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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.51284878 [View]
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See this?
This... is a kusoge.
Not just a regular old kusoge like Jump King or Getting Over It, that all have reasonable stuff like the occasional checkpoint, or platforms and ledges that are difficult but fair. That can be finished in a relatively short amount of time once you get the hang of the controls.
This... was a buggy-ass Kusoge that's just plain shit... mixed reviews, bugs galore, maliciously weird platforms, all the qualities of "bad game design"... with absolutely nothing of worth waiting for the player at the end of the road.
> Why do we climb a mountain?
Usada Pekora decided to play this game.
It was derided as a worthless effort.
This was a genuinely shitty game, not just a regular kusoge, and had absolutely zero worth.
Why was she playing it? What did she hope to accomplish?
It had no value in numbers. It wasn't even fun to play.
Nobody would ever be interested in watching anyone stream such a dogshit worthless game.
> Because it is there
Yet she played it nonetheless.
And she suffered for it.
Not even 30k for her first two streams.
Her numbers floated around 28k, 25k, and eventually even got close to 21k at some points.
> It ain't about how hard you hit
She got halfway through, with around 26k viewers, and got caught by one of the game's "haha, fooled you!" platforms.
Fell all the way to the very bottom.
> It's about how hard you can get hit...
She had played close to 7 hours of this dogshit game, and all her progress had been lost thanks to that one platform that actively and maliciously fooled you.
She was forced to start over, from the very bottom.
She wasn't getting any numbers, she wasn't having any fun either.
She could've stopped there. Nobody would have blamed her.
It would be what anyone else would have done in that situation.
This was a useless game. There was nothing at the end of it.
All the game had done was shit on her for her efforts to clear it.
She could've stopped, played some other fun game, or had a collab, or done literally anything else.
Her numbers would have returned to normal. She would be happy.
Her audience would be happy. Life would go on back to normal.
> ...and keep moving forward
Yet she didn't stop.
She didn't lose heart.
She started back from square one, and climbed... again.
> That's how winning is done
People FLOCKED to her next stream. 30k... 40k... even 50k... But why? What changed?
The game? Nobody gave a shit about the game. The game was still a dogshit buggy mess that nobody wanted to play or watch streams of.
So why did people tune in?
Because they could feel what was happening. What was in the air.
People could see what Usada Pekora was building.
What Usada Pekora had extracted, from this dogshit game with zero numerical or fun value.
> A Story
Something universal.
Something that EVERYONE loves, regardless of where on this Earth you were born, lived or grew up.
Something that's a huge part of the basic human experience.
> A Struggle
She fell again of course. Neither the game - nor life itself - was that easy, or fair.
She got back up, and kept climbing.
She fell again.
She got back up again.
> A Hero
She climbed and climbed, and eventually she reached the peak...
Close to 70 thousand people watched her do it.
It took about 13 hours for her to reach the end.
Every moment filled with dread, one step away from losing all her progress, one step away from Failure.
What was there, at the end of it all?
> Denouement
In the game itself? Some cutscene, some bullshit script, some space stuff.
Nothing of value of course. That was how the game was designed from the start.
But for Usada Pekora's stream? There wasn't just "nothing".
She had started a Story, with her struggles.
What awaited at the end of her stream, was the End... of that Story.
All the feelings of elation that a reader gets, when he reads the climax of the Hero's triumph.
All the glory that a moviegoer feels when the Hero wins at the end.
All the rush you feel, when you finish a race before anyone else.
The slight tinge of sadness at realizing that it's over.
It was these feelings that her viewers that day experienced.
Something universal. Something pure. Something... Powerful.
> Hero of the Story
> Usada Pekora
I kneel.

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