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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1292480 No.1292480 [Reply] [Original]

/auds/ Thread # 18

Question of the Thread: Which content creators do you draw inspiration from? What do they do that you wish to integrate into your own content? Will you add any new spin or stick with the tried and true?

What is /auds/?
A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Where it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibility. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you.

Do I need an expensive rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
You do not! A simple .png avatar can be enough to get started.

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Brian Tsui of Iron Vertex has many tutorials available on his youtube channel

/auds/ OP Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/zuUBUbGG (embed)
Static 2D avatars - a simple png in the corner of your screen is plenty!

>Backgrounds and Props

>Background Music
Youtube’s Audio Library: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary
CCMixter: http://ccmixter.org/
Open Game art: https://opengameart.org/
KevinMacLeod: https://incompetech.com/

>Voice Activated 'Animation' Software (だれでもVtuber)(JP only)

>3D Avatar Creator
VRoid Studio

Facerig (with Live2D module)
Animaze - PrprLive - VUP - VTube Studio - Live2DViewerEX

>3D SOFTWARE (.vrm format)
VSeeFace - Wakaru - 3tene - VUP

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous thread >>1240020

>> No.1292507

Here's a few tips for all of you about microphones for all of you:

-If you are starting, take a look at what you have around, maybe your gaming headset will be good enough to start.
-If you have a rockband mic laying around stored in some box, it may do the job too, stick a pantyhose on top of it to stop plosives, cut a hole on a ceral box to have it serve as a mic stand and voi-lá. This used to be the beginner youtuber special back in 2011~2013 and it worked very well.
-Check the noise reduction filters and equalization in OBS (or maybe use NVIDIA RTX Voice if your card is compatible) for some boost in quality.
The important is to start.
-Study mic technique, a lot of quality improvement can be done without spending a cent:
10 Tips for Better Sounding Vocal Recordings for Beginners (FAQ Series)
Better Podcast & Voiceover Audio at Home | TUTORIAL

After you begin and you look into into buying a mic to improve your audio quality keep in mind a few things:
-"pro" audio requires a lot of investment in equipment, acoustic treatment, mixing, etc. A lot of your favorite vtubers and regular youtuber and streamers don't have it and do just fine.
-USB mics are generally not the top end of the microphones contrary to what Blue's marketing team may want you to believe, but a good quality one is more than serviceable. If you're not that tech inclined and want an all-in-one quick solution, consider one.
- A good XLR mic, a boom arm, a pop filer and good audio interface will be enough. Don't get lost chasing "the best", don't get lost into the audiophole rabbit hole, it'll cost you a lot of for increasingly diminishing returns that most of your
viewers and won't notice.
- If you are on a tight budget, look for dynamic microphones, a Shure SM-48 with a windscreen, an XLR-to-USB adapter or a cheap audio interface will be cheaper and beat in quality most USB mics at thrice the price.
-Take into consideration your needs - lot of streamers, for example just use condenser mics because it's "studio quality" but can't get the quality they may potentially output or do anything that will really benefit from having one (like raw music vocals to for mixing).
-Going off from the last point, if you are not recording music (I don't mean Karaoke streams with some reverb kicked in, I mean actually recording vocals for mixes or professional voice overs) consider dynamic mics instead of condensers like most big streamers do, it'll save you a lot of headaches.

About Mic types, there are basically two that matter for you.
Condenser mics:
- A lot of people who do livestreams use these; They are your Blue Yetis, AT2020s and similar.
-Usually are called studio mics, and there's a reason for that. While give you a nice voice recording with a fuller range of capture, to make the most out of them you need a controlled, studio environment.
-They are more expensive by themselves, often require more accessories (not only a boom arm, but shock mouths and the like), and are often overly sensitive (which is why you get a lot of mouse and keyboard noises when people are playing).
-To make them sound the best they can will require acoustic treatment of the room you record (because they are sensitive and capture the sound waves bouncing on hard surfaces and that messes with your quality) or home-made recording studio/booth (or a makeshift one, like getting inside of a closet full of clothes or recording inside a pillow for).

Dynamics mics:
-These are the stage mics, most of you will be familiar with handheld ones stick with the little ball on top of it (but many can have different shapes and look as "studio-like" as the Condensers).
-They're usually very good at not capturing the noise that's not immediately in front of them, which is why they're used for concerts, churches, TV, and even presidential speeches (US presidents have been speaking into SM-57s for a many decades now).
- That means you don't really need to have an acoustically treated room and the clicks and clacks of your keyboard and mouse won't be picked so easily, which makes them great for home studios.
- While dynamics can get expensive, due to their construction they'll be less expensive than Condensers. The legendary industry-standard Shure SM58, for example, costs 100 bucks, and even the top models like the RE20 are way cheaper than the high end condensers that cost thousands of dollars.
- Dynamic can also be used for studio recordings - a lot of Rock vocals are recorded on Shure SM-58s because it's gritty; a ton of podcatst and radio studios use the Shure SM-7B (with Joe Rogan being the most famous example), NPR uses the Electro Voice RE27.
- Dynamics however are not as sensitive a as Condensers, they're not ideal for most musicians doing studio recordings unless we're talking rock/metal vocals.

Hope it'll be of use for all of you.
And sorry for double spaces but it's a lot of information and I wanted it to look organized.
Godspeed, anons!
And good luck!

>> No.1293216

I hope everyone here finds the success they are looking for!

>> No.1293483

same op pic tripped me up a bit. anyway, how does one 'practice' streaming? if your content is just playing games how do you get 'better' at streaming games? i get that you can just get better at playing the game itself, but that doesn't necessarily translate to being a better entertainer, does it?

>> No.1293522

I think the easiest thing in that respect is practice your speaking to no one; it's very important at the beginning if you have low chat interaction to be able to continue talking despite no one talking back to you.

>> No.1293541

Practice talking to yourself for as long as you possibly can. Streaming is all about just talking talking talking even if there is nothing to talk about

>> No.1293637

thanks, i guess then the follow up question is how will i 'know' that i've gotten better? like, keeping tract of it incrementally, if that makes sense? not looking at the difference between just starting out and one year down the line, but the difference between starting out and one month later.

>> No.1293694

You could always rewatch your streams and compare them how you talked at the start to how to talked a month later; see what parts you end up having dead air or parts that seems like you were struggling to come up with something to say

>> No.1293730

i'll give that a shot, thanks anon

>> No.1293766

The longer you can rant before you run out of things to say

The thing is that you don't need to be funny 100 percent of the time. You just need to be attentive and comedy/entertainment will come from chat interactions and observations for what you are playing. THATS the easy part and doesnt require practice as much as it requires being likable. What DOES need practice is, again, just the ability to keep talking about literally anything so people don't lose interest

>> No.1293839

kinda feel like i don't have that much to talk about since i've been in lockdown for almost a year now, every day is the same and i don't feel like i've got any experiences that i can share, even if it's just the void i'm talking to. could probably just ramble about the game i'm playing and try to make that entertaining somehow. guess i've got something to work on, thanks anon.

>> No.1293863

That's the boat a lot of people are in. Don't worry about it, and just know it takes practice

>> No.1293886

for the most part yeah you could just ramble on the game you're playing; thigs like life stuff really tends to come up when you can bounce off chat conversations and i'm sure that even if recent days haven't been eventful, you still probably have anecdotes you can talk about from before then

>> No.1293930

thanks again, anons. i'll shut up now and stop spamming up the thread with just my stuff.

>> No.1294052

It's not spamming if you're asking relevant questions; don't worry about it
We're all learning here!

>> No.1294345

Yeah honestly one of the best skills you can prepare for starting with fuck all viewers is the ability to just talk endlessly even when no one is watching. Dead air is pretty much the worst thing your stream can have, so you need to talk about *something*. And with no one in chat to bounce off of, you need to come up with shit yourself. Myself I'll probably just talk to myself about what I'm doing ingame if there's no one to chat with.

>> No.1294417
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>mentally prepared myself for my setup to not be ready until late next month
>Found a new rigger who will be able to have me ready in like, 3 weeks

Fuck fuck fuck it's all moving so fast, bros I'm so nervous

>> No.1295150
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What is okay and what isn't okay in terms of multiple forms of revenue?
Is it poor form to have a patreon to keep some content locked behind? My current plan was to keep game playthrough and hangout streams public, but make stuff like watchalongs locked to patreon.

What about onlyfans? Part of me is tempted to do nsfw asmr roleplay under a different name on patreon, but I'd be worried somebody could make the connection

>> No.1295277

if you can't unlock like membership streams on youtube but want to have that kind of environment i guess i could see it being fine? i don't particularly know what peoples' opinion on that kind of stuff is but if you wanted to go that route as opposed to like, twitch subs i don't see why it would be frowned upon?

>> No.1295282

sketch is done, live 2d is starting. hoping I can start streaming with it near the end of the month (maybe mh rise?). thanks auds for lots of solid info and a little shitposting along the way.

>> No.1295414

god damn why the fuck are there so many artists with commissions for cutesy anime girls but trying to find out who draws anime guys is fucking impossible?

>> No.1295723

every commissioner is either girls only or no muscle. i'm beginning to think i'll never find an artist for my design.

>> No.1295857

Yep, welcome to the club.

>> No.1296426


You should look for artist outside the vtuber community, even outside the anime community.
Just ask them to separate the part in layers.

>> No.1296501

Yeah, myself I'm starting to look more in the western artist community, specifically fantasy artists that seem to do work similar to that of Frank Frazetta. But I guess it all depends on what "style" you are looking for.

>> No.1296653

Just be careful because "just seperate it into players" isn't all they need. Stuff like necks need to be longer than what an artist is used to drawing, so there is no empty space if you turn your head up. Stuff like that.

No matter who you go with, I'd make sure they at least have experience drawing for vtubers, even if they aren't in the community

>> No.1296822

Good point. Is there any sort of guide for artists as to what to take into account? I can't do art for shit but it would be good to have on hand if the question came up.

>> No.1296975

Mention you want to do puppet animation, like flash or toonboom harmony, If they are not familiar with Live2d

>> No.1297058
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Your best bet is to ask a rigger what they need in terms of layering/design. Take horns, for example. They come in many shapes, but in general they need to be chopped up a certain way to permit them to deform and twist with the head properly. That's why going outside the L2D/VTuber community for an artist is risky. Ideally you should find an artist/rigger that have worked with one another in the past. That way they know what to ask of the other and can get changes done rapidly.

>> No.1297112

Wow, didn't think just a horn would be that complex. I would love to find either a team/group or something because I can definitely imagine knowing each other's workflows would speed things up. But then once you look for a specific art style that gets difficult.

>> No.1297149

Tier list of streaming content (assuming you are a new streamer, a streamer with a huge audience can get away with doing pretty much anything they want):
>Mainstream sandbox/open-world games
This is stuff ranging from "games with open-world elements" (Bethesda games, Rockstar games, Witcher) to true sandboxes like Minecraft. The "mainstream" part is crucial. Yes, Caves of Qud might have a cRaZy BiG sandbox, but normies aren't gonna care.
>Competitive online/multiplayer games (if you're legitimately good)
That is to say, as I began the post if you're a streamer with a huge audience they won't care if you're middle-of-the-road. But to attract an audience through such games, you better be a top-tier player
>Story/Narrative-driven games
Walking simulators. Horror games.
>Mainstream "Atmospheric"/stylized games
Supergiant Games games (Bastion, Hades, Transistor, etc.), Hollow Knight, Ori, Limbo, Undertale. Again, "mainstream" is not a suggestion here. Playing some pixel graphic indie title nobody's touched isn't gonna win you any new audience members. As always, being a widely-viewed streamer gives you room here.
>Silly sims (or playing serious sims, sill-ily)
Stuff like Cooking Simulator, where the absurdity becomes comedy. Playing them straight usually doesn't work.
>Puzzle Games (no horror element)
Because most normies only watch puzzle games because they're also horror games and they get to watch a streamer panic at some jump scare.
>High-skill-ceiling/focus-needed singleplayer/offline games
In this case, the point I'm making is that if the game is so intense that it requires you to glue your eyes to the game, that's cool and all, but your interactivity plummets. Think rhythm games in particular.
>Strategy games in general
What no one here wants to admit but is true. Subtract another tier for grand strategy, add a tier if it's a smaller-scale game and/or has some quirky/unique element about it. Normies don't have the patience for this genre. There's too much deadtime. Depending on the complexity of the game, you may also have to deal with the barrier of entry where you have to go off on a tangent explaining the diplomacy system of the game, etc.
>>Good if you've got a really fucking compelling voice-Tier
>"Realistic" sims
Repeating the sim entry, but this is specifically shit where there is almost no ability to be wacky and crazy (Truck Simulators, as a ready-to-mind example). Moreso than any other game/genre can be saved by you having a maxed-out charisma stat, sim games are boring to 99% of people watching, and there is no exciting shit to get peoples' attention.
>Autist games
Dorf Fort, Caves of Qud, anything with ASCII graphics really. Sorry, I know you wanna believe you can break into the market begging for people to stream these games, but it doesn't exist. People autistic enough to understand these games also are the type to push up their glasses and wonder why they'd watch SOMEONE ELSE have an autistic adventure and not just play it themselves.

This list is obviously incomplete and doesn't cover every genre/type of game. If you have any semblance of objectivity, though, you should be able to think about whatever weird duct-tape-coded, high-school-project-turned-into-a-full-game release you have in mind and categorize it accordingly.

>> No.1297241

>Many wrong

>> No.1297272

This heavily depends on what the actual streamer is familiar with and the overall vibe/environment they are going for. There's an audience for everything, and while the numbers will be lower for a niche content type, the ongoing engagement will probably be higher. I wont be just games, but in terms of games I'll primarily be playing diablo style games and metroidvanias. Because I love those the most, know the most about them, and it will show through when I'm streaming them. I have zero interest in streaming a bethesda/rockstar/cdpr game so if I did the stream would be fucking boring.

A streamers actual interest and knowledge in a game shines through quite brightly, and chat will notice this a lot. However, they will only see that once they actually *enter* your stream so it may take more work to get eyeballs in.

>> No.1297285
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What are the character signifiers behind brown hair besides being in the background or a plain person?

What alternatives to brown hair are there that can be explored, but not any signifiers of extreme personality traits (like what you see with redheads or day-glo hair colors like certain pinks, greens and purples)?

Pic related from last thread.

>> No.1297315

What do you have against brown hair? It can be a nice hair colour. Just depends on the design.

>> No.1297380

>Hurr u wrong
>Don't actually point out what you believe is wrong
I'm talking from the raw standpoint of "what is most likely to attract numbers", period. Obviously, if you enjoy a particular game or genre, there's literally nothing I can do to stop you, and if you're one of the folks who's "doing it for the passion", cool, a person could stream fucking Minesweeper if they felt so inclined and knew the ins and outs of it. But as you yourself identified, it won't attract people outside the niche. Even if you (understood) don't necessarily like Beth games, 90% of the gaming public knows that a stream of it will consist of silly bugs and/or has played it and wants to see someone's reaction to X or Y that they know was a crazy narrative twist or amazing visual or whatever.

>> No.1297456

My point was: my little haphazard tier list isn't supposed to be "these are all you're allowed to stream". Just that as you go further down the list, you need to realize your chances of attracting an audience plummets. Obviously, if you don't and never cared, cool, carry on. But don't stream a game that isn't stream-attractive and then bitch and moan that "I'm the only person playing [wacky ascii graphic indie title developed singlehandedly by some dude in his mom's basement], why don't people watch me?" Something not having much stream traffic right now is usually a sign that the game never had much streaming potential to begin with. If you have zero interest in audience, and literally just wanna stream because you wanna vomit a stream of consciousness over your usual interests in vidya, cool, go for it.

>> No.1297477

>I'm talking from the raw standpoint of "what is most likely to attract numbers", period.
Okay that's fair. However attracting numbers is meaningless if you can't *keep* those numbers. It's a two part process, three if you realize that "people who pay" aren't the same as "people who watch". I want to build a community, not just hop on popular shit to see bigass viewer numbers.

However I know that's not how everyone operates. I have a full time job that pays well enough, so I'm not really planning on doing vtuber stuff to hit the big money (though I'd love that to happen regardless). I just don't like when people like you specify "this is how you have to do things". Different people have different paths to success. What you play and how you act will determine how your fans will be. If you just play popular meme shit, you will attract only the people looking for popular meme shit. In my experience thats usually younger people, and they're annoying to deal with. I'm actually considering whether I will want to set my channel to mature only, as alcohol discussion will be a major part of the stream as well.

>> No.1297498

>I just don't like when people like you specify "this is how you have to do things".
See >>1297456 , namely the first sentence.

>> No.1297589

I understand from your other post that its what you mean, but not really what it comes off as. Your 'tier list' doesn't specify an actual purpose to the ranking, just that they are ranked. Especially since more niche means less competition. If you stream dorf fortress regularly (and well), you probably will have complete control over anyone with an interest in that game. They will be die hard fans you can always count on. Whereas streaming skyrim or some bland shit, you just have like... timmy who wants to see shiny popular glitchy game and probably will just move on if you try to do anything else (and doesn't have money anyway).

Views aren't the whole story, and thus cannot be discussed in a vaccuum if you wish to actually plan a content strategy.

>> No.1297647

>Especially since more niche means less competition.
A fine balancing act, as the more niche a game/genre, the less compelling it will be to watch for anyone not invested in the game themselves. And as I already said, the kinda person who can lose themselves in some micro-intense, visually-borinh game usually also isn't the person who wants to watch other people play it, because by having enough understanding of the game to follow along, they'd just as rather play it themselves.

>> No.1297725

It depends, honestly. I can see how someone could build a community around something like DF because plenty of people have an interest in the game but maybe don't want to actually learn to play it properly. And it lends itself well to story building that can allow for a lot of interesting jokes/discussion and other community connections. Actually would make for an interesting stream if the streamer is a good storyteller and the community got into it.

>> No.1297824

I found out that I have an xsplit license. do I use that or OBS? seems like everyone is using OBS.

>> No.1297825
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My grand idea is to create regular traditional youtube content based on a specific franchise niche to slip my channel into the algorithm, and then have variety streams that deviate from that specific topic, but stay within the same genera.

Is that a bad idea? Is there a reason I don't see people doing this exact thing beyond it being an extra amount of work?

>> No.1297878

I honestly keep forgetting xsplit exists. I know back in the day it used to be the "paid pro software" equivalent to OBS, but no idea nowadays.

>> No.1297927

yeah I think I'll switch over to OBS. there's a lot more community chatter about it.

>> No.1297947

Yeah I've honestly never heard of anyone using xsplit. Like I said, years ago it was the software you used if you had money to throw around but OBS has evolved a bunch and theres a lot of shit (and guides) designed for it so its the default. Though I honestly don't know much about the different versions of OBS (OBS vs Streamlabs OBS for example).

>> No.1298675

just doing some quick research, looks like OBS is the way to go. SL OBS was advertised as a more user friendly option, but the consensus now seems to be that SL OBS has gotten pretty bloated with extra stuff.

>> No.1298722

What's the difference between Streamlabs and Streamlabs OBS

>> No.1298778

Yeah, I've heard people using both but that Streamlabs is... full of other stuff. But never looked it up. I use regular OBS myself.

>> No.1298821

Does anyone know any of any good 3d artists? I don't care of its VRoid shit or not only if it looks good. I'm looking to spend the majority of my budget on a good artist so I can get the character design done right. If needed I'll just get a L2D later my priority is to start making content with a model.

>> No.1299010
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>people who post lambos are just as valid as lambo owners! owning a lambo is really expensive

>> No.1299066

Actually, I think a better equivalent would be people who have a lambo without an engine in it. The visuals are there, it just doesn't do anything.

>> No.1299172

>Why'd that guy who has the money to do so buy a Porsche Panamera for running errands? Why couldn't he just buy a used 02 Civic, it'd do the same thing!?!? Heck he could even just take a bus wherever he needs to!

>> No.1299255

With this line of logic, are channels like The Right Opinion vtubers?

>> No.1299535

A vtuber is a puppet.
If elmo is laying on the table unmoving but someone is doing a voice, then no, that doesn't count as puppeteering

>> No.1299663

>A vtuber is a puppet
This is a new take but one I'm surprised I've never heard before. It's kinda accurate

>> No.1299901

I always saw it as more a "filter" over the person behind the scenes, myself. The characterization, the visuals, its all just a way of changing how people see you. Puppetry doesn't get the direct connection between facial animation that vtuber software gives.

>> No.1299942

Many have done that but it often kills their channel once they deviate too much from what their original audience subscribed for. Look at many of the old TF2 youtubers who now have dead channels because they greatly overestimated how funny they as a creator were.

>> No.1300087

Hmm. I'll keep that considered. Sounds like I'll mostly be fine as long as I stay passionate about my weekly niche content and prioritize that over the streaming itself

>> No.1300132

Png is fine but "predebut" is just stupid. Make content, not tweets.
t. not Calli

>> No.1300166

Not him, but having a general content strategy for your channel is a good idea. What do you want it to be seen as, in the long term? Just doing some stuff to pull in views wont matter much since it's unlikely they'll watch your "main stuff" if its vastly different. It's fine having two different lines of content but your communities will be effectively be splilt due to it.

>> No.1300384

Well if I'm going to be honest, I had the idea for the channel itself before I wanted to be a streamer/vtuber so I already know that I'm going to want to prioritize the weekly content. I'm more interested in being a channel ingrained into that franchises community, not the vtuber community. Even if I make it sound like it's some scheme to cheese the youtube system, it's where my real passion is.
I don't want it to be VASTLY different, but it's something similar to being a star wars youtuber streaming dead space or metroid. I'm hoping that there is enough of an overlap between those kinds of franchises to form a strong audience rather than one split between the fans that come for star wars content, and ones who just like sci fi game streams

>> No.1300475

I mean, at the end of the day people are going to watch a channel for its content, but I'd imagine few watch a channel for *all* of its content. If you're passionate about those things it will show through and I say go for it. No use halfassing yourself because some anons thought it might split up focus. Myself, I fucking love metroid but have no interest in star wars. So maybe I'd watch the metroid streams but that's it. But it is different per person, and eventually you'll figure out what works for you.

I say just fucking go for it and see what happens.

>> No.1300558

Thanks anon. I'm just gonna go for it.

>> No.1301176

weird question, anyone have success getting a commission for anime mens via /cm/? i'm about to give up browsing through hundreds of twitter profiles and shit

>> No.1301293

Try the discord before you try anybody from 4chan

>> No.1301386

I didn't mean to say that you can't do it, just to be aware of what might happen if you're not genuinely entertaining and instead rely on a crutch to grow. Jerma moved away from both TF2 and Youtube and he's still doing fine on Twitch regardless of whatever he chooses to stream because people go to watch him, not the game. RTgame dropped TF2 but kept the audience interactivity aspect from those videos so he managed to retain a lot of his audience. Meanwhile, STAR_ became irrelevant because no one wanted to watch competitive Overwatch and he kept talking shit about his own audience.

>> No.1301473

What sort of guy are you looking for? I might know an artist or two.

>> No.1302663

>be born blonde
>never have to think about the lesser hair colors
Feels great.

>> No.1302958

Not him, but got any examples of work or general styles? Finding commissions for semi-stocky short almost middle aged male characters is a pain.

>> No.1303234
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basically Belmond Banderas

>> No.1303965

Sorry to get your hopes up. The guy I was thinking of who did mine seems to have deleted the example art he sent me for guys. Or I'm just too stupid to find it. I wanted to shill him a little because he gave me my model months ago and I've still yet to get in a good enough situation to really debut so I feel bad. His profile is filled with female examples but I really like what he did with my guy. This is annoying. I'm going to keep looking and if I can find something I'll post it. I would say it's probably not going to fit the shorter guy, the Belmond type it might work for if I can actually find any of his webcomic/manga again.

>> No.1304180

>looking through #commissionsopen tag on twitter
>see some artists stating art is for "personal use only" and that to have full ownership you have to discuss a different price
>but no hint as to how much that affects the price
Ah, that's gonna be something I'll have to keep an eye out for. Also twitter is such a shitty platform for searching artists. I gotta figure out how best to make my discord account more 'non-alt' like so I can actually join the live2d discord without getting booted out by the bot again. But I can't really start joining communities with no

No harm done, though you should tell him to keep a male example up because its hard for us to find actual examples of that kind of work. I'm gonna be a dwarf so its harder to find compared to normal anime males. Post an example if you do find it for the belmond anon though.

>> No.1304203
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I drew and rigged a model for fun. Does anyone here want it? Free to a good home!

Sample here: https://streamable.com/75lcax

>> No.1304324

Cute!! If nobody is going to use it professionally I'll take it for practice at least while I wait on my model

Wanna post the file? Or I can make a disposable email

>> No.1304469

I just found an example of his guys.. but.. uh,, I don't know if it's fully representative of what I've seen before and my own model.
"The Pirate Mermaid" should get you close enough to know whether or not the style is at least close. I can give more details if anyone wants anything after that.

>> No.1304534

based gakkou gurashi fan

>> No.1304818

I posted it to Twitter as well with some combination of phrases from my original post, so you should be able to DM me directly from there. (I just checked!) If you can't then I guess yeah just drop a disposable email or something.

>> No.1305569
File: 40 KB, 211x185, 1592841160492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is the right thread to ask, but how do you upload videos to Youtube without losing quality? I searched around a bit for guides, some said that there's a magical button that let Youtube keep the original video's quality somewhere, but I don't see it. Some said that I have to make sure the video is bigger than 720p and have 60fps, I did just that and the uploaded video still has reduced quality.

>> No.1305609

You get subs. They're not going to bother giving you high res/framerate until they start being able to run ads before your content. It's the same with Twitch - you're on a lower priority and bitrate cap than an affiliate when you first start, and partners dwarf affiliates with how much they can store/stream.

>> No.1305622

It takes a little while for the video to stop being garbage even after being uploaded. If you look at it immediately it's not fully set up yet.

>> No.1305757

Your video always gets compressed.


>> No.1305899

That makes no sense while making a lot of sense at the same time

The HD processing thing, right? I did wait for it to be over before viewing the video, and I still notice it being blurrier than the original video.

>> No.1306276

I was the guy that asked of you had a design document yesterday. I meant a page with all your reference stuff for what you're trying to go for on it. This might also sound weird, but you could try drawthreads on /tg/. A dwarf vtuber sounds fun if you can make it entertaining.

>> No.1306371

Hey man I did a lot of research on this so let me tell yah the trick. Basically, YouTube has two different encoders that they hand out. They hand out the better encoder to people with lots of subs and people with high res. Anyways, what I used to do is export my videos in premiere from 1080p 30fps to 1440p 60 to get the better encoder and higher bitrate because they increase the amount of bitrate given per res. (Check their website) Also check their website for what bitrate they allow per the res because recording above it makes no sense and is just a waste of power.

>> No.1306523

You can check what encoder they’re giving yah but right clicking the video and clicking stats for nerds. Then you can see it next to codeing the good one is vp09

>> No.1306567

Ah, so thats how that works. I'm still mentally stumbling over how much (if any) stone/earth element stuff to work into the design. I'll get to work on a more proper document in that case. Right now its just some lines of stuff in a txt document and a few saved images in a folder. Just been looking through artists recently to no avail.

And didn't think to try /tg/ since the drawthreads there aren't usually for commission level stuff IIRC, but it used to be my home board for years.

>> No.1306861

So, I need to increase the solution of the video before uploading, huh? Also, how many sub do I need before I'm given the good encoder? 1k subs?

>> No.1307054

I think it might be based on views on a video because this channel has 700subs but has vp09 coding for this video

I don't like this type of music I was just looking through recomendations

>> No.1307101

Also, videos with tons of moving parts will just generally look shit because of how encoding is.

>> No.1307364

So it could be a combination of both views and subs, huh? I'll keep that in mind, thanks a lot, anon.

Yeah, I thought that should be obvious since I watch quite a lot of gameplay videos on Youtube and most of them look rather bad compared to what I can see when I'm playing. It just that the quality between my uploaded video and my original video caught me off guard.

>> No.1307509

>Equating someone who doesnt make content to someone who does

>> No.1307832

How demanding on your PC is it to stream a game with your Live2D rig going?

I'm not exactly rocking with the best setup in the world but want to be able to do some semi-midern games before I need to upgrade

>> No.1307947

I'd like to know this as well but to also add on to the question, would people suggest someone grab an iphone to use as a camera itself, or use a computer webcam + pc software to do the face tracking?

>> No.1308105
File: 3 KB, 1155x27, oY6cLp9w07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is via iphone linking. Doesn't really seem all that heavy. I've got a fairly standard mid-tier rig I'd say. Worst part is probably the GPU being an RX 480.

>> No.1308317

my gpu is a 1070 and my computer runs games + live2d without any issue

>> No.1308478

What is the objectively best tracking software for Live2D? I assumed it's just Animaze or Facerig, right?

>> No.1308609

vtube studio with an iphone. Facerig doesn't even come close. At least, not with the webcam I was using.
t. someone who paid money

>> No.1308743

Even over wifi?

>> No.1308746

This is roughly a ranking of different technologies:

>iPhone Tracking w/ Vsee or Luppet (FaceIT)
Requires your model rigger to shell out for the plugin and be skilled at using it. This is absolutely the top tier of 3D when you combine things like a Leap Motion.

>iPhone Tracking w/ Vsee or Luppet (HANA Tool)
Requires a bit of Unity work and buying a 10 USD plugin. Works with most VROID models and also allows you to track your hands via a Leap Motion.

>VR Tracking w/ SUVA
Costs quite a bit, you don't get full face tracking (only expressions), and you have to have your animator/rigger export the model to a special format. BUT you can wave your hands like you just don't care.

>Webcam tracking w/ any program
Vsee is a little bit better than others, but in general you're only going to get so much using webcam tracking

>PNG Tubing
Literal trash and meant only for collabs

2D is roughly the same order (i.e. iPhone on top, Webcam in the middle, and FaceRig at the bottom).

>> No.1308971

Vtube studio is coming to PC this month, right? Will it be just as good there?

>> No.1308981

If Polka could do it with her ancient sumerian abacus, you can too.

>> No.1309055

I don't know, but it's not likely. It'll probably be just as serviceable as facerig but no better if I had to guess. The iphone tracking is actually worth the money if you can afford it. In my experience it doesn't lose the tracking at all unless you take some really wacky movements where as with a webcam I couldn't really afford to turn my face too far to look at a screen sometimes.

>> No.1309069

It's also possible, if you're just rich or smart enough, to combine iPhone and SUVA-styled tracking with Fofamit's guide. It just needs a lot of tech. HTC Vive trackers and Lighthouses, and then someone who can rig the face for iPhone. Right now almost no one is doing it so it's very expensive.

>> No.1309097

>2D is roughly the same order (i.e. iPhone on top, Webcam in the middle, and FaceRig at the bottom).
Ah, okay I was thrown off by the stuff you mentioned earlier sounding like 3d at first. So in the end it is just iphone best like I thought due to its builtin facetracking tech. Guess I'll go pick up an iphone at some point to use for this. Thanks.

Tomorrows job after work will be to try to finalize my design idea & document so I have that ready to go for any artists. Then back to the suffering of finding a goddamn artist.

>> No.1309117

It'll be better than Facerig since it uses some VSeeface tech, but not as good as it is on iPhone. Nothing can really compare to iPhone right now because for some reason they absolutely needed to shove the most sophisticated, easily consumer accessible facial recognition into a phone.

>> No.1309132

Interesting. What makes it better on a phone? Just having that extra processing power?
Would an android surfice or is there something special about the iphone version

>> No.1309158

See >>1309117
Iphone just has retarded good facial recognition technology as long as you get at least an XS I believe. Might be just a regular X.

>> No.1309186

Oh I see. So it really does need to be an iphone specifically? Not an android?

>> No.1309214

Yep. Sadly. I had to hold my nose to make my buy. I now use it as a glorified webcam and have my android for daily/regular/gaming use.
Again, if you have the money to throw around it's a good investment. If not, don't be like me and just get one for a hobby.

>> No.1309235

Not him but some android phones have the tech I think. Quite rare though, vtube studio has a list of some.

>> No.1309270

Anything with FaceID. Some iPads have it

>> No.1309327

>vtube studio has a list of some.
In the app? I'll check it out.
I got a pixel5 which is still very new so hopefully I'll be lucky

Last thing I want to do is spend hundreds of dollars on an iphone I'd never use for anything but a webcam

>> No.1309368


>Important: You currently need an iPhone or iPad with Face ID support to use VTube Studio. An Android version is also available, but the tracking quality is limited (for example no eye-tracking or winking).
pretty glaring issue if you ask me. eye tracking and winking are like 80% of your Live2D model's expressions.

>> No.1309376

According to wikipedia
iPhone X
iPhone XS
iPhone XS Max
iPhone XR
iPhone 11
iPhone 11 Pro
iPhone 11 Pro Max
iPhone 12 Mini
iPhone 12
iPhone 12 Pro
iPhone 12 Pro Max
iPad Pro 12.9-inch (2018) (3rd generation)
iPad Pro 12.9-inch (2020) (4th generation)
iPad Pro 11-inch (2018) (1st generation)
iPad Pro 11-inch (2020) (2nd generation)

These are your options unless that android thing pans out

>> No.1309497

Damn. I might be shit out of luck because an iphone is definitely not in the budget.
Honestly without being specific, my character doesn't really need eye tracking or winking, so I'll probably go with the android version just for the stronger head tracking and then upgrade at a later date

>> No.1309615

It's pretty easy to snag one for about $350. If you're a burger and those Biden bucks happen.. ever.. it may be something to think about.

>> No.1310434

>looking for sound treatment panels
>millions of chinese knock offs with ultra lightweight foam that does nothing
trying to buy shit on amazon is a nightmare

>> No.1310450

Just use towels

>> No.1310490

i'm trying to reduce the echo, towels do jack shit against echos

>> No.1310923

Multiple layers will. Or a thick heavy blanket.
Or make your own frames from aluminum angle and fill them with rock wool, then cover with fabric.

>> No.1311003

>make your own frames from aluminum angle and fill them with rock wool, then cover with fabric.
i'm lazy as fuck and don't want to deal with fiberglass dust from insulation and rock wool. also it pisses me off that he doesn't even do a basic clap test because that's the way to check your room for echos. just standing away at a distance and softly speaking "testing testing one two three" barely does anything to check for echos.

>> No.1311118
File: 966 KB, 1482x1332, 1612741256879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>be born blonde
>>never have to think about the lesser hair colors
>Feels great.
Nah, yellow hair is bland.

Red hair Master Race.

>> No.1311136

Haha dead chink

>> No.1311188
File: 49 KB, 449x341, 1615005640754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apple products

>> No.1311271

Found you another video where the guy uses the same material and includes a clap test.

>> No.1311597
File: 31 KB, 450x376, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 inch rockwool, corning 703, they're all a nightmare to ship. pic related. might as well spend the money buying pre-made panels with free shipping

>> No.1311806

Or you could actually... go outside?

>> No.1311831

my local hardware stores don't carry 4" thick panels, only 1" and 1.5", maybe 2" at best.

>> No.1311937

You could stack a couple of those on top of each other to reach the desired thickness. Drives up the cost, but I don't know if it'd put you at the level of the premade stuff.

>> No.1312306

I have a feeling using a meme of someone that uses Apple FaceID tracking was unintentionally ironic.

It's the best you'll get, so feel free to be inferior.

>> No.1315432

don't know how streamers pay attention to fast paced games and talk about things at the same time. it's actually difficult.

>> No.1315574

It's just something you learn over time, you'll get there! If you're having trouble just let chat know, they'll understand

>> No.1317115

What are some things you guys would like to improve on as vtubers?

>> No.1317218

honestly mostly just the same thing as regular streamers

>> No.1317885

Anybody know where I can get some background art commissioned? Preferably animated.

I'm surprised how hard this is for me to find. Mienar is the only one I know of and he doesn't do commercial use art

>> No.1318272

Is being entertaining as a streamer the same as being funny (like a standup comedian)? I prepare prompts and comedic bits to insert over the stream if I want to fill dead air, but should I maybe be more spontaneous?

>> No.1318297

Definitely the latter. Have an idea of what you want to talk about but people can tell when you aren't being casual

>> No.1318395

Check the Lemmasoft forums, it's a VN forum. They have a place section for finding artists for various things (logos, background, etc) but it's where I got mine and I'm super happy with it. If you don't wanna make an account just message the artist on their socials or something.

>> No.1318413

I do the same thing, it makes sense to do honestly. Just have stuff prepped to say but don't force it, just let it out if it's situation-appropriate or build up to it. Nothing wrong with writing some bits ahead of time, I'd say just try and not become overdependent on pre-written content.

>> No.1318666

How are you feeling before or after your first debut? Do you feel prepared?

>> No.1318755

I decided to go with a debut video and unfortunately no one watched, the only views are my own. Admittedly it made me a little sad, but I don't mean to be a crybaby or anything like that! Now there is only forward to go.

>> No.1318866

Mind posting your link to your debut video?

>> No.1318961

10 bucks says it’s the cursed audition

>> No.1318995

Ah, I would rather not. I don't want any anons to see it and sub because they feel bad or something like that. And what about you anon, are you prepared for your debut, or satisfied with how it went?
lel, no

>> No.1319005

Vanilla extract tastes great if you're an alcoholic

>> No.1321148

I debuted a month ago to an audience of one person who was my friend and it was a bit sad to do the whole thing to someone that knew me
However, things have gotten a lot better since then and I've been enjoying streaming.

>> No.1322640

>What do you have against brown hair? It can be a nice hair colour. Just depends on the design.

I don't. Anons like to bitch about it in the same sentence as 'regular guy in a hoodie' .

>> No.1324711

I want to find my niche that isn't just hyper specific "no one knows about this"

Unfortunately a lot of my skill set is tcg based so creating that content is interesting to say the least as a vtuber.

>> No.1325895


>> 'regular guy in a hoodie'
Oh, one of the most popular types of male JP vtubers? dont see why.

>> No.1326182

>your design needs to be a weird, unappealing, lovecraftian-esque monster that no one will draw or rig because it's too complex in order to stand out from the crowd and appeal to my, the most important anon online, specific tastes and interests, even though i will only subscribe to you out of pity but not actually watch your content, let alone superchat or donate to your streamlabs

>> No.1326676

Nobody says this

>> No.1326711

we had like 2 crazies a couple of threads back say shit to that degree

>> No.1327146

speaking of a couple of threads back, any of the anons who bought those packing blankets for sound treatment ever get their stuff and test it out? waiting on feedback for those myself.

>> No.1327288

I can only speak for myself, but ever since I started draping a blanket over myself and mic while recording, I actually like the sound considerably less

>> No.1327434

huh, what about the sound do you not like? might be over thinking it, but a little concerned about what my viewers would think if they don't like the sound of my mic, so i'm just curious

>> No.1327470

It sounds almost muffled and like I'm uncomfortably close even if I'm the same distance.
Of course it does get rid of the room ambience, but I haven't decided if that's worth the tradeoff yet

>> No.1327482

ok i can see that, that's fair. thanks for the input, anon

>> No.1328845

I seriously hope predebuts don't get put on the same pedestal as pngtubers.

>> No.1329426

two ish weeks left for hololive en gen 2. think they already made their picks?

>> No.1329526
File: 618 KB, 4249x3415, 6394668cv21d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't any company just make an expensive webcam with whatever tech is in this thing that allows it to track faces so perfectly

>> No.1329558

You probably won't have these problems if you hang the blankets on the walls instead of draping them over you.

>> No.1329561

Because the hardware side is solved anon.
Software side is a mess.

>> No.1329711

How do I get past finding my own lore cringy

>> No.1329864

make it deep, dark and mysterious but brush it off as silly like gura

>> No.1329890

They'll have a few marked as "definite yes" and others as "maybe"
They don't fill all the slots firmly until the period is over.

>> No.1329920

Write lore that isn't cringy.
Stan Lee once said that he can't know what other people think, or write for a certain kind of audience. He decided, instead, to write the kind of stories he liked... which appealed to the audience because he wasn't so different from other people.

Write the kind of lore you like, and be happy with it.

>> No.1329935

They haven't watch my audition yet :^(
The unlisted video only has one view, my own

>> No.1330027

It would help lots if I could have someone here look over the lore writeup. If it's okay with you folks in DMs somewhere.

>> No.1330329

Send it here, I'll give you a simple review without spoiling anything if you really want.

>> No.1330577

makes me wonder if it'll be a nijisanji en auditions again, where they pick earlyish with strong candidates and just ignore the later applications

>> No.1330748

Don't worry, it's not a massive OC writeup.

>> No.1331466

The links for the mic tecnique videos are are missing:
>10 Tips for Better Sounding Vocal Recordings for Beginners (FAQ Series)
>Better Podcast & Voiceover Audio at Home | TUTORIAL:

>> No.1331551


It was a clusterfuck, wasn't it?

>> No.1331564

>Literal trash and meant only for collabs

>> No.1331876

If you want to do variety content, start with variety content - if you narrow a niche people will get to know you only for that.
A good idea is to have content in rotation or a broader niche.
For the first, rotatation is obvious, put the game you like as a fixture of your channel's schedule and sandwith other content in-between that.
For the the second, it's the same as above but as a broader niche. Let's say, supposedly, you want to do Shadowverse content - then rather than define Shadowverse as you niche, pick Online TCG as your niche and have content for Shadowverse 2 or 3 times a week and in the other days have MTG arena and maybe a third game.

>> No.1331893

If it didn't go through, it's because I also use a guerillamail address.

>> No.1332040

Well like I said, I'm pretty confident in that original passion enough to know I won't need to broaden regarding my uploaded content. The plan was for the channel to be based around that content, and then have the streams be geared toward variety but leaning in the direction of that same content.

I guess what I'm pondering is if people are willing to subscribe to a channel because they like my variety streams, even if it means having weekly content in their subscription box that they otherwise might not care about on the topic my channel is focused on.

>> No.1332071

subscribe? probably, it's literally just a click. will they tune in and translate to consistent viewers / income revenue for you? that's another story.

>> No.1332166

Is lolive enough for a face tracking software or i should spend some bucks on facerig+live2d thing

>> No.1332200

facerig is outdated and no longer supported by their developers. they have a new product called "animaze"

>> No.1332219

How is it?

>> No.1332341
File: 1.03 MB, 1182x739, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's okay as a face tracking program. it's kinda bloated with a bunch of dumb monetization shit and it's very clearly western. i'd give prprlive a shot before animaze.

>> No.1332419

What about the pc version of vtube studio?

>> No.1332540

Don't have an Iphone

>> No.1332714
File: 733 KB, 595x842, EvoMqVwU8AINfA-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for advertising yourself when starting off without feeling like a jerk for doing it?
I wasn't planning on doing a debut but was going to just start by just playing games so I can't really do the whole twitter pre-debut thing that seems to for some reason be popular among vtubers.
Do I just post here and anywhere else vtuber related when I'm going to do my first video?
How do I self advertise without annoying people?

>> No.1332739

Build followers on twitter, even if you don't intend to hype yourself up exactly

>> No.1332742

it's not really worth it if you don't have an iphone. there's no way to make it work with a standard webcam (yet, devs have mentioned an update 'soon') and android phones don't provide the face tracking data for eye tracking or winking.

>> No.1332880

So other programs can handle eye tracking just fine though?

>> No.1332955

End of this month for webcam support.
Realistically anyone who decided to start vtubing now can just wait for it to release.

>> No.1333113

prprlive has okay eye tracking, you need some good lighting for the webcam to catch it all and it may take some fiddling with the facial calibration

>> No.1333556

Never thought i would find a Long Island here.

>> No.1334234


>> No.1334261

>very clearly western
And that's a good thing.

>> No.1334393

Todays objective: Finish my design document. At least, what I can with my limited knowledge of what is useful for artists.

>> No.1334638

I wonder what happened to that lore review anon.

>> No.1334778

Dude just give them a sketch instead.
It's more accurate and less of a pain in the ass for them.

>> No.1334851

I have the artistic skill of a brain-damaged ferret with no arms, and a specific idea in my head. I have reference images to work with, though. Also I couldn't start the sketch until I get this last bit in my head finalized. Having to do IRL stuff gets in the way.

>> No.1334913

>I have the artistic skill of a brain-damaged ferret with no arms, and a specific idea in my head
uh.. yeah, that's literally why you just give the artist a sketch and have them do the art part

>> No.1335001

Well, I meant like I can barely do a half decent stick figure. I may be able to spend some time to get a really shoddy sketch together but I'll still need textual descriptions of stuff like basic skin texture and hair details.

>> No.1335051

you can literally draw a squiggle and say "dude here with arms crossed, looking up to the sky" and a arrow pointing to the middle of the squiggle saying "his sleeves are rolled up" and that'd be fine for like 90% of artists

>> No.1335104

Huh, I figured that would be borderline useless at that level. Guess I'll give it a go tonight.

>> No.1336290

Just do it the way Nina Saotome (ninaninin on twitch) did - but its the extra hard difficulty for marketing.
What you do is you just start streaming to gain some validity. Then you use what little validity you have to build a small community and talk to other vtubers to make meaningful connections. Once you progress on that front you can start openly advertising on reddit. This implies you do your reps and your streaming game is good so that others will talk about you to their friends. While that happens, you focus on your creative skills so you can give back to the community that welcomed you - you draw, you sing, you organize collabs for others and you help people network.

This is I think the most genuine to grow as a content creator without running the twitter gauntlet but you WILL have to have the skills to carry you. No other way.

>> No.1336650
File: 532 KB, 746x638, englishclass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you allowed to use programs like MS Word in your youtube videos? like if my debut is done on as a powerpoint since i'ts pretty easy to use, is that okay?

>> No.1336865

>like if my debut is done on as a powerpoint since i'ts pretty easy to use, is that okay?
I mean, it worked for Kanata. No idea if she needed to get permissions for anything, especially as no interface was showing.

>> No.1337013

I don't know why anyone would require a streaming license for productivity software.

>> No.1337146

Indies are completely fine with getting away with streaming whatever game they want without a license, right?
If I stream bioshock will 2K really come to my door demanding my profits?

>> No.1337264

You'd probably be fine no matter what. Especially if you are US based. The issue groups like Hololive have are that they are:

A) Companies
B) Based in Japan

Japan (and many other countries) don't have "Free Use" laws that allow you to kinda skirt around copyright. Thus them having to get agreements in writing for fucking everything. Unless you pull really big dick numbers I doubt any company will realize you exist.

>> No.1337306

Perfect. Thanks anon

>> No.1337370

Just use Libre

>> No.1337395

Is this dwarfanon?

>> No.1337429

No, a different anon that sent stuff to that throwaway email.

>> No.1337439

I'm the anon trying to pin down the final parts of my dwarf design idea, but I'm not >>1334638 . Unless there's another dwarfanon in these threads. It's really hard to focus on design details after 10+ hours of a mentally tiring job then a few hours of IRL crap.

>> No.1337460
File: 408 KB, 3264x2448, 0fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the practicing going, anon's?

I've been even though my rig won't be done for another month Ive been grinding out the feeling of speaking my thoughts outloud while just browisng the internet or doing whatever I am doing.
I won't lie, it's pretty uncomfortable sometimes but it gets me excited

>> No.1337505

post vocaroo

>> No.1337569

I meant to reply to the design document question above sorry.

>> No.1337635

Oh, yeah thats me (dwarfanon, I guess?). If you got any comments/suggestions/complaints, fire away. I'm probably not getting any traction on this tonight anyway. Time for some booze, maybe that'll help.

>> No.1337813

Saw you post this literally right after I started recording myself doing japanese lessons.

Its cringy but I'm comfortable with it being cringy since I feel like I'm progressing towards a goal. Again, its just mindless audio practice that I didn't think I'd be posting anywhere so please no bully

>> No.1337973
File: 644 KB, 761x761, Inspector Notepad On the Case.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs practice when you're already a character and a half.
But the secret to huge success in any public speaking setting is to get yourself relaxed and put your thoughts into an organized method. Stream of Consciousness is good sometimes, but if you want to "Say" something, make the delivery with confidence.

>> No.1337978

I tried putting a little bit of energy into my voice when I streamed today, though I can't tell if that was all in my head and I still sounded like I usually do to people.
I think I'm also experiencing why people like to play more short form games on stream and might move over to shorter games and maybe get back into speedrunning over playing like, srpgs on stream

>> No.1337983

eat your mic. literally, bring it as close to your mouth as you can. sniff the fibers on your pop filter. it'll make you sound a lot clearer and most mics have a bass boost that'll give your voice a bit more oomph

>> No.1337990

why would you ever want to join a company?

>> No.1338041

Do you have an email or something where I could send you some of my stuff? I'd just need to know exactly what you need art wise, but I think I have an idea of what you're going for and it interests me.

>> No.1338058

Does Australia have fair use laws for streaming games?
I've never heard of an Aussie getting into shit for doing it.

>> No.1338105

>I've been grinding out the feeling of speaking my thoughts aloud
Is this not a normal thing that people usually do?
Because I've been doing it for nearly a decade now.
Do you still live with your family or something?

>> No.1338120

Ash on Lol is one of the biggest Australian vtubers and she seems fine and i haven't heard of any legal issues she's run into. she streams on twitch, not youtube though.

>> No.1338135

Thanks for the advice. Hows this sound?

Like I said in the vocaroo, the closer I get to my mic the more self concious I get over things like sniffling and lip smacking

>> No.1338221

100% better, much clearer. and yes, mouth smacking is an issue, that's why streamers do hydration checks regularly. don't drink a ton of water (or you'll just make yourself pee more often), just sip enough to keep your mouth moistened to fight against the dryness.

>> No.1338224

I mean, I obviously do it a human amount already. I'm trying to get to the point where I can go no longer than 20 seconds without silence

>> No.1338241

Just finished another weekly grind stream, chat wasn't very active but it was a shorter stream anyway and I felt like there was less dead air than last time.

>> No.1338247

Awesome. I appreciate the help

>> No.1338271

Here's a non-connected one I made, will work for now: justavtemail@gmail.com

>> No.1338273
File: 689 KB, 1499x789, 5407e6786f17b70186bf91f0b60fc52d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reply to this post with a vocaroo of yourself saying the phrase "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" and I'll rate your voice and tell you if I'd watch your content based solely upon how you sound.

>> No.1338482

This is after drinking even.

>> No.1338503


>> No.1338506

Might as well since vocaroo was already open

I'm not exactly going for speed

>> No.1338528

They rewatched my Vsinger audition after I submitted my new one for some reason

>> No.1338529


>> No.1338761


>> No.1338860

We're waiting, anon

>> No.1339195

anon was actually some voice gremlin that goes around collecting voice samples of people saying that tongue twister and traps the sound in jars inside his hobble deep in the forest.

>> No.1339248

Everyone needs a hobby

>> No.1339289

That or someone trying to out any fem-sounding anons so they can masturbate

>> No.1339455
File: 19 KB, 220x260, _gif__raging_wojak_by_byrdh_28793_ddqfdyg-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1339611

are you an introvert by chance, anon?

>> No.1339663

Yes. Clearly

>> No.1339722

it's a fun psychology fact, but introverts salivate more when they're stimulated (or anticipate stimulation). can be when eating sour foods, or when engaging in social contact. basically, you're psychologically hyping yourself up when you go to record, your brain freaks out a bit, and you start to salivate a lot.

good news is that because it's mostly psychological, you can actually get used to that self-hyping you do through repeated practice and it'll get better over time as you brain starts to freak out less and less. just means you gotta keep working at it. you got this, bro.

>> No.1339750

That's actually really interesting. Thank you anon.
Hopefully I can get past this

>> No.1340130
File: 80 KB, 750x1081, EhfryMpU0AEubfn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like you could use a pop filter or the usage of the noise suppression filter with OBS as the tongue click at the start was annoying.
Your also seem to have a minor lisp, but otherwise your voice is fine.
I like how deep it is. I would recommend against going for a generic pretty boy as a voice like this would better suit a manly male.
4/10. I would not watch your content. Your lisp and lack of a pop filter really hurts you here. You're no doubt a stellar bloke but there are plenty of other nice people I could watch who sound far better than you.
That being said I feel that you could at least attain a minor audience if you were to improve your recording setup.
Another guy who could use a pop filter or noise suppression. Yours is particularly in need of it as you can clearly hear your tongue hitting your inner mouth while you are still talking.
Nice deep voice though. I do feel that it is somewhat similar to a male vtuber voice I've already heard on twitch.
I would again recommend a more manly non-pretty boy vtuber avatar.
I might give your content a go if you improved your recording setup.
4.5/10 with potential for a 5.5/10 or 6/10.
Your voice is very much just fine.
There are no major issues with it or your recording setup.
At the same time I've no particular love for it.
You could either go for a manly man avatar or a pretty boy. You're pretty much in the middle. The very definition of an average male voice.
5/10. Might watch you if your design or content was very appealing.
My right ear did not enjoy your recording setup. Please fix your recording setup so that you can be heard by both ears.
There does appear to be a slight echo but that may be due to your recording settings.
Your voice is fine; however, I would recommend against a manly male avatar for you.
I could see you doing well with a beta boy design. Try for a weak looking avatar that girls would want to protect.
Alternatively put more emphasis and oomph into your voice and you can go for a more middle ranged look.
5/10 with a potential 6/10 if you improve your setup and add more energy to your voice.
I might watch your content if you add more emphasis.
That how nearly deafened me. If you don't have it set up already please enable a limiter or compressor filter.
The speed at which you're speaking sounds slightly off and unappealing. I assume this is because you're trying to ensure you have proper pronunciation and intonation for the tongue twister, but I would recommend talking at a more normal rate if that's not why.
To be honest your voice sounds obviously artificial. Kind of like you're trying to go partway into a Harley Quinn impression. I don't personally like it but depending on your design it could work.
5.5/10 if you improve your recording setup to not deafen your listeners. I wouldn't watch your content but could see some people being into your voice.

>> No.1340168

I was just out buying groceries.

>> No.1340175

>Another guy who could use a pop filter or noise suppression. Yours is particularly in need of it as you can clearly hear your tongue hitting your inner mouth while you are still talking.
Hmm. I already use a pop filter so what would help? Foam wall panels?

>> No.1340266

Have you tried moving further away from your mic and instead using a gain filter to increase the volume of your recorded voice/sound to get a clearer voice? Assuming you're using OBS.
You may get a slightly less clear voice but overall I think it's more important to minimize issues which would immediately turn away a potential viewer than it is to have a clear voice for a chance of attracting a viewer with it.
If they don't immediately leave then you at least have a chance of reeling them in with your personality and content.

>> No.1340310

I'll keep that in mind. I normally record about a foot away from my face but an anon earlier suggested I get closer for a clearer voice. I'll try to find a good middle area

>> No.1340357

Fun fact, you're not the first person who have said I have lisp on mic. I don't have a lisp when speaking normally, curious how that is, but my GAMER BOY headset that's a year and half old may be the issue.

>> No.1340398

>I don't have a lisp when speaking normally
Are you sure?
Have you tried recording yourself on your phone or any other equipment?
Because you might have one but just be unable to realize it because you're not hearing yourself properly as others do.

>> No.1340465

>That how nearly deafened me. If you don't have it set up already please enable a limiter or compressor filter
Oh I was recording it on an iPhone; I can record it better later on if you need.

>> No.1340483

Is there some alternative to Vocaroo? It's absolutely destroying my recording for some reason. Sounds fine in anything else but comes out crackly in Vocaroo.

>> No.1340573
File: 1.21 MB, 1110x1202, Drinking and Thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people I talk too say I don't, the only ones who say I do are when I'm drunk on Discord. Hmm, maybe it's just a verbal tic of mine, go-go Midwest.
You would think over the past couple years people would comment on it. But only people who hear a recording when I'm on my mic say it. Strange that.

>> No.1340648

>You're pretty much in the middle. The very definition of an average male voice.
Interesting, what would improve it for you?

>> No.1340825
File: 204 KB, 1004x1003, uk31ir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my audio fixed in obs currently. It didn't even occur to me to correct that for vocaroo desu. This is my avatar and I've been going for a while now

>> No.1341093

What kind of programming do you do anon?
Data scientist here. Mainly use R and Python nowadays because of it but I've done some software dev work with C++ and Java in the past.
Also done some concurrency with Ada.

>> No.1341170

I think we should change the name of /auds/. I feel like it could be broadened to encapsulate all up and coming AND currently streaming vtubers of the board. /Auds/ feels limiting

>> No.1341293

I Like the Soul Hackers logo in the shirt

>> No.1341349

Oh that's just a soul hackers shirt. I alter my texture based on what I'm playing. I don't actually hack anon

>> No.1341575

Western indies
The /wind/ rises

>> No.1341805

interesting idea but i'm not sure what to call it in a way that wouldn't just sound like its just an alternate to /wvt/

>> No.1341860

they rewatched mine too!! both songs plus the intro 3 times

>> No.1341889

i think there's enough of a difference in topics that we can make a /wind/ and have a /wvt/

/wvt/ is mostly just chatter about those western indies that have already debuted, as well as the general shitposting that goes with chuubas. but the discussions here are more focused on getting started, tech, sound, etc.

>> No.1342103

What do you think about this thread >>1339572
Would you let your fans use you (your 2dAvatar) as their profile picture?.

>> No.1342222
File: 390 KB, 944x305, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, there's literally no way to stop that from happening unless you want to kill your reputation by sending out cease and desist letters.

but pic related is probably the most important part. not that anyone is going to see "GurasFeetPix69" as an 'official' account or whatever, but if you start to get harassed or brigaded, and a lot of the harassers have Gura's likeness as their profile pic, you may stain their rep by painting the fanbase in a negative light. (of course, this really doesn't apply to small indies)

>> No.1342469

Earth, Wind, and Fire!

>> No.1342794


>> No.1342965

holy shit

>> No.1343002

nobody cared who i was until i chucked wood

>> No.1343022

Not the same person rating everyone else, but your voice is literally the only good voice here.
Reminds me of some recordings I used to listen to, I think everyone can appreciate a strong voice like that. Hopefully you have good content to match

>> No.1343150

Someone post THAT Gura vocaroo

>> No.1343167

Did you remember to do your reps, too
And never waste your time pre debut
Because you
gonna waste all the clout that waaay

Soundproof panels, buy a phone, mic and all
New channels, opsec, anon, Paypal
But y'all
still need eight hours of sleep a daaay

I'll be a
VA CHU BA chatting on a livestream
VA CHU BA dabbing til the simps scream
VA CHU BA gotta chase the clout to pay

va chuba va chuba vachuba va chuba

>> No.1343206


Be brutal anon, my only hope is that my voice can provide gap moe in contrast to my disastrous rig and model. If I need to improve, let me know!

>> No.1343249

Record this.

>> No.1343380

is.. is that a song?

>> No.1343399


>> No.1343495

It's probably shit but here goes

>> No.1343711
File: 92 KB, 1040x1280, 161456761901000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Miko's dad

>> No.1343745


>> No.1343825


>> No.1343841

i have no idea what the first couple of words were. why is everyone so far away from their mics?

>> No.1343861

>doesn't have an extensive pop culture selection for karaoke stream

>> No.1343875

Holy shit that anon really does actually sound like Gura

>> No.1343891

Youtube's Content ID will nuke your stream if you karaoke most western songs depending on how severe a punishment the copyright holder(s) set their bars. so i don't bother.

>> No.1343934

I saw that the youtube membership program is available for streamers much earlier if you are a gaming channel.
What about if you do vidya steams but your regular content deviates from that

>> No.1343957

Actually, what about if video games are secondary. What are the perimeters for something to be considered a gaming channel

>> No.1344170

probably? don't think anyone here can give you a detailed answer for the funky algorithm shit that youtube uses

>> No.1344269
File: 418 KB, 749x589, sus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah shid. Gura has a wonderful voice but if we are similar sounding I may run the risk of being compared and thus losing out! She has great singing and music editing skills, which are my weak points. Darn!

>> No.1344273

are picrews save to use as a png before getting a proper one commissioned?

>> No.1344306

People like Gura. People like people who are like Gura.

>> No.1344315

Not gonna lie that does actually sound a lot like Gura the fuck

You might change your tone a little bit, maybe you can choose a drastically different Avatar so the comparisons won't come to mind, i mean its not like you are consciously making an impression of her so it would be pretty retarded to be accuse of plagiarism for having a similar voice

>> No.1344373

Depends on the terms and conditions of the specific picrew maker.

Some are fine, some are very much not.

>> No.1344451

>Send it here, I'll give you a simple review without spoiling anything if you really want.

Either this anon forgot, lost the window, or it's just a plain writeoff.

>> No.1344507

It never came through and I got spontaneously called into work. Sorry to leave you hanging.

>> No.1344534

Post a new throwaway email. Even if things go south, this writeup is a salad of fifteen plus things put in the blender.

>> No.1344581

Let's try this one

>> No.1344586

That true, but if the similarity is there I would worry that there would be a lot of comparisons drawn and it would be a lot of pressure to be compared to one of the most popular chuubas. But I suppose that's all in my head.
Hmm, good idea! I have been lazy about increasing my highest pitch that I can maintain, because I thought my default was distinctive enough but this is good motivation to do those voice acting reps! Thanks for the feedback anon.Luckily my chuuba design is fairly different than Gura's.

>> No.1344680

It seems that the first email never came through because of captcha, but I fixed it now, so here's a test email because I can't find egzones.com.

>> No.1344723


>> No.1344759

Still got nothing. So one last attempted at an slightly less temp email

>> No.1344792

Since I'm using guerrillamail for this I'm expecting you might have to check the spam folder.

>> No.1344917

I just tried sending a message from guerrillamail to guerrillamail and it rejected even sending it. I'm thinking guerillmail's ability to send is broken. You might just want to make a cock.li yourself. It takes all of 30 seconds.

>> No.1344958

That doesn't match the beat of the song very well

>> No.1345142

You write the next verse, maestro

>> No.1345163


I forgot about cock.li, but thanks for reminding me that it works for throwaways. Hope this goes thru the filter.

>> No.1345185

Got it. I'll just respond via cock.li.

>> No.1346252

Here's a better PC Mic version of my voice; should sound a lot better

>> No.1346298


>> No.1346356

Not to be cold, but it sounds like you might have your heart set on a more classic animu voice but it doesn't come naturally to you quite yet. You may need to do more voice training reps, or go with a more natural, less strained sounding tone.

>> No.1346434

try letting more air into your voice instead of constricting your vocal chords. like breathe out a lot when you talk. it sounds like you're holding all the air up in the back of your mouth which is making you sound distorted

>> No.1346518

Fair I guess
Here's something more natural:
I just worry because, well, I feel like it doesn't sound quite as feminine and being a relatively feminine girl (female) I feel like it would get unfortunate reactions

>> No.1346541

I think this voice is quite pretty and pleasant. It sounds like, more of an elven voice if that makes sense at all. If you have a fantasy themed chuuba it wound be a great fit, especially if she was some kind of benevolent sorceress

>> No.1346587

Wait really? No trolling?

>> No.1346605

not that anon, but yeah, it's nice though i'll need more than a 4 second clip to know for sure

>> No.1346616
File: 807 KB, 900x813, 1610426913428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fooling! I meant this sincerely!

>> No.1346734

new, also, should we rebrand from /auds/?

>> No.1349934
File: 201 KB, 460x351, 1600760221752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just learn how to rig faggot

>> No.1350742

