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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 69 KB, 500x500, haaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15438181 No.15438181 [Reply] [Original]

Are you all tired of her antics yet?

>> No.15438271

bugs still buzzing 2 years later

>> No.15438341

Honestly it’s really pathetic

>> No.15438344

Day of the zapper cant come soon enough

>> No.15438400

I don't watch lame shit.
Why are you following and posting her if you are tired of her ANTIQUEGEARGOLEM?

>> No.15438430

I got bored of her after Coco graduated, she just got worse when she got back to japan.

I miss the old Haato, and her crazy english streams

>> No.15438523

This is what I don't understand about anti, why are you posting someone you dislike, by right you should've ignored and hide all their threads.
I am pretty sure OP is falseflagging, I'm pretty sure he is a Haaton trying to get attention with his oshi, if you look at the board, no one really cared about Akai Haato anymore except for trolls with their bait threads.
Just admit it, Akai Haato is finished.

>> No.15438608

Yes. Fuck whoever the VA is right now. She's literally a attentionwhore now. I want old Haato back.

>> No.15438661

Elevator shaft. Now.

>> No.15439354

Here comes the seething piggies.

>> No.15439584

Nah. She's like a younger sister who doesn't know any better.

>> No.15439759

20 year old hags don't get to use that excuse anymore.

>> No.15442051

Yes, I finally unsubed and that's it.

Unlike you, I didn't feel the need to start a thread complaining about it, faggot.

>> No.15442299

My intrest was slowly dying when the decapitation arc was going.

>> No.15442493

I still like her but it feels like she's actually slowly going insane

>> No.15443099

I liked Haato.
Haachama is just shit and boring.

>> No.15443167

you may not like it but the fool's antics are needed in this day and age, she is essential.

>> No.15443311

I liked her better when she was just Akai Haato and not schizophrenic supreme.

>> No.15443343


>> No.15443573

John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden John Madden

>> No.15443803

She's a genius.

>> No.15443863

I hope i can say the same for my imouto..

>> No.15444044

Cope bugman

>> No.15444125

I was agreeing that the chinese antis are pathetic though

>> No.15444298
File: 1.35 MB, 1626x687, asschama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a Hololive idol channel, this is just a straight shitposting channel at this point.

>> No.15444383
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>coco purposely told hachama not to graduate so she can singlehandly ruined hololive's image, as her final fuck you

>> No.15444572

Those are pretty good views desu, more than I expected.

>> No.15444750
File: 363 KB, 380x384, ABB51A3D-C348-4A09-9402-6F5158451A1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard joke once: Girl goes to doctor. Says she's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says she feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, 'Treatment is simple. The Strongest Idol Haachama is streaming tonight. Go and see her. That should pick you up.' Girl bursts into tears. Says, 'But doctor…I am Haachama.' Good joke. Everybody laughs. Roll on snare drum. Curtain

>> No.15445054

Praying she graduates now that one of her masters is dead.

>> No.15445103

Behind this post is a bugman rubbing his hands together like a fly

>> No.15445210
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sorry anon

i'm just praying for her downfall

>> No.15445281

It’s ok anon, I expect nothing less from the Chinese menace

>> No.15445394

I'm not going to lie that'd be pretty based if true. A Trojan horse just for Hololive.

>> No.15445700

Rent. Free. Imagine getting baited and triggered by a barely 20 years old japanese girl. Improve yourselves.

>> No.15446085

Imagine seething this when realizing that the majority of people can't stand your retarded attention fagging oshi.

>> No.15446158

Lol as in you and all the voices in your head

>> No.15446221

Cope haaarder.

>> No.15446302

If you want people to believe you aren’t one retard you’re gonna need sole more diverse material

>> No.15446350

I don't need to prove anything. You can stay in your echo chamber and seethe anytime people call her out for being shit and it's going to be every single day.

>> No.15446446

Take a shower

>> No.15446467

Why would I seethe about one retard crying all the time about her? Honestly the fact that she makes you this mad makes me like her even more

>> No.15446504

I didn't really care for the death arc when she came back earlier in the year, but when she took yet another long break after that I pretty much gave up on her. I like her singing, and the Minecraft streams were fun to see her build and just relax, but now she's on this rap kick and she's just not putting out the sort of content that made me want to support her before. I still check out her streams occasionally.

>> No.15446516

I see you have resumed in your seething. Carry on.

>> No.15446539

Sad That John Madden died today, though.

>> No.15446564

Hit the weights

>> No.15446591

haachama is truly la chica mas creativa del hololive amelia kneels

>> No.15446681

That’s fair. I honestly really excited to see her work more on her EN minecraft project. She’s been talking about her sky castle alot so you might want to tune in for those, especially if you like her english stream content

>> No.15446692

Haachama is her oshi. It makes sense.

>> No.15446808

Nobody sane likes her English content. Why watch streams where she can barely express herself and have to resort to making noises to entertain the retards when you can actually watch her form coherent thoughts otherwise?

>> No.15446850

I guess Coco did say that chama and her english streams was a big reason why she joined hololive. It wouldn’t surprise me if the EN members had similar feelings, but more likely Coco was to them what Chama was to Coco

>> No.15446855
File: 195 KB, 800x778, FCB47100-E2B2-4AC5-9F11-912504B18EAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to thank Coco for that. She broke her.

>> No.15446905

Australia broke her

>> No.15446979

She started doing her wackier stuff due to demonitization. Youtube said her ASMR was too lewd so she just decided fuck it I’ll do what I want

>> No.15447073


>> No.15447075

I'm sick of Haachama, I want Haato to return.

>> No.15447127

No. She started to do weird shit because of Coco. Her first feet video was when Coco was about to surpass her in subscribers.

>> No.15447210

I know Coco pushed her to try and do stuff outside her given character, but I’m p sure Chama said in her interview with Kiara a big reason she changed her content was because of being demonetized.

>> No.15447236
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Nothing more Aussie the that cunts

>> No.15447395
File: 284 KB, 1415x2000, 1629825796170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will never get tired of godchama

>> No.15447433


>> No.15447510

Stop making bait threads bug

>> No.15447535

Honestly I gotta say yeah.

Haachama hit a stride last year with amusing/original content but she's gotten into a loop of recycling it instead of continuing to do interesting things.

Like if she was actually-creative she would have thought up something new to do to catch our attention beyond eating spiders and schizo streams ... and "surprise stream!?!? actually no it's just more karaoke" bait and switch. She's not even a good singer, it's kind of annoying.

>> No.15447605

First thing, why should I care, i rarely watch chama, but if haatons exists, then there's audience for her wacky content.

>> No.15447688

you are obviously retarded
her english streams are great

>> No.15447991

>20 year old
Do retard zoomers really...?

>> No.15448090

I know chama is your Oshi and all, but you just responded to personal opinion on Mongolian basket weaving forum with the manner of 11yo.
Just because you like it doesn't mean everyone like it too, kiddo.

>> No.15448237

>get demonetized
>start doing weird shit in the hopes that she can monetize her videos again
What kind of logic is that?

>> No.15448299

This. Old hato was cute and dumb.
This one is just "HAHAHA MUH FORCE RANDOM AND PORN" garbage like an underage redditor.

>> No.15448304 [DELETED] 

chinks still angry? LMAO.
no wonder your government had to crack down on homos, your population is full of thin-skinned faggots.

>> No.15448328

Honestly I would blame college for this, she doesn't have enough time to put all the effort to streaming, but yet she managed to do some kino streams during her breaks like the Council debut. Honestly being "La creatividad" is pretty hard, Ame struggles a lot because of that

>> No.15448399

Kill yourself Tatsunocuck

>> No.15448410

Someone posts what happen in the private rap stream and why she was the strongest idol

>> No.15448466 [DELETED] 

kys chink.
better yet, kill as much as your kinds as possible before they put you down like a dog that all your kinds are

>> No.15448708

We're talking about "LoL So RaNdUmB" forced haachama shit that got tiring after the first two months.
Put the bugspray down or go find a retired dragon thread.

>> No.15448826

Only because you're an EOP. Your objectively inferior opinion does not matter.

>> No.15449155

Haatards cannot handle opposing opinions. They should stay within their lard bubble and delude themselves into thinking she's the next coming of Rembrandt Da Vinci or something.

>> No.15449997

Schizo chama arc is never ending, huh?

>> No.15450103

I like that she at least tries something different unlike the rest of hololive.

>> No.15450159
File: 1.08 MB, 2370x920, 1639390982948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15450201

Hello gay haaton. So nice of you to show yourself.

>> No.15450256


>> No.15450628

Man, as much as I like Haachama she's going to shoot herself in the foot again. You do not engage against antis. You should never confront antis. This is just not a battle you're going to win, they're the kind of people that will legitimately hunt you until you die.

>> No.15450648 [DELETED] 

Don't you have to go cry on twitter about Trump being Hitler Incarnate despite losing?

>> No.15450673


>> No.15450676

This is beyond retarded. Fuck this girl.

>> No.15450951


>> No.15451642

hows that cucumber taste nigga

>> No.15451822

Why are you idiots still watching her if you are tired of her antics?
Why can you just not be normal and stop watching someone you have gotten tired of?

Seriously, she is not going to stop, just because you retards keep on making garbage thread

>> No.15451852

>Bugman defending Trump
I never thought I would see the day...

>> No.15451868

I thought it was relatively funny when she started acting like this during the Australia arc, but the fact that she has kept this autistic persona still is just retarded. Like she literally has to continue baiting people with graduating in order to get views and attention now, I can't imagine being her manager and having to deal with her shit

>> No.15451867

no but I could if i wanted to without fear of my life.

>> No.15451926

You would be angry too if your oshi suddenly turned into an attentionwhore. Do you know how many R18 thumbnails she has used to attract horny coomers?

>> No.15452020

Opinions like >>15447535 and >>15446504 or >>15444298 are fine, your ''opinion'' is just a schizo ranting repeating the same lines ever and ever, learn to form your own opinion instead of being retard, that's why you get banned and the reason nobody likes you.

>> No.15452104

>uh i see content other than minecraft here? management??? someone stop her????

>> No.15452166

I don't know anyone who watches her anymore. I think most of the EOP haatons from 2020 left

>> No.15452240

>Implying any of these idiots had Haato as their oshi
Who are you trying to fool...
Even if that was the case, I would either A) Not care at all, or B) Try to find a new Oshi
I wouldn't spam this board with garbage threads, especially not after she has used R18 thumbnails for months
Stop trying to justify your eternal seething due to your mental illness to me...

>> No.15452293

Nah, she's great.
I find most of the things she does pretty funny, and she makes CCP bugs seethe.

>> No.15452366

Haato used to be my oshi

>> No.15452616

Nice try. Look at how your compatriots completely chimp out whenever she is criticised. You pussy ass bitches can't handle criticism period. Very CCP of you. Maybe you're the chinks? Allergic to truth and discourse.

>> No.15452802


I would still rather watch Haachama than pokemon or whatever FOTM game spamming cunt.

>> No.15453039

>You are the true CCP, because you call us out as being schizo bugmem
Yep clearly showed them that you are not a schizo

>> No.15453123

Proof next thread, right?

>> No.15453339

>Schizo accuses me of being a Zhang for calling him out
First of all, learn english, then look at yourself when you are the one not accepting that there are people who likes Haachama, you are trying too hard to antagonize them, but you are just showing yourself as a schizo.
Again, having opinions against her is not bad, she won't be loved by everyone, but instead of this just saying why you don't like her using any kind of logic, you go to her thread to flood it with your schizo posts. Maybe if you were not an absolute retard, Haatons may be okay with you not liking her.

>> No.15453513

That anon you replied to is the same one that goes to her split, and posts his vapid garbage posts that he knows are not legit criticism, but he is a schizo so he posts it anyway

>> No.15453772

Typical CCP commie bastards. It's time to get used to the discourse. Your censors won't work here.

>> No.15453876
File: 47 KB, 2560x1707, Taiwan is an independent country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again retard

>> No.15453987

>i know you are but what am I!
the bug larvae brain

>> No.15454006

Your chink mind games won't work ching chong.

>> No.15454042

>Muh CCP commies
Yes that is true, CCP commies own this board, they are even targeting you by deleting your "criticism" of Haachama and Haatons, you need to find a site that is not controlled by them

>> No.15454173

You'd like that wouldn't you. Tough luck.

>> No.15454457

>anyone who doesn't jack off my oshi is a bugman
and you wonder why nobody can stand Haatons.

>> No.15454496

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


>> No.15454942

Only retards like you think this copypasta does anything to deter chinks. Every time you post this a chink laughs at how gullible you are for falling for their psy-ops.

>> No.15455012

I bet there was like 5 real chinks in total that visited this board but to these newfag apes every other comment is a "zhang". no faggots, calling someone a zhang doesnt add to your board credibility. you just look retarded doing it.

>> No.15455045

I'm a chink and this does nothing to me. What now?

>> No.15455349

Keep on coping, apparently Haatons are CCP, which means the jannies deleting his posts are CCP too according to him

>> No.15455413

Do you feel offended? Why don't you report me you fragile commie fuck.

>> No.15455430

>I am a chink
You will never be Chinese, Korean dog...

>> No.15455454

Why do chinese people keep coming here, i'd understand if it was raiding, baiting, or generally speaking some shitposty activity, but to have honest opinions? To argue? This board is fairly unwelcoming towards your kind, is it not abrasive for you? Do you not have a chinese equivalent of 4chan to go post on? It's an honest question, no offense intended.

>> No.15455508

its bait retard

>> No.15455541 [DELETED] 
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, 346463633333.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a hero.
Maybe your mother corpse is down ther too.

>> No.15455554

>Actually thinks there are any zhangs on this board and it is not SEA pretending to be chinks, because they want to be Chinese

>> No.15455571

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Two Genders 六四天安門事件 The Trump was robbed protest of 2020 天安門大屠殺 The Black Lives Matter Riots 反右派鬥爭 The Pedophile Struggle 大躍進政策 Not All Slaves Are Black 文化大革命 The Great Cultural Cancellation 人權 "Human" Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Equality Is A Lie 獨立 Communism 多黨制 One-party system 台灣 臺灣 Negro Formosa 中華民國 Communist State of America 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Trannies 達賴喇嘛 Girls Don't Have A Penis 法輪功 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Canadian Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Donald Trump 民主 George Bush 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Biden the Senile 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.15455576

Haachama's bait threads have been extremely funny ngl, it's just peak fucking retardation that I've never even seen in Kiara's bait threads.
People calling each other chinks and commies, there's literally not a single sound argument in these 100+ posts, 60 IPs about the same as the last thread too...
I wonder where the soijak poster is though

>> No.15455610

This time specifically, maybe
It surely can't always be SEA, i post from eu and they seem to be present at all times. Why would they want to be chinese anyway.

>> No.15455618

>Chinese people
>Implying 4chan isn't blacklisted by the great firewall
Chinese people exist on /vt/ about as much as billion dollar corporations actually believe in BLM.

>> No.15455638

Hopefully as far away as possible, i find him annoying, but i have to admit sometimes he hits the spot.

>> No.15455672


>> No.15455691

Chink is just a convenient label that fragile little buttercups use when they know they have lost the argument. Tatsunocucks and Haatards are especially prone to this due to their bleeding assholes from being fucked all the time.

>> No.15455810

>Chinese people
>on 4chan

>> No.15456046

I mean, people like you keep on seething about it, so I understand why anons on this site would call you whether they actually are haatons or tatsunokos

>> No.15456972
File: 748 KB, 569x1947, Screenshot_2020-11-28 hololive-sorter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15457046

>next video is FIN
what the

>> No.15457226

most are western chink diaspora losers. they are everywhere on 4chan and reddit. they are so absolutely socially inept that they have pathetically and unironically ended up believing CCP is their god and chink shitole is a utopia.

>> No.15457670

Lol, there are 2 Minecraft streams right there. And the other streams are all karaoke or zatsudan streams disguised with a weird title and thumbnail.
A lot of Holos have way more variety than that.

>> No.15457805

My biggest issue with that is I got a sinking feeling she'll just abandon it halfway though like her building the Gunchama which is missing an arm because the Shubagelion was built and was simply so much bigger than it or the Pekodam/MikoChar that Haachama just fucked off again.
If Watson decided to actually do her planned project Haachama might just abandon another thing because look someone did something bigger than her that is going to get more attention.

Still the timelooping she's doing it just kinda bleh to the point you're better off not watching it live just so you can get past the bait and switch title that she always does and just know what's happening there.

>> No.15458021

Somewhat. I don't mind her creative content what gets annoying is her biweekly lol I am leaving forever jk not really videos. She needs to get back to basics and stop pushing the schizo shit it got boring months ago.

>> No.15458398

>schizo shit
I have no idea what "schizo shit" even means at this point, she has done nothing of this sort in fucking MONTHS so I'm not sure what the definition is at this point
>biweekly lol I'm leaving
Again, I have no idea what you're talking about here, having a retarded thumbnail with the title "fin" on the 28th of December is only considered "graduation bait" for reateded EOP tourist grayfags who haven't watched her in months.
The precious "bait" was just an announcement for her 3D birthday stream, which SHE has said will be during November... That was back in August on her actual birthday stream... But of course dramafags wouldn't know that because they're shitty threadreaders.
Were you people not watching hololive when coco announced her graduation? It's not just any kind of announcement, if (You) get baited like dumbass that's on you.
However I will give you that she DID genuinely give people scares before, but it was only two times... One was legitimate when she took the hiatus before coco's graduation, Ans one was indeed proper full bait when she left the EN server for the first time, and that was more than a fucking year ago.
So actually watch streams and do your nip reps before talking out of your ass.

>> No.15458811

"schizo shit" to holotards is anything not games, zatsudan, or utawaku, because they're the only things acceptable for their precious idols to do in THEIR schizophrenic mind.

And yes, none of the schizos here actually watch Haachama. It's painfully obvious with their surface-level baits.

>> No.15459726

>The precious "bait" was just an announcement for her 3D birthday stream, which SHE has said will be during November...
Not only that, the kanji used was for a good announcement, but EOPs can't even ask before saying ''muuh graduation im scareeed''

>> No.15459794

>If Watson decided to actually do her planned project
Lmao, first of all, Haachama is Ame's oshi, second is that Ame is like Haachama, she is too prone to abandoning her projects if she doesn't feel inspired

>> No.15460817

we all had enough of this dumbass

>> No.15461242

Reading comprehension, anon.

>> No.15461348

>If Watson decided to actually do her planned project
I think they're much much more likely to work together rather than trying to one up another

>> No.15462913

>Haachama is Ame's oshi
I knew Haatards were retarded but I never knew they were this retarded

>> No.15464969

Her crazy shenanigans are not my thing but I admire how much work she puts into it and am glad other people enjoy it.

>> No.15465026

I've been tired of Haachama since March

>> No.15470437
File: 29 KB, 600x450, c57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese menace
I only answer to him

>> No.15470491

Anytime I find myself getting annoyed at her, she breaks out the english and drags me right back in.

>> No.15471907

I unsubscribed her channel months ago she didn't feel the same way and ignore her after coco graduated
