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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1339572 No.1339572 [Reply] [Original]


So what do you think of this /vt/? does using your Oshi as an avatar make you uncomfortable? could it really be damaging to the overall image of your Oshi? do you agree or disagree with Ui-Mama?

>> No.1339862

Bad take.
Kpop fans talk shit all the time and guess what, they use the members of the bands as profile picture. Nobody think less about that band, they know their fans are dumb.
They are anime girls after all so they their image will be use in that way.
Pochi as the superior mama probably has a better take about this.

>> No.1340057

Imagine being nine years old and being so shallow that you need to use your oshi as your dp.

>> No.1340089

I agree, which is why I use Gura as my avatar

>> No.1340236

It's a fairly common expression in Japanese vtuber fandom to say that the streamer attracts fans that are similar to themselves.

>> No.1340296

>Japanese vtuber fandom
Same fandom that abandons chuubas at the first sign of controversy.

>> No.1340344

>does using your Oshi as an avatar make you uncomfortable? could it really be damaging to the overall image of your Oshi?
No? Who gives a shit? Her ego must be fucking gigantic.

>> No.1340416

No one except for Nene is going to mistake you for your oshi because of your profile picture, but seeing KFP Emergency Ration - ErenYeager2002 replying to fetish porn is very embarrassing for all parties.

>> No.1340455

>KFP Emergency Ration - ErenYeager2002 replying to fetish porn

>> No.1340602

I don't think the issue is so much that people will mistake you really. But that if people repeatedly see the fans of someone being dicks they will form a bad impression of those fans and that can spill over into a dislike of the person they are fans of quite easily even if that is completely irrational.

>> No.1340868

this nearly happened to me with chumbuds

>> No.1341084
File: 125 KB, 606x679, ss (2021-03-08 at 09.25.43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pochi as the superior mama probably has a better take about this.
Guess what, she literally asks that you don't use her art of vtubers for SNS icons. Last time she drew cute chibi stuff she said it like 3 times on twitter in English. Replying, quotetweeting, and then tweeting it alone.

You have to remember it is /literally/ someone else's avatar already. It represents them.

But also, the context here matters. It's a social media thing. It's obviously about twitter primarily. No one's going to drag you (or it would be stupid to, at any rate) for a discord av or your youtube av.

>> No.1341131

If their fans are dicks there's probably a reason for that.

>> No.1341163

Not too long ago the Jahy-sama mangaka actually tweeted in English not to use their characters as SNS icons because Jahy-av twitter users were posting so bad that tales of their exploits reached her.

>> No.1341222
File: 293 KB, 1280x720, jahy mangaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jahy's mangaka is a vtuber as well.

>> No.1341442 [DELETED] 

Shigure Ui’s take:

>> No.1341444

I usually shitpost in twitter and facebook using KFP on my name and a picture of Kiara. It triggers them actually especially kpooop fans.

>> No.1341467


>> No.1341486

Lyger doesn't use Matsuri as his avatar and yet he managed to be mouch more damaging to Matsuri's brand and reputation than anyone using her as avatar

>> No.1341520

O shit didn’t notice

>> No.1341564

Your reading reps anon...

>> No.1341976
File: 131 KB, 400x400, AZd1Bh-s_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was memeing with Pochi > Ui
>You have to remember it is /literally/ someone else's avatar already. It represents them.
I just don't see it. Imagine if people start using Pewdiepie's face as their profile picture because they find him cute. They are not turning into him why would an 2dAvatar be different?. I said the same example with Kpop fans.
You know what I can understand as weird, using the same logo or trademark. If you use dunkey's profile picture as your profile picture, then It's weird, because It's not actually "him" but his "logo", something that represents him.

>> No.1341993

True but to be fair a lot of Matsuri fans also side with Lyger, even when he is being an asshole you have people on his tweets supporting him

>> No.1342169

If its just a screencap of them during a stream it literally has zero impact on anyone, just a nip being extra.
If it's fanart it's a different story, I do understand why artists don't want people to use their art sometimes.
I've gotten really autistic about this over the years and if I use weeb shit for avatars I make sure its straight from the source material. And I'm a friendless fucker so no one would ever know or tattle that I'm using someones art but it still doesnt sit right.

>> No.1342206

On the other hand.
Imagine if someone filmed themselves doing something very controversial and during it they tell you to Subscribe to Pewdiepie.
It might reflect poorly on him.

>> No.1342236

>Kpop fans talk shit all the time and guess what, they use the members of the bands as profile picture. Nobody think less about that band, they know their fans are dumb.
I do
Kpop stans are utter subhuman trash and so are the bands that try to appeal to them.

>> No.1342265

kek, yeah what a crazy thing to imagine.

>> No.1342306

Anon let me stop you right there at Pewdiepie. The guy who has had literal, resulted-in-multiple-deaths hate crimes committed by people using his name. The guy who everyone left of 4chan thinks is a Nazi because of what his fans have done.

>> No.1342319

This only applies to weak willed retards, I hate nutsackis but love Pekora despite their best attempts to stir up shit.

>> No.1342394

>weak willed retards
you mean the majority of people, and everyone on this website?

>> No.1342461

I don't think that's true frankly, that's more a 4chan problem of the posters here being weirdly obsessed with the dude and "L-lyger is unhealthily obsessed with Matsuri!" isn't actually a good excuse to internet stalk him and concern troll everything he does. No one elsewhere cares.

>> No.1342513

Anon the issue isn't how do you feel, it's how other people feel. Recognizing and dealing with that is a learned skill we commonly call empathy. It's a bit ironic to label swathes of people "weak-willed retards" when you look pretty socially retarded, yourself.

>> No.1342973

oh dear anon, I wish I could be as innocent as you

>> No.1343000

Yeah but we are talking about cute profile pictures. If I kill someone tomorrow wearing a Nintendo tshirt the media will blame Nintendo somehow you can't control that, the same way you can't control who uses your stuff.
Do you think Nintendo would stop making tshirts after that?
It's pointless. The only thing that you are doing is being a bitch that's all. If Ui or Pochi don't let people use their art as profile picture is because they don't wan to and that's fine, It's their art after all but don't say It's because "You are turning into the person of the art and if you say bad stuff is like they are saying bad stuff"
I used pewdiepie because he is a youtuber (famous person) that everyone knows. It would be the same with an actor, a hot egirl or even the pope.

>> No.1343025

Yes, anon. I'm not saying you shouldn't have used that analogy. I'm saying you used an analogy that directly proves Ui's point.

>> No.1343192

No, I think ill keep using my favorite idols as my avatars for social media platforms i barely even use. Because the art is cute and I want everyone to see how cute it is.

>> No.1343297

That's a weird self-justification for selfish favors that no one asked for. "O-oh, you don't WANT me to promote your art for free??? Well too bad bitch!" It's stunts like this that make you exactly the kind of asshole people don't want to be associated with their art.

>> No.1343396
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Its not a selfish favor, its cute art and I want to look at cute things. Youre thinking way too hard about this.
Whats next we cant have our favroite anime/manga characters as PFP? like >>1341163
cant have a nice car in your pfp because douchebags drive them?
cant have a cool plane in your pfp because it drops bombs on 3rd world shitholes?
nah, ill keep doing exactly what im doing without bothering anyone.

>> No.1343614

This reminds me of an orthodox Christianity discord server I was in that didn't allow using saints s display pick for the exact same reason. Interesting.

>> No.1343668
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Fuck that server Jesus is cool for PFPs

>> No.1343677

>SNS icons
Dont companies ask artists to use their work for this? Its a monetizable thing so Pochi was making sure LINE pays her first

>> No.1343714

It bothers the person who literally made it, but you do you, anon.
I personally don't actively antagonize my oshi or carry zero respect for the people who actually spent years of effort learning how to draw the fanart posted here but I guess I'm just built different.

>> No.1343808
File: 107 KB, 326x313, 1578310279561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if you had the Hololive logo or the Wendy's logo or the Heckler & Koch logo or Daniel Day Lewis's headshot or the Gadsden flag as your avatar while shitposting. What's that? You're not affiliated with them? Doesn't matter. Whatever you do or say is associated with that brand. Consciously or not. Doesn't matter.

What do you think the filthy bugmen will do if you have your oshi as your avatar while you trash West Taiwan? Or say that we nuked the wrong East Asians? Or refer to SARS-CoV-2 as RAID, General Tso's Sicken, or Kung-Fu Grippe? Think they'll be understanding? No. They'll attack whatever they can even vaguely associate with you.

Don't expose anything you care about to that kind of risk.

A perfect example of this is Supernatural, Sherlock, and Dr. Who. On their own, in a vaccum, they're decent-to-great shows. But when you remember the tumblerina superwholock fujoshis it's enough to make you sick just seeing the show's logo.

Or those schizos falseflagging as another chuuba's fanbase while attacking people and posting rrats.

>> No.1343842

nigger you proved your own self wrong. Your very argument invalidated itself.

>> No.1344389

A lot of the issues presented in this thread so far could be resolve if you simply do not act like a retard while you have the profile picture on don't you guys think?

>> No.1344526

Yeah of course, and for the most part people who use them do just that behave like you would expect good fans would. Half the people I have ever seen acting like idiots are obvious falseflaggers if you dig a little into their profile. But then I think those people who act out will get disproportionately misrepresented as the norm just because that shit will actually spread where as nobody will ever notice you if you are a normal fan. People find scandal and controversy interesting, where as hoardes of fans doing not much but sending their chuuba messages of love and wondering what they had for dinner or if they are sleeping well isn't something anyone cares about.

>> No.1344546

I always try to enter discord with "Hi! I'm a KFP employee and I am a Filipino!"

>> No.1344610


>> No.1344665

I feel weird using someone else's art as my profile picture in general, so I never know what to use.

>> No.1344701
File: 39 KB, 239x263, 1604167753731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god you are too naive or stupid or both. In that Nintendo analogy I acknowledged the bad people and I said "Do you think Nintendo would stop making tshirts after that?IT'S POINTLESS", at the end of the day those people don't really affect the brand and It doesn't matter which brand I (The killer) was wearing. Imagine a world where Actors, Influencers and companies don't let you use/wear their things because those people could say something bad and affect them.
Now back to art.
It's dumb denying your "fans" or people from using your free art as a fucking PFP because 20%-30% of them all are "bad people" who could say dumb shit and they can be "associated" to you, neglecting the rest of them who are people who respect you, or really like your art.
It's not a "separate the artist from the art" It's a fucking "separate the artist from the consumer of his art".
NIGGER, see I said nigger and posted Gura so she said Nigger as well.

>> No.1344762


>> No.1344856

But everyone hates Kpop fans...

>> No.1344981

Your point seems to be more about how you think people should act and respond to this kind of stuff rather than reality. And the reality of the situation is that a few bad apples can and do create negative connotations around your brand and image.

>> No.1345102

Nips are some of the dumbest fuckers when it comes to art and the like, anon. This goes to the point were a lot of them will just nuke everything randomly and other dumb shit. It's not disrespectful to ignore what they say in regards to their art. Most of their viewpoints on these topics aren't actually their own and is just something they've effectively been indoctrinated by the industry at large in japan to think that way. That's assuming you aren't doing shit like selling it, claiming its yours, etc.

>> No.1345151

So if you don't agree with their opinion and think its a dumb opinion then ignoring their opinion isn't disrespectful suddenly is what you are saying more or less?

>> No.1345203

It was actually a fairly popular thing to do, not really controversial.

>> No.1345298

If an artist said "Don't save my art", is it disrespectful to save it?

>> No.1345386

Yes, being respectful of someones wishes has nothing to do with your own opinion on something. You should just own that you are being disrespectful towards them and say its because you think their opinion is dumb.

>> No.1346131

Shigure Ui needs to fuck off. I swear to god these artist turned vTubers get so high off their farts and think just because they're a little good at something that they can start policing people around on the Internet.

Pochi Goya did something similar where she requested in a Tweet that people not utilize her artwork, including fanart (which isn't even her copyright) as profile pictures or banners on social media. I know she is respected and well liked but she needs to be knocked down a peg.

>> No.1346272

There really wasn't any policing in that video though? She just explained her opinion on why she doesn't make icons and why she doesn't think its a good idea to use images of someone you support as your icon.

>> No.1346582

Who gives a fuck really.
Not sure why jap artists are so stingy about this, its not like you can stop it either, and nobody but themselves care about something so trivial.

>> No.1348028

Who cares what a digital artist thinks? They are just drawing anime characters with eletronic tools. This isn`t art as far as i see it. Once its posted on the internet it belongs to everyone to do what the fuck the like with it. Only gross Otakus and Simp Hikikomoris are interested in their work anyway. This ain`t a Mona Lisa Level artwork. This is just a copy and paste type of digital "art".

>> No.1349575
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Watame did once.

>> No.1349689
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1613871125963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to connect my oshis image with my disgusting fetishes and rampant antisemitism.
Watame doesn't deserve that.

>> No.1351213
File: 197 KB, 468x736, Sieg Watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame is personally responsible for more war crimes than your civilian mind can comprehend.

>> No.1353850
File: 1.48 MB, 498x498, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcrw3eg.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess It's a watame thread now

>> No.1354806

This is just Japanese artist autism, I've seen JP artists publicly post commission works on twitter and add on a note telling people not to even SAVE the picture because it's someone else's comm.

>> No.1356583

I often notice the profile pic before the name. That's what I look at. Heard other people do as well.

>> No.1356966

I stopped using them after seeing that and pochi's tweets
