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File: 2.79 MB, 1770x1306, 1680317943214345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9810715 No.9810715 [Reply] [Original]

Who the hell is this guy

>> No.9810725

The resident Elvis

>> No.9810726

Kirk Douglas

>> No.9810731

Bruce Campbell having a stroke.

>> No.9810762

Rhis "You're pitiful" Cedfield

>> No.9810773

Sylvester Stallone

>> No.9810775
File: 1.37 MB, 1698x1643, Resident Evil box art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the theory that it's supposed to be Richard.

>> No.9810783

I actually like the promo art. It'd be a neat reproduction case if anything.

>> No.9810784

>cover Chris doesn't look like cutscene Chris doesn't look like ingame Chris

>> No.9810990

horror hero man for stupid gaijins

>> No.9811000
File: 19 KB, 467x350, trippin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have just noticed now he looks like he is tripping on mescaline

>> No.9811061

More importantly, what the hell is he holding?

>> No.9811640

Jack Biohazard

Actually, I like this better.

Definitely started as him, but I think there's someone else's face in there too.

>> No.9811690

Chris-chan Yellowfield

>> No.9811692

Since his face is two halves of different emotions frankensteined together, it's only natural that the gun gets the same treatment. It's a rifleshotgun!

>> No.9811723

"Sir, we've been caught copying movie stills once again. They can tell it's Sly right away!"
"Uh-oh... that's no bueno. Legal is gonna go crazy."
"How would you like your new character design?"
"Just fuck my shit up, pham."

>> No.9811883

Chris Redfield and nobody can tell me otherwise

>> No.9811906

I'm planning to get my hands on a PS1 soon (or something to emulate it), having never played the original should I try the original proper or the Directors Cut?

>> No.9811949

The NON-dual shock Director's Cut. And you can then choose between Original Mode and Arrange Mode.

>> No.9812096

Dude look at those arms, it looks like he could 1v1 a Tyrant

>> No.9812129
File: 37 KB, 715x355, chrises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are two chrises
nothing else explains his inconsistency across the series
you'd better hope you get the right one

>> No.9812136

>The NON-dual shock Director's Cut
This is EXTREMELY important. God help you if you get the lamentable dual shock version.

>> No.9812182


This is honestly overstated. There are maybe two or three really bad tracks, there are also two or three really good tracks that surpass the original, and the rest is sot of on-par. I will admit that I prefer the original due to its save theme. Fun fact: the save theme from the dual shock version was later used as a music box puzzle in RE3.

This is one of those word of mouth things that really got out of hand just because of the infamous trumpet fart track, most people talk shit without ever playing the damn thing.

>> No.9812194

I have heard the whole soundtrack. The change was completely unnecessary and replaces game-defining tracks with garbage. It's mediocre when it's at its best and completely inappropriate and terrible when it's at its worst.
But you know what's worse than the music itself? The fact that it happened at all. We live in a world where somebody important decided that the dual shock version needed THIS soundtrack, that THIS was somehow an improvement, that THIS was, for some reason, acceptable. People exist who played this version and still think that THIS is the only soundtrack the game has.
Lamentable is what it is.

>> No.9812197

And I was on this train long before knowledge of this tragedy was widespread. The soundtrack has never been anything but execrable.

>> No.9812208

>But you know what's worse than the music itself? The fact that it happened at all.

You are either unaware of the context or refuse it as an explanation, but this is the truth. RE2 was delayed multiple times, which was the reason for the first Director's Cut. Dualshock re-release was another (pathetic, sure) attempt at keeping the fanbase somewhat happy with new RE content until RE2 finally arrived. So they had to change things somewhat to warrant a new release, and soundtrack was the easiest solution. They bundled in a RE2 demo with it and announced uncensored FMVs (which shipped censored due to clerical mistake of some sorts). Then they made those FMVs a free download on the official RE website to make up for the fuck up.

This book talks a lot about these things, I recommend it to any hardcore RE fan


>> No.9812209

And the cover art sucks.

>> No.9812218

The original Director's Cut already had the RE2 demo and (was supposed to have) the uncensored FMVs, so all Dual Shock version did was add dual shock support and ruin the soundtrack.
I cannot imagine a scenario in which resembles a good decision even slightly, so my point that someone important at Capcom decided that this abomination should be inflicted on us stands. The fact that they STILL didn't include the uncensored FMVs in the Dual Shock version makes it even worse.
Thank you for the book recommendation.

>> No.9812238

>But you know what's worse than the music itself? The fact that it happened at all.

I don't know why this surprises people. Shitty cash grab re-releases were already a thing then, and incompetent publisher that do bad things hastily for cash grab money was always a thing too.

It amuses me when people make assumptions, like to keep this RE related, "oh this re-release doesn't have higher res backgrounds so this PROVES that they lost the assets!!"
What's amusing is that people assume that publishers care and are competent rather than being shaddy capitalists.

>> No.9812264

it's AI art

>> No.9813657
File: 227 KB, 456x547, 1676359772187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9814225

There are two Redfields inside you.
One wants to punch boulders.
The other wants to make Leon impregnate his sister.
It doesn't matter what you do, Capcom will continue to make him look entirely different each second game or so.

>> No.9814231
File: 168 KB, 441x399, Screenshot 2023-03-21 at 21-54-42 whatnoway.webp (WEBP Image 441 × 399 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically No Way!

>> No.9814317

That was pretty much my experience too. I don't see what the big fuss is. The major tracks you hear the most when you're exploring the mansion or whatever are about the same quality. The dual shock one just gets weird and experimental with some of the minor tracks. I wouldn't even call most of them bad, they just feel a little out of place in RE if you're used to the original soundtrack. They'd be great in a game with more of a gothic horror theme.

>> No.9814330
File: 39 KB, 413x640, 275080-20304-121203-1-resident-evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a guy from the first team who died in the comic

>> No.9814342

Is there a way to restore the original soundtrack with the dualshock edition?

>> No.9814946
File: 214 KB, 2000x1281, mko5t3lczjm41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure its stated somewhere that thats supposed to be richard dealing with the madness until alpha team came. the fact he has a powerful shotgun in remake is a sorta easter egg of this image

>> No.9815160

>the fact he has a powerful shotgun in remake is a sorta easter egg of this image
damn i never thought about that

>> No.9817281
File: 30 KB, 273x225, 1596409722029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but the Japanese dual shock version actually has some cool stuff on it. It comes with memory card saves for every version of the game, and trailers for RE 1.5. I wish it came with are horrible soundtrack version

>> No.9818151

There's already 6 other Resident Evil threads going on, we don't need another remake tourist shitting out another half-baked nothing-thread.

>> No.9818283

I actually spoke to Bill Sienkiewicz, the artist, and Chris Kramer of Capcom USA at the time, who was in charge of commissioning this artwork, about this and they told me the facts. It's officially Chris


>> No.9818550

>They sent our US office builds of the game every 2 – 3 months for over 2 years, which was unheard of at that time
Damn, it'd be amazing if those were still out there. I'd love to see how the game developed over time.