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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.16 MB, 3872x2592, AdobeStock_29684771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9499918 No.9499918 [Reply] [Original]

CRT Good is just a meme, right?

>> No.9499924


>> No.9500004

Low resolution games look better on it. Can be somewhat mitigated by shaders.
Colors and bright beamz, only lately kinda matched by modern displays. Very expensive ones.
Input lag, starting to be ok on monitors now. But requires compromise if you want motion clarity.
Motion clarity:the real reason to get a CRT. Every modern solution comes with flaws and the thing is far from being solved. CRTs have perfect motion clarity basically.
Yeah if you can, play old games on CRT, no biggie. If you can't, there's way to get good results otherwise, but you gotta jump trough some hoops and the results are never 100% or require some compromise.

Now fuck off elsewhere.

>> No.9500018

old games were made for CRT

how hard is that to understand

>> No.9500048
File: 5 KB, 230x219, 2Q==(26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can find good crts, but this board is so retarded that it makes it looks like its a meme
pic is a good crt and for rf signal you should have a small sony trinitron, don't buy flat screens or big crts because they suck

>> No.9500116


Have fun diving into your CRT to replace parts that are no longer available. Good luck finding someone else to dump them on. Enjoy the fact that you paid hundreds of dollars for something you'll end up leaving outside with a handwritten note that says, "FREE PLEASE TAKE."

>> No.9500121



Let me let you in on a little secret- Collectors show up in threads on occasion, maybe they got a good deal somewhere, maybe they bought stuff when it was cheaper years ago, but my point is- they don't represent the current state of things.

They can maintain most of this technology, or have fairly decent knowledge of how it works, but to be quite honest, its a tiny, tiny, miniscule amount of people that do. Don't fall into the trap of purchasing another heavy thing that only has one purpose. A good scaler or shit even one of those HDMI dongles are okay for older "retro" games or whatever normies call them now. I live with an old LCD and a retrotink. The Retrotink 5x goes for 300 buckaroos (still cheaper than a high quality PVM lmao) Which means you could buy one of those and get EXACT same experience on a regular modern TV as you would a big fat tube television.

Tl;dr CRT worshippers are nuts.

>> No.9500127

I like that you think that a) people dont have their CRTs from the 90s/2000s and that I can't get on fb right now and find one for 10 to 20 bucks.

Hundreds of dollars lmao

>> No.9500129


I said PVM. The preferred monitors for older game consoles. You must have forgotten to read my post or maybe you were squinting trying to make out my post boomer.

>> No.9500134
File: 509 KB, 2002x1502, P10706811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's honestly just preference. I grew up with CRTs and always hated them and dreamt that some day I could get every pixel nice and sharp. Other people like the way a CRT blurs things together and if you don't want the hassle of old heavy hardware there are tons of shaders that try to replicate it.

Just don't let anyone else tell you what your preference *should* be and think for yourself.

>> No.9500138



>> No.9500140

That's really interesting that you say that. I've never seen someone who actually prefers the raw pictures. I wonder if in a world where the 8/16 bit was done on lcd tvs and crts did not exist, would the pixel art look the same as it did then, or would they try different tricks to blend pixels and make it look more natural?

>> No.9500146

PVMs are a bit of a meme. They look really good, don't get me wrong, but they haven't been worth the ridiculous prices in a very long time. All you really need is a consumer set. Preferably one with component in and a transcoder, but even just composite and/or s-video is good enough to have your old games look good.

The alternative is having your games look and play like dog feces on a flat panel. Or having to go down the rabbit hole of upscalers, with the end result being that it just looks like you're playing on an emulator, so you might as well just play on an emulator.

>> No.9500148

I own 3 CRTs and I love them, but as >>9500134 said, it's really just preference at this point. Using a flat screen is perfectly fine to do nowadays.

>> No.9500157

OP I was on the fence due to how weirdly passionate people get about insisting they aren't worth it, but I always felt like on an intuitive level that shit looked worse than I remembered.

I had been playing DKC on an actual SNES on a LCD tv I have, and my friend heard I had been looking for a CRT. He gave me an old Colorvision TV from when we were kids, single RF in. Keep in mind this TV had lived in a shed powered off for at least a decade but more like 15 years at least, in no way is it a "nice" CRT in the technical sense. Spent twenty minutes wiping it down, plug it up, and switch the SNES output from my LCD to the CRT - the difference in how much better that game looks is unfucking real and I will never again in my life be able to take someone who passionately reeeeeeees in disagreement when someone says CRTs still very much have relevance. It's not a debate if you have eyes and can A/B the difference in real life right in front of you. You can still not like them or prefer raw pixels or whatever, but its absolutely delusional to say that isn't how older games were meant to look.

>> No.9500161

PVMs are too expensive. The best consumer level CRT you can buy has the follow characteristics:
European (so it has RGB input)
Multistandard (so it can display NTSC at 60Hz or PAL60)

>> No.9500170

Why would you want flat? What's the benefit? Imagine wanting 50hz scart over 60hz with component

>> No.9500185

>CRTs have perfect motion clarity basically.
Phosphor blur was and remains a thing

>> No.9500189

flat is actually a negative. Since the source of the electron beam is from a point, a curved screen is going to more accurately reflect the intended geometry. Flat CRTs have to warp things around at the end of the tube and they tend to have worse geometry as a result.
Having said that, flat CRTs became more popular at the tail at, at the same time as these CRTs started more commonly having better inputs. So it's usually a bundle deal.

>> No.9500191

No. There should be one correct answer so that I don't have to do any thinking. I should be able to open my MacBook, fire up Google, and be told what to do within seconds of me asking my question.
And once I have my correct opinion installed I'll spend my time telling the people who are wrong that their choice is a meme, and circlejerking with the new friends I made with my opinion.

>> No.9500194

It's bad for the eyes and brain
Don't use it.

>> No.9500224
File: 1.31 MB, 2000x3000, Nintendo1993Calendar-02-vgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said it around here, but I also don't post as much as I used to. It is interesting looking at some of the old pixel art especially in the old calendars. Sometimes things look very crisp and pixely all over..

>> No.9500229
File: 538 KB, 1000x1200, Nintendo1991Calendar-04-March.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other times they would play like here there are some sharp pixels but then others with blur around them.

>> No.9500235
File: 433 KB, 1000x1200, Nintendo1990Calendar-12-November.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And other times they tried to go all out making it look like crt distortion.

>> No.9500252


>rabbit hole of upscalers

This is intellectual dishonest. Their are very few and they're all quite good for what they do. Its not a complicated market of a million clones running around, its just a few niche companies making them. Its easier than ever to find a good scaler- even reddit can figure it out.

>> No.9500262

>Have fun diving into your CRT to replace parts that are no longer available
all my crts are still working
>Enjoy the fact that you paid hundreds of dollars
I didn't because I'm zoomer who got them for free, now kys

>> No.9500268

>You must have forgotten to read my post or maybe you were squinting trying to make out my post boomer.
not him but you said nothing about pvms retard

>> No.9500282


>not him

Get a job loser.

>> No.9500289


>still working
Okay? Someday they won't and that shelf life has been used up since the end of their production run, plus whatever thousands of hours the device has been powered on. Admit it, its a ticking time bomb at this point that you can't replace easily as time goes on.

>Zoomer that got them for free

I have a 90 l.b. monitor I inherited from Grandparents Captain faggarino, I still wouldn't use it. They also had a 40 inch Mitsubishi CRT television set that we had to be hundreds of dollars just to get rid of after they died. Glad your happy with free massive paperweights my dude. Have fun getting rid of them when no landfill will take them anymore lol.

>> No.9500296

nice cope

>> No.9500297

That's absolutely correct, goyim. All this CRT craze is just a meme, the people buying into it are either easily influenced morons or outright stupid. Do not ever touch a CRT display, the radiation will give you cancer and will fry your retinas. How are you going to work your nine-to-five while being blind, huh? As far as retro gaming is concerned, you should totally buy the most expensive OLED display and make sure it has a Black Co- I mean, that Black Frame Insertion feature. It will literally look just like a CRT or better without slowly mutating your mRNA chains with radiation. We would never try an experimental mRNA vaccine on go- I mean, fellow humans like you. Just trust the science and spend thousands of dollars on buying new thing!

>> No.9500303

>plug old console into old TV
>it just werks(TM)
>do research and earn a PhD in analogue video signals
>buy high quality RGB cables for all your consoles
>do more research to pick which (expensive) upscaler is best for your needs, with new versions coming out every so often that makes your expensive purchase outdated and inferior
>also have to worry about how your individual flat panel TV/monitor handles the signal being output by the console+upscaler
>all of this to just achieve something that looks the same as just using an emulator on your PC instead

I'm not trying to disparage those who prefer the upscaler route. All I'm saying is that it's a lot more involved compared to just having an old TV and plugging your console in.

>> No.9500308 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 1671377499359820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I own [coveted CRT model] that I will [trash OR destroy]!"
Sure you do, lil bro.

>> No.9500315
File: 1.83 MB, 1304x1080, outrun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tldr stay mad

>> No.9500348

go to your front door, step outside, and breathe some fresh air. you've been basking in your own filth for too long and I'm worried about you.

>> No.9500356

>The alternative is having your games look and play like dog feces on a flat panel
A. Most flat panels have a Game Mode where you can disable extra processing, and B. Input lag is an issue for action games obviously, though a flat panel doesn't particularly matter for RPGs or adventure games where reaction time is irrelevant.

>> No.9500364

>tries to make CRTs into another Jew meme

You pol babies are pathetic.

>> No.9500374


>> No.9500376

>circlejerking with the new friends I made with my opinion
What if I still have no friends? You have NO idea of how hard it is to circlejerk alone.

>> No.9500381

Multistandard sets supports and refresh 60Hz if you provide a 60Hz signal (NTSC or PAL60). Component is good but not better than RGB and only a small bunch of not HD consoles support it. That set up is good but not ideal for consoles post PS2. A 16:9 progressive scan TV set or HD CRT monitor is better.
The ideal is having 2 CRTs, one for pre 6th gen console and another for 7th gen and beyond.

>> No.9500386

>do research and earn a PhD in analogue video signals
Already did.
>buy high quality RGB cables for all your consoles
Lol? I'm a PhD. I build my own cables.
>do more research to pick which (expensive) upscaler is best for your needs, with new versions coming out every so often that makes your expensive purchase outdated and inferior
I'm already at it. It's my postdoc.
>also have to worry about how your individual flat panel TV/monitor handles the signal being output by the console+upscaler
I modded my TV to be perfect to my needs. What do you think PhDs are for?
>all of this to just achieve something that looks the same as just using an emulator on your PC instead
And a beautiful PhD diploma on my wall. An emulator doesn't come with one.

>> No.9500389

Never saw geometry problems on flat panels other the typical stuff on the brightest portions of the image that's typical of all consumer grade sets

>> No.9500409

neat, I just take the cable that came packed with my n64 and plugged it into an old TV

>> No.9500427

cool, I just downloaded a few files and started playing

>> No.9500489

Glad you're enjoying it. I went down the PVM rabbit hole years ago, but eventually came around to appreciating any consumer set in good condition. Because of the prerendered graphics, the DKC series looks especially good on composite or RF (didn't look as great as other SNES games on my PVM).

>> No.9500539
File: 1.75 MB, 3008x4000, IMG20221218115541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the thrift store right now
Just found this for $5

>> No.9500565

this is the most sour grapes post i've ever seen
>But, it's gonna break some day and THEN you'll be sorry!

>> No.9500567

Nice, little CRTs like that are really hard to find
What kinds of inputs does it have?

>> No.9500569

Good post.

>> No.9500573

It's not a meme but as you can see from this thread it's certainly a circlejerk.

>> No.9500579
File: 52 KB, 739x415, images - 2022-12-19T092112.769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a 100kg Sony Trinitron for free. The owner was glad I took it off his hands. I eventually chucked it onto the street when I moved but when you live in major cities they're not hard to find.

>> No.9500585 [DELETED] 

he's not wrong tho

>> No.9500626

Is Composite that bad?

I've seen a lot of people modding their CRTs to get RGB

>> No.9500635

Composite is ass but, it is funny to watch Americans shill rf&composite I guess it is a form of cope.

>> No.9500652

i just finished playing chrono trigger in one of these. Mediocrity shouldn't be celebrated. I just wish emulators were able to reach the speed of analogue inputs

>> No.9500675

You really like making up problems that don't exist for most people. I mean have fun playing your video games today when a tornado could rip the roof off your house tomorrow. Or your bathtub could overflow and flood your livingroom. You'll have to rent a giant bin or a truck to haul out all the water damaged carpet or flooring. Oh man I'm such hot stuff.

>> No.9500681

CRTs weren't a Jew/Hebe invention, and neither are LCDs

>> No.9500686 [DELETED] 

Who said they were? Am I being trolled?

>> No.9500728
File: 1.91 MB, 3008x4000, IMG20221218133450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got home. The CRT has RCA. Mono obviously. It didn't come with a power cord so I'm using an old IBM Thinkpad supply I had laying around. I'm hardly getting picture and sound. The supply is 16v while the CRT requires 15v, may have something to do with it

>> No.9500746


>what is moving the goal posts
>what is natural wear and tear after 30+ years of being used
>what is an ancient finite technology with literally less than .003% of the population around to fix it for you

I think its a stupid investment, considering how cheap, clean and ultimately less demanding on resources modern television displays are. You act like I care what you do with your things, but ultimately its your own mess to deal with when they break down in a few years. Its just a weird hill to die on man.

>> No.9500760 [DELETED] 


>anime avatar
>green posting

Go back to your containment /crt/ thread on reddit you fat nerd.

>> No.9500762


what are you going to do about it dork?

>> No.9500763

CRTs that have little use, are still in perfect working order, and/or have been serviced/repaired professionally (yes, people still service them) will work for the remainder of our lives.

>> No.9500767
File: 3.44 MB, 3008x4000, IMG20221218134700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna pretend to have any idea what I'm doing here. When I turn the TV on, I get a faint picture before it fades into white noise. The only dials I have on the back are for v hold, brightness, contrast. I'm going to unplug it for now until I find a compatible 15v supply for it.

>> No.9500769


>he thinks I don't emulate everything

Plug console into scaler, it just works. Yes. Its that easy. Most scalers are 150 dollars max, unless you start moving up to the higher end ones, but those are really only for progressive scan consoles like the Xbox, gamecube and PS2. Very few TV models have any issues at all. I mean if you just don't want to buy a scaler, that's totally fine, but don't pretend its too complicated for normies or something. They're the ones buying shit up left and right.

>> No.9500773


>delusional! You hate to see it!
>Because of the high power consumption and the heat generated by the electrical internals, the failure rate was on average 1–2 times a year, the repair costs would range from a few pounds up to 140 pounds for a new CRT/tube/screen. A CRT/tube/screen would last on average around 8–10 years.

Look at when they were produced you absolute honky.

>> No.9500776

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9500780

Stick a coat-hanger in the back of it and keep tuning it to pick up reception.

>> No.9500785


>CED's were superior to Laserdisks!

This is you. That's you right now. You people are nuts. Enjoy your heavy toxic garbage that people are dumping onto you, because they can't get rid of it without paying someone else to do it.

>> No.9500786

Kinda, yeah. I love them, though. I grew up with them and have a lot of nostalgia for them. I’ve also genuinely always liked how fourth through sixth gen stuff looks on CRTs, and was always impressed by the few arcade machines with tubes in them that I saw growing up. My enduring positive opinion of CRTs also probably has something to do with my dad’s first HDTV purchase being a projection television.
If anyone were getting into this hobby from scratch right now though, I honestly wouldn’t recommend bothering with a CRT unless they’re cheap and easy to find where you live. It’s absurd seeing any CRT go for over $200 these days. I think if someone is gonna spend that much money on a display that they might as well just buy a modern monitor.

I have a couple CRTs in my home right now. I’ve been schlepping around a 27” Trinitron between a few places for the last five years, but I’m ditching it once I move across the country in the spring. I’ve moved that thing up and down too many flights of stairs; I’m over it. I picked up a 14” SSM to replace it with and I use it a lot more than I expected to. I play a bunch of SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, Mega Drive and PCE on the thing, and it all looks great.

>> No.9500853

>I didn't get a CRT when they were dirt cheap because I don't have any insights at all, and now that I want them, I can't afford them! I'll try to ruin it for others as well!

This is you. That's you right now. You people are mad and when I'm gaming on my excellent, superior CRTs, sometimes I'm reminded of people like you, and it makes my experience slightly sweeter.

>> No.9500868

depends on your style of gameplay
if you like comfy rpg and simple games any tv is fine

guess what kidd
you need only the real thing to 1cc

>> No.9500871

i've been looking up this crt and it's an Emerson GEE900RX security monitor CRT. I wonder if you can even use one of these normally

>> No.9500880

Thanks man. If I ever get the chance to go down the PVM rabbithole without having to dump a gross amount of money in I would, but for now I'm with you. I would like a CRT monitor at some point and a nice mid sized curved trinitron tv and I think I'll be set for a while.
Appreciate the insight about the pre-rendered graphics of DKC being especially distinct based on the typw of input used etc., I had my suspicions that it was a good comparison tool because of that but I wasn't sure, I was just floored by the gulf of difference between LCD and CRT in that regard.

>> No.9500901

Is it something to do with how CRT tvs are backlit because I feel like other things can be replicated on an HD monitor I see people comparing HD and SD images of old games to prove why SD is better but we’re viewing both images on an HD monitor but it may be the glow of a standard definition TV that an HD LCD can’t replicate

>> No.9500910
File: 20 KB, 429x410, 1670109766598959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9500927

What game is this? Looks comfy

>> No.9500963

>paid hundreds of dollars for

>> No.9500978

Does a crt actually provide a better image for vr systems? Yes, I always suggest playing starfox to compare cry to hd. Will a crt increase your enjoyment of vr? Idk, for me it's a big enough deal but maybe you don't care and that's cool too. Regardless, just avoid rf switch stuff and go av cables.

>> No.9500983

yeah it was mentioned before. RPGs are not reflex-dependent games (unless it's an ARPG of course) so flat panel lag doesn't matter with them. but I tried playing Silver Surfer on my NES with a flat panel and...lal that was pretty terrible.

>> No.9501001
File: 47 KB, 300x381, Monster-World-IV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster World 4. Decently fun proto metroidvania game. All the games in the series are worth playing on some level.

>> No.9501010

Investment? CRTs are free!

>> No.9501023
File: 6 KB, 91x122, 1669606280069132m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact you think its an "investment" is where you prove yourself to be an underage late comer.

Also lol at "trying to get rid of them", il just dump em in the woods if they are fucked beyond reason and it will inevitably disappear.

Not to mention the fact you think your modern chink screen will ever outlive even a 30 year old set.

>> No.9501029

Thank you!

>> No.9501069

I got a free CRT just a couple months ago; you could be a sixteen year old zoomer and still get a hold of one for free! Don't know why you'd ditch broken ones in the woods though, they take them no questions asked at the recycling depots here. A lot easier then going to the woods.

>> No.9501095

I've literally got 3 CRTs in the last two years, all for free
One of them is a 14" PVM too

>> No.9501116

What? Is this a french-only cover?
Is so...
... Superior...

>> No.9501117

>parts that are no longer available

>> No.9501141

that black and grey one near the back right side, I would pick that one up

>> No.9501147

>16 year old zoomer
See ya in two years bucko

>> No.9501161

Anon, original hardware is a meme. If you don’t already own all that shit because you’re an old fuck, then just emulate.

>> No.9501169

Janny will life time ban you if you're just 1 second away from turning 18.

>> No.9501242


I still have a CRT TV that I played on as a child. It's medium-sized and so is pretty easy to carry. It works fine. I paid $0 for it. It makes old games look pretty good. It has never caused me any kind of trouble. If I am nuts, the proof that I'm nuts is somewhere else, not here in this thread.

>> No.9501746

Phosphor blur is inconsequential in comparison to the smeared mess that is an LCD.

>> No.9501748

>all this bullshit
Is it still 2002 in your shithole or are you just refusing to pay over 40 bucks for a TV?

>> No.9501808

While RF/composite is the worst analog video output but it's overrhated for CRTs. Most things on a CRT will look good over composite due to the nature of the technology (analog is less precise than digital, allowing a lot of video noise and artifacts to be "filtered" out combined with how "pixels" on CRTs are not square pixels). Composite only truly looks bad on 480i content, but even then it varies greatly depending on the set and the console.

LCDs onwards though yeah, you do need RGB/Component for acceptable video.

>> No.9501814

>Most things on a CRT will look good over composite


>> No.9501826 [DELETED] 

> Composite only truly looks bad on 480i content, but even then it varies greatly depending on the set and the console.

And this is what I said immediately after. The fixation on RGB for games that were likely not intended to be viewed that way is a bit absurd when composite or S-Video is usually more than sufficient. In my opinion, RGB is more just another way to play older consoles than necessarily being an "upgrade". And I'm somebody who owns a RGB PVM and a consumer set that can do component.>>9501814
> Composite only truly looks bad on 480i content, but even then it varies greatly depending on the set and the console.

And this is what I said immediately after. The fixation on RGB for games that were likely not intended to be viewed that way is a bit absurd when composite or S-Video is usually more than sufficient. In my opinion, RGB is more just another way to play older consoles than necessarily being an "upgrade". And I'm somebody who owns a PVM that does RGB and a consumer set that can do component. But tell me, what exactly do you disagree on?

>> No.9501827

> Composite only truly looks bad on 480i content, but even then it varies greatly depending on the set and the console.
And this is what I said immediately after.

The fixation on RGB for games that were likely not intended to be viewed that way is a bit absurd when composite or S-Video is usually more than sufficient. In my opinion, RGB is more just another way to play older consoles than necessarily being an "upgrade". And I'm somebody who owns a RGB PVM and a consumer set that does component. But tell me, what do you excatly disagree on with what I said.

>> No.9501836

I disagree that anything looks good over composite.

>> No.9501843

ah i see you're baiting

>> No.9501854

I am honestly not, but respect that you feel differently and no point in arguing it.

>> No.9502083

The 16 year old is a hypothetical. I was just trying to imply that as long as you have a car to haul it in anyone can still get a CRT for free.

>> No.9502089
File: 160 KB, 1343x753, bsv19c9rxxe71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naked butts look better on crt

>> No.9502098

It's not. Games were intended to be viewed in RGB. They simply didn't give the right cable because costs and compatibility.
The fucking PS3 was released with only the composite out..

In europe, we played in RGB since mid 90s, is not something new, fancy or not supposed to be.

>> No.9502102

*That* bad? No. Depends on the output system and your television, of course. If both are of lacking quality, the end result will be poor. Composite is best used for its blending capabilities, though that may be compromised if the TV is too good. All in all, component is better for higher fidelity. Some artists knew how to not abuse dithering, creating a picture that looked nice even without blending. Other ones, however, specially americans on the Sega Genesis, did a very poor job with colors, heavily relying on dithering, and the end result wasn't even that good. If happen to stumble on one of those games, yeah, composite might seem the better option, but it's a fringe case.

>> No.9502104

this has already been proven time and time again
even a simple colour test proves it, the sky in SMB is blue on NTSC composite

>> No.9502112
File: 23 KB, 500x375, FhotVycUUAE7CaN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer using rgb but the games were designed for composite. You can see videos of ff7 developers and mgs2 devlopers using consumer crts with composite alongside pc monitors.

>> No.9502394

This honestly. I once doubted CRTs once upon a time, and played my snes on a flat-screen and told myself "it's really not that bad". Got a free 26 inch set from 2003 from my grandparents and my god it was so better, not just the image quality but also the lack of input lag was something I have never felt before. Ever since I cannot play on original hardware with a flat-screen.

>> No.9502412

This. Buying old product for cheap is racist and very anti-Semitic.

>> No.9502465


>> No.9502468

>I said PVM.
No you didn't lmfao

>> No.9502486

>you paid hundreds of dollars
Actually, my father paid the hundred(s) of dollars back in 1991 when he bought it for my room. And that piece of shit has survived 30 fucking years and the many magnets I constantly rubbed on the screen. I've gone through like 4 flatscreens made by the gooks, but that crt is still going strong.

>> No.9502493

Lots of bullshit coomlector cope. Input lag is even better than original hardware nowadays. The rest I'm not even bothered to adress. Sorry your expensive hobby can be replaced for free with a mid tier PC and some googling.

>> No.9502806

In to the trash it goes

>> No.9502818

>Regardless, just avoid rf switch stuff
But that's how I used to play as a kid.

>> No.9502835

only for input lag and gun games.

>> No.9502837

>even better
It's not bad at all, but you still need run-ahead to equal that of a CRT, and run-ahead only works on games with native input lag and that's usually 2 frames at most

>> No.9502854

whatever makes you happy mate, just don't buy CRTs and get them for free
I connected my Wii with all the 8/16 bit emulators and a PS3 with PSX and PS2 to my CRT, the rest I emulate on retroarch with shaders on my 4K TV

>> No.9502871

My god... Have you ever saw a PlayStation in RGB on a CRT? If you are from US, probably not, cause your inferior tech at the time. You simply can't comprehend how stunningly better it was compared to composite shit.
I can understand your ignorance but still is ignorance. This or you're maliciously shiposting.

>> No.9502878

>Dithering central through RGB.
Hard pass, philistine mongrel.

>> No.9503021

Did you check the output of the power supply you were using was ok? DC, presumably centre positive, 800mA or higher? On description alone it sounds as though repair is needed

>> No.9504780

This is some pathetic cope you're on. If you don't live in the middle of nowhere, north dakota you can get a CRT for free right now. Yes we should mock people who overpay for CRTs but most of us paid pennies or nothing for them.
CRTs for the time being are impossible to grift, because for every onions beast that tries to swindle a 100 bucks for a sony trinitron he found on a landfill, there's 10 grandmas who have a high tier Trinitron in the corner just wishing they could get rid of the damn thing.

>> No.9504825

good post
i have 8 crts and ive paid less than $100 total
hd content on my hd tv or monitor, sd content on my crt, simple as
i don't care how you game or how much it costs, but my pc + monitor cost more than all my crts and consoles combined. i don't buy games however.

just game how you want to, fags

>> No.9504830 [DELETED] 

composite like better

>> No.9504837

composite looks better

>> No.9505036

>pathetic cope
Why the "pathetic"? Just "cope" would be enough. Do you want to humiliate me? You're the kind of guy who rips people hearts out and drink their blood. I hope you're satisfied being a wild beast feasting on fear, but I won't stay here being hostilized by you.

>> No.9505042

>all these lies.

Anon it's 2022. Modern flat panels have Gaming LCDs that used in eSports. They have no perceptible lag. We are talking about gaming LCDs that have 0.5 ms response time. Your information is way out of date this isn't 2007 anymore.

It's fine if your like CRTs for nostalgia reasons, or you repair arcade cabinets to original condition, or have old gaming electronics (like Light Guns) that only work on CRTs. But please don't pretend LCDs are some huge flawed thing now.

A modern eSports grade Gaming Monitor + custom shaders delivers the same (if not better) experience than using a CRT.

>> No.9505046

>my pc + monitor cost more than all my crts and consoles combined
No it doesn't. You are comparing new to used prices. Stop being disingenuous.

How much does your PC cost


The combined ORIGINAL retail cost of all your CRTs put together.

That's the truth.

>> No.9505056

Are your parents related?

>> No.9505097
File: 2.13 MB, 1024x768, 1575961865960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A modern eSports grade Gaming Monitor + custom shaders delivers the same (if not better) experience than using a CRT.
Not him, but I think everything you said up to this point was pretty accurate or at least debatable.. however, this statement is not. Every tech has their strengths and weaknesses and response times and black levels are pretty inferior on 90% of most modern consumer TVs on the market today. Don't believe me? Compare a modern TV side by side with a CRT broadcasting OTA TV. There is a clear delay that is noticeable. It's only .5 seconds, but it is there. I just observed it a few weeks ago when I was watching OTA TV from a CRT I had hooked up right next to a 4K TV. Sure, game modes does help but it isn't perfect. What's wrong with saying both tech has their uses? One day modern displays will catch up with CRT's for their weaknesses (black levels and response time being the obvious things). Let's keep pushing for that, rather than ignoring it. I don't think anyone here would tell you to pick up a 20 year old CRT normal every day use, so why deny modern TV's have some weaknesses?

>> No.9505115

ho boy i miss these days. my life is a nightmare.

>> No.9505118


Be specific. What kind of Ota TV?

Some low end LCDs might still have some issues you said. But the very best (and most expensive) LCD panels/monitors having already fixed these problems. It's not an issue anymore for these top end LCDs.

>> No.9505145

>Be specific. What kind of Ota TV?
OTA is over the air TV. I am not being condescending, it's just that. You use a converter box to grab the digital signal for the CRT. I had both TV's hooked up through the same source directly (an antenna). There was a noticeable, .5 second delay.
>Some low end LCDs might still have some issues you said. But the very best (and most expensive) LCD panels/monitors having already fixed these problems. It's not an issue anymore for these top end LCDs.
I think the gap is closing, but it isn't fully there. Even if I agreed with you (and I don't), that only counts for the cream of the crop high end, 4k (and 8k) TV sets right? Even then, you are admitting there is is a huge issue

>> No.9505167

why would i do the math based on costs that i didn't pay? are you by chance mentally retarded?

>> No.9505216

>shaders look as good as the real thing
Nah they don't and I tried various ones with my LG c1 but, they do look a lot better than scalers that il give you.