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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.51274101 [View]
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To be fair their tails basically ensure that they have to go pantless whenever they wear clothes not designed for them. If anything it makes the usual miniskirt female uniform more modest for them since at least there’s a skirt to cover their butt (although there’s still the eternal question of giving miniskirts to female on space ships where microgravity’s expected at least from time to time)
They do! It’s a naming scheme that I’ve been using for the main setting too so it’s good continuity (and since the first generation of them were raised by an unequipped computer, it’s either dictionary naming or number naming and the latter’s a bit too depressing even for me)
“Narim” as her name’s most definitely a joke and although I like to keep things open for interpretation, in this case it’s the former rather than the latter since she probably doesn’t view the officers too highly, if she gives herself a name on that spot based on the uniform, it would probably be some kinda swear word (which I also invented one because you can’t have pulp sci-fi without fancy future words) or slang, and she’s definitely not going to make (you) call her that
The content of the jars doesn’t matter so it’s left ambiguous. It’s actually a Starsector reference where they’re a… very profitable cargo as long as you don’t get searched by customs. Maybe that’s how this ship’s crew keep themselves afloat. I guess that could also make readers feel better about their gruesome fate?
MacGuffin’s always fun! Part of me also likes it when its nature’s never actually revealed and people have to guess based on how others react to it. I would say I want to have dreams where I explore my own world but most of them are pretty depressing

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