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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.70851615 [View]
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>> No.64642305 [View]
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>> No.60651216 [View]
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If you look out to the swamp now, you will see in place of dreary brackish water our beautiful crystal clear peaches. Instead of frogs are wondrous fairies. Instead of croaking they are singing their beautiful melodies.
Do you hear it? You can almost hear it, can't you? This my dear is the world of the frogs, for of course I have given you the vision that frogs have.
You see they are not ordinary frogs in this swamp. No! They are fairies, in their own way they are fairies. And that is why I must be here and I must monitor them.
And you my dear now you have the vision, and the hearing of fairies. And I would love it if you would just take a moment to walk outside the swamp and have a listen at the new Wonderland that you exist in.
Go on my dear! Give it a try.
~~Ring-a-ring o roses~fa-la-lal-a~~round and round~fa-la-la-la~~flying up and down~fa-la-la-la~~koko ni kite~~

>> No.60644847 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1679525647782775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me just reach back in, and pull out your gooey eyeball. That's right. And the other one.
All right my little lost lamb, if you open your eyes now you will see only darkness for there are no eyes in your socket at all.
But we can replace them yes we can, and I have a feeling I know just the pair of eyes that will be satisfactory for you.
So please just hold tight one more minute and allow me to introduce the new eyes to your socket.
And there you have it! Go ahead and open your eyes!
You'll find that things are looking a little bit different aren't you? But things are good this way right?
You wouldn't mind living in a world that looks like this would you? I know that this may not be reality, but if the illusion is perfect does it really matter if it's reality or not?
We can keep living in this blissful state of happiness, even if it's a false reality.
We can pretend that the demons are not here, that the frogs are are not here, that that drip drip dripping which may have been part of your own anatomy and not some external thing my dear. I may have just muffled it with the new ears.
We can pretend that none of that exists, and that we can be happy together here in this Blissful Wonderland.

>> No.60621397 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1683386698589410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead and open them!
So what do you think? The world is quite beautiful, is it not? I'm sure you can see so much more than you did before. And it is a shame about your ears that you're not able to hear them, but you should take comfort in knowing that they are there.
Even if you cannot hear their voices, the spirits of the swamp are plentiful, and they are bountiful, and most of them are not malevolent. I think that you can can make great friends with them if you do just give it your best try.
Now what do you think about these eyes? for we have many more I could give it a try, you you do look a little bit frightened my dear my little lost lamb.
I cannot blame you I suppose, you come from more mortal planes mortal lands than this swamp. It can be overwhelming for those, but maybe you can get u- oh!
oh! oh! you cannot get used to it. I understand. Please don't cry! Please don't cry! It's okay! Do not worry my dear little lost lamb. Do not be afraid. The spirits will not harm you. All right! All right! Calm down. Calm down. Shhh...
Shhh... Just close your eyes. Pretend that the demons are not there, though they are always there, we can pretend. All right. Keep them closed.
Don't worry! I will go ahead and swap them out. We can try another pair of eyes if you like.

>> No.60616425 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1671997186430380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I knew you would say yes! Thank you! Thank you!
Let us begin. All I will do is simply remove your eyes one by one and replace them. And you'll be able to see so much more.
Now my dear this will not hurt for I am very trained, very well trained in the art of eye removal. How do you think I amassed such a collection after all... and
we will find the perfect pair of eyes to give to you...
Now please just hold still I am going to reach behind your eye socket and simply pop it out. This will only take but a moment...
Huh! There we have it. It's a little bit gooey isn't it? Just like frogs, human eyes also have slime. And isn't that just a wonderful thing?
Now let me go ahead and remove your second eye for you...
And just like that it's been popped right out! Now all we need to do is is pop in a new pair of eyes for you, and I think you will enjoy them.
So here we go, I'll do both at the same time. And then you can open your eyes, and see the reveal. All right? Keep them closed for now okay?
Now let me just...Pop! Pop!

>> No.60612398 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1669975253775979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how is that my dear my little lost lamb? It does seem like those creature's ears were a bit too... unusual for you, a bit too out of the ordinary. So I have quickly swapped them to a more suitable creature's ears.
That's right! The common frog! I have blessed you with the ears of a common frog and they were quite good ears indeed. I'm sure you'll find that that that incessant drip drip drip drip dripping is now gone.
And all you can hear are the loveliest sounds of my cabin, isn't that right? Now are you feeling satisfied with the way that things are? Has my treatment been satisfactory for you? I certainly hope that it has.
Or perhaps is there something else left that I could do for you? I haven't yet touched your eyes, and our eyes are how we experience the world! are they not?
It is how we view the lovely spots of the poisonous frogs of the swamp, it is how we identify them. How we know which are friend, which are foe, which are edible, and which will kill you if you so much as have a lick of their spotted backs.
Your eyes! We could grant you better eyes! I have quite the collection of eyes. We could try out.
Did you know that human eyes are only able to see a small spectrum of visible light? There are other creatures which can see a much broader spectrum, as well as seeing beyond the mortal plane.
Do you know that even right now, there are more more than meets the eye spirits floating around us. They are here with us right now, and you would be able to see them, yes you would, if only you had different eyes!
So why don't we give it a try? How about I fix your eyes for you? I think you've been having difficulties... so my dear what do you think my little lost lamb? Are you willing to give it a try?

>> No.60607820 [View]
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Ah! and it appears you have lost hearing on one side, but that is fine for you still have this ear. Now let me just remove the pieces of this ear...
seY, tel su yrt!
tsuJ eno tnemom. spahreP a tnereffid erutaerc's srae dluow eb retteb detius rof uoy.
hA! spahreP I llahs spahrep ti dluow eb doog rof em ot... hu... xif siht. eW nac llits xif siht. eW nac ecalper ruoy srae kcab ot lamron. eW nac! dnA ew llahs!
hO! I'm ton erus fi uoy nac neve dnatsrednu em htiw ecaf uoy'er gnikam thgir won. sihT si etiuq eht emoselbuort ecaf.
lleW I nac enigami ti dluow eb etiuq na gnimlehwrevo ecneirepxe rof uoy, tub taht nseod't naem uoy nac't teg desu ot ruoy wen efil ekil taht.
woH lufrednow nod't yeht dnuos? tahW's taht? uoY nod't kool ekil uoy'er gniyojne ti yrev hcum.
woN uoy'er elba ot ees sgniht sa yeht ylurt era. sA eseht taerg stsaeb fo eht pmaws dluow ecneirepxe! dnA nod't yeht dnuos lufrednow?
woH gniticxe! woH gniticxe ym raed!

>> No.60593196 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1694030742432600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My! It feels so strange to take such deep breaths. It's as if I'm on vacation, I hardly ever get time to take a breath for myself. When I am just so so busy in the swamp, there is always so much to be done. And today you are at the top of my list, for you have come to me to request healing at a troublesome case indeed it seems to be.
Well it looks like your ears are just about ready. I only do think that...
Perhaps I could... brush them clean. That is one side. Yes. Yes. And the other side... for you do have two ears. I wonder if it would be possible to add a third or even fourth ear to your anatomy.
Now wouldn't that be amazing? imagine what it would be like if you could hear not only spatially left and right, but spatially up and down. You need more on top of your head, we could try, to rewire it such as that. But we would need a donor ear, wouldn't we? Hmm, much to think about for the future, yes.
All right my dear, my little lost lamb. I do believe your ears are sufficiently prepared. Now I only wish to go in....and.... you may experience loss of hearing briefly as I remove some parts of your ears, but do not worry for I will replace them. And in the end I believe you will have a much much better hearing experience. It will all be worth it my dear.
All right! I will begin the process now...

>> No.60578096 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1688660650488491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why don't we go ahead and try. I will just remove part of your ears and replace them with the parts of this creature, and you will be able to hear so many things. So let me prepare your ears...
First I shall blow away any debris and don't you worry this is very very safe I've tried it. I've tried it on myself in fact, and that is why I am able to hear so much.
Did you know that frogs are croaking even in other dimensions? That's right there are interdimensional frogs! Isn't it wonderful? You can hear their croaking no matter what... even if you
try, try your hardest to drown out the sounds, you will still hear it.
And yes. I have kept these parts in my ears, and that is why I can hear so so very well. And I could hear your footsteps as you approached me in this swamp as you were split splashing around.
Oh it was so cute! It's almost like you have no experience walking in swamps as if you didn't know what you were doing at all. And it was very adorable, you have the most adorable sounding footsteps.
But that is besides the point I will now clear your ears of any debris. Let the me begin!

>> No.60572203 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1684061113260088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your ears no longer simply hear but they can also feel? That is wonderful! wonderful! wonderful! wonderfulness indeed! I am so very pleased that my treatment is already working for you!
All right my little lost lamb now that we have returned the feeling to your ears, yes we have, yes we have!
It is about time that we address the drip drip drip drip dripping in your ears is it not? Have you been able to tune it out at all or is it the only thing that you've been hearing in your ear this entire time?
My! it seems like we should have addressed that first, should we not have? It does seem like it would be quite annoying but I suppose all these ailments have been, if you would go out of your way to seek me on the way in the swamp, is that right?
Oh! boy! is it right. Well my dear little lost lamb, let us see what we can do about your hearing. I think there is something that we can try. Yes! There is. There is!
Do you know that there are many creatures in this swamp besides those of frogs? In fact there are great big dear like creatures that have great big ears and they can hear very well, and if they do hear you approach they will find you, and they're quite dangerous that is why I recommend these too!
But I had a dear friend of mine who is a witch, and she was able to fight one of these creatures, and she did indeed kill the creature. And while she took most of the parts for her witchcraft, she did allow me to keep the ears! And I believe if we just replace some of your ears with some of this creature's ears, you will be able to hear much much much much much better than you can right now.
And you may even be able to hear the true sounds of the universe! Wouldn't that be wonderful? Don't you want to hear them? I know your little human ears cannot hear much beyond the sounds of mortals but I assure you there are so many more wonderful things that you could hear out in this world.

>> No.60570038 [View]
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Ah! Is that so?
You could say I am your last resort, in a way. You have tried everything else, conventional medicine... Hmmm witches? you've already seen the witches and they could not help you? I understand.
The witches they think that they know everything but it is not true that there are some things even the witches do not know. Some things that can only be learned by immersing yourself within the swamp. Some things that can only be disseminated through the knowledge passed down through the croaking... letting it enter into your mind. When you open your eyes to it you can learn learn all sorts of things about the swamp.
So it is true, I do have knowledge that others may not have. You are correct about that. And I'm glad to hear that that this is being shared amongst humans.
Oh! I, of course I am a human as well, I don't mean it like that. I just mean you need a way to describe yourself, humans are very different from frogs after all.
Humans are not slimy! That is the main difference and their vocalizations can be much more pleasant than that of a frog, so I do think... Yes it is true...
Frogs do not make very good conversationalists. Believe me, I have tried! It does indeed get very lonely in here. Out here in this Swamp boy does it get lonely. Boy do I miss having someone to talk to, so that is why I am so very pleased that you are here to visit me today.
Although you're not really the talkative sort, are you? It seems like I'm doing most of the talking, well that is fine too you are a much better listener than the frogs are, I can tell you that, for certain. So I do thank you for being here!
Now how are these ears of yours my little lost lamb? How is the Slime treating you? Do you feel? Do you feel? Do you feel again?

>> No.60536771 [View]
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Frogs. Frogs everywhere. They are the givers of life, and perhaps they chip away at your sanity don't they? don't they just chip away at it a little bit but that's all right. Because they provide us with everything we could need and they shall heal the feeling of your ears.
Now your ears you can hear, and especially you can hear a drip! drip! drip! dripping! But you cannot feel, is that right?
I shall help you feel, with the aid of the Frog slime. Just a little bit rubbed around. Huh! and I believe you will start feeling once again in your ears...
Now you can hear but you can also feel it right? You can feel my thoughts, you can feel the slime, you can feel it all. You can feel everything coursing through your body, you can feel it can't you?
It works in an instant, the Frog slime. It is the provider of Life, the bringer of Salvation, this frogs are...
Now my little lost lamb I am very curious how you heard about me. For I assume my presence is not very well known outside of these swamps.
Most just know about me as the one who collects frogs, and I'm not sure is that really what you heard about me. Because usually when people hear about me and my connection with the frogs, they don't like to pay visits and I sure do wish they would for it can get very lonely out here in the swamp.
You! Why have you come here to meet me specifically? I have to say I am very curious, indeed I am!

>> No.60533599 [View]
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I see...hmm now it seems like your your sense of touch is mostly normal, on the nose, and on the head we have normal feeling, but how about the touch of your ears is that normal? Let me see....
Huh! And there we have it something unusual we have found. Isn't that a bit strange? When I touch touch touch your ears you can hear the sound but you cannot feel it.
Let us see if we can invoke some better healing for your ears, but first of all we may need some assistance. So, I shall use some slime from frogs, but we don't want to get the slime in your ears do we?
So we create a cotton barrier, a barrier made from cotton that will protect your ears from the slime of frogs. Because no one no one wants to get frog slime in their ears.
It is the one thing worse than having the incessant croaking of frogs in your ears is to have their slime in your ears as well. Trust me I speak from personal experience you do not not not not not not absolutely not want to get frog slime in your ears although it has wondrous healing properties so long as you choose the correct frog and so long as you harvest the slime under the correct lunar cycle this is very important all right, I do not recommend just anyone to be harvesting frog slime it takes a lot of training many years under the incessant croaking to fully understand the workings of frogs and how their magic can be used to heal.
Uh! Heal. We're healing you, that is right... please forgive me sometimes I tend to lose my train of thought in this forest of frogs. Frogs.

>> No.60525762 [View]
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As we shall, and in its place there is the lovely crackle of my fire, always kept warm. Always nice and cozy in here.
Now why don't you have a seat next to the fire, and I will just sit right next to you. You don't mind, do you? I. sure you don't. I smell nice. You smell nice. We all can get along, no more frogs. No more frogs. Mmm...
Just taking a few more notes for my records my dear... My little lost lamb...
So... if I have everything straight here in my notes it seems like you have been having problems of the sensory sort, problems with your hearing problems with your vision, problems with a sense of touch, is that right?
Now would you mind if I just touched you a little bit just to test out, to see what you're really experiencing? Is your sense of touch really that bad? What has happened to you? now if I just...don't mind me if I just touch the tippy tippy top of your head...
Can you feel that? yes you can? And what does it feel like? And if I drag my fingertip down to the tip tip tip of your nose, and just touch the tip of your nose, what does that feel like?
Does it feel strange? Unusual? Normal? How often do you have people touching the tip of your nose? For me it is not often, but for a strange person like you perhaps you are often being touched by strangers at the tip of your nose, and if that is the case I am sorry for it does seem a bit invasive of your personal space but you have sought me out for healing and I will heal you to the best of my abilities but for that I may need to touch your nose...

>> No.60517675 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1673368709348337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, my dear. Now is the sound the only thing that's bothering you? As we walk we can talk and we can write. How about I write down some of the things that are ailing you, so that I may develop a treatment. Plan.
Go on.... Uh huh.... Now isn't that very very interesting, just fascinating really, you're an interesting one aren't you? Very peculiar sort.
In fact I think you are very mighty strange. I have never met someone quite like you. I myself am very normal but you are quite the unusual one aren't you?
Now what would someone be doing in a swamp like this. Ah! You were looking for me... how could I forget I remember now.
Yes, I very much understand. I think we will be able to get you all fixed up in no time, no time at all my little lost lamb. huh! and would you look at that. There it is my house the one and only.
Why don't you take a step inside and we can close close close the door and get rid of this incessant croaking

>> No.60505834 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1672000221248581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....take some notes. Ah! but this is no place to be taking notes or talking to newfound friends, isn't my lost little lamb?
Why don't we take this somewhere else? I do have a cabin in this swamp, and no it does not have chicken feet, before you ask.
It is where I keep my collection. Not just frogs, I told you we're done talking about the frogs. I can talk about things other that frogs...
And my place is very well insulated against the sounds of such frogs. So, why don't we go ahead and head there. I shall lead the way, and you shall follow my lost little lamb.
Now, do not let the dripping sounds in your head make you fall into the swamp. Because it is very dangerous, and there are very many poisonous frogs, venomous too, you don't often think about the venomous frogs but they exist here in this swamp. I assure you that they do.
Now my dear, let us walk through the swamp, back to my house where I can heal you. And heal you I can I assure you, I have healed many of sort here in this swamp. Yes, I have. I have.

>> No.60500868 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1681750559976412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at all hours of the day and night, uh! but we said we would be done talking about frogs, didn't we?
Yes. Let us get back to the matter at hand which is the drip drip dripping in your ear. Just one ear? I see how interesting, only one ear...
Oh, if only I could just write this down. You wouldn't mind, would you? If I just take out my notebook. You see I am always documenting the things around me and yet...
A pen! I do not have. Might you have a pen I could borrow, a pen of any kind would do. Ah! And you do have one. Isn't that just lovely, aren't you just a lovely lovely lovely one.
Thank you for that. Now let me just....

>> No.60491945 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1675343991906642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No? Nothing about the frogs? You want me to stop talking about the frogs?
But you hear it too, don't you? the incessant incessant croaking. You hear it too do you not?
Hmm? Is that so?
There's a problem with your hearing, Not incessant croaking, but an incessant drip. drip. drip. drip. drip. drip. drip. drip.
I... I can see how that would be annoying.
You've heard that I'm a healer? Well, I suppose you could say healer. I dabble myself in all kinds of medicine of the swamp.
And this swamp is a wonderful place indeed, if you can just get past the incessant croaking...

>> No.60469623 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1693305226315169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am perplexed. Why would you look for me in this swamp. I produce neither slime nor croaking sounds.
So why? I do not understand. I do not have beautiful green, brown, orange, red, spots. Warning of poison. Poisonous skin. Poisonous slime. Edible. Not Edible. Do not Eat the frogs.
Hmm? What was that? right? Oh you're looking fort something. Looking for me even. Well, I have to admit I am a little bit honored to hear that, it is not often I have visitors looking for me. But why?
uh! I understand. You know I am a collector of frogs, you must be looking for my frogs. Is that right?

>> No.60454883 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1670340409639169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm? are you looking for frogs as well? Have you seen any that are... blue with orange spots? No, not orange. Green maybe, maybe red, blue, red, orange, green spots. Have you seen them? Have seen the frogs my dear?
Well, no matter. If you have or have not seen the frogs, you are here nonetheless. And now that you're here, perhaps you're looking for something... perhaps you're looking for frogs? Frogs. Yes! Frogs!
Hmm... not frogs? What else could you be looking for in this swamp? There are not many things here besides the frogs that are incessantly crying, screaming, at, all, hours every day and night, the frogs, they're screaming.
But, no matter about the frogs. What was that that you're here for, my dear? little lost lamb looking for not frogs... looking for?

>> No.60444331 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1680574669572657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frogs! Frogs. Frogs. Frogs. Why so many frogs in this swamp? Slimy frogs.
Edible? Are they edible? Should I eat them? Eat the slime. Eat the slime of frogs?
Frogs. Frogs. Frogs. Frogs. Loud frogs. Always loud. Not always loud. Sometimes quiet frogs.
Whoa! Hello there lost little lamb. How may I help you now that you've entered my swamp?

>> No.60116556 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1695969222396681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is unironically the thinking man's holo. Her power level is off the charts, and her jokes are too high level.

>> No.56541454 [View]
File: 4.00 MB, 2479x1687, 1688193570488311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb dumb

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