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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10489643 No.10489643 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Whether it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibly. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you. Remember to do your research before providing personally identifying information to companies online!

Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!

Where can I find artists/riggers?
Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

Where can I find some good games to stream?

Twitch or Youtube?
Multistream to both.

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/2mkc8x9P
List of Assets and other resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Phase Connect Generation 2 (deadline 10/31)

VSh*jo (deadline 9/30)

Stay grounded, stay hopeful. Don't kill yourself yet.

Previous Thread: >>10286102

>> No.10491042

Useful food for thought from last thread.

The very first thing you need to realize is that vtubing is streaming. And streaming is about entertaining viewers. At its core, you have to know what value you're providing to your viewers. What you're doing is asking someone to give up time out of their day and watch you. What is it that you are providing to them that they can't get from something else. The something else you're competing against are:
>other streamers, including face cam
>netflix, youtube, hulu
>twitter, reddit, dramaposting
Everyone has something they can offer their viewers, it just takes some time to figure it out. It's really difficult because you've only ever seen life from your POV, so what seem like talents and gifts to others just appear as "default" settings to you.

Eventually, when you get larger and bigger, that value you provide to viewers will grow to the point where they'll start creating things for you like fanart, or even monetary donations and subscriptions. But that's way further down the line.

>> No.10491355

Has anyone tried those Microphone isolation booth covers?

>> No.10491381

Don't waste money on them. They're not worth it and don't create a noticeable enough difference.

>> No.10491693

Anyone have any interview advice? I’m generally good at interviews but I want to make sure I’m not forgetting to prepare for anything.

(Have one with one of the small corpoerate companies.)

>> No.10495371

i just got my idea for my chubba but i can't even draw for shit should i ask for drawings on skeb?

>> No.10495494

>should i ask for drawings on skeb?
No. Skebs are for one off commission art. Not for character design. Slap together some copy and pasted and get a cheap design put together by a western artist that you can communicate back and forth with. Then commission a finalized design using that art.

>> No.10495675

Try using charat or picrew those are free options, or look for artists specialized on characther with open commisions vía twitter, reddit, discord, etc.

>> No.10495785

yhea that is what i need for a start point maybe i should start drawing how i want my desing to be an keep drawing and start comission other artist to make upgrades or something

>> No.10496137

If you are an /asp/ie who speaks spanish feel free to join /ESP/ies.

The server still on construction, but I'm tidding up as much as I can in the meantime.

Temporal link

>> No.10496423

Which company? The answer changes depending on who

>> No.10496999

Prism, though I am curious to know how much the process may differ between companies. There's so little info on how they go. Who knows, I may audition for more in the future anyway.

I'm going to assume with Prism I want to sell idol-type lifestyle + musical goals but if it were for Cyber and Phase it'd probably just 'be entertaining and not offensive' maybe?

>> No.10497460

Were you the Alice anon from before? I would say idol-type and emphasizing any singing or musical abilities is your best bet. Being seiso probably works best for them. If it were phase I think you could be a bit more silly but for prism id play it safe and seiso. Good luck!

>> No.10498043

I did an interview with one company. Make sure to sell up your skills and show them off when applicable, show confidence and be a bit of a yes man, if they ask if you can do something, if you're not sure, say yes.

>> No.10498174

it's a good idea but only up to a certain extent, if you say yes and it sounds unsure or uncertain it's kinda obvious. also if it's something you have zero knowledge in it's better to be honest about it in case they ask you questions to prove knowledge

>> No.10498229

I'm talking about something like "Can you stream 2x/day 5x/week?" You say yes even if you don't know. "Can you make your own covers?" That's another yes.

>> No.10498261

oh okay, in that case then yes, say yes!

>> No.10498393

Different anon! Just been lurking to try and glean some insight. My preferred one was Red Riding Hood.

I'm more of a sillier person on stream so now I'm wondering if I should try out Phase if it seems like I'll be a better fit there, but yes, musical talent is my strong point... bad at games.

Thank you!

By "show off when applicable" do you mean be ready on the spot to sing/play my instrument/speak Japanese? I can manage some JP but I think I might be too nervous on the spot to play. Singing is OK, though. Good luck to you as well!

>> No.10498554

hmm not to discourage you, obviously continue but phase connect also has uruka who is really musically oriented. I wonder if you guys would get along well and it'd be nice to have other musical friends! But give it your best! I don't think they will make you burst out into song for an interview, you're not a bard

>> No.10499427

You should be ready to speak any language you have claimed to know, especially Japanese. Singing if asked about it I would offer before belting it out to demonstrate.

>> No.10500322

id go for phase or cyber if you like freedom and silliness, but if you're bad at games prism might be perfect

>> No.10500472

Honestly I think Cyber has the best future. With 3D confirmed all their gen 1 and gen 2, they're the closest to shifting away from the Hololive paradigm and allowing their talents to try new things at this point. Prism is strict and you're stuck with singing japanese songs too due to licensing problems. With phase and cyberlive being western based you're allowed to sing any songs you want. They both have a lower cut too so freedom is definitely better in phase and cyberlive.

>> No.10500678

how do i grow, /asp/?

>> No.10500719

You're already streaming right?

>> No.10500863

are you male?

>> No.10500935

i'm male so no place will accept my auditions

>> No.10500956

Clips, in my opinion. if nobody is clipping you just do it yourself and post them on your social media platform of choice. When you have enough for one game, compile and upload to YouTube and then pray to algorithm. Networking is good, too.

>> No.10501026

>wants to grow
>is male

>> No.10501144

do you mind me asking how many views your audition(s) have gotten so far?

>> No.10501396

I looked up cyberlive after all the chatter about them getting 3d super early, but of course they were closed... I can imagine they'd probably get a new big influx of applications if the period overlapped when they announced the 3D. Guess now we have to wait to apply for gen3

10 on my intro video, 6 on the secondary reference one. In weird intervals too. A few the day after I submitted, then more later, then when I thought they were done looking, then there was more again. Hope that helps!

>> No.10502249

Man... I got about the same but no interview. Big sad.

>> No.10502381
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w-we're gonna make it b-bros

>> No.10502572

>do a streamrep to try and dig myself out of my depression after a hiatus
>see one of my favourite streamers is lurking my stream
Feels good, man

>> No.10504064

Anons that applied to Nijisanji near the deadline: Did you ever get any views? I hear that was the case for the original auditions in 2020.

>> No.10505068

>get raidded
>chat spa
>handful of follows
>all gone in 5 minutes
what's the point of raids again?

>> No.10505592

I have a problem with vtube studio, i can't seem to make it connect through server it works fine with the other method but i currently don't have the money to pay for pro. I am using an android phone.

>> No.10505613

>i can't seem to make it connect through server
that requires pro

>> No.10505865

oh lol,, i though there was a way to use vtube studio for free. Oh well.

>> No.10505930

use a webcam and it's free. it'll just have the walfie fairy mascot and the vtube studio logo at the bottom. you can hide it with proper scene placement in OBS

>> No.10505998

its a test of your ability to retain new viewers

>> No.10506126

what's the cheapest webcam that does the job? i can't find any rec in the pastebins. I could get the pro version too but it's really hard to buy things in usd from my country.

>> No.10506163

c920 is like $50 which will probably last you the next 10 years easy

>> No.10506371

thanks, i am short for a few dollars, damn it.

>> No.10506461

if you're this scrapped for cash you should just be a pngtuber for the time being

>> No.10509199

I already rigged my model so it would be a waste of time to pngtube, i am just about 10 usd short to get the webcam i can hopefully get a cheap coom during the week.

>> No.10509977

Are collabs the path to community and average viewer growth?

I've been watching some of the chuubas posted in /wvt/ and it seems that the ones growing the fastest are the ones that are constantly doing collabs with and replying to bigger vtubers. It makes sense, but I don't like doing that because it feels leechy and I don’t enjoy playing with someone I don’t really know. Is this really the way to viewer gain and retention?

>> No.10510143

>Is this really the way to viewer gain and retention?
the answer is that no one fucking knows anon, it's all just content creation. if anons knew what worked, they'd be doing it. but just like being a regular face cam streaming, sometimes collabs work sometimes they dont. there aren't any hard and fast rules about it.

>> No.10510498

bloom, if you're hear, i have a question question. when i hold a note when singing, i don't get the wiggly voice that you hear in every other singer. and idea what's going on?

>> No.10510531

You have a point there. I was just wondering because my average views dipped a good bit and I'm seeing others average views increase in comparison and it's been making me wonder what I'm been doing wrong.

>> No.10510794

that's called vibrato
it takes some practice and good breath/diaphragm control to get down

>> No.10510934

That's called vibrato, and it's a skill you can (and should) train. It requires the vocal equivalent of what's basically fine motor control to adjust. If you're finding that you naturally have very minimal vibrato, try backing off and releasing tension from your voice and throat. You're probably pushing too much. Hope that helps a bit!

>> No.10515493


>> No.10516263
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>> No.10516268

how can we get rid of the male debuff, lads...

>> No.10516286

become trans

>> No.10516494

>mutilate yourself
t-thanks. does that shit even change your voice? i doubt you'd go from deep manly voice to squealing.

>> No.10516535

Vocal training is very real, there's a lot of convincing trans voices out there but it takes a lot of work.

>> No.10517653

Be entertaining, then get lucky with shilling your clips on TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, andReddit, and hoping they got blessed by the algorithm. Keep uploading on all these platforms and eventually you will be. Once they find you, it's on you to keep up the energy so they stay.
Also try to collab a lot and make some Vtuber/streamer friends. People like the "Bros chilling and shooting the shit" dynamic a lot. Those clips get tons of views from what I've noticed, and it's easier to be entertaining when you have other people to bounce off of

>> No.10517743

Also, don't assume going viral once on clip sites like TikTok or Twitter will mean you've made it. I've seen some 2views have a viral clip but then I check their streams and they still average less than 10 viewers. Consistency above all else. Keep editing and uploading those stream highlights, experiment with posting times to figure out which time is best for exposure, make sure your shit is tagged properly, etc

>> No.10518311

>have money to commission an artist
>every single one of them are closed
Kind of amazing and terrifying at the same time.

>> No.10520470
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does anyone watch terumi anymore? Or amberglow for that matter

>> No.10521126

Skeb, anon, is a pathway to many abilities some would consider... unnatural

What do you find best for clipping? Personally, insulting the NPCs in games always seems to be my bigger clips, but not by more than a normally big clip gets. But I can't do much coomer baiting because I'm male.

>> No.10522821

I watched her 'expose' on black companies... It didn't really give any new information. Some companies are evil. Wow.

>> No.10522919
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Post designs right now.

>> No.10525017

I wanted to stream on twitch, but noticed my internet isn't good enough for this shit. And the current contract runs till 2023...

Does anyone here have any idea what I could do? Or do I just wait until this shit runs out and I can get a better contract from some provider?

>> No.10525214

What provider do you use?
I was in that same situation and something that worked for me was to upgrade into a package with no contract (which nulls the previous one) then shortly after cancel services. I used Comcast though so I don't know if that helps.

>> No.10525408

1&1 in germany

Thing is I don't know if I can do that, since I am not an only-child, and my sisters need the internet connection for school etc, thanks to corona.

The whole street of mine apparently belongs to DN-Connect, so I can't unfortunately get into an upgrade of over 16MB either with 1&1, since everything above that is reserved for DN-Connect

>> No.10525852

Now >>10505998 is right but keep in mind that most people leave anyways. Having something like 75%+ retention is impossible.

>> No.10526512

I don't have a good enough setup to stream games and I don't know what to do.
Should I just create other content (youtube covers, tweets, post art) in the meantime? I want to audition for holo or niji whenever they open and hopefully have some experience to include in the application.

>> No.10527552

Streaming is the thing they’ll weigh heaviest. Covers on YouTube will also weigh heavier than the other two I think, unless your art ability is like professional level good and can net you a lot of followers fast. Tweets mean nothing really, just content like covers art voice acting asmr etc.

I would start saving up for a better setup desu

>> No.10529404

missed Kongou's lecture on burnout. any key points?

>> No.10530216
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This is mine.
The model is almost ready but I need to upgrade my shitty laptop before using it on pre recorded and edited videos im planning doing tho.
>inb4 sjw bait
Its not human. Its a cake.

>> No.10532339

I really wish the debut meme ends. Just fucking stream. Do a "debut" when you're big and got new model / outfit reveal

>> No.10533589

It was never an expose, people took it the wrong way

>> No.10533963

Is it even worth it to apply to companies if you can't sing? Seems like all agencies, big or small, look for singers even if they say otherwise

>> No.10534240

There are corpo chuubas that can't even sing, it seems like they care more about doing it than actually being able to do it. Look at someone like Selen for example. There's no way you can't find a super easy song to sing and at least make it sound okay.

>> No.10534244

I don't like the idea of doing members only content. I also don't like the idea of people donating thousands of dollars to someone like how deadbeats in their thread admitted to doing with Mori. I'm not the only one right?

>> No.10534419

It certainly helps, but I think if you have enough renown/skill in another talent, you don't have to be a great singer. Be it competitive gaming, ASMR, art, lots of charisma, etc.

>> No.10535897

I find myself in a weird situation and I'd like a second opinion. I really want to start streaming for the fun of it, but I don't want to come off as yet another viewer-turned-streamer since that's all too common nowadays. If I use my current Twitch account for streaming, but have a separate Twitter account for everything stream-related, do you think that would be okay?
My overall goal is to stream, but I don't want to be part of the vtuber circle here that all like/watch each others steams. Maybe this is just retarded rambling, but I want to still enjoy /here/chuubas without looking like someone wanting to profit from that circle.

>> No.10536471

Does it matter if you can't sing? I was thinking of adding a 'Does a karaoke stream' as a sub goal, but I'm absolutely terrible at singing - I used to suffer really bad asthma, so couldn't hold a note, so never really sang along to anything. Pretty sure I can't even carry a tune in a bucket.

>> No.10536567

What's wrong with being a "viewer-turned-streamer"?
Though I see nothing wrong with whatever you're suggesting, I just don't understand what's the point. Don't you currently have friends and connections with your current account? You'll be starting from scratch.

Either way, glad to see you working on it. Hope you start streaming soon instead of putting it off.

>> No.10536636

Does anyone know who takes commissions for custom wiggly emotes?

>> No.10536651

so... my issue is that I already hahe a super cute live2d model, that also got a lot of attention. but back when I started I was a NEET who had to succeed no matter what, so I essentially fed into the parasocial relationships as much as possible leaving me with a fanbase that does anything it's told. now I appreciate my fans but I feel fucking awful and kind of want to leave this persona behind and create a new one. Ishould I dump my old vtuber persona and create a new one? cause I don't really know how to go from here

>> No.10536718

if you keep thinking like this, you'll be in a loop and keep restarting over and over again

>> No.10536876
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Rigging is done i just need to get a webcam and start streaming

>> No.10536906

Nice! Are you going to do test streams before that?

>> No.10536918

Ohh I remember when you posted the sketches before, and now its almost complete. Looking good!

>> No.10536946

Would using a female model but being male work in regards to garnering an audience. I've been bouncing the idea of vtubing in the back of my mind for a while now, but I definitely know that male vtubers generally don't succeed unless they're somehow preestablished. Would it be smart to market a female body with a male voice as like, a failed science experiment, make the whole character start as a mad scientist or some shit. Does that sound like it could work?

>> No.10536986

a lot will click away once they hear a m*le voice, its the harsh truth

>> No.10537004

I think I'm just too concerned that people will immediately be turned off and believe I'm trying to stream solely for easy clout. I don't want my oshi or anyone I follow to think of me differently because I'll be streaming, so my first thought is to try and separate it from the other stuff I do. But I appreciate what you have to say, I'm very likely just overthinking it

>> No.10537146
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Yes! i was going to do a test stream yesterday but i was so focused on learning how to use Live2D i forgot to look into Vtube studio and realized it's pretty much paid for phone lol. So now i am waiting for my webcam to arrive!. Hopefully i can do a test stream next week. I have tons of plans for streaming so i can't wait to start.
Thank you!! , i am very glad i sought help here instead of going with my original design. The harsh critiques hit me in the ego a bit but they were really helpful to push me for something more original, thank you a lot /asp/.

>> No.10537195

Yeah, I had a feeling.

There has to be some way for male vtubers to not be dead on arrival though, right?

>> No.10537231

Make enjoyable content that only you can make, and have realistic expectations on growth and numbers.

>> No.10537259

post your links!!

>> No.10537289

There are successful male vtubers who started from nothing and are doing pretty well now like Randon. Just do it as a hobby and try to have fun and not try to think being a babiniku's gonna be the only way to succeed.

>> No.10537481

I appreciate the advice. I was kind of thinking the wrong way about it. Wouldn't want to be a babiniku anyway, it would probably make my lisp sound weird. I guess I should start looking into prices for model commissions and figure things out from there.

>> No.10537494

Thank you for asking, here is my twitter https://twitter.com/VampirStation
Btw if any /asp/ie is looking for art and has no money, i am doing free requests so just ask me! I need practice and would like to help fellow 2views.

>> No.10537524

Your art is super cute, I love it

>> No.10537545

I love your art so much!!

>> No.10537689

Do you have a twitch set up yet? Definitely following your twitter though, your art is great!

>> No.10537945
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There are so many programs now that I have no idea what to go with.
Live2D is the definite software for 2D streaming, right? What's a free alternative to it? VUP?
And just in case, what's the best one for 3D? Apparently you can do a lot with just VRoid but I'm just learning about it.

>> No.10538037

Live2D is not for streaming, is to make the Live2D models. For streaming you have VtubeStudio, purrlive, Facerig, etc. People say a lot of mean things about Vroid but i feel that if well done they can looks pretty nice! Just try not to use very saturated colors.

>> No.10538075
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Well, At this point I am losing nothing from this. Here you go my design from my failed campaign. Been on a slump for a while now feeling I can't continue forward. And I have seen my streams and god I think I might be awful.

>> No.10538097

Ah, okay. Thanks.

>Just try not to use very saturated colors.
I-I'll try.

>> No.10538221
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>> No.10538243

your first mistake was being a vtweeter. x amount of followers to reveal model is the dumbest shit on twitter. Your design isn't half bad, clothing need a bit more things to make it stand out

>> No.10538254
File: 198 KB, 1500x1039, EdXdjEdVAAA0tei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can post here to get some feedback from anons, saturated colors can look nice but you need to be real good at color theory. I love Lam for example, but she's an experienced artist.
Your design is awesome, i love it. I could easily see it in an anime or game. Don't feel down, everyone starts with not-so-good streams, even corpos. You just have to keep going and learn from your mistakes.

>> No.10538394

In my defense, I think a vtweeter is just someone that only tweets. I stream also. I am using my media, I saw many people doing the same so I thought "Maybe I can pull it."

Nah. there must be something else there.

>> No.10538426
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I think it just needs a bit of color to pop up more, but the face looks real good. Here is a similar concept that i really like, it's still pretty simple but has enough little details that make it stand out.

>> No.10538675


>> No.10538815

>Here you go my design from my failed campaign.
just fucking start streaming, you moron. and what the fuck is trovo? use twitch.

>> No.10538923

I have been streaming for like 6 months at this point. I stream in Twitch, Trovo and Youtube.
I have gotten 100 dollars from Trovo so I kinda prefer it over twitch and youtube.

>> No.10538990

If you focused Twitch like youre supposed to youd have a much better shot

>> No.10539017

What if you got $100? You won't see any growth, its a dead platform

>> No.10539289


Twtich seems like overly saturated in my opinion
And putting all my eggs on twitch seems even counter productive to even what this thread says at the start.

>> No.10539315

Thank you!! Can't wait to get my model

>> No.10539878

I don't think there's a golden rule for clip content per se. Just something funny. So telling a funny story, funny reaction to something in game, clowning on NPCs, etc. are all valid. Don't forget, good editing and timing can go a long way in enhancing how good a clip is. A lot of the stuff I've seen usually has quick cuts to get rid of dead air between sentences

>> No.10539947

It's not. Twitch is the superior platform. Everyone who starts on Youtube and does somewhat decent networking reps immediately inclines because Twitch is all people give a fuck about. Even Nijisanji had one of their best performing streams there when EN1 was still their only branch. Stream on Twitch, highlights and non-streamed content on Twitch.

You can't just take some guide as gospel, look at the actual numbers and success stories. Very few indies are inclining on Youtube and early /asp/ies thought that was the place to be, yet everyone's slowly moving to Twitch and doing better

>> No.10539948

this anon here, I came to the conclusion that I'll just start uploading random videos on youtube for now, since I don't have any experience in streaming or anything in the first place. So I guess it's all good that I don't have a good internet connection :, )

>> No.10540002

>highlights and non-streamed content on Twitch.
on Youtube I mean. And Twitter and Tiktok as well if you really want to branch out

>> No.10540102
File: 218 KB, 600x600, main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on the model, so here's my Picrew reference. Except I'm a dude so no tits

>> No.10541947

I love that sketch tho w

>> No.10542714

Can't you just stream on both at once?

>> No.10542888

Restream.io let's you stream even on twitter at the same time if you want.

>> No.10543678
File: 61 KB, 976x850, that frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why shouldn't I just make my avatar on k_kisekae2?

>> No.10543844

don't know what that is but most character makers usually have a term that prohibits use of their stuff for streaming. chances are pretty high no one will ever see you, but if they do, they can get your youtube channel or twitch account banned.

>> No.10545301

It's that meme flash game based on K-on! that built a community of perverts and tumblr-ites around itself. There's a desktop version, that I have, but I don't remember there being terms of service attached to it.
I already asked on /e/; hopefully they remember and I don't have to uninstall mine to check.

>> No.10545320

Your design is really good dude.

>> No.10547650

What are some guys with female avatars that talk with a male voice that I can watch?
I want to check if I like that or if I should go another route with my avatar design.

>> No.10547729


>> No.10548405

streaming is mentally exhausting anons

>> No.10548492

its like exercising, youll build up stamina over time as long as u do your consistent reps

>> No.10549328
File: 11 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-Nyansai, is that you?

>> No.10551777

>tfw my voice isn't as smooth and silky like Belmond Banderas
Any vocal training tips to get my shit better? My voice is kinda deep already, but not as "rich" if that makes any sense

>> No.10551891

voice acting. there's no way to change how you sound, but you can work on how you deliver your lines to make it sound smoother.

>> No.10551980

I agree with the other anon, it’s just a matter of building your stamina. When I started I maxed out at 2 hour streams but nowadays I can do 4-5 just fine. There was one day I did three 2-hr streams each with an hour break in between them. Keep going!

>> No.10551994

It's not really for everyone, I used to love streaming when I started out but after a few months I got kinda tired about it. I think I do wanna try it out again eventually.

>> No.10554833

Got a new invite, dude?

>> No.10555095

At what point do you know someone will start vtubing?
I'd join >>10496137 but I don't use Discord out of principle, but I have a friend who might want in. He has told me before that he has been thinking of becoming a vtuber.

>> No.10555514

>He has told me before that he has been thinking of becoming a vtuber.
tell him the start. the advice is always the same.

>vtubing is just streaming
>start out with a cheap png for a month to make sure you really do want to be a streamer, even to zero viewers
>don't spend lots of money investing on art assets, skeb, etc.
>microphone is the most important part
>you don't need an iphone and really shouldn't get one because it requires more expensive modeling and rigging to take advantage of anyway
>do voice reps, do talking reps, do zatsudan reps

>> No.10555769

Yes tho, you are welcome bros

>> No.10555854

Actually, he has already been streaming casually for some time. I've watched him beforeand he struggles the most with actually talking continuously and zatsudan.
Also, his voice is kind of dopey but I've heard worse. It's distinctive at least.

Why did the link change?

>> No.10557482


>> No.10557493

Are temporal as a preventive action against trolls or harmful people.

>> No.10557650

I violently agree with this. It's too much effort for a possible nothing, it's better invest all that time on doing streams or content creation reps.

>> No.10557776

Ah, right.
How long does it last?

>> No.10559927

trying to get used to recording stuff and making little youtube videos but i have no idea of a decent free editing program

>> No.10560031

davinci resolve is free

>> No.10560043


Free and easy to use

>> No.10569284


>> No.10570228
File: 357 KB, 590x607, Nizima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wonder how good it is

>> No.10570262

What was that program that put a greenish vhs static filter on your avatar if you used the free version?
I saw it just today but I seem to have lost it, even if I tried looking on today's youtube history.

This guy is pretty impressive, so much that he makes me completely ignore the dissonance between his avatar and voice.
Are there any others? Just to be sure.

>> No.10570272

how much does it cost?

>> No.10570428

he's a good streamer as long as you ignore his fake vtuber growth "advice" but no i can't think of any other babiniku vtuber who does as well as jusagi in terms of being a streamer.

>> No.10570598

Holy shit I forgot she existed, I feel bad for her. But yeah that looks really similar

>> No.10571452

I do, she's my Oshi.

>> No.10576450

>he's a good streamer
His advice is what makes him and his friends bad streamers. A massive discord and social media presence with tons of people claiming to care about his advice and support his failure of an "org", and he can only manage 15 viewers. There's people who just post a link on 4chan, play a few games and sing bad karaoke and get more than that regularly VS the guy who has spent dozens and dozens of hours on the "How to be a successful vtuber!" bullshit.

>> No.10580806

kek, what a joke.
