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9834337 No.9834337 [Reply] [Original]

How come SA1 is liked by most Sonic fans here?

Is it because it feels the most like a cross between the originals and the later games?

>> No.9834341

because it's good

>> No.9834371
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I prefer its more open level design, controls for certain characters (e.g. Gamma controls better than the mech characters in SA2), and general narrative. I also find the presentation more charming.

SA2 has some improvements, but overall I like the first more.

>> No.9834378

they're both pretty shit desu

>> No.9834414

They played the Dreamcast version which is the best version.

>> No.9834436
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Because I was a little kid when it came out
Also I didn't have a DC so I kept putting the disc into my PC and hoping if I do it enough times it will start
I kept doing this and eventually it came out on PC. I'm not sure if my repeated actions had anything to do with that.

>> No.9834650

one because they had dreamcasts. RIP
two because they had gamecubes. RIP
three because they have no sense of taste or of what makes games good. I mean think about it. they like -sonic-. I grew up obssessed with sonic but nowadays I dont think of it very highly. other than music, it's not that great of a franchise as a whole. But much like wrestling fans and superhero movie fans, some people never moved on

>> No.9834913

It felt like a natural progression from 3&k.
Now you may argue that 3&k is miles better and I have to agree on that, but at release expectations were different and I felt satisfied by what Adventure accomplished.
By the time 2 was out things were already different and I could start to see the cracks in the wall, even if it was still fun.
The game that changed my personal view of the franchise was Heroes, the fact that they started butchering skillsets was a clear signal everything was regressing.

>> No.9834920

Your mother is pretty shit too desu

>> No.9834923

I'm not sure. I really like these games, but even as a kid I didn't think they were very good.

>> No.9835707

SA1 is good, idiot

>> No.9835779

I refuse to have this conversation...

>> No.9835793

>Is it because it feels the most like a cross between the originals and the later games?
No, I just had a lot of fun playing it as a youngster and still play it every once-in-a-while as an adult. It holds up pretty well. I don't like SA2 as much but it's still a great game.

>> No.9835805
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Shit came out over 20 years ago and was fucking amazed balls

>> No.9835806

I replaying right now with my son. It's a fun game and he's liking it a lot so it's actually a fun game even without nostalgia goggles.

>> No.9835808

Is it because it's asked on this board every day?

Mostly because Tails' and Eggman's levels are a fucking chore. I don't want to operate a mech in a Sonic game (E-102 is tolerable, but still). I admit that I suck at them but I prefer the emerald hunting stages in SA1 because they're easier; the first time I played Meteor Herd I took like 15 minutes and wanted to throw the game. Otherwise, the speed stages are about even in quality, though it's hard to top Emerald Coast in either.

>> No.9835826
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>> No.9836086

I've been replaying it recently, it's fucking jank in the movement and cheesy as hell. Very much a demo game

>> No.9836106

dreamcast / gamecube nostalgia is at its peak right now.

>> No.9836136

Because it's fun, and it isn't dragged down by forcing you to play garbage non-Sonic stages for 80% of the game like Adventure 2 does. You can just pick Sonic and play all the way through with the others being optional extras.

>> No.9836731

The emerald hunting & shooting stages/mechanics were much better too.

>> No.9836951

>Is it because it's asked on this board every day?

Because it never feels like it's being made in good faith.

>> No.9836991

SA1 is shit compared to SA2.

>> No.9837856
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SA1 was like a comeback of sorts for Sonic and for SEGA after all we got was 3D Blast and NiGHTS on the Saturn. The long four year gap was finally closed with a proper 3D Sonic game we waited an entire console generation for. I think playing a bunch of Saturn games helped me appreciate the Adventure games and the Dreamcast even more than before. Saturn is great but SA1 alone is better than a lot of the games on it imo, to say nothing of its sequel, the Crazy Taxi games, Jet Set Radio, etc. It was the comeback SEGA needed, even if it didn't last long.

>> No.9837904

You miss out on the Super Sonic ending story if you do that

>> No.9837927
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I only hear people who like it ever compare it to how crappy sa2 is. I don’t like it. I think if they used a different franchise or a new game it would have been better. I didn’t like “nu-sonic” then and I like it less now. There is no redemption for the sonic fan base. The only good games are the 2d ones, even the new 2d ones destroy the 3d ones. Even the movie had to change sonics design to his older genesis style, because it’s better. 2d sonic doesn’t give us furries and Chris Chan (albeit the latter is a double edged sword) awkward beastialty and chud corn fed knuckles. Fuck you and fuck sega

>> No.9837960

>like SA1
>didn't like SA2
anyone else?

>> No.9838161

Shit take

>> No.9838173

>2d sonic doesn’t give us furries and Chris Chan
It actually did. Furries were already running rampant online pre-SA1 (remember Sally exists) and Chris Chan got into the series from the Genesis games and cartoons, hell his first TV appearance was in 1994 or whatever. The degenerate nature of the fanbase is a lot tougher to pin-down than '3D game bad', I'd say it had a lot more to do with the comics and long drought without games if anything.

>> No.9838178

Level design for Sonic is more open and less on-rails than SA2. It feels like janky but bold and "good enough for it's time" first step into a 3D sonic game, while from SA2 onwards it feels like the games are actively regressing.

>> No.9838180

It has pure sovl. Nice variety of gameplay with the different characters. The story is kinda cheesy but it's interesting how it all ties together through their perspectives. Lots to explore and minigames. The soundtrack is one of the best ever. Some of the levels are just beautifully designed. When I first saw gameplay of SA that's when I knew I HAD to get a Dreamcast.

>> No.9838189

>I'd say it had a lot more to do with the comics
I don't hate the Archie comics or anything but this is true. Hell, compare Ken Penders writing to Chris-Chan, the similarities are uncanny.

>> No.9838197

Considering it's one of the earliest 3d platformers and the ridiculously ambitious design of the levels, the movement is fucking godlike.

The way Sonic seamlessly transitions from simple platforming into running up walls and tunnels, bouncing off enemies and springs, being shot out of cannons, terrain falling apart or shuffling around, the entire level shifting in perspective, and weaving in other kinds of action. Holy shit, what a game. What an accomplishment.

Yes the camera wasn't perfect because there was a single analog and that whole thing hadn't been figured out yet. But for the most part, it behaves very well. Maybe compared to today it feels rough but the game was nothing short of incredible for its time.

>> No.9838341

Penders' work can be directly linked to the first mentions of Sonic characters having relationships, a sex life, sexual attractiveness, children and families, you name it. Not to mention all the edgelord war shit. It's easy to forget now with it all being memes but the Archie comics had a HUGE fanbase and for a long while that was the only substantial Sonic coming out. And the comics did some good, captivating shit to be fair but reading them back it's not hard to see what we know as the fanbase identity being formed in real-time.

>> No.9838346

2 Battle is consistently the most beloved of the Adventure games though, on /vr/ or otherwise.

>> No.9838364

It's one of the only 3D Sonic games that keeps a lot of the feel of the original games. Incredibly freeform with the amount of control that you get. Like honestly I really just wish that newer Sonic games felt like SA1 to control.

>> No.9840173

Cope about it grandpa your 2D shit is gone and it will never come back (inb4 b-b-but mania)

>> No.9840190
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>Even the movie had to change sonics design to his older genesis style, because it’s better.
No it didn't?

>2d sonic doesn’t give us furries and Chris Chan (albeit the latter is a double edged sword) awkward beastialty and chud corn fed knuckles.
Furries and people like Chris Chan existed long before Sonic was even a thing. Not sure if this is trolling or just very uninformed

>> No.9840232
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I can appreciate the ambition that the developers were aiming for when developing the game and accept the it for what the shipped product is, rather than making a critical analysis on every little thing about it. It plays okay and hasn't aged particularly well, but it set up the foundations for a real 3D Sonic game and has one of the most-fascinating development backstories behind it in my opinion.

>> No.9840240

Because its good

>> No.9840319

I like SA2 but I'd say SA1 has more soul

>> No.9840543

SA1 is barely "nu-sonic" as you say. Besides the redesigned characters and Crush 40 theme song, the game is still pretty in line with what Genesis Sonic was. SA2 is where I feel "nu-sonic" really began

>> No.9841207

Hang yourself classicshitter

>> No.9841219
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Anon! Nooooo! You have to buy the STEAM version to SUPPORT Sega! Then, load it up with tons of bloated barely functional gross hacks to make it LOOK like the Dream Cast ver sion! After you waste enough precious system resources on your PC, only THEN can you gave the DEFINITIVE Sonic Adventure ONE exPERIENCE!!

>> No.9841258

I was an early teen when I got it for my DC and there was just something tangible yet magical and absorbing about the world. Also the soundtrack was absolutely rocking and it looked genuinely stunning back in the day.
So probably nostalgia.

>> No.9841340

It's just fun and cool