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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 84 KB, 742x676, nodarkcontent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1335983 No.1335983 [Reply] [Original]

Where here does it say you can't make dark jokes? I've seen so many people talking about a new policy that's stopping dark humor but I can't seem to find it?

>> No.1336003

It's Cover's, not Youtube's.

>> No.1336015
File: 94 KB, 753x667, dhajigahgiu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong image, heres the right one

>> No.1336029

why don't you link the full thing instead of a screencap

>> No.1336038

But why would cover bottleneck themselves for no reason?

>> No.1336060




They have to appeal to both but most importantly the advertiser guidelines because that is what youtube cares about

>> No.1336122

Advertisers, sponsors, retarded Japanese parents, some random government busybodies, who knows. It's like that nigga said, mo money mo problems

>> No.1336151

Take away the thing that got you popular in the first place? I guess the girls will just become waifu bait and not entertainers

>> No.1336209

Who cares about people who don't watch you anyways?

>> No.1336297

Damn, some people really want to see an anime girl faking suicide for the tenth time.

>> No.1336472

It has nothing to do with that. Did you hear what Coco said? It's because of antis. Cover is worried that the 50 cent army chinks and the 5ch and NND schizos are going to pull some Internet hate machine bullshit and successfully land strikes/bans/demonetizations by mass reporting any videos that have questionable content. Given how obsessed and insane all of these groups are, it's not an unwise decision to not give the shitheads any openings.

>> No.1336497

You think with being the top 5 most donated people on youtube they would have some sort of contact with them right?

>> No.1336527

thats not the point. we've seen this happen in every single medium where all of it's creativity and entertaining aspects get dragged out. this is the beginning to the end of hololive's golden age

>> No.1336599

If Cover was a Fortune 500 company? Maybe. Unfortunately, it's some no-name Japanese company started by an old man who got lucky on talent. Youtube is not going to afford Coco, Rushia, or anyone else at Cover any special treatment (source: look at Suisei's recent demonetization).

>> No.1336617

Because it's such a great loss for the world that Coco had to suspend her reddit meme review.

>> No.1336623

This. They have very cleared managed to do so on Coco's 1m stream, although it was quickly reverted somehow.

>> No.1336642

*laughs in pewdiepie*

>> No.1336668

Youtube doesn't give a shit unless you're a backed by a giant corporation. Just look at the late night TV hosts who constantly talk shit about people but get algorithm pushes from Youtube.

>> No.1336677

Gotta be cute and fluffy idols. No edgy grimdark bullshit allowed.

>> No.1336735

unironically yes? people not here genuinely enjoyed it, and the community would come around it and either laugh with them or laugh at them.

>> No.1336837

Do they really think not making that kind of content will make them go away? All they’re doing is shooting themselves in the foot. Antis will still be Antis regardless of what the content is like.

>> No.1336839

>noooo cover killing themselves is a good thing
ogey zhang

>> No.1336903

Coco suspended it because r*ddit kept using copyright material which she kept telling them not to use.
Also it was a full week of undertale memes that she doesn't know shit about.

>> No.1336911

They are of course not going to go away, but that's precisely why you need to not do shit that makes it easy for the antis to get wins.

>> No.1336919

It's Niji's moment to shine.
EN when?

>> No.1336970

I'm waiting for one of the Niji EN to go full BLM

>> No.1337003

>copyright in memes

This fucking dystopia, I swear.

>> No.1337064

I want an anti vaxxer niji

>> No.1337075

Like >>1336472 said, there are some schizos on 5ch and NND that are just waiting for them to post some copyright things so they can report them.
Happened to Mori with the JLPT stream and it basically killed the Japanese study streams from EN.

>> No.1337194

Cute that you think youtube cares about anyone outside of American media. They don't.

>> No.1337225

Yeah. It's covered under what's left of fair use in the US, but Japan is retarded and her using memes with movie stills and shit could cause her channel to get nuked if enough assholes report.

>> No.1337300

>No dark jokes
I am now an anti

>> No.1337383

>"bitch", "shit", or the "f-word"
They couldn't print "fuck" in the guidelines but "shit" was ok?

>> No.1337475

Yo if this saves them from some schizo or rrat making haachama a person who make light of suicides or something else stupid, then fine. I still wanna see it and I'd like it if they put stuff that would not be good for YT on HoloALT. thats just my ideas tho

>> No.1337477

I thought the f-word was faggot

>> No.1337529

>Happened to Mori with the JLPT stream and it basically killed the Japanese study streams from EN
Hadn't heard about this. Are the videos where she talks about this also gone?

>> No.1337636

At this point who knows anymore, the internet has been infested with little bitches who will shit their pants at the sight of nigga, not even nigger, while joking about having n-word passes with their friends in Facebook.

I swear we need another streaming and video platform, preferably one not hosted in fucking burgerland.

>> No.1338535

Then I guess Hololive is done for, and the antis win in the long run.

The reason doesn't really matter, if the content is consistently bland and boring, your fanbase is going to melt away, probably to Niji, who can continue to do risque stuff without worry.

>> No.1338621

That should be a sign to you that they didn't do it. nothing having to do with actions due to youtube reporting is quickly reverted.

>> No.1338794

wtf is this

>> No.1338843

haha funny

>> No.1338924

>The retarded reddit dragon not only destroyed an entire branch and market but Cover's very sense of humor itself

Why is she worth protecting again? Everyone in the company has to walk on eggshells while creating content now due to the consequences of her actions.

>> No.1338948

a literal movie still can be grounds for copyright infringement in japan?

>> No.1339014

self-censoring will lead to content homogenization
kizuna AI's mistake all over again

>> No.1339043


a reverse faggot followed up with a 1080 nigger

>> No.1339082

Would a content creator strike fix this?

>> No.1339132


>> No.1339175

Shut up, insect.

>> No.1339385

no one is this fucking stupid to believe that what happened with kizuna ai

>> No.1339427

It true

I witness it

>> No.1339431

If it wasn't her, it would have been Haachama. Bugmen were already jumping all over her before Coco did the same thing and diverted their attention. This shit is inevitable as you grow and Hololive has had unprecedented growth since opening the EN branch.

>> No.1339523
File: 69 KB, 675x960, imeji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep complaining about this right now when Eilene was literally murdered by youtube 5 years ago because of youtube's trusted flagger system (youtube "heroes). If anything, you should blame youtube. Yes, Cover is retarded but the faggots at silicon valley deserve gassing.

>> No.1339544

na, they have to walk on eggshells cause somehow you pathetic faggots have been allowed to whine your way into everything.

>> No.1339551


In midnight faithful day , NGA was planning to attack Haachama until she quit.

They don't love Hololive nor JP vtubers.
They want pure CN vtubers for CN people

>> No.1339574

Who is this and where can I read about it?

>> No.1339654

Lurk more for a thousand years

>> No.1339675

It already is sadly. Look at EN if you want a good example of what the recline will look like. All Cover is doing is killing all the momentum they’ve had. Just because they’re scared

>> No.1339678

Youtube combined with bugs is 100% the problem

>> No.1339913


>> No.1340046

>CN people

>> No.1340134

Haato barely got any flak for it. Their prevailing narrative is that she made an honest mistake while Coco did it deliberately to distract from it or some bullshit.

>> No.1340195

For CN Hololive fan -- yes
For anti in NGA -- no

>> No.1340363

NND nijiniggers organized raids to mass report Mori and Ina’s JLPT streams which is why they were privated. They also mass reported Mori’s Persona 3 stream for using Burn my Dread, even though it was reversed, sped up and pitch shifted.
Hololive has antis up the ass ready to pounce on them for any little fuck up.

>> No.1340391

We should divide anti who terrorize Hololive in 2 groups

1. Ex- Holo fan -- They angry to Coco ( Aquafag, Fubufaq and etc) but most of them stop attacking anymore.

2. Nationalist -- They want to destroy all influence JP vtubers in China and they are mastermind who want destroy Aqua neutral stance , make more drama and use Aqua&Mea' s relationship as weapon to kill Mea carrier in Bilibili but end in failure.

>> No.1340561

The only Hololive shit that’s pushed this is “creativity” is Coco’s suicide forest yab and Haato’s suicide schizo arc. You faggots love to overreact when you don’t even watch the streams.

>> No.1340638

>Bugs are fucking violent
>Not bugs fault

>> No.1340649

That narrative falls on it's face in so many ways. It's universally understood that Haachama didn't understand calling a country Taiwan offends the bugmen, but intention doesn't matter to bugmen, only that the offense was made. I watched it all happen in real time, they were already gearing up to make her life miserable before Coco did the same thing. I don't know if Coco did it by accident as well or if she was trying to protect Haachama but if that is the bugmans narrative, then why would they be offended by someone making a good-faith effort to protect their friends from what was looking to be harassment? Of course, it's bugman logic so I can't claim to understand it.

>> No.1340765

How the fuck can you be reported by doing JLPT? Serious question

>> No.1340774

So you fight the antis by bowing to anti pressure and making it harder for your talents to do their jobs?

>> No.1340820

>her actions
yes yes, absolutely
she controls cover behind the scenes
turn the frogs gay
and part of the illuminati
what more do you want?

>> No.1340862 [DELETED] 

Yep. The content was already boring since two months ago, now this. They are only playing boring games, the karaokes are the same songs over and over and no more degenerate humor.

>> No.1340916

I am Roseitai

Aki was trying explain situation and express her good will in Bilibili

And you know what?

After Aki meme review with Coco , Chinks spammed her free chat room and I never forget that.

>> No.1340917

>firearms-related content

>> No.1340966

Yep. The content was already boring since two months ago, now this. They are only playing boring games, the karaokes are the same songs over and over and no more degenerate humor.

>> No.1341001

people who are going to rope themselves are gonna rope themselves regardless of what the funny japanese girl with a virtual anime sockpuppet does.
FNAF is arguably more disturbing and it's a fucking children's ip.

>> No.1341010

Californian company

>> No.1341101

FNAF = game
Haachama lore = original content
As I understand if it's a game, they'll let you continue since it's part of "promotion" for a "game".

>> No.1341121

if mass reporting really did anything like that, Coco literally would never be able to stream again.

Mori's persona stream was privated because of the almost Yab her fans caused by semi spamming atlus.

>> No.1341143

They spammed Aki too? Those pieces of shit.

>> No.1341154

Bug, we don't care who's popular in China, just stop being assholes and leave chuubas alone

>> No.1341204

I'm not arguing it over Cover's shitty rules. I'm arguing that Hachamaa's lore is no more offensive than the lore in FNAF and yet FNAF is considered a children's IP and no danger to anyone at all. I'm just tired of all this moralfagging. Cover made a decision informed by casting the widest net of potential advertisers instead of creativity and this will only continue moving forward.
Unironically, had some faith in cover when they stood up against China and maybe cared about their art/idols over money but it's clear they were forced out by the chinks without any way back and Cover would have kissed their asses if it would have kept them in.

>> No.1341344

You really thought they were taking an ideological stance?

Its always about money. If they could have salvaged it while preserving the company, they would have.

>> No.1341457

There was a movement for them to leave China and Chinese reliance. Not to get to political but between the new PM and Biden, fat chance of this shit going through.

>> No.1341551

There has been a movement to leave China ever since they sperged out in 2012 because of some fucking islands.

>> No.1341760

Considering Coco didn't have any streams planned, its pretty obvious she did the same thing to try to deflect the bug outrage.

I remember this, fuck the chinks, don't give them a single inch.

>> No.1341807

Cover is an entertainment company, not a manufacturer.

>> No.1341848

She did not, that is an EOP Rrat.

Coco specifically stated it was unintentional in her member stream after she got back.

>> No.1341900

>It's covered under what's left of fair use in the US
It's not. It's copyright infringement plain and simple. Just like streaming video games without a license to do so, people just hope that they get sued.

>> No.1341953

>Comes back
>Yea I totally did a stream to deflect from haachama and get the full brunt of the chink outrage

She'd never admit to this dude, whether or not its true we'll never know, but she's not going to outright say it.

>> No.1341955

>How the fuck can you be reported by doing JLPT?
Anything anyone writes is automatically under copyright. In order to include someone else's work, you have to get a license to use it.

>> No.1342084

Copyright infringement is tricky because a lot of theoreticals haven't really been tested. It can be argued both ways and until the courts make a concrete decision it is neither legal nor illegal- otherwise companies would have been issuing licenses for a fee.

>> No.1342160

the shitheads are going to find openings. appeasement does not work.

>> No.1342178

Aki did it and I saw it.
That is reason of "Why somedays her subs in Bilibili was increased instead ? "

Because Aki love us all but Chinks stab her back

>> No.1342550

why do you need a reason to fight against the bugmen?

>> No.1343043

Putting text on a still image from a movie is video is transformative and doesn't qualify as using a substantial portion of the copyrighted entity. In the US that's fair use, fairly cut and dry. Putting text on a photograph like distracted boyfriend is transformative but also uses the entirety of the copyrighted entity. However, because using the entirety of that entity is necessary to achieve the purpose of the use, courts might not care, as in the 9th Circuit's ruling in Perfect 10 v. Amazon.com. So, if Coco didn't have to worry about Japanese law, I think she'd be in the clear. I don't think it would ever be court-tested. That's the problem with fair use, it's ambiguous and mostly up to courts to decide on a case-by-case basis.
Japan is different and has a lot of exemptions to its copyright law, which are mainly the same as what the US would consider fair use, but more clear cut and actually codified. In Coco's case, she'd likely be okay if she demonetized meme review, since that should fall under the non-commercial exemption. But it's not something she or Cover wants to chance, because in Japan copyright violation is a criminal matter, not a civil one like it still is in the US (albeit not for long).

>> No.1343198

Cover probably knows that and is buying time to diversify their revenue streams away from YT and find other ways to promote their talent. That's always been their weakness. Tho why they don't use Streamlabs is a total mystery. It's not like they're ingratiating themselves with YT by sticking with supershit.

>> No.1343913

The ID branch uses streamlabs

>> No.1344454

weaponized reporting is cringe

>> No.1344482 [DELETED] 

Typing the true reason for this would make the jannies ban me for (((racism))).

>> No.1344495

lol as if your dmca spam garbage doesnt exist

>> No.1344552

Dude even airsoft youtuber who only did reload from viedo games got demonitze for showing "fake" gun on videos. It's pretty weird shit

>> No.1344700

>Chinks, woke, schizos, sjw, trannies, nijiniggers, nnd, 2ch, seanigs.
Man hololive cant catch a break.

>> No.1344752

You think with all these people after they would have a backbone and realize you can’t please everyone. But nope they keep kneeling

>> No.1344763
File: 68 KB, 1024x1024, 1585109708238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's BILLIONS of dollars to be made off of gun nuts cuz they're a starving mob of addicts flush with cash. Ready access to that market via youtube ads is a fucking goldmine for marketers. Youtube didn't demonetize and deplatform gun channels because they're "not ad friendly."

There's tons of overlap with knife collectors, military history collectibles, prepper supplies, self defense, etc. markets and those guys are fuckin rabid. Easy money. Especially with the pandemic confirming all the prepper types' deepest beliefs. Christ, they can't even keep MREs in stock anymore. By deplatforming/demonetizing these channels, YouTube is quite literally losing money. And they know it.

Youtube/google/alphabet shut those (and MANY others) down because they're quite literally freedom-hating pseudo commies. Not even memeing. Otherwise there's no way in hell they'd turn down millions of dollars just to spite those they consider ideological enemies.

>> No.1344855

ehh not really. Nijis get their fair share of antis just that hololive is the new hot thing.

>> No.1344915
File: 104 KB, 665x918, guns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are fucking retarded just because they have it on there doesn't mean they outright ban it.

>> No.1345038

>her actions
"Her actions" were the mentioning of the word "Taiwan". If you think that means she should be punished, congrats youre a chink

>> No.1345300
File: 434 KB, 1920x1080, cocoliberty_prime[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffd6q7s.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gave a reason to post this, that's enough for me.

>> No.1345526

Cover streaming service when?

>> No.1345580

Even if they stop using Youtube, what are the other alternatives? Twitch? Fucking Facebook Gaming? NND is an outdated mess and no one would want to go back there.

I don't know why other platforms don't capitalize on Youtube's constant user abuse, even Pixiv has a streaming service and Fanbox, yet it remains barely used. It's just a whole mess and I think no one wants to bother looking for alternatives.

>> No.1345610

if youtube goes full sjw then cover will put their own platform. now nico is totally dying but japan has platforms like pixiv, fanbox, nico etc so they can work with each other. they all are already loosely interconnected.

>> No.1346347

>Otherwise there's no way in hell they'd turn down millions of dollars just to spite those they consider ideological enemies.
While ideology plays a role in this, it's not solely about ideology. The bigger issue is one of legal liability as well. Youtube is concerned that they will become legal collateral damage whenever the mass murderer with a poorly written manifesto appears and the media discovers he had a youtube channel with ~2000 subscribers where he talked about how he's arming himself for the upcoming race war or some shit like that. In its defense, Youtube has reason to be concerned with this given some of the recent judgments on similar topics. To the surprise of legal scholars everywhere, Connecticut (I think it was its Supreme Court, no less) ruled last year or the year before that that the parents of the Sandy Hook victims could move forward with their lawsuit against the company Bushmaster, a subsidiary of Remington, on the basis that the way they had marketed their product was culpable in the deaths of their children. Solely from the standpoint of wanting to avoid this from happening to them, it makes perfect sense why Youtube would go full boomer fudd with respect to firearms content. Also
>There's BILLIONS of dollars to be made off of gun nuts cuz they're a starving mob of addicts flush with cash
This is categorically untrue, at least for the United States. When is the last time you met a gun enthusiast who likes or trusts anything coming out of big tech? There is a reason why whenever gun e-celeb threads come up on /k/, they are always about how said e-celebs are obvious shills and pieces of shit.

>> No.1346631
File: 1.56 MB, 2641x1430, 90601ED4-74A7-4137-8DBF-C22F367F81D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1346705

it wont be a problem until some retarded nips end himself and left a message mentioning Haato in it and get viral

>> No.1346760

>This is categorically untrue, at least for the United States. When is the last time you met a gun enthusiast who likes or trusts anything coming out of big tech? There is a reason why whenever gun e-celeb threads come up on /k/, they are always about how said e-celebs are obvious shills and pieces of shit.
NTA but this is bullshit, gun nuts don't have a consistent ideology or inherent values besides clinging to their guns. They may talk a big talk about opposing the deep state and big tech but it's just LARPing. They'll use whatever platform is available to them to spread their obsession, and they rabidly worship gun manufacturers and retailers because for them it's a culture war. Just the sight of gun advertising on social media gets them excited to see "their people."
It's not even unique to them, pretty much all subcultures get absorbed by capitalism no matter how anti-consumerist or anti-capitalist it is. You'll see fuckers buying t-shirts with the communism symbol from mass produced sweatshops. You'll see anarcho-primitivists investing thousands of hours into youtube channels to promote their views. You'll see literal right-wing terrorists advocating a fascist ethnostate on Youtube with a big black history month banner on the top of the page. Nobody is immune to pandering to normies using the most convenient platform.

Youtube realized their platform was being used to subvert society and sow violence and took action because the potential regulatory repercussions and social capital loss would've been immense. It stopped being about advertising dollars when both the right and left wings of American politics started blaming tech companies for all their country's social problems and demanding regulation. For years they ignored social media giants because the left was always on the side of "net neutrality" and "open internet" and the right was always on the side of "free speech to say nigger and make terroristic threats" but now they both fucking hate Youtube for not taking a stance in their spat, ironically.

>> No.1346765
File: 645 KB, 1280x720, noor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh permissions
nijifags found out that technically streaming the practice tests is copyright shit, not that JLPT would actually do anything honestly since lots of people have streamed it, hell nijisanji themselves did without any issues, but cover privated it preemptively to stop the mass report attempt dead in the water.

>> No.1346795

Gun companies don't need to advertise any more, they just get the NRA and GOP to scream that the evil commienazi1984venezuela dems are going to steal all their gunz.

>> No.1346874

They still spend a ton of money on advertising and a LOT of it is virtue signaling and pandering to the LARPers and terrorists that organized a coup against the US government. That's kind of a big deal, even if the gun companies are only out to make money it creates a ton of liability issues when they advertise tacticool combat gear for "protecting your country and your family from any threats foreign or domestic" or whatever the advertising line is. The stuff the mainstream gun lobby and manufacturers promote all in the name of making money would get them raided by the state police for inciting violence in any civilized European country. Tech companies are right to be cutting ties with them to avoid being caught up in the inevitable backlash.

I'm not anti-gun either, I think all citizens should be able to own them for self defense because cops can't be trusted, but that has nothing to do with the shit the NRA has been pushing for decades to overthrow the government and race war dogwhistles.

>> No.1346901

the coco did it to defend haachama really depends on you actually believing cover corp staff are competent enough to inform their talents of anything before shit goes down.

>> No.1346916

when will US descend into fucking civil war already
their people's indecisiveness is dragging the entire planet down

>> No.1346924

It comes straight from Coco, where does the defense narrative come from? Straight from EOP's ASS

>> No.1346935

I was referring to coco doing it deliberately. She did not know about Haato's yab at the time, because she doesn't watch every fucking stream, and no one told her.

>> No.1346974

Hololive is just easier to get flamed on and their "scandal" also got viral more than Niji's.

>> No.1347390

You will never be a woman.

>> No.1347687

this is appeasement in the same way building a barbed-wire fence is appeasement

>> No.1347730

We need JP and EN to use it too. I can't think of a reason to avoid it other than corporate inertia.

>> No.1347751

Cover probably doesn't wanna use streamlabs because Youtube will start selectively targeting them if they piss it off. Tech companies have 0 accountability for their selective moderation.

>> No.1347831

I wonder why Tw*tch doesn't do that? Many of their big guys use streamlabs.
It's not like streamlabs and supacha can't coexist at the same time.

>> No.1347874

Because Twitch only introduced bits fairly recently and are transitioning towards it. They don't have to punish anyone they can just negotiate with their partnered streamers for a no-outside donations clause in their contracts. Once all the big streamers stop using streamlabs any of the money lost from small time streamers will be negligible. Anyone who isn't partnered that uses streamlabs can be dealt with at that point as they'll have fully entrenched a majority of the userbase to be against or neutral towards streamlabs when their favorite streamer stops using it. Doing it now before that's in place would be really bad PR.

>> No.1347989

Not him but no one gives a shit about some 5 year old literal who, this is the Hololive board.

>> No.1348001

So Cover fucked up by not introducing streamlabs early.

>> No.1352186

So if youtube was bad before its even worse now?
I hate that they keep giving vtubers even more reason to go to twitch instead.

>> No.1352681

Susan thinks all vtubers are pedobait

>> No.1352856

>it’s the bugs man!!
>but Cover did nothing wrong !!
I hate bootlickers so much

>> No.1352899

oh hey there zhang!

>> No.1352933

Hey there bootlicker!

>> No.1353182
File: 759 KB, 2894x4093, botanboot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yummy, I'd lick all the way to her tits

>> No.1353224

You will never be a man

>> No.1353258

something something capitalism something something rope some something hang them

>> No.1354127

>extreme profanity
u wot m8?

>> No.1354275

>Nijis can do anything they want
>meanwhile Cover keeps cowering even further

No fucking wonder Nijis are so close to surpassing Holos.
Once Niji EN starts it just might be the end of Hololive domination, as clipfags will give even more attention to Niji.

>> No.1354323

I'll say it time and time again that cover are fucking incomptent and fail to capitilize on their big dogs.

I said time and fucking time again that gura was a huge oppertunity wasted and now they're paying for it.


>> No.1355170

Jokes on you i was #bornthisway

>> No.1355201

Gura was and is still a socially maladjusted hick who can barely operate her computer and model to save her life. Imagine pinning your hopes on an inbred who can't even promote games and books properly.

>> No.1358945
File: 182 KB, 400x400, sad cat cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking about Nijisanji? The company that pays people to clip them and has their livers desperately pandering to the west to the point where they have to beg to be clipped is going to surpass Hololive.

Nijisanji is throwing shit at the wall trying to get into the western market and all of their attempts have failed. They didn't promote them at all in Nijifes, they have no idea what they're doing.

>> No.1358984

chinky delusion with no evidence but either way niji will follow suit because of amerimutt sjws

>> No.1359914


imagine thinking that asking companies to promote is a bad idea, and going by the comment section, it's doing it's job but sure, call me a chink.

>> No.1360876

This is peak /rrat/. Coco didn't say that at all, chink

>> No.1361094

Did you ever click on the source for that clip? It's from 2019 it's literally linked right there. Hoshikawa is talking to her Japanese audience about Japanese clips.

>> No.1362042

You fight the antis by not giving them ammo against you. I know that's hard for your reddit fee fees to understand, but it's the truth.

>> No.1362195

When I went to Bilibili during the Great Pinkout the prevailing narrative was "Haachama innocent, Coco bad". Doesn't mean there wasn't still a subset of antis still attacking Haachama of course, but the anger against her still wasn't nearly as intense as against Coco.

>> No.1362381

Now hold on Cunt aint that bad wtf you cant just ban aussies from life because you are a delicate flower cunts a good strong word like dick and a refuse to have it be censored like this

>> No.1362406

commiefornia hates when the big scary guns tubers teach people guns aint so bad and make cool videos with them

>> No.1362502

>a chan board is a fucking indicator of a wiheder audience even though all chans are contrians by nature and categorically hate everyone else
anon you are retarded and your views on how things are are retarded just because you might be right doesnt mean it isnt stupid to base your ideas on the collective of anons who will say the sky isnt blue if you tell them it is

>> No.1362546

Anything you do is "ammo" no matter how innocuous, because antis are antis. You don't fight them by empowering them.

>> No.1362596

not doing anything is ammo because you chose to do nothing therefor did some thefore you must either cease total existence all together or make them cease it

>> No.1362676

cause it triggers chinks like you

>> No.1362831

Another thread ruined by EOPtoddlers and Zhangtoddlers

>> No.1362893

What the fuck you can't just post the community guidelines. It doesn't matter anyway YouTube won't adhere to them.

>> No.1364131

>desperately pandering to the west to the point where they have to beg to be clipped

You are talking about a single member in a group with over 100 vtubers.
And Hoshikawa already has clips of her. Not that theres anything wrong in a vtuber trying to be more popular, as its literally her job.

>> No.1369453
File: 71 KB, 961x293, nijifags kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That comment section lol Why are nijifags so insecure?

>> No.1369480

Does this mean no more black jokes?

>> No.1370121


You can literally get your videos demonitized if they contain too many hard swears early in the video because that's not "advertiser friendly". Twitch is also going to be implimenting draconian "advertiser friendly" shit too so that's also a no go.

>> No.1370151

Look how much Pewds got fucked with by Youtube and a media that was out for his blood a few years ago. No amount of status will save you.

>> No.1371152

nijisanji could have been the dominant force in western vtubing if they didn't brush off the english market a year ago.

there was a time when nijisanji clips were getting reccomended to people at the same rate as hololive clips
but they waited after they saw the overwhelming success of holoEN to actaully give it an attempt and will probably be stuck playing second fiddle when the debut nijiEN.

>> No.1371244

go away zhang

>> No.1371263

Youtube's algorithms still randomly ban vtubers for no reason. If they won't even fix that shit then they're not going to hand out any special favors.

>> No.1371821 [DELETED] 

degenerate humor is okay anon, gore/violence is the actual problem.

Japan is usually serious about gore and suicide as "haha funny" content in media. Videogames is a good example
>Literally all single Mortal Kombat game is banned
>Hokuto no Ken on PS4 is heavily censored in Japan while the US version is uncensored
>GTA, CoD, GoW, Resident Evil, MGS, etc
Fucking Crash Bandicoot was censored because a death animation
