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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 161 KB, 890x430, Kizuna F_AI_L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10731294 No.10731294 [Reply] [Original]

AI bros what happened?

First it was "Gura will never beat Kizuna Ai to 3 million! Ai-chan is just too close for Gura to make up the gap!"

Then it was "It will be a close race but Ai-chan has slow and steady growth and she will just barely beat the shark"

Then it was "Well she didn't beat the shark to 3 million but she's get there any day now with her slow and steady growth it's just a matter of time!"

And that was how many months ago? And now her subscriber growth has flatlined harder than a fat guy after eating a bacon cheeseburger.

Should we just go ahead and change to their names from Ai-bros to F_AI_L bros?

>> No.10731329

What the fuck? she was 2.98m for like 3 months already. That channel is totally fucking dead, how the mighty have fallen.

>> No.10731375

Should've asked the chinks for help

>> No.10731417

Link with the Crypto, Your numbers gonna Dipto

>> No.10731446

Susan's spam subscriber pruning is basically nulling out her growth.

>> No.10731481

The only thing I've ever come across from her is when Aqua started singing one of her songs. She has completely failed the algorithm.

>> No.10732052

This is why you don't deal with chinks

>> No.10733030
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no, kizuna has been a dead channel for years. the occasional cover song will pop off but her average views have been trash forever.
this is her 2 years ago, when she already had 2.5m subs. yeah there's a few with decent views but most are 100k or below and this is their numbers TODAY, meaning they had 2 years to climb a bit. current vides struggle to get 40k views in a WEEK. meanwhile gura gets 300-600k views in a few days.
the problem is Kizuna was never an individual with a huge amount of talent and a single goal. it's always been a corporate fabrication, a woman hired to play her reading off scripts to build a brand. she adds in some of her own personality but it's not the same as more modern vtubers which are just individuals behind their characters, even corporate tubers are mostly left to their own devices for 99% of their content.

>> No.10733097

This is the vtwitter equivalent of never debuting.

>> No.10733163

The real question is will Gura reach 4 million before Kizuna reaches 3?

>> No.10733178

Kizuna Ai is old hat, my man. P-maru is the new hotness now

>> No.10733244

she has 2 channels dumb dumb

>> No.10733306

That is...unlikely. Gura's gaining approx 120-150k a month at the moment, with a good deal of the push due to her King cover. The SOONEST she could hit 4mil at that rate is sometime in the new year. In reality it probably slows down and it's someone late Q1. Ai should be rolling over to 2.99 mil soon, but honest to gods with that sub growth rate...who knows. It might actually be possible Sharky gets to 4 mil first, but I'd say no.

>> No.10733338

Gura this Gura that. Pekora is still the queen whether you like it or not.

>> No.10733349

Let this be a lesson to anyone who decides to sell their souls to chinks.

>> No.10733352

Wtf does ai even do?? Isn’t she even more corporate than hololive chuubas?

>> No.10733369

>Ai should be rolling over to 2.99 mil soon
She has near 0 sub growth. Even after her begging video it didn't budge.

>> No.10733398

Eh... I don't see it slowing down. That's what people said at 1mil, and 2 mil, AND 3 mil. She's in an algorithmic nexus right now, it's not gonna slow down. If anything, shes been streaming more frequently in the last month and seems to be itching for JP minecraft crossovers. Those get clipped heavily and drive a lot more traffic. I have a feeling any predictions people make aren't based on what's happening with Gura, just what they saw with their oshi.

>> No.10733404

I know most of you don't give a shit or are literally holobrony trash from 2020 but Kizuna Ai barely even do anything in her channel lately. All of her activiities are either on tiktok, some gaming in the secondary channel or merchandise/marketing/concerts outside.

>> No.10733426

it's not even a real person, and i mean that more than other chuubas. there's a committee that plans her videos, script writers(multiple), and several editors. The woman who voices her adds in some personality, but she is playing a role, not being a creator.

>> No.10733470

And neither of them are growing dumb dumb

>> No.10733491

There's 1.7+ billion chinks, anon....you think your number fatotry mattters in the face of actual numbrfagotrry???

>> No.10733528

And where are they now?

>> No.10733622

yeah 1.7 billion chinks, and only like 200million of them have internet because most of china doesnt even have plumbing. they shit in holes dug in the ground. on top of that, those who live in the small parts that have power and internet, are still behind a massive government firewall. only a small minority use firewalls to exist in the real world.

>> No.10734238

Poor Ai-chan really should "graduate" and and niji or holo should get a "new" talent with a suspiciously familiar sounding voice.

Update crossed paths with the CCP and the results are quite fucking obvious, aren't they.

>> No.10734351

That poor girl needs a desperate rebrand.

>> No.10735583

And yet they can't even manage to scrounge up 20k people from their bug nest to sub to Kizuna Ai

>> No.10736008

I'm pretty stupid so can't think of anything other than doing what the others (Nijisanji/Hololive) do to feed the algorithm. Ai needs to make cheap long format livestreams or scripted videos that can be clipped and/or TL and shared by multiple accounts. It'll be slow at first but at a certain critical mass of redundant existing clips her popularity should explode again. A big problem is hiring full time dedicated staff member(s) that knows this shit and how to coordinate with the clippers/TL to laydown the right ground rules and keep an eye out for the bad stuff.

>> No.10736208

On the topic of Ai, she just released a cover:


>> No.10736570
File: 22 KB, 463x203, gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember zhangs on /vt/ claiming it will be a race to 3mil between her and Gura
Bonus points for all the threads titled "she will get 3mil on her birthday!"

Embarrassing, on another fun fact that happened recently. Kaguya Luna who was the only vtuber at the Kizuna AI era that did not sell out to chinks got fucked in the same if not worse way by selling out to Sony.
Goes to show that you should never do corporate deals as a Vtuber.

>> No.10736887

everyone sleeps on Sony's pump and dump game, and they run the same strat every time.

>> No.10737983
File: 381 KB, 695x628, 1629290238267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO instead we had Gura hit 3 million on the fourth of July

>> No.10743954

Didn't Michael Jackson rant about how shitty it was to work with sony back in the 80s?

>> No.10745082

Yes, and with PMaru's recent reveal on how poorly she was treated, I hope any chubba wanting to get in on that new project takes a very, very, very deep look into themselves to consider if that deal is worth it.

>> No.10746539
File: 2.90 MB, 750x420, 1633065503973.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the founding star has fallen...

>> No.10746772

It’s obvious what happened, gura knows that with her milk toast personality she was not gonna reach 3mil before kizuna so she started sub buying and was in talk with Suzan to unsub subscribers from kizuna at a rate where it seemed like she has 0 growth. Now that her goal was met she has the goal to keep this up so she can maintain the title of the only 3mil sub vtuber (this is bait)

>> No.10747042
File: 377 KB, 989x284, 1627911879626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10747160

It's milquetoast. It's its own word not just milk and toast

>> No.10747338

>And now her subscriber growth has flatlined harder than a fat guy after eating a bacon cheeseburger.
What the fuck, bro. I'm a fat guy about to eat a bacon cheeseburger right now and this ominous analogy has me pretty shook right about now.

>> No.10747393

go for a run lardass

>> No.10747676

Is there an updated version of this?

>> No.10750764
File: 28 KB, 533x389, 1613387311495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10750902


>> No.10751045

I don't even care about these numbers but Gura hitting 4 before Ai hits 3 would be pretty damn funny.

>> No.10751067

Oh, I remember that. Ame was doing a karaoke, too. Feels good to be a burger consumer.

>> No.10753939

Christ, changing her VA killed her.

>> No.10754986

I pretty much stopped watching her when her VA got replaced, now the person seems to do nothing but shilling, and shilling, like a shilling bot.

>> No.10757390

she was never replacee you absolute imbeciles
how many times did she made videos to address this on both her roommate and AI channel for your thick skulls to get

>> No.10757440

Pretty sure Kaguya doesn't focus at all on her vtuber channel since her other channel is much much more popular and her main gig nowadays

>> No.10759925

It's sad that anons here keep trolling with bullshit like VA replacement or selling out to China.

>> No.10760825

Dead, on a bed where she created for herself.

>> No.10763536
File: 20 KB, 300x220, Character.bobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically. She failed to adapt. Even Botan adapted, and she's literally a grandmother. Also the fan favorite of Gen 5. Ai just took her success for granted and rested in her laurels instead of keeping her finger in the pulse of vtubing trends.

Gura hasn't even peaked as eigo daisenpai yet. Council just got released. More gens will come. And because Gura doesn't have sora's aversion to hamfisting herself into other people's streams, she'll remain relevant and hilarious the entire time.

There's lessons to learn from all this. Personally, I started selling puts on Ai's channel. She won't grow or decline, so I figure it's easy money. Crab's gonna crab.

>> No.10767403

At least once more because her videos explaining it have been non self explanatory.

>> No.10767464

Kaguya is dead, anon. It's official now ever since Pmaru did her birthday concert a couple days ago.

>> No.10767621

Holy fuck I thought she already hit it? Gura's nearly half way to 4m now.

>> No.10767666

She was huge in the early days

>> No.10768999

somehow melancholic to look at, we had it good.

>> No.10769176

Seeing lulu coming back to stream on her own made me think just how much kasuga sees kizuna just as a job, she got tired of her personal channel very fast

>> No.10769235

she's probably had a 3M special prepared and recorded for months now.

>> No.10769261

If she try to fill this 20k subs by doing an endurance karaoke, how long do you think it would take?

>> No.10769402

Man, this really gives you some perspective, do you guys think any of the bigger Chuubas right now (like Hololive girls or some of the bigger Niji ones) would fall to this point without graduating first?

>> No.10769568

Like a couple of hours, something like that would actually be big enough news that it should break her the break even growth she has.
Especially if she can leverage her rep to get it signalboosted through the community.

>> No.10769609

She never recovered from the clone saga damage done by the previous psychopatic suits and people moved on to different vtubers that don't make them remember that traumatic past.
It's 100 times more difficult to forget a bad memory than to make a good one.
She will never be able to make her previous fans forget that past without a miracle or without making an emotional video on this difficult past that shows she changed and improved.
That's also the reason why she is focused on new markets to try to get a new target audience that doesn't know her past.

>> No.10769731

The clone thing became infamous and there's people who think it's still going on to this day, but people had already left much before, kizuna was dead pretty much as soon as nijisanji became a big deal, the liver era completely erased her

>> No.10769968

That wasn't my case.
The clone saga is what made me stop because it hurt too much.
I expect it was the same for her core fan group.
When you get attached to a vtuber you don't just switch to another one without a good reason and a trigger.
The clone saga gave those negative feelings to all of her fans that were still watching her and didn't move to the next new thing.

Can this be seen in her views before and after that happened?

>> No.10770474

The streaming era changed a lot the way to attract a stronger fan base compared to making only short videos before.
The amount of content exploded with her competition, but she didn't adapt to it.

>> No.10770710
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>> No.10771266

Literally WHO?

>> No.10774187

Even Gura BTFO's shill bot there, and she doesn't have her own account.

>> No.10774535

What happened in late 17/early 18 that made VTubers pop up like roaches? Did the some tech get released that drastically lowered the barrier of entry?

>> No.10775941

Is it just me or is there a marked difference between chuubas from "the old days" and the ones after the Hololive boom? I wasn't around back then so I'm having trouble articulating, but vtubers like Ai and Sora don't seem to connect well with today's audience. They are respected and revered as pioneers, but that doesn't translate into increased views and new subs. I think Ai is stagnating because she doesn't provide the entertainment new vtuber fans expect from vtubers.

>> No.10776148

Vtubing was more about delivering short content instead of just being livestreamers as it is now.
Sora's problem, but not exactly a problem is that she was always a singer and was never much of a huge streamer, her main focus is and always will be music.

>> No.10778308

Pmaru's concert was great

>> No.10778322

Did you check out her channel?
Sora's main content is minecraft streams as a kid's channel...

The first generation of vtubers made short videos, but didn't interact with their viewers like the current generation of streamers.
It's difficult to really get to know them and to grow attached to them if they don't interact more and do live streams, but there was nothing better at that time and it still worked enough.

Unfortunately being a streamer is more difficult and different from making short videos.
A vtuber that made good short videos is not necessarily good at streaming or has an interesting personality.

Akari had this issue too after she separated herself from Eilene who was responsible for her interesting content. Without Eilene her content was less fun and she quickly lost her inertia.

>> No.10778362

Used to be a fan of her until the Gura shit storm. Saw her doing NFTs for her birthday, saw how money hungry she is, and jumped ship to Gura.

>> No.10778364

She hasn't streamed in over a week
She needs to collab and have fun. She was great with Ui-mama and Tamaki. If she can expand more she'll get better

>> No.10778379

Will her subs be passed by the Second Coming of Tsuki-chan? She is almost at 2.1M.

>> No.10778474

I would have no issues with Sora if she made more singing streams and less gaming streams.
But it seems Hololive fans don't care about music and prefer gaming streams.

The worst is when you discover smaller vtubers who have a lot more singing streams almost daily compared to her...
When you watch Hololive you get used to getting 1 singing stream at most per week from a vtuber.

Some of the new smaller vsingers have almost daily singing streams in comparison and no drama from being in a big corporation.

>> No.10778683

Sora's problem is that the pandemic limited her access to the studio, meaning she couldn't do the kind of streams she used to do, forcing her to do at-home game streams like the newer gens of hololive.

>> No.10778729

mori will reach 3m before her

>> No.10778794

It was basically this combined with the clone drama. It still boggles my mind how soulless corporate suits thought that her viewers would robotically just keep viewing because they thought the main attractor was the fucking avatar. Utter fucking lizards.

>> No.10778984

The suits tried to force their world view on others.
It's a reality that big corporations in Japan are full of real psychopaths with no empathy and emotion because those abilities increase their endurance for bullshit and allow them to reach the top by using others to increase their power within the company.
For a psychopath the soul has no value outside of providing movements and a voice to the avatar...
They can't comprehend fans feeling attachment to someone else and feelings like love which explains these stupid decisions and why multiple now bankrupt companies did the same mistake.
