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15361738 No.15361738 [Reply] [Original]

You guys knew that haachama blames herself to this day for Coco's graduation?
Poor thing, thats a huge Burden to carry
At least haatons can be happy knowing that she Will never graduate

>> No.15361872

I mean, it really was her fault ESL-kun.

>> No.15361986

No it wasn't

>> No.15362184

She isnt retiring? Oh man...

>> No.15362356


>> No.15362406

It was

>> No.15362445

She wouldn't be bawling on stream if she had no doubts.

>> No.15362483

No, it was my fault.

>> No.15362487

How? Explain yourself in detail

>> No.15362709
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I had forgotten these feelings after Coco left but here I am again.

>> No.15362941

Haachama is little bit naive

>> No.15363107
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she failed to protect her kouhai as a senpai and will carry that weight forever

>> No.15363275

she was the catalyst for the inevitable, Coco was on a path of fighting management with every new thing she wanted to try as well as fighting for better rigging. I mean damn she has the best model and rigging in the industry right now. She could only get there on her own.

>> No.15363367

Maybe Coco should have another sit-down with her over yakiniku.

>> No.15363383

>failed to protect
It's more like she shoved her toward the oncoming arrows thinking they'd miss

>> No.15363412

>le creative freedom
You're a retard. This is the biggest rrat of all.

>> No.15363473

Chinks already had a bad impression of Coco, it was a matter of time they find an excuse to start harassing her, also Bilibili has its hands covered with blood too, fuck china

>> No.15363545

Victim blaming at its finest

>> No.15363676

So Hachaama finally grows balls to tell the truth about Coco graduation. Whatever reason Coco said was a lie, to protect Kanatan and Haato. It was zhangs all along, and they won, with a cost. Fuck it, that's so unfair

>> No.15363710

Then she should graduate already. Her schizo arcs suck and she's creatively bankrupt.

>> No.15363775

Coco deserved it and Haachama and Fubuki are next. Anyone who brings their politics into vtubing deserve to lose her job.

>> No.15363897

This bitches are insane, shes acting like Coco is dead when she probably goes have lunch with her whenever she wants.

>> No.15364014

She's just milking the situation for views and superchats.

>> No.15364029

I bet she and specially Kanata would rather be able to have collabs with Coco instead of having to ignore Kson existence.

>> No.15364053

I'm so glad she decided to keep these feelings pent up and released them for thousands to see.
Truly vtubers are just like wrestlers.

>> No.15364128

I can't believe Fubuki said "Let's go Brandon" live on stream.

>> No.15364603

>superchat disabled on stream
yeah sure, retard

>> No.15364663

Superchats were disabled dumbass

>> No.15364699

>brings their politics into vtubing
Saying the name of the sovereign country of Taiwan is not political unless you're a subhuman chink that's high off WInnie the Pooh's communist Kool-aid.

>> No.15364754

>s-surely they wont superchat next stream, r-right?

>> No.15364765

SC were deactivated Mr. Chong

>> No.15364912

> Still milking it
She needs the superchats that bad uh? It wasn’t enough that Coco left she has to keep mentioning her and fake crying on stream to get some sympathy money. If she truly cared about Coco and her legacy she’d let her be.

>> No.15364954

Kill yourself bug

>> No.15364980

Unless she disables the SCs for the next 2 weeks then his point still stands. Simps will just wait for her next stream to donate.

>> No.15364982

Zhangs absolutely seething. Thank God for Chama

>> No.15365002

To be honest it was good for Coco.
The bug hate mate her a millionaire.

>> No.15365148

Well, i would also blamed myself if my coworker decided to leave because of the chain of events I started, and in the end did fuck all to support him and just fucked of on indefinite break for fun missing the sendoff.
She is a cunt, and want to justify her behaviour just to feel better about herself.

>> No.15365167

It's all imperial Japan's fault. If they never invaded China, the communists would've never taken over and Taiwan would've never been a conflict.

>> No.15365356

Or if America just left them alone instead of starting a world war for British colonial interests

>> No.15365375

In the end, Coco's actions resulted in:
>the far less emotionally mature Haachama being spared
>Cover pulling out of China, thanks God
>Kson making more money than ever because of her huge graduation event and the aftermath

I guess it all worked out nicely

>> No.15365530

Thanks to kson, haachama has all the reasons in the world to hate herself for what happened. Thank god Kson is smart and managed to make the most out of the situation, you think the same would have happened if the chinks aimed their hate at Pekora instead? She could have destroyed a fucking career by being a fucking cunt.

>> No.15365847

Stop blaming the victim you fucking chink bastard.

>> No.15365994

Stop using this shit argument. I’m whiter than you’ll ever be. Haachama fucked up, failed to take responsibility for it, had someone fired (thankfully for the better), had an entire branch nuked and still to this day you can see chinks spamming the chats of some other girls. And now after all of it she’s crying on stream and getting saviourfags all riled up.

>> No.15366092

>I’m whiter
So you are a seanigger ok.

>> No.15366143

>fucked up
Acknowledging Taiwan is only bad in the chink mind
>CN branch nuked
That’s a good thing

>> No.15366386

>see somebody get attacked for it
>do the exact same thing
It was Coco's fault beyond a doubt, not that it excuses the bugs behaviour but to blame somebody else would be to claim Coco was too dumb to know what would happen, which she wasn't.

>> No.15366443
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>I’m whiter than you’ll ever be
>Haachama fucked up
I spotted the contradiction! What do I win?

>> No.15366837

the only one dumb here is you.

>> No.15366899

America didn't bomb Pearl Harbor. It's still imperial Japan's fault for pulling America into the war.

>> No.15367624


fuck clipfags lmao

>> No.15367952

isn't she better off as an indie tho?

>> No.15368184

Poor chammers....

>> No.15368230

So what did she really say?

>> No.15368339

Coco was never going to be happy as a "talent" long-term. She thought she was the smartest person at Cover and that it was inevitable she would own the company one day. Her relationship with management was strained from the beginning, and she probably never would've stayed as long as she did if YAGOO wasn't a doormat for his girls.
The Taiwan yab was just an acceleration toward the inevitable. It's a shame Coco's cult of personality has left Haachama this miserable and guilt-ridden.

>> No.15368383

u see others girls showing the analytics? she deserved

>> No.15368390

Didn't coco tell the girls of her graduation 7 months prior to the fact or something like that?

>> No.15368436


>> No.15368731

No, just 3 in advance but Kanata, Watame and Suisei knew before hand.

>> No.15368766

>America refuses to trade oil with imperials who want to own them
>wehraboos and contemporary liberals cry crocodile tears and pretend this justifies bombing civilians

>> No.15368856

Kill yourself

>> No.15369178

military base
>wants to own them

>> No.15369262

She didn't do anything wrong, they were targeted by malicious people over a completely pointless thing. I hope she stops blaming herself

>> No.15369489

>military base
Military bases are chock full of civilians, tard.
>Japan dindu nuffin
Even Japs admit they wanted to own the world. Stop playing defense because you want to fuck their cartoon characters.

>> No.15369690


>> No.15370238

I always suspected, but hoped it was just in my head.

>> No.15370564

Ogey Chang

>> No.15371223

It's Sad that Coco graduated.
>But it actually helped Hololive since they're free from the Chinese Shackles
>Coco is doing just fine herself today so all is well, and she still has connections with hologirls
>Chinese just want Hololive out. I saw threads saying one of Nijimales said Taiwan as country and even Iroha slipped by saying Taiwan and nothing happened.

>> No.15371259

And SEAniggers will join your force !!!

>> No.15371805

It was Coco's fault.

>> No.15372009

>Abysmal CCV
>Supas plummeting
>Bad VOD views even for her buff games(Yakuza and the like).
>Completely radioactive still so no corpo will touch her
She hasn't done anything with her new model, the creative freedom stuff is basically a rotting corpse at this point and I think she realized she can't go to far anymore, cause its her ass on the line now with no corpo backing her.

Notice how she's so cozy with VOMS, its the only affilation of vtubers that will touch her because they're not a corporation, despite being an indie she's still stuck in in the same bubble.

>> No.15372353

What is causing the recline?

>> No.15372470

let's be honest, hololive memes, collabs and association is more interesting than the vtuber itself

>> No.15372545

By pre-graduation trends, she was heading this way already. She got a huge boost from engaging with English speakers at a time when there's a lack of English content. Then she got another boost from graduation drama.

Now with IRyS and Council, not to mention NijiEn, there's plenty of variety for English speakers already. No need to go across the pond to someone who doesn't even speak English most of the time.

>> No.15372983

And Cover should be kissing Coco's and Chammers' feet for it. Really dodged a bullet when they pulled out of China. Most toxic "fans" on the globe. Everything you invest stays in China and is used to spread their degeneracy further. Ontop of that, they have a tight grip around streamers and everything games, making these branches virtually improfitable within china.

>> No.15373400

Idk this just seems like blatant dramawhoring to me. Hachaama has literally no reason to care, she can still talk to Coco whenever and Coco herself is doing better now than she was before.

>> No.15373565

Anon come on now, at least make it less obvious you don’t have any clever comeback to what I said. Other than “muh zhangs” and kys you guys don’t really do much to disprove that Haachama deserves to be miserable for what she did.

>> No.15373641
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Do a flip.
Maybe you can find your mother's corpse down there.

>> No.15373716

> Cover forced to pull out of the most lucrative market on Earth
Yes anon Cover dodged a bullet there. I’m sure vtubing will stop being cringe for 99% of people in the West any second now.

>> No.15373784
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imagine Cover doing mandatory kneelings for nanking every year. i'm just glad they pulled out so they don't have to deal with this shit.

>> No.15373788

Coco is doing better than ever before and its not like shes completely shut out from Hololive since she has already done collab with roommates

>> No.15373952

What does it say?

>> No.15375717

Shut the fuck up, Zhang

>> No.15376104
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Reminded me of this passage of Shine On I was listening to earlier today, "You were caught in the crossfire of childhood and stardom, blown on the steel breeze".
She clearly wasn't nearly as mature enough to handle what was thrown at her. Hell, she still isn't. All I see is a girl who still struggles with her identity, both online and offline, and doesn't really know what to do with her life.
The splitting of her personality might have been fabricated for content, but I still think it's deeply rooted in her inner conflicts and the relationship with the character she portrays and the company as a whole. She thinks she's the strongest, she thinks she's a burden. She thinks she's funny, she thinks she's annoying. She thinks she's Haato, she thinks she's Haachama.
It's true she's been baiting her graduation for months, as someone already mentioned, but I genuinely think she's been constantly playing with the idea of leaving for good, and "baiting" it has been just her way to cope, familiarize, slowly introduce the idea and make it less scary, both for her and her audience. Kinda like people who joke about killing themselves all the time: they make it seem ironic but it's often a cry for help.
Hopefully the emotional climax she had today liberated her from some of those nasty thoughts. Bless you Chama.

"Come on you target for faraway laughter. Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine."

>> No.15376773

and i can assure you, Cover don't like it

>> No.15377019

Anon’s mind is totally broken by the truth. You have to be a SEAnigger or a shitty eurocuck for China to live that rent-free in your head.

>> No.15377051

Japanese forced to self hate because decades ago some schizos killed a bug town.

>> No.15378759

ITT: Coco and Haachama don't really talk after all

>> No.15379675

>this level of ego for someone who takes almost as much time off as ayame

>> No.15381569

Germans believe all sorts of horseshit too after years of reeducation, that doesn't make any of it true.
Japan using military force on a military target after the US stuck it's hook-nose in other people's business was justified.
Obliterating multiple cities (of actual civilians) in response was one of the most disgusting crimes in human history.

>> No.15381938

>I’m sure vtubing will stop being cringe for 99% of people in the West any second now.
what the fuck does that even have to do, retard? vtubing could be seen as a satanic ritual for all I care, gatekeep normalfags

>> No.15382831

normalfags ruined the internet, I concurr. Keep the normies far away from here

>> No.15383049

Why do amerifats project so much

>> No.15383219

Are you that fucking retarded? I was replaying to the autist who keeps screeching that Cover “dodged a bullet” by being forced to leave the Chinese market, which is the most lucrative market in general as well as being one of the biggest consumer of anime. Coping that Cover somehow won in the situation caused by Haachama’s carelessness is wrong.

>> No.15383443

You must be an Oylmpic gymnast with all the stretching that you're doing

>> No.15383447
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they can and will do just fine without china, in fact other companies should follow Cover's example and not kneel to bugs

>> No.15383592

Chammers really should just graduate or take a year long hiatus like sukoya did, for her own sake

>> No.15383634

On a political standpoint I agree, fuck China. On an economical standpoint, you have to pander to the bugmen, otherwise your competition will.

>> No.15383943


>> No.15385081

Watch the fucking news retard, Xi is cracking down on everything and reversing Deng's reforms. Technology, entertainment, consumer goods, real estate. China will be a dying market, companies are learning this the hard way, unless he gets assassinated. Hololive did a good thing, pulling out before Winnie lost his mind.

Imagine compromising your morals for money

>> No.15385569

>Envious poorfag trying to take everyone else down
Try actually putting in some effort you penny pinching fuck

>> No.15388245

I can't believe Polka and Miko followed Donald Trump on Twitter.

>> No.15388574

wait is she admitting the graduation was because of the Taiwan shit? lmfao but half of everybody was coping that it wasn't because of that

>> No.15388644


GODChama is beyond your petty concerns mortal

>> No.15388748

what the fuck is going this time

>> No.15388862

Why waste time and energy larping as a Haachama anti, when you could direct that effort to better and more deserving targets instead, like Mori and Ollie?

>> No.15389180

sorry I meant Kiara

>> No.15389884

This is what mental illness looks like.
Look at every single stream they've ever done, none of those girls have ever talked about politics on stream.
>muh Taiwan
They didn't say the word Taiwan you absolute fucking retard, watch the fucking streams if you're gonna say shit about what happened in them.

>> No.15390034

That's not true, anon. Why are you lying ?

>> No.15391349

How about you watch some fucking news instead of jacking off to your animu girls, you dumb fuck.

>> No.15392165

>Japan using military force on a military target after the US stuck it's hook-nose in other people's business was justified.
Cry me a river, faggot. Your honorabu samurai empire got its shit pushed in when it fucked with the wrong bull. You're lucky MacArthur even bothered to rebuild your barren little island.
>Obliterating multiple cities (of actual civilians) in response was one of the most disgusting crimes in human history.
Like the Japs did in Vietnam, Korea, and China? Boo fucking hoo, the poor moon people's shit chickens came home to roost.

>> No.15392789


>> No.15394229

You're a retard. If they actually held onto China and industrialized it, the US would be fucked. They wanted to unite Asia so it can defeat the West.

>> No.15394952
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>> No.15395650

To be fair, I don't have any reason to believe chama told cabana to be rude to her antis. At the very least, the latter didn't exactly handle the entire situation as professionally as she could have. And that's a valid criticism considering cabana's talked publicly about being a gainfully employed person prior to joining Hololive. Maybe her previous enployers' corporate culture was simply too lax, at least when it came to preparing her for work in public relations.

>> No.15395817


>> No.15395997

Imagine looking at the state of the west today and saying "I'm glad they won"

>> No.15398585


>> No.15398726

No you got it correct by saying Mori and Ollie, but you can add Kiara to be even more correct

>> No.15399121

no, I clearly meant to write Kiara but Mori (AKA the love of my life) leaves rent free in my head so I accidentally wrote her name

>> No.15402326

dude why you choose to love someone it doesn't exist, it will only bring you suffering

>> No.15402438

Based gosling... Fuck whoever tells you otherwise, because I'm madly and painfully in love with chammers

>> No.15402630

I'll take however fucked up the West is with its democracy over an empire spanning EA and SEA that has no qualms about committing genocide.
