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9598739 No.9598739 [Reply] [Original]

>the world detail
>materia system (unparalleled)
>speed of combat
>art design
Just started it, all of these stood out. Crazy how far we made it in 1997.

>> No.9598741

7chads always win

>> No.9598748

It is one of the goats.
The material system was simple enough, character designs are fun and unique, and the story is solid.
I’m about to beat the remake finally.
it’s literally the same story just fleshed out more

>> No.9598756

>>materia system (unparalleled)
It's better than most FF, but 5 still is more interesting.

>>art design
*watches akira once*

>> No.9598759

>it’s literally the same story just fleshed out more
Tell us what you think when you beat, anon

>> No.9599249

I have never played FF5. Why it is so good the stat system they have?

>> No.9599262
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reminder that ff7 is the goat for both retards and hiqh iqs, while midwits choose ff6

>> No.9599264

nta, but you have a wide selection of jobs for the characters and as the characters level up the jobs they gain abilities that can get carried over to any other job you choose. the abilities are multipurpose enough that you can make some really fun broken shit even playing casually, like summoners that summon twice per turn, samurais that berserk themselves and hit for crazy damage, and party members that mimic each other's moves. and that's just the stuff that i did when i played it for the first time a couple years ago, there's weird classes like beast tamer that i didn't even touch.

>> No.9599323


>> No.9599331

Yes, I concur

>> No.9599345

i have to believe this is correct, i haven't played ff6 yet but i played ff7 last year and there is no way that ff6 ends by implying that humans possibly deserve extermination so it has to be inferior

>> No.9599348
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ff6's writing is a bit all over the place. Honestly after beating it I wondered what the fuck the point was of most of the game. 6 is absolutely the choice for hipsters, also didn't care for the unfunny quips.

>> No.9599370

6 doesn't really say anything, yet it's still a major step up from previous FF's. Since the series has turn-based combat, 7 is the first FF worth playing

>> No.9599384

The storyline was shit.
>ok so we're eco terrorists in a slum in a big city
>oh wait, we're leaving the city and now the world is your typical RPG fare
>lets explain the plot with huge exposition dumps
>Cloud's history is fake lol and Tifa doesn't tell him just because
>Cloud just happens to find one of the Ancients by falling on her flowers
>aliens, Mako energy, lifestream, Shinra, the Ancients, Sephiroth, and on and on and on
It was better when they were anti-hero eco terrorists against Shinra.

>> No.9599387

>ff6's writing is a bit all over the place
Explain how you think this. FF7's writing is hot garbage. 6's was straight forward.

>> No.9599392

>Tifa doesn't tell him just because
The schizo Tifa poster is back. You got any pussy yet faggot?

>> No.9599394

>7 is the first FF worth playing
Are you retarded? IV, V and VI are better than 7. And most of the FF games after 7 are mediocre (X, IX) to shit (VIII, XI, XII, XIII, XV)

>> No.9599407

>Cloud's history is fake lol and Tifa doesn't tell him just because
they made the remake for media illiterates like you. just wait until the new one comes out and you'll understand

>> No.9599415

I don't think you saw Akira either.

>> No.9599419

>they made the remake for media illiterates like you.
Please explain what this means in detail. I await your silence.

>> No.9599424

7 is better than all those games + your life. Instead of being triggered by games older than the people you're arguing with, maybe you should get a job

>> No.9599429

>7 is better than all those games + your life.
Ok retard. 7 was most RPGers "first real grown up RPG just like my big brother played" so they let pass all the fucking shitiness in it. It's literally written like a garbage capeshit tv show.

>> No.9599430

They most definitely aren’t, and there is absolutely no scale by which you can compare them without FFVII blowing them the fuck out.

I can’t speak for FFV, but IV and VI are absolutely, 100% inferior to FFVII. VI in particular; I honestly can’t believe how much people suck it’s dick. I started a play through a while ago and am actually so bored that I’m thinking about dropping it entirely.

>> No.9599431

Cry me a river while I enjoy ff7

>> No.9599437

the remake uses a five minute cutscene complete with a lingering shot on his number tattoo to say "this guy are sick". nothing can go unexplained, and nothing is too ambiguous to miss. it's like kingdom hearts in that sense.

>> No.9599441

>It's literally written like a garbage capeshit tv show.
ah yes the standard capeshit protagonist that is an insecure schizo that literally gets dominated and humiliated by the antagonist

>> No.9599442

>They most definitely aren’t, and there is absolutely no scale by which you can compare them without FFVII blowing them the fuck out.
7 had the worst storytelling of any game I've ever seen.
>I can’t speak for FFV, but IV and VI are absolutely, 100% inferior to FFVII. VI in particular;
Ok retard. I guess you were really impressed with the CGI cutscenes back in 1997. I wasn't.

>> No.9599445

>7 had the worst storytelling of any game I've ever seen.
why are you talking like this? it's mean to pick on 4 because i love it but 4 easily has worse storytelling. kain's arc doesn't even have a fucking payoff, whereas everyone in ff7 gets a come to jesus moment at the end of the game.

>> No.9599447

The fact that it's not a remake but a timeloop sequel was apparently too subtle for all the millennial fans who didn't realise this even as the credits rolled

>> No.9599448

>ah yes the standard capeshit protagonist that is an insecure schizo that literally gets dominated and humiliated by the antagonist
Try watching the Flash. 40 plots going in 60 different directions
>Mako, Shinra bad, we're ecoterrorists, now a meteor is coming, Ancients were here, aliens, talking lions, I don't know my past.
And I'm sure I'm missing a few.

>> No.9599449

>Cloud need to be validated by remembering he was the real Cloud all along instead of pullung through and deciding that it doesn't matter whether his memories are fake

>> No.9599451

VI’s story and characters are ten thousand times less interesting than VII’s.

>wasn’t impressed with CGI cutscenes
Oh man, that’s pretty unfortunate. Really, with brain damage that sever I wonder how you can even manage to make such ridiculous shitposts, let alone breathe.

>> No.9599453

>I wasn't.
lololol why are you still here on this website. If I were as old as you and spent my days as a geriatric screeching to anonymous youths about toys from my childhood I would kill myself

>> No.9599456

are you seriously making the argument that final fantasy fucking seven is overcomplicated? really?

>> No.9599458

>it's mean to pick on 4 because i love it but 4 easily has worse storytelling.
It's perfectly straight forward.
>kain's arc doesn't even have a fucking payoff
He was able to break free of the control from Zemus.

>> No.9599459

You're mad they didn't go with the typical gay anime living in a pod (but stoically!!!) trope and instead had the characters place value on reality

>> No.9599460

>are you seriously making the argument that final fantasy fucking seven is overcomplicated? really?
It's sloppy. Like they took 4 different game plots and mashed them together. Them being eco terrorists and fighting Shinra was the best part of the game.

>> No.9599464

>7 had the worst storytelling of any game I've ever seen.
You ought to play 4 to challenge that notion. The pacing rivals13's and the story literally boils down to:

>> No.9599467

>If I were as old as you and spent my days as a geriatric screeching to anonymous youths about toys from my childhood I would kill myself
Better get back on tiktok and make a video about this thought, zoom zoom.

>> No.9599470

>VI’s story and characters are ten thousand times less interesting than VII’s.
Ok retard. VII was all over the place. VI had the villains plan leading to a point that they excecuted. Kefka > Sephiroth. VI's characters had more humanity. Locke, Celes, Terra, the brothers Sabin/Edgar who are polar opposites, Cyan.
VII had a shizo weirdo in Cloud, Tifa who didn't tell him for some reason, Mr. T who cares about the environment then doesn't. A big dumb cat that they keep trusting no matter how much he betrays them.

>> No.9599475


>> No.9599476

V>VI and fuck IV for ripping Phantasy Star II
VII>VIII and fuck IX for ripping Phantasy Star II again

>> No.9599479

>You ought to play 4 to challenge that notion. The pacing rivals13's and the story literally boils down to:
The storytelling was still better. The moon bit was bonkers, but at least it logically progressed there. In VII they went from eco terrorists, to fighting Shinra, to stopping Sephiroth, to getting involved in 9,000 side quests along the way, to stopping a meteor, and to trying to save the mako/lifestream of the planet (I guess they are ecoterrorists again)?

>> No.9599481

These things are connected, stop speed running and pay attention.

>> No.9599484

>These things are connected
"Connected" is a term I would use loosely. They are still the plots of 4 different games crammed into 1. The first part in the slums is the best part of the game. It told a tight story. Then it became just "yeah, lets put a meteor in there too!"

>> No.9599486

>"Connected" is a term I would use loosely
I know, it's because you didn't pay attention. Pay attention better.

>> No.9599487

The plot of VI is delivered so miserably that I barely have any idea who is doing what or why they are even involved. Kefka as a character is a less complex and less menacing version of Sephiroth. The games goes out of its way to paint Sephiroth as an invincible badass whereas in VI it makes Kefka out to be some mustache-twirling idiot who gets his plans foiled at every turn.

Real great cast of characters you got there, gramps.

>> No.9599490

>I know, it's because you didn't pay attention. Pay attention better.
I paid attention plenty. The game was just shit. It was so bad that they had to have these massive exposition dumps that mid-way they break back to the present day and a character says "This is a long story, would you like to save?" It was unreal.

>> No.9599491

VI and VII are my personal favorites, but IV through IX are all great honestly. I like the whole series (haven't played past XII yet), but the SNES and Playstation games are the peak I'd say.

>> No.9599493

>They are still the plots of 4 different games crammed into 1
You keep repeating this like it's an apparent fact
>yeah, lets put a meteor in there too
This isn't anywhere near a bad thing. It's obvious you are a sad Gen X/early millennial loser satisfying his tribalistic urges through 30+ yo children's toys, and consequently feeling extreme envy over his toys being comparatively unrecognised. Would you say you're likelier than the average person to commit suicide?

>> No.9599494

I would strongly recommend avoiding XII or at least playing the latest release. The vanilla PS2 version of the game is a head-scratchingly boring experience.

>> No.9599497

>I paid attention plenty
You can't even see how plot points connect, you admitted to it.

>> No.9599502

>The plot of VI is delivered so miserably that I barely have any idea who is doing what or why they are even involved.
How is this possible? Are you retarded? What didn't you understand? Here's the plot off the top of my head
>Empire has magic user Terra under mind control doing bad things
>they steal Esper but Terra has reaction to Esper
>Terra is now freed and taken in by the Returners and Locke who try to help her
>they meet up with Edgar at the castle and he helps them
>Kefka searching for Terra and burns castle
>the war is now on
>Kefka does tons of evil shit
>you get new members to your party and try to stop Kefka
>Kefka succeeds
>you have to regroup in the World of Ruin and fight again
>. Kefka as a character is a less complex and less menacing version of Sephiroth.
Sephiroth is so complex no one knows what the fuck he is.
>makes Kefka out to be some mustache-twirling idiot who gets his plans foiled at every turn
>Kefka killed everyone in Cyan's castle and won the battle
>Kefka outwitted Gestahl
>Kefka destroyed the old world and became ruler of the new one

>> No.9599503

It is connected, you just don't like the pacing. If Sephiroth had Kain's roll early in the story (minus his constant morals bouncing back and forth) you'd bitch less. Maybe Crisis Core is more your speed, sped.

>> No.9599505

>This isn't anywhere near a bad thing.
It is when you already have mako, eco terrorists, le crazy big sword villain, aliens, and evil corporation, etc

>> No.9599506

I wonder which pretentious git taught him that flashbacks are bad storytelling. >Broooo my Marxist film teacher said it's 'objectively' bad writing so I'll stop liking it

>> No.9599509

>You can't even see how plot points connect, you admitted to it.
>It is connected,
I never sad it wasn't. I said was barely connected and in a poor way. When your game needs massive exposition dumps, there's a problem with the storytelling.

>> No.9599512

>I wonder which pretentious git taught him that flashbacks are bad storytelling.
Flashbacks are fine. But VII had these incredibly long flashbacks that were less about gameplay and more about exposition dumps. Just as bad as modern day unskippable cutscenes.

>> No.9599515

There's nothing wrong with how things are explained in the story, they even use it for narrative and character reasons, set ups and pay offs. You didn't pay attention well.

>> No.9599516

Kafka sucks and so does FFVI. Eat shit.

>> No.9599519

ELDER GOD TIER Villains whose motives are hard to find fault in and arguably better than the hero's.
GREAT TIER Reluctant villains who only do evil things because of the situation they find themselves in.
Garland, Golbez
HIGH TIER Villains who are retaliating against misdeeds done to them. They may be seeking to change society as a whole.
Xande, Kuja
MID TIER Villains who are only obeying their nature and doing what they do to survive.
Cloud, Exdeath, Ultimecia
MEH TIER Villains whose motives are a mystery and seem almost insane at times.
Hojo, Sephiroth
SHIT TIER Villains who are just evil or lust for power.
Matheus, Zemus, Gastahl, Kefka, Brahne

>> No.9599526

>There's nothing wrong with how things are explained in the story, they even use it for narrative and character reasons, set ups and pay offs. You didn't pay attention well.
It was garbage. And when you have that many insane plot points (which take your characters in numerous different directions unnecessarily) and need exposition dumps to explain things, you failed.

>> No.9599527
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>> No.9599530

>Kafka sucks and so does FFVI. Eat shit.
Says the faggot that clearly just lost the argument.

>> No.9599534

>barely connected
Cowboy Bebop must've caused you to have an aneurysm.
>When your game needs massive exposition dumps, there's a problem with the storytelling.
Japs are shit writers, that much we can agree on. 7 isn't the only FF that suffers from this.

>> No.9599536

>It was garbage

>> No.9599537

>Crazy how far we made it in 1997.
Not really?
That era was not the dark ages of technology anon.

>> No.9599542

This post killed the brainlet.

>> No.9599551

Your points are shit and they don't invalidate my argument. FFVI sucks the root and Kefka is a laughably shitty villain.

>> No.9599553


>> No.9599554

Meant for >>9599530.

>> No.9599560

He's probably just gonna list the story beats again and keep insisting it's bad for a game to have all of them

>> No.9599593

Kefka's a competent villain, but shit complexity as a character since he just boils down to a Saturday Morning cartoon villain and NO, some rando NPC off-handedly mentioning that he used to be normal but lost brain cells doesn't count towards character depth.

The only thing I could pin on 7 for that is Hojo's diatribe at North Crater, despite it making sense character wise. That and Sephiroth explaining his goal in the Temple of the Ancients. Again, Japs really love pulling the "What did you mean by that!?" style of writing.

>> No.9599607

>off-handedly mentioning that he used to be normal but lost brain cells
Better do this than actually show how Sephiroth lost his brain cells.
>reads a journal
>POW! Instant villain! Let's burn a village!

>> No.9599610

Gonna paste this from another thread since you clearly have brainworms and couldn't tell your shit from your trousers:

Sephiroth was already insane, he just found a satisfying rationalisation. It's evident even before he goes postal that he's a messed up dude, he ain't a compassionate guy who makes friends, he's a sociopath who exists to be nothing more than a weapon. Learning he was merely military hardware shocked him so much because... it was true, it all clicked. He always knew he was the best of the best, but now he believes that he is inherently perfect and has a literal birthright to godhood. He razes Nibelheim because – as he might describe it – he doesn't feel any sympathy for those ants, they aren't like him, he shouldn't have to care about what they think, and he'd rather the Cetra walk the Earth instead anyway. Sephiroth was previously a war hero before who defended civilians because that's what the mission asked of him; he doesn't have those guidelines anymore—he is on a literal pilgrimage to kill them.

One of the worst things Crisis Core did was try to make Sephiroth a compassionate bloke.

>> No.9599613

Stale shitpost is stale.

>> No.9599652

high IQ players prefer ff9
midwits enjoy ff7 and ff8 like myself
low IQ only play ff10 and beyond
but those with good solid taste love most of all ff1 on the NES.

>> No.9599840
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Based and true. By far the most engrossing game in the series. Even the menu has atmosphere

>> No.9599847

FF9 is amazing but very slow, not as easy to pick up and play as 7

>> No.9599857

>muh writing
who the fuck cares? its corny cliche tropes and its fine. the characters, atmosphere, and sound are what makes it work. who wants to mash thru any more text than the bare minimum?

>> No.9599878

It never was a masterpiece. There is 0 gameplay or game design value in it and Nomura character design is abysmal

Kids just went crazy over cutscenes

>> No.9599982

Always thought it was trash because I played Xenogears first which has a full polygonal world you can scale freely, actiony combat, less gay characters and more relatable story with real world ties. Everyone loves his first JRPG though

>> No.9599996

gears is just an ugly grandia

>> No.9600012

>In the series
And there in lies the embarrassing remark you made.
FF is overrated and for midwits. Always has been always will be.


>> No.9600014


>> No.9600020

xenogears did it all better.

>> No.9600090

I never thought I would see the day where OP /thread

>> No.9600187
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It literally doesn't get lower IQ than FF, or gayer

>> No.9600234

After becoming an adult and getting into classical music, the series' growing pretensions from 6 onward make me think they were actually trying to create interactive operas.

Operas often only change scenes at the beginning of a new act. So to tell a complete narrative in 3-5 scenes, exposition dumps are a big part of it. It can sometimes be like an episode of Springer with a dynamic soundtrack that reacts to two characters having an argument over something that happened offscreen and the details slowly emerge as they yell stuff at each other accusingly, for example. If you imagine the flashback scenes as the group talking to one another, and Uematsu's music being written to pull you into caring about the sudden left turn of the narrative, it makes sense.

I'm not saying its brilliant or that there wouldn't be a better way to do it, but as the series got more serious, its pretty obvious that they considered opera an artistic aspiration for the series and now that I'm familiar enough with the tropes of Wagner and Italian Verismo operatic storytelling, the way 6 onwards delivers story beats feels similar to the way Puccini (Aeris' death) or Wagner (giant, world ending sword duel climax) would present them.

>> No.9600240

All the shitty mini games in disc one make it really hard to will myself to replay FF7.

>> No.9600320

Good post. Most FF fans are completely artistically illiterate and can't see any nuance. Sephiroth is shown to be cold and ruthless even when he was a "hero." He was raised to be a killing machine, held up as a figurehead for Shinra's propaganda, showered with praise for slaughtering any perceived enemy, and we learn from Lucretia that he was never even held by his mother as a baby; he was whisked off by scientists to be a research specimen the moment he was born. You don't need to be a psychologist to see how fucked up someone would be from living a life like that. Even before the Nibelheim incident, he was, at best, a functional sociopath with a massive superiority complex, but most players completely miss all of that and take the claim that he's a hero at face value.

I'd also argue that he doesn't actually give a shit about Jenova or the Ancients. Those are just post-hoc rationalizations he uses to justify his desires. When he reads in Gast's research notes that Jenova is an Ancient, he claims that entitles him to take the planet back from the humans who betrayed the Ancients. Later, when he travels through the Lifestream and learns the truth about Jenova (that she was actually just a monster that wiped out the Ancients), he twists it around and says that he's entitled to rule the planet because Jenova was even greater than the Ancients were. In other words, all he really wants is to satisfy his own ego by elevating himself up to godhood compared to the rest of the world, and he'll use whatever excuse he can come up with to justify it.

>> No.9600384

>Kefka is… Sephiroth
this nigga doesn’t understand how numbers work

>> No.9600392

>Kefka… gets his plans foiled
You didn’t even play the game. Sorry for samefagging but your post is so atrocious I only got halfway through before I had to let you know how stupid you are. Please tell me this was bait.

>> No.9600431

Interesting take, thanks for your input anon. I like the idea of them trying to make opera out of their videogames; more devs should try to do this.

>> No.9600598

I agree with OP, 7 is so good even today. Played it before remake came out and was still shocked at how good it is

>> No.9600673

Its cool being able to understand the references when you notice them. Curtains Down from Blood Money is a lot more satisfying when you understand the context of the scene the target is playing out, for instance.

The opera is called Tosca, and thats the ending scene. There's at least a dozen Kojima-tier absurd plot twists that precede it, but basically the character being executed believes that its a mock execution, because the chief of police pardoned him but had to keep up appearances because he's known for being tough on crime. Usually on stage, that character acts like a chad with no fear of death, and his girlfriend is singing these joking lyrics about what a good actor he is while the music itself is really tense and clues you in that he's actually fucked and the police chief didn't actually give the order to pardon. He gets shot and dies with a look of shock on his face, and his girlfriend jumps off a cliff to avoid arrest, then curtains the end.

So in a meta sense, the two targets are actually playing the roles of the two opera characters, and 47 is actually playing the role of the executioner. Tosca is pretty babbys first opera tier so its not hard to see why it'd be one they'd be looking for level material in, but the way they pulled it off is actually really impressive.

>> No.9600681

The only part of 7 I hated was how Bugenhagen let Red 13 think his dad was a coward for decades. I don't care if he floated around on a giant bouncy ball, he's an asshole.

>> No.9600683

>timeloop sequel

fucking Rebuild of Eva ruined everything

>> No.9600720

Kefka had brain damage from experimentation and wanted to teach people that they should give up on living and progressing by destroying everything they cared for. If people got too happy, they got zapped. His nihilism dial was set to 11.

He did his part very well as a villain, making the player hate him and think he was useless until the climax, when he got the power he wanted. Kefka was POGGERS TIER, because he was a villain who achieved his end goal by showing people that they should just give up(which they did). However, the cast of ragtag heroes proved to him that life was worth living, by ending his reign of terror.

>> No.9600763

the story is the same, sort of, but the experience is worse because the flow is completely thrown off with side bullshit and dungeons that take way too long.

>> No.9600801

I still say it has the best story, characters and music in all of gaming.

>> No.9600856
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>blocks your path

>> No.9600879

FF8 was average. If the story stopped when Adel sucked up Rinoa and they merged to become Ultimecia then and there, then it would compete, otherwise it's just bland no-name sorceress that was back to the fuiture'd.

>> No.9601906
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It's somewhere up on my list of all favorite games.
5, 7, 9 & tactics in no particular order were the best.
I know most ppl like 6, and it was good & i enjoyed it- but wasn't totally my cup of tea. All the others were okay but felt like a good average to me. I never played anything past 12.
But I think a lot of it comes down to "what was your first FF" and how old you are/when you started getting into games. Some people have really shitty mindsets about games, and fail to do the most basic shit like read text or challenge themselves.. its just them mashing buttons and getting dopamine rushes from it as colors flash on a screen... I'm convinced they only process 20% of the info on screen.
I recently got several friends to play older games- and 5, 7, 9 & tactics were my suggestions for FFs.
So far the comments I have gotten are "I dont get 5's job and magic system" "art style in 9 makes it hard to look at" "tactics is just bad" and "the story in 7 is too convoluted" / "All the characters in 7 are homophobic, misogynistic and the game is full of toxic masculinity" (he did NOT like cid)
Keep in mid these are zoomers that have never played a game that wasnt in 1080 with tons of bloom lighting, brown, and dlc.
All of the friends that grew up in 97-00 playing psx that recently played... had little to no complaints and could enjoy each game for what it was worth- even if it wasn't their cup of goddamn tea.

>> No.9601916

>what was your first FF

FF1, baby

>> No.9601941

Ironically this. But I was 5 at the time I didn't have a complete grasp on everything and the game kicked my ass in parts.
Then later I played ff5 on emu at school & fell in love. In 98 got a playstation for Christmas- and the store would include 5 random games with it- and ff7 was one of those.
I honestly never made the connection that all the FF games were made by teams of some of the same people, etc until a bit later- but I think making that connection and seeing the evolution of the series and all the hidden headnods etc for the fans to find was always really neat.

>> No.9602091
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>> No.9602270

I will never understand why some have so much hatred for it. These people are just loser faggots. How can such a game be hated? I understand hating modern Sony shit but not FFVII. FF7 came at a time when the video game industry was so much more wholesome and pure. PS1 era itself had so much variety and experimental shit. Nothing was inherently shilled on purpose for the sake of politics. You know, such as that trash TLOU2.

>> No.9602280

same story but bloated with fetch quests and shitty side quests that waste time so they can justify 3 games to tell one story.

i liked the remake...beat it and had fun. but the original just reminds me why modern gaming is fun, but fucking annoying compared to the late 90s.

>> No.9602302

There's a Rinoa outfit mod for Tifa in 7R.

>> No.9602304

>FF7 came at a time when the video game industry was so much more wholesome and pure.

is that why there is a mandatory cross-dressing event that possibly includes mass gay rape in a hot tub?

>> No.9602330

FF1 on NES is the best Final Fantasy game

>> No.9602339


>> No.9602598

>materia system (unparalleled)
>in a series that had a job system
You are otherwise entirely correct. I'd prefer the materia system if characters were more specialised. I don't like games where everyone can do everything at once because it cheapens the concept of having characters in the first place.

>> No.9602704

>it’s literally the same story just fleshed out more
"""literally""" the same except it's 10% of the og game with kingdom hearts fuckery mixed in. dumd dumb

>> No.9602835

>speed of combat
I have never understood this. Combat was faster in IV-VI. VII takes time to animate evry action. It's faster than what came next, I guess.

>> No.9603623
File: 160 KB, 360x450, Takahashi_Unleashed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xenogears is better
Chrono Trigger is better
FF4-6 is better

Kneel to Takahashi

>> No.9603634

Wow, he's just like me.

>> No.9603637


>> No.9603638
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>> No.9604287

>Liking the normiest, most negatively influential jarpig of all time is high IQ
Frogposter once again proving his retardation

>> No.9604328
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It never was one in literally any way. Actually shocking how little SE tried to innovate and go with the times until 12

>> No.9604387

Don't sully the proud african-american race by associating it with the worst final fantasy until 12 came out

>> No.9604538

based, FFVI faggots in a world of ruin after reading this

>> No.9604694

>gameplay bad
>story bad with pseudo deep eco realism spin and villain completely frizzling out towards the end
>graphics laughable
No. You were just young

>> No.9604720

Dialogues can be cringe but if you play in English you have to give Jap games the benefit of the doubt at least

>> No.9604736
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good pic anon
the guide, the tv, the controller, the boxes cartridges, the figurines. perfect atmosphere

>> No.9604750
File: 235 KB, 841x1000, ffiii guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had that guide for VII and this one for VI.

>> No.9604778

>It's sloppy. Like they took 4 different game plots and mashed them together. Them being eco terrorists and fighting Shinra was the best part of the game.

That's every FF after the first 3 except maybe 5

>> No.9604879

Actually just tried to play this recently and gave up. It's very meandering and tropey.
>Combat is boring
>Dialogue sections are insufferably long
Mostly felt like 90% of this game is padding.

>> No.9604883

This was pretty much exactly how I felt. I think the story is beyond overrated.

>> No.9605569

Am I allowed to love FFIV, FFVI and FFVII. I enjoy the hell out of playing them.

>> No.9606059

>materia system (unparalleled)
paper mario

>> No.9606096
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Xenogears outclassed it every single one of those categories.
Seriously, I used to be a huge Final Fantasy 7 fan until I played Xenogears and the power gap is fucking insane between these two games so much. Mainly just because they shared similar tones and elements but in the end Xenogears felt like a truly unleashed, unadulterated, unfiltered version of Final Fantasy 7.

>> No.9606112

>Xenogears outclassed it every single one of those categories.
god no, xenogears is shit.

>> No.9606132

Xenogears is awesome, but I prefer FFVII by a bit. I think the battles in VII are more interesting overall, but it's cool how there are on-foot battles and Gear battles in Xenogears.

>> No.9606134

>It was better when they were anti-hero eco terrorists against Shinra.
Every time I see this retarded sentiment it's so obvious the person has never played the game. Shinra never stops being the antagonist just because the party leaves Midgar.

>> No.9606351

I'm on my first playthrough of this game now, having a great time with it. Just started disk 2, things are starting to get crazy.

>> No.9606859

The game is less focused though when it comes to the antagonist/protagonist relationship. What was set up as shinra vs avalanche becomes your group (with the eco terrorism eliminated) vs sephiroth/shinra/the Turks.

>> No.9606873

I've said this before.

It seems they took all the satirical parts of FF6 realized they were actually decent ideas and made it serious. Messianic Kefka to Angel Sephiroth. Best things said in jest ect. Shakespeare also did this with his Titus. It was a spoof on tragic plays then realized he could profit big from doing what he did and made them serious.
Square had a lot of practice in the genre. Which is why Legend of Dragoon could never be a FF7 killer.

>> No.9607906

>every game must be call of duty multiplayer

>> No.9608006
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Xenoqueers outclassed it in terms of presentation, but the story bounced around from plot to plot worse than 7.
It FINALLY decided where it wanted to go with the story after recruiting Billy and Miang is a badly written villain.

>> No.9608063
File: 917 KB, 1023x767, __grahf_xenogears_drawn_by_r_shotaro__36c133fa4b32804f7d6c9be296c40034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miang is a badly written villain.
Good thing the game didn't have one shitty villain to run on

>> No.9608337

I still think Aerith is the better girl than Tifa. Coomers need not apply here.

>> No.9608340

Off-topic, but I've just beat the one FF5 superboss I missed the forst time (the goddamn gil turtle).

>> No.9608364

Congrats. It's a shame you don't get anything from it besides gil in the cave, but the challenge is fun nonetheless.

>> No.9608367

She's too extroverted and forward. She also doesn't like Cloud, she just sees Zack in him and tries to understand what's wrong with him. And there's too much pressure. She's the last Cetra and has a lot of people wanting that power. That's just too much shit to deal with for some pussy.

>> No.9608383

>She also doesn't like Cloud
Says who? You?

>> No.9608405

Anyone that played the game more than once and paid attention? There's plenty of smoke and mirrors and minutia that you only pick up going through it again.
She sees right through Cloud's bullshit and is mostly humoring him,

>> No.9608408

Calling bullshit on this. Why would she stay with the party then? You make her out to be like she is some kind of shitty character saying this.

>> No.9608459

She's not a shitty character, anon. Are you being willingly dense? She's just not the obvious love interest that most people thought she was.

>> No.9608471

The game gives in the story a love triangle between the main character, Tifa and Aerith. The girl he meets later in his life goes on to get killed early before much of anything can happen between the two if you choose her through the game. Tifa was definitely his childhood love interest but Aerith showed him there is more options than just one crush.

>> No.9608575

>materia system (unparalleled)

People actually enjoy that stuff? I thought it's something you endure in order to experience the story.

At least FF6 had special attacks that were stronger than normal attacks and were free so you could use them all the time. Made charcter choice matter. In FF7 for 90% of the fights you just hold X.

>> No.9608707

spoken like someone who just did the most basic bitch build for every character

>> No.9608748

see back then you could joke and laugh about that kind of thing

>> No.9609058

It's not a love triangle, it's there to show how broken Cloud's brain is. If you thought there was a love triangle, you are Cloud.

>> No.9609108

better get that shotgun cleaned and ready because you are here forever kiddo

>> No.9609486

>Miang is a badly written villain.
Miang is fucking excellent though. She's a thing that has the potential to manifest in all women created by Deus and it's honestly terrifying

>> No.9609827
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>> No.9609829
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>> No.9609831
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>> No.9609832
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>> No.9609835
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>> No.9609837
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>> No.9609839
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>> No.9611294

It's litterally not. And dead characters are alive in it. The story is different too. And yuffie was never in midgar

>> No.9611298

Wrong ffvii is for vegans and treehuggers where as ffvi is for chads and based joker enthusiasts

>> No.9611313

Can we all agree the best game in the series was ffviii

>> No.9611317

It's the worst one and it isn't even close.

>> No.9611328

>Someone tell this idiot that sephiroth is dead and has been dead the entire time.

>All times you encounter him it's jenova cells.

>It's jenova not seph.

>Even in the cavern with the meteor materia it's fucking jenova cells reacting with it.

>Sephs eyes never open. He's gone.

>Jenova can mimic pepole. It's a sentient talking "the thing"

>> No.9611345

>ffvi is for chads and based joker enthusiasts

yes it's for those who are intelligent, nihilistic and having a wicked sense of humor such as ourselves

>> No.9611359

Except Aeris is a cetra and "like him" why would he kill her?
Instead of raping her and forcing her to travel to the stars the cetra terraformed to destroy each one?
Grandia 1 was better then ffvii
Why didn't Magnus save his sister. I never understood why he just let his mother beat them both

>> No.9611361

If miang had left Elly alone and Let them have just 1 life together I 100% think she would have been successful in rebuilding deus and destroying the galaxy

>> No.9611370

I only got around to playing FF7 in 2013 and it was amazing for a first playthrough even 16 years out from release. Would have been my favorite game if I were a Sony kid in the 90s.

>> No.9611592

While I'm not a huge FF fan, I wouldn't call the entire series shit.

>> No.9611596

>Miang is a badly written villain.
>implying she's a vallain or non-villain

>> No.9611857

Going through the characters' drama and enjoy their growth as people. Cyan arc is pretty good. This game doesn't feel that it has any protagonist, they are all protagonists.

>> No.9611874

>story evolving is bad
are video game fans really this retarded?

>> No.9611875

aerith IS the coomer option nigga

>> No.9612002

That's what I mean when I say that's my problem with her: It's fucking STUPID. Her being the reason for why Fei's mom was a heartless bitch was a copout imo. I DO however agree it's haunting that Miang's been around for every generation, pulling the strings from the sidelines. That's some ancient immortal elites type shit.

>> No.9612083

Final Fantasy 7 sits at a weird place with me.
I love the game I just can't stand playing it.

>> No.9612438
File: 2.49 MB, 4032x3024, Doing_it_again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd agree. Even though I like Tactics and 4 a lot more, I would say 7 is on par with 8 and 9. As soon as the remake leaves Epic and goes to GOG, I look forward to playing it.

>> No.9612439

They would really put that on GoG?

>> No.9613273

That you know of. Just because you don’t interact with her or see her doesn’t mean she wasn’t there. She’s a goddamn ninja!

>> No.9613457

>And yuffie was never in midgar.
Before Crisis established this IIRC

>> No.9613641

>Xeniggers ruin yet another thread.
Fuck off.

>> No.9613654

>Prerendered towns.

>> No.9613673

Played obscure untranslated jrpgs but haven't played any FF game to this day, is FF VII still interesting to play? Does it have something that makes it unique?

>> No.9613694

>In a jrpg

>> No.9613723

>Why wouldn't Sephiroth rape Aeris and make her his sex slave
People would see it as way more fucked up than just killing her cause he's mean
It's a kids game

>> No.9614643

which jarpig is your favorite? I usually hate games in the genre and was never interested in FF, but I want to keep an open mind. Give me your top 3 and I'll play them unless they're Dragon Quest

>> No.9615631

>Vandalized another Normalfag Fantasy 7 discussion
Holy based

>> No.9615635

stop ruining our threads first, faggot.

>> No.9616636

Tendies simply can't accept that the best FF games were on PSX
Literally debunked

>> No.9617704


FF7's story is almost incomprehensible at times unless you look up what the fuck is happening, and the shit translation never helped. I'm not even anti-FF7, I love it but you're retarded. Have a (You)

>> No.9618348

It's easy to follow if you aren't speed running.