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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15836954 No.15836954 [Reply] [Original]

Come home , anime woman.

>> No.15837216
File: 31 KB, 522x181, 1628905748812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic

>> No.15837416

They're called V-Tubers and not V-Twitchers for a reason.

>> No.15837450

Whats up with the twitch spam lately

>> No.15837481

uh ackchyually the correct term "V-streamers"

>> No.15837483

Twitch has better monetization with hype trains, bits, and gift subs, but YT has massive ad revenue and no minimal streaming hours in the contract.

>> No.15837587

More Youtube bullshit happening. Twitch has no video uploads and only saves VODs for a few months, so it's a poor alternative.

>> No.15837730

3 months, but uploading archive to YT account is not a bad idea

>> No.15837810

That's what staff should partly be used for.

>> No.15837859

Twitch is way worse than YT. Is some cut numbers from live viewers that bad? you number fags are insane, is numberfaging all you live for?

>> No.15837863

I would follow Pomu to almost every place

>> No.15837909

another SJW shit site

>> No.15837935

As long as their discoverabilty doesn't plummet I see no point in shifting away from YouTube.

>> No.15838048

Does twitch still have a heavy handed SJW mod presence, a disposition of heavily favoring thots and tit streamers, Dog shit zoomer driven community that makes chumkeks look tame?

>> No.15838072

It's actually VLivers.

>> No.15838113

And as long as money keeps flowing neither will the people really in charge

>> No.15838115

>Does twitch still have a heavy handed SJW mod presence, a disposition of heavily favoring thots and tit streamers
You speak like a zoomer by the way

>> No.15838170

Answer the question faggot don't deflect

>> No.15838264

>40 twitch streamers arrested
Yes, yes! Go!

>> No.15838308

Well if you care about discoverability, Twitch has close to 0 and it has a really really small user base as well. If the average youtube 2view tried to get started on twitch, they'd stay a 0 view until they found another platform to shill themselves on. Which typically is youtube. A lot of twitch streamers upload clips and VODs to youtube for that reason, because at least on youtube you can get discovered.

>> No.15838490

That's the main issue. You are giving up something like a potential 80 million daily unique users to move to Twitch. Even a minuscule fraction of a drop of that is enough to give YT the viewership - and growth - advantage, especially if you're already one of the biggest fishes in your niche.

>> No.15838543

The only reason anyone should be moving to Twitch is if the company offered a competitive contract, and considering what they did to Dr. Disrespect, that doesn't mean shit.

>> No.15838562

This. I watch a Baduk streamer on twitch who regularly uploads to YouTube his Twitch streams see less than 1k people meanwhile his yt vids get more than double the views and you constantly see new people commenintg on the videos

>> No.15838645

>checks my oshi latest ccv
>m-maybe twitch i-is not that bad.....

>> No.15838684

Dr. Disrespect my wife did nothing wrong either at least he never got caught grooming a kid also apparently if you say cracker now on twitch you can catch a ban lmao

>> No.15838749

Streamers are currently being arrested for credit card fraud. The entire company is a criminal organization, pretty much. Don't get me started on the Blizzard-level bullshit that happens at Twitchcons.

>> No.15838771

You all do realize you can still upload YouTube videos and handle other social media while being a Twitch streamer right?

>> No.15838846

Depends entirely on the contract, and details are sketchy at best. Twitch is known to ban people for inane shit.

>> No.15838906

You can but you don't get the same viewer ship if you don't centralize how many people will actually follow someone who's built themselves up on one platform transferring to another
>inb4 billibilli
Chink hate wont help them carry over now.

>> No.15838971

Twitch was and still is a fucking mistake

>> No.15838973

Look at Lirik's official YouTube. One of the most successful streamers on Twitch with an actively updated YouTube and the views on it are pathetic. People don't hop between platforms easily. For vtubers who produce music it's practically guaranteed that your YT growth will be incredibly crippled if your primary outlet becomes twitch.

>> No.15838984

Not just that, but Twitch is an entirely different animal regarding video storage and how invasive the company is. YouTube is hands off, which suits the VTubers parent companies. Twitch will wrestle for control, and they're corrupt as fuck. It's just not worth.

>> No.15839048

Based and redpilled.

>> No.15839142

This is such a stupid thread. There's no chance Hololive switch platforms over a live viewer count bug. Do you guys have nothing better to talk about?

>> No.15839181

>Do you guys have nothing better to talk about?
Nope. Now we're going to talk about your crying about it. lol faggot

>> No.15839205

Aside from just flat out removing audio from copywritten songs doesn't twitch also ban people who do it repeatedly or some shit? So wouldn't that kill singing streams?

>> No.15839204

>over a live viewer count bug.
Keep coping

>> No.15839212

Being a good Twitch streamer doesn't mean you'll automatically be a good YouTuber. There are some different skills that goes to it, and you can't just get away with uploading Twitch highlights. It isn't impossible to be strong on both you just need to put effort into both.
Most of these Twitch streamers barely put much effort into their YouTube channel and just leave it up to editors.

>> No.15839339

>Being a good Twitch streamer doesn't mean you'll automatically be a good YouTuber.
>streams on YouTube
heh nuttin personnel kiddo

>> No.15839351

twitch is more reddit than youtube so no thanks

>> No.15839369

That's true

>> No.15839383

I'm pretty positive that the only reason a bunch of people here defend YouTube over Twitch is solely because that's where the Holos are.
If they ever jumped ship to Twitch about 90% of these schizos would do a complete 180 on their opinion.

>> No.15839402

This is one of those times I'd say, "Reddit is like Twitch," tbqh. Twitch is 100% cesspool.

>> No.15839417

What are you on about? Live streaming is live streaming. All the big twitch streamers who jumped to Youtube are doing extremely well.

>> No.15839442

Yes because as we can see streaming on YouTube has been great based on the recent situation.

>> No.15839472

Looking at the kind and frequency of non-stream videos vtubers upload, do you seriously think any of them will put more effort in? You aren't even going to get a weekly compilation like what he has someone doing, it's going to be ghost town central for the vast majority of them.

>> No.15839490

>a bad event
>versus an entirely bad experience
ogay regard

>> No.15839502

I'm talking about Youtube videos vs Twitch live streaming. Obviously streaming for both is similar.

>> No.15839511

That and twitch zoomies are fucking obnoxious.

>> No.15839530

Wrong faggot I'm a complete schitzo gachikoi for Polka but if she jumps ship to twitch I'm done I'll still tweet at her and shit but I'll never fucking go to twitch.

>> No.15839552

You're correct but they will never admit it

>> No.15839567

>Obviously streaming for both is similar.
Oh, oh, now compare their videos between both, too!
>in short, Twitch sucks

>> No.15839628

Yeah, Twitch is great for putting up permanent videos about your original music.

>> No.15839691
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>Well if you care about discoverability, Twitch has close to 0
This is pretty untrue. Twitch will put nothing but VTubers on your frontpage if that's what you watch. I haven't watched any of these people in my life, but it's just a scroll down to see them. I've never, not even once, been recommended a random 2view by Youtube. I always have to seek them out. And if you want to find new Vtubers on your own then Twitch is easier than Youtube. All you have to do is go to the VTuber tag section

>> No.15839703

Nice strawman, schizo

>> No.15839723

>trading a machine algorithm for a Company monitored by people who have favorites.

Sure, who are we to stop actual e-thots complaining and their BF's who are in Twitch's management? It's not like we're surrendering power to people who will have a vested interest to kill vtubing.

>> No.15839734

Then explain why they all upload their permanent videos to YouTube?

>> No.15839781

sorry schizo didn't ask don't care

>> No.15839800

Building up an archive of content so new fans can get a grasp of your ongoing history is my favorite part of Twitch along with its recognizably friendly and helpful staff who in no way shape or form are retarded and have never done anything sus or shady like supporting the CCP or CCP lapdog companies like Blizzard!

>> No.15839845

>he didn't ask for common knowledge
Hot take.

>> No.15839864

Sounds even worse for the bigger corps, then. Imagine porting an incomplete portion of your fanbase over to a platform just so you can expose them to competition.

>> No.15839868

meanwhile youtube still can't stop the wheelbarrow

>> No.15839872

I just love this vibrant twitch community pog!

>> No.15839877

I bet they told you that you could sniff there deer girl mods panties huh? Welp that was a fucking lie by the way

>> No.15839921


>> No.15839924

Pathetic nigger. Stop trying to larp as gachikoi. Koi in gachikoi is love. You don't even love her if you're willing to be a little bitch over something as insignificant as streaming platforms. In fact stop posting on Polka's chat forever, parasite

>> No.15839926
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That word means virtual youtubers, not virtual streamers. Vtubers used to make videos. It's what YouTube was designed for. Youtubers are video creators. YouTube sucks ass for streaming and only the corpos can barely make it work when Susan isn't actively working against them.

>> No.15839962

Somehow the YT community is better?
In fact, given that YT has been poaching Twitch streamers to gain their audience that means they'll inevitably end up having the same chat culture if they keep doing that.

>> No.15839970

>bans your emotes for racism
lmao hope you were attached to those

>> No.15839988

Oh nooos the wheelbarrow meanwhile on Dr.Disrepects...oh wait...what about pogch....nevermind...oh I know at least my credit card info won't be scam....well fuck

>> No.15839990

Yeah you can, I know. You're really not making a point though, You're just admitting that you may as well not bother streaming on twitch in the first place because you can use the other platforms to do it, that's where your audience is already anyway. Why overcomplicate shit?

I know there are certain advantages to twitch, but these advantages don't apply to vtubers who operate using the typical formula. In case you're wondering what those advantages are, it's related to streaming copyrighted content such as music. You can get away with it much easier on twitch.

>> No.15839992

>twitchtrannies shilling their shit
not on youtube, not a vtuber
white trash newfags go back

>> No.15840019

Yes. It is.
>YT has been poaching
lmao no

>> No.15840054
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or they change it.

>> No.15840060

Only on /vt/ will you see anons dickride a Google company so hard. I'm not for twitch by any means but as a fa/g/got this cracks me up.

>> No.15840065

>You can get away with it much easier on twitch.
Not anymore. Metallica had its own livestream DMCA'd.

>> No.15840076

If you can't have standards outside of love then you are just a brain dead subhuman anon regular people are capable of being in love and still know when to cut off toxic shit.

>> No.15840090
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>Somehow the YT community is better?
The difference here is that I'm fully cynically aware of how bad everyone is. Twitch bros like you are fanboys for some godforsaken reason.

>> No.15840123

If I have to pick between eating bland porridge or sewage from the street, it's not a hard choice. Do I want better? Sure. Is there? No. kys

>> No.15840130

Youtube has more zoomers than twitch because Youtube is where the minecraft community is. Hence why Gura's chat is so terrible because it is actually filled with 13 year old minecraft fans watching the funny shark.

>> No.15840134
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Behold, the actual true solution.

>> No.15840138


>> No.15840185

Show the dickriding bi/g/ boy
All we're saying is that Twitch is the seventh level of hell and youtube is the fourth

>> No.15840200

>telling someone to kill themselves because they aren't sucking off silicon valley
your meds, take them right now

>> No.15840204

Anyone who thinks Hololive should move to Twitch do not care about Karaokes, Lives or any idol activities that Hololive does.

>> No.15840277

>/vt/ hates viewers who spam emotes and cringe phrases all the time
>Susan decides to not count them as viewers anymore
>/vt/ gets mad at this
What's wrong isn't this what y'all wanted?

>> No.15840306

The only line to draw are when you are an actual cuckold to your oshi, that's when you become a brain dead subhuman. Because at that point the love is just one-sided. Otherwise I don't see why you'd drop her if she changed the fucking website she streams at.

>> No.15840315

>"Twitch isn't silicon valley"
>a subsidiary of Amazon
>tells others to take meds

>> No.15840342

>13 yr old minecraft fans
Meanwhile on twitch....
>Fortnight, Minecraft, and a literal smartphone game that drains more parental credit cards than ADHD meds are some of the top view games

>> No.15840376

Phrases yes.
Emotes no. That's the problem. Flashtick spam is normal and always has been.

>> No.15840378

>Twitch is headquartered in San Francisco, CA and has 15 office locations across 9 countries.

>> No.15840402

>In fact, given that YT has been poaching Twitch streamers to gain their audience that means they'll inevitably end up having the same chat culture if they keep doing that.
This is literally impossible. You have to look at the numbers you're dealing with. Twitch is an irrelevant spec compared to youtube audience. The very reason Twitch has such strong "chat culture" is because there is massive overlap between the chats of different Twitch streamers. Like the top twitch guys have something like 30% overlap of the same users in their chats.

>> No.15840424

>literally doesn't know Twitch is owned by Amazon

>> No.15840496

"I don't like life in South Korea, I'll move to North Korea"
Do people here really...?

>> No.15840498

Because that would make me a literal brain dead cuck like you said. She will either stick with the least cancerous option or I walk simple as faggot. Why did you try this hard ESL-kun if you where only going to prove my point.

>> No.15840500

They, however, are positively salivating over the idea that as 2views or 2view fans they will get a tsunami of pre-primed vtuber viewers who might be their ticket to fame.

>> No.15840587

How does that make sense? Most 2views are on youtube anyway. I constantly get recommended random 2views on youtube.

>> No.15840605

The problem with your argument is that the YT audience are there for 10-20 minute videos, not livestreams. Twitch still dominates the English speaking livestream market. And yes, a few big twitch people have moved over to YT with lucrative contracts, that's just a fact.

>> No.15840617

The only reason why these /qa/ faggots want Holo pro to move to Twitch is to validate their vtubers = ethots with anime avatars argument.

>> No.15840657

>no arguments
>not a gachikoi
Concession accepted.

>> No.15840658

Anon there are 0views on twitch praying they get discovered most of them are flips or some other SEAnigger but still

>> No.15840686

Jokes on you.
I never watch livestreams.

>> No.15840719


>> No.15840742

>Go on YouTube.
>Everything's kept forever except in cases of legal disputes.

>Go on Twitch.
>literally need 3rd party platforms to keep it

Not a hard choice where content creators really want to go, tbqh.

>> No.15840760

Who made you the arbiter of what the audience on youtube is there for?

Well they are idiots if they are expecting to get discovered on twitch. Unless they play some extremely niche game that has no streamers but do have watchers.

>> No.15840777

>English speaking
Lmao who cares about english speaking chubbas

>> No.15840874

It's a hard sell asking people who are used to well edited, entertaining videos to suddenly jump into live streams which are significantly lower quality entertainment. Maybe YT will be able to do it, maybe they won't. At least for now they are trying to make it happen.

>> No.15840882

You serious? Twitch literally spams your front page with 2views every time you open it if your main draw there is vtubers. Bonus to its algorithm if they're in your region. And there's a clickable vtuber tag that helpfully gives you a whole directory of them.

The other thing that gives it away is that there was never remotely a whiff of this platform discussion until after HoloEN debuted and the wannabes started rolling in.

>> No.15840901

Its mostly art and singing streams 0view chuubas are a true mystery

>> No.15840905
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>all these anons who don't know anything about twitch trying to call it shit because they don't know all the corpos they watch were twitch indies

>> No.15840943

It's not just hard for viewers but content creators as well. Many rely on evergreen content in addition to their streaming. Losing that is huge.

>> No.15840999

You do realize the Twitch frontpage isn't run by an algorithm, right?

>> No.15841008

whatever happened to part 2 of those twitch leaks from months ago?

>> No.15841034

>Not a hard choice where content creators really want to go, tbqh.
Most streamers go for Twitch

>> No.15841037

The other issue with twitch is that you leave the entire clipper ecosystem behind. People who get hooked on vtuber clips can find YouTube autoplaying them into the related vtuber's stream and spamming an active stream on the front page due to audience overlap. You can't autoplay someone into a twitch channel.

>> No.15841155

What do you think an algorithm is? You think someone is manually placing recommendations for you? There are slots, but there is also content targeted at the categories you watch.

>> No.15841166

>all these anons who don't
I've seen multiple twitch channels die I've had first hand expirence with twitch staff, we all know the drama and how bad twitch handles anything fuck off.
>Started out as twitch indies
LMAO kys seriously if you believe this you need meds beyond belief none of the decent livers stated off on twitch
>inb4 EN

>> No.15841195

The Twitch company manually selects front page content, my man.

>> No.15841239

So an algorithm got it thanks

>> No.15841245

There are so many retards with half the facts content to argue about anything and everything on this board

>> No.15841274

>people are algorithms
Twitch kiddies, everyone.

>> No.15841329

>stream on twitch
>get arrested
many such cases

>> No.15841335

Yes, I am sure they also manually select every video in the "Live channels we think you'll like" and the vtuber category that splashes across the home page every time you open it up. Come on. Of course there are front page slots, but don't act like it makes up more than 5 percent of what people see when they open it up.

>> No.15841352
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sky kingu!?

>> No.15841364

The actual issue with twitch from a viewer perspective is unavoidable ads that pass most adblockers including ublock, DMCA being extremely fickle and triggered by almost anything, and VODs do not automatically save and don't replay well with like ads every 10 minutes.
Everything else is irrelevant. The supposed twitch chat culture you hate doesn't transfer over and you would know that if you watched any Japanese indies or Japanese vtubers on the platform. The experience mechanically should be better as twitch has better chat tools. Gift subs on twirch can be easily given out for emotes while not giving them youtube member only content. Raids can be disabled. The chat sectpion doesn't take an insane amount of RAM and crash constantly like Youtube's does. You can use streamlabs for donations and get around the youtube cut. Really, the one and main issue is the insane ads and not user friendly VODs.

>> No.15841385 [SPOILER] 
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Niggers legit don't know what the definition of algorithm is

>> No.15841403

It's literally half of the frontpage.
Exposure is based on nepotism/networking on Twitch. Algorithms make up a tiny part of it, if at all. This is 100% fact.

>> No.15841408

Well, fortunately you don't have to sell to them. There are plenty of people on youtube who aren't there for that. Including myself. I only watch well edited videos on very specific topics like engine teardowns and machine work. I'm not gonna watch some edited video or a short clip by a vtuber, fuck that shit. I can't think of many vtubers who are even remotely competent at making an entertaining video. I rather watch them sing live or fail at some garbage video game while chat makes fun of them.

Which corpo that I watch was a Twitch indie? I can hardly think of a single twitch corpo that isn't vshoujo and I don't watch them.

>> No.15841455

>esp by computer
>esp by computer
>esp by computer
>esp by computer
>Lisa needs braces
>dental plan

>> No.15841464

Gura's and Ame's previous identities used to be on twitch

>> No.15841526

Since we're doing roommates, they still posted videos on YouTube. Oh, and now they're more successful.

>> No.15841536

>Which corpo that I watch was a Twitch indie? I can hardly think of a single twitch corpo that isn't vshoujo and I don't watch them.
list which corpos you watch and I'll likely be able to tell you

>> No.15841543

>Raids can be disabled.
On top of that you can also manage who is able to raid and whatnot. So hypothetically you can just make it so that Holos can raid other Holos for example.

>> No.15841623

>He doesn't know his chat wouldn't crash if he used a third party app/site
>He doesn't know that actual membership is the perk not the faggoty emotes
>He doesn't know that stream lads was set up for a lot of holos back in the day because of demontozation
Tell me your a newfag without telling me your a newfag

>> No.15841635

>Which corpo that I watch was a Twitch indie?
>was a Twitch indie?

>> No.15841638

I live in a tiny country. I am getting 80 viewer streams on my front page of idiots doing IRL streams with just walking and dota streams with no voice, just because they come from the same place. These are not people doing networking with Twitch. Neither is the 30 viewer chuuba that always shows up even superseding the usual suspects like bahroo or Codemiko. It is an algorithm. It would be idiotic to do it any other way.

>> No.15841640

I don't watch Ame.. or really Gura for that matter, but as far as I recall Gura was a popular clip shitter on youtube not a twitch streamer.
What I mean is that she didn't stream at all, she just made clips.

>> No.15841656

[x] Doubt

>> No.15841692

>doesn't know that especially does not mean exclusively
Showing your a retard online with ESL level english and reading comp isnt a good look.

>> No.15841744

Kuon Tama, Irys, Neena

>> No.15841758

>ignores the especially
Semantics is not logic, it's intellectual dishonesty. Go on, call me antisemetic.

>> No.15841779

>Virtual Livers
That's what my alcoholic uncle would say.

>> No.15841802

Literally who? Aside from Iryis who is bad as is I've never heard of any of them

>> No.15841829

Everyone knows when someone is saying algorithm in the context of viewership, they mean an automated process not involving humans, dipshit. kys

>> No.15841847

Nope not antisemitic (you) are just a self hating jew

>> No.15841892

Pikamee occasionally uses Twitch

>> No.15841917

How does her ccv on Twitch compare to her Youtube ccv

>> No.15841988

1000 ish in Youtube
2000-3000 in Twitch

>> No.15841998

Holomembers chat's crash and they don't use 3rd party sites. Average Japanese viewer does not use 3rd party site. Point irrelevant
I'm saying gifted subs wouldn't impact member only youtube shit. The worry people have about gift subs is people getting exclusive content. It's literally just emotes. I was making a point that it's irrelevant on twitch but your reading comphrension reps failed. You can still have member only content on youtuber, member content streams doesn't display view counts so it doesn't matter in terms of CCV.
Yes, which none of the JP members proceeded to ever use in the future. On twitch they would be forced to use streamlabs mainly because there literally is no alternative but bits.

>> No.15842008

>source: your ass

>> No.15842052

Neena is from Kawaii, Kuon Tama is a Japanese streamer part of an agency called GuildCQ. You wouldn't know them because she's literally the only successful vtuber they have.

>> No.15842056

Not when you say >>15841195
Now fuck off and lrn2follow a thread and some reading comprehension too faggot

>> No.15842100

>if they say, "manually selected," that actually means they meant, "algorithm!"
How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.15842158

>production kawaii gen 2
all twitch
>kuon tama
did you mean quon tama
irys is a basic bitch twitch thot bro

>> No.15842230
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I'm sorry reverse psychology anon kun, I can't bother to look it up. I'm only saying it because I was there.
Here is a (you) in compensation for my lazyness.

>> No.15842326

well it's not the promised 3k

>> No.15842422

Can't bother to figure out which one of you is retarded or if you're both misinterpeting each other, but the twitch front page has people that manually picks what streams are featured on there. The people picking are also not following any algorithim sort of or "if" "or" statements, but instead connections of today we'll show (blah blah) because they contacted us to promote their charity stream on the front page. So to say the front page is determined by an algorithim is retarded.

>> No.15842451

You use a third party nigger not the chubbas nigger I've never had chat crash.
No ones talking about the average nip.
You literally missed the point no one wants a fucking gifted sub just for emotes reading comp reps nigger you seriously need to do them. The rest is just bullshit and more of a reason to not use twitch from a corpo stand point chuubas can still set up stream labs and use YouTube now fuck off

>> No.15842519

>Source a dream I had

>> No.15842607

Manually selected through what process nigger? Then look at the definition again of algorithm then kill your self and your family so the world is spared your autistic genes

>> No.15842691

see: >>15841829
General Rule #2.
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.15842707

Just to be clear. Are you claiming that every single stream on Twitch's front page, all the recommended channels and categories, are all hand-picked? Is that the claim here?

>> No.15842712

But the average nip and the Hololive member is the average Japanese person is the only thing that matters in asking whether twitch is a better platform for vtubers. People do want gifted subs for twitch and you've never used the platform if you think otherwise. The Holo streamers don't use streamlabs right now so it doesn't matter if they hypothetically could, furthemore it's harder to discourage superchats as they're built in and therefore more intuitive. On twitch it's much easier to justify streamlabs as messages with bits aren't saved to scroll through at the end like superchats are.

>> No.15842840

>Muh language inference
Does it trigger your autism anon that a word can be used correctly but not correlate to the direct interpretation of your shriveled nut brain?

>> No.15842887

I don't want to see chuubas fall down the same lazy path so many twitch streamers eventually do where they just watch youtube videos as the bulk of their content.

>> No.15842889

>play word games
>get called out
>n-no, s-see, i-i'm sm-smart

>> No.15842923

I for one can't wait for Gura to watch masterchef

>> No.15842974

That's worse. The fact that you have to scroll down at all to use streamlabs makes it grossly inferior and cuts a huge portion of your income. The IDs had streamlabs for a long time since their countrymen could not SC and still received more SCs, total, and earned more from them because people literally would not check the description for it. The barrier of having to open a separate page and interrupt watching is too high.

>> No.15843085

>but your average nip
No one thats average gives a fuck what platform a voice actress behind an anime avatar uses.
>Twitch people care about twitch people shit
Okay but we aren't talking about twitch people are we faggot we are talking about people who watch chuubas on YouTube and how that expirence would be a negative on twitch.
>They could but don't
And they have that option along with supas which get archived along with vods this makes streams better where you don't need to thank every retard who gave you some bits least you offend them for not reading their cancer or worse yet reading something fucking stupid.

>> No.15843094

Sorry. By front page I did not mean the recommended for you section. I meant the very very top, the top thing they showed you, which is what is commonly rererred to as "being on the front page" on twitch because it shows to everyone on twitch in that language, not just individual front pages. The recommened for you is algorithimically chosen. The front page, unless they changed anything, you had to apply for or have direct connections to be able to get on there.

>> No.15843122

I'm pretty sure that's part of why Twitch has Bits.
Also I'm sure you can easily find a way to save Bit messages on Twitch, I don't know why they think it's impossible

>> No.15843127

Never said that its not my fault you suck at english god I hope your not an EOP

>> No.15843134

He knew that. He always knew that. It's just a rrat.

>> No.15843197

Twitch is still trash

>> No.15843203

>some anon can't figure out connotative and denotative meanings
>no, everyone ELSE sucks at English
You tipped your hand when you said, "EOP," ESL.

>> No.15843223
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>> No.15843249

>I don't know why they think it's impossible
Because they have zero way to figure out how not to do it illegally.

>> No.15843306

All burgerland websites will be like this. Go to JP websites

>> No.15843323

Lmao try harder faggot I'm a burger wanna see my pasty white micro cock as proof

>> No.15843360

>can't read
Then you must be a Californian.

>> No.15843379

All that (You)r post is missing is a basedjack picture to complete the trifecta of retardation

>> No.15843406

Nope. North Dakota we are all retarded

>> No.15843476

>California's 23.1% of adults lacking basic prose literacy skills make California have the lowest literacy rate of 76.9%.
>North Dakota has the third-highest literacy rate of 93.7%, with 6.3% of adults lacking basic prose literacy skills.
So, you're definitely Californian if you couldn't be bothered to look that up and, you know, read it.

>> No.15843519

This is cope. YouTube is worse than Twitch

>> No.15843529

Why would I look it up? Lmao occams razor retard

>> No.15843536
File: 1.80 MB, 527x250, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit.

>> No.15843609

Lmao your to late make a new thread to shill retard Twitch is cancer kys

>> No.15843654
File: 2.57 MB, 640x354, lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in one of the most successful states in the union when it comes to reading
>still can't read

>> No.15843721

>Got fucking triggered so hard he had to make an rrat for a literal nobody to cope
Anon I...

>> No.15843786

I hate the loud donation sounds, even more so if they have some kind of specific sound/clip or animation that plays with a certain dono amount.
I hate deez nuts jokes.
I hate the word "poggers".

>> No.15843821

You faggots always suggest this, but uploading twitch VODs to youtube doesn't preserve the chat replay, so shut the fuck up.

>> No.15843847
File: 138 KB, 599x1200, deez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate deez nuts jokes.

>> No.15843873

rumao. go back to lsf faggot you cuck

>> No.15843902

Why is the chat replay important?
Most of the time the parts the streamers engage with are seen in the overlay.
There are also cases where they turn off chat replay after a stream.

>> No.15843922

I wanna fuck the indog squirle and teach her the true power of nut

>> No.15843942

youtube's emoteless chat is quite possibly the most useless thing in existence, most chuubas just make up comments they see in chat and only reason red superchats

>> No.15843943

She's all about Nonstop Nut November.

>> No.15843966

Why would it not be important seeing chat speed up or point out a goof is part of the joy it helps build a sense of community even if you did not get to participate

>> No.15844002

Oh I know and thats all part of the charm

>> No.15844008
File: 366 KB, 1300x1272, Back to root.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come home

>> No.15844013

Which dinousar has no teeth and mumbles excuses all the time?
The Copeasaurus.

>> No.15844056

What did he mean by this.

>> No.15844065

I'm an oldfag, and this reminds me of a satellite TV (the old kind that had to rotate to get a signal) station that aired anime with a mascot of a guy with a TV for a head.
Just thought I'd share. /tweet

>> No.15844069

>Why is the one way viewers interact with the streamer important to see?
Shut up.

Also, they don't "turn chat replay off".Chat replay only gets turned off on Youtube if the VOD was edited.

>> No.15844102

It's a coded cypher with an enigmatic secret message. See if you can crack it.

>> No.15844137

>marine still in the window
at least make a effort

>> No.15844154

Yeah? I made a tranny joke once in a comment on a stream with like 100k views and my account got perma banned almost instantly by a seething tranny mod.

>> No.15844158

You're a fucking idiot. Why would you prefer walls of garbage emote spam over actual comments. No one makes up comments you terminally retarded asswipe, stop projecting your inability to read, you dyslexic zoomer shit.

>> No.15844186

>most chuubas just make up comments they see in chat and only reason red superchats
Mori read my greyname message. Get fucked and stay jealous.

>> No.15844198

Normal twitch expirence many such cases

>> No.15844241

Bruh, fuck you. I got banned for posting, "Pogchamp." Just once. That's it.
They're so fucking backwards and sensitive it's simply not fucking worth inviting those fucks to be viewers. It just isn't.

>> No.15844251

yeah I didn't bother after that, which eventually that led me to youtube streams and here we are, the only worth while thing that shitty site has done for me.

>> No.15844296

Yes. It's a cesspool of tranny shit. I cannot tell you how happy I am vtubers became popular on youtube. I left twitch in 2020, and I haven't looked back once. I still see people constantly complaining about the shit moderation on twitch. The hot tub bullshit should've tipped you off on how garbage of a platform it is.

>> No.15844303

The mods could see through the transphobic meaning of your Pogchamp bucko, you were fucked from the second you were born.

>> No.15844306

We must be watching some entirely different people then. My Oshi does nothing but pay attention to the chat, and I've had plenty of times where she specifically picks out my comment. Emoji spam is already bad enough when you have only members doing it, it gets 20x worse when there's universal emotes that are baked into the language of the users of the site.

>> No.15844322

And look your better off for it and the true moral of the store is that it's always a good idea to make fun of trannies

>> No.15844349

Good thing I didn't type Kappapride, then.

>> No.15844424
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>shiny smily story? unison?
>what are you talking about bro? let's sing kumikyoku

>> No.15844441

transphobia will be banned on YouTube streams also eventually, cope cissy

>> No.15844490

But not today YWNBAW

>> No.15844534

you're right, i won't be ;)

>> No.15844634

It'll appear in the overlay anyway
Either show up to the stream on time or leave a comment on their video unless its a dono or prominent member in the stream or a 2view rarely will they acknowledge comments

>> No.15844742

I don't like the interface.

>> No.15844770

>Twitch clips

>> No.15844787

Fuck off with your walls of pepega spam and ascii shit coupled with all that bits shit and other channel points crap and raids
Twitch sucks

>> No.15844790

You've gotta be retarded, right? Who the fuck is trying to squint to see what the streamer is reacting to?

>> No.15844818

No one like anything about twitch except for the small handful of people who are shilling it because their lazy whore oshi couldn't cut it on YouTube

>> No.15845183

Most likely Yes but I have 20/20 vision and have never had to squint because the ones I watch at least have good overlays

>> No.15845306

>20/20 vision
>thinking that makes any difference on a good monitor
Nigger unless your blind, near blind, or using a fucking monitor from the early 2000s your eyesight should make zero difference on how badly dimished chat ends up being in a fucking twitch clip

>> No.15845400

there aren't overlays in every stream, especially after the chinkout, and that's good because I don't want chat taking up screen real estate.
>show up to the stream on time
then what is the point of the VOD, you schmuck?

>> No.15845425

>preroll ads
never, ever

I only put up with it for HolofightZ because the man doesn't know how to stream to Youtube

>> No.15845529

To see the content of the streamer
Unless it is a zatsudan the speaking is secondary do you seriously watch every vod from start to finish meticulously looking at what chat says? I'm pretty sure most people dont

>> No.15845568

Hes a Twitch user they don't understand scheduling conflict its beyond them

>> No.15845596

I do I love me oshi and our community eat shit

>> No.15845960

>Twitch bad for viewers
>youtube bad for content creators

>> No.15846295

I have to admit some of the indies and small corpos that I watch have seen some inclining after jumping to Twitch. I think Lumi is on Twitch permanently?

>> No.15847344

Most of these people on youtube don't care about small corpo or indies

>> No.15847423
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Bullfucking shit have you seen that big corporate establishment fakestyle anywhere lately?
They may think just the opposite true and it's Twitch they have to thank for getting it, it's just that which would tarnish gold like brutal glowmo's secret society / corporation. Always working around the clock to see their nation brought under the Zionist crime tyrant boot.

>> No.15848933

Twitch is far superior for viewers but it has no discoverability compared to Youtube and few people in japan use it. Hololive would be insane to switch, Youtube is way better for them.

>> No.15848996

> ,
Rangeban this country.

>> No.15849223

>I know there are certain advantages to twitch, but these advantages don't apply to vtubers who operate using the typical formula.
I don't think this is true. I can't think of many western indies on youtube that get over 1k viewers while I can list more than a dozen on twitch just from memory. If you're a western indie then twitch is 100% the better platform for you because you're not competing with hololive on twitch. Vshojo are currently the top vtubers on twitch and they're not as scary to have as competition and easier to get collabs with. They even raid smaller vtubers to help them get discovered sometimes.

>> No.15849341

Yeah if I wanted to compete as a small indie in the west I'd rather start off on Twitch than YouTube.

>> No.15851151

twitch is just better for stream

>> No.15851516

twitch is owned by amazon which is just as shitty as google/youtube, im sick of massive corpos being the only platforms for streaming and celebrating one over the other is still just eating shit but smiling about it this time

>> No.15851924

Ive had awful experiences with twitch. The only way I can tolerate it is by fetching the stream with MPC.

>> No.15857838

fuck off vshowhorecuck

>> No.15861659

