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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 344 KB, 828x454, 50A3B13E-D205-4AAD-958D-7A82AFD70AD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9683898 No.9683898 [Reply] [Original]

As a collector, I honestly can't believe some people pay prices like that.

>> No.9683952

Some people have money and don't mind spending money on a hobby. That's literally why. More people than ever are interested in this kind of thing and as a result prices go up because they know someone will pay. Basically anyone who was an actual fan of this shit got all their collecting done years ago or simply never let their original purchases go.

>> No.9683954
File: 130 KB, 1080x496, PSX_20230221_230557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw that at Pink Gorilla as well, I think they mixed up the GBC price with the NES price of DWIII, GBC prices are way lower on ebay.

>> No.9683960

soldering is easy for me, how do I start charging people? I already fixed a bunch of pokemon betteries for coworkers for free.

>> No.9683981

$100 isn't that much money

>> No.9683986
File: 100 KB, 1125x237, 0F424E88-4156-4FC8-AFC7-A3DBF4E99E23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$100 isn’t really bad. A lot for a GBA game.

For a console game in the /vr/ sphere, $100 of today’s money is probably less than it was when it was new. Me personally, I’ve only ever paid over $100 for one game (not a /vr/ one though) but I’m not that shocked by the idea.

>> No.9683987

you dont need to solder to replace batteries you fucking poser. all you need is scissors and tape to fix every single battery backed game

>> No.9683990

GBC* I’m tired

>> No.9684007

>don't mind spending
Exactly this. Sellers are price gauging and dont mind to wait for that one special idiot, who has more money than brain cells.

>> No.9684016

That's the stupid way to do it. You probably break controllers and punch holes in the wall.
Anyway, a couple gold/silver carts already had the battery replaced with a shitty one. whoever soldered those ones did a shitty job but it can be cleaned up easily.

>> No.9684057

There's "having money" (which none of these people have, let's be realistic) and there's the special idiot(s) who don't put their money into anything actually beneficial or long term.

>> No.9684059

>new save battery
why even coomlect when your cartridges are just getting ship of theseus'd away.

>> No.9684072

>More people than ever are interested in this kind of thing

>> No.9684073

Why play on a real Game Boy when you don't have the original pair of AA's that were included with it?

>> No.9684081

That’s a months wage

>> No.9684082

being sentimental about the batteries your game boy shipped makes about more sense than being sentimental for the rom chip in your favorite game but not any of the rest of the cartridge

>> No.9684097


>> No.9684185

what are you attempting to imply with your retard post?

>> No.9684365

That quite evidently, fewer people than ever are interested in this kind of thing, given the fact Pokemon Crystal isn't moving millions nowadays.

>> No.9684385

>Pink Gorilla

>> No.9684431

You can get a CIB Japanese version of any given game in pristine condition for a fraction of what a loose, cartridge-only NA copy would cost. At this point just learn Japanese and start collecting the JP versions, I don't understand how people would rather pay a ridiculous markup for shitty localizations. Hell, even just emulating the English version and importing a cheap JP copy you can't understand for collection purposes makes much more sense than straight up wasting money like this.

>> No.9684439

But you can't look at JP version and reminisce of that time you asked your mom to buy it and she didn't 30 years ago

>> No.9684440

I asked one of my kids why zoomers are so obsessed with shouting "ship of theseus" every chance they get, and even randomly when not relevant like you did. He explained it and we both agreed it's super cringe.

>> No.9684604

That’s a weeks worth of pay!

>> No.9684637

Lazy, and desperate people will pay prices like that.

>> No.9684670

>You can get a CIB Japanese version of any given game in pristine condition for a fraction of what a loose, cartridge-only NA copy would cost.
No you can't. There are plenty of games that are more expensive in Japan like any of the original Sonic's, Ristar, or Comix Zone. And there are also lots of games where the price difference between the NA version and the Japanese version is so negligible that you might as well just get the NA version. Especially now that prices are rising in Japan too.
>even just emulating the English version and importing a cheap JP copy you can't understand for collection purposes makes much more sense
This is exactly why the prices for retro games are rising in Japan.


>> No.9684778


Learning Japanese damages your brain. You start wanting everybody to have a tiny nose and a big tall chin. You begin to believe that the FF7 chibi models are actually cool and good and appropriate. Your vulnerability to pachinko addiction increases by 700%. It's not a healthy thing to do.

>> No.9684842

I do this a lot. Good thing I mostly enjoy action games that don't require you to know a single bit of moonspeak. Jarpig fans are the ones who get their assholes reamed because they need to buy english copies of earthbound or chrono trigger or whatever.

>> No.9684848 [DELETED] 

Holy shit neck yourself.

>> No.9684878

>There are plenty of games that are more expensive in Japan like any of the original Sonic's, Ristar, or Comix Zone
To be fair the Mega Drive was pretty niche in Japan compared to the Genesis in America, so it makes sense that Japanese Mega Drive stuff is more expensive. Most of the popular stuff that's ridiculously overpriced in the US is still significantly cheaper in Japan, especially JRPGs.

>> No.9685023

The problem is this hobby used to be affordable by anyone. I remember back around 2007 or so buying so many PS1 and N64 games for a few bucks each. Amazon had dozens of copies of Perfect Dark still sealed for $3 each. I remember back in the 90s there were so many NES games listed in the Funcoland flier for a few cents. Zelda 1 I recall was a quarter at most. Zelda! A quarter!

It's when clowns started acting like every single shitty game they have is the next Nintendo World Championship and then dipshits like Wata appeared that prices skyrocketed to levels that would make Nvidia vomit.

>> No.9685037

any country besides EEUU (formerly USA)

>> No.9685141
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The sky is blue, water is wet, dumb people pay dumb prices. What else is new?

>> No.9685263 [DELETED] 
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This was in 2018 maybe I should have picked it up then kek

>> No.9685268
File: 1.90 MB, 1512x2016, 1654237055272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was in 2018 maybe I should have picked it up then kek

>> No.9685270

You wouldn't have bought it then because it was just $140 back in 2015

>> No.9685275

I make $100 in an hour and 12 minutes

>> No.9685280

I like the label and the case, too

>> No.9685326

As a non-collector I can't believe people pay money at all.

>> No.9685394
File: 700 KB, 1630x2048, 2001-weekly-best-buy-circular-ad-v0-9188w71y62w81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DW3 for GBC was released in 2001, and was $30 at launch. Portable systems were ALWAYS cheaper than home systems

>> No.9685395

Must be a busy street corner.

>> No.9685410

the battery is just a CR1616 with solder tabs on it, indistinguishable from any other.
The only GBC game with a unique battery is Robopon, and that's only because it's a regular coin cell and was designed to be replaced by the user.

>> No.9685572
File: 619 KB, 1259x643, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why would a US copy of a Japanese game be worth more than the Japanese version?

Why is a CIB american Pokemon Yellow selling for 3000 dollars while you can find the same japanese Pokemon Yellow or european Yellow for less than 100 dollarydoos?

Prices from Japanese sellers have actually been steadily increasing, especially online. It seems they've finally caught up with Americans just having too much money.

>> No.9685609

better start collecting ps3 games now

>> No.9685635

>has all the works
>$500 + shipping
it not only better come in a plastic protector, but with little to no scratches for that price. jesus christ thats outrageous

>> No.9685797

its cheaper just to pay a homeless person to steal it for you

>> No.9685821
File: 680 KB, 333x337, 16689241315138135110697003379385_45323456761543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could have bought this for 10 complete in box back in 2013 and i got mario tennis instead.

>> No.9685898
File: 26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better start collecting ps3 games now
haha maann I know this is probably good "investment" advice because ps3 games are cheap as shit, but I can't imagine trash like uncharted or arkham becoming "retro collectables" that future zoomies pay hundreds for. will this trash future come to pass?

>> No.9685960

people want to play the original cartridges; that's what is meant by "this kind of thing"

>> No.9685962

they didn't even wrap it before putting that sticker on it, oh my god

>> No.9685967
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>> No.9685971

When my friend as a teenager learned the word 'somewhat' he started using it all the time to sound smart

>> No.9686085
File: 25 KB, 287x309, 1673804301158522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I have started selling all my old shit for bloated prices and instead I just emulate.
I sold my pokemon xd gale of darkness without a manual for 200$. Lmao enjoy the game bro.

>> No.9686116

It will be like PS2 games where only the actually uncommon games will be worth anything

>> No.9686229

Yeah that’s why I said it was a lot for a GBC game

>> No.9686270 [DELETED] 

It's even funnier (actually, sadder and dumber) when you consider you can get all of that for free and just emulate like a normal person. Anyone buying this garbage is an idiot.

>> No.9686274
File: 478 KB, 1125x1364, 969A8AB4-EE0F-4167-8485-0B978F402ADB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don’t pay hundreds for Sonic 2 or Mario 3 either. Its the niche shit that has small prints that people learn about after the fact that makes the big bucks.

>> No.9686278 [DELETED] 

99% of people who collect also emulate m8 its not a big secret. You aren’t a 1337 h4x0r.

>> No.9686281 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 440x481, 1646335954392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9686283

Also PS3 is still well in millennial territory. The youngest millennials were like 8 when it came out.

>> No.9686303

>As a collector, I honestly can't believe some people pay prices like that.

And GBC game use to retail for $29.99.

>> No.9686324

Because less supply more demand

>> No.9686338

>But why would a US copy of a Japanese game be worth more than the Japanese version?
It's pretty obvious- The U.S. versions of these old RPGs had comparatively smaller print runs are more in demand while the Japanese versions had more, but no one wants them because foreign collectorfags can't into moonrues and will never learn it save for a tiny few every so often.

>> No.9686352

People buy stamps
People buy books
People buy comic books

>> No.9686374

Two in the pink gorilla, one in the stink gorilla

>> No.9686378

>especially JRPGs
Which you can't play, so they'll sit on your shelf and collect dust instead of being played.

>> No.9686390
File: 522 KB, 1125x1336, 5D147C18-7241-4B38-A9DC-43F885BEE149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its also worth noting that just because someone is asking a price, that doesn’t mean its selling

Funnily enough, $30 in 2001 is almost exactly $50 today

>> No.9686395

>It seems they've finally caught up with Americans just having too much money
That's not why. The prices have been going up domestically, so the exporters also have to increase their prices or they won't make anything. It's not a matter of making more money off dumb Americans, it's simply that they have to pay more ro even get the games now because importers are ruining the market.

>> No.9686397

That might be easier some days desu

>> No.9686404

I am trying. 日本語は難しいです。

>> No.9686415

imagine how much it would be worth without the sticker

>> No.9686427


>> No.9686435

It's not hard at all.

>> No.9686480

There's barely any I'm interested in, but they're basically free. Its great.

>> No.9686514

What makes people say shit like that? Obviously it's a very hard language, unless you're Chinese or something. For someone raised in a western language it's probably easier to learn French, German and Spanish than just Japanese

>> No.9686520

And this statement is based on what exactly? Yeah, that's what I thought man. Seriously. It's a fixed phenome system, there's literally a finite amount of ways to pronounce things. Japanese is a perfectly logical language with a logical structure, and IS easy to learn compared to English.

>> No.9686537
File: 122 KB, 1800x1000, 0881C8E6-5AD0-422E-BD78-A5B70AA70977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you have autism and only are pretending to be stupid as an immature argument technique, but an english speaker can learn multiple european languages in the time it takes to speak the equivalent of a japanese elementary schoolers

>> No.9686539

Yes it fuckin is
How many languages have you studied? Something like German, you can learn most grammatical rules in no time. The only tricky part is gendered nouns and some very light differences between casual and formal speech.

With Japanese you have bullshit like counters, ten billion possible conjugations for any verb, polite vs. casual speech, an abnormally large number of personal pronouns, using different transitive verbs based on the social status of the subject and object, learning pitch accents (the actual most difficult part) and, of course, kanji.

Coming at least from the position of a native English speaker, its one of the most difficult languages that’s in common use. Hell you have to mostly speak it in a different register.

>> No.9686543


>> No.9686545

Based on the fact that English is my second language and I've been learning Japanese for years now. It's hard. I could learn English three times in the time it's taking me to learn Japanese
>IS easy to learn compared to English
>Japanese is a perfectly logical language with a logical structure
The "logic" that you've read about doesn't apply half the time in this fucked up language. It's a matter of memorizing every word on a case by case basis, you memorize both the reading and the writing for all of it. Basically it's like learning two languages at the same time, and you have to know kanji to even begin learning the written part of the language. Yeah real easy, not like ENGLISH

>> No.9686547

>there's literally a finite amount of ways to pronounce things
This is what happens when you only study reading/writing. You think 神 and 紙 are pronounced the same.

>> No.9686550

>bullshit the post

>> No.9686713

And in the 90's millions played the original cartridge

>> No.9686835
File: 496 KB, 779x546, FUNKTIERGOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COVID irreversibly fucked the retro market even harder than it already was. People were even more interested in "muh nostalgia" during the lockdown and led to average selling prices on eBay skyrocketing, and on top of that, local stores jacked up prices to make back profit and not get shut down from the forced hiatus.
We're almost surely never coming back from this state, and it's your civic duty to softmod or get flash carts depending on your systems of choice.

>> No.9686976

>What makes people say shit like that?
Life experience. I'm an L2 speaker and I studied to fluency, live in Japan and use Japanese every day in daily life and for work. It's not hard at all.
>Obviously it's a very hard language
As a native English speaker, Japanese is harder to learn than OTHER LANGUAGES, but that doesn't mean it is hard to learn. It just means that it requires more time investment than other languages. All languages are learned the same way, it's just that some take more time investment because they don't have as many similarities to your native language as others do. But the actual level of difficulty is still the same, it's just that some languages like Spanish or German take less time because in many cases if you don't know a word you can just say the English word with an accent and there's a decent chance you'll be correct (especially in German).
>unless you're Chinese or something
I'm white. Formerly American. My ancestors are all European and have been in America since at least the 1700s (I only know this because one of my ancestors has a state park named after her in Kentucky).
>For someone raised in a western language it's probably easier to learn French, German and Spanish
I would like to say that the difficulty level would be about the same, but I unironically believe that English is harder to learn than Japanese simply because Japanese grammar is extremely logical and straightforward and English grammar doesn't seem to follow any hard rules and even as a native I always make mistakes. Since Spanish, German and French are closer to English I'm going to assume that their grammar is equally retarded - so I believe the actual level of difficulty would be lower if you were to learn Japanese, but it would take more time because of the higher number of vocab to memorize.

>> No.9686993

>Japanese is harder to learn than OTHER LANGUAGES
Thanks for conceding

>> No.9686995

>Yes it fuckin is
It's not.
>How many languages have you studied?
English native, so obviously English. In middle school we studied some Spanish and French but I don't remember any of it. I did two years of German in high school but I don't remember any of that either. And of course Japanese as an adult, and I'm fluent. My statement is based on my experience.
>Something like German, you can learn most grammatical rules in no time
Japanese grammar is very straightforward and extremely logical. It takes hardly any time at all to learn and they don't have that gendered nonsense that romance languages have.
>and some very light differences between casual and formal speech
Isn't that a thing in every language?
>With Japanese you have bullshit like counters
Counters are a meme. You only ever really need a few.
>ten billion possible conjugations for any verb
Japanese doesn't have any conjugations. But what you are referring to as "conjugations", there are only a few and they can all be memorized in like two weeks along with all of the other basic grammar.
>polite vs. casual speech
You just said that exists in German too. The difference between polite and casual speech in Japanese can be memorized in 15 minutes.
>an abnormally large number of personal pronouns
There's only a handful but it doesn't really matter because pronouns are rarely even used. Just use 私 if you don't know which one to use. This is literally a beginner meme that only Americans struggle with.
>using different transitive verbs based on the social status of the subject and object
Are you retarded?
>Pitch accent
It's a meme. Accent is acquired naturally.
You learn them while reading. If you used literally any other method than you bought into a scam.
>Coming at least from the position of a native English speaker, its one of the most difficult languages that’s in common use.
It's one of the most logical, straightforward languages in the world.

>> No.9686996

German grammar is actually pretty strict, also

>> No.9686997

>you have to mostly speak it in a different register
Only if you're gay.

>> No.9687003

>Japanese doesn't have any conjugations
Okay pissshitting argument aside (I’m right you’re wrong but whatever), how in the fuck do you figure

>> No.9687006

Nigger you had over 30 years to buy this stuff

zoomers btfo

>> No.9687008

>The "logic" that you've read about doesn't apply half the time in this fucked up language
He's talking about grammar, and it always applies.
Imagine getting filtered by letters.>>9686550
>You think 神 and 紙 are pronounced the same
I always cringe when I hear Americans speak Japanese
>Wahtah-she wah ameRRRikuh jean day-soo

>> No.9687010

> You just said that exists in German too. The difference between polite and casual speech in Japanese can be memorized in 15 minutes
German is basically one single conjugation and a pronoun

>> No.9687015

That's not conceding. Languages are easy to learn. Literally every language. It's so easy that babies do it. The way you study is just by watching TV, reading, playing games, interacting with people, listening to music, etc. If entertainment and consuming media is "difficult" for you then idk what to tell you.

>> No.9687018

Mein hintern ist gross
That's all the German I remember. Unironically learning Japanese was easier.

>> No.9687025

>You just said that exists in German too. The difference between polite and casual speech in Japanese can be memorized in 15 minutes
In German politeness is marked with just the pronouns, whereas in Japanese you essentially speak a different language to each person. What a rigid culture; for the freeborn Anglo-Saxons, respect is assumed and the content of your dialectic is what really matters.

>> No.9687026

Meh. With inflation, if you’re selling a game, you’re essentially just getting your money back at best.

>> No.9687029

Babies immerse themselves in it for years on end and still say shit like “it hurted” after six years

>> No.9687032

>in Japanese you essentially speak a different language to each person
All you do in Japanese is changing the ending to the sentence, and there are a handful of words which are reaced by polite versions. And sometimes you add お or ご depending on if the word is Chinese or Japanese in origin. Like I said, it takes 15 minutes to learn.

>> No.9687036

Ok? Adults can immerse themselves too. I was conversational after just a few months and fluent within 2 years. Maybe you're just retarded.

>> No.9687039

You admitted to my position being true I dunno how thats not a concession

>> No.9687042

If you were, that’s highly irregular and good for you.

>> No.9687053

You’re being fucking disingenuous and I know just barely enough Japanese to know

“You just change the end if a sentence” yeah because the verb goes on the end because every conjugation changes for every verb.

>> No.9687121

It's not irregular at all. Learning a language isn't hard unless you're a retard who gets caught up in paying for scams like apps.
YOU CHANGE THE GRAMMATICAL ENDING YOU DUNCE. Shit like だ into です or する into します or use endings like ございます or おります. What the fuck is wrong with you. There's only a handful of verbs that change. Generalized unpolite shit like やる. You don't know Japanese at all and you have the nerve to tell me that I'm somehow being disingenuous when I literally just explained the basics of it to you??? Holy fuck!

>> No.9687156

who cares, English doesn't have this surgical bullshit and has EQ in its place

>> No.9687168

Yeah, which means you have to learn TWO CONJUGATIONS FOR EVERY SITUATION in a language that already has many more than English

“just put masu at the end haha” -disingenuous retard, 2023

You know there are other forms besides present tense.

>> No.9687174

>You know there are other forms besides present tense
English has tenses too, retard.

>> No.9687176

You learn them while reading. If you used literally any other method than you bought into a scam.
Love how your response to this one has literally nothing to do with how difficult it is because even you’re not going to pretend that a language with 2,000+ characters is normal

>> No.9687180

I’m gonna give you the benefit if the doubt and assume you’re just tired and aren’t horrendous at reading comprehension

>> No.9687193

Learning kanji isn't remotely difficult at All. Just learn vocab and you will automatically learn the kanji contained in each vocab as a result of that. That's exactly what I did; I didn't study kanji at all. I know all of the 常用漢字 plus several hundred non-常用 kanji that are used all the time simply as a result of reading and looking up unknown words. Studying kanji in isolation is just a scam and even natives don't do it.

You're the one arguing over tenses.

>> No.9687196

The English past tense is always past tense; you don't need to find another way to say "I ate some cabbage" based on the fucking gender and occupation of whom you're addressing

>> No.9687198

>You're the one arguing over tenses
Anon, tenses are a part of verbs, but not all verb conjugation deals with tenses.

>> No.9687206

hey language nerds fuck off

>> No.9687210

>zoomers are so obsessed with shouting "ship of theseus" every chance they get
Do they? I haven't heard it yet.

>> No.9687212

>you don't need to find another way to say "I ate some cabbage" based on the fucking gender and occupation of whom you're addressing
Mind pointing out how this is somehow complex?

English changes the entire word and has no clear rules because they're always broken, Japanese just changes the ending and all verbs follow the rules but are split into 3 types depending on the last character used in their plain form. English requires memorizing entire new words while Japanese just requires memorizing a single rule. It's not rocket science.

>> No.9687225

Who the fuck is talking about learning kanji in isolation you retard?

>> No.9687227

>Mind pointing out how this is somehow complex?
Because I don't know what that says
>English changes the entire word and has no clear rules because they're always broken
You either have strong verbs or weak verbs, the majority of which being weak verbs (past tense is formed with a single suffix). But the past forms of strong verbs are so intuitively predictable due to following the Germanic umlaut that people often create irregular past tenses for weak verbs (ie dove and clomb, and I've even heard people come up with non-existent past participle forms) because it's satisfying.

That is all irrelevant anyway, because "ate" is always "ate" no matter whom you're speaking to, same with "dropped", "fucked", etc. We're not talking about tense, we're talking about how every conversation in Japanese is a rigid, artificial premeditation.

>> No.9687234

Not him but the other guy
Oh look its double the conjugations which is exactly what I was saying

>> No.9687235

>Japanese just
I don't give a fuck whether you're a higher-ranking female who is nevertheless younger than me, whom I've been acquainted with for several years—that should have no bearing on conceptualising my sentence.

>> No.9687249

This guy is dumb but he's right that counters are mostly a meme, you only really use a few and can just blindly default to one or two if you're a gaijin.

>Pitch accent is acquired naturally
That doesn't work the way you think it does

>> No.9687252
File: 162 KB, 1125x877, CBC951E4-87B5-4869-85F9-D0F9604C9BFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese is easy hurr durr

>> No.9687263

You’re also wrong about English being all new words. Potential form in English is just using “could” all across the board with “can” for present tense. For negative, we add “not”. Every time.

Meanwhile Japanese has a set of rules that create fucked up frankenstein words like turning taberu into shit like taberarerimasendeshita and vary depending on politeness and what syllable the root ends in

>> No.9687267

Literally anyone who complains that learning kanji is difficult.
>Because I don't know what that says
"I ate cabbage"
If you can't read キャベツを食べた then you're not qualified to discuss anything regarding this language. I will not read the rest of your comment.
Ok I see what you're saying now. But it's not as if that was hard for you to learn.

English actually has a polite and casual form also, but the British decided to be polite all the time so now we just use the polite form. But words like "thou" are the casual form.
>That doesn't work the way you think it does
Your mind has been polluted by Zoomer YouTubers like Matt and Dogen.
That literally means nothing. The JLPT is a meme and doesn't even measure fluency in the language.

>> No.9687271

I just realized I fucked that up but you see my point still if I hadn’t picked a ru verb

>> No.9687273

Conceptualising what Japanese is does not require an ability to read the language. Read the rest of my comment.

>> No.9687275

>You’re also wrong about English being all new words
Eat, ate. Run, ran. Drink, drank, drunk.
>Potential form in English is just using “could” all across the board with “can” for present tense. For negative, we add “not”. Every time.
That's about as difficult as potential and negative from are in Japanese so I'm not sure what your argument is here.
>Meanwhile Japanese has a set of rules that create fucked up frankenstein words like turning taberu into shit like taberarerimasendeshita and vary depending on politeness and what syllable the root ends in
食べられなかった is no more complex than "could not eat". It's basically the same rules, you're just freaking out either because there's no spaces (but there doesn't need to be) or because you haven't clearly memorized the rule (most likely due to a shitty textbook teaching it poorly)

>> No.9687278

Those aren't different words, those are vowel changes that consistently follow Germanic umlaut and are thus predictable.

>> No.9687279

You can't even read hiragana and katakana. You don't understand anything about how grammar works. You don't know anything at all about this language. Therefore, talking with you about the language is literally pointless. At least the other anon can actually read some basic Japanese and understands basic conjugations enough to actually discuss it. While he's misguided due to the way in which grammar is often improperly taught to L2 speakers, his arguments are at least worth listening to because he knows a little of what he's talking about. Discussing it with you is like discussing domestic politics with someone who lives in a remote jungle.

>> No.9687281

>what is an abstract conclusion
Hah. I've never been to France, so I guess I'm not qualified to conclude whether the sky is blue there?

>> No.9687282

>Literally anyone who complains that learning kanji is difficult.
Yeah no one was talking about memorizing individual kanji but you, dumbass.

Kanji make it more difficult to learn vocab. You can’t sound things out. You have zero clue how to read a new word you see or write a new word to hear. You have to be able to tell shit like 鳥 and 烏 apart on the fly.
>O-oh but English has shit like O and 0 or I(i) and l(L)
Yeah except Japanese has ONE HUNDRED TIMES AS MANY CHARACTERS TO FUCKING DEAL WITH and the vast majority of them are vastly more visually complicated.
And why are we comparing it to learning English when the discussion was about learning the language as a native English speaker? Guess what, when you learn German you only have one new character to learn, and it’s always pronounced the same. And I guess you gotta learn about umlauts. That’s it.

Also—if you really never have done any individual kanji study at all, I would hate to see your dogshit handwriting.

>> No.9687291

>You’re also wrong about English being all new words
>Eat, ate. Run, ran. Drink, drank, drunk.
Anin, do you know what the word “all” means? Is English also a second language for you?

>食べられなかった is no more complex than "could not eat"
Yeah, in a VACCUM. But that’s not what I’m talking about. To learn potential form in English, you literally learn one (1) word. To learn potential form in Japanese, you have to learn ten (10) casual conjugations (, ten (10) polite conjugations, and two weird outliers for a total of 22 possibilities

1 versus 22. I wonder which is more complicated?

>> No.9687294

Forget it dude you're arguing with somebody who can't handle abstract ideas. He says I'm not allowed to make self-evidently true conclusions based on abstractions like "Japanese does x given y" because I don't know the material words themselves.

>> No.9687297

People learned just before crypto explosion and the NFT shitstorm that nerd losers with a little bit of money and intelligence are a vastly less competitive market to scam than retirees and boomers, and only need to create the illusion of speculative value to do so. You need a few million dollars minimum to capture a niche and some marketing savvy to control it, but once you have it, the idiots you conned into buying it will do most of the work for you.

This is why niche fields of retro gaming are exploding - the actual core is too expensive to buy, but some fuckos bought up hundreds of games that had few copies and low prices so they could create artificial scarcity, bought into a grading company to artificially inflate the valuations, and then sold enough to themselves to kickstart the market. It's working a bit, but they have the capital to keep it up long enough to drive the concept. Since these aren't loved games or anything there's no actual nostalgia market so they have to rely on self-proclaimed speculators.

This also spikes value of retro games with real demand, because speculators who are drawn to retro games and aren't on mount stupid of the Dunning-Kruger graph realise there's no actual demand and so slide over to competitive retro spaces, which adds more money and increases prices generally.

>> No.9687302

I've never been to France and I wouldn't dare discuss whatever I THINK it's like there, nor would I discuss the rules of how their language works since I know nothing about it.
>Yeah no one was talking about memorizing individual kanji but you, dumbass.
Fair enough. So how did you go about learning kanji since you seem to think it's so hard.
>Kanji make it more difficult to learn vocab
Maybe in 1970, but not in 2023. Just read ebooks ad save paper books for once you've gotten a grasp on kanji. Any time you can't read a word you can pull up a dictionary in a single tap and then make a flash card with a second tap.
>You can’t sound things out
You can if you know the kanji but not the word. Your statement only applies to words that contain completely new kanji, which is only a minority of vocab you will learn. You will need to know 10s-of-thousands of vocab to be fluent, but only a few thousand kanji. The vast majority of those words are recycling kanji or are compound words, so you can absolutely sound out the vast majority of vocab.
>You have zero clue how to read a new word you see or write a new word to hear
Again, read digital books. Once you've read a few you'll know most of the common kanji.
>You have to be able to tell shit like 鳥 and 烏 apart on the fly.
It sounds harder than it is. In reality you'll find kanji like 曰 and 日 in completely different words so it's obvious which one is which, in case your blind.
>Yeah except Japanese has ONE HUNDRED TIMES AS MANY CHARACTERS TO FUCKING DEAL WITH and the vast majority of them are vastly more visually complicated.
>why are we comparing it to learning English when the discussion was about learning the language as a native English speaker?
I have no idea. I think the other guy started it.
>if you really never have done any individual kanji study at all, I would hate to see your dogshit handwriting
My English handwriting is dog shit too. Also, kanji follow stroke order patterns.

>> No.9687306

I don't know French either, but if I pointed out French has grammatical gender, would you immediately rage at me,

>> No.9687313

>In reality you'll find kanji like 曰 and 日 in completely different words so it's obvious which one is which
I’m aware, which is why I picked 鳥 and 烏 for my example

>Also, kanji follow stroke order patterns.
Correct, which is why not studying them would lead to bad handwriting

>> No.9687317

Also you keep talking about things that make it easier, but you realize that learning German still doesn’t have these problems at all, right?

>> No.9687328

I don't know anything about french, but I'm fluent in Japanese so I know your takes about Japanese are legitimately retard level.
You could learn all of the stroke order in an afternoon if you care about handwriting, but that's not the same as studying kanji. I actually did study stroke order for my job.
Idk but I failed at German.

>> No.9687334
File: 37 KB, 720x719, 24312640_909683785846582_7544823313563345325_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrote this for >>9687302 but now that you've replied with yet more hesitance, the following will be even more moving:
You have not disproven the abstractions. If anything, you cannot even be an authority on fucking ENGLISH let alone Japanese since you have shown a complete inability to conceptualise the features of English. You keep bringing up umlaut as if it's arbitrary, even though it's been pointed out numerous times to you how systematic it is.
That you bring up tense at all is laughable since it shows you have disregarded that
we were discussing Japanese's transformative and intrusive system of formality (confusing them suggests you understand neither) instead brought up the irrelevant – and funnily enough, consistent regardless of context – temporality markers in English.

>> No.9687341

>because I don't know the material words themselves
You couldn't read キャベツ which is a literal English word rendered in Japanese characters, or 食べる which is one of the first 10 words that any beginner learns.

>> No.9687343

Literally proving my point

>> No.9687346

I don't actually remember a time when shit like super metroid and conkers bad fur day didn't go for less than 60-80 bucks, and I've been collecting since 2012 or so

>> No.9687351

This kills the coomlector.

But they'll just call you poor anyway. Once the bubble bursts they're left with a huge amount of plastic which anyone with half a brain would emulate anyway. Kind of like the fidget spinner hype but in slo-mo.

>> No.9687352

>you have shown a complete inability to conceptualise the features of English
Considering that I'm a native English speaker, that says a lot about how English grammar rules are literally retarded - which is exactly what I said in my original argument on the matter.
>You keep bringing up umlaut
I haven't brought up umlaut at all. I don't even know what it is.
>That you bring up tense at all is laughable
You're the one who brought up tenses, when you cried that they were hard and I told you they aren't.
>temporality markers
Speak English.

>> No.9687357 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9687374

>that says a lot about how English grammar rules are literally retarded
>You're the one who brought up tenses
I didn't motherfucker, this Anon (>>9687168) said Japanese is bloated with conjugations, to which you pointed out English has tenses (>>9687174) as if that's a profound statement or even the extent of English verb conjugation.
>I haven't brought up umlaut at all. I don't even know what it is.
You conceptualised umlaut when you repeatedly bemoaned the past tense of words like "speak" being "spoke" instead of "speaked", despite umlaut being systematic and therefore predictable; hence, many people even come up with nonexistent irregular past tenses like "snuck" and "clomb" because it's what they innately expect as an Anglo-Saxon.
>Speak English
Your dialectical brutalism is the heat death of of your own brain. Do you know what "time" is? If I'm talking about how you brought up tense (which marks the time in which the verb takes place), and I reaffirm that you brought up "temporality markers", anybody who isn't a fuckwit would automatically put two and two together. HMMMM HE SAID I BROUGHT UP TEMPORALITY MARKERS, WHAT HAVE I SAID THAT COULD POSSIBLY FIT THE BILL? NO I'M NOT GOING TO THINK ABOUT THAT

>> No.9687404

I literally quoted where he brought up tenses. You are actually retarded.
>being systematic and therefore predictable
Like the entirety of Japanese grammar, which you keep freaking out about.

>> No.9687408

>Like the entirety of Japanese grammar
Refer to this: >>9687235
Japanese has an extensive list of ubiquitous, intrusive bullshit, which is what was being debated.

First, you count on the stupidity of your adversary, and then, when there is no other way out, you yourself simply play stupid. If all this didn't help, you pretend to not understand, or, if challenged, change the subject in a hurry, quote platitudes which, if one accepts, you immediately relate to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, you give ground and pretend not to know exactly what you were talking about. You have not the slightest recollection of the argument you'd just read, you rattle off your same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affect amazement; you can't remember a thing, except that you had proven the correctness of your assertions somehow. Sometimes in this thread I have stood here thunderstruck. I don't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of your tongue or your virtuosity at lying.

>> No.9687424

>Refer to this
So you're just autistic and aren't able to gauge what level of politeness to use. Got it.

>> No.9687428

>implying the rigid and surgical language that lexically externalises every emotion and intent isn't the autistic tongue

>> No.9687435

In English you can just be yourself. You don't need to put on a bullshit persona to each new person and be a sociopathic chameleon, you just say what you mean and mean what you say and the world will react accordingly in line with its own nature. The actual subtle nuances like your body language, tone, cadence, pitch, et cetera will come out naturally instead of being a premeditated decision like the sociopathy seen in Japanese.

>> No.9687443

go eat shit

>> No.9687448

It's funny you say that since it's often said that Japanese is vague. I don't think it's vague at all, but it's often said to be.
You're talking about honne and tatemae. That has nothing to do with language, and it exists in English too. If you've ever purposefully not said curse words in front of your parents or old people, or not engaged in talking about sexual escapades at work, then you practiced honne and tatemae.

>> No.9687458

Good thing we're not talking about vagueness but intrusive politeness, fuckface.
>or not engaged in talking about sexual escapades at work
An entirely different concept to having to redesign my entire sentence to ultimately tell the same thing just because I'm speaking to a higher-ranking female who is nevertheless younger than me, whom I've been acquainted with for several years.

>> No.9687470

Imagine getting filtered by having to be polite.

>> No.9687473

So you're just naturally rude in English, are you? Well good for you that Japanese memetically forces you to hide the fact you're an unbearable cunt

>> No.9687475

You lack reading comprehension in English. It's no wonder you failed Japanese and are crying about basics like tenses, conjugations, and polite/casual form, potential form.
>memetically forces you to hide the fact you're an unbearable cunt
Japanese has multiple levels of casuality, retard.

>> No.9687481

>crying about basics like tenses, conjugations
>Japanese has multiple levels of casuality
And English is comparatively lacking in this department, meaning that having a soul and reading the room is essential to carrying a conversation; not so in Japanese where you can simply flip a switch.

>> No.9687486

it's $0 if you download the rom

>> No.9687489

Quote me, faggot
>English is comparatively lacking in this department
English has a casual form, it's just not used in the modern day.
>having a soul and reading the room is essential to carrying a conversation; not so in Japanese where you can simply flip a switch
"Reading the air" is essential to navigating social interactions in Japan, and everywhere else unless you have autism in which case you're 空気読めない

>> No.9687490

Why does any mention of the Japanese language turn into this? Autism is the worst thing on the planet

>> No.9687492

>it's just not used in the modern day
Holy shit. Guess I can say English has letters like þ, ð, ƿ, and æ, but are just not used in the modern day.

>> No.9687509

I was referring to words like "thou" which is the casual form of "you". As I said, English has a casual form it's just not used. But if you go read Shakespeare or the bible you'll see it used everywhere.
Because dekinai's are easily upset and feel the need to lash out when someone says it's not hard, just like poorfags do when someone mentions spending money on games.

>> No.9687515

Are you also using centuries-old literature to make statements about modern Japanese?

>> No.9687526

Paypigs will be paypigs. If you're so attached to a label and aging plastic when flash carts exist when you deserve to be preyed on.

>> No.9687541

Shakespeare and King James bible are both modern English. Modern English is anything from the 15th century until present.

>> No.9687548

Nobody speaks Early Modern English

>> No.9687554

I never said that they do.

>> No.9687556

Tell that to the janny!

>> No.9687558

Proving me right again: >>9687408

>> No.9687563

Quote where I said that they do.

>> No.9687579

>brings up centuries-deprecated speech as if it's a spirit bomb of a rebuttal
>starts being a fucking trickster when I point out how irrelevant it is
>First, you count on the stupidity of your adversary, and then, when there is no other way out, you yourself simply play stupid. If all this didn't help, you pretend to not understand, or, if challenged, change the subject in a hurry, quote platitudes which, if one accepts, you immediately relate to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, you give ground and pretend not to know exactly what you were talking about. You have not the slightest recollection of the argument you'd just read, you rattle off your same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affect amazement; you can't remember a thing, except that you had proven the correctness of your assertions somehow.

>> No.9687584
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>> No.9687616

You keep avoiding it.

>> No.9687629


>> No.9687638

>Boring ass turn-based RPG
>Cost insane amounts of money.
>Some old like capeshit game,wacky sports or racer game that's fun for what it is.
>Cost barely anything.
Why are lot of shit games worth so much?

>> No.9687775

Because retards keep buying

>> No.9688052

>You could learn all of the stroke order in an afternoon
No you fucking could not memorize combinations of 1 to 20+ strokes for over 2,000 characters (on too of proper placement of those strokes) in “an afternoon”

>if you care about handwriting, but that's not the same as studying kanji.
Yes, it is, the kanji are what you would be studying

>> No.9688118

I'm not a zoomers for starters.
Secondly, if you think everyone can simply "pick up" pitch by ear, I'd like to introduce you to the hordes of Gaijin I've met who still struggle to pronounce bridge and chopsticks correctly.

>> No.9688252


>> No.9688284

i spent more on sushi for the girls honestly
also saves time for the new battery install that i no longer have to do myself
time is money when you get older, you'll understand.

>> No.9688314

trust the science

>> No.9688408

>and fluent within 2 years.
Holy mother of crock of bullshit, Batman.

>> No.9688452

Depends who it is. NuCoomlectors looking to "invest" and ride the eCeleb hype train probably will regret it, but your comment is ignoring many of those who are the ones who hate these prices the most, those collecting when it was trash and no one but them wanted it. I think most of that type would be happy for a bubble burst, a severe drop in value and a mass exodus of fags from it. A great filtering to see who actually gave a shit before it became trendy. I read a good suggestion on this board before that everyone tired of this shit should start promoting the ideals that retro gaming is somehow racist and/or sexist and try to get that mentality out there.

>> No.9688495

Dumb argument. There are around that many copies out there, but many are currently owned and not for sale, damaged or destroyed, or otherwise unaccounted for. As more people join the market and try to buy copies, available supply dwindles further, driving prices up
This is basic economics

>> No.9688507

They're overpriced. Some games at a local store are still there after months or years and nobody bought them.

>> No.9688694

If you spend more on a game than a flashcart costs you're just plan retarded.

>> No.9688815

>If you buy a game that a flash cart doesn't support you're just plain retarded
This. It's better to just not play a game than use original hardware.

>> No.9688848

Fetus oppion.

>> No.9688851

yeah but you can sell them for more
it's like a pyramid skeem

>> No.9688928

I was eating cabbage
I used to eat cabbage
Sometimes I ate cabbage
I will have been eating cabage

>> No.9688935

In English you have to arrange a bunch of accessory words around the main words to get the same meaning. It's the same shit just organized differently.

>> No.9688968

No, I am talking about one situation that takes one word in English and needs 22 potential conjugations in Japanese

I am not talking about past potential, potential negative, future potential etc etc, that’s all outside what I was discussing.

The achieve the same meaning, English uses one word where Japanese uses 22 conjugations.

Obviously that is not true of all things. But my point was that the previous discussion was cherrypicking a situation where English was more convoluted. But when in comes to potential form, Japanese os much, MUCH more convoluted.

>> No.9689019

I realized the anons who seethe at emulator fags are probably 80% collectorniggers and are upset people aren't paying $200+ for a 24 year old game

>> No.9689035

>Imagine getting filtered by letters
Yeah 2k+ letters that each have multiple readings and seem to flipflop randomly from one reading to another with no real pattern to it. Compare that to English. Obviously English is harder because um.... did you notice that knife starts with a K? That's hard right??

>> No.9689069

Chicken and egg situation, knowing kanji before reading will make reading way easier (sometimes you'll be able to understand a word you've never heard or seen before just by combining kanji meanings that make it up) but having a lot of experience with reading will make learning kanji way easier. No matter which end of this shit sandwich you start with you have to eat the whole thing in the end.
>Studying kanji in isolation is just a scam and even natives don't do it.
I guess those natives don't know how to write then do they. You can stumble your way through reading without learning individual kanji, but I don't see how you can learn to write them without, well, learning to write them.

>> No.9689075

You can see the arbitrage clearly from a bunch of fucks after COVID started if you check any price chart. Long live flashcarts and fuck parasites

>> No.9689106

>No you fucking could not memorize combinations of 1 to 20+ strokes for over 2,000 characters (on too of proper placement of those strokes) in “an afternoon”
There you go again, making statements about things that you don't have even the slightest clue about.

Kanji are made up of building blocks called "radicals". Radicals have their own stroke order, and it is this order which determines the stroke order of every single kanji. There are 51 key radicals which make up all of the kanji, and those radicals can be memorized in an afternoon.

There are just 6 radicals which make up 25% of the 2136 常用漢字.

There are 14 radicals that (together with the previous 6) make up 50% of the 常用漢字.

And there are thirty one radicals that (with the 20 mentioned above) make up 75% of all 常用漢字.

If you memorize those 51 radicals in an afternoon, then you can handwrite 75% of all of the kanji that would be used in day to day life, and the rest can just be rendered out in hiragana/katakana - which is exactly what natives do.

There are a total of around 200 total radicals, and some of them are quite obscure.

It doesn't matter what kanji it is. Even if you have never seen it before, if you know the radicals that it uses, then you know how to write it with proper stroke order. Kanji are a neat and orderly system that follow a logical design, they're not random scribbles meant to induce stress. That's why they're easy to learn.

>Yes, it is, the kanji are what you would be studying
No, it would be studying radicals.

>I'd like to introduce you to the hordes of Gaijin I've met who still struggle to pronounce bridge and chopsticks correctly
Those people can't even form a coherent sentence; of course they can't pronounce anything, they haven't actually invested much time into learning the language.

2 years to fluency is incredibly normal unless you're a retard who doesn't understand how to learn a language.


>> No.9689110

>Chicken and egg situation
Not at all. You start with low level learning material that contains simple sentences and a lot number of easy kanji. You look up unknown words while you read, and learn them. After you finish, you read something slightly more difficult. You repeat this process until you can read normal content. Doesn't take very long.

It absolutely follows a pattern. On the other hand, English has no solid rules regarding pronunciation because all of the rules are broken all of the time, so even native speakers often mispronounce words that they learned in books.

>> No.9689119
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>pair of AAs
>game boy
Nigga you're either way too old or way too young to be here

>> No.9689125
File: 60 KB, 738x281, nin-gbcolor-battery-cover-before-_-after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just lucky enough to grow up with the best game boy

>> No.9689128

Makes me glad I sold my collection and bought a mister

>> No.9689140

>owned almost every mainstream and (what would have been considered 10 years ago to be a) hidden gem on gameboy and snes
>traded all of them, plus the systems, to game xchange in 2000 for about $150 in store credit that I spent on an aftermarket camo ps1 controller and copy of sarge's heroes and soul reaver
I could've literally gotten a solid 100x more for all that shit at today's prices. Still kinda bummed about it, never got rid of anything after that but I doubt Wii and newer Tendy shit will ever be worth nearly as much as 8-16 bit Tendy

>> No.9689156

>neighbor kid sold me his NES toploader with 25 games (some in box) for my copy of new super Mario bros DS
>recently sold a few games for 300 bucks

>> No.9689159
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Disgusting. And look at the label on that Tennis next to it.
>not going back in time to buy games on clearance

>> No.9689180

Not for some Mega Drive games.

>> No.9689256

>2 years to fluency is incredibly normal unless you're a retard who doesn't understand how to learn a language
It absolutely isn’t. If you’re a savant, good for you. Maybe if you dedicated all your time to it.

I’m baffled because you seem to know a lot but you also don’t seem to have had formal training. I’d guess you’re quite a but more fluent than me but I’m gonna defer to what a native speaker tells me

If I had to guess, you really are some kind of self-taught autistic savant.

>Blah blah blah radicals
I know what radicals are but they are not consistently applied the same way across kanji, you can’t just ctrl+c ctrl+v a radical from one to the next, assuming you even have the correct radical in mind. You are not going to learn stroke order for the entire language in an afternoon, even native speakers frequently have imperfect stroke order, fuck off.

>You’d be studying the radicals
And how to apply them to the kanji. You’d be studying kanji.

>> No.9689260

Japanese native speakers have this same issue though. I know you know there are more than just one Kun-yomi and one On-yomi reading for many, many kanji. And we’re not even talking about nouns that are isolated kanji or words with identical spellings but different readings. I mean even language has homographs but you seem to be implying Japanese doesn’t.

>> No.9689269

>It absolutely isn’t. If you’re a savant, good for you. Maybe if you dedicated all your time to it.
It absolutely is. They operate these language schools here where foreigners come to study Japanese and they get them all of the fluency in two years and that's through the slow method with busy work like cramming. It is absolutely the norm.

>If I had to guess, you really are some kind of self-taught autistic savant.
Self taught, but that just means that I read books and talked with people on my own instead of forking over thousands of dollars to make someone talk to me and put books in front of me. It's probably harder to do self study if you're autistic because language learning requires social interaction.

>I know what radicals are but they are not consistently applied the same way across kanji
They literally are. The stroke order for each radical is always the same and will never, ever, ever change.
>You are not going to learn stroke order for the entire language in an afternoon
I learned all 51 of the main ones in an afternoon because I had to use handwriting at work and mine wasn't legible. I don't know why you're even freaking out about this, the 51 key radicals are all extremely basic shit like 一 and 心
>even native speakers frequently have imperfect stroke order
Cool. English letters have stroke order too, and native speakers often fuck it up which leads to poor handwriting. As it turns out, people don't always perfectly remember shit that they learned when they were 7.
>And how to apply them to the kanji
Anon, each radical applies the same way to every single kanji. Why are you even coping about this?

>> No.9689329

You can also emulate for free!

>> No.9689478

notice how none of that hinges on whom you're addressing, whereas in Japanese...

>> No.9689523

>I was eating cabbage
>I used to eat cabbage
>Sometimes I ate cabbage
>I will have been eating cabbage

>notice how none of that hinges on whom you're addressing, whereas in Japanese...
Where does Japanese do that?

>> No.9689965

>what is gameboy pocket
superior to the DMG in every way

>> No.9689973

Wrong again, GBP takes AAAs.

>> No.9689975

Even better

>> No.9690040

>Not at all. You start with low level learning material that contains simple sentences and a lot number of easy kanji. You look up unknown words while you read, and learn them. After you finish, you read something slightly more difficult. You repeat this process until you can read normal content. Doesn't take very long.
That's the newbie approach that works really well at the start when you're learning simple words that are repeated a lot. You read them over and over again and burn them into your memory. I'm not sure how you can learn complex words made up of 5 flipping kanji with that approach. If you know the kanji you just read that word, it may be the first time you see it written down but reading it may ring a bell, and if it doesn't, the meaning of individual kanji will still give you a huge hint as to what the word means, and if that doesn't do it (and it does 90% of the time) at least you now have a reading that you can easily punch into a dictionary. If you don't know the reading or the meaning of individual kanji then I guess you're learning all of those words with their often rare elaborate kanjis individually and that doesn't seem like a simple task to me. This mainly applies to scientific/political/military terminology and stuff like that.
It only seems like learning words is easier until you get to the point where you realize there's a lot more words than kanji and learning kanji is actually a shortcut to learning words, not the other way around.

>> No.9690478

Are you that desperate for cash though? Why not hold onto the games even longer since the prices just keep going up. I have a huge shelf full of expensive games, but I just emulate everything anyway.

>> No.9690485

No, but games like 3D Dot Game Heroes and some Limited Run games are already getting up there in price.

>> No.9690550

bought conker for 20€ cib around 2007~. something like super metroid used to be 40€ cib (big box) and less for the us cib version (20€). € was 1.5$ back then afaik so it always made sense to import these games as an eu cuck. it was a different time.

>> No.9690575

Is knowing Japanese some kind of flex? I don't get it. Language learning isn't hard, just time commitment, actually pure time commitment, you don't even need to be born talented and it's easier now than ever.

>> No.9690805

I dont think collectors give a shit if people emulate, they just get tired of them always bringing it up when they dont care.

>> No.9690842

Between faggots insisting emulation hasn't progressed since Project64 or ZNES, faggots proclaiming "you didn't beat the game", faggots claiming 1ms of input lag makes a game unplayable which is mathematically absurd given frames stay on screen for 16.67-33.33ms, and faggot scalpers with an obvious incentive to downplay emulation, yeah collectors are perpetually seething.

>> No.9691473

>It only seems like learning words is easier until you get to the point where you realize there's a lot more words than kanji
I'm already fluent

>> No.9691479

No it's just annoying that any time someone makes even the slightest mention about collecting or having a collection 20 anons show up to seethe ad freak out about it. We get it, you're poor. But being poor isn't an excuse to be fucking annoying.

>> No.9691540

Why would you even emulate stupid shit like snes? The while emulation > original hardware falls apart when it comes to complex and arcade hardware. And even beyond that, emulation fails hard to replicate a number of audio chips. All the mega drive emulators sound like tinny crap.

>> No.9691545


>> No.9691589

It's always the other way around. People who wasted hundreds of dollars on a single cartridge seethe at those who play it for free. Even mentioning flashcarts makes people like you seethe despite playing on original hardware.

>> No.9691601

It really doesn't. If emulation was some arcane art that required a deep understanding of thermal dynamics and and dissecting the human genome, sure, someone would be jelly at the person taunting them with this knowledge. Its like telling a stamp collector they can just look up pictures of them online and the collector suddenly having a major realization of that and just completely stopping doing what they like to do. I cant speak for all spergs who may get uppity when its brought up, but i imagine most collectors are tired of hearing it in the same way as someone bragging about water being wet. Yea, no shit.

>> No.9691614

>It's always the other way around. People who wasted hundreds of dollars on a single cartridge seethe at those who play it for free
Not at all. See for yourself. Make a collecting thread and poorfags will show up in droves and shit up the thread.
>Even mentioning flashcarts makes people like you seethe despite playing on original hardware.
Most collectors own flash carts and also dabble with emulation. You're retarded if you think think otherwise.
I have around 600 games in my collection. But I also have Everdrives for NES, Genesis, GB, GBA, and PCE. I also have a Retroid

>> No.9692861

it's even worse in the pc big box collector community. ebay destroyed pc big box collecting. i've all but stopped bc every stupid flea market twit now looks at what the ebay prices are before marking it.

i'm like, "you dumb fuck; that game has a 16-bit installer, copy protection that can't even run on modern OSes, you need 9 fan patches just to make it run on a win7 box (never mind win10/11) nevermind make it run WELL... if i wanted to, i could dl a cracked version and play it within an hour. be thankful i'm even asking for a price at all."

>> No.9692872

What big box games are expensive? Because most I see are cheap

>> No.9692889

everything beyond a common.
i won't touch sims shit, casual game shit, sports shit, modern adventure shit, racing shit (unless it has a cool hook to it, such as sci-fi)...
ppl will try to sell you mmorpg crap where the servers have shut down ages ago.
they'll try to sell you steam key stuff with no knowledge that, once you used the steam key, you've bricked the game...
i can't tell you how many times people have wanted premium prices JUST FOR THE BOX (and it's a crappy box at that)...

>> No.9692939

They do. There's two types who pay this ludicrous prices.
1. Normalfags who aren't into retro gaming at all, but one day they see an old game, get nostalgic, and decide to pay hundreds of bucks for it because "it's old so it must be worth that."
2. Hopelessly addicted collectors who will pay whatever you charge just so they can get their next dopamine hit.

>> No.9693254
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This is why I support piracy