about a week ago. Idk what came over me. She makes me so happy and I couldn’t think of another way to say thank you. I’ll try to resist the urge better in the future.

>> No.1627347

I used to give money to streamers. Regardless of the amount I think the feeling is the same: you get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that something you did is directly influencing the actions of a girl you like and because you can justify it as supporting their content you feel justified and selfless. In the end the feeling fades quite quickly and after a year or so I realized it was a waste of money. The paypigs serve a purpose collectively but no one person makes any real difference.

>> No.1627374

Moro is really, really good at pretending she cares about you. I've almost fallen for it before and then I remember that Hololive isn't even her top priority.

>> No.1627539


>> No.1627579

Worth it

>> No.1627694

I would never give more than a fiver for a membership to any notable vtuber since they've got a dedicated fanbase that'll give them thousands of dollars a stream anyway.

that said I'm willing to spend a bit more on indies since they can't even guarantee a thousand viewers, so they could probably actually use the money. at least, relatively speaking.

>> No.1627948

>better this than Cocaine
Not necessarily

>> No.1628088

Admittedly it was kind of cute in the beginning.

I mean, imagine that you're completely new trying out this "v-tuber" thing. You've lost your job or are out of work or decided to quit because it was so stressful and you got your chance to just play games and have fun for once in your life.

And then when you start streaming, random strangers start dropping hundreds of dollars on you like its nothing. Money that at one point in your life would have been pretty life changing.

I'm sure there's stressful aspects but i think about that a lot. How lifechanging it'd be for someone.

If i had an unlimited income or was just in general really rich i'd probably go to all kinds of streamers and donate money to them.

>> No.1628270

vibrator test stream

>> No.1628602

>What compels someone to give this much money
Because they can.
Earn a stupid amount of money, buy stupidly expensive things.

>> No.1629088 [DELETED] 

Whenever i feel like wanna give my oshi an SC, go to the bank and get that money in cash. When i have enough money i instead go to an escort an have a gfe session instead.

>> No.1629126

Ridding herself of pent up frustration because Pekora told her she could sleep over when she visits Japan but she hasn't been able to because of wu flu.

>> No.1629265

That one is not nearly as bad as most.

>> No.1629348

I was thinking of getting a membership from Kiara to see her German streams, as I know some basic German, but then I realize there’s probably free content put there by certified teachers who speak German natively and know their language’s rules enough to explain them to an english speaker. Not joshing her, I can’t even explain English grammar rules

>> No.1629415

Elon has fuckoff amounts of money and a wife who puts up with his shenanigans, he wouldn’t hide donating to one

>> No.1629470

I've given 100 but it was a charity stream.

>> No.1629472

He has to be some high up suit, gook welfare is never that good, and Japanese government jobs apprently pay jack

>> No.1629527

I swear Korone falls for him on purpose at this point

>> No.1629620

Says you, there's not that much talk about their designs outside of topic threads.

>> No.1629735

Someone donated Snuffy 5000$. I stopped watching her since then.

>> No.1629810

If I were currently employed instead of collecting Coronabucks, I could see throwing a few fivers around here and there.

If I were wealthy enough to drop reds, though, I'd probably make donations to local museums and/or arts organizations instead. Probably buy a bunch of paintings, too.

>> No.1629936

I work at Google/Facebook/Amazon, and it's not as much disposable income than you think. After 40-60% in taxes and then housing and car.. you're left with some money but not fuck you money.

>> No.1629969

Haven't done it yet, never will.
It's so funny watching these nerds blog about themselves and try to drop their lives on them in a donation.
They don't give a shit if it's your birthday, they don't care about your pet dying, they don't care about you losing your job.

>> No.1630065

>some people have an extreme amount of disposable income
This. If you have a high paying job but are single, there is literally nothing you can fucking do with all your money. It's not a simp thing, it's not even a gacha thing, it's just universal. Even completely F2P games with no pay2win still have fucking paypigs who want to feel like they're carrying the company with their money

>> No.1630277

Said people are probably also autistic turbovirgins, which means they don't have a gf/wife/family to spend money on.

>> No.1630452

I work for one of the tech companies, and I wish this were the case. Houses are fuck all expensive in the areas we get paid the big bucks. I definitely live very comfy, and I do still drop an aka now and then. But it's definitely not enough to send akas every stream.

>> No.1631733

Amazon and Google have offices in some cheaper cities. If you're working for them out of Ann Arbor and making six figures then you'll easily have enough money to drop fat fucking stacks on chuubas because the cost of living is dirt cheap around there.

>> No.1631771

the chad move is getting a vtuber to say your name for free after getting into a viewer participation stream

>> No.1631799
File: 68 KB, 973x171, MY DOG [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fuauxv1.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1631821

Senchou has a lot of rich salarymen watching her supposedly, it's not uncommon that out of the 25-30k people who watch her almost every stream one of them is an oil baron with no family or other hobbies to spend money on

>> No.1631835
File: 233 KB, 871x670, based on what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy dog
>Have it put down so you can SC about it

>> No.1631841

If they entertain me, give me laugh for free then there is reason for me to pay them back the tips

It simply just appreciation

>> No.1631850

it's either a rich kid or yeah some lonely VP at a jap corporation

>> No.1631883

Most of Lamy's big superchatters are actually old rich Japanese dudes, don't know about Marine but that might be true for her too.

>> No.1632119

I gave 5 bucks to pikamee. Thats it.

>> No.1632303

Does anyone know what the world record for the biggest single superchat is? Google just shows the highest earning channels

>> No.1632700

What else am I going to spend my Biden bucks on?

>> No.1632748

Giving them a bit of money is fine since they're giving you hours of free entertainment, but going that far is dumb. I say shelling 5 or 10 bucks from time to time is perfectly fine.

>> No.1632758

$500 is the limit for SCs.

>> No.1632782


>> No.1632803

I don't give supas, I just member

>> No.1632940
File: 289 KB, 1600x1360, sing_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What compels someone to give this much money to a fictional character?
This bitch spent the time to learn all the songs to a performance level (much different than mumbling to yourself) and did a 2 hour karaoke to entertain me (as part of her audience).
Or she literally did a concert of 10-30 original songs.
>And have you done it yourself?
>How much would you be willing to shell out?
10 to 20 USD. Kind of cheap considering the price of actual concerts, but they also do it much more frequently.
I'm also willing to shell money on merch.
I also don't expect them to acknowledge me for it, I just think they've worked hard enough for their money.

>> No.1632958

>If I were wealthy enough to drop reds, though, I'd probably make donations to local museums and/or arts organizations instead.

>> No.1633046

Being rich? If you have a million in the bank, 500 bucks are like a pack of gum to you.

>> No.1633096

One superchat or one stream? Max SC depends on currency, I know GBP is one of the most expensive if not the most so the max is £500 or just under $700 and I'm sure that's happened before. Record stream AFAIK is Kagami Hayato's $95k 3D debut

>> No.1633403
File: 357 KB, 1084x2048, EmstkvgUwAAz1eD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, if you read the chat/superchats it doesn't really feel like a bunch of salary men.

I tried to maintain membership-only status, but Senchou's karaoke earlier this week was so good I felt obligated to tip the artist.

and honestly, old saying of street artists "you stop, you tip" still applies.

>> No.1633462

I mean, if I was caked with money, I would probably do so as well, just for the shits. Like lighting a Cuban with an $100 bill, it's a self boost of confidence.

>> No.1634132

Jesus what the fuck, I never even heard of this guy before

>> No.1634143

Well i would not say she hates deadbeats and doesn't care about them. It is just her autism that she cannot say no to his friends.

>> No.1634196

Think this all boils down to is "how much value is the streamer to you?" Hololive only rose because of lockdowns and when lockdowns came, Depression and mental health issues rose, not to mentions the deaths that were increasing daily. I personally lost a family member to Covid. All my family members were affected and they each picked their own ways of coping. I was already in the rabbit hole by this point, mid-july, so I just completely dove in and got some memberships and did superchats. Hololive was the only thing that made me laugh as I went through the melancholy and depression of losing a family member, dealing with the mortality of myself and others, and struggling on how to move on after putting her to rest.

It's all based on how much each individual values them. Point blank. Ex: Your relatives memento might not mean much to others, but it may mean the world to you. You'd probably pay any price for it. Same here, except this is something intangible. Happiness, peace of mind, etc.

>> No.1634339

Single men

>> No.1642053

Same. I said no simping, but one day Ame had a dream stream and I just really needed to tell her about mine for some reason. Jump forward and now I SC more than I chat. Never more than $5 but I try to have something witty that the girls will want to read.

>> No.1642089
File: 21 KB, 358x213, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snipped this out of Ames mario stream.

I dont know if i could read this kinda stuff just imagining being on the other end of a message like this is just eeh

>> No.1642136

Personally, i'm in my 30s, work in stem, single, somewhat frugal and will probably kms before 40s. It's either this or some pretentious hobby

>> No.1642215

I managed to make sure my oshi knows my name anon, all it takes is a shitty 2$ donation every 2 streams and being active in media

>> No.1644634

The fuck is wrong with these niggas
If I had $100 to blow on superchats I would just ask ame to say "Biggus Chungus" or something like that a couple of times

>> No.1644679

>The fuck is wrong with these niggas
>screencap of a teamate akasupa
the answer is obvious

>> No.1644760

Based gosling

>> No.1644778

Reddit taste, yes.

>> No.1644854

Shaving her vag. Not even kidding. She did a hair removal member's only stream.

>> No.1644917

I did drop my Biden Bux on a Marshall JVM full stack for the sole reason of properly recording a song I wrote for Gura, but that’s not exactly the same thing as a SC. Not sure if it’s better or worse, but at least I can use it for other things after.

>> No.1645195

>and honestly, old saying of street artists "you stop, you tip" still applies.
I've dropped a few $10s/20s to tease with a tongue twister. I'm a fucking weirdo that loves tongue twisters. Watching them fumble with one is cute.
The rest are $2-5 SCs that are more shitpost than superchat, but it's still "you stop, you tip" at its core, and also because Marine's karaoke stream was amazing.

>> No.1646484

I think Ina just doesn't get any because she doesn't address it, and discourages you for doing it. You bet your ass if Ina did superchat readings constantly like Kiara, Mori, and Watson she'd get the same amount as let's say Gura.

>> No.1650226

fuck his wife

>> No.1650247

parasocial relationship. I know because I was like that with Kiara a few months ago and now I'm almost an anti

>> No.1650682

>paying Susan
fuck superchatters

>> No.1651629

Oy vey don't have a conniption bubbula

>> No.1651692

>Tfw poor and even if I wasn't I'd just spend it all on gacha

>> No.1652989

I fell out of watching her. No big reason really. I took the indiepill and decided to have a parasocial relationship with someone who'll read out my chats without forking over $100s of dollaridoos. I fell out of watching holos in general to be honest. Really need to pick Aki back up

fuck blm though

>> No.1652997

I just discovered my oshi, but she's already inspired to pick up old, abandoned hobbies and to get serious about working out. She's really motivated me, in such a way I've rarely felt before, to improve myself to be the best I can be. The most I've dropped is $5, but I mostly do it out of appreciation. And for the possibility of kisses.

>> No.1653777

What vtubers read the whole message + name every time? I might consider donating. My oshi only does it sometimes randomly.

>> No.1654053
File: 79 KB, 1000x585, 1d8cfc79f0ae6ad2af2b9f8b2070103a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not being a poorfag that has to ask that question whenever you tip your entertainment.

>> No.1654088

Look for any of them that do designated superchat streams if you don't mind waiting, that's the only guarantee

>> No.1654728

Are there also retarded nips who do this or is it exclusively an EOP thing?

>> No.1656050

Flare almost always does

>> No.1656091

there are retards in every nation regardless of what language they speak lol

>> No.1660882
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1615825230031s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what amount of wealth / income is it acceptable to start sending out akasupas? I personally don't think I will for the foreseeable future since I have better use for my money.

>> No.1660980

besides the fact that youtube and cover get more money in total than the talent themself, meaning that if you want them to actually get all that much of what you're paying out you -have- to give them huge sums?

>> No.1660999

When you have no other reason to live but to make your oshi happy, or when you stop participating in your hobbies in lieu of watching your oshi stream. Effectively, when it becomes your only hobby.

>> No.1661103

I would just feel bad if someone poorer than me gave me $500.

>> No.1663720

What about coco kaine?

>> No.1664036

based madao

>> No.1664515

That's actually very in character.

>> No.1667233

Like other anon said, literally anything is better than akasupas. Buy memberships, merch, commission a real life sexbot of your oshi, just get something tangible out of it

>> No.1667602

Nah bro, they're interested in the person behind the avatar, the design alone is worth nothing if the streamer is boring

>> No.1667661

>wife dies
>Replace with virtual wife
i fail to see the issue.

>> No.1667764

>How much would you be willing to shell out?
My monthly budget for chuubas is 5% of my salary.

>> No.1668306

Holy fucking based
