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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9959528 No.9959528 [Reply] [Original]

Surreal, grotesque, hellish retro video games. I would like to know some of them.

>> No.9959550

Doom and Doom II
Dark Seed 1
King's Quest VI has some segments in a hellish world
System Shock 2 has some gross shit
I have no Mouth and I must Scream isn't disgusting by any means, but it might as well be in hell

>> No.9959575
File: 3.90 MB, 690x443, ezgif-1-66c1b85111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X-Multipy & Bio-Hazard Battle

>> No.9959582

Shadow of the beast series, Agony and Ork for yer Amigger. Not necessarily hellish but they have lots of weird alien bodyhorror in them.
>Dark Seed 1
Why only DS1?

>> No.9959585
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Forgot the pic. It is Ork.

>> No.9959590

>Bio-Hazard Battle
>features flying anomalocaris
I will now buy your game.

>> No.9959649
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It's not a surreal or grotesque game but G-Darius also features a flying anomalocaris

>> No.9959842

Because Dark Seed II is a fucking joke

>> No.9959857
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Are you really saying this game is a joke

>> No.9959863
File: 119 KB, 687x800, 4229769-splatterhouse-turbografx-16-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and it's two sequels on the Genesis. The Xbox 360/PS3 remake for the hell of it.

>> No.9959909
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psychosis @ pc engine

>> No.9959930
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>> No.9959965


>> No.9960056
File: 923 KB, 1242x675, 763187A1-A612-4C04-9B39-CBBB8111B58B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

postals loading screens are a psychopathic (possibly demonically possessed) madman's journal pages with a cool hellish picture to go with them

>> No.9960080

Metal Black, the last level is a fucking nightmare.

>> No.9960092
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>posting the remake

>> No.9960191

Yes, the laboratory room in the first game is more scary than everything in the second game combined.
Then again, it's not really hard when most of the second game has to offer is giger art tossed around with not much rhyme or reason.

>> No.9960205

mortal kombat 2. it was the only one that actually felt scary, especially the sound design. the screams and fatalities in that game are awesome.

>> No.9960218
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I saved the graphic from the other thread

>> No.9960443
File: 1.12 MB, 878x976, 1685568441727908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The creator of that chart was still tweaking it in that thread, here's the last version I saw.

>> No.9960947

I think Fear Effect 1&2 qualify

>> No.9963329

All of them.

>> No.9963535

Looks a lot like R-Type.

>> No.9963537

Are there any more charts like this? Charts for niche genres, or outsider themes

>> No.9963556
File: 180 KB, 762x936, P1sd_pc_mac_us_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

played the original for the first time last week, it was pretty good, started playing the remake too.
the remake is better in some places like gameplay, backgrounds looking better and sound quality is higher but the new models and animations are a bit more "cartoony" in a bad way and i heard the ending was censored.

Postal 2 finally makes so much sense now for me as a parody of the situation the creators found themselves in.
i'd like it if they made a new darker more deranged entry to the franchise maybe top-down shooter for the fans of the first one if they are not total sellouts.
they would be bound to PC tho.

>> No.9963569
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>> No.9963576

why does it seem like RWS was much more professional as a dev before the time around Postal 2 coming out?

>> No.9963589

Because they put everything they had into making Postal 1, and like >>9963556 says, it was met with the kind of derision that led to them spawning Postal 2 in response. Turns out that mixing cynicism and dark humor with over-the-top edginess is a more entertaining approach than pure edge and little else.

>> No.9963606

if we're speaking in terms of entertainment, it's hard to say as P1's gameplay was basic as fuck. i think pure edge could work given the right circumstances. Manhunt for example leaned much harder into the edge than the comedic aspect and did well enough to produce a sequel.

>> No.9963620

nat but the difference is that in Manhunt you gore the lowest scums while in Postal you kill civilians so it's not the same ease of connection to the sstory, gameplay and characters.
for my part i don't give a shit i enjoy dark edgy as something funny because it's just games and i don't have psychotic tendencies i'm trying to suppress(this last one was a jab at a type of outraged insecure stuckups not anyone on this board).

>> No.9963670
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Really ugly enemies and very violent. Also that damn intro.

>> No.9963819
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also, forgot that Eternal Damnation for Postal 2 is a must play and semi-canon since its main character makes an appearance in "Paradise Lost" expansion.
heard the guy who made that mod is now at RWS

>> No.9964087
File: 164 KB, 1364x768, Requiem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requiem Avenging Angel has some impressive scenes set in hell.
I can't find a pic, but the first time you cross through it was pretty impressive.

>> No.9964505

Painkiller obviously
Doom 3

>> No.9964580

>No Silent Hill

>> No.9964643

Tomb Raider 1

>> No.9964654
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>> No.9964807
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Yeah, it even starts in pretty gruesome way. Which reminds me of Zerstorer mod for Quake.
>Painkiller obviously
Might as well mention Blood then.

>> No.9964935
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>> No.9964952
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>> No.9964961
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>> No.9965153

what's this

>> No.9965157


>> No.9965303

you're only half right

>> No.9966724

Might as well include Alien: Isolation

>> No.9967527
File: 25 KB, 232x217, last_armageddon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Armageddon

>> No.9968247

is it the gar or the bage part that he's half right on?

>> No.9968293


>> No.9968648
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>> No.9970324
File: 11 KB, 320x240, biohazardbattle-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what way is Zero Wing Grotesque?
Replace zero wing with Biohazard Battle

>> No.9970471
File: 40 KB, 474x594, gdt8017y7c9mor3iUGITxgHaJS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Harvester not on there?

>> No.9970484

how the fuck did RWS continue to exist as a game company all the way till today with only really two big games to their name, and then finally making a 4th after the bungled third? It's got to be mob money right?

>> No.9970542
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The benis monster God. With the extendable benis chest

>> No.9970659
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Fear effect 2 maybe, I'd need to see some more gameplay.

I did :))
Couldn't find it on topsters.