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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.13554063

She is cute

>> No.13554085
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I miss her already...

>> No.13554156
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I'm ngmi
have fun badgebros~

>> No.13554185


>> No.13554301

Christmas is coming, and so am I!

>> No.13554464

On her flat chest

>> No.13554652
File: 1.04 MB, 1101x693, Nadechad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread didnt show up on search
Fucking MOOOOOOT, gonna beat your shit up.

>> No.13554701
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>> No.13554954

This was unexpected, the stream being "watch Nade buy things" is a funny experience.

>> No.13555173

>Trying to bait Nade with confederacy bullshit as if she even knows what that shit means

>> No.13555272
File: 141 KB, 680x763, chad3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beta Burger war drama baiter vs Chad Turkish bread price lister

>> No.13555454

I wonder how long she'll keep to her position of only using donations for stream stuff if she hasn't dropped it already.

>> No.13555581

She got somewhere around 5k in donations in 3 months. Most of the more expensive shit (model, rigging, pc) is already paid for. Unless she really splurges on skeb, I don't see her keeping this up.

>> No.13555685

Cut that in half and maybe, dreamer.

>> No.13555770

He is right. If you look at just the past month alone, she got close to 2.5k. 5k is actually lowballing it.

>> No.13555776

She also probably needs to save ~15% of her donations for future taxes.
If she has enough extra maybe she can use it for a new l2d outfit or even some lessons.

>> No.13555791


>> No.13555793

I know this is bait, but the figures for this month alone are over 2k, you can check on her streamlabs page. And she got over 1.5k on the past two months. It's not an absurd amount poorfagchama

>> No.13555911

>He failed to bait (you)s with viewer numbers so he moved into dono numbers
Shaking my baka.

>> No.13556016

I just wanted to know if she would change her mind about how she uses her donations. I personally think it's ok for her to use them for other things but she can be pretty headstrong about things. I didn't think it would turn in to people arguing about how much money she gets.

>> No.13556182

Then im the retard, but yeah she can be pretty headstrong about weirdest things at times. Once she gets an idea stuck in her head it can be hard to convince her otherwise.

>> No.13556545

>I want to get to 1k fast
>Refuses to play games that could bring her to 1k fast
She makes me wanna put her into baby carrier at times tbqh.

>> No.13556607

What the fuck are those game suggestions? MGR? DMC3? Sure, amazing games, but Nade can't handle difficulty, and can't even barely control a character in a 3D environment.
You people want to watch her getting frustrated, staying quiet for one hour than switch to zatsudans?
Please, suggest games that Nade would actually enjoy instead of games you would enjoy.

>> No.13556670

This, I wanna yell at the people in chat suggesting character action games when she's never played a 3d game before.

>> No.13556696

Yeah her decisions can be really odd sometimes, or even against what she says she'll do.

>> No.13556729

This is why i tried to shill her into playin minecraft after i saw the fall guys stream, its simple enough to introduce her into 3d, while being a decent stream game.

>> No.13556933

Once she gets a switch she can play Mario 64 and learn the ropes.

>> No.13557023


>> No.13557207

She needs to become a GAMER if she wants to rise (her numbers) up / 10

Also i found it funny that she was thinking about fortnite, when most of >people would probably not giving a fuck about it.
Some people suggested games like: Slay the spire, Stardew, Minecraft and Terraria, which sound like games she would like honestly + she didnt instantly reject them, so we might get same game kino on the menu.

>> No.13557223

Cash money/10

Hope nade can sort through the game suggestions and find things that she'll be able to enjoy.

>> No.13557331
File: 534 KB, 1255x875, badgercringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dam i made alot of typos. Im probably having a stroke, after trying to decode her thought process.

>> No.13557416

Anon stop Nade is a teenage girl. You will never understand her thought process.

>> No.13557754

Fast clicker/10

I hope she'll change her mindset about games. Wanting to chase the popular game for popularity's sake doesn't sound like a fun time. Hopefully she takes in some of the suggestions for games and tries them out in the future. Now is a good time to buy too since the steam autumn sale is happening.

>Once she gets a switch she can play Mario 64
Any of the 3D Mario games (64, Sunshine, Galaxy, Galaxy 2, Odyssey) could be a nice entry point. She could pick up a copy of Super Mario 3D All-Stars and even play it off stream if she wants to take some time getting used to 3D gaming.

>> No.13557794
File: 48 KB, 600x600, banaNade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new fruit

>> No.13557861

good work!

>> No.13558238

Has alot of vitamins and improves the quality of LemoNade

>> No.13558319

I was enjoying the sales but that didn't last long at all and she went into game suggestions (again) to try and boost her numbers (again). A few good ones suggested, but it's to be seen whether she actually buys any of them.
The whole "not a gamer" thing she talked about in her first debut still rings true. She's had no real experience with 3D games and so trying out games based on following the crowd alone will only confuse/frustrate her like Fall Guys did. Trend-chasing just means you aren't at the forefront, if everyone else is doing the same thing then how will you be seen?

>> No.13558328


>> No.13559683

>If everyone else is doing the same thing then how will you be seen?
This is what confuses me, when she refuses to play anything more ""obscure"" while that could be her magnet for new viewers. Especially when she has done several Raid Shadow Legends card game streams at the same time.

If she enjoys playing a game and has fun playing a game, she should let >us enjoy the process too. Instead of playing mindgames with herself, about whenever or not >we will enjoy it.

>> No.13561749

What's the best way to get those last few subs? Saviorfags?

>> No.13561964

I just want her to YouTube to be monetized already so we can stop worrying about sub count. And start worrying about numbers that matter like new subs and revenue.

A "special event" stream, something we can blast on social media. A multiplayer mini marathon with stuff like Among Us, Gartic, and Jackbox could work. Alternatively, her first Karaoke since debut or a collab could work.

>> No.13562795

Endurance gaming stream or as anon suggested a multiplayer marathon / whatever made up event.

>> No.13563581 [DELETED] 

I don;t think she should worry too much about boosting numbers since she's almost there anyways. Also big sub growing events just leave you with dead subs rather than getting people that are actually interested in watching you.

>> No.13563625

I don't think she should worry too much about boosting numbers since she's almost there anyways. Also big sub growing events just leave you with dead subs rather than getting people that are actually interested in watching you.

>> No.13564624

Didn't work for Kizuna

>> No.13566325

The trick is that you don't necessarily do follow-athons, you advertise more significant events when you do them. Basically, if you advertise consistently, people will show up consistently. Pair that with clips, highlights, and original videos to effectively cater to the more casual fans who won't try to catch every stream. Similar to the situation with the stream backgrounds and transition screens, it may be worth hiring an editor so you can focus on producing content without having to spend an hour in front of a video timeline afterwards (though if you enjoy doing the editing yourself, more power to you).

>> No.13566889

>Pair that with clips, highlights, and original videos to effectively cater to the more casual fans who won't try to catch every stream.
I'd really like it if she made more original short-form content but from what it seems like she's completely written off everything except for streams as useless and ineffective.
>it may be worth hiring an editor
That probably won't happen either since she evaluated vtubing as a hobby rather than a job.

>> No.13567106

I could try my hand at clipping if viewers asked for specific clippable moments when they happen on stream. But I don't have a channel, I think I would create one dedicated to Nade, but I don't know how useful would that be.

>> No.13567919

They're for sure more sharable than streams so they'd be good for outreach on Twitter and Reddit. I'll make the argument for Insta and TikTok, too, as I believe in regulating your audience rather than filtering or avoiding some of the largest social media websites over a prejudice against the children that have adopted them. That's said, I'd like to ask Nade if she's ready start controlling her chat more since up to now she's only had to deal with one or two miscreants at a time.

>> No.13568413

can someone uggest moments to create clips? Some very good moments were already clipped by BasedBug, but surely there are more memorable moments since her l2d debut

>> No.13569425

From today, Nade putting the stream on hold for online shopping, maybe. Otherwise, you could trim down an answer from one of the Q&A streams, Nade's reaction to one of the girls (or puzzles) from Helltaker, or a Shadowverse match.

>> No.13570136

I wish she played more games just for clip material. Not like her zatsus dont have any, but its way easier to get haha funni moments during gameplay.
Like the way she discovered that you can get "free" water from sinks during the cooking sim.

>> No.13572338


>> No.13572805

nade t5 membership only
