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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10089878 No.10089878 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (Vspo, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, KNR, 芸人旅団, etc.) is also on topic.

VSpo Valorant kouhaku tournament.

Another VSpo debut later this month.

Previous thread: >>9985433

>> No.10089960

Beni, Bora, Cpt and Gori valorant.

>> No.10090162

nazuna, nose, mimi valorant

>> No.10090251
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cute suuchan

>> No.10090305

cpt skipping the solo apex tourney to play valo with benisex and bora. based

>> No.10090411

Beni's got a pretty sharp aim

>> No.10090486

Huh, I missed some of them but rpr and the other guy ain't in the finals. Thought they got good placing in a match but I guess overall perhaps it wasn't good enough.

>> No.10090565

niru just lost to pinky's tap strafe

>> No.10090595

No seriously, was she always this good in Valo? I need to watch more of her Valo streams

>> No.10090666

where is the other stream? I'm watching the main stream rn

>> No.10090675

Yeah, Valorant is her game. She's not as good with fast paced movement. Or the fact that with Apex the ttk is so high.

>> No.10090739

im watching niru's very own stream too. Main stream is broadcasting the other match

>> No.10090738

How many streams are there?
Mande lost to whoever the other guy was.

>> No.10090762

There should be 3 streams I think

>> No.10090801

AlphaAzur has joined Beni now.

>> No.10090845

There's a few matches going on simultaneously. There's only one stream and the other matches aren't being shown

>> No.10090854

That's a lot... Any links? Or same YT account?
Also skynades are so good...

>> No.10090911

The other matches are being shown in substreams, I think. Because the chat in main stream keep saying ch2 and ch3

>> No.10090939

Niru won against Pinky 4-3

>> No.10090970

oh wait it's not over yet

>> No.10090978

False. Go ahead and link the sub streams.

dirty controller player...... and nigger respawn still wants to remove tap strafe from mnk players

>> No.10091024

Checked her out because of her voice (heard it from an Apex clip) and outfit. I'm starting to like this girl even if I don't speak an ounce of japanese. Benisex

>> No.10091078
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>> No.10091084

Well, he did now...

>> No.10091096

Huh, guess I got mislead by the chat. I thought there really is another stream.

>> No.10091118
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oh no.... we're losing our one advantage... and niru is making fun of us (no)... tap strafe....

>> No.10091172

also im surprised there wasnt a ban on lstar (or charge rifle longbow). Most arena tourneys including rig cup have those banned

>> No.10091252

Irrelevant anyway. Everyone uses WM EVA.
Should as well ban those too.
It's also 1v1 though, with players with good aim, guess that changes the calculus.

>> No.10091277

niru was using lstar every round except the first. Coupled with AA it's pretty egui honestly

>> No.10091346

Yet he won with some kind of shotgun burst at the end. Was watching pinky and his health literally just evaporated.

>> No.10091438

Lol, did that blackhole just glitch out? That's bullshit.

>> No.10091468

genburten would destroy all these noobs tbqh

>> No.10091736

>Party Crasher
They should have just used Skulltown instead.

>> No.10091745
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if you love beni, I'm sure you will love ema too

>> No.10091837

Okay, Niru is pretty cool.
That was glorious.

>> No.10091928

okay i shit on niru a lot for being a controller player but he's also just a really good mechanical player as well. He has done a lot of non-AA solo streams

>> No.10092036

In 15 minutes:
Nazuna CoD with RushGreed (I think): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pw2SSVz6V4

Poker Chase collab:
Rene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cO1FoHSYI4
Ren: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33fEAflJ-I0

Uge and Hinano haven't put out a waiting room yet. Will be updated when they do.

>> No.10092057

I was talking about when he basically got EVAed and yet somehow managed to get away and pop a batt in an open field.
Then counter and win.
Like when I saw the other guy suddenly hit shields instead of health, like damn. How the fuck did he even get that batt of.

>> No.10092080

sorry. not RushGreed. But:
Haseshin, Sirius, and Karumia Rush

>> No.10092173

rush is an esport org that also has streamers

>> No.10092210

turn off aim assist and play normally during customs and tourneys and i'll respect him. until then he's still crutching off aim assist.

>> No.10092221

I see, I didn't know that. Thanks!

>> No.10092230

>Eureice Bang
Finally something different.

>> No.10092319
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>> No.10092497

hinano tweeted she won't stream her pov, don't know about uge

>> No.10092507

euriece is outmaneuvering 1tappy's octane so fucking hard with his tap strafes. Like, he's breaking ankles with an octane with stim

>> No.10092528

ShibuyaHAL's lisp is so fucking hot. I'm not gay.

>> No.10092600

I was about to post this. But I think she felt sick because she watched some Arugometori scary videos (she tweeted before that lately she watches their videos) or maybe some other scary videos.

>> No.10092670

Yeah, this is a pretty good match.
Excepting that LStar spam earlier which literally got a free win. The one with hipfire literally shooting through that tiny hole.

>> No.10092676

Eurice vs 1tappy match is freaking intense

>> No.10092722

Now I really want to see niru vs euriece finals so badly. Controller vs MnK. Aim assist vs Tap strafe

>> No.10092733

All the way to sudden death.
This is a really good one.

>> No.10092737

that's rare, vspo streaming their l2d to someone else's stream

>> No.10092747

Euriece is cracked at the game
still lost tho because of ping

>> No.10092772

The end was literally EVAs in an open fight without smoke.
Eureice is playing on high ping right?

>> No.10092785

Kek he went for the hardest arcstar play

>> No.10092800
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>> No.10092801

a bit disappointing that none of cr showed up, considering that they are probably the best team in APAC north. also would have liked to see some more teams from non jp orgs.

>> No.10092809

high ping. But still, dude fell off his high ground like that just to smoke a door. He should've smoked from top down then only dropped. That was simply a bad call that lost him the game.

>> No.10092869

That was a unique fight, watching euriece just outrunning away from an octane and still manage to pop heals off.

>> No.10092886

Just saw the replay, yeah. Kinda sad.

>> No.10092903

Shame euriece lost. Really wanted to see an epic controller vs mnk finals. He played really well but he was late in noticing how broken L star is in arenas and that last decision cost him the match

>> No.10092934

tappy is mnk

>> No.10092957

>he was late in noticing how broken L star is in arenas
Doubt it.
Imo he took Bang precisely to neutralize LStar.
LStar can't take digi scopes.

>> No.10092969

yeah but based on his gameplay alone he doesn't know how to utilize tap strafe and isnt a good movement mnk player. Not discounting his superior aim though

>> No.10093012

doubt it, considering smoke is often transparent when backlit at lstar ranges.

>> No.10093087

Not if you smoke them and push in close. You don't smoke yourself.
Also LStars hipfire nerf means its less reliable close range now, even more since the minor mag nerf. I unironically miss LStar before the buff, the blinding projectiles and tighter hipfire was better imo.

>> No.10093111


>> No.10093121

Bang isn't enough, he realized it too. There were moments he could have escaped on half hp if it wasn't an l star where you don't need to reload.

>> No.10093153

Hinano unexpectedly good at poker, and Rene unexpectedly bad at it

>> No.10093162

Oh, is this 3rd place game?

>> No.10093188

I wasn't watching at the beginning of the stream but I think rene is new to poker and hinano has played poker with kamito and giru a decent amount

>> No.10093275

>That round.
Unironically kino.
1hp vs. 1hp settled with a punch.

>> No.10093293

>Rene unexpectedly bad at it
Why would you expect her to be good?

>> No.10093294

Oh that's true, yeah. Rene seems to not know the rules

>> No.10093310

Lol I dunno she seems like someone who would know how to play poker.

>> No.10093323

yeah hearing what everyone is saying on the stream i think all of them but hinano are new to poker

>> No.10093339

Kek both whiff their shots. Euriece grapple into instant kill so fast, he smells blood once you are out of position.

>> No.10093367

Rene doesn't seem like someone who knows too much

>> No.10093471

Niru vs 1tappy match is starting

>> No.10093575

That was so good too.
Along with that crouch spam.

>> No.10093644

AA/LStar is failing us bros...

>> No.10093666

Holy shit.

>> No.10093670

1tappy win!!

>> No.10093718

Well that was sorta anticlimatic, feels like niru just straight rush for close range fight.

>> No.10093735


without context, this sounds yabe lol

>> No.10093797

I mean, why not? AA is strongest close range.
But I guess 1tap is still running off the adrenaline of earlier. Didn't Niru more or less clean sweep most of his games?

>> No.10093808


On the contrary, I wonder if ojj will increase niru's points for the next cr cup with result like this. Maybe 16 points?

>> No.10093810

Does Kamito have stamina or did it just take him three hours to get Hinano to cum?

>> No.10093914

Great production quality from the epematsuri guys as expected. But they have to rethink the format for arenas and ban Lstar. Bo1 for finals is just stupid it should've been bo3 finals or bo5 finals bo3 semis. Also hope there's no server problems next time so they can hold proper solo br games

>> No.10093953

or maybe it's 3 hours of neglect play

>> No.10093976

>2 matches using LStar.
>All decisive blows are EVAs.
>Most players using WM.
Also didn't they have proper solo BR games? I missed the beginning but when checking in I saw them playing.
Bo1 is fine imo for what they are doing.

>> No.10094062

well, i guess. whatever. I'm sure the epematsuri guys will do their own evaluation

>> No.10094095

It was supposed to be 3v3 BR with shuffled teams each game.

>> No.10094229

wtf euriece's japanese is that good?or he knew the questions beforehand?

>> No.10094315

3 hours of Hinano licking the creme of the oreo

>> No.10094441

fucking radaa-kun with a super legendary pull in 30 packs. He even made a wild prediction before that he would pull it in that one pack

>> No.10094707

Probably know the questions beforehand, but he's been doing a lot of jp rep, he has no problem communicating with jp streamers.

>> No.10095047

https://youtu.be/UlVRyWU86DY what?

>> No.10095133

I looked at the thumbnail who and wondered who this Haachama look alike was, imagine my shock when I open it and it's actually fucking Haachama.

>> No.10095229

i just got recommended it out of the blue. seems like everyone's starting valorant now

>> No.10095285

Is Haacham actually not beginner or my eye is rotten?

>> No.10095320

I think you jinxed her...

>> No.10095349


Tomorrow there will be muscle-training APEX with VGorilla and OreApo.

I mean, based on the muscle-training APEX during Gorilla Custom that one time (https://youtu.be/JiFcr0rkN4E?t=10041)) wouldn't this just sound like Gorilla watching OreApo having sex?? No complain tho.

>> No.10095403

>Gorilla watching OreApo having sex?? No complain tho.
Based on recent information I hope Gorilla brings popcorn as he's got a solid three hour movie ahead of him.

>> No.10095459


>> No.10095475

Nah, she probably still warming up.
D-d-definitely not my fault.

>> No.10095652

according to other thread she likes to play it off stream with friends

>> No.10095729

Haachama/Hoshikawa Valorant stream when?

>> No.10095801

Imagine if Riot let the winning team designed their own in game weapon skins. Benisex Vandal...

>> No.10096374


Hinano minecraft

>> No.10096393

What the actual? Haachama FPS VTuber? Inb4 she's in the next VSaikyou

>> No.10097532
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>> No.10097992


>> No.10098069
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daitenshi daruma-chan!

>> No.10098467

Haachama is still going. Is she any good?

>> No.10098545

Only watched her for 5 minutes or so, I think she's doing fine. Plays like an FPS beginner on the right track, I can't really criticize her since every mistake she made were understandable for her skill and experience.

>> No.10098711

beginner, but still a zoomer.

>> No.10098821


>> No.10098882
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Just revisiting some old miyazaki卍revengers clips god I miss them so much. Loved watching them everyday for 2 weeks and I was always bursting in laughter. I'll watch some more of their clips tomorrow

>> No.10098957
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forgot to post link for the clips

>> No.10099162


>> No.10100008
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>> No.10102164

"just a little minecraft, I'll wake up early tomorrow"
and yet Hinano is still playing

>> No.10102473

gorilla in his natural environment

>> No.10102479

It practically became a zatsudan stream at the end there. Very emotional.

>> No.10103182


>> No.10104418

That reminds me that I need to catch up on Beni's twitcasts

>> No.10107882
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>> No.10111431
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Any predictions on the new VSpo? Seiso or sex?

>> No.10111576

I'm sorry but I'm going to need another comedic genius on the level of Hanalisa.

>> No.10112467
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She's being forced to play apex now

>> No.10113928

59:00 Bora's 地声 is something else man.

>> No.10114173

Too many sex lately. A Mimi/Sena type is in shortage.

>> No.10118204

Man, Valo sucks! Can we get a korean CoD clone arc instead

>> No.10119373


>> No.10122909

highlights from haachama valorant https://twitter.com/murolan_/status/1440010186844880898

>> No.10125061

No archive... But Bora I was sleeping...

>> No.10126009

Gimme csgo arc, too bad its not popular at all in jp.

I just want my cute girls csgo tournament instead of sweaty males. S1mple is still the csgo GOAT though. If only there is a female chuuba as good as him, I would akasupas her constantly.

>> No.10126177
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We're more likely to get an R6S arc instead. Hero shooter and all that DOCOMO money. Plus japs tend to do well on 知識ゲー

>> No.10128375

who even still plays that game, lmfao
I imagine the tourney prize pools are a battle on which russian kid gets to eat for 2 days

>> No.10128578

What was the topic of emotional talk

Also, OreApo It Takes Two today (JP time)

>> No.10129006

Sumire keeps looting her teammate's death boxes. Even when they're getting respawned right there.

>> No.10129388

If they don't want their stuff taken, they shouldn't have died.

>> No.10129477

She will do same thing to you irl

>> No.10129527

She talked about how she thought about quitting VSpo about 6-7 months ago. But Lisa encouraged her to stay and was there for her. Hendy also helped her, but she was most grateful to Lisa. Oh and Lisa was also the one who encouraged her to play Valheim with the group which would be called Geinin Ryodan today.

Hinano also talked about how different it would be if she didn't try auditioning to VSpo on a whim. She also said the she really respects her VSpo senpais, they paved the way for her and her batchmates and she wanted to do the same for Ema and the upcoming new VSpo girl.

Something like that.

>> No.10129659

Not really against it, since you have no guarantee that a 4th party won't come while they're looting. It's just funny.

>> No.10129798

It's actually more complex than that.
It's precisely because a 3rd party is coming that you shouldn't loot their box when they are respawning. It's one thing if that's the only box to shield swap, another thing entirely if there are corpses laying around.
Because when I drop right in I'm going right for my box to get my stuff, and its gonna really suck if I'm stuck fighting the inevitable 3rd party with a cracked shield and have to go hunt the other boxes and hope my teammates didn't shield swap off them.
Double for if I don't have a good sight for one of those guns with shit irons because it got taken.
And yes, I'm salty the one time a Crypto wasted time looting while the Wraith went off to respawn me instead, and when dropping the last team was literally crawling right over the building and when I went to get my stuff I had no shields.

>> No.10129817

No you retards it's just having common courtesy and being nice. Just like how they would say "thanks" or "ty" when you ressurect them, it's not hard to do the same and be considerate of them. Su-chan and a lot of streamers just do it unintentionally come on people. Fucking NA players i swear

>> No.10129975

how even looting your teammates boxes is worth arguing is beyond me. A lot of streamers say sorry and apologize sincerely multiple times when chat points that out even then, it's just common courtesy to be considerate of others

>> No.10130044

post noah lewd pls i need materials

>> No.10130055

Damn. I'm going to member to Nazuna. I've been awakened to just how great she is of a person and a streamer lately.
Ironically enough I'm gonna remove my Hinano member slot because she doesn't have much member content anyway.

>> No.10130121


>> No.10130206

Understandable. Hinano's member contents are mostly her singing streams, and the occasional twitcast or member-only zatsudan and even then it's very rare. I guess that's why there's only one tier. I think she should have gaming streams with members or maybe movies watch-along.

Ironically I actually want to member because I want to re-watch her older singing streams.

>> No.10130270

Would like to see OreApo movie watch along like BIG did..it could interesting.

>> No.10130307

DId she talk about anything interesting?

>> No.10130475

Sumire got Krabered point blank...

>> No.10130674

Ah, I remember that during OreApo ranked stream (the one with the va of Draken watching and commenting along), Hinano invited Kamito to watch anime together some time. But who knows if they actually did it off stream or not.

>> No.10130731

They are fucking

>> No.10130809
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sumire sena らっだぁ collab now. Excited for this one

>> No.10130854

So... "watching anime together" is otaku version of "netflix and chill"?

>> No.10130891

you spawn with a white shield, if you didn't fucking die maybe you would have a better one.

>> No.10130945

Imagine the disappointment if it was revealed there really are just a "business" couple. RIP

>> No.10131009

They are though for now at least. Everyone knows that.

>> No.10131044

Current status seems to be:

They started this as business but became good friends and don't want to damage their current relation

Also, from the hints Kamito gave he doesn't plan to take any initiative even if there's something going on

>> No.10131480

Never trust any vchuba

>> No.10131529

go away

>> No.10132043

ema schedule
21st to 23rd apex
24th zatsudan
stream at 11pm jst

>> No.10132468


>> No.10133427

https://twitter.com/tecco_no_iori/status/1433763713811501063 Baka gayo!

>> No.10133767

so if I get this correctly, viewers can participate in the Valorant matches against Team Nazuna and Team Beni?

>> No.10134344

Anon, csgo competitive scene is huge, there is a lot of esports csgo teams compare to apex or valorant. There is like one or two tier one tournament each month which range around 100k-200k usd pricepool. Granted a lot of csgo pros recently switch to valorant because they cannot make it in tier one which is full of good players or dominated by the few big teams. You even have transfer fees for cgso players like football stars and 'academy' to nurture young star players.

May be one day we will see chuubas with transfer fees kek

>> No.10134530

Is this just stream sniping with extra steps or how does it work?

>> No.10134629

Dunno, they said the details will be explained during the drafting on the 23rd

>> No.10134903

Kamito's pov for OreApo It Takes Two

in 10 minutes

>> No.10135022

They haven't finished this game yet? Could've sworn they did. Didn't they start it like ages ago?
Alot of people lack knowledge on esports shit outside of knowing League and Dota, which shows just how big those two are. Even players themselves lack knowledge about how important they are. Saw some people saying the pro scene was crucial for APEX but that's absolutely untrue. There's barely any money or reason to get involved in competitive APEX. Even when APEXpros make the jump to Valorant stating it has a bigger esports scene, some APEXfags still refuse to accept that because APEX is more popular. But regardless of if its really more popular, popularity doesn't necessarily translate to a bigger/more important competitive scene.

>> No.10135146

>Didn't they start it like ages ago?
Last time they played it was 2 months ago, during the Tanabata Festival day in Japan. This stream kept getting postponed due to tournaments and scrims, so they are only able to play it again today.

>> No.10136595

Bora loves Beni sex

>> No.10137600

EmaPex hype!!!

>> No.10138956

already 1.2k in waiting room 30minutes ahead of scheduled time. Nice.

>> No.10140266

Ema Apex starting

>> No.10140376

10k + live viewers

Holy hell, that's like Sumire Kaga level.
Whoa what is with this new Vspo girl? :O

>> No.10140475

For now, mostly debut week buff. We'll have to see if that concurrent viewers stay in the coming weeks.

>> No.10140491

Vspo hit gold with her. 15k game stream with debut buff. First ever in Vspo.

>> No.10140493

she's so cute

>> No.10140501

I'm here to stay regardless

>> No.10140618

she just called the tick bot ONIGIRI-KUN so cute

>> No.10140682

That's because Vspo has been inclining this year. If she debuted a little bit earlier, for example January this year, it probably wouldn't be the same.

But all the same, I'm happy as this shows how much VSpo has been growing this year. Hopefully, the other least performing members also show some increase in publicity.

>> No.10140812

>show some increase in publicity.
you are on some heavy copium

>> No.10140920

oh maybe I used the wrong word. sorry, English is not my first language. I mean, become more known.

>> No.10140939

Fresh account? Missed earlier.

>> No.10140946

So what is the level of Ema's skill do you think?

>> No.10140963

My favorite Vspo member is Shirayuki Reid

>> No.10140988

Oh, nvm. Just saw it.

>> No.10140994

Was about to post this. But I can only see this ending badly for some members lol.

>> No.10140996

why would you even try to analyze her level of skill she's cute when she games that's all you need to know

>> No.10141020

Those two aspects are not necessarily in contradiction. You can be both cute and competent.

>> No.10141028
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22k views. Pretty crazy.

>> No.10141044

Very fast loot, decent aim, good at mid-close range fights. Right now she is around high plat, same level as Hoshikawa

>> No.10141167

plat in apex but predator in CUTENESS (and personality)

>> No.10141231

nta but i think he understood you and is just saying that it's unlikely existing members will see much of a boost. it sucks but that's just the way it is if you look at other groups like holo, nijis etc

>> No.10141351

Don't we all?

>> No.10141457
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>phrase not found
what the fuck anons

>> No.10141515

caffeinated cuteness

>> No.10141595

Who do you think Reid fucks first and who does he save for last? Do you think he has the time to sink in the three hours Hinano will require?

>> No.10141661


>> No.10141670

I love how much VSPO has been inclining recently, woohoo omedetou

>> No.10141719

sorry im too busy destroying her reproductive organs

>> No.10141754

I don't remember posting this.

>> No.10141756

>Who do you think Reid fucks
It's the other way around

>> No.10141806


don't talk like that about my gf please

>> No.10141866
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I want to stick my benis inside beni's vagina holy shit!

>> No.10141980

CR cup soon! https://twitter.com/riteiruozisan/status/1440277492560908288

>> No.10142008


>> No.10142071

hopefully reid can kill off any corn before things get too out of hand

>> No.10142121
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Tsubra custom. Same time as Hal's custom. I know which custom I will watch now.

>> No.10142294

Streamers always seem to not ping much.

>> No.10142432


>> No.10142833

Purple women love

>> No.10142976

Towa HATES Met

>> No.10143190

That pic. Are you saying Beni's a man?

>> No.10143474

I can't get over how much Ema sounds like Beni.

>> No.10143495

Ema's 1 hp clutch...

>> No.10143688

i like to play ema audio in one ear and beni audio in the other and pretend i am sandwiched between them for the ultimate sex experience

>> No.10143935

she's sounding more and more like her as she gets more comfortable

>> No.10144072

Why? I don't remember Beni getting this many views on her debut, is she that good at the game?

>> No.10144197

did anyone announce their teams yet?

>> No.10144352

Towa started to talk about October being really busy with apex and shit, but i got distracted. So probably her

>> No.10144458
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>> No.10144488

They will reveal all teams on the 25th.

>> No.10144574

vspo has inclined a fair bit since

>> No.10144646

>Starts stream at 74k subs
>2 hours later hit 80k
So this is the power of seiso...

>> No.10144703


>> No.10144717
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>> No.10145831

Not bad. She made it to plat without any difficulty.

>> No.10145921
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>> No.10146144
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Speaking of which, that's a pretty good 3D. Just not a fan of the nose makeup.

>> No.10146197

This is real good.

>> No.10146452


>> No.10146484

Vodka and Towa ? HEY LET'S GOOO LET'S GOOO

>> No.10146579


>> No.10146665

Too bad now she's sucking Kenki's dick every night.

>> No.10146697


>> No.10146718

I did not recognize it was just brown Enako.

>> No.10147864

OreApo is some strong stuff.

>> No.10148838

Damn Qu is really good

>> No.10149054

does she ever stream rank?

>> No.10149500

I wonder if I would be happy if I had someone like that in my life. Sitting on me.

>> No.10149558

I am 5000% sure I'd be happy if I had Qpi sitting on my face. I could take it or leave it with Enako though.

>> No.10149974

Kanae has said he might not be in it.

>> No.10151131

imagine the gyaru moves...

>> No.10151487


>> No.10152586

Seems like Hololive/Niji missed the mark with this kind of girl.. These kind of personalities are quite popular with JP audience generally.

>> No.10153288

A good chunk of it could be the Kanon type hype, she was getting lots of viewers too but the hype died down after a couple weeks.

>> No.10153852

Kanae lies all the time, and he recently befriended that pro yuropoor so I think he'll join.

>> No.10154478

>A good chunk of it could be the Kanon type hype
i think it's partly that but also the combined vspo audience has grown so much it's not that surprising you can get 20k wanting to check out the new girl. like today in the same time slot nose and noah had about 10k combined just playing apex solo. i think the recent new costume reveals were getting up to these kind of numbers too

>> No.10154719

Yeah that's certainly true, but it'll have the same effect as the hype fades and she ends up with her batch of Vspo loyalists like everyone else does. She certainly looks like she'll end up on the higher end of the Vspo's though, like Nose/Noah tier.

>> No.10156203


>> No.10156243

Anyone else think Pakael could easily get pred if he had friends to play Apex with? He easily solo'd to master on his account and is barely playing with a squad on his 2nd account

>> No.10156412

I don't think that's ever been in doubt honestly. He just has no friends.

>> No.10156549

He can, don't know why he and Asahi don't rank together, they won the first Vsaikyou together and everything.

>> No.10156606

i think the biggest issue for a lot of people who seem like they have the ability is the huge time commitment. it would really restrict what other streams you could do

>> No.10156951

What kind? Seiso? Holo/Niji have those, but they don't play Apex, so Apex audience don't care about them. Ema's mama also designed green Lamy, and she is also seiso type.

>> No.10157056

In fact most girls that play apex or fps are all kind of rude, crazy or menhera. I guess it makes sense...

>> No.10157127

Asahi is a condemned converter user. Nobody would watch your stream if you collabed with Asahi. Hal got 5k viewers in Nijipex collabing with Asahi, that's lower than when he played casual solo.

>> No.10157407

There's plenty of people that could be Pred but have no friends to play with to make it less life draining to get there.

>> No.10157417

It's not like Pakael has a high viewership in the first place.

>> No.10158138

If you're talking about vtubers, I don't think this is really the case.

>> No.10158524

Never take Kanae's words at face value

>> No.10162068

I mean considering Pakael is an Apex addicted NEET, that wouldn't be an issue for him

>> No.10162187

He's been growing. He averages 800-1000 viewers when he does solo master streams. He used to have way less viewers

>> No.10162509
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Today's Qulog!


Bully dragon 1:

Bully dragon 2:

Selen Alt+F4

Lots of champions this game. Selen very moist and Kohaku pussy is wet.

>> No.10162511
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Nose pit

>> No.10169230

imagine the smell...

>> No.10174129

i love her

>> No.10174319 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 768x1024, E_uiyDVVcAMRqYY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10174588

I am posting from the afterlife.
