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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13828844 No.13828844 [Reply] [Original]

follow yoroshiku

>> No.13830497

what will she do while Marine's busy?

>> No.13830598

She already said she won't do a 1.1M endurance, so probably just some random one-off game.

>> No.13830700

Deltarune chapter 2...

>> No.13832184

Final stretch, Iroha mii

>> No.13832505

Or it could be nothing

>> No.13832674

Cool! I love nothing

>> No.13834543

That's fine with me since she had to make room for miitopias and socializing in her schedule that is often a disaster to begin with. Maybe she got supercharged by the new debuts and is doing just fine though.

>> No.13835702

Now we know what one of the recent recordings was. Only a few dozen left to go.

>> No.13837445

She'll probably go back and do Chloe eyes eventually

>> No.13837481

Delay by 5 minutes, go listen to Mr.Koro FE theme

>> No.13837687

that's a nice coincidence that she delayed for 5 mins

>> No.13837963
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I tend to be biased towards pink girls, but this one turned out really cute.

>> No.13838043
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Kanata getting crit to death by the weapon triangle

>> No.13838242
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Starting early today I see

>> No.13838259

Looking pretty good already.

>> No.13838649

Korone - Sword
Okayu - Lance
Kanata - Axe

>> No.13839038

She'll do Marine's bussy.
Yes, a b, not a p.

>> No.13839336

Kanata is really good at making these miis

>> No.13839553

abrupt end

>> No.13844377
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>> No.13847032
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Really cute hairstyle.

>> No.13848319
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>> No.13850216
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Kanataso is resting well and definitely not playing vidya while watching streams until 5 am

>> No.13850393

Kanata is a cute girl!?

>> No.13850707

no, cute boy, just look at the chest

>> No.13850777

>even better

>> No.13852316
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Yes, look at the chest you filthy goricon

>> No.13855095

Was watching Rushia have a small break down over her dead cat right now. Makes me kind of glad Kanata is pretty strict on herself about not bringing negative feelings to her streams. Not criticizing Rushia or anything, but it would probably ruin my week if I saw a stream like that from Kanata, and I'm fine with just hearing about this kind of stuff much later, like that Ui mama story about her crying in the studio.

>> No.13855271

Kanata please give Kanata lots of love

>> No.13855872

>Rushia grieving
>Coco got pinkeye from eating Kanatan out too much and not washing it off
>Lamy having some trouble rationalizing vtuber fanbases
Kanatan... hope you got some kage-bushin shit ready for triple emergency response.

>> No.13858000

>Lamy having some trouble rationalizing vtuber fanbases

>> No.13858130

Some dick sent her a ¥610 SC saying that he's switching oshi to Chloe

>> No.13858242

lol, at least make it an akasupa

>> No.13860652
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>> No.13862733
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>> No.13864829

Kanataso, your grip...

>> No.13866359
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Something will happen tomorrow at the usual time.

>> No.13867701
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I don't think we're getting it ever...

>> No.13869360

Guess she was on healer duty and now a collab is coming.

>> No.13872400


>> No.13872994

Nice but also oh boy

>> No.13875745

I would rather her be open enough to tell us stuff at the time even if they arent the most posive feelings.

>> No.13877803

And here i was thinking that only happens on twitch. I guess some japs are retards too

>> No.13884116
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>> No.13886364
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>she wants to host collab with PPT

>> No.13889893

It the least she could do after mugging Kanata-kun mark

>> No.13891308

I mean, if it helps her to deal with wathever she's going through nothing would make me happier than being able to help just by being a listener, but if you ask me whether it's more healthy to be completely open with her listeners or keep a certain degree of separation, the answer is definitely the latter. I like the relationship between Kanata and heimins as it is. I admit Kanata sometimes takes it too far, specially with trying not to show when she's feeling exhausted from pushing herself too hard (though she has definitely improved a lot on that side), but I respect her trying to uphold her ideal of how her streams should be. The fact that she's open about that stance and often brings stuff up after the fact also helps me trust her to take care of her own problems.

>> No.13894812 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13894835 [DELETED] 

oh boy.
if she thought the axolotl odds were bad she hasn't seen anything yet.
it's still nu-odds but i doubt she'll be using a sticky hold mon to prevent the rod from failing half the time.

>> No.13894966 [DELETED] 

She's seen how long FBK's been trying, I think she knows what she's up against. Also, she said she was planning on doing it only after she cleared the game, I don't think she's so intent on going through with it right now. It's probably more about motivating Rushia than anything else.

>> No.13895885 [DELETED] 

That was about shiny Wooper. This Koiking farming wasn't planned

>> No.13895983 [DELETED] 

Are they going to stop for Aqua's totsu?

>> No.13896325 [DELETED] 

It should end well before then, they'll probably only try for an hour.

>> No.13896513 [DELETED] 

As expected, they really had a talk after Rushia's stream.

>> No.13896619 [DELETED] 

It would be really funny if she get the gold fish before Fubuki

>> No.13897132 [DELETED] 
File: 2.00 MB, 2892x4096, E579ZxpVoAUAGwW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way the world would be that fair to Kanatan.

>> No.13897275 [DELETED] 

walk ten feet to the left and catch a sticky hold gastrodon in the underground...

>> No.13897587 [DELETED] 

I hate all the gorilla talk

>> No.13897702 [DELETED] 

>Put her team in the box
She's not counting this as healing at the center, is she. That's two freebies now.

>> No.13897748 [DELETED] 

has she talked about the addutional rules?
can't watch because pc is out

>> No.13897755 [DELETED] 

I'm sure she didn't think about any of that when she agree to this collab

>> No.13897851 [DELETED] 

we've seen on her switch that she has a copy of shining pearl too.

>> No.13897924 [DELETED] 

Blowing raspberries on Kanatan's child belly!

>> No.13897965 [DELETED] 


>> No.13898042 [DELETED] 

>Hololive Christmas tree in Tokyo
That's pretty cool

>> No.13898054 [DELETED] 

I hope they don't fuck up her proportions this time.

>> No.13898094 [DELETED] 

For some reason I love listening to Kanata going on and on about how she overthinks these little things.

>> No.13898234 [DELETED] 

>talking about Koyori
>No signal

>> No.13898245 [DELETED] 


>> No.13898578 [DELETED] 

Kanataso is not a child, she's a grown woman with a tiny chest

>> No.13898721 [DELETED] 

You can't prove that.

>> No.13899998 [DELETED] 

Akai ne

>> No.13901525 [DELETED] 

Thank you for being there for Rushia, Kanatan

>> No.13904076

Guess she ended up going over to Rushia tonight

>> No.13904553

I hope so. Rushia, is really needing some company.

>> No.13905097

Yeah, it is for the best.

>> No.13905817
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>> No.13905867

she really is an angel

>> No.13908274

Speaking of, here Koyori talking about her

>> No.13910381
File: 813 KB, 882x1200, かなるし.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the Rushia thread, thanks for your angel for taking care of our necromancer~

>> No.13910457

You're welcome fandead, hope she feel better soon

>> No.13913342
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>> No.13913790

Well she's back
Go tweet something and you might get a reply

>> No.13915322

What do I say?

>> No.13915429

Ask her what Rushia smell like

>> No.13915432

Too late.

>> No.13915679

I've skipped out on a couple now since I already got 2 replies in the past, think I'll go for a third next time this happens though.

>> No.13916264

Usual hours tomorrow.

>> No.13919900
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>> No.13921636
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Love that picture
>can you keep up with me?

>> No.13924584
File: 177 KB, 1404x1404, EuRoR0XVkAYxJdQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Yonkisei have another set of winter outfits I wonder, it's almost about time.

>> No.13925982

I don't see why, the other gens all have one New Years outfit.

>> No.13926286

Timing-wise I wouldn't be surprised if 4th gen started getting new outfits soon. Most of their senpais already have 2 sets besides their original and their new years outfits.

>> No.13926965


>> No.13927618

May as well add Flare into that as her original L2D may as well not exist at this point. Though I guess Rushia kind of evens out their lack of variety by having 5000 outfits.

>> No.13929660
File: 186 KB, 1061x1500, E0ysKI3UcAYUZSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she were to get a new outfit soon, I hope it's either something gimmicky like the nurse outfit or something like pic related that feels like her at-home outfit. Her current outfit is already so good and versatile that a new "default" look would kind of feel like a waste, and it would be hard to top this one anyway.

>> No.13931421
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I hope it's the opposite of a gimmick and is either something casual or a more girly outfit like a sundress. A gimmick outfit that wouldn't get used much would be the worst and while I like the current outfit a new default would be nice. I trust Oshiomama to be able to make something better and Kanata really needs to up her girl power

>> No.13935100
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>> No.13936408

fallen angel outfit please

>> No.13936961

microbikini outfit please

>> No.13940496
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>> No.13941124

I actually like her current outfit so much I'm actually not sure what they would do for a new one to match.
Also does anyways remember when the oshio stuff was coming out.

>> No.13945089
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>> No.13947874
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>> No.13949406


>> No.13952452

Kind of funny to see all the casual EOPs thinking Kanata's placeholder thumb is something ominous.

>> No.13952508

They don't watch stream after all

>> No.13953254
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this tenshi is sleeping

>> No.13953356

And she's up!

>> No.13953434

Marika, 1st place endurance VS viewer

>> No.13954241

So close...

>> No.13954450

Kanata is barking

>> No.13954950

Isn't Kanata super rusty compare to the last stream?

>> No.13954981

She hasn't been doing her rate reps recently plus she just woke up

>> No.13954994

She's making a lot of small mistakes, but I wouldn't say super rusty. She got a lot of high positions and is generally at least in the upper half.

>> No.13955123

the choke...

>> No.13955158

She's choking a lot like that today. Keeping her nerves under control is still her biggest hurdle.

>> No.13955532

Kanata needs to regain her composure or else this is never going to end. She's playing like shit now.

>> No.13955682

First time I've seen a cheater in Mario Kart

>> No.13955923

When is the ASMR?

>> No.13955942


>> No.13956711

Late to mention but I really respect Kanatan for saying she wants to stream on Christmas even if she had to cancel her dinner with her mom

>> No.13956757

That was the closest she get

>> No.13956830

Didn't she say she was going to meet her for a bit at noon then leave asap so she can stream

>> No.13956844

She got 2nd place earlier, too, and a few 3rd places, but she's been on a rut for a while now.

>> No.13957160

This is the run!

>> No.13957226

She used the bullet bill too soon.

>> No.13957234

You motherfucker I'll fucking kill you!

>> No.13957379
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I don't think she could beat the challenge before 11PM JST. 1 hour and a half to go

>> No.13957849

Is there any holomen who's good at Mariokart? I've only seen Lamy and Luna but they also suck.

>> No.13957905

Twab, Aqua, Ina, and Suisei are good marika players.

>> No.13957917

Marine is pretty good too.

>> No.13957939

Towa, Suisei, Aqua, Shion, Okayu, Pekora, Marine
That's all I can think off the top of my head

>> No.13958009

Luna is insane tho, you probably saw her performing her worst

>> No.13959613

I think you were being too optimistic.

>> No.13960565

I don't, she's overding it again. Didn't she already learn this lesson with her grandpa being sad about not seeing her?
For fucks sake Kanatan, at least spend half a day on Christmas with your old grandparents and mother. She even sent you sweets and asked you to please come.

>> No.13961086
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It's coming soon! I feel it!

>> No.13961339

Just another example of how you can't please everyone no matter what decision you make.

>> No.13962212

desu she should prioritze her family more

>> No.13963248


>> No.13963497

>Killer into the pit
Kanata is getting dumber

>> No.13964279

Can't she just stream at her mother's home?

>> No.13964789


>> No.13964799

Holy shit she did it

>> No.13964803


>> No.13964866

Damn, that final stretch was exciting. Well done Kanataso.

>> No.13964973

If she plans on reading all that's pilled up she's in for another endurance.

>> No.13965170

10 streams backlog...

>> No.13965620

N99 here, does she want to do a cover with Ado or something?

>> No.13965730

No, she wants to be as big as Ado so she can collab with her celeb oshis

>> No.13966458

This is such an extreme opposite of my opinion that I can hardly even rationalize it, and I can't even use "Asians don't care about Christmas" with Kanata since she already had some plans and we also already know what happened previously with this shit.

>> No.13966774
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Do you own an incredibly tacky yet cute PPT shirt?

>> No.13966834

the voice at the end of whateverGurashi was too cute

>> No.13966855

One to collect, one to use

>> No.13966932

Does a Kanata not clean her room

>> No.13966968

She had roomba for a reason

>> No.13967006

Yes, buying one again soon cause the color already faded

>> No.13967083

How much did you wear or wash it to make it lose color?

>> No.13967183

I used to wear it like once every 2 weeks or so, but ever since it faded a bit, I only wear it during 3D lives and such

>> No.13968406
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>> No.13969332
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