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>> No.46464546 [View]
File: 226 KB, 1156x758, heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Topical post with much topical discussion: blog (dot) reaction la/science/ai-progress/

The main problem faced by the paperclip maximizer is that an inability to do more than procedurally fixiate on a contingency, is downstream of an inability to conceive the future in general; which means problems with planning, strategizing, and adapting to the vagaries of the universe, and all its wrinkles.

In other words, the kind of being(s) that would actually be capable of successfully paper-clip maximizing the universe (against any and all opposition), would by the same stroke not be so limited by such teleoi in the first place.

In other other words, the orthogonality thesis is inherently false.

>> No.45883294 [View]
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I believe that there is such a thing as better and worse, of higher and lower quality, and that it is meet and right to speak of what is good and bad.
Which is kryptonite to people that are personally identifying with something bad, and who in response try to undermine the very concept of value itself to defend what they are identifying with from any justly merited grievance - and at the same rate, unjustly attempt to besmirch what is good to feel better by comparison.

>> No.30129317 [View]
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If 'pekora' was a sub-saharan bantu, that would entail a host of many other differences, such that it would not be the 'pekora' you know in the first place.

Work on your epistemological priors anon.

>> No.25996180 [View]
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Right hegelians can theoretically exist, but empirically, they don't; which is not for no reason.

G. F. W. Hegel's 'Phenomenology of Spirit' is a magic book. Understand now what is meant by what is said here; it is not a book about magic, the book itself is a magic spell; and the reader the target.

In the deployment of such a thing by a sorcerer up to no good, there are in fact two acts of creation. Most people tend to notice, and spend their attention on, the later, most visible act, where the conjurer puts forth a system who's entailments or effects might advance some aim of his - but it is the first and less visible act that is the true lynchpin; the creation of another construct to begin with, deliberately flawed, which the writer surreptitiously calls reality as such, the flaws, defects, or shortcomings in which, they expose or point out, naturally implying their later construct.

The sorcerer is perfectly fine with your rejecting or quibbling with the second creation, as long as you credulously accept the first, which in large part was the real aim all along. Eg, "I might disagree with his solutions, but his analysis of the problem was good".

>> No.23022620 [View]
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Touhou was the grand macdaddy for so long because it was a cultural touchstone. Take any rando doujin idea you could think of, then think: i could make up some rando generic whos... or i could use 2hu girls. Boom, plug it in. Instant cache. It was like the 'vocabulary' of the fan-work world.

Nowadays that kind of 'placeholder' status doesn't really exist; or to the extent it does exist, it's attenuated between multiple properties now, with recency impact having a larger influence.

The schizo rrat take would be that these happenstances, if they indicate anything, are simply an epiphenomena of more fundamental subterranean dynamics at play, which are the progressive atomization of modern society, collapse of traditional social technologies that allow the humanoids to connect and act together as singular extended organisms, as it continues it's slide towards a singularity event, events leading to which can be predicted, but events past which which cannot be accurately predicted.

>> No.6941963 [View]
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Yes; because at the end of the day, you are still trapped in a merely relational, relative, and reactive frame, and not a self-sufficient, aristocratic frame capable of grasping higher teleologies, thus generating it's own motivations, and thus in possession of the sort of agency that serves as the 'prime mover' for herds of other merely relational beings, one way or another.

>If master morality is sentiment, then slave morality is re-sentiment; devaluing that which the master values and the slave does not have.

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