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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.25 MB, 2894x4093, __honma_himawari_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_yumesaki_nana__44751b1225187176f501346778d41a05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15158366 No.15158366 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction, eh?
Previous thread:>>15029606

>> No.15158390
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>> No.15158436
File: 2.00 MB, 1052x911, Bounty Board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story like you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.15160083

You're trying to have sex with your gf Mio. But that damn Cat always do something to cockblock you and grab Mio's attention. Until one day you snap and you have sex with Mio infront of the little shit. You deflower this hag and full his womb with semen.
I think there a greentext like this from the first threads

>> No.15160580

>full his womb

>> No.15160736

This story is pretty much that.

>> No.15160767

Honhima's butthole must smell so nice...

>> No.15161121

NTA but that's not exactly smut. It IS an incredible set-up but I'd have liked it if it continued having Taiga watch, powerless, as you fuck Mio in twenty different positions and some of your combined bodily fluids fly everywhere and hit Taiga in the eye

>> No.15161668

>he doesn't know

>> No.15162551

Himawari and Polka threesome

>> No.15162934

A short smutfic about all the nasty shit FBK had to do for Santa in order to get a golden Magikarp and her twitter verified on the same day.

>> No.15163052
File: 309 KB, 1330x2048, __takane_lui_tsukune_tsumire_and_ganmo_hololive_drawn_by_harui_hr_x9__65441c5c36d5aae6ba3832099995f0ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want something cute and fluffy about (You) going on a nice date with Lui, based on her latest English stream.

>> No.15163112

Where is the story about rushia forcing you to impregnate her? Can't find it into the archive

>> No.15163197

this but in the middle of the date you're accosted by a group of burly black guys who jump out of an alleyway and hold you down whilst one of them simply whips out his dick and shows it to Lui who, powerless to resist, simply falls to her knees and starts sucking as you're forced to watch

>> No.15163283


>> No.15163313

Nigga what

>> No.15163689

Are you in the closet?

>> No.15164348
File: 321 KB, 1155x703, nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina binging on KFP employees since Kiara keeps offering,

>> No.15164368

you seethe because i said black guys but if i said burly brazilian guys you'd be like "oh, that's so progressive! brazilian guys are so hot! if she didn't suck their cocks, i would have instead!"

you guys are such hippopotami

>> No.15164444


>> No.15164671

Can confirm. Am Brazilian and a lot of people here wanted to fuck me off and play with my cock in here

>> No.15164912

Damn, I hate being hippopotami.

>> No.15164949


>> No.15165411

Literally everybody hates you, though. Especially your parents.

>> No.15165671

Can confirm. Just realized I have major daddy issues and am considering how to go about handling it. But they are both Brazilian so they understand.

>> No.15168707

Write my fic. I am horny and want to be teased by BaeRys:

>> No.15168787
File: 1.34 MB, 584x1500, 1637047208562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no

>> No.15168898

Fuck (You)

>> No.15169142
File: 576 KB, 600x706, hololive risu delete 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be pissed no matter what race they were.

>> No.15169354

Why do the japs like heterochromia so much?

>> No.15171798

Seriously though, I am very horny for BaeRys right now. Are you seriously going to make me study yuri so I can write fics involving them?

>> No.15171850

Yes, if you want disgusting fag shit then do it yourself.

>> No.15171963

I am straight there is no doubt about that I just want to be teased by two girls at once. What is disgusting fag shit about this?

>> No.15172100

>fag shit
Looks like anon was the real fag all along.

>> No.15172254

It's nice to see a fellow comrad in this thread. This Hag need to have his womb filled with white semen

>> No.15172328

Oh hey, you're that dude. The same dude as always. Have a nice holidays and fuck off from the thread. Spend your time with your family and have fun

>> No.15172359
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>and hit Taiga in the eye
Why do you want to read about cumming on a cat?

>> No.15172443

To be honest heterochromia looks fucking cool. I wonder how it looks in real life

>> No.15172487

Someone need to teach this little demon a lesson.

>> No.15173133

Yeah, that's gay as fuck because Taiga is male.

>> No.15173617

>cumming on the cat
Humiliating the cat who, in this context, cockblocked you for so, so long, one-upping all your attempts to deter, distract, or disable him from doing so.
Don't make it sexual. I want to fuck Mio, not Taiga.

>> No.15173674

>his womb filled with white semen
>his womb
Freudian slip, right? You're interested in a relationship with Mio solely to pursue a relationship with Taiga, aren't you?

>> No.15175199

Yeah, that's the one. It's an excellent series which, despite the rather...extreme content which it explores, still manages to be interesting to read even if you're not fapping to it.

>> No.15175325
File: 2.18 MB, 1493x2132, 94132057_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discreet public sex with Fubuki. Bus, train, station, beach, cinema... you name it. She makes a fuss but doesn't say no and gets into it really fast.

>> No.15178084


To the Anon who just wanted to read about kissing one's oshi, here's a little bit I wrote. I wanted to leave it for later, but I was seized by emotion and decided to write this portion right away. Read my commentary right after it and then give me your thoughts. Suisei is my oshi, by the way.

I kissed her lips. I tasted that aliment which enriches with knowledge of the beautiful, the good, the sublime, but never satisfies. I starve for more, my dear, my desire.
I kissed her lips. I drank, I imbibed the pure, crystalline water of this diamantine fountain, this fountain of life, my life, of her who has sustained me for so long, never quenching my thirst, never sating my desire―of her lips, her mouth, her voice, of her. Slowly she pulls away, greedily looking for breath, for the soul she just gave me―I feel she will leave, that she will return to the heavens whence she came, leaving me starving, thirsting, ignorant, lifeless...
Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward and the spirit of the animal descends into the earth? I do not, but I do know―I joined with heaven, and will in my desire seek to elevate myself, to meet her again, she who is no longer here, she who is in heaven.

That's it for now. I've been lurking here for some days now, and personally I think most people here won't really like it: people here seem to favor plain style, while I prefer and strive for middle or high; second or third person is used ("you", "Anon"), but I want to be lyrical (first person); most fics seem to be sensual, but I'd like to write more than just that. That's why I tend to be rather abstract, as you can see there. I'm thinking of writing more, adding more concrete description, to make it more evocative and pleasant; the reason I started with this was that I wanted to show I may feel not only sexual desire, but also something else.
I think the constant repetition might displease some readers, but I wanted to convey heightened emotion, intensity.
What do you think?

>> No.15178197

Almost sounds like you've been reading Songs of Solomon is what I think.

>> No.15178354
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not quite what I expected but I'll take it

>> No.15178493

I don't know why, but I really want to punch Fubuki in the face. Whenever I see an image of her I just feel a primal urge to hit her in the face with great force.

>> No.15178573
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>> No.15178585

Just Ecclesiastes, haha. Though I do intend to read Songs of Songs, after Job.
On the other hand, do you mean to say it sounds too imitative, not original?

Any further commentary, Anon friend?

>> No.15178736

Not imitative, but I thought it sounded inspired by it.

>> No.15178885

Marine has the same feeling about Luna.

It's because she's cute!

>> No.15178935

Ah, got it. Thanks.
Yeah, you could say it was inspired by it, though indirectly: when I thought about how to write passionate kissing, I remembered Oscar Wilde's Salomé, and he used Song of Songs as inspiration. Example:

Ah, Iokanaan, Iokanaan, thou wert the man that I loved alone among men! All other men were hateful to me. But thou wert beautiful! Thy body was a column of ivory set upon feet of silver. It was a garden full of doves and lilies of silver. It was a tower of silver decked with shields of ivory. There was nothing in the world so white as thy body. There was nothing in the world so black as thy hair. In the whole world there was nothing so red as thy mouth. Thy voice was a censer that scattered strange perfumes, and when I looked on thee I heard a strange music. Ah! wherefore didst thou not look at me, Iokanaan? With the cloak of thine hands, and with the cloak of thy blasphemies thou didst hide thy face. Thou didst put upon thine eyes the covering of him who would see his God. Well, thou hast seen thy God, Iokanaan, but me, me, thou didst never see. If thou hadst seen me thou hadst loved me. I saw thee, and I loved thee. Oh, how I loved thee! I love thee yet, Iokanaan. I love only thee. I am athirst for thy beauty; I am hungry for thy body; and neither wine nor apples can appease my desire. What shall I do now, Iokanaan? Neither the floods nor the great waters can quench my passion. I was a princess, and thou didst scorn me. I was a virgin, and thou didst take my virginity from me. I was chaste, and thou didst fill my veins with fire. Ah! ah! wherefore didst thou not look at me? If thou hadst looked at me thou hadst loved me. Well I know that thou wouldst have loved me, and the mystery of Love is greater than the mystery of Death.

>> No.15179667
File: 744 KB, 860x609, NePoLaBoBed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka introduces her new boyfriend to Nene, Botan, and Lamy decide that (You) are now the group boyfriend regardless of what she says.

>> No.15179830

The imagery is powerful indeed, but perhaps because I'm viewing this from a modern perspective, it's not at all sensual; rather, it's almost artistic, in a sense. Most likely the disconnect is chronological in nature; I like to think this is smut fiction as is acceptable within the confines of the time period's social context.

>> No.15180691

MHWanon... Foxes over Ducks, again. It does not leave my mind. Every single time I get into the mood for smut fiction, I always come back (and to) this one. Bless your soul.

follow-up/sequel plz plz plz

>> No.15180697

They're the same picture? LMAO.

>> No.15180746


>> No.15181269

The meme? It sounded as though you were saying Song of Songs and the fanfics here are the same. Some of them might as well be, but I found it funny.

>> No.15181545

By the way, do writers here use inspiration from elsewhere, or they simply write as it comes to them, inspired by other writeanons?
I asked earlier whether the authors here used imitation for practice, which is a similar question, but not the same.

>> No.15181644

Oh, I getcha. Thinking about it, I'm hesitant to say they're the same thing bar different time periods - most modern smutfiction seems to be made simply with the intent to arouse the reader, rather than as a celebration of sexual energy - but I will say that they draw from the same well of inspiration; that is, the author's inward desires and appreciation of physical intimacy.

Both. New ideas generally seem to come elsewhere, but there's most certainly a feedback loop here with inspiration being drawn from other fics.
I suspect said loop is why Fubuki has a significantly larger number of works about her than any other chuuba.

>> No.15181771

Ah, understood. Thank you.

>> No.15181871


>> No.15181908

Im an ESL that doesnt look at the keyboard when writing and clic post as soon as I finish writing

>> No.15181956

It do be like that sometimes.

>> No.15182008

Kind of. A lot of my fics are named after classical literature or a reference to it because I'm bad with coming up with titles.

>> No.15182578
File: 227 KB, 1200x1500, Rushia Christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a flash of inspiration about a day and a half ago and had to make a mad dash to get this done on time.

Set an unspecified amount of time after the events of part 6... the Holocalypse Christmas Special.

As usual, this is 100% canon.
Tags: Multiple chars., action, comedy, fluff, SFW

>> No.15183549

Very sweet, I enjoyed it

>> No.15184518

Hey anon, glad to hear you enjoyed it so much. I'll write a sequel just for you.

>> No.15186218

Seconding this! I NEED it!

>> No.15186392

Didn't expect this! Words cannot express my excitement. I eagerly await the fruits of your labor.

>> No.15187471

Nice and comfy read. I appreciate the scramble you did to get this out in time.

>> No.15187965

hate to break it to you, anon, but >>15184518 isn't me(MWanon), just another fag impersonating yet another writeanon. I appreciate that you really like the story, but I don't think I'll be making a sequel anytime soon.

>> No.15188084

Awww, damn, I got my hopes up. Oh well. Thank you anyway for the excellent story.

>> No.15190438
File: 101 KB, 1903x1080, FFokdigVIAIx73N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't die on me now.

>> No.15190567
File: 875 KB, 1280x720, 94906365_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never gonna.

>> No.15191805

Merry Christmas Eve. Hard to believe in a few months we'll be a year old.

>> No.15192264

Surprised we made it this long. That's a real achievement. With the thread slowly coming to an end, we can be proud.

>> No.15193312

How do I make myself sit my ass down and write? Instead of writing I've been playing battlefield 4 nonstop the last couple of days, I don't even have that much fun playing it, it's just my goto whenever I have free time.

>> No.15193528

You can't force yourself to write and you shouldn't. Been down that road and it's neither fun nor sustainable. If you don't feel like writing... then don't.

If you're just looking for good habits to keep in order to stop yourself from getting distracted whilst writing, then I'd suggest treating it like you did homework at school - no, not just ignoring your writing, but rather allocate an hour or two in repeat intervals for writing and set up or travel to a dedicated spot specifically for it. Try not to play with your phone outside of break time every hour.

>> No.15194266

All my writing is on my pc so I can't really move around, but I think treating it like homework is right. I gotta focus myself to not be so easily distracted by youtube or vidya. I'll have to dedicate some commitment to my work and providing to this thread.

>> No.15194629

>All my writing is on my pc so I can't really move around
Travel to, if possible. This is the more likely of the two options, since I wouldn't create a new space in my home specifically for writing.

If you've got a local library, go there and use the computer for an hour or two. The most important part of this is building a habit. All of this advice is to facilitate doing so. Making it habitual is by far the most important thing if you want to write more often.

>I'll have to dedicate some commitment to my work and providing to this thread.
I hate to say it since no doubt this was well-intentioned, but don't. This thread does not need you and it will go on without you. See to your own well-being first and foremost, and if your motivation is rooted in contributing to the thread, then please just don't write.
This is a hobby thread first and foremost and, to spare you the mental hassle, should only be used to produce or discuss works created by authors simply out of enjoyment of the hobby.
In summary, please do not struggle to do something you aren't enjoying for the sake of anonymous internet strangers. That is a self-sacrifice that no one will appreciate or thank you for.

>> No.15194650

Keep the tab open.
Whether it's for the word processor you're using or for the google doc page, keep it open so that if you do have motivation/inspiration you can easily get back to writing.
Other than that I think you shouldn't really stress about it since at its core, this is just a fun subhobby to being a chuuba fan.

>> No.15195046

This one works a lot for me. Write a little, piece by piece, when the words come to you. Revision can come after the fact; it doesn't have to be perfect right when it's done. You can correct mistakes later, add to scenes later, all of that before you actually publish it.

>> No.15196173

Well that was incredibly sweet and heartwarming, I was smiling the whole time while reading so great job. It was a tad cheesy at times but it's a Christmas special, its supposed to be cheesy so who cares. Really appreciate the fact that you pumped this out in time for Christmas, kinda like how four rushed to get presents for everyone huh? if this is your gift to the thread then thanks, it was really nice.

God, four is such a tsundere
Also, I wonder what presents did four give to the girls? Did you have some idea on what they were and didn't write it cause of time constraints or did you not have the time to think about it sin the first place?/spoiler]

>> No.15197523

Merry Christmas, nerds.

>> No.15199205

marry chrismas anon

>> No.15200509


>> No.15201035

God this site layout looks awful I can't even be bothered to read here. I'll come back after Christmas I guess

>> No.15201782

If you use Android, I recommend the apps Loop Habit Tracker to make habits and Simple Time Tracker to record the amount of time you put in certain activities, thereby being able to control your habits better (being aware of what you're doing is the first step). They're FOSS and privacy-conscious.
I've been using them for a couple of weeks now and noticed after the first week I was spending too much time on social media, so I've toned it down. Pretty helpful, right?
The book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear might help you, too. I haven't read it, but it had good reviews.

Other than that, follow the advice of the other anons, like here >>15193528, but I'll add: when building the habit of writing, do not write fics, but about other things, because at first writing will be a bothersome activity and that will be reflected in the writing. If it were me, I wouln't want that.

>> No.15201878

Any advice on what I could improve, anons? I addressed the likeliest problems from what I saw, but maybe I missed something.

>> No.15202038


This one?

>> No.15202567

Alright well it was fairly simple to understand and it was technically well written. I'm not going to pretend to be well-read or anything, so if there were any purposeful allusions here, I apologize for not catching them.

Stylistically, however, you're going to have to make a choice early on, and that starts with POV. First and Second POV are relatively similar in that they both offer insight into the principal character through their narration. Now, the downside to this is that anyone who reads through this passage will think that the main character is a bit of a pseud. Third person allows you to divorce your style from the characters themselves, which allows for consistency even if you switch characters.

So I would just make sure, when you're working on first/second person, to know who you're writing about and make the conscious decision to write in their voice.

Ultimately without extreme amounts of context this sort of style of narration tends to flow the wrong way for people. All the floridity of a 500-page character piece with none of the focus or background. Think about how people see Holden after skimming through Catcher in the Rye because school mads them read it. Nobody cared enough to read it all, so all of the actual character points come off as whiny or juvenile.

So, when you're writing pulpy, schlocky entertainment fiction, keep it light. Otherwise you'd need 20k words to justify putting this passage anywhere.

>> No.15203009

Did this nigga just defend catcher in the rye?

>> No.15203200

It's not the best book ever written, but hearing inane comments like "the curtains are just blue lol" really makes you reassess whether high schoolers are the best judges of book quality. Also, catcher in the rye is practically the only character study that's universally read in the US.

>> No.15203809

Fair enough. On a side note I remember my high school stopped teaching One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest because "it was too long".

>> No.15204111

Theyre probably right for high school, but they also just probably wanted to avoid talking about how based the main character is

>> No.15204211

Thank God, I thought I was the only one. Dark modes give me migraines.

>> No.15204557
File: 419 KB, 1080x2089, IMG_20211224_143318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mobile thing, I'm betting it looks better on PC. The catalogue looks all dark tho. I can't even see some options like to report or hide post on mobile

>> No.15205303

I am on PC (well, laptop). I appreciate what they're going for. I just personally don't like that looking at it for more than a few minutes makes my head hurt.
