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>> No.68461215 [View]
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Sea-based saplings

>Seisianthropoi (plural)
>Seisianthropos (singular)

Much like their land-based brethren, they start life looking mostly human and as their faith, practice, and devotion to Fauna grows, they undergo saplification. This "metamorphosis" slowly changes their bodies and biochemistry into that of plants or animals (not mutually exclusive). Unlike terrestrial saplings though, Seisis (colloquial term) are more likely to be born with pre-existing mutations that may aid newborns in surviving a more aquatic environment. Larger lungs, webbed appendages, and a nictitating membrane are relatively common, while things like fins or gills are extremely rare and may cause complications during labor.
Much like land saplings, Seisis may also form symbiotic relationships with organisms in their surroundings. But this phenomenon is much more common with the sea-dwelling variety. Many Seisianthropoi have bonded with coral, fish, crustaceans, cephalopods, and any number of other aquatic creatures. These will often attach themselves to the Seisianthropos, only physically at first, then more biologically overtime. In this symbiotic relationship, the creature may forego hunting for any food for extended or indefinite periods of time, being able to sustain itself through their host's connection to Fauna, and the Seisi may be able to share access to an organ or appendage that it previously lacked (ie, breathing through the creature's gills, greater movement through tails or fins, or greater dexterity with tentacles).
As Seisianthropoi grow and undergo their saplification, they spend more and more time in the water, which leads to a higher chance of gaining a symbiote. The symbiote, being from the sea, will rely on water through most of the stages of its "merging process". Again, this leads to the Seisi spending even more time in the sea. This feedback loop means that most of Seisianthropoi life and culture is either completely underwater, or in villages that are right next to the sea.

fucking hell its so hard to find good pictures for examples for this

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