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File: 48 KB, 600x438, DN64_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9722383 No.9722383 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't the original 3D Realms devs think of "saving the babes"?
Also Dookie Plasma Cannon > Turook Fusion Cannon

>> No.9722389

>no music
lmao even perhaps

>> No.9722394

Because the women are as good as dead. Have you seen how aliens are born from humans?

Also having them get "teleported away" is dumb.

>> No.9722395

>he listens to the OST instead of having this playing on a loop
What a pleb

>> No.9722402

>damn those alien SCUM are gonna pay for shooting up my ride
>no music
>weird 3d final boss that look like shit

>> No.9722405

There's a port of Duke 64 to PC, for some reason.

>> No.9722421

> for some reason.

The grenade launcher is reason enough

>> No.9722467

Secondary ammo like Dum-Dums, Explosive Shotgun Shells, Homing missiles are all fantastic in 64 as well. Dum-Dums make the pistol the best weapon

>> No.9722497

i dont get why so many guys here shit so hard on duke 64, i think its a pretty good port for the console.
I usually play that version on eduke32 with the total meltdown ost too.

>> No.9722524

Fuck that Duke is supposed to be the ultimate action hero but what kinda hero doesn't save the girls, 64 and Manhattan Project got it right.
It runs perfectly through Rednukem now and has music.

>> No.9722875 [DELETED] 

>>no music
>lmao even perhaps

PS1 game feels like the Build engine with modified levels running on the PS1 and lower quality assets all around. Game can be hard to play because of the low framerate. But it does have multiplayer via the PS1 system link cable.
The N64 game feels like a 3D polygonal version of Build, but with modified levels and content. Also lower quality assets, better all around framerate. No music. two player split screen co-op. It was a good time. $-player split screen Duke match. Censorship. regardless, I like this version. This is the most accurate 6th generation home port of the game.
Sega Saturn game plays smooth,but completely remade using a different engine. Not only are levels laid out different, but there are all sorts of missing features from the build game. Biggest omission are the moving sectors that create the train cars, swinging doors, spinning gears, and other 'transformable' things that Build engine can do. Slave Drive had no equivalent features. This version has a lot of missing tiles, or cut-up tiles. Devs had to remake the game. But it is still an excellent FPS for the Sega Saturn. Also has multiplayer via Netlink. the Sega Saturn modem.

>> No.9722884


PS1 game feels like the Build engine with modified levels running on the PS1 and lower quality assets all around. Game can be hard to play because of the low framerate. But it does have multiplayer via the PS1 system link cable.

The N64 game feels like a 3D polygonal version of Build, but with modified levels and content. Also lower quality assets, better all around framerate. No music. two player split screen co-op. It was a good time. four-player split screen Duke match. Censorship. regardless, I like this version. This is the most accurate 6th generation home port of the game.

Sega Saturn game plays smooth,but completely remade using a different engine. Not only are levels laid out different, but there are all sorts of missing features from the build game. Biggest omission are the moving sectors that create the train cars, swinging doors, spinning gears, and other 'transformable' things that Build engine can do. Slave Drive had no equivalent features. This version has a lot of missing tiles, or cut-up tiles. Devs had to remake the game. But it is still an excellent FPS for the Sega Saturn. Also has multiplayer via Netlink. the Sega Saturn modem.

>> No.9722948

Censorship is never okay, especially 90s Nintendo censorship because they were the biggest fucking babies ever to drool.

>> No.9723173

There's no point playing Duke 3d when Zero Hour exists.

>> No.9723195

>easy to set up coop
>4 player splitscreen death match + bots

Sorry you had no friends.

>> No.9723784
File: 88 KB, 785x1000, 1613276852057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you got me

>> No.9724264

N64 added whole new sections to levels, while PS1 had a whole new episode with new enemies and gimmicks, Saturn had a very few extras and most of them were very basic level layout.

>> No.9724303

>N64 added whole new sections to levels, while PS1 had a whole new episode

To be honest, those really suck for the most part.

>> No.9724328

It's hit and miss, to be honest what annoys the most on PS1 is the slowdown some of those levels have.

>> No.9724827

>overlord dukematch
>max dukebots
Me and a buddy spent our entire sixth grade playing this shit after school. We played it more than Goldeneye. Good times. Eventually we moved on to PC gaming/PS2 but still occasionally fired up D64

>> No.9725309

Same. Duke 64 and the fps vs mode in banjo tooie were my group of friends most played shooters back then on the system. Infact i think i only touched the vs mode in goldeneye like twice, one time because it was the only game for the 64 my friend had. Played the deathmatches in jetforce gemini, conker and friggen dk64 more then 007.

>> No.9725559

Wait it actually has that?? Fuck, I might get it for the next boys night. Last time we played a bunch of quake 2 deathmatch. Why haven't I heard of this before

>> No.9725631

Its fun as fuck. From what i remember, you cant assign teams, but me and my friend and his bros best time was this was assigning us split on teams and then giving 10mins to find "a base" and fill it up with laser trip wires and then have one guy stay in the base who the other team is trying to kill(or they could leave and help) or we just did this up until like whichever side ranked up like 20 kills. It was great because the deathmatch arenas also have secrets like hidden areas if you blow up certain walls or hidden vents in a solid wall you could open and close to hide in. That mode and also raptors vs humans deathmatches in the Turok games were some of the most fun multiplayer times ive ever had.

>> No.9725651

Yea the trip mines were fun for creating your own multi modes and rules. Did the same w proxi mines in goldeneye.

>> No.9726345

apples and bananas

>> No.9727706

>calling someone pleb while posting mediocre arrangement of the original song
Not that you would be missing out on a lot of bangers, like "Aliens, Say Your Prayers"

>> No.9727719

Grab bag is literally a dogshit imitation of a Megadeth track. Might as well listen to Megadeth cover a dogshit imitation of their work

>> No.9727746

It's a dogshit cover of a dogshit imitation then.
Slower, not nearly as clear, based on a dookie version from 98 DNF trailer and with gay grunts on top of it.
There are good metal versions, but it's not the one.

>> No.9727859

Hannibal Lector was reason enough