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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13210786 No.13210786 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that she's familiar with cognitive behavioral therapeutic techniques

>> No.13210838

Does she have permission to sing Old Days – Chicago for karaoke?

>> No.13210856
File: 63 KB, 226x151, jh0fhio_pgbo90pdbf9o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great another psych major

>> No.13210899

no, she was treated, likely for anxiety

>> No.13211032

Does that mean she's using these techniques to manipulate her fanbase? Truly Lex Luthor.

>> No.13211053

she uses them to cope

>> No.13211431

I want Mumei to use CBT techniques on me

>> No.13211984

Dumb whore

>> No.13212034

I too watch Dr K.

>> No.13212053

I don't know what any of those words mean

>> No.13212066

Everyone should be. It's just about the only psychotherapy method that actually works that isn't neurofeedback, and psychologists are still coping and seething about how ''''''''''''reductionist'''''''''' that shit is because they're all a bunch of crypto-protestants that want the soul to be real and themselves to be priests.

>> No.13212075

she was treated for some mental problem, probably anxiety

>> No.13212115

t. freudian fag

>> No.13212119

what are they reducing mental processes to?

>> No.13212148

is that why she's so boring?

>> No.13212161

figured she'd be more familiar with sleep therapy techniques given how effective her streams are at boring me to sleep

>> No.13212184

>she was treated for some mental problem, probably anxiety

Imagine being treated for a fucking feeling. Unless you're a full blown paranoid schizo talking to yourself in public than you shouldn't be getting treated for anxiety. Goddamn these fucking Jews and their mental health racket

>> No.13212187

All psychologists are fake and gay. Zero exceptions.

>> No.13212222


>> No.13212269

CBT practioners LOATHE Freudian masturbatory tendencies.
CBT is all about finding ways to put the client in control rather than talking about how they aren't.
>what are they reducing mental processes to?
To, gasp, biological ones.
I know, I know. The absolute fucking HERESY.

>> No.13212274

You should probably get treated too if you feel those "jews" you see everywhere are starting to complot against you.

>> No.13212348

>notice the collapse of society and those that are causing it
>here take these pills

>> No.13212371 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 730x1194, ed5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should probably get treated too if you feel those "jews" you see everywhere are starting to complot against you.

>> No.13212429

You're such a cattle nigger I bet you'd gladly lobotomize your own children with SSRI's

>> No.13212485

Reminder that she is also familiar with my dick

>> No.13212496

Inventor of CBT.

>> No.13212517
File: 4 KB, 205x245, chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. won't take medication but thinks he has low testosterone

>> No.13212556

>Literally directly designed to make you weak and docile
>"Normal" test levels are revised downwards every year to avoid a moral panic

>> No.13212621

Anon obviously meant anxiety disorder you dumb fuck, and yes, this shit can make you crazy if you don't treat it

>> No.13212653

Anxiety disorder, like all mental disorders, is just a ploy for attention, especially when claimed by women

>> No.13212691
File: 216 KB, 512x512, randall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. jew shilling for pharmaceuticals on a board for discussing virtual youtubers

>> No.13212715

>"oh you feel anxious goy? that must be a disorder!"

>> No.13212751

You are either baiting, or you are a faggot.

>> No.13212753

>"here take this pill 3 times a day for the rest of your life"
>"that'll be $49.99 plus tip for 24"

>> No.13212805

>Nooooo you have to respect my pathetic cries to attention
>it's a disorder!!!!!

>> No.13212853
File: 612 KB, 601x567, 76-764960_transparent-pepe-laugh-hysterical-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry, I forgot americans have to pay for medication

>> No.13212871
File: 136 KB, 428x510, 1297978713716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks his medicine is free

>> No.13212873

Your taxes pay for medication idiot. They're not actually free

>> No.13212893


Nice try schizo, but you still have to get your medication, or your "friends" will visit you tonight

>> No.13212912

Why would I ever take the pills that mean Suisei doesn't visit me at 3am?

>> No.13212929

>Assuming I pay taxes
I'm anxious, not dumb

>> No.13212954
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>He thinks he isn't paying taxes

>> No.13212984
File: 155 KB, 700x1000, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he takes his good goy pills
>he doesn't instead refuse to take his medicine and hallucinate that his favorite oshi is with him

>> No.13212983

Being a loser neet with zero income outside of handouts does make you dumb.

>> No.13213034
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>> No.13213136

And what am I going to be a wagie for? That kinda shit is what started my disorder in the first place.
Fuck that, after the hospitalization I realized life is a shit and you should just take advantage of anything society throws at you
Yes, I get public medication
Yes, I'm avoiding taxes
No, I don't feel bad for it

>> No.13213155

Everything you purchase has tax built in retard

>> No.13213185

Thanks for confirming my suspicion you are in fact too dumb to get an education for a career you actually enjoy. Not every job makes you a wagie

>> No.13213235

Everyone ragging on him for not understanding economics but no one gives him shit for keroposting. Sad!

>> No.13213245

Are you a Teamate by any chance?

>> No.13213423

this thread was pretty easy to derail

>> No.13213434

Hehe maybe she can tell us about her boyfriend technique?

>> No.13213499
File: 209 KB, 400x400, image_2021-11-18_190855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right anon, let's get it back on track to Moo-May

>reminder that she gets passed around by her boyfriend and drunken co-eds every weekend

>> No.13214441
File: 612 KB, 498x498, mumei-nanashi-mumei.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love meimei

>> No.13215006

go back

>> No.13215428

Are you saying moomei takes her meds?

>> No.13216028

discount gura

>> No.13216727

>the guy that keeps making those never make the ass-shot
I don't get why he's getting so many upvotes. It's like using half a meme.

>> No.13216804

>>reminder that she gets passed around by her boyfriend and drunken co-eds every weekend
I love my slutty retarded girlfriend mumei!

>> No.13217543

Why are /qa/ immigrants taking refugee to this board? I thought you didn't like anime girl streamers

>> No.13217802

No. Cognitive behavioral therapy is what you do when you want to deal with your mental problems without popping pills.

>> No.13220395

I dunno, anxiety is pretty cringe. I can see someone wanting to get rid of it.
