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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14884171 No.14884171 [Reply] [Original]

/vt/ confession thread. Confess your sins here.

>> No.14884221

my oshi is an EN vtuber

>> No.14884263

I was disappointed when Gura postponed her stream today but it immediately vanished when I learnt that it overlaps the niji homos debuts now

>> No.14884300

Where is Gura VI? What have you done with her? I shall confess nothing while the church is leaderless and adrift.

>> No.14884363
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Since Marine is constantly mocking Christianity I wonder when she will mock islam, or shinto
oh wait

>> No.14884379

She's taking a leave to bear my child

>> No.14884386

don't be a pussy

>> No.14884451

Marine with nun outfit look sexier

>> No.14884590

Marine IS Christian, you fucktard

>> No.14884623

Then why does she make me want to sin?

>> No.14884643

to test your faith

>> No.14884697

I post CUNNY UOH but In reality I've lost count of how many times I've busted to Marine, Reine, Noel & Choco's big fat fucking tits.

>> No.14884729


>> No.14884737

I don't find fat fucking tits attractive (noel, lamy, marine to mention a few)

>> No.14884772

I don't watch my oshi anymore

>> No.14884866

I think ironic uooooh posting is turning me into an actual kani enjoyer and I don't want to become that.

>> No.14885555

Being into vtubers made me accept the fact that I'm a lolicon.

>> No.14885717
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I'm a cynical asshole so when a chuuba seems to good to be true I start doubting them and search for reasons not to like them so I won't get hurt if they end up disappointing
Why am I like this?

>> No.14885774

I barely ever come here anymore.

>> No.14885780
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After I discovered my oshi's roommate's music, I've stopped listening to her vchuuba stuff.

>> No.14885986

I wait the timestamps to be published in comments and loop only in meme sections.

>> No.14886065

Same I hardly ever know what’s going on in most threads I just act like I know

>> No.14886081

I only love my oshi because i watched her roommate.

>> No.14886966

I spent years doing my self improvement reps after I developed a crush on a girl in high school to try becoming worthy of her. It didn't work out with her but I continued doing my reps. In the middle of this time period of trying to improve myself to become worthy of a girl I found attractive started watching anime & ended up with a waifu.
After these years of self improvement I'm finally at a point where I got past some of my physical flaws (bald + mediocre face) and can easily find dates with "average" women on online apps since I'm tall, fairly fit, have a decently well paying/respected job, and got over a lot of my social autism. Unfortunately, after years of anime shaping my taste in women, I'm exclusively into skinny or fit white/asian girls with nuce faces. Since I'm a burger most of those girls already have partners and the few left can do better. My whole life was built around pursuing a gf and now that it's shifted to "get a girlfriend in the top ~20% of attractiveness who is also enjoyable to be around" I've reached diminishing returns on what I can work on I don't see any path forward to get what I want.

>> No.14887067
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Because she was the one who got me into vtubers and my oshi, I posted nearly all the threads for Haachama from March until her August hiatus when most people agreed that putting the threads on break and starving the trolls and rrats was the right decision. Someone else took over when she came back in September & I've only made a few threads since then.
I still consider her my oshi, watch all her streams, and will schedule my sleep & whatnot around her streams if I know that they'll be occuring, but I picked up a few more who debuted in the last few months while she was on hiatus. I find myself enjoying their streams more & more and spend more time in their threads. I feel like if I started studying Nip again Haachama would come back up to the top, but I'm pressed for time and struggle to motivate myself to do it on top of life responsibilities and trying to pick up drawing.

>> No.14887108

im not a fan of jp vtubers
if i want to hear japanese kawaii uguu voices id watch anime

>> No.14887343

That's 99% of people, anon. If you're not the 1% who's in a happy relationship, you're either lonely or in a miserable relationship you don't really want to be in. Just find your happiness in something else, cause what you're aiming for has pretty much the same odds as winning the lottery.

>> No.14887483

Honestly make getting a GF into a secondary objective and focus on expanding your hobbies and interests. Not only will it make you discover new shit to spend your time on, but hobby related communities are a decent place to find someone.

>> No.14887875

i don't like this fetishization of nuns
but my penis does

>> No.14888185

I just sent the JP Louise copypasta to my oshi as a marshmallow

>> No.14888316

I DM death threats to 2views on twitter.

>> No.14888325

I am a weeb, and I am one of those people who thinks the politeness factor of Japan is nicer than Western culture, even if that is an idealized & stereotypical way of viewing an entire race. I hate how openly depressive, combative, and hateful a lot of Western streamers are, I find no female western streamer entertaining, so once I found vtubers I never looked back. Then while watching JP, I found EN vtubers. And still, I did not like them. They seem almost always unpassionate, annoyed, moody, something just feels off.

>> No.14888670


>> No.14888937

I don’t fantasize about becoming a Chuuba to fuck my Oshi. I fantasize about being a company ceo and creating an extremely successful Chuuba entertainment empire. I think about what kind of talent I would have and how they would interact with each other in order to get the most views and sc and becoming a respected businessman. Which in all honesty is much more unrealistic than fucking my oshi.

>> No.14889040 [SPOILER] 
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I don't want to stick my dick into Marine's fat tits..
her ass is another story though

>> No.14893186

Christian Bale, maybe.

>> No.14893334

im your dad.
>give me your car

>> No.14893641

I've never had a lewd thought about a vtuber

>> No.14893809

I mainly come here for chuuba feet threads...

>> No.14893952

I have developed an unironic foot fetish because of chuubas.

>> No.14895151

So edgy and mature in an anonymous site, like a true dicklet.

>> No.14895825

Well... Marine went to a Christian school, not a Shinto or muslim one

How is this difficult to understand?

>> No.14896025

I'm a schizo that alternates on a dime from being in insane love for my oshi to the point I'd kill myself for her, to randomly switching to hating her guts the most in the world to the point I've wished that she would kill herself and then I kill myself as well due to the world having lost all meaning without her.
There's probably something wrong with me.

>> No.14897848

I’ve grown tired of yuri shit. It’s a tough situation to be in since my oshi is a massive dyke.

>> No.14898280

Yea the cure is easy

Just kys

>> No.14899041

Menhera listeners...

>> No.14901589


>> No.14904839
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Most guys I see married/with gfs or who go around being mansluts are noticeably happier than me and other single guys I know. Honestly, the thoughts about needing a gf always get worse around this time of year since I go back across the country to see my family and old friends & they're all with people they met 5-10 years ago in high school or college & stoll happy with them while I'm just doing whatever seems interesting at the time.
I've tried most things that seem interesting to me at all besides drawing & just bought a tablet to start doing that. A lot of my hobbies are still gimped by Covid even with some loosened restrictions.
My job is fairly mentally demanding. I do all my mentally demanding hobbies before work since after it I'm burned out and just want to relax and either play vidya or watch vtubers because my motor just isn't there to go much further than 7 or 8 hours of real work a day to try learning any skills that I could use to actually meet people IRL

>> No.14908419

I don't like feet, but watching too much Haachama has totally desensitized me to them

>> No.14908620

The only reason I want Nijisanji Wave 4 to fail is because I don't want HoloEN having a male branch. I only watch Holomyth and only care about Holomyth, and don't want to deal with the flirting/shipping coming to the only branch I care about and ruining the all-girl dynamic. Yes, I am fine with the occaisional collab Mori does, as I simply don't watch it. But a full HomostarsEN branch opening is an entirely different thing, and I do not want it to happen.
If it weren't for that risk, I'd be fine wishing Nijihomos the best.

>> No.14908677

I never watch Marine because I don't care for chubas who overly sexualize themselves

>> No.14909136

I literally cannot stop chumming to Gura. Every single time that I have masturbated since her debut I was either thinking about her or looking at porn of her.

>> No.14909425

Everything I hear about Japan convinces me more and more that I would be happier living there than in my own country, and I regret spending so much of my youth reading endless "the worst things about living in Japan" articles and worrying too much about looking like an Anglo sex tourist if I were to move there.

>> No.14909881

Marine is a Christian.
Many of the Christians/Catholics don't take their religion or the "commandments" of their religion very seriously. Unlike other branches or religions.


>> No.14910124

I want the NijiEN boys to succeed, but a part of me wants them to not be too successful because as a homofag with a Holostars oshi that would open the possibility of HolostarsEN and there are many reasons why I don't want that to happen. I'm still going to watch their debuts and support them from a distance, but the only thing I can hope for is for them to get Reimu tier (no offense to her, she's a good girl) numbers after the novelty fades away.

>> No.14910315

She's not a Christian, she just isn't a materialist atheist. She just went to a Christian high school.

>> No.14911303
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I never understood Goslinging before and was mostly joking about saviorfagging but I've entered this hell the last week and it makes me feel pathetic

>> No.14912650

Likewise. I was never a Gosling until I got really into two particular girls with smaller channels. One of them is starting to do really well for herself and become pretty popular, and I'm really happy for her, but it's bittersweet at the same time, because I know having a bunch of viewers means that I'll hardly get to interact with her, and it'll just be like any other stream.

>> No.14912706

i had a dream about suckin' a dick, not gonna name any names but santorum rick

>> No.14913153

I wish oppai loli was more popular. I need boobs but the thought of fucking some 5 foot nothing girl with huge tits is hot as fuck. I'm still bitter than Anya decided to nerf herself.

>> No.14913260

yeah I'm an ass guy for sure, but noel, reine and sana's milkers...

>> No.14913432

i threw a superchat to my oshi saying i was a little sad lately (didn't include details) and the streams helped a lot. in the past i thought superchats of that nature were cringe and the people who sent them were needlessly making things awkward for the streamer/chat. but to have my oshi read it and tell me to get better soon felt amazing, nobody had cared about me for months so to hear someone even pretending to care was really all i needed. it's sad that my life has gotten this pathetic, but i understand people who send messages like that a little better now (i still don't understand why you would spill you entire life story in chat though).

>> No.14913578

Telling them that you hadn't been feeling well, but watching them has cheered you up is acceptable, just don't be a fucking stream derailing blog poster.

>> No.14913594

Good on you for keeping it brief. If you aren't already you should give yourself a little bit more credit for getting through whatever you've been through lately. I really only worry about these kinds of superchats when I see people completely downplay their own efforts in coping with life's problems and give all the credit to the person they're donating to. I hope things look up for you, anon.

>> No.14917300


>> No.14917944

Superchats like those are only cringe if they include too many details or are overly sad. Just saying something like, "I haven't been feeling too well, your streams cheer me up. Thank you." is nice and most streamers appreciate that.

>> No.14918566

I went through a brief period of happiness and during that time I disliked watching my oshi. Then when I got depressed again I went back to obsessing over her. This has made me come to the realization that I don't actually care about my oshi, she's just another cheap escape from my shitty life that I've spent too much time and money on; an escape that I would throw away if I ever found happiness. I really thought I actually cared about another human being, enough to be in love with them. After realizing this I don't get anything out of watching her and I think I'm just gonna stop watching vtubers all together.

>> No.14918840

I like IDs accents, except for Moona

>> No.14918853
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I only want to titfuck Marine.

>> No.14919557
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I have no real life friends and don't even know how to make them at this point.

>> No.14919960

This relates to my own confession: I almost never watch vtubers with fewer than several hundred viewers at a time (say low NijiEN levels) because I'm afraid of falling into a gosling situation where the girl is actually responding to me. Don't need that shit in my life, I don't have the luxury of being delusional.

>> No.14920377

No one’s perfect anon ;)

>> No.14920439

I feel you. Have you seen those creeps in /pyon/?

>> No.14920661

Yeah. Becoming one of them is exactly the sort of thing I'm afraid of.

>> No.14920848

/vt/ sisters...

>> No.14922417
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I kind of just watch whoever is streaming games I find interesting or who I feel like listening to in general. I only ever chat in smaller streams, however, because there's no point doing it in larger ones where it's instantly swept away to me. It just so happened that I ended up getting attached to my 2 oshis specifically, because they're both hyper-attentive and positive to the chat and will remember things about you or even ask about you when you aren't there, and the main one I like is kind of flirty, while the other one is more older sibling like. I'm not weird about it or anything, because I don't even chat all that frequently or attention whore, and don't use any social media to be able to interact with them outside of the chat. But I feel a tinge of sadness knowing that they'll both inevitably get really popular and I'll just be another bit of text rushing past the screen, if I even bother chatting at all by then, and forgotten among all the other people who come in. I'd still watch them though, because I genuinely find them entertaining outside of whatever attention I get from them. I obviously know it's not real, so I'm not completely delusional about it or anything, but I think the problem is partially that getting to chat and joke around with them directly is genuinely one of the only things I have to look forward to, because everything else in life either sucks or doesn't interest me. Doesn't help that I lost interest in women irl over a year ago either.

>> No.14923856

Why do all Christians have such a massive victim complex?

>> No.14923925

That's fair. It's certainly nice to have that interaction with chat beyond akasupas getting read because chat is moving at light speed. And I get the need for an escape. I wouldn't be here if I were happy, honestly.

>> No.14924056

I think Miko is fucking annoying and her voice is grating to me. But I didn't always feel this way

>> No.14925789
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Right. My initial thoughts about it were that my life is shit, and I'd come to a conclusion that irl interactions with people have done me more harm than good, so why not lean into this waifu shit and see where it goes? But I never considered that it would actually end up working and become one of the few things that actually makes me happy, since I'm usually pretty detached and unfeeling towards other people and was never weeb enough to have a fictional waifu, or that there'd be a point where they'd have a sudden surge in popularity due to clips where it becomes like any other stream chat now. I guess there's always members only content, but that's only so often and will inevitably get just as cluttered as regular streams as they grow.

>> No.14925894
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I'm a fandead that has been cheating on Rushia with Gura for about 3 months now. I hope there's no other fandeads here, or snitches.

>> No.14926019

It's really just the American-style Evangelical Christians that are like this, and even then most of the ones that aren't terminally online are good people

>> No.14926144

>I'd come to a conclusion that irl interactions with people have done me more harm than good,
You still haven't met all the people there are to meet and haven't seen everything life has to offer you. It isn't healthy to be this way, anon.

>> No.14928878

That's true, but he's not exactly off-base either. After a while you start to notice patterns, and at that point putting up your guard just makes sense. I have to interact in society and all that shit because of my job but if I could get away with being a complete self-supporting shut-in I would do it. Watching vtubers is a decent way to cope with a shit reality.

>> No.14929350
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I'm aware, but at the same time, I'm just not interested in interacting with people irl anymore. It's been nothing but bad experiences for me, with abusive family, girlfriends cheating or obviously having other guys on the back burner, people generally taking advantage of me, and I generally don't enjoy being around other people, I just tolerate them when I have to. I'm not someone who's ever wanted kids and a family or anything like that, so this experience has honestly been pretty cozy for me, and I'm definitely feeling much better than I was when I was actively trying to sustain relationships and such, my woes with who I watch becoming popular aside. I used to really dread being alone, seeing Welcome to the N.H.K. as a damning forecast of what my life would be like when I first watched it as a teen, but now I'm actively committed to it, trying to buy a few acres of land far away from cities, and go live alone in the middle of nowhere and stuff like that.

>> No.14930300

Yeah, there are certainly worse forms of escapism. I just can't overstate the human need for face to face social interaction.

I'm glad you're learning to be happy alone anon, but at the same time I really hope that once you leave the toxic environment that you're stuck in that you can come into contact with better people. It would be a shame to go to all that effort to physically isolate yourself and one day wish you had someone to share that space with. Just my two cents.

>> No.14932654
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I never really cared much for friendships or platonic companionship, I'm not even somebody who's ever wanted pets, even at my peak feelings of loneliness. But I used to crave relationships and the feeling of being loved, wanted, and accepted really badly. It was like being a stray dog. But even when I did attain that, I felt nothing, and decided to delete everything that anyone could reach me on and isolate. I thought I'd get lonely, but it's somehow only made me want to get even further away from people, to be honest. I'll probably try to make a living from art or something, so I can quit my day job and not have to interact with anyone at all, and also just to be able to show my oshis I appreciate what they do without throwing money at them.

>> No.14933033

It hurt so hard when Lisa started responding to me. I'm going to implode and die alone.

>> No.14933802

Going to a Catholic private school does not make you Christian.

>> No.14935174

Found the champyon

>> No.14941423


>> No.14941505

Pina Pengin is superior to everything in HoloEN, she deserves so much more than they do.

>> No.14946228

I have considered becoming a vtuber, but I streamed before and could only maintain < 5 viewers (almost all of whom were friends I was in VC with), suck at coming up with random things to talk about unless I'm in an actual conversation (even then I'm not great), have an annoying voice, am male, can't think of any real character design that isn't generic as fuck, and honestly don't have many talents or skills in general. I can't think of any scenario where anyone would actually would actually watch me.

>> No.14946467

just look up grand blue fantasy doujins or something, those harvins are short stacks

>> No.14946537

you're perfect anon ;)

>> No.14946622
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>> No.14946669
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thank you for your service

>> No.14946765

the pink cat experience

>> No.14947659

I think the money I spent on superchating my oshi would've been better spent investing in myself

>> No.14951639

How much have you spent on supachatos? What would you have spent it on otherwise?

>> No.14952217

I don't usually do the gosling shit but I'm actually pissed of Mori delayed her stream so she could watch Vox Akuma's debut.

>> No.14953140

How much money anon

>> No.14956078

I tried to watch some smaller vtubers but don't have any idea about what is good & bad chat etiquette outside "don't be a cunt, don't spam shit, and don't try doxxing the streamer" so I'll usually just awkwardly creep then get talked to as the new viewer & feel uncomfortable then leave

>> No.14956232
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I've been thinking

>> No.14956252

Especially with small vtubers, if you're not in the circle during day/week 1 it's generally not worth it, the awkwardness is intentional because the 2view groomers want you gone

>> No.14956325


>> No.14956439

even for ones with a decent following (say 25-50 viewers where they can still read most chat messages) I have 0 idea what to say and when 70% of the shit typed is some degree of emoji spam then I don't really have much to base quality chat off of. Is anything not spam good enough? I figure praising/bantering with the streamer is fine depending on their personality/what is going on, but how much chatting is too much?

>> No.14956460
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Yeah, you'd better believe it.

>> No.14956600

ive fapped to asmr

>> No.14956694

Real ASMR or "things marked as ASMR but aren't actually ASMR"? It seems like the vast majority of vtubers who do "ASMR" are just doing RP (usually GF RP) but in a whispery voice

>> No.14956794

I've masturbated to the loop of my oshi calling an NPC a "little bitch"

>> No.14956887

You may need to lurk a stream or two to see what type of chat they respond to, if it's just one sided emoji spam with no back and forth from beginning to end they might just not be a good streamer

>> No.14956912

thats literally what makes christianity christianity
nietzsches slave vs master morality
"the meak shall inherent the earth", self restraint, self flaggelation, ceding power to those who take it for themselves believing you will win in the afterlife, these are the morals of christianity
its literally the religion of cope

>> No.14957020

those tits look disgusting
are drawfags really unable to draw anything but medieval peasant honking formless udders?
tasteless retards
its about form, well shaped and retrousse

>> No.14957041

ASMR earlicking mostly

>> No.14957104

anon just because the board became gay doesn't mean you need to join them

>> No.14957140

How new?

>> No.14957212

Schlorp schlorp schlorp

>> No.14957300

why are onigirya like this

>> No.14957548
File: 558 KB, 1152x2048, Mental illness itself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I masturbate to vtubers suffering, anything that depicts a female chuuba having a terrible day or life just makes me incredibly horny.
To put things into perspective, I have busted a fairly concerning or well extreme amount of nuts to those videos of Coco having a mental breakdown on-stream due to antis and being forcefully comforted by Kanata, that is PEAK material holy fuck so hot, same with Ayame crying or that goldmine of cherrypickings people get from Nijisanji, I even got off to the small clips of that one sick NijiEN, same with the graduation video of that Chuuba whose agency died because one of her coworkers was a serial doxxer bitch
I regret nothing because I AM having the time of my life, this community is a melting pot of menhera bitches recording themselves into losing their minds, developing future health problems or destroying themselves due to a variety of factors, from NEET lifestyle to online bullying to poor management to dissasociation up to /b/-tier fuckery
I regret nothing and funnily enough, this is the only medium that gets me like that.
>Suffering porn?
>Ryona hentai or mindbreak/NTR?
>Sex stories/other mediums?
Not even a single hard-on
I am very thankful to all of you, when all of you manage to make drama/break a chuuba HARD, I get off to it, you are the ones making this possible for me, thank you and keep doing what you are doing for as long as you can, you are all contributing to my pleasure, truly wonderful.

>> No.14957681

I've stopped caring about vtubers except for my oshi who I near worship and started to regularly throw akasupas at without thinking about it. I listen to her read my SCs over and over, whenever I watch her stream I feel absolute bliss and whenever she doesn't stream for a day I get anxious and irritable. I need her like a drug and worse, I feel no shame about it.

>> No.14957737

A demon wrote this

>> No.14958011

I bought a sex doll because of Roboco...

>> No.14958649

I refused to be in a relationship because I like my Oshi more.

>> No.14958936

How'd that go?

>> No.14959830

Questionable at best, atleast I was able to stick a printed "robocoface.jpeg" onto it but meh, wouldn't recommend unless you go full hyper-retard like the guys who order them custom made and stuff.

>> No.14960145


>> No.14960166

Printed? I know they make ones that do have anime styled faces, but you'd probably be better off just getting an Asian looking one and going, "It's modeled after her roommate", because the 2D face doesn't really translate well to a 3-dimensional object.

>> No.14960357

That's true, then again, I don't really recommend any doll-related stuff unless you are willing to spend a fuckton of money, for real, mass produced stuff is not worth it.


>> No.14961021

Yeah, any halfway decent ones will run you about $1,000. Anything less, and you've got a still very expensive, non-refundable, 100 lb human sized mesh of TPE coated garbage that you'll have difficulty getting rid of, less you look like a serial killer.

>> No.14962470


>> No.14962499

I think Mori's roommate is hotter than Mori herself

>> No.14962542

Why are Deadbeats like this?

>> No.14964345

I used to find yuri among chuubas cute and wholesome but overtime it became pretty tiring and overused, and it seemed more and more like a cheap way female chuubas use to gain some more attention and money for themselves, doesn't help that several also add in coomerbait too, which eliminates the wholesome-ness I used to find in yuriships.

>> No.14964494

I’m only here because I saw diaper porn of that Kiara comment about shitting everyone’s pants during uno

>> No.14964972

I have such a fucking lust for Snuffy. Her voice, the idea of her tits and unwashed body. There's something primal that awakens when I hear her voice. I wanna drench Snuffy in cum and hear her slightly wheezy laugh. I haven't even watched her that much since her model got massive tits, but I saw so many horny clips from her Spyro playthrough and it makes me wanna bury my face in her ass.

>> No.14964998

Mine is an independent male who only streams on Twitch.

>> No.14965057


>> No.14965134
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My top favorite chuubas and oshi are all flat but I secretly watch big-breasted chuubas on the side and always prefered characters with eiken-size breasts

>> No.14968003

That's entirely reasonable

>> No.14968388

i watch clips exclusively

>> No.14969529

You got a pic by any chance?

>> No.14969897

I feel bad funposting at zombie when the yubigate first appear, now she become prime shitposting material

>> No.14972539


>> No.14972623


>> No.14972680

>unlike other branches or religions
>he doesn't know

>> No.14972712

I want to into the breasts

>> No.14972796

>Unlike other branches or religions.
Only the ones that threaten extreme violence follow rules

>> No.14973034

I fap to chuuba feet far more than I watch chuubas. Sometimes I play the video of Rushia saying "I love you" and let myself be deceived

>> No.14973175

is it really "mockery" ? i see it more as endearment.
good friends mock each other all the time but dont really mean it

>> No.14973302

Holy kek

>> No.14973355

I avoided it for about 1.5 years but yesterday i coomed watching vtuber ero gif. Futa pekora x kiara x moona to be accurate

>> No.14973859

I still can't cum to vtubers despite trying every one in a while. Noel got me close once but it just didn't happen.

>> No.14974901


>> No.14975122

top laff

>> No.14976019

I know that I fall into love easily whenever I find a new chuuba but I also know I quickly burn out on people and end up not watching them after a few weeks. I gotta make sure I have some doubt at the start so I can justify oshi-hopping

>> No.14976053

Whenever there's feet, I go FEET in the chat, but I don't have a foot fetish.

>> No.14976172

SAME. I love thick women just as much as petite women. But actually thick not the land whales that think they're BBW.

>> No.14976897

based and memepilled

>> No.14980805


>> No.14982706

i'm in love with marine, i mean unironically.

>> No.14982769

I have never managed to masturbate to a vtuber

>> No.14982912

Islam has no presence in Japan and Shinto technically doesn't qualify as a full religion.
Marine went to a Christian school and is at the very least-aware enough about it to joke around about it. Stop being mad at an anime girl over religion.

>> No.14983310
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Me too.

>> No.14986115

I haven't really been into vtubers since June of 2020, but I don't have a lot going on in my life so I still check /vt/ every day and read about what's happening. It feels good to be apart of something new.

>> No.14987096
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I can't hear shit, but I'm still grinning ear-to-ear knowing these idiots are having a good time

>> No.14990596

I'm starting to resent more and more how much money these girls make just by existing and having a good time together

>> No.14999798

I honestly resent Hololive & other big name vtubers for the same reason. I work a white collar job that a lot of people aspire to and I don't enjoy it at all, that these girls can get multiple times my income a month doing something that seems enjoyable makes me rage with jealousy

>> No.14999870

I make fun of people for being EOPs despite not speaking any Japanese myself

>> No.15001074

Same here. I've tried to warn kids off my profession a few times but none of them listened.

I'm a guy anyway, so automatic disadvantage there when it comes to vtubing unless the new Niji boys somehow prove that wrong.

>> No.15001400

I subscribed to every one of the Hololive girls' channels and rang the bell.

>> No.15001410
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>> No.15004543

I'm worried about the same thing anon. I know it's greedy, but I'm always worried that chat will eventually get too large & I won't be able to really talk to the streamer at all. OTOH, I know it's a struggle to stream long term as a career & can be highly inconsistent so I'd like them to make the $ that a larger audience would provide.

>> No.15004587


>> No.15005647


>> No.15006163

I've seen my oshi's roommate pics and she is certified cute and my type but I still imagine her model most of the time. I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.15006240

Granblue draphs

>> No.15009403

Depending on how you look at it, this could be healthier than picturing yourself with her roommate

>> No.15012265

It doesn't matter if people speak Japanese or not. Being an EOP is a state of mind

>> No.15013327

i broke up with my girlfriend because i love nene too much
i'm not joking

>> No.15013765

All I've been able to think about since the debut is how much I want Ike to fuck me.

>> No.15014430


>> No.15014523 [DELETED] 

Because it's the only religion that's allowed be attacked in first world nations

>> No.15014556

Because it's the only religion that's allowed to be attacked in first world nations.

>> No.15014607

Couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.15014627

How's that?

>> No.15014637

Well if Nene makes you happy and your girlfriend doesn't, I'd say you made the right call.

No reason to drag an innocent woman down with your mental illness.

>> No.15014896

At least in the first world country I live in, the other Abrahamic faiths are attacked pretty often over here too. I grew up hearing Islam equated with Wahhabism. There are also like 40 Christian churches in the town I live in, anon.

>> No.15015006

I envy you that. Amerimuttistani love to accuse one another of islamophobia and antisemitism.

>> No.15015065

I live in the US.

>> No.15015210

that's true
nene has made me very happy

>> No.15015323

Then you know your anecdote isn't applicable to most of the population.

>> No.15015465

I've traveled all over the country and seen mostly churches and synagogues, very few mosques. I've seen Masonic lodges and theosophy buildings. We are all afforded near complete freedom of religion over here, anon. You should worry less about paltry attacks against your faith and be grateful for what Christ has given you. Someone wants you to be worked up about this; don't give them the satisfaction.

>> No.15017233

I seriously believe that I could meet and court my favorite vuber if I were to leave my home country. It at least isn't my main reason for wanting to leave, but I would be lying if I said it won't be in the back of my mind until I accomplish the goals I've set in order to move.

>> No.15019824

How many of them do you watch?

>> No.15022265

That would be nice as hell, sadly it doesn't seem possible yet.

>> No.15024224


>> No.15027068

bump again

>> No.15031086

I'm virgin

>> No.15033909

Anons, is it wrong to wish for a sugar mommy Rushia?

>> No.15034114

Nothing wrong with dreaming, but if those daydreams get in the way of your health and happiness, then yes.
If sugar mommy Rushia is what you want most in your life and you truly believe that you have what it takes to somehow meet her and date her then you should start trying move to Japan, assuming you don't already live there. If you don't believe you could get her and that makes you sad, focus on becoming a person who could.

>> No.15034702

I watch only 4 vtubers, but between other life responsibilities and sleep it's impossible for me to be caught up with all of them & it makes me feel guilty. I akways end up needing to pick favorites and it makes me feel bad.

>> No.15037227

I don't think I'll ever be happy alone, but I don't think I'll ever find someone who makes me happy

>> No.15038236

Get it off your chest, friend. What do you feel is getting in the way of being happy alone?

>> No.15040318

I want to lick my oshi's feet. Considering how many people post FEET in chat at the slightest prompt though, I don't think that even counts as a confession.

>> No.15040958

I've done basically everything I've ever set my mind on in my life besides getting a gf. None of it has made me happy. If I'm out of things I care about in my 20's, what am I supposed to do with the next 40+ years?

>> No.15041084

Are you physically fit? That alone can have a huge impact on your mental well-being.
I'm assuming from what you said that you've embarked on whatever career you had your sights set on when you were growing up. Maybe a change of scenery and meeting new people could help you. There is still so much of life that you haven't seen yet.

>> No.15041112

My oshi is unironically inspiring me to improve my life.

>> No.15041920
File: 144 KB, 600x600, pills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm certified schizo and my doctor wanted to go on 4chan with me to see how the website looks. We went on /adv/ together and there was some threads up about wanting to kill people and visualising murders. Also, fucking pumped up kicks started playing at the end of a session and I said: "oh it's the school shooter song". I think she's profiling me as some kind of killer when I only tried to do that once. What the fuck do I do anons? How do I sway her opinion? I just want to be normal this shit fucking sucks.

>> No.15042115

Well, just be honest with her. I would hope that you've made it clear to her that neither of those things are things that you want to do.
>Also, fucking pumped up kicks started playing at the end of a session and I said: "oh it's the school shooter song". I think she's profiling me as some kind of killer when I only tried to do that once.
I'm gonna need you to elaborate on this; I can't exactly make complete sense of it.

>> No.15042426

I am, I have lifted 3x/week + ran 1-2 more days each week for years. I've done all the traveling I wanted to do (Japan would be nice to visit 1 more time to climb Fuji but Covid fucked that up real nice). I work in the field I dreamed at since I was 10 making about $80k in my mid 20's. I've lived in one of my dream cities for about 2.5 years. Dating is the one thing I'm an absolute failure at that I'm interested in and I can't get a date with anyone that seems worth it no matter how hard I try.

>> No.15042724

I've fapped to my oshi more than once

>> No.15042868

My mind is a little bit erratic at times so most of my semtences aren't connected with each other.
>Also, fucking pumped up kicks started playing at the end of a session and I said: "oh it's the school shooter song".
I don't remember if it was radio or some playlist she made, maybe it was some kind of a test to see what song I'd react to. Anyways, pumped up kicks started playing and I fell for the trap. She was acting dumb, said she doesn't know what the song's about and I went into a long monologue about how lyrics represent school shooting. Come to think of it, I talked about school shooting a couple of times but mainly about watching them and keeping score on school shooters. I'm in my late 20s so I'm way pass that. I'm no threat.
>I think she's profiling me as some kind of killer when I only tried to do that once.
Don't know how to expand on this one. Waited for a person with a weapon in an alley. Said person fell asleep and didn't come. It only happened once and I've been clear of those temptations for years now but I fear she's trying to label me as a possible killer.

>> No.15043011

Do you have any issues with self-doubt or self-loathing? That gets in the way of dating.

>> No.15043059

stop coming to 4chan and find apps to socialize/go out. Its really not hard, despite not being easy for everyone.

>> No.15043123

Well, I would hope that you're being just a little bit paranoid about your therapist having set a trap for you with regards to Pumped Up Kicks. It is honestly possible that she didn't know what the song was about. I'd advise you to share your concerns with her in your next session. Tell her that you are worried that you came across as someone who wants to do something violent. I'm glad you never went through with whatever violent episode you had planned, anon.

>> No.15043460

Do you consider yourself funny? Forget what incels will tell you, you need to have a lot of charisma to date someone. Women will put an X on you if you are boring straight up.

>> No.15043767

I'm not sure that's a sin, but damn dude...

>> No.15043823

I posted about this in a different thread, but I've been watching a recently debuted chuuba with a yandere shtick who jokes about not watching other vtubers. I'm a software developer trying to learn web development so I started working in a persinak project to track who comments on associated channels.
I have no idea what to actually do with the app though once I finish. Making it public would enable people even more schizo than me and I wonder if it would weird her out and would be a ton of work. If I don't do it though, IDK what I would do with it besides take a screenshot of my own stats & tweet them at her or genericize it & leave it on my github.

>> No.15043949

Laplus sang Freesia today on her Babu stream and I cried at the "kibou no hana" part because today is my 28th birthday and I realized I'll never have a gf like Lap-sama

>> No.15044127

I'm not Subscribed to any channel related to vtubers. I only watch clips from my home page

>> No.15044324

I shit on unicorns for the (You)s but I unmembered and dropped my oshi the second she interacted with a male.

>> No.15045279

I'm a high functioning autistiand my sense of humor is weird. Most of my friends think I'm pretty funny but most of my friends are other autistic guys & autistic women are really rare. I'm still mildly funny to a lot of the non autists I talk to, but I definitely have to watch myself.
On the needing charisma thing, for me probably but not everyone. I know a lot of dudes whose social skills are nonexistent who get plenty of girls because they're really handsome on top of being fit, even if their relationships were mostly relegated to one time encounters

>> No.15045317

Getting plenty of girls and dating girls are entirely different things. Do not concern yourself with Chad's antics

>> No.15049763

Feel the same about the stupid shark

>> No.15052080

I waste probably 4+ hours a day on this board. I've considered just blocking the board so that I can't browse it, but I think half the fun if vtubers for me is shitposting here & that it would ruin the hobby for me
