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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 263 KB, 1476x1508, ratmode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12516404 No.12516404 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about Cover recruiting chinese people into holoEN?
So we confirmed that 2 EN2 members are chinese (no doxx, they literally confirmed themselves)

Baelz had a recent messup where she forgot to mute her mic while speaking Chinese on Irys's stream:

And she quickly removed the vod after. Then, in a subsequent SC stream, she surprisingly confessed it was Cantonese/Chinese

Can you believe that Cover is hiring chinese people after the drama and Coco's graduation? How disrespectful to Coco. Coco probably graduated because she heard about Baelz.

>> No.12516490
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why would a chinese company hire chinese streamers? it simply boggles the mind

>> No.12516620

She's Cantonese. She's a good chance her family are Hong Kongers.

>> No.12516664

I mean, they're clearly trying to hide it else she would've put it with the other languages she can speak in her debut

>> No.12516770

Bae stated in her debut she can speak Cantonese. This stupid fucking thread will hit 300 replies. Being able to speak a language doesn't mean you represent that nationality, by the way.

>> No.12516792

Her mother and sister speak it too you dumb fuck retard

>> No.12516865

>confirmed that 2 EN2 members are chinese
Ok nigger who's the other one?

>> No.12516902

Kronii is Korean.

>> No.12516914

What if I told you OP that you're a fag and more importantly that a lot of Chinese people hate the way most bugs act?

>> No.12516982
File: 55 KB, 587x459, bossu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That does not in any way disprove what I said. That's like saying Kiara and her mother are British because they can speak English. Kill yourself any day.

>> No.12516988


>> No.12517064

>clearly trying to hide it
you sure?

>> No.12517122

You mean one.

Fauna and mumei are white, kronii is Korean, sana is Aussie/SEA hafu.

>> No.12517162
File: 524 KB, 1258x661, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I'm sure retard, any more stupid questions?

>> No.12517219

>Neglects entirely the fact she can speak a whole language in favor of mentioning another she can't even really speak much (Korean) which she only likes because she is a K-pop retard

>Nobody had any remote idea she could speak it until phone hotmic

Yeah looks like she hid it, and pretty well actually.

>> No.12517228

Holy shit you retards are responding.

>> No.12517240

but you’re here talking about it … and you said she has mentioned it on stream several times … and now you’re getting defensive and posting an out of context screencap as evidence …

>> No.12517263

Hong Kong is not part of the CCP and is in fact the CCP's most outspoken foe. Bae being born there has the opposite effect you think it has.

>> No.12517288

nice photoshop retard

>> No.12517475

After Coco got ousted due to Chink investors, they hired more chinks into the company to take it over.
It's just a matter of time before they unveil more CCP ties.

>> No.12517631

Bae may be a chink but at least she's not a FAT chink on top of it.

>> No.12517636

Based. Fuck Coco

>> No.12517673

prove it

>> No.12517674

Selen Tatsuki? More like Cellulite Fatsuki

>> No.12517699

the problem with chinks is when they lived in China and are brainwashed. Australian chinks are probably based.

>> No.12517875

>Bae being born there
I don't even think she was born there. In the second clip OP posted she says she can understand but she's not good at speaking Cantonese. She's clearly spent most, if not all, of her life in Aussieland, and IF she has any kind of strong National loyalty it's probably to there. She might not even be full Chink, she could be a hapa for all we know.

>> No.12518174

Problem is that "Chinese" doesn't specifically refer to just nationality.

>> No.12518406

Cantonese indicates that her family is from Hong Kong, Macau, or the surrounding area, and thus heavily westernized, likely having left before those territories were handed over and usually anti-CCP. Also, the ability to speak Cantonese is inversely proportional to the ability to speak English, so her English is too good for her to be speaking it well, and anons said as much when it happened. She even said she didn’t mention it before because she can’t speak it well.
Also, Bae did like one of Kson’s tweets.
TL;DR, you’re throwing retarded bait, Bae is likely Australian-born to an already westernized immigrant family, and Coco has nothing to do with this.

>> No.12518585

There's no problem with hiring someone who is ethnic Chinese or speaks Chinese, and to even imply that would just be racist anyway. So obviously they won't do that. What they will avoid is people who live in mainland China because of the potential problems of them being harassed or treated poorly by their government. The same way you wouldn't want to hire someone who lives in North Korea or Iran. Even Nijisanji EN, who's roster is like half Chinese, and has a decent relationship with China, hasn't hired anyone from the mainland.

>> No.12519094

>out of context
Are you legit brain dead or a Chang in damage control?

>> No.12519185

So... according to your logic... if I were to learn Japanese, I would become Japanese? Awesome! Time to get started!

>> No.12519384
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God damn, I never liked her in the beginning and never subbed but I was starting to feel bad because she kept on trying in collabs
I was really close on giving her a pity sub, but outright lying about not knowing chinese

She's an actual rrat, god a fucking hate cover

>> No.12519485

Bae is literally a chinese cancer on australia, the fact that she was an australian governess as her last vtuber model just proves she is a desperate parasite

>> No.12519532

Hiding the fact that you speak chinese is a HUGE red flag for half a dozen reasons.

>> No.12519583

>out of context
>cleary her debut video where she talks about ALL of the languages she speaks, neglecting to bring up her actual native language

>> No.12519628

I'm relatively new to the vtuber scene. Why are we supposed to be outraged about this?

>> No.12519657

In the context of Hololive it's fairly easy to not want to bring up that you speak Chinese.

>> No.12519667

sage this retard bait thread into oblivion. do not entertain this retarded meme and the phony "reactions" to this "news"

>> No.12519672

Hating the Chinese has nothing to do with vtubing, you should just do it.

>> No.12519716

My, my, making some rather bold assumptions. I'm sorry, but her English is too good to be anything but native.

If I had to hazard a guess. I'd be more inclined she's full Australian and her father married a Chinese immigrant. Possibly even a second marriage and Bae is from the first. Whatever the case, Chinese is not her native language. Not by a long shot. She probably learned a little just so she could communicate to some degree with her mother.

>> No.12519808

>one en member hired by the chinese manager that fucked over coco
>two en members hired by ina/omegafaggot
Are there any members in EN2 that could actually pass audition the traditional way?

>> No.12519813

Her mother was speaking cantonese to the younger daughters, which means that the younger daughters understand cantonese.

Not mixed race, asian race mixers don't speak their home language to their mixed race children because they want their children to be white passing

>> No.12519858

Mumei has always been our girl

>> No.12519964 [DELETED] 

there is HUGE difference between CN ppl and CN gov.
case closed

>> No.12519980

This anon knows what's up. I've unfortunately been around people like this and that's exactly how they behave.
Bae saying "we usually communicate in english but sometimes the cantonese dialect just comes out" is obviously a lie aimed to damage control and de-escalate the situation.

>> No.12520066

She hid the fact that she is chinese/speaks cantonese when she debuted and talked about all the languages she knew.

Means one of a few things.

1. She believed that it would debuff her chances at being successful because of previous bad drama with cover corp and china division
2. Bae did not want to accumulate any chinese fans
3. She is part of covers plan to eventually reintroduce a chinese division

Any one of these answers are fucked, she's either a planted corporate chinese shill, a huge race traitor, or a desperate menhera

>> No.12520080

Guess, I don't hate chinks after all.

>> No.12520100

>or a desperate menhera
I mean, she's already one of these.

>> No.12520115

Well... there's the whole... boyfriend situation.

>> No.12520134

Not according to anons on this board. Apparently all us Chinese are just sleeper agents of the CN government regardless of where we're born and raised.

>> No.12520170

Cover could have told her not to mention it. Remember their management is retarded

>> No.12520214

>makes corona
>eat dogs
>compliance with commie tiranny
Yeah I'd say we have our reasons

>> No.12520233

He's our boyfriend as well, he could be me, he could be you
Her boyfriend is basically an anime self-insert

>> No.12520395

>Lies and Hide's the fact that she knows a language
>gets full damage control and says she doesnt understand it very well
>you retards still believes her
also the "cats" that her sister was bringing were clearly for dinner

>> No.12520401

I've always loved China though?

>> No.12520414

I'll stick to Gen 1.

>> No.12520506

What is unreasonable about that first one?

>> No.12520615

Never said she doesnt understand it very well. She doesn't speak it well, which you can confirm just by listening to her speak.What a shit strawman.

>> No.12520698

As someone who know Cantonese from my parents but was not born in China, there's a simpler reason. She just doesn't know how to speak it very well. Like you understand and speak it enough to tell your brother to shut up, give me the salt...etc but not enough that you can confidently put it in your CV. Like, if there's a word that doesn't come up often in daily situation like lawyer or something, I won't know how to say it.

>> No.12520757

A friend of mine is an immigrant who moved here at a young age and his mother/grandma that he lives with still often speak their language to him and eachother in the house. He can understand it but can barely speak in it.

I assume this is somewhat common.

>> No.12520823

>hasn't hired ayone from the mainland
this is a lie and you know it, are you a bug bot?
most of Nijis are CCP shills and I bet Baelz is too

>> No.12520901

rat is a CCP spy and so are you

>> No.12520984

all your assumptions are even bolder lol, you made a whole movie in your head already
>her mother is a second marriage and not her real mother
she speaks chinesse more fluently than she speaks english and it really shows
the ammount of chinese shills in full damage control in this thread is off the charts

>> No.12521012

Approximately 1 in every 20 people who live in Australia are of Asian descent.

>> No.12521045

I wonder if they're professionals or just kids bypassing the Great Firewall

>> No.12521064
File: 484 KB, 1221x672, chineserrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did we do to deserve this shit

>> No.12521068

An old lady from Hong Kong once told me that Cantonese fluency and English fluency are inversely proportional, so it’s pretty clear that English is her native tongue and she can’t speak Cantonese well based on her not having a thick Chinese accent.

>> No.12521164

And you believed her? What a retard, she was another CCP plant covering for other CCP plants.

>> No.12521179

She said in her debut video >>12517162 that she speaks korean, but not her own mother language?

She made a point to not include it when her cantonese is fine

>> No.12521203

There was drama with Cover and the chinese (there was a HoloCH branch before too)
but someone mentioned Taiwan as a country, the chinese had a meltdown, and harassed Coco until she graduated among other things

>> No.12521255

sorry I dont speak insectoid

>> No.12521324

Kiara plays minecraft with her (confirmed) boyfriend Tyronnes and nobody gives a shit as long as they pretend its her mom

>> No.12521378
File: 14 KB, 265x300, 1421655447249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12521402

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.12521415

This is why I don't trust the 'Australian' label for anyone. It's always poos or chinks or seaniggers, you'd think half this country is filled with the cunts at this point.

>> No.12521418

It doesn't matter what's your mother language, it's how often and in what situation you use it. I've never met an English speaker or Japanese in my life and I'm sure I understand both language better than Cantonese. Born in France, so I also know baguette

>> No.12521462


>> No.12521492

you'd think they'd have stumbled upon a wog or two by now, the way they fill the place

>> No.12521552

My condolences.

>> No.12521583

reddit pasta

>> No.12521585
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>> No.12521625

How often does she speak korean on stream?
She speaks cantonese EVERY DAY OF HER LIFE

If you use your head for 2 seconds, you would realize something shit is going on

>> No.12521653

This is Cover's masterplan to start a Hololive HK&TW to make the commie chinks seethe their asses off.

>> No.12521755
File: 228 KB, 800x420, coco3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a reason she left, she objected to bringing back in chinks after having to endure months of them harassing her. it's a shame because HoloEN was her idea in the first place despite what Omegatranny wants you to think

>> No.12521832

"Why not all Chinese people are mainlanders?" for $200, Yagoo.

>> No.12521931

So first we have a Korean dog in Canada and now a Chinese rat in Australia.
What kind of EN branch is this?

>> No.12521954

Based Hakos bringing kahos on /vt/.

>> No.12522020

you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. australia is (or was, before the trade war) one of china's primary destinations for overseas studying - but the free culture clashes hard with their own cultural values and you talk to any one of them at university and - if they speak english - you'll find they are fucking firebrands heavily in favour of the ccp, spitting propaganda whilst denouncing our own system of government.

completely oblivious to the fact that it's only because we run a free country here that they can say any of that shit. try the converse in china and you'll get disappeared

>> No.12522110 [DELETED] 

I don't think Hakos would've applied if she were a CCP groupie as Gen 2 auditions were long after the Taiwan incident

>> No.12522260

first paragraph is largely true
>we run a free country here

>> No.12522313

Nothing against ethnically Chinese people, and Bae is an Ozzy. Don't even care that much if they're Chinese nationals. People don't get to choose where they're born and don't always get to pick where they live. As long as they're not subhuman commie scum, it's all good.

>> No.12522329

>actually objecting to the description of "free country" whilst the subject is fucking china

go back to special school

>> No.12522461

>Comparing yourself to chink bugs
>Durr we aren't as bad as China so we're free
Get some standards, fucking cretin.

>> No.12522498

roll up your sleeve you brainless fucking melbournite

>> No.12522538

my hatred towards chinks has nothing to do with her

>> No.12522552

It's just two of the eastern states (VIC and NSW) that are currently going full retard though.

>> No.12522561

>speaking Chinese
By that logic, Kiara would be German.
And Coco loved her fans, even the Chinese ones. You do not speak for the Tatsunokos, you do not speak for the Holomen, you do not speak for Taiwan.

>> No.12522574

Grow up /vt/

>> No.12522644

Am these replies you a /pol/ bait thread. Why are you so easy /vt/?

>> No.12522649

Nigga you need to go fuck yourself and suck on some dingo dicks. Your over-generalisation of Chinese people living in Australia is disgusting when that's only a portion of Chinese students. Don't you dare conveniently forget that there are Chinese students here who actively protest against the qiqipee.

>> No.12522663

eagerly waiting for the inevitable comparison to nazi germany now

antivaxxers are thicker than concrete

>> No.12522686
File: 1.37 MB, 4096x2882, 1633700814441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You spend more time writing this than it'd take you to give her your pretty much worthless sub. Go you.

>> No.12522716

The entire nation is a fucking joke, those states are just the ones currently acting on the lack of freedom that exists across this shithole. Nothing would stop WA from doing the same thing, there's just no reason for us to do it at the moment.

>> No.12522757

on the boat then, roach, go spend time in literally any other country

>> No.12522846
File: 591 KB, 2160x2160, 1634305758863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have to make yourself look even stupider than the master baiter you responded to?

>> No.12522904

holo chink deliberately hid that she is chink and speaks fluent chink despite lauding that she speaks nip and gook

she speaks it constantly at home

>> No.12522934

>i see a bait about ma oshi
>i type ogey
>it feels great to be a discipline brat

>> No.12522970

I'm not going to support someone who isn't proud of their own heritage

>> No.12523045

this isn't bait, bae legitimately lied about what languages she spoke and hid that she is/speaks fluent cantonese

>> No.12523079

You can't post on 4chan if you're not traditionalist national socialist faggot

>> No.12523149

Are you one of the retards that think freedom means freedom to do whatever you want to the detriment of others? Get the fucking vaccine dumbass. I don't see you protesting seat belt laws.

>> No.12523167

we've known this for like a month, who gives a shit?

>> No.12523237

see >>12520066

>> No.12523383

none of those things actually matter, and 3 directly contradicts your retarded theory. go outside.

>> No.12523427

Why the fuck should anyone be proud of the accomplishments of others that came before them? Is your life so devoid of meaning that you have to derive pride vicariously through the acts of others? Also, being proud of muh roots is literally a rallying call for chinks.

>> No.12523434

Choke on a bat cunt

>> No.12523444

thank christ there's someone with at least half a brain in this country

>> No.12523466

Do you know what "one of a few things" means brainlet?

>> No.12523474

>dude imagine a world without no borders
Go back

>> No.12523475

>none of those things actually matter
>hiding your race like a plague and distancing yourself from them is nothing
anon you're coping, you're the one who needs to breathe some fresh air, this is weird shit

>> No.12523530

t. Jordan Peterson cuck. Go back to /pol/ loser.

>> No.12523548

I get trying to defend her here, but this is a bit much, I can't imagine pretending to not be american despite how much of a laughing stock it is

>> No.12523574

Some cultures are better than others. White Australians are being told to hate their own by the Chink, Wog, and Abo cunts in academia even though the former contributed infinitely more to Australia's history.

>> No.12523579

Full retard more in the sense of 'they fucked up their initial approach to getting the outbreak under control and so they had to enforce extremely strict curfew laws and a whole host of other lockdowns because their premier was too up their own arse to deal with it before it became a much more serious problem than it should have been'. Or something, not my fault Gladys is a fucking retard.
I'm also talking 'full retard' in that sense because American's seem to have this idea that the entirety of Australia is currently locked in our homes and under strict surveillance when it's literally just been NSW and VIC for the past... how long has it been now?

>> No.12523592

Not what I said but keep it up ching chong. Just remember you fucks destroyed nearly all of your own heritage during Mao's time.
Go measure dicks with your neighbour over whose dad has a bigger car you shallow twat.

>> No.12523653

Dude, she speaks near constant cantonese at home, downplays it and says she barely speaks it, hides it from stream, hides it from all her members, doesn't even mention it among the languages she knows

Stop trying to downplay this, it's fucking strange

>> No.12523672

>hiding your race
she's a rat vtuber who the hell cares

3 on its own makes no sense with the entire premise of this thread being that she's sleeper a ccp demon, not that it contradicts with your other equally retarded but completely separate schizoid fanfic prompts

>> No.12523695

>implying I'm a dog eating subhuman
KEK I'm Western as fuck poof

>> No.12523747

The only good ch*nk is a dead ch*nk cunt

>> No.12523758

She hid her cantonese background as governess as well
Why does she feel ashamed of being chinese? Does she hate chinese people?

>> No.12523761

White people have no need to "remember muh kultur" because modern day civilization is literally the pinnacle of white culture. Only subhuman chinks and shitskins need to rally their people to remember muh roots because it's the only thing keeping them from assimilating into modern society.

>> No.12523809

So she's diaspora Chinese, what about it? Do you think all Chinese around the world are somehow loyal to their ancestor's homeland that they've never set foot on before? This is some /pol/ schizo nonsense.

>> No.12523876

i really could care less either way

>> No.12523893

nice inspect element retard

>> No.12523918

Choke on a bat and a ladyboy's dick Ch*nk. Get the FUCK out of Australia

>> No.12523936

Except Australia has fuckloads of these first generation, literal CCP worshiping dogs living here.

>> No.12523947

She HID that she regularly speaks cantonese at home with her family, despite talking about every language she knows in her debut

It's suspicious

>> No.12523949

>I'm also talking 'full retard' in that sense because American's seem to have this idea that the entirety of Australia is currently locked in our homes and under strict surveillance when it's literally just been NSW and VIC for the past... how long has it been now?
Nothing about what is happening in NSW/Vic is unique to NSW/Vic, the fundamental problem that allows NSW/Vic to do what they are doing exists across the entire country and it's nothing new.

The people who think that there's been a sudden change or new breach of freedoms recently due to covid are the real idiots, those freedoms never existed. Any retard who only considers the problems with Australia purely within the context of covid is a fucking moron.

>> No.12523983 [DELETED] 

Any Ch*nk is born with subhuman genes and loyalty to a world of slavery, deal with it cunt

>> No.12524006

Pathetic attempt at deflection ching chong. YOU get the fuck back behind your firewall.

>> No.12524010

Stop saying 'Chinese'. It's Cantonese.

It's like saying you know how to speak European when you actually speak French\Italian\German.

>> No.12524034
File: 67 KB, 480x480, Baebae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By God's sake, can we stop replying to this /pol/-tier IRL-discussion-orientated thread?

>> No.12524050

Nobody gives a shit retard. A chink who barks is the same as a chink who woofs.

>> No.12524074 [DELETED] 

Let me put it to you this way, are you okay with Project Melody having a real life chaturbate or Ironmouse having a daughter?
>i dont watch whoreshojo
The point stands that, why would these girls explicitly hide things like these that are a huge part of their life

>> No.12524082

they reply to themselves if you disengage. there's nothing you can do unless you're a janny.

>> No.12524086

>we run a free country

>> No.12524090

Attracting the attention of the Chinese community would only bring her problems as shown with Coco and other Hololive members who have been targets of Chinese harassment. Bae would make herself an easy target for the Chinese nationalists.

>> No.12524116

Here you can see the classic "i saw le funny meme and my brain aknowledged it at being Galactic brain IQ, so it must be true".
People litteraly got rolled over on daily basis when automobile replaced horse, so i wouldn't be surprised to hear people didn't want seat belt for some schyzo reason back then.

>> No.12524125

How about a Malaysian who speaks something Chinks also speak?

>> No.12524132 [DELETED] 

Try one million of those ch*nk insects migrating and ruining Australia's education system with CCP cuddling rot. Their children are also discriminating against white Australians at any opportunity they can because there are so many in large shithole cities like Syd and Melb

>> No.12524134

if both of these things were true about anyone, even if they were my "oshi" i wouldn't care because i'm not a fucking loser. might be hard for you to grasp though if that's your go-to hypothetical.

>> No.12524153

No it's not, it's more akin to saying you speak spanish when it's actually mexican chollo slang

>> No.12524167

Its well known that Baelz was casted as an apology to the chinks, it wasn't enough with just coco graduating

>> No.12524201

>THE vaccine
i got Sinopharm Sinovac. you count that the same?

>> No.12524205

After looking at this thread, I've come to the conclusion that I would also hide the ability to speak Cantonese if I was debuting for Hololive considering how you fags are reacting

>> No.12524219

Oh yes, Murica where it cost a fortune to get medical services and your lardarse populace copes by shitting their pants at Wal-Mart. Nice "free" country run by Jews cunt

>> No.12524235

She doesn't sound like a first generation immigrant at all, and >>12524125 might have a point about her potentially being from a Malaysian Chinese immigrant family as many of them can speak Cantonese due to having southern Chinese ancestry. She was part of a Malaysian vtuber group after all.

>> No.12524250


>> No.12524261

Nope, Cantonese is pretty far from Mandarin. My dad is fluent in former, can't understand latter.

>> No.12524282

She hid it in her past life as governess as well.
This isn't just hololive
Look, I get eating shit, I really do, you'll double down, triple down, and say
>fuck you, give me the biggest, fattest shit in my mouth, fuck you anon
But all I ask is why are these e-girls hide major parts of their life, it's bullshit to use "protecting themselves" as an excuse, they are selling an image, like you said, muh rat vtuber, but the truth is they are just being dishonest

>> No.12524285

stick to the skynews comments section you brainless retard
or at least off yourself so you don't get the chance to harm anyone else with your stupidity

>> No.12524295

Ch*nks are ch*nks. They all need to fucking go back to their communist paradise they keep praising.

>> No.12524300

nice try, wrong hemisphere
try again

>> No.12524305

Meds with chicken salt. Take it now.

>> No.12524319

But Mumei is getting railed by Tyrone...

>> No.12524334
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Alright faggots. Here's the official verdict dictated by me:
There's nothing wrong with being Chinese or only part. And there's nothing wrong with speaking a language and choosing not to use it or mention it to not bother others.
That is, IF she was in JP. Fuck EN and fuck that rat. She needs to graduate.

>> No.12524354

>replying to projecting seppos unironically

>> No.12524370

That's exactly how it is for spanish nationals going to mexico.

>> No.12524389

she isn't even speaking mandarin...

>> No.12524403

it's ok crikeyboi you'll be able to go to the mall again, eventually. just gotta wait...four more years.

i hear a dingo eating your baby.

>> No.12524404

yeah i can't believe bae is not a rat-human embodiment of the concept of chaos irl. lying snake. i can't trust anyone anymore. genuinely get a life if this is what matters to you.

>> No.12524433

Choke on raw dog, Harry Zhang

>> No.12524482

I speak anonese constantly at home.

>> No.12524492

Let me guess, you're paying sky-high rent to your Chinese landlord in Sydney or Melbourne and you can't do a thing about it? That explains why you get triggered so badly. Take your meds, go get some fresh air at the park instead of whining over a virtual character you can't do anything about.

>> No.12524509

You are the one who said her being a rat vtuber was important to you, now you throw it away?

See, this is the problem with having an oshi who lies and hides things, it means you have legitimately nothing palpable you really like about her besides superficial things like designs.

>> No.12524512

Westerners have to realize that China Chinese are not the same as TW/HK/SEA Chinese.

>> No.12524518

Get the fuck out of my country, Seppo/Chink cunts

>> No.12524525

wait....you mean Sana isn't actually...big?

>> No.12524546

she has a big heart

>> No.12524580

and he "isn't allowed" to leave his home. ror.

>> No.12524588

>my country
roru roru

>> No.12524590

And you have to realize that she still hid it from everyone despite being proud of every other language she speaks less fluently

>> No.12524593

Cantonse sounds completely different to Mandarin. Frankly they're different languages, but the former is only deemed a dialect since they use the same writing system.

>> No.12524628

Guess how many countries there are that are not burgerland?

The answer may surprise you.

>> No.12524639

don't even get me started on Sugondese.

>> No.12524647

Arr rook same cunt
>believing what jewmerican media says
Cunt I can go outside fine here in the Western unlike you Eastern cucks

>> No.12524666

I'm telling you, it's exactly like mexican spanish, mexicans barely use any of the same words

>> No.12524702

I really hope that wasn't just her dog. A month for a dog seems rather, menhera adjacent.

i mean, chinks eat dogs (just to stay on topic).

>> No.12524728

Arr rook same

>> No.12524752
File: 11 KB, 360x235, 20211026_094301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your social credits and fuck off

>> No.12524758

Kinda like how English and Spanish pretty much use the same alphabet with a few squigglies added on top for some letters.

>> No.12524788

>Cunt I can go outside fine here in the Western unlike you Eastern cucks
He didn't mention anything about not being able to go out, he mentioned high rent, which I don't think is as bad over here as there, but it's still fucking horrid over here.

>> No.12524807

lmao, between this thread and the one about shitty drivers, /vt/ is in rare form tonight.

>> No.12524821

it seems like it was. (plus travel quarantines maybe) but it's fine if she's coming back.

>> No.12524840

inb4 the person hating the wrong group of chinks is a SEAnigger.

>> No.12524892

SEAniggers would get more triggered at mandarin and not care as much about Cantonese.

>> No.12524906

You're Jewish from Cronulla aren't you cunt

>> No.12524918

we keep saying this in the thread, there's some china haters in here, but the bigger point is the fact she felt she needed to hide her race to the point where she would prop up knowing korean more than her mother language

>> No.12524919

Is not comparable retard, Mex and Esp uses the same lenguage just with some variations, compare this to American english and Uk english better

>> No.12524943


>> No.12524949

It's possible since the Chinese diaspora in SEA are seen like how the Jews are in the west with their domination of the private business sector.

>> No.12524967

the bigger point that doesn't actually matter, yes

>> No.12524969

How all shit drivers are yellow? Wowee someone hasn't gone outside. Talk about the projection from before, cunt

>> No.12525000

Can't be. We have a LOT of mixed chinks in our region. We know the bad ones are the pure insectoid mainlanders because they've been trying to infest us (and steal our islands) the past few years.

Hell some of use are mixed chink ourselves.

>> No.12525036

I dont follow en but I thought she her roomate had been fully uncovered by now
Uh well one more reason to not watch her

>> No.12525082

>How do you feel
I don't

>> No.12525096

There's no info on her roommate, just her past virtual youtuber life.

>> No.12525112

>hide her race

Have Ina and Kronii ever said anything about being Korean? Has Ina even ever said\sang anything Korean? I know Kronners has. How about Or Ame being spiccy? Sana being whatever her mix is? I don't think it's a Holo relevant topic at all.

>> No.12525129

vivo en el paso, los mexicanos no hablan español, hablan cerdo

>> No.12525164

If I'm Jewish, then the sky is cyan.

>> No.12525180

Yes, both Ina and Kronii have talked in length about being korean, ame has sung a few spanish songs and have talked about it

Sana no, but the others, yes

>> No.12525246

No sera alguna lengua indigena de esas de las que tanto pareceis enorgulleceros? Por esa region se que aun quedan algunos remanentes de los idiomas nativos

>> No.12525269

>hiding the race of your sisters, your mother, your father
>being ashamed of your own race
>doesn't matter
What are you smoking

>> No.12525281
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>> No.12525305

links for Ina pls. I want to hear her Korean. Oh god my heart. Pls sing kpop Inners. and sing it Inabad.

>> No.12525315

There will always be one that can only see things superficially and automatically hates them regardless.

>> No.12525319

>this thread
Who let the bogans out of their hogpen?

>> No.12525328

Unironic racism, yet another reason why indies should not consider joining Hololive.

>> No.12525347

the best part about being white is that i don't have to spend my day to day life thinking about (much less broadcasting) being white.

>> No.12525356

The Ame having spaniard heritage is just a rrat anon, she never confirmed anything and her spanish is pretty weak

>> No.12525383

I looked up Kroni said she speaks korean and not in a kpopfag way

>> No.12525403

I'm SEA and I can instantly tell the okay chinks (Cantonese/Hokkien speaking ones mainly) from the chinks that need to be gassed.

>> No.12525410

no sólo ellos, los hondureños que viajan al norte también, todos han olvidado el rostro de su padre

>> No.12525425

Does it blow your mind that second generation kids might learn the native language of their home country alongside the native language of their parents?
OP, you need to get out more. Have you really never met someone like this before?

>> No.12525437

honestly we probably hate\are more racisty towards our respective colonizers more. Spaniards, Dutch, etc.

I hate our local mixed\Spaniard dewcendants.

>> No.12525440

Go back

>> No.12525448

She has talked about her spanish before being not up to snuff, but that was in regards to singing

>> No.12525474

fuck you nijibrony

>> No.12525497

Kronii speaks Korean like the fat korean lady i ride an elevator with sometimes. su suri. su suri.

>> No.12525509

i can't believe you'd fake an entire youtube account just for this

>> No.12525524

Her roommate posted a pic of herself before. She's a chubby, nerdy chink.

>> No.12525531

I got the weirdest boner rn

>> No.12525535

Cantonese aren't CCP, so I don't give a shit.

>> No.12525544

literally her surname means she has some blood\ethnicity

>> No.12525584

ahh yes Watson
spanish royalty right there

>> No.12525595

Now imagine giant floating head Kronii saying that. unless thats your thing.

>> No.12525600

>El paso
E ahí el dilema, puto gordo obeso

Los únicos orgullosos de los lenguajes indígenas son los mismos indígenas. Sería como tú un español siendo orgulloso de Japón. Nada que ver el uno con el otro.

>> No.12525607
File: 781 KB, 670x704, 1635661329433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speak jap
>you will never be japanese
>speak cantonese
>wtf you're a CHINK

>> No.12525645

I guess you have no proof then

>> No.12525669

Honestly, considering where she is from I could buy the spanish rrat, but it can also be just influence from México, southeern US have a lot of spic population after all and her roommate looks whiteso is either spanish direct descendent or just has been influenced

>> No.12525683

>desperate menhera
name one HoloEN that isn't a desperate menhera

>> No.12525687


>> No.12525703

Speaks jap because youre a weeb
Speaks english because you live in an english speaking country
Speaks chinkneese because... ??

>> No.12525710


>> No.12525729

Fauners and Moom. for obvious reasons.

>> No.12525755

Bro just look at her roomates face ffs
It is not rocket science

>> No.12525773

because your parent(s) speak it?

>> No.12525800

What's her surname? Maybe I can find the origin

>> No.12525812

There we go

>> No.12525815

If you look into her eyes long enough, you turn into Ryan Gosling IRL.

>> No.12525891

>Southern US
>historically Northern Mexico
>Lot of spic population
I wonder why?

>> No.12525917

She looks white, what more do you need? Or are you one of these mutts who thinks all spics are brown?

>> No.12525927

I don't care as long as they aren't a Vtweeter and/or SJW

>> No.12525973

For the one millionth time, Hong Kong and Mainland China are different though they are both ethnically categorised as "Chinese".

The reason anyone would hide the fact their background is Hong Kong is:
1. Uninformed caucasians who can't tell the difference between Hong Kong and China (and potentially other Asian backgrounds)
2. You trigger the CCP because they want to absorb Hong Kong and you may make yourself a target to be extradited.

>> No.12525986

Yes she isnt white. She is mixed at best.

>> No.12526023
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You have no clue what I am capable of.

>> No.12526037

oh no no no rratbros

>> No.12526083

This is very true. It all depends whether or not they’ve been indoctrinated by Beijing or not

>> No.12526103

no he's too powerful

>> No.12526147

This. This is the most important point. Has Nina gone SJW yet btw? I dread the day Faun or Moom slip and say something. Imho they're the ones most plausible in EN.

>> No.12526182

You might be a mixed race you know? So by that reasoning you are neither white

>> No.12526243

Joey is literally an Australian mutt whose Asian mother would only speak to him Japanese and that's why he speaks it. I don't think Asians in Australia are the same culturally as Asians in Burgerland since in Australia whites are the ones living in the wrong hemisphere and China is the dominating influence.

>> No.12526423

all of you need to go back

>> No.12526424

I dont see any problem because she is just like me

>> No.12526538

An Aussie chink?

>> No.12526589

a CCP insectoid?

>> No.12526668

Seems like she's fully integrated into white aussie culture and therefore I have no problem with it.
but my inner /pol/ hates how many people ITT and on reddit act like she's a white brit and call her fully Australian because she has aussie citizenship

>> No.12526731

I am mixed yes. I look very arab/jewish-y specially when I get a hardcore tan. What's your point?

>> No.12526820

i think the self-awareness is admirable even if i utterly hate the position from said inner pol. helps that you aren't chimping out over it.

>> No.12526829

She was probably born IN Aus and lived there 100% man.

>> No.12527058

That american standards to classify races are a complete shit

>> No.12527135

I think you're just mad because you're ignorant and cant recognize obvious ethnical phenotypes. It's not just about color of the skin.

>> No.12527193

So did all the white aussies. Doesn't turn them into abbos

>> No.12527325

>Abbos are the only real Aussies

>> No.12527581

Cantonese is a spoken dialect, so it gets lost when nobody around speaks it

>> No.12527618

Honestly in Europe we don't care that much as americans (continent) do about race because in more or less way we all have mixed blood

>> No.12527664

>We all have mixed blood

The Americans are more German/Italian/English than anybody in europe

>> No.12527683

aboos are also foreign barbarians
australia is a rightful emu and kangaroo clay

>> No.12527823

You mean North Arabia?

>> No.12528132

North arabia and maybe some prehistoric indian heritage yes
Americans are a mix from all places from europe, some places from Africa and now some places from Asia too

>> No.12528363

The 1/64th part cherokee that supposedly every American has is typically a myth and the vast majority are 100% white but mixed completely from all of europe to the point where its impossibly to trace

>> No.12529163

The emus were defending their homeland when they beat the Aussies in The War.

>> No.12529348
File: 53 KB, 1160x499, 1ppi4p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rat is being chinese

>> No.12529353

What a bizarre take. So now the scenario has become that you are better than Americans because you are all mutts and they are not? You sound like some retarded European immigrant.

>> No.12529391

Are there still people that don't know cover is funded by Chinese momey?

>> No.12529543

shes just hiding that she speaks cantonese from the ccp bug people who flip out at anything not ccp

she would have to be a moron to not try and hide it after what happened to coco and haachama

>> No.12529558

Every actual American they ever hired fucks up or has menhera breakdowns. This was a logical decision.

>> No.12529605

Cover is funded by desperate lonely dude money.

>> No.12529619

100% white, if you stretch the definition of white quite a lot. I think pretty much everyone in the Americas has European heritage though except the Asian immigrants. They are a continent of mutts not just because they have no common ethnicity but because all the negros and natives to the land are mixed. Hispanics are by definition all mutts and they make up most of America. The negros are all mutts as well. So the mutt designation isn't some specific insult to the "whites".

>> No.12529692

Not talking about supachas.

>> No.12530175


What tech company isn't these days?

>> No.12530640

I wanna fug the bug

>> No.12535539

I legitimately do not give

Even if she's chinese, why does it matter?

>> No.12535644

>3. She is part of covers plan to eventually reintroduce a chinese division
Yeah you're fucking insane

>> No.12535853

imagine letting China live in your head SO rent-free that this thread reaches 289 (290 now) posts.

Xi, I kneel.

>> No.12536185

anyone who doesn't like this thread can't unpost it out of existence because most of 4chan is too newfag to sage, and even if it weren't, OP and retards like them can just reply their own thread to the top infinitely. even if we ignored it, they would just shout together into the void until others are baited in.

>> No.12536430
File: 434 KB, 1127x790, 1620786414137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vt/ is so fucking beyond paranoid about a Chinese Hololive takeover that they suspect that bae is a chink bug because she supposedly knows Cantonese.
How buttfuck insane do you have to be to think for a moment that because a Vtuber can speak chinese, that they are some sort of Coco anti or a CCP spy. A majority of NijiEN can speak chinese too but at least Nijifags brushed that shit off after a while.

>> No.12536523

Letting the Chinese boogeyman live in your head rent-free

>> No.12536736

They don't live in my head they live in my city and buy up all the property and raise the land value until its unaffordable by anybody except other chinks

>> No.12536743


>> No.12536920

It's almost time for auto sage, no?

>> No.12536932

Got a mate who was born in Shanghai and only came over in grade 3.
Asked them about the CCP, HK and Taiwan and he said he couldn't give two fucks about any of it because he's Australian

>> No.12536981

yes. ironically the only way to purge these threads if they aren't jannied away is to participate in them. really says a lot about our society.

>> No.12537003

Like I agree the chinks are mentally insane but knowing how to speak their language doesn't instantly make you an enemy. That's like shooting a white guy who can speak arabic out of fear of him being associated with ISIS. And we need to remember Bae probably told Omega, Yagoo, A-chan and the rest that she's chill with being associated with Coco despite her heritage if this supposed rumor is true.

>> No.12537078

Sounds like her family are Hong Kong refugees that fled to Australia after the Brits were cowardly cunts and have the city back to the commies.

>> No.12537112

Despite how stupid you sound, it's really more believable.

>> No.12537175

I can't believe that the most activity a thread about Baelz ever got recently is the one about her speaking Cantonese on stream. what a weird thing to sperg out about.

>> No.12537242
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>> No.12537702

that's the designated counter? you people are only 2 years behind nowadays.

>> No.12537905

sorry, but there is the one drop of ichor rule

>> No.12538324

Japan is China sattelite office anon

>> No.12538495

well as evident by this thread, seems she was right to try and hide that she speaks canto.

>> No.12539373

Isn't Cantonese mostly used in Hong Kong anyway? And Hong Kong is against china

>> No.12539568

yeah most of cantonese and fukien speaking chinese fled overseas when chiang evacuated china

>> No.12539584

I don't have a problem with her being Chinese, the problem is that she lied about it

>> No.12539614

lose weight

>> No.12540000

You wanna get them extradited to mainland you dumbfuck?

>> No.12540043
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Based rat, being chinese is fine. Coco wasn’t as good as this board thinks. Everyone here simps for any chick with a potty mouth.

>> No.12540074

i like both

>> No.12540127

Oh yeah, im not saying coco was bad, just she isn’t jesus christ.

>> No.12540313

yeah some people kinda make virtue signaling how anti china they are their personality and that sucks

like if this thread weren't auto-saging, i could post that and even say i hate china and people would zhangpost me. kinda makes for an environment where you can't talk like normal people about kinda real issues. but that's 4chan for you, sometimes.

>> No.12540802

Nobody cares if a chuba is ethnicly chinese. The China question pertains to China's dictatorial governance and their incredibly Jewish system of hypercapitalist command economics.

What people take issue with is freedoms being restricted, as well as the questionable quality/reliability/trustworthiness of their goods and services. In other words, it's mostly hatred towards the modern incarnation of the country itself.

It's like how we used to hate Japan but love them now because they're not causing trouble for us anymore. The west just doesn't like troublesome countries. That's all. It has nothing to do with chubas, and nobody has stopped eating at Chinese restaurants either. At least not because of racism. Covid lockdowns, sure. But aside from that, Chinese takeout remains a cultural staple because the conflict was always over philosophy and ideology.

>> No.12540982

your post did not go unread in this dying thread

>> No.12541230

No. 2 is you needing to take meds
