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File: 795 KB, 927x640, MJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10032991 No.10032991 [Reply] [Original]

Why did she do this. I hope Sana doesn't do the same

>> No.10033513


>> No.10033593

Do what, fagget?

>> No.10033600

doing what?

>> No.10033858

OP is schizo and thinks the model on the right has a lighter skin tone

>> No.10034010


>> No.10034061

>jap doesnt want to be dark skin
a tale as old as time

>> No.10034092

Why don't you do it for yourself anon? You're life could use more gamma correction.

>> No.10034123

the majority of japs have a similar tan to sana LOL

>> No.10034131

what does this even mean

>> No.10034225

Right looks better.

>> No.10034227

Oh noes! She increased the contrast. How politically incorrect!

>> No.10034238

yes, and they want to be lighter skin. this is in pretty much every culture.

>> No.10034346

White people want to be tanned. Everyone else doesn't.

>> No.10034780

Its majority Americans that are obsessed with tanning from my experience. Other White countries just enjoy outdoor activities that happen to make them taned. Maybe that /pol/ schizoposter was onto something about Americans worshipping niggers

>> No.10034917

She’s so fucking ugly the shading is the least of your concerns

>> No.10034927

They're the same picture

>> No.10034948
File: 49 KB, 818x410, comp explan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting it again to explain it again.

>> No.10035038
File: 975 KB, 701x779, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10035084

This is an objective improvement, prove me wrong.

>> No.10035243


>> No.10035305

It's not, there isn't enough contrast now. If Sana were to be white you would have to make her a brunette to be satisfying to look at.
White Sana with blonde hair looks all the same color.

>> No.10035331

You missed her left ear.

>> No.10035343

Maybe if you like goolish looking oatmeal skin sure.

>> No.10035470
File: 724 KB, 582x649, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10035550

blackface is a crime

>> No.10035667

its too light overall. She should be darker imo, or redesigned entirely.

>> No.10035718
File: 515 KB, 829x1291, 1626689798315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual La Creatura

>> No.10036202

If Sana did this she'd gain double her subs overnight lmao

>> No.10036451

wrong, it's her face that make her ugly, not her skin

>> No.10036491

Irys is the most fuckable EN, she's fine.

>> No.10037577

Her face still looks derpy

>> No.10037615

Literally skin bleaching

>> No.10037818

Goddamnit it these miofas are at it again

>> No.10037987

Left image looks dirty

>> No.10038017

>the majority of japs have a similar tan to sana LOL
Nigger shut the fuck up. Only Okinawaniggers are dark skinned.

>> No.10038093

Occam's razor schizo. She's a good Christian girl who hates niggers like any sane individual.

>> No.10038120

I can't

>> No.10038159

That's not a change in skin color that's a change in lighting

>> No.10038218

>Occam's Razor
That explanation still wins out to "Irys is racist and is trying to screw with her model intentionally". actually its not even a far fetched explanation, it could happen to anyone.


>> No.10038625

Sana's problem is not skin tone but the shape of her face.

>> No.10038692


>> No.10038884

Why does she never sing english songs?

>> No.10038956

Or make her more yellow-blonde than platinum-blonde

>> No.10039004

this is the real question

>> No.10039304

>brownskins doesn't want to be reminded that they're brownskins
Lighter skin was celebrated all around the world, even before the europeans started colonizing everything.
That's just how it is

>> No.10039335

Can brown people even tan?

>> No.10039382

Are you...what...I.....
Okay fine, your bait is just stupid enough to earn a (you), but she just DID an unarchived Karaoke a few hours ago.
If you ask "Why can't they archive them?" then you're an absolutely bloody idiot.

>> No.10039444

Honestly, I liked her before, when her skin tone was darker. It was a nice charm point - now gone

>> No.10039832
File: 647 KB, 927x640, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this hard in denial when it is plain to see with your naked eye
>calling other people schizos

she didn't increase contrast, the blacks aren't any blacker
she simply upped the brightness, and very slightly the saturation
not that there is anything wrong with that

>> No.10040024


>> No.10040299

Is Redjuice the worst thing to ever happen to a holo?

>> No.10040369

redjuice is the worst, period. I can't remember significant success under the name except for supercell album art. Must have really great connections

>> No.10040420
File: 452 KB, 875x823, uneedgoodbait [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fuua732.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10040472

ooh, tropical.

>> No.10040681
File: 1.09 MB, 986x1407, B53AC1E3-7213-49C4-816C-EE781A99AEF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

