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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1218631 No.1218631 [Reply] [Original]

Well, it was a ride.
RIP Kiara 12.09.2020 - 05.03.2021

>> No.1218653

Does she get her views back on her videos when they reupload?

>> No.1218712

And idiots on this board wonder why Cover is so cautious about stuff related to Youtube. Same ones complaining that their precious chamatard should be set free would turn around and call Cover incompetent if another purge happened and they were removed off the platform.

>> No.1218718


>> No.1218733

Rest of the girls will be better off without her anyway

>> No.1218749

They should have built their own streaming platform.

>> No.1218756
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>> No.1218784

I dislike Kiara, but that's bullshit.

>> No.1218785

Wow last 2~3 months just disappeared.

>> No.1218812

Why 2 months? What was uploaded in that timespan that could have possibly been yab?

>> No.1218824

>Haachama lasts one month with horror content that features suicide, decapitation, and psychological stressors. Also has tons of lewd content.
>Kiara gets shadowbanned and videos deleted for nothing


>> No.1218833

But I thought you guys disliked Kiara

>> No.1218838

Fuck off bro, Chaamakino was clearly not bothering anyone since it was going undisturbed for over a month

As for the thread - fuck youtube. They really should find some other streaming platform

>> No.1218849

Most of us are happy this happened

>> No.1218872

Yes, but I love mr yagoo, i don't want him to lose money

>> No.1218899

What happened now?

>> No.1218905

Doesn't mean she deserves this. Let her succeed or fail on her own capabilities.
She's been shadowbanned on youtube for a while and now the last few months of streams she had were deleted.

>> No.1218906

It's only two schizos on this board who spam Kiara hate

>> No.1218913

disliking kiara and having this happen are two very different things

>> No.1218934

All videos deleted on top of the shadowban thats been going on for weeks

>> No.1218944

You can still pay her respect and spit on her grave.

>> No.1218956

I don't like the sound of her voice, I don't want her to get fucking banned. Do you know how hard she's worked for all this? Why she's a numberfag? This is going to hit her greatly. This is going to fucking devastate her. I'm not KFP, but she doesn't deserve this. Nobody deserves this.

>> No.1218989
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Most of those fucks were retards and opportunists, imagine using chink narratives to take down Cover kek.

Cover is right to fear the Youtube AI, Suisei got demonitized for no reason, Marine was constantly getting her videos taken down, Miko's channel was nuked and some of their streams still get randomly shadowbanned.

>> No.1218995

Will she save the sufferkino for a member's stream, or get right to it?

>> No.1219000

So why aren't they moving to Twitch?

>> No.1219005


People seriously need to ditch Youtube.
It's such a mishandled site its ridiculous.

>> No.1219019

Her test stream showed up in my sub feed

>> No.1219020

Capcom copystriked an old stream of old a very old video game that nobody buys anymore for Mio. Twice. We dony know how autistic YouTube shit can go.

>> No.1219027

Twitch is much worse than youtube

>> No.1219033 [DELETED] 

There's no reason to hate Kiara unless her personality is living rent free in your head.

>> No.1219034

Because it's even worse.

>> No.1219043

Twitch would be the end of good Hololive content

>> No.1219049

Twitch has equally insane DMCA law right?

>> No.1219055

hahaha burn kiara.... BURNNNN!

>> No.1219057 [DELETED] 
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>There's no reason to hate Kiara unless her personality is living rent free in your head.

>> No.1219065

would genuinely be even more restrictive than youtube, especially collab wise

>> No.1219067

>Twitch has equally insane DMCA law right?

As is run by otherkin transdeer freaks

>> No.1219079

I'm not sure if I'm qualified as a Kiara, Utokeks and Cumbud shizo for hating them but yeah YouTube is shit

>> No.1219084

If they got copyright stuck surely the channel would be just totally dead?

>> No.1219088

Well, YouTube has the right of domicile on its side. Therefore, the chicken must submit completely.

>> No.1219122

>Moving to a platform that's just as bad with the added benefit of being run by psychotic feminists

They're fucked no matter what they do.

>> No.1219126

Also twitch's UI is absolutely garbage, and doesn't load on mobile Android 10, Firefox worth a damn.

>> No.1219127

Twitch global Mods will ass fuck anything they can get their hands on.

>> No.1219139

Someone at YouTube is finally going to put an end to Kiara running hololive!

>> No.1219147

If I wanna see her get cancelled I wanna see her shoot her own foot and fall off the cliff due to her own stupidity, not by YouTube AI. The same reason I think people being happy about NRKM getting cancelled by Buddha is stupid, he wasnt taken down by lawful means from the vtubers/corporate he shat on, but a fellow drama vtuber by means of false copystrike.

>> No.1219174

Kiara just can't catch a break

>> No.1219177

From December to May? It's only March.

>> No.1219190

Oh right, I forgot how the moderators are there. Kinda surprised though that there are vtubers streaming there.

>> No.1219239 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1219306

Juat because I dislike her doesn't mean I wish for her career to end, jesas

>> No.1219312


There are no better alternatives unfortunately

>> No.1219329


Imagine what they can get away with if they hosted vids on their own site.

>> No.1219339

I don't like it that you have to be Affiliate to give your viewers the option to change the video's quality. It is the only reason why I don't watch indies there.

>> No.1219402

Even if you dislike her, failing only because Youtube is being unbelievably retarded against her just gives an excuse to then deflect blame on. People are free to dislike her but it's still just sad/vindictive to kick someone when they're down.

Not to mention, this does not portend well for Holo overall if whatever is fucking with her spreads to more Holos. You shouldn't be cheering on Youtube itself fucking over holos, ever.

>> No.1219442

I hate youtube a lot more than I hate pretty much any individual human being.

>> No.1219505
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Tried it, kinda lags. Heard there are loopholes. No lower quality resolutions.

No demonetization, though.

>> No.1219559

Everything run by Americans will have the same DMCA laws.

>> No.1219562

Cover probably would need a whole sector in their company dedicated to running this new platform, which they don't have the resources for.

>> No.1219563

Twitch officially calls women womxn now. That should be all you need to know about that sinking ship.

>> No.1219564

You actually have to be partner, if you're affiliate you only sometimes get the options.
It would, I've never heard of people just having their videos deleted on youtube, might not even be youtube, I'd assume management has access to her account, maybe it was Cover's fuck up?

>> No.1219577

Well Youtube isn't much better, pretty much all silicon valley sites are run by the same kinds of people.

>> No.1219582

Friendly reminder that DMCA just protects platforms from being sued. Nothing about DMCA has anything to do with the streamers. Streamers can be sued for copyright infringement regardless.

>> No.1219598

Based Youtube fuck this bitch

>> No.1219635

>when they reupload

>> No.1219652

She already got what she deserved by having Ina surpassed her. But this is way too much.

>> No.1219653

Twitch had to mute one of their livestreams out of fear of getting DMCA'd.

>> No.1219669
File: 834 KB, 1360x874, 2021-03-05_11-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I not getting something? She says her channel doesn't show videos more than 2 months old, and I can see them just fine.

>> No.1219681

learn how to read you dumb motherfucker

>> No.1219694

oh come the fuck on

>> No.1219700

Loooool did kiara ask the manager to delete her account again so she can gain sub to surpass Ina again lmfao!!!!!!!

>> No.1219705

2 months old

>> No.1219709

You've got it the wrong way. The ones as recent as two months and earlier got nuked.
That includes the concerts with Mori and Nene as well as Heart Challenger and whatever VOD reps you could've possibly been planning.

>> No.1219714

Wait, you guys weren't memeing along us?!?!?!

I thought the Kiara hate was a joke.

>> No.1219724

Twitch is not scared of getting DMCA requests since they just have to take whatever down. The only thing they have to be scared of is knowingly promoting and participating in copyright infringement. Meanwhile Twitch lets people stream games they don't have a license to and even promotes those streamers on the home page loooooooooooooooooooooooool

>> No.1219737

It's fucking youtube. This is to be expected. I hope cover was at least competent enough to archive the streams.

>> No.1219745

oh it's kiara nice, thanks youtube

i bet she will milk this one again

>> No.1219787

Doesn't it seem suspicious she started to make news to spread after Ina surpassed her? Looooool

>> No.1219809

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Just for posterity.

>> No.1219810
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Reminder that FBK is that powerful

>> No.1219827

Do KFP faggots really believe this? That only 2 people hate her?
I don't like that this happened to Kiara cuz that mean it can happen to any of the other girls.

>> No.1219842

Does this really work?

>> No.1219873

Sometimes. If they forgot to put on their VPN and they're inside of mainland China yes. Otherwise it may or may not.

>> No.1219891

No, 4chan will redirect you to https meaning that it gets encrypted.

>> No.1219893

Not really, but it clearly pisses you off so it's worth doing.

>> No.1219894

Are they back online? I can see all videos in the list that are older than two months.

>> No.1219904

she need to do this to contend with ina, soon everyone will got tired with her victim mentality

>> No.1219907

Yes, she got them back immediately because this was a publicity stunt and not a real nuking.

>> No.1219908

I'm dumb, sorry

>> No.1219969

Oh no, Friendo, why would you do that?

>> No.1220015

Basically what the other companies/indies already getting away. Lmao.

>> No.1220020

no shit we hate her but we hate jewtube more

>> No.1220029
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>> No.1220037

That's the sole reason Youtube hasn't collapsed entirely yet.

>> No.1220058

I fucking hate her. She's the wrong behind everything. Remember when she told me to not look?

>> No.1220071

They'd have to also have their own credit company, because they'll just lose their credit line next.

>> No.1220081
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Fucking monkeys can't even read i swear

>> No.1220096

I don't watch Kiara at all so i'm not sure what the justification for this is.

>> No.1220116

They were talking about sexual content and vulgar language.

>> No.1220126

I dislike Kiara but no one deserves this. Especially when she has tried too hard for all of those videos.

>> No.1220130

I'm 100% sure Fubuki has insider knowledge.
Her manager probably tells her many inside workings.

>> No.1220148

>They deleted her original song.
Holy fucking shit. YouTube, what in the ever living fuck?

>> No.1220173

I never had the perception of Kiara being a Vulgar/Sexual Vtuber, I kind of thought Haachama had that base covered.

>> No.1220197

If literally anything from the recent years didn't tell you how disfunctional good is as a company, there's the recent stadia scandal. It's impossible to make anything good out of google, because of the way they operate (fake shit AI that simply doesn't work but they push it like no tomorrow).

>> No.1220217

maybe he's talking about her roommates

>> No.1220232

Then on God you have never watched any one of her streams. She is vulgar she has sexual she is crude and lewd. She's actually everything that I wanted to watch in a Vtuber but I legitimately dead ass 100% cannot stand her voice. I have gotten some seriously good laughs out of her so it's not completely intolerable but she is not good for just streams to listen to in the background. I highly recommend her though because even though my ears can't tolerate her voice yours might be able to or you might even love her.

>> No.1220270

Actually this is why cover shouldn't give a fuck. The youtube AI is fucking arbitrary and whimsical.

Don't jump over the line, but shouldn't bother caring about straddling it, Youtube AI will do whatever it wants.

>> No.1220301

This basically.
No point trying to appease a master (algorithm/bot) that doesn't try to apply the rules fairly.

>> No.1220363

Kiara's personality is grating, but Youtube 'oversight' is fucking disgusting.

>> No.1220366

I mean, Kiara did literally nothing. Being careful isn't working.

>> No.1220390

I feed off of drama, I dislike Kiara but not enough to get one of her own songs took down.

>> No.1220392

Let me remind you that it's mostly user generated. You can basically do anything with a content creator, just hop on that report button. Anything bad that happens is mostly some guys doing their part for teh lulz.

>> No.1220393 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1220399

On top of the other reasons, Japs don't really use twitch.

>> No.1220478

>Ina surpassed Kiara
Wait, it's real fucking kek. KekFPs why is your oshi surpassed by an autistic NEET with mostly gaming and gesture drawing streams and no OG song?

>> No.1220504

Monkey, Kiara's videos were also undisturbed for over a month.

>> No.1220532

>doesn't it seem suspicious that Kiara is talking about something that is actually happening to her channel
You retards should consider ending it today.

>> No.1220549

If that was in anyway true then Coco's channel would be long banned.

>> No.1220632

I do and I'd be happier without her ruining anything she touches but still I have nothing against her personally really and I do not want her harm.

>> No.1220655

Twitch is unironically worse

>> No.1220658

I literally hate Calli more

>> No.1220675

And not even a little bit worse. Like, magnitudes worse.

>> No.1220777

>implying Youtube isn't
The only difference is that rather than a bunch of tranny mods personally fucking shit up, Youtube relies on dysfunctional automation that effectively kills videos and channels at random rather than focusing on their ideological targets.

>> No.1220822

Then you haven't watched any of her streams. In one of her superchat reading, she gave a blowjob to her audience and her mother was watching that stream.

>> No.1220837

Europe is generally not as prude so I can see why the US would be offended

>> No.1220863

Why would collabs be more restrictive?

>> No.1220867

So we attack fubuki now, right? We can leave ina for later

>> No.1220875

Jesus Christ

>> No.1220876

what purpose did "literally" serve in that sentence you subhuman zoomer

>> No.1220885

She has a lot on her already, time to put her in her place.

>> No.1220900


>> No.1220910

Even Youtube thought it was shit. Nice

>> No.1220916
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>O'Riends 2
>gone forever

>> No.1220920

Why is it always Kiara?

>> No.1220925

They're already in the process of making their own streaming platform.

>> No.1220927

99% they had to rollback her channel to get rid of whatever bug was causing the shadowban.

>> No.1220942
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Link onegai!

>> No.1220980

You mean newer? Earlier means earlier than 2 months which means older than two months. Fucking retards I swear.

>> No.1221023
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I second this motion

>> No.1221033

kek, the chink accident really became like the holocaust free pass.
>*any hint of critic towards cover
>"what dude? are you a chink?!"

>> No.1221041

makes sense, they wouldn't need to worry about getting banned and the removing the youtube 30% cut is a heck of an incentive.
is it going to be exclusively for them or are they going to let indie talents use it?

>> No.1221048

>"hololive """"""fans"""""""
I don't watch holoshit for almost two months now and I still know which stream was that. Also there were many clips in the threads so if you missed it that means that either you logged on this website today for the first time or you literally don't watch anything, you just shitpost.

>> No.1221054

Well, it stops when they stop.

>> No.1221061

Noooo. Why did this happen to Kiara when it could've happened to Calli instead.

>> No.1221065

Yagoo hasn't given any details other than it's something they've been working on.

>> No.1221073

Some people don't have time to lurk a thread that moves at 10 posts per minute 24/7. I've been around since last summer and I remember hearing about that stream, but I never saw any clips and wouldn't be able to find it.

>> No.1221080

You might be very unlucky then.

>> No.1221085

I don't understand why only the ID's can use streamlabs. Cover is literally giving money to YouTube that they could keep for themselves.

>> No.1221087

This is fucking horseshit, she lost 35% of her videos in a single day.

>> No.1221093

Bullshit, they can't. Streaming isn't viable for startups. The start up cost is insane. Something like Cover is far too small to fund it. Only megacorps could hope to have a shot at burning the kind of money required to get one going, and that might still fail of people don't adopt it.

>> No.1221113

Imo it's all about exposure. A lot of small time content creators have everything besides yt, patreonOF, whatever. They can get away with it because of low numbers. When the numbers reach a critical point, the jew doesn't allow it anymore.

>> No.1221114

I could have found it at the time, but I only follow one or two chuubas at a time and I just didn't have the energy to look into it. Now i don't even remember when it was. Being a wagie is insane, you're barely experience anything while you fast forward through time, and somehow one month is like any other.

>> No.1221118

They can literally just migrate to twitch or facebook or literally any other streaming platform.

Youtube makes a lot of money from hololive but they provide very little security to the company, it's a very one sided deal other than hosting.

>> No.1221139

stream labs also takes a cut, by owning the streaming platform you get to keep the entire thing.
anyway youtube probably wouldn't allow it, cover has some of the most superchatted talents on that hellsite, if they allowed stream labs the overlord will give them shit.

>> No.1221146

I'm so angry that I'm reporting all Ina's videos with my 10 youtube accounts.

>> No.1221152


>> No.1221158

>They can literally just migrate to twitch or facebook or literally any other streaming platform.
Facebook is complete dogshit and has like 5 people who use it. Twitch is actually better than youtube from a purely technical perspective, but they have their own issues with regards to copyright and moderation.

>Youtube makes a lot of money from hololive but they provide very little security to the company, it's a very one sided deal other than hosting.
The reason why there's only two viable streaming sites is the same reason why both of these sites suck. Why would they need to improve? They only need to not be massively worse than the other one. There's no real competition, because the economic barrier to entry for the industry are insurmountable.

>> No.1221165

twitch is even more restrictive then youtube and has removed some of their biggest streamers.
their not an streaming platform, their main source of income is selling softcore porn to underaged kids.

>> No.1221171


>> No.1221180

The absolute state of kfpnigger

>> No.1221191

I'm not suggesting the other platforms are ideal, but surely there's a company out there that actually bothers to communicate with one of it's best cashcows.

Hell, stream on Pornhub, I don't give a fuck, apparently they have tremendous customer support for content creators.

Choco and Noel ASMR collab please I will bust everywhere

>> No.1221207

Sure, stream on some east asian hellhole website like nnd or whatever hellsite Coco uses now. I'm sure they talk to their talent, because they have to, because their websites are trash

>> No.1221210

>she gave a blowjob to her audience and her mother was watching that stream
The "frog noises" which sounded like if she was getting throatfucked?

>> No.1221211

Streamlabs takes a much smaller cut though. They probably wouldn't get away with only using streamlabs, but they should at least allow it for the other branches. They could use the same reasoning as with ID.
They could also try to team up with other similar companies and maybe some bigger individuals to create a new streaming site. It probably would not be viable as a complete alternative, but at least people would see that it is possible.

>> No.1221214
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Yeah whatever just post the link already or don't pull shit out of your ass, this is a happening thread about a vtuber i don't actively follow so i come here to check what the deal with it was, or do you expect people to know about every single vtuber from every single company?
If i bring something up from a pikame or gura stream and someone ask for the link or timestamp to check it out you can be sure i will be able to provide it instead of making up excuses like a retard.

>> No.1221239

None that they don't already try to follow. They already need to turn off the music in games like GTA which was the main issue. The bigger issue is that Twitch has no real archive system to speak of.

>> No.1221252

generally i think what they should do is make their own website and post all the old content on it as a site exclusive, keep streaming on youtube for growth, but heavily advertise the new platform.
become a youtube competitor is probably off the table, they are too small for that, but it'll at least put them in a better position in the future.
i know a bunch of political/gun/weed youtubers did that when their channels got fucked and it worked well for them.

>> No.1221382

>Twitch has no real archive system to speak of
They have a VOD archive, but I don't know how it works exactly. I think there's no way around the hard 2 month retention limit. They have no comment system though.

>> No.1221422

So is it actually youtube being in war with HL or is it the management going full retard?

>> No.1221423

Streamlabs does not take a cut though. The thing with streamlabs is that there is much more friction since you have to go to the description, open the link, go through the whole processes of making the donation as opposed to just making a superchat which is like press a button, write a message, slide a slider.

>> No.1221514

weren't there a bunch of people that got kicked off stream labs and didn't even get a refund for political reasons?
i don't think it's as safe/good a platform as you believe.

>> No.1221536

FUCK YOUTUBE. At least Haachama is safe, management pulled her out before yt could make the strike

>> No.1221584

There never will be, look into how many millons YT was losing for years and years. Only reason Youtube exist is because of Google money, any other company would have gone bankrupt. They turned a profit for the first time only 2 years ago.

>> No.1221632

>Today on things that didn't happen
Either clip or fuck off retard

>> No.1221648


>> No.1221661

>Divine Retribution
But nah, like the other anon(s) said, for as much I dislike I have I'd rather kiara and her fanbase get fucked over by their own tomfaggotry rather than fucking jewtube run by $5 pajeet automated scripts and chink basement servers.

Afterall kiara is still hololive first and foremost. It'd probably be available in 2 day(s) or weeks depending how fast kiara and her manager can sit through combing the vods.

>> No.1221665
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problematic desu

>> No.1221726

You are full of shit, never happened. She isn't even lewd.

>> No.1221734


>> No.1221775
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>> No.1221789

Can I get a QRD on why Youtube did it?

>> No.1221791


>> No.1221837

I wonder if it's some dumb shit like youtube thinks she was hacked because she moved back to australia

>> No.1221840

Oh no, GermA is going to destroy her just like EnMa destroyed Haachama

>> No.1221843

Es Ist Zeit zu säubern!
Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten!
Es ist Zeit für Rache!
Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten!

>> No.1221852
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Why not Austria?

>> No.1221889

How will this fix anything?

>> No.1221915

Wouldn't this potentionally cause similar issues as Haachama with the whole EN thing, or is Kiara in the clear here due to that branch not existing?

>> No.1221916

she'll worry about that once the takos have been sent to the camps

>> No.1221917

Fix? It doesn't. It's re-hyping/celebrating no longer being shadowbanned.

>> No.1221918 [DELETED] 

She knows it's a fucking meme country people equate to Germany anyway

>> No.1221928
File: 33 KB, 444x659, 1604707207742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even title your shit with "blind playthrough" on Twitch now because it's offensive to the visually impaired, that's how insane the people running that platform are. The only thing they have over Youtube at this point is a better chat feature, I don't know why Youtube doesn't just also use IRC when it's shown to work smoothly.

>> No.1221932
File: 75 KB, 358x387, Pirate kneels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based friend!
now that's what im talking about that shit was hot as fuck, but nowhere near what AVtubers pull off and is still up so i doubt it has anything to do with the current youtube chimp out.

>> No.1221955

Austrians want to be a part of the Greater German Reich again.

>> No.1221962
File: 22 KB, 309x338, 1605662342690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved when twitch tweeted using the word womxn specifically to erase women in favor of troons, and then had to walk back, not because it is a misogynist thing to do, but because troons yelled at them for implying men in dresses are different from women by using a different word to refer to them.

It really is a clown world.

>> No.1221963

google and current youtube are a fucking blight on the internet
I hope the masses go anywhere else like bitchute or whatever

>> No.1221974

Because of the other YouTuber that had problems with YouTube, Jörg Sprave of The Slingshot Channel. He started a YouTuber's Union in Germany that will force them to treat Kiara properly. As long as she knows about it, and I'm sure she does it's huge German news, did stuff like this may never happen to her again.

>> No.1221977


>> No.1221983

Bitchute has gotten really bad with censorship since the election.

>> No.1221988

Austria is an actual country. Germany is a meme country made up of different countries with different cultures.

>> No.1221996

Will never happen because bitchute is broken garbage. The few times I bothered to click a bitchute link the video was buffering for a couple minutes and never started, so I closed the tab again.

>> No.1222025

Reminder that East Germans are subhuman monkey people indistinguishable from Poles and other Russians.

>> No.1222067

It is a joke, it's just tourists taking a meme seriously and trying to fit in with couple of shizos leading the way

>> No.1222103
File: 2.55 MB, 1000x414, 1593091701224.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really cute vut also feels very personal, no wonder people fall in love with chuubas.

>> No.1222140

Are there any cute lewd english vtubers that more regularly do stuff like this.

>> No.1222173

ogey Muhammad

>> No.1222248

its a meme anon

>> No.1222251

>Choco and Noel ASMR collab please
Anonchama... They already did this...

>> No.1222301

Austria doesn't exists. That is just Mountain-Germany. Oida.

>> No.1222302

Inshallah brother

>> No.1222355

It's all good. Kiara left HoloEN to start off HoloGER. Haachama will fill in Kiara's spot in HoloEN.
HoloEN 2nd gen audition have been split up and changed to HoloGER and HoloESP auditions.

Also, fuck meds.

>> No.1222361


>> No.1222378

I know a JP vtuber Tamaki Inuyama made a literal blowjob 'ASMR'(?) before but its not her/his main content.

>> No.1222380

Jesus, you get some sleep and all of a sudden this happens.
Poor Kiara.

>> No.1222404

>HoloGER and HoloESP
>no French
>no Italians
>no Slavs

>> No.1222408

u r a good fren :) fanx brozzer

>> No.1222410

The best part is that cover wouldn't let this happen to any of their jp talents, but they hate the ENs. They are after the money they bring in, but japs are still fucking racist.

>> No.1222434

>even youtube is tired of orange cunt's bullshit
rest of EN getting the same treatment when

>> No.1222501

So where is her "Am banned" shitpost video? She can't take a joke or what?

>> No.1222527

after you take your meds

>> No.1222529

>he wasnt there during the demonetization arc

>> No.1222542

here you go.

>> No.1222553

Just check her channel, she's doing the German only debut

>> No.1222556

Not the same.

>> No.1222570

How about you breathe some giftgas first EOP clipwatcher

>> No.1222586

>The Anti-Rightist Struggle
Based, fuck class traitors.

>> No.1222616

Identical thing happened to the YT channel Hardware Unboxed - first they were shadowbanned, then they lost 2 months of their videos.
Both Kiara and HU guys experienced the same issue after streaming from a different location than usual.
HU got their videos back and and shadowban was removed, so hopefully same thing will happen to Kiara.

>> No.1222655

No thanks, as long as there are people here seething because some streamer is not speaking the majestic nipponese language, I'm good.
But still, take your meds.

>> No.1222722

>cover wouldn't let this happen to any of their jp talents
Are we talking about the same talents who were repeatedly banned, demonetized, had their videos deleted with some of them still missing six months worth of content?

>> No.1222732

People say fubuki is nice but I think it is a just a calculated act. Snipes at people like this show her true colors. Kiara doesn't deserve that find of treatment.

>> No.1222747

The mitarashi dango eating one? That was nice, nobuhime has one too

>> No.1222799

This is fucked, i can't even find her new videos.

>> No.1222926

4chan is not your personal army desu, retard anti-kun.

>> No.1223125

the poor girl has to be freaking the fuck out right now. has anyone put any thought into something we could do for her?

>> No.1223144

The only thing that will get youtube to fix their shit is for someone to get THAT fed up with them and they firebomb their headquarters

>> No.1223170

Remember when that azn girl tried that out? Didn’t go so well.

>> No.1223225

>the poor girl has to be freaking the fuck out right now
Considering it's not her first experience she's probably used to it by now.

>> No.1223302

>TFW actually caught this one live
>TFW didn't stick around for super chat reading because of work
I am punished time and time again...

>> No.1223317

>Kiara will never give you a blowjob live on stream.
Why live?

>> No.1223422
File: 16 KB, 182x251, sad suisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cover wouldn't let this happen to any of their jp talents
Mio's channel got nuked, Suisei is still demonetized and Coco is still being spammed by insectoids. Cover is just incompetent in anything other than scouting.

>> No.1223674

>Suisei is still demonetized
She got it back.

>> No.1223756

they have literally no control over what ever the fuck youtube decides to take a shit on as shown by the multitude of times the other talents got fucked over even before EN debuted, kiara is just extremely unlucky to constantly be on the receiving end of said fuck ups,

>> No.1223774

>weren't there a bunch of people that got kicked off stream labs and didn't even get a refund for political reasons?
yep, there's one called Entropy which is open about supporting free speech and no censorship. But I don't think holos would have any problem using streamlabs

>> No.1223843

She isn't that unlucky, only 2 screw ups so far. Choco, Mel, Coco, Suisei, Haachama, Marine...they all had more problems with youtube.

>> No.1223904

I understand why Cover is cautious but Kiara's channel is not a good example of why they should be. She hasn't done anything wrong but has been consistently harassed by the AI. She isn't the only channel this is happening to.

>> No.1223945

holy shit this made me diamond

>> No.1224052
File: 41 KB, 464x439, amazon'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey what if we blockchained everything
retarded idea. They can't even do it without using amazon's aws
Peertube already has streaming. Cover could host their own instance.

>> No.1224119


>> No.1224132
File: 96 KB, 489x275, friendstare (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having 1/3 of your most recent content including 2 of your most iconic streams to date and a single you had to pay out of pocket isn't that big of a deal it's just 2 fuck ups!
Listen man Im not saying the rest of the girls didn't have to deal with really absurd shit like suisei demonetization and such, that much is certain. But trying to minimize kiara current situation as "she isn't that unlucky" is plain retarded given that all this happened in the span of 6 months.

>> No.1224192

Why not move to bitchute?

>> No.1224234

No, they're still incompetent because they could just do what every other big channel does and get youtube execs to free them from the AI along with a dedicated moderator on speed dial to filter bullshit report spam

>> No.1224278
File: 351 KB, 1440x1080, mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs confirm takamori is dead

>> No.1224292

Guys its simple, youtube algorithm thought her channel was hacked since she is streaming from her homecountry instead of japan

>> No.1224298

Seems I've misjudged this chicken.

>> No.1224350

she was already shadowbanned in japan. it happened 24 february.

>> No.1224377

Because of the holiday streams, which were done from different locations

>> No.1224392

That's not a hard service to get, and they will want a 3% cut max opposed to YouTube's 20%

>> No.1224409
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, 1614349852253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara swears like a sailor. That's pretty normal for ESL people though

>> No.1224432

So, just make two companies and ignore all the costs of that?

>> No.1224446

You don't need to make your own company just use a payment processing service. They are probably already using one to sell merch

>> No.1224466

From western chuubas? most the the "lewd" content they produce is retarded coomerbait.
but there are plenty of JPs that produce really cute lewd and soothing content .
Although there might be exceptions but you would need to dumpster dive pretty hard

>> No.1224469

1 day after the nene collab i believe

>> No.1224549

Just give her a few months more to catch up

>> No.1224550

>the "lewd" content they produce is retarded coomerbait.
but there are plenty of JPs that produce really cute lewd and soothing content .
It only seems that way because you are a weeb

>> No.1224557

It's super expensive though. It's not a one time thing. Do you know the costs of maintaining a reliable video hosting site, let alone a streaming platform. There's a reason there are millions of fb and twitter clones yet only a handful of streaming sites

>> No.1224598

I think you're definitely missing the point here. There is no scenario where they don't lose money trying to make a streaming service with it's own advertising and payment system.

>> No.1224642

What makes you think that? YouTube clearly doesn't want them. They won't be making anyone money once all the holos have their entire video library deleted. YouTube probably only started with Kiara because they know how many people dislike her

>> No.1224643

Even better:
Haachama unexpectedly starts learning German and applies for HoloDe. As Kiara is the sole member, and thus the only authority over German hololive, there will be no one to stop Haachama from slipping in other than her. Knowing Kiara she'll probably play along with it. it will be FOOL proof!! FOOL PROOF!!

>> No.1224660

most people do

>> No.1224661

Youtube is aware of the problem Coco has been having with antis, and has likely flagged her account to prevent automated bans from reports, (she mentioned the devs were experimenting with various spam prevention features in her chat at one point). The antis may be stupid, but there's no way they wouldn't have discovered the report button by now.

>> No.1224757


>> No.1224765

Kiara is the first member of HoloEU. There will be a French, Italian, Spanish, German and Polish holo who each are bilingual and can coop in English.

>> No.1224842

lol setting up her DEbut, neat.

>> No.1224973
File: 12 KB, 320x180, EvJyzphXUAQQyPf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so confused why YT said she was streaming.

>> No.1225010

>Haachama's schizo arc gets shut down
>Kiara hijacks it immediately
Orange woman bad. Bad!

>> No.1225036

Wow, that was like literally staring at nothing, totally worth it. Why even bother with stuff like this, when the German Debut thing is actually gonna be funny. But braindeads already spamming the hashtag, so I guess the video served its nonexistent purpose.

>> No.1225040 [SPOILER] 
File: 881 KB, 297x277, 1614957163961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL you think it ended? That was just Chapter 1.

>> No.1225053

I wonder where she got the idea for that?

>> No.1225063

What if she returns with a military outfit and speaking in german?

>> No.1225095

>create okish from technical side streaming and video platform
>use massive experience from managers dealing with copyright shit and actual talents that are streaming
>create perfectly balanced copyright to content ratio policies
>weebs and streamers that want Cover to notice them are streaming on it
>Haachama is unleashed and sets moral boundaries that are hard to pass without breaking a law so platform is used more and more by edgy creators
>take big percent of the market because you did what has supposed to be
All because Yagoo wanted to be Kirito in his vrmmo

>> No.1225099

I hope she runs with it for over a week just to piss off the antis.

>> No.1225131
File: 18 KB, 239x400, yes yes yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1225145

Her numbers would suffer much more, than the antis care about this shit

>> No.1225174

I'm ok with her doing lore stuff, but I doubt she can pull I off anywhere near as good as Haachama.

>> No.1225190

>it turns out Haachama wasn't actually banned from doing this content
>this is a set up for them to work together

>> No.1225205

>we never got the offcollab because haato cut off her head, made her kiarachama and erased her memory
>she's taking the hiatus to spread the chama to the rest of the holos

>> No.1225266

>holochama will be a thing in three moths
That's a crazy enough rrat to be true.

>> No.1225270

>gets hard fisted by youtube kun, no lube
>everyone expecting a meltdown
>makes a quality chamapost instead
Not bad, Bird. Not bad.

>> No.1225287

I wonder how long it'll take for a law to pass somewhere that'll punish overzealous punishment by websites. You can't even demand compensation if Youtube, etc take down some of your stuff or ban you, it's way too one-sided.

>> No.1225294

I mean, she already had her meltdown. It's nice to see her plugging on, though.

>> No.1225319
File: 2.73 MB, 1524x720, 1601232676592.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this chikim!

>> No.1225318

That's still at LEAST 10 years away, if it happens at all.

>> No.1225341

>next vid is her with a spoon trying to dig her way out

>> No.1225360

>kiara redemption
Who's gonna get her when she drops the soap?

>> No.1225361

I guess the standards are pretty low then

>> No.1225365

>Open comment section
>Close comment section

>> No.1225381

>thinking there will ever actually be laws to punish this sort of behavior instead of governments continuing to turn a blind eye or even enabling them with laws of their own
I used to be this optimistic once...

>> No.1225386

>implying she won't get YOU first
You're seriously underestimating her wrestling skills.

>> No.1225407

caged bird

>> No.1225409

Daily reminder about Kiara's results from Mio:
Small luck
Recommended to collab with people with strong leadership qualities.
Good luck. Getting on track, so to speak.
Not very good. Need to be careful with her body's condition.
Bad luck. May lose a lot of money due to unforeseen circumstances.
A chance of repeating old mistakes.
To be kinder to others and stop acting strong even when something bad is happening.

>> No.1225427

What exactly was the final straw that got her vids deleted?
What a stupid algorithm lol

>> No.1225435

The thing is, it doesn't have to be the US. The EU, Australia, Japan or any other country could also put something forward to protect their streamers. Those streamers are also still paying taxes, so it could be a win-win situation.

>> No.1225448

>You: *in shower*
>Kiara walks in
>You wink and make a harassing remark
>she just shrugs, she just needs to clean up and go back to phoenix brooding
>you get an idea
>you steal her soap from her and toss it on the floor
>"Pick it up, Kiara."
>She stares at the soap a while, about to cry.
>Suddenly she snatches you by the hair and slams your face into the wall repeatedly screeching, "KICKY RICKY!"
>It's only moments before your face swells up from the assault and you can't even see
>she slams you into the ground
>"Looks like the soap is yours," she whispers.
>You chuckle, "You don't even have a dick, bitch."
>"No, but I do have a spoon."

>> No.1225453

She's taking it like a champ, pretty impressed to be honest. I thought she'd be taking things much worse.

>> No.1225482

I am more inclined to believe, even if these other countries do go that extra mile, that YouTube will just heavily restrict or suspend streaming programs in the other countries. They are still an American company and make most of its revenue from American figures, so they'll protect their hold on that cash cow first and foremost.

>> No.1225487

There might not have even BEEN a straw.

>> No.1225495
File: 275 KB, 800x450, 1614312647637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True love and respect among all vtubers no matter the agency.

>> No.1225506

>doesn't even have a dick

>> No.1225524 [DELETED] 

We are currently in the mid 1800s industrialization era but the digital age. The content creators are the new workers and the big corporations are still the big corporations. It's the save extremely unbalanced exploitation of labor as back then but this time over the execs preempted any labor movement by agitating the "left" against the traditional working class by pushing trans, gay and race issues, whipping the urbanites into a frenzy against rural conservatives.
No law will be written against the social media giants as long as they can just send SJWs into a rage by pushing some forced race or gender narrative.

>> No.1225553

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

>> No.1225583

>"No, but I do have a spoon."
Reminder that Kiara says shovels are just big spoons. You're in for a bad time...

>> No.1225606

>4chin ads linking right to her channel

>> No.1225609

>Lose money due to unforeseen circumstances
>Gets shadowbanned for no reason

>A chance of repeating old mistakes
>Youtube fucks with her channel again
That hag needs to stop cursing people.

>> No.1225625


They couldn't find why their retarded algorithm was shadowbanning her channel so they said "fuck it" and deleted her vids, problem solved....by creating a worse problem.

Yes is that stupid. Chicken said that she and Cover are putting the screws on YT to get her videos back since YT also deleted Heart Challenger and yeah, fuck that.

>> No.1225629 [DELETED] 

Its a single SEAnigger and some guy who has been obsessed with her roommate since long ago

>> No.1225656

>forced race or gender narrative.
How come every multiethnic nation in human history has collapsed?

>> No.1225735

the 71gb autist-kun?

>> No.1225738


>> No.1225772
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1614317498523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based witch

>> No.1225808
File: 138 KB, 463x453, 1613282092574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unbelievable. I don't watch chicken but she works hard as hell, I hope it all gets properly restored. Why must every major digital media platform be utter cancer?

>> No.1225812

And people still like capitalism... braindead I swear

>> No.1225829

Follow the money.

>> No.1225882

I really doubt America exceeds the entire rest of the world in revenue. They might be able to comfortably ignore one country or two, but if things get rolling or they'd have to cut the whole EU worth of revenue, they're gonna think twice about that decision.

It works just fine, doesn't it. I still think the fact that this digital revolution being a global thing will play a significant role in speeding things up. Either youtube has to suck up to dozens of countries or they they risk lower income thanks to new policies. And I don't think you can just ignore several countries or even the whole EU like the other anon.

There's literally nothing stopping any country besides maybe the US to do something about it.

>> No.1225909

weebs on 4chan? it.. it can't be!!!
get some self awareness faggot and if you are contradict what other people say you could at least provide some example of what you are talking about.

>> No.1225911

That guy? You're not joking? That sounds really good.

>> No.1225934

As much as I want more EN to donate, I don't. There is a 100% probability it would simply turn into a CN 2.0 situation, because the US is that cucked now.

>> No.1225955

Calm down weeb

>> No.1225971

Hey! as long as someone seethes from it is worthy content in my book.

>> No.1225975

Do you it like capitalism? Why are you even on a board for Ewhores?

>> No.1225980

What does that have to do with the conversation?

>> No.1225999

>It only seems that way because you are a weeb



>> No.1226020
File: 175 KB, 463x453, crrringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1226036
File: 91 KB, 87x99, 1579156306637.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1226043


Because we should have gotten digital media platform legislation ages ago, but since they are US companies, it depends on the US Congress to actually make that stick. And the US Congress is a dysfunctional institution filled with preening, feckless wankers.

So, we get countries like Australia having to negotiate with the Zuck like he was the President of a country.

>> No.1226135

Capitalism is a buzzword. Everyone has a different definition for what it actually means.
>Do you it like capitalism?
What are you even trying to say?

>> No.1226205

I meant to say not like. I mean this place is dedicated to showering already very wealthy women (most cases born wealthy) with even more money because you have no hope of ever forming a human relationship with the opposite sex. This board is the pinnacle of capitalism

>> No.1226225

>people with spare money spend it on luxuries
>"CAPITALISM HAS FAILED!" -Some Jealous Commies (Probably)

>> No.1226233

Who are you quoting?

>> No.1226234

The beta weeb feels offended by labels and subordinates. The alpha weeb doesn't care and picks up enough skills to succeed in life.

>> No.1226249

>he doesn't know about meme arrows
You do not fit in. Go back.

>> No.1226265

Who are you quoting?

>> No.1226289

>this place is dedicated to showering already very wealthy women (most cases born wealthy) with even more money
I thought this place is dedicated to restreaming paid events and making delusional narratives.

>> No.1226324

Never superchatted.
Never membered.
Never subscribed.
Never liked.
Never commented.
Always use adblock.
Simple as.

>> No.1226356

>tfw did all those things, but it's because I'm poor and I cannot stand ads and I get social anxiety even THINKING about commenting
I hate being poor and introverted.

>> No.1226358

>restreaming paid events
Lol definitely not you'll get banned for that. You can even get banned just for linking a holos other YouTube

>> No.1226403

I'm pretty sure that most of the people posting links didn't get banned.

>> No.1226437

You would be very wrong this board hands it almost as many bans as /v/ check the logs

>> No.1226563

I checked some archived bloom thread and only less than half the links were deleted.

>> No.1226620

You are clearly in the minority when you see the money these girls pull in everyday

>> No.1227000

Not really. Thousands of people don't donate.

>> No.1227022

Breh if every viewer SCed they'd be raking in millions per month

>> No.1227060

You guys are looking in the wrong direction. The value Youtube brings with their service isn't hosting videos. It's discoverability. The opportunity of getting Hololive clips recommended to millions of people and them being redirected to the official channels and becoming fans. Gura would have never, ever reached 2M+ subs if they were anywhere else than Youtube.
I remember a few channels migrating off Youtube to their own self-hosted platform. They lost 90% of their views. And you might think it doesn't matter financially because they would still get same amount donations and Google AdSense money, but Cover is different from a single medium-sized channel. Cover needs to please VCs with nice metrics and needs fat checks from companies like Cygames, and that's not possible if they're not on a big platform.
And yes, sometimes it fucks up and hides Kiara's videos. But overall, it's worth it.

>> No.1227161

>Thousands of people don't donate.
And millions do

>> No.1227179

People who complain about voices are legit autistic.

>> No.1227197

I know right why would you ever complain about the sound of something you are listening too? Just consume stream and get excited for next stream

>> No.1227216

>Gura would have never, ever reached 2M+ subs if they were anywhere else than Youtube.
And most of her subscribers don't donate or even watch the VODs. The casuals would stay behind but the whales would follow, not to mention everyone hates YouTube right now.

>> No.1227236

No. If they did, Gura would make millions of dollars every week. Donators are the minority.

>> No.1227255

You can literally turn it off. That's his point. Just leave. Like, close your eyes, nigga, haha ha ha ha ha, just walk away.

>> No.1227265

and they still make more in a month than many do in a year

>> No.1227285

>You can literally turn it off
Okay and are we just supposed to not tell anyone we did it?

probably in a week when you factor in everything

>> No.1227302

>Okay and are we just supposed to not tell anyone we did it?
Ideally, because no one wants to hear the details of your life. You're just not that important.

>> No.1227315

If you don't want to discuss Vtubers why are you even here? Just to fellate the chicken?

>> No.1227332

You missed my point
>Cover needs to please VCs with nice metrics and needs fat checks from companies like Cygames
It's easier to raise money when you have a hockey-stick graph showing you gained dozens of millions of subscribers this year
The price of advertising deals depends mostly of the potential audience. The difference between 200k and 2M subscribers is another figure added to the amount on the check.
It doesn't matter now as (it seems to me) most of their money comes from paying members and superchats. But it's going to matter very soon when they start expanding into other markets/products. You can only get so many viewers paying to hear the streamer read their name. The real money is in advertising and products, and moving to another platform would kill that growth.

>> No.1227334

I don't want to discuss what YOU do. Leave.

>> No.1227347

You can't make me!

>> No.1227384

>But it's going to matter very soon when they start expanding into other markets/products
That is never going to happen when YouTube is so openly hostile to Vtubing as a genera. I wouldn't be surprised if every holo is kicked of the site before June

>> No.1227409

That's literally what you are doing, retard. Consuming any trash streamer just because you think their voice is good.

>> No.1227429

>Consuming any trash streamer just because you think their voice is good
I know imagine listening to something just because you enjoy it, what plebs!

>> No.1227575

To me it all seems like a mistake on Youtube's part, not that they're willingly hostile (unless I missed something).
Youtube's clients aren't their users. Their clients are advertisers, and they're hostile to channels who displease them. Like channels about fringe politics who nobody with something to sell want to associate with. But that doesn't seem to be Cover's case, they get advertising deals all the time.
Nobody here knows exactly why Kiara's videos got deleted. What Youtube does is automatically flag videos based on a bunch of parameters. I'm guessing mostly keyword matching and manual user reports. And their system is overzealous because in the case something actually offensive slips through the cracks, they don't want to deal with the public/advertiser backlash.
But anyway, hostile or not, the result is the same, and I don't believe they're going to fix it. I still think it's not worth it to move to a self-hosted platform. Let's be honest, Yagoo knows more about this than us and he would have made the move already if he thought he had something to gain out of it.

>> No.1227617

>Like channels about fringe politics who nobody with something to sell want to associate with. But that doesn't seem to be Cover's case, they get advertising deals all the time.
Oh never mind I thought you were a genuine person you are just a neoliberal shill

>> No.1227688

lmao, sorry you got that impression. The sentence you quoted is a fact, not an opinion of mine. Whoever advertises on Youtube doesn't want their product's image on the same page as a Nick Fuentes or Alex Jones video, that's how it is and that's why they got banned. I don't support banning them from the platform, just saying that's why it happens. If you want my genuine opinion, I hate how much money goes into advertisement, how it controls the Web and how a lot of brillant minds are now using their time writing microtargeting statistical models for Facebook or Google.

>> No.1227813

Have you tried Veibae? what am i saying of course you'll complain about her voice as well.

>> No.1229917

wait what is this
why is she speaking english

>> No.1230117

Unlike Haachama, she finished the arc.

>> No.1230222

>To be kinder to others and stop acting strong even when something bad is happening.
Impossible to expect that from the whore.

>> No.1230850

I wonder if Cover could sue Youtube over the lost revenue of getting shadowbanned and deleting videos for no reason. Parler is suing Amazon for that exact reason right now. Parler will lose, but Cover has an actual case.

>> No.1230934

No, they can't. TOS.

>> No.1231087

I doubt the TOS says "we can shadowban you and delete your videos for no good reason". Especially if it happens repeatedly and tanks the company's value/revenues, the judge might consider Youtube abusive. See the Parler case, if they didn't ignore Amazon's request for moderation they would have had a strong case. Cover isn't ignoring Youtube's requests, they straight up get their stuff banned/deleted for no good reason.

>> No.1231227

>I doubt the TOS says "we can shadowban you and delete your videos for no good reason".
You doubt it, huh? Well, thanks for the update.

>> No.1231267

Even if you won they would just terminate you afterwards.

>> No.1231323

Why ? That would only if you agreed to it in an out-of-court settlement.

>> No.1231511

That would have more impact if her laughter wasn't clearly fake.

>> No.1232602

Because they can. They dont have obligation to host your videos in first place. You could win with them restoring your video, but they could just delete your whole channel afterwards.
