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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 367 KB, 640x635, 781_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9426051 No.9426051 [Reply] [Original]

This is, quite possibly, *THE* most overrated game of all time. It's HORRENDOUS. The backgrounds are horribly convoluted and shitty to navigate. The materia system is horribly annoying. The minigames are horrible. The side-quests are horrible. The art style for most of the game is horrible.

There are worse FFs, but none of them have such high grades.

>> No.9426058

You had to be there bro

>> No.9426061

I was when FF VIII and FF IX came out and those are good games. FF VII is horrendous. And if a game depends on a defined timeframe, that is, by definition, a shit game. Good games are timeless. Games that "aged bad" (aging is a false concept for faggots) are just bad; developers just had luck there weren't other good games to show how bad it truly was.

>> No.9426062

I don't have a source but I remember hearing it was the most returned game to the store.
A lot of people bought it making FF7 a bestseller, but I guess they brought it home or whatever and said nope.
Dunno if it was most returned of all time or just for the time period.

>> No.9426068

I was there. I was there for the first game in 1989 (when I got my hands on it). I imported what we know now as 4 and 6. I played 7 week one.

Was it good? Very.

Does it deserve the pedestal it's been put on now? God no.

It gets the love because it was most people's first FF, it was the firs 3D entry in the series, and came out as gaming was getting more accepted by the masses.

It is good, but so's a burger - but don't pretend it's a fuckin' gourmet meal.

>> No.9426073
File: 733 KB, 800x688, ffvii box back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite possibly the greatest game of all time. Even says so on the box, bro.

Still one of my favorite games after all these years, and clearly one of the best FFs. IV through IX was the peak for me.

>> No.9426075

Fortunately FFVII didn't age badly. It still mogs modern JRPGs.

>> No.9426081

>The backgrounds are horribly convoluted and shitty to navigate
Press the select key on your PlayStation controller there i fixed it for u

>> No.9426083

Shut up you miserable faggot. If you don’t enjoy games go fucking draw on the walls somewhere else, like >>>/lgbt/

>> No.9426089

FF7 was quite an ambitious game for how popular it was. There were a few RPGs for the 16-bit era that had evolved beyond basic "chosen one gathers the crystals and defeats the demon king" tropes like Chrono Cross and FF6 before this one, but FF7 by comparison seemed much larger than those. Scenes like Cloud's mental breakdown and parts where Sephiroth's ghost clone would appear and reappear like a horror movie were pretty unheard of. The game was spread across a mystifying 3-discs and had a TON of obscure secrets, giving the impression that there was always something new to discover. The battles were fairly fast paced and the materia system was just the right mix of seemingly complex yet simple to understand.

I think the novelty of having such an ambitious story is lost today when every fucking modern AAA game is a movie first and game (begrudgingly) second. Next to Tomb Raider and Twisted Metal this was fucking Citizen Kane. I don't think it aged badly on it's own terms, but I do think the context of why it was a hit on release can be easy to misunderstand.

>> No.9426093

It's probably my favorite PSX game alongside Crash Bandicoot. The music and characters are really fun.

>> No.9426102

But that's not Zelda

>> No.9426104

"quite an ambitious game"
It was the most expensive game ever made at release by a very very large gap. It's arguably the first AAA game ever made in a modern sense.

>> No.9426110

zoom zooms can’t into the idea that big budget games didn’t exist in the 80s and 90s and Final Fantasy VII WAS a great, ambitious game.

>> No.9426112

>I don't have a source but I remember hearing it was the most returned game to the store.
As far as I can tell, that's basically a rumor without much evidence behind it. Which explains why you couldn't find a source. Apparently some UK publication originally made the claim. If there's any truth to it, I'm guessing it would be something limited to the UK market.

>> No.9426119


>> No.9426156

All 1980s games were made by only a handful of people. Usually like 5-20 depending on the game. The big budget games in the old days mostly came down to advertising and manufacturing, hence why Mario 3 is the biggest game of its day despite being created by only 10 people. It's not until the mid-ish 90s when you see this number really start climbing to 40-80 people, and then get increasingly bigger and bigger. Final Fantasy 7 had multiple hundreds of people working on it, which was completely unheard of at the time. It was basically the equivalent of like 10 developers working on 1 game by the standards of the era. And that's probably not even including way more uncredited names from visual effects and computer companies.

>> No.9426158

I made like 3 more friends the week it came out. So many kids at school were playing it and we just became friends instantly.

>> No.9426164


>> No.9426421
File: 487 KB, 480x360, TIFFERS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People posting on 4channel.org, now, literally have only emulated FF7 on their computer because it's a meme they saw.

They weren't even alive in 1997. They didn't play it on their CRT television in the living room when they were kids. They weren't amazed at the 3D graphics and the REAL-LIFE cutscene intro.

They're just kids who think Minecraft defines what gaming has always been.

>> No.9426427 [DELETED] 

FF7 didn't come in a "box" you child.
Oh, wait, are you an elitist DOOM prick who bought the PC version?

>> No.9426432
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, hjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

persona, soulsbourne and falcom games are more overrated than FF7.

>> No.9426440


>> No.9426449

The game pissed me off as a little kid after telling you to attack the first boss at the wrong time. I much preferred FF8

>> No.9426450


>> No.9426453

>t. esl

>> No.9426464

It's a great game. Unfortunately yes, the fanbase way overhypes it to the point where it couldn't possibly meet the player's expectations.

That's not the game's fault though, and it's best to try and see the game as a product of its time. Try to imagine a world in which a game of this scale had never before been created.

>> No.9426465

"overrated" is, quite possibly, *THE* most overrated adjective of all time. it's HORRENDOUS. pretending like too many people can like something. the desire to be unique is horribly annoying. the bait is horrible. the shitposts are horrible. the writing style for most of this post is horrible.

there are worse adjectives, but none of them have such high grades.

>> No.9426467

Well yes, the translator definitely was. What's your point?

>> No.9426471
File: 1.14 MB, 1470x1000, And there's more, you see, I fought alonside Sephiroth in Wutai and.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. You're an impatient child
2. The very next following text box categorized attacking when his tail is up was a BAD thing to do, so DON'T do it
3. Not that it matters, you never played video games in 1997, you're just regurgitating a meme you've seen on the giant bucket that is "the internet"

People back then were familiar with that fight so much back then, by the way, because it was included as a free trailer you could play, so EVERYONE got it.

>> No.9426484 [DELETED] 

Look at this booty blasted fanboy lol

>> No.9426485

This here. It was almost worth the wait after FF3USA

>> No.9426486

Agree. Random encounters on top of generic turn based combat.
This game was 20 years outdated when it came out and only liked for its edgy cutscenes...which don't hold up...which is why they remake it

True, didn't hold up at all

>> No.9426490

>most overrated ever
In terms of /vr/, otherwise DaS has it beat.

>> No.9426494

Someone please tell me how 7 is better than 9? I want to give FF a fair chance bit 9 is the only one not looking gay af

>> No.9426495

Yeah no one talks about it now, lol "what's ff7???" roflmao so old anyway remember when Breath of the Wild came out? What a game, nothing like it.

>> No.9426496


>> No.9426507

Battles feel faster in 7, and I liked the battle system more than IX's (though having four party members again was cool). Materia is more fun than learning skills from equipment. I think the world, story and characters are better in VII, but obviously that part is very subjective. Both great either way.

>> No.9426518

I think it's all very charming. I like the way it looks, the music, the storytelling. I just don't like playing it very much, but that's the JRPG genre. It's what you get.
I hear the newer versions let you turn off random encounters, which sounds like a godsend for when you just want to walk without the game putting it's dick up your ass.

>> No.9426579
File: 208 KB, 743x1000, 1522944542998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really did not age well. To understand how popular this game actually became you need to take into accounts multiple factors.

Number 1: The series starting with the first Final Fantasy literally kicked in the balls all the other RPG games that were ever made back then and paved the way to many great classic RPG games we know and love today. And then they did it again with Final Fantasy 3 witch was the 6th game in the series if you count all the games released outside America... and then *BAM* all of a sudden we jump from FF3 to FF7 and it was such a mind blow to see those giant cardboard standee advertising a 7th game in the series while I was actually catching up with the third not even knowing where the second game actually was released (information was hard to get back then).

The enjoyability level achieved while playing this game is still, in my mind, like taking a giant step forward in gaming. It was what the future of gaming was going to look like and we loved it.

Basically FF7 was just this silly game that took advantage of the perfect storm at just the right time in gaming history.

>> No.9426585
File: 33 KB, 379x373, OcarinaofTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is, quite possibly, *THE* most overrated game of all time.

>> No.9426589

I will never be able to play this game, I played most big square games of the 90s (chrono trigger/cross, vagrant story, xenogears, ffv,iv,vi,viii,ix) and I liked all of them, but this one seems to be the game I just can't get into, I don't know if it's the graphics (it was a rough transition to 3d), the unnecesarily long animations, the fact that I know how it ends or just me being a contrarian, but I just can't. I played like 30 hours one time, forcing myself, because it HAD to be good... but I just got tired and dropped it.
Maybe I just have to accept some games are just not for me

>> No.9426601

you did not grow up with this game. you will never understand the feels. the graphics, the music, the what felt like endless content. just go away zoomer, go away and jerk off to fortnite or something.

>> No.9426635

Played it when it came out as a kid, loved it. Played it again this last year for the first time since who know when. Held up amazingly for me. Had more infinitely more heart and charm flowing out of it than any new crap I've played. fuck you

>> No.9426652

what stores accepted returns of opened discs?

>> No.9426674

You're full of shit. I'm only 19 and played this for the first time this year and can say it's one of the best RPGs I've played. The atmosphere and charm are off the charts.

>> No.9426703

>zoomer seethes because his tiny ADHD brain can't handle Final Fantasy VIII which literal children were playing and beating in 1997
You hate to see it

>> No.9427141
File: 131 KB, 640x480, 33-E10_124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played it for the first time too and can say it's not good
>slow combat with no interesting spin, something other JRPGs already did
>fucking random encounters
>horrible writing and generic friendship kills the evil guy who is evil because he is
>horrible graphics (Popeye arms and dieselpunk)
>hardly anything you can interact with in a meaningful way outside the main story's triggers
>gay joke that stops being funny after 20 seconds but goes on for an hour to a point where it becomes genuinely disturbing
>most generic androgynous "badass" protag in the history of video games, clearly made by the same people responsible for emo Mickey Mouse

There are 500 better JRPGs

>> No.9427148

It's not even the best FF of its generation, never understood the hype.

>> No.9427149

>which literal children were playing and beating in 1997
I don't think OP said it's hard

>> No.9427180

Same. I played it last year and was amazed with how good it actually is.
It’s not even my favorite FF and I wouldn’t call it perfect, but calling it overrated just shows a lack of taste. I understand that its popularity is a bad sign but people copy off people. The coherence in its atmosphere was 11/10. Extremely depressing scenario as well.

>> No.9427182

Is a game really overrated if everybody says it's overrated? wouldn't be underrated in that case?

>> No.9427202

>speaking of taste when defending this picture >>9427141
such a weird delusional fanbase

>> No.9427215

random encounters are based i don't know where the idea that they are bad came from
when you take away random battles you take away the attrition, the tension, and it honestly makes games feel grindier because you are no longer getting a steady stream of experience. some games like chrono trigger don't use them and are still good but they are exceptional cases. All of the best RPG games have random battles.

>> No.9427229

>"attack when its tail's up! and it will counterattack with its laser!"
it was perfectly clear to everyone who played the game.

>> No.9427235

>10 second comic relief scene
>therefore the rest of the 40 hour game is irrelevant
you never actually played FF7.

>> No.9427265

A scene that's easy to miss too. I know I didn't see it on my first playthrough.

>> No.9427280

I just started it again for the first time since 1999 and it's still fucking amazing. Only a zoom zoom could fail to appreciate the soul in this game

>> No.9427284

So what's it like not being able to tell your parents who you really are deep down inside?

>> No.9427291

None. If the plastic was cracked the most you could do was exchange it for the same item back then (ie the disc wasnt pressed right or the cartridge wouldn't load for whatever reason) you couldn't just send a game back because you didn't like it. That dude's a lying faggot

>> No.9427307

There's Materia for that too. Fucking zoomers I swear to God you are the bane of existence and I am so fucking happy that society is collapsing now. I cannot wait until you have to pit your non-existent critical thinking skills against the wasteland. I will save a place in my boy harem for you. All you have to do is wear a gimp mask and I will feed you and beat all the "hard" parts

>> No.9427329

Every one of your criticisms has to do with boys and gay shit and androgyny. I'm going to take a wild guess here and say you're a gay zoomer. Not even the cool kind of gay, but the cringe perpetually offended zoomy type

>> No.9427338

this is it

>> No.9427345

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but you have to actually argue your points anon. You're literally just using adjectives, just because you separate the phrase "the game is horrible" into "the side quests are horrible, the minigames are horrible" doesn't make it any more deep.
You're probably expecting someone else to do the work for you and then argue back.

>> No.9427441
File: 186 KB, 1028x1406, unknownfd11b628bc7702239a9333506690f2d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't enjoy it, but I respect Final Fantasy VII for what it was and is.
A lot of my dislike for it comes down to my personal taste. I despise it when an RPG retroactively changes the relationships between characters part of the way through the story or kills off party members outside of gameplay, and FF7 does both multiple times.
I think Final Fantasy games are their strongest when you really immerse yourself in the world they create, and I never had that magical moment with FF7. I never caught myself thinking about a location in the game as real place or a character like they were a real person. Maybe that reflects on a lack of imagination on my part, but I often get those feelings from other games in the series.
Additionally, it doesn't have anything about it that it does so well I want to give it another chance over other games in the series. The character designs and music are great, but that's also true for pretty much every Square game.
I've never finished it, but I don't see a reason to give it another shot when there's still so many Square titles I've never really tried. I'd much rather give Wild Card or Blue Wing Blitz or Tom Sawyer a run for their money than give Final Fantasy VII a second chance for what must be the fifth time.

>> No.9427464

>This is, quite possibly, *THE* most overrated game of all time

Anon that's not a pic of shitty zelda orc of time or mario64

>> No.9427527

I will give you credit, Gold Saucer is terrible.

>> No.9427569

While you're probably right that it's just a rumor. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a lot of returns as well. It was a SUPER hyped game at the time, and the advertisments really didn't do a great job of actually showing what kind of game is was.

Normies see a hyped game, with highly cinematic and action packed advertisments, and box art of a dude with a giant ass sword only to bring it home and see that is the complete opposite of what it was advertised as

>> No.9427572

How can you look at Zidane and say FFVII is the one that looks gay af?

>> No.9427578

9 is the dragon quest of the FF series. it doesn't do anything well other than be a throwback to "traditional" jrpgs. if you like bland, inoffensive jrpgs that hit all the tropes of the genre, then you will like 9. otherwise 7 is the clearly superior game. 7 has better characters, better music, better combat, better atmosphere and lore, better plot.

>> No.9427601
File: 177 KB, 1600x1200, FF7Sguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was decent, but the guide that came with it from the Funcoland launch was the GOAT bathroom book

>> No.9427645
File: 403 KB, 500x500, Golden Saucer is srs u guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9428102

>being this pedantic over describing a container

>> No.9428208

>you dont understand kid. back in my day, we just ate shit and liked it. you couldnt possibly understand

>> No.9428265

Yeah it's possible I guess, especially in the UK where a lot of RPGs weren't released before. They didn't even get IV and VI there.

>> No.9428274

Besides the graphics, I don't see how anything could be considered "aged" about it. It's not like JRPGs have evolved at a ton since then.

>> No.9428279

True it's not, those are actual games

>> No.9428337

Weird statement when looking at any JRPG today. Even FF is literally Zelda meets DMC now while 7 was still three niggas in a row and 2D backgrounds you move your figure on like a game board. Xenogears was already 2 generations ahead of 7 with a 3D world and climbing or also Chrono Cross with a lot of interactivity and AI enemies on the map

>> No.9428407

>FFVII hate thread
>filled to the brim with utter nonsense and autism
many such cases

>> No.9428515
File: 150 KB, 400x300, HXUvX5P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9428539

This is probably true. I played them in order 6, 9, 8, 7 and that's pretty much my ranking from best to worst. I played 6 through emulation and 9,8,7 on ps2. Hated 7.

>> No.9428650

well it was inevitable that it attracts final fantsy fans

>> No.9428714

ARPGs aren't JRPGs and changing genres isn't evolution.

That would be like calling first person horror an evolution of 3rd person horror, because RE went from 3rd person to 1st person. But then it went back to 3rd person so i guess now it's evolved backwards.

Or, they're just 2 different fucking things.

>> No.9428720

Pre rendered backgrounds are soul.

3d environments are boring and lifeless. To this very day the rooms in next gen games fail to be as interesting and captivating as rooms in pre rendered games.

The reason is because pre rendered games and games with fixed camera angles allow the designer to artistically and intelligently frame the scene, just like a movie director. Games with free look just thoughtlessly populate rooms with random garbage taken from an asset library.

Also navigating worlds with free cam is incredibly boring and samey across all games and genres unless you go abstract like Mario.

>> No.9428759
File: 3.90 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200427_214906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like FF7.
But my favorites will always be 3-6.
And I will ALWAYS hate FF9.

>> No.9428812
File: 56 KB, 624x368, ujunon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pre rendered backgrounds are soul.
It's the entire reason I visited www.ffshrine.org back in the 90s.
Sure, whoever ripped the pre-rendered backgrounds did it from the French version of the game, but hey! I got ALL THE BACKGROUNDS!

Pre-rendered backgrounds being spectacular is ALSO the biggest reason I love the FF9 Moguri Mod, and why I 100% FULLY SUPPORT a "Moguri Mod" for FF7 and FF8. Even if JUST for the backgrounds.

>> No.9428838

nigga normies didnt play vidya back then. the grown men playing COD thing didnt happen yet. video games were soely for children/teens

>> No.9428847

I was and I agree with him. this game was a major let down for me

>> No.9428854

Backgrounds are beautiful
Materia is really cool (although ultimately I prefer classes)
Minigames are awesome and do a great job adding some action to the RPG gameplay

You have bad opinions, what is your life like

>> No.9429038

JRPGs today are essentially the same at their core. More so than most genres.

>> No.9429069

Man. This is so much cooler looking than any ps5 graphics whore bullshit.

Free camera is cancer.

>> No.9429072

Actual JRPGs today have a lot of QoL improvements, but the genre is mostly the same. The big shift is that before we wanted to "get our money's worth" so padding was good. Now we have too much media to keep up with so we went the games to respect our time. So today's JRPGs mostly have enemies on map instead of random encounters. Stuff like that.

>> No.9429132

>muh materia
literally just more cryptic commands options in a run of the mill jrp combat and some of the worst tutorials in all vidya which is probably why some think it's deep

>> No.9429225

nah bro, this game was and still is top tier for jrpgs. you are probably like 18-22 or something and weren't there when it was released to fathom how badass it was at the time.

>> No.9429390

It's the physical sensation of trying to walk across and field. and stepping in cowpat after cowpat, falling down rabbit holes, tripping over loose stones, when all you're trying to do is get to the other side of the field.

>> No.9429393

Man, I barely got far enough to experiment with Materia. I think I got to a part where I was trying to walk through a junk yard, and the game kept interrupting me and being obnoxious.
I just want to walk. I HATE this.

>> No.9429532
File: 2.92 MB, 1920x1080, Vagrant Story Lighting png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HURR DURR grinding is da point of JRPGs
False, grinding was inserted into lower budget titles for cheap padding. Otherwise people would just play shitty mobile games and say Brave Exvius is the greatest RPG of all time because it's 100% grinding. The appeal of JRPGs is that they merge anime characters, console style adventure games, visual novels, D&D inspired combat, creative boss battles, puzzle games, etc… all in one. It doesn't excel at any one quality, but when done well it brings a variety to the table that no other genre does. It's basically a buffet: none of the food is that great but you get to fill your plate with a ton of random stuff. Plenty of JRPGs have been criticized for too much of one element: Too much talking, too much walking, too many encounters, too many mini games, too many puzzles. It's all about balance.

Grinding is not challenging, it actually undermines strategy. Grinding is not fun, it is mindless tedium. Novelty is fun. New encounters are novel, repeated encounters are not. Grinding was never beloved, it has always been criticized even in Japanese reviews. Further more, no Japanese review has ever praised a JRPG for being more grindy than others. You are alone. You are a braindead autist who doesn't realize how unpopular your opinions have always been; You became attached to something that nobody else liked, then mistakenly projected your views onto the rest of the players. You desire a tedium simulator, because you are a NEET who has never done real work. But you're not a high functioning autist, because even they crave novelty; you're an autistic midwit who can be endlessly entertained by mindless repetition. Go back to your mobile games, we all know you play them.

>> No.9429576

i just find it strange how Chrono trigger can be liked over ff7. It's so bare comparatively. Ff7s world is absolutely chalked to the brim with extra details, side stories, side quests, mini games and places to explore. The characters actually have back stories that are fully explorable and deep. Yes, each party member has depth and their own quirks, back stories and play styles. It took me multiple playthroughs to find all the little secret storylines for each character. Not to mention time sensitive content that you will absolutely miss on your first playthrough. It's a great game

>> No.9429842
File: 953 KB, 1368x900, 1662110952908291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember all of the hype and my friends falling in love with it but the second I sat down with it I can clearly remember thinking I'll just wait for Ocarina of Time.

I really tried to get into it but just couldn't and when Zelda came out I fell in love with it instantly.

>> No.9429868

>i just find it strange how Chrono trigger can be liked over ff7. It's so bare comparatively.
autists like the fact that CT is straightforward, inoffensive and doesn't come with any surprises. it's a good game without any glaring flaws, and it doesn't take any effort from the player to enjoy it.
I agree that FF7 is clearly and unequivocally the better game, but I can understand why small-minded people like CT more.

>> No.9429876

>Contrarian Opinion
>still consuming every time Squenix goes to the well
Fuck off, Randy.

>> No.9429935

Good thing FFVII requires no grinding

>> No.9429997

>I really tried to get into it but just couldn't and when Zelda came out I fell in love with it instantly.

Well there's no accounting for taste

>> No.9430075

Zelda at least has gameplay. FF7 was the game that started the "games are now movies" trend.

>> No.9430081


>> No.9430246

oh you're playing it on some shitty pc port that gives everyone blow job mouths and makes the backgrounds look like shit, ignored

>> No.9430248

It reminds me of people who think Drake is the greatest rapper of all time, while Eminem can freestyle better lyrics while he's sleeping.

>> No.9430259

I'm pretty sure that was metal gear solid, but the fmvs are not even intrusive in ff7, they are put at good points in the game. Also, you've never even played ff7, there's tons of mini games and stuff to do besides random battles. Why are ff7 haters pedantic on purpose?

>> No.9430265

Overrated is a word overused by shitty people who are butthurt that they don't exclusively control culture. Overrated is something mediocre that gets mainstream attention because viewers are plebs. Like James Cameron's Avatar. Overrated is NOT "well it's kind of good, but I wish people would shut up about it already."

>> No.9430542
File: 239 KB, 840x572, Coffee Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% agreed.
I want a director and his pals to make a video game. Not a table of suits.

>> No.9430552

Anon, with 22-year-olds posting on 4channel, today, thinking they're "oldfags," they don't even know who the real slim shady is. They literally didn't get your reference.

>> No.9430596

I remember a time I was gonna play through this again and I was planning my team out, like I wanted to use Yuffie, Vincent and Cait Sith or something, only to find you're stuck using cloud through the main story the whole time, you can't switch cloud out.

Fuck that.

>> No.9430714

You didn't play the game. You did a good job parroting whatever eceleb you watched. Btw, they didn't play the game either.

>> No.9430739

2d grafix
Super Nintendo bonus

>> No.9430769

Going back and playing it again during covid when i had it as a kid its still decent but the world sucks. Spira is a vastly superior setting, even ff6 and hell ffmq have better settings.

>> No.9430836
File: 47 KB, 640x560, mds6_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, FFX's world was "corridors" so it allowed for the lore and the story and the immersion to be better controlled, modulated, and directed. You didn't really have an overworld at all, so what you saw... you were meant to see. It was there on purpose. And Spira is very immersive, you're not wrong. FFX is an EXCELLENT game for that, it really is.

But, FF7 still had a "world." Like the FFs before it, and most JRPGS, really, it was a giant overworld with doors that led into towns and dungeons. I point out that difference because the player may not feel as "immersed" like in the controlled environment of FFX, but they were definitely more invested. They explored! That mountain range? Walk the ENTIRE line, pushing against every cliff - try your HARDEST to find a secret cave! Walk on every tile in the forest! Fight every monster you think exists! Do all that before you enter the next town, it's YOUR game and YOUR world! How much fun would it be to find something no one else did? FF7 was like that. Sure, it had a story, but Yuffie wasn't a character everyone found. And LOSERS didn't take their crashed plane to explore the map and find Wutai. The world of FF7 was extremely well-depicted and varied, too. More so, I'd even so, than the relatively sub-tropical world of FFX (aside from one winter mountain or one brief setting of a tropical desert island). By exploring FF7, you found A LOT!!

And that was FUN.

>> No.9430838

It's true, most people had no idea you could find a sunken airship Gelnika when you explored the ocean with your submarine.

>> No.9430840

I was there. Never could get into it, despite eating up every RPG I could at the time.

>> No.9430847

I played a bunch of Final Fantasies at the time, and my feeling was always "so when does the game start?"
A lot of that "wow" factor people were getting from the pre-rendered graphics, I was getting from PC games anyway.

>> No.9430872

Let me guess, you hate level grinding too

>> No.9430876

Do you like it?

>> No.9430908

I do. It helps me pass time. It's even better doing it with a bottle of Jack

>> No.9430923

>The backgrounds are horribly convoluted and shitty to navigate
Are sure you should be using the internet unsupervised?

>> No.9430948

That sounds kind of sad, to be honest.

>> No.9431274

Nigga that shit looks gay and cringe as fuck yo...

>> No.9431304

more gay and cringe than FF7, a game about a twink dressing up as a woman and getting anally raped in a hot tub by strong men?

>> No.9431309
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, Safer Sephiroth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many posters are now too young to realize that hearing this track coming out of your video game console was literally


>> No.9431351

>And I will ALWAYS hate FF9.
very based

>> No.9431547


>> No.9431551

Literally everyone if you don't act like an idiot


>only 1 line

True.Fusion and ZM are better


>> No.9431553

Literally better than the FMVs in FF7, where the characters look like Lego people.

>> No.9431565

literally cartoon or warioware 'music'

>> No.9431587
File: 45 KB, 640x448, Eyes On Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People had what's called MIDI files for music, back then. Playing a musical song recorded by an artist in a studio in some WAV form took up WAY too much space.

You don't know why the following Final Fantasy, FF8, was so MASSIVELY HYPED prior to its release, do you? Do you have any idea how monstrous it was that "Eyes On Me" being placed in a Playstation CD-ROM disc was to the gaming audience? In Japan, that song topped their "Western Music" charts for NINETEEN WEEKS. TOPPED it!! #1! It won the year-end award! The first video game music song in history.

Yeah. Games started investing in to that a little bit more as time went on.
Anyway, don't compare Nobuo Uematso composition pieces like "One-Winged Angel" or "Dancing Mad" as
>literally cartoon music
Wow, you kids are young.

>> No.9431616

FFVII didn't use MIDI. General MIDI is a PC format. FFVII used an in-house sequenced music format that ran through the PSX' CPU.
Eyes on Me is shit, too

>> No.9431680 [DELETED] 

It's the same fat troon that shits up every thread. He's so lonely and bored and all he has in life is coming to /vr/ and bitching like a woman on her period about any and every single thing he can. He actually holds no real opinions of his own; he is an empty shell whose only sense of value is derived from our annoyed (you)s. In the end, I pity him.

>> No.9431695

OP, you're not alone. FF7 is the worst final fantasy ever.
I hate the game and I hate people who like it. Everyone that likes FF7 and does cosplay of the characters deserve to be slaughtered like animals.

>> No.9431831

why do you hate fun anon, it's okay, ff7 wont hurt you

>> No.9431993 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 400x300, 30_years_of_Excellence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filtered coomers

>> No.9433483 [DELETED] 

Final Faggotry

>> No.9433520

The queues went for weeks to get a copy at game stores in Tokyo. Never seen anything like it. Plus with digital, never will see it again.

>> No.9433540

I never liked the original Doom, personally (I would have been 9 when it was released). I found the heavy metal hell aesthetic to be a bit tryhard and it didn't didn't have enough visual variety to be interesting. And despite being a technical marvel, that didn't change the fact that it still looked like refried pixel barf. Should I go around with a sense of entitlement saying Doom was overrated?

>> No.9433542

Wolf3d was always the better game

>> No.9433598

Virtua Fighter is probably the best example of a game that aged poorly. It was a huge AAA game when it was released. It had both state of the art graphics and some of the most technical gameplay of any fighting game ever (even by modern standards, the move interactions are VERY complex). It was as revolutionary as it was genre-defining.

But despite that, there's not much reason to play the original Virtua Fighter in modern times outside of nostalgia. Thousands of games have since taken Virtua Fighter's base and tweaked it in every possible way you could imagine. If there's ANY aspect of Virtua Fighter you like, there are at least twenty games that do the same thing better. Even if you really, really like Virtua Fighter's specific gameplay style, you can just play the more refined sequels.

Virtua Fighter didn't magically get worse. Everything around it just better to the point of completely obsoleting it.

>> No.9433643 [DELETED] 

The 4chan mods are gaining energy and aren't deleting this post.

A bunch of demons are trying to send people to hell in this place. A group of absolute legends are trying to stop them.

For More Information:
https://pastebin.com/s v s f j W 1 s

Just remove the spaces.

My name is Clay Cobb
I live in Santa Fe, NM
My mother works for Los Alamos

I am a diaspora Jew living amongst the White Gentile population.

I am seeking protection from world instability from any entity who can provide it.

I am especially interested in the Chinese, Japanese, Israeli, or Russian foreign governments.


>> No.9433669

>Thousands of games have since taken Virtua Fighter's base and tweaked it in every possible way you could imagine
And every VF knockoff failed and was forgotten. The real reason the original Virtua Fighter is obsolete is because it was radically surpassed in every single way by its sequels. It's just like how nobody ever talks about Tekken 1. It didn't get surpassed by everything around it. It got surpassed by Tekken 2 and Tekken 3.

>> No.9433697
File: 107 KB, 640x480, d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be Diablo 1
>came out same time as FF7
>looks like this and has 0 depth

>> No.9433710

yeah, but stuff like VF2 and SF2 still get popular re-releases with added content (netplay). I don't remember Tekken ever getting such treatment.

>> No.9433768 [DELETED] 

>Never seen anything like it
That was a weekly occurrence with DS games

>> No.9433836

I honestly think Ocarina of Time has less meaty gameplay than FF7.
Neither game really requires much skill. Z-targeting onto an enemy and pressing A to attack them is not meaningfully more interactive than selecting the "Attack" command from a menu.
FF7 at least has interesting character management and a story where you make choices that lead to somewhat different outcomes. That's something. In terms of gameplay Ocarina is just a series of mild obstacles, each resolved with the same trivial amount of effort as the last.

>> No.9434002

They have enemies on the map but they just shoved the padding in elsewhere. Games like FF7R do not respect your time at all, with garbage filler sidequests, walk and chats, having to hold a button down to open a chest, losing your attacks when the boss switches phases, crappy aerial combat, etc. And on top of that FF7R and the new Star Ocean have both removed the ability to speak with every NPC in the game, which was a core worldbuilding mechanic of the genre which might be stripped away.

>> No.9434046

>FF7R and the new Star Ocean have both removed the ability to speak with every NPC in the game, which was a core worldbuilding mechanic of the genre which might be stripped away.

What!? Ff7 remake doesn't have npc banter? That's pretty fucking stupid. Just streamlined plot points n shit. I haven't played but I saw a friend play and those ghost things turned me off. Please tell me sick guy in the slums is still there

>> No.9434129

yeah. it was a big deal at the time because of hype. but it's incredibly boring and the graphics look horrendous. keep in mind that quite a lot of people had extremely few rpgs to play before this, such as final fantasy 1, final fantasy 4, and maybe breath of fire. they thought this was better, somehow.

>> No.9434168

It has generic background NPC meaningless conversation. The sick guy is your neighbor now in sunny Midgar slums and gets a cutscene.

>> No.9434310

FF7 got a remake because is that important. Not because "it sucked". FF7 is business and literally prints money. You were mogged by the travesty minigame and that's its virtue. You get played like a schizo.

>> No.9434332

A remake that replaced all of the actual gameplay with something more fun.

>> No.9434359

i really enjoy both and you can't stop my ancient ass from loving them

>> No.9435631

Why do people like you just say shit that has absolutely no credibility beyond rumors or 6th tier web pages made by other morons like you with equally no sources? I want you to know, that I don't like you.

>> No.9435694

You're supposed to grind in the first reactor so you don't have to worry about tail attack.

>> No.9435697

The Versus guide was way more detailed.

>> No.9435734

That's what you get for listening to a retard.

>> No.9436036

Post proof

>> No.9436460

FF VII has a more engaging story.
but it looks and runs like dogshit compared to VIII and IX

>> No.9436865 [DELETED] 

Did it age that badly?

>> No.9436870

Here you go.

>> No.9436906

The PC port did use MIDI, and even let you choose between different MIDI standards. The PC version of One Winged Angel does not have lyrics.

>> No.9436952

>and the game kept interrupting me and being obnoxious.
>I just want to walk. I HATE this

Zoomer literally just wants a walking simulator and breaks into an autistic fit when the game gives him gameplay instead

>> No.9436980

It's fun

>> No.9438792

i definitely don't recommend playing 7 without a lot of mods/romhacks.
shit translation on an already convoluted plot. the backgrounds are fine. the fmvs are cool. but why anyone tolerates the blocky ass characters is beyond me.
also, i think the sound in this game is mostly shit. like, SNES has better sounds.
in the end i think it would've been fine to make this like the rest of the ff games, but with fancier graphics. you could still have the 3d battles. i'll take sovlful 2d animations over barely functioning 3d animations any day.

>> No.9439339

I agree. I was a huge fan of the SNES games, so when this came out and it had the giant blocky people in future land with atrocious load times, I was not impressed at all. I still have never finished this one.

By the time VIII and IX came out, I ended up liking those a ton, but VII is still my least favorite by far. Just never clicked with me.

>> No.9439347

>lol cartridge bad
>why have instantaneous access to a big brick of RAM you plug into your console when you can have twelve CD-ROMs load at the speed of paint drying?
>John Romero's about to make you his bitch.

>> No.9439349

Ocarina exists

>> No.9439710

Yeah dude, I was at the FFVII panel at your local con. You fags are retards.

>> No.9439727

I was there, and even at the time it was a shit game for normie retards. The 1997 equivalent of soifag redditards
Any real gamer back then saw FF7 as empty spectacle.

It was "the best game" the same way McDonalds is "the best cheeseburger".

>> No.9439728

In a weird way I kind of agree with OP. I didn't get a chance to play the game when it was came out (I was a toddler) or before the modern internet. It was built up in my mind as this grand epic Shakespearian masterpiece, so when I emulated it in my late 20s, I was disappointed. It felt simple, repetitive, and linear. The story wasn't anywhere near as good as I thought it was going to be.
But if I had been playing this as a 10 year-old kid with limited entertainment options, this game would be THE COOLEST THING EVER. All of the games flaws that bug me now are things I would not have noticed or would have powered through. Trying to go back when you and the gaming world in general have changed just doesn't work.
I suppose if relatively mindless and repetitive games relax you, you might enjoy this. Nothing wrong with that

>> No.9439734

cool blog post bro

>> No.9439759

>Maybe I just have to accept some games are just not for me
Took me until I was 40 to realize I didn't really like 2D Metroid or Zelda. I can see why people like some games, but personal taste does matter most to your own enjoyment.

>> No.9439790

Jesus they really had it out for Nintendo huh?

>> No.9439826

I'm older than you are, and I hated this when I was a kid too.
Explain to me how it's fun when all you want to do is walk through an area, and the game keeps snatching your control away, and making you do the same battles over and over.
Real time action games are older than turn based ones, by the way.

>> No.9439837

>the FMVs were m-m-m-m-mindblowing!
PC game from 1995, by the way

>> No.9439846

There should be a rule that if you make a contrarian hate thread you need to tell us your favorite game so we can confirm your shit taste

>> No.9439848 [DELETED] 

Are you gay or a furry today

>> No.9440216

A lot of people in this thread are trying way too hard to be different.

>> No.9440272
File: 143 KB, 700x525, Cloud_motorcycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true. I'm the only one with the right take.

>> No.9440990

stop applying your definition of “game” to JRPGs imo and you’ll enjoy them for what they are, which are experiences, like a playable movie (in the most uninsulting way).
i didn’t “get” the FF series until 12. and for some reason the concept of gambits made it click for me how the devs expect the player to have fun enaging in the combat system.

>> No.9441041


Wut? Sure FFVII is overrated. But what the hell?

>> No.9441643

I can see why a person might dislike FF8, but it's strange to me to call it bad. It had stunningly good presentation for the time it came out, and with Triple Triad it's essentially two games for the price of one. It has much more going for it than the average RPG. Even if it's your least favorite Final Fantasy game I don't see why you would think it's bad.

>> No.9441968

I just can't get into 8, it might even have better gameplay but it starts with a huge infodump and slow paced gameplay meanwhile 7 starts at 100 mph

>> No.9441985

Not him, but really? I find the whole ecoterrorist angle with Barret crying about muh Planet while Tifa gives Cloud his back story way more boring than exploring the Garden, Balamb, and playing Triple Triad. That said, overall FF7 is still the better game if you ask me. FF8 just looks and sounds better.

>> No.9442129

The Materia system is vastly superior to the Draw/Junction system, but 7 was made to sell Prima Official Strategy Guides™ and it shows

>> No.9442181

I dunno the plot of 8 just doesn't draw me in and the amount of tutorials to start the game is excessive. Its more open ended to begin with but it's before the plot has time to turn it's wheels

>> No.9442191

I'm a zoomer that played it for the first time a couple years ago, it absolutely deserves its reputation.

>> No.9442192

It's like the only thing you can find underwater besides accidentally bumping into Emerald Weapon

>> No.9442541

9 has the most heart

>> No.9442552

whoever made that add deserves to have some of their penis removed

>> No.9442553
File: 41 KB, 480x360, ff9coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9442567

i played it few months ago, it absolutely does NOT deserve it's reputation, it's actually horrible game
not overrated, it's just plain bad
"muh story, muh characters, muh grafix, muh musik" it's all irrelevant when combating enemies feels like a filler, non existant enemy variety like in every FF title, materia system good on paper but ultimately worthless for most of the game, because it's so fucking piss easy
it's just bad game, bad jrpg, bad product

>> No.9442569

that was the most badass gaming ad in 1997. no one complained about it, we all loved it. my guess is that you're a retarded zoomer who eats tide pods.

>> No.9442572

You were just over an hour into the game. Your opinion is worthless. Log off this website, go take your ADHD meds, and help your mother wash the dishes from Thanksgiving dinner.

>> No.9442573

go back to playing your shitty smt and souslborne games if all you care about is combat

>> No.9442582

normalfag, kill yourself

>> No.9442660
File: 32 KB, 412x510, 1652535401610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i didn’t “get” the FF series until 12. and for some reason the concept of gambits made it click for me

>> No.9442667

FF8 is young millennial core along with Halo, nu metal, and emo. The kind of guy who thought metal with an orchestra was mindblowing and still listens to it today like it's novel.

>> No.9442684

Not a fan of any of those things and I liked FF8.
It just has the best soundtrack out of all the FF games, and It's one of the best looking PS1 games along with Dino Crisis 1 & 2, Parasite Eve 2, and Vagrant Story.

>> No.9442717

i aas born in 93, make your own conclusions

>> No.9442718
File: 92 KB, 474x416, D5151B6A-09F5-4D0A-A98E-963FE6DA9CD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s another popular thing bad thread
It’s a holiday weekend nigga go spend time with your family

>> No.9442727

That title belong to Ocarina of Time.

Overrated as fck.

FF7 is great unless you're gfx nerd.

>> No.9442729

>game was so fucking boring I quit after an hour

>> No.9442754
File: 171 KB, 641x656, D24BADE1-8E36-45A9-BF4F-B10F89AEB022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do mediocre games sell 13 million copies and live rent-free in the heads of contrarian faggots 20 years later? Nobody’s making threads about Circus Charlie or Cutthroat Island every single day.

Let me make this clear. You’re not a stupid asshole bc FF7 wasn’t your cup of tea. You’re a stupid asshole bc you think you shit taste and short attention span is an objective arbiter of quality.

>> No.9442757

I understand there's a large audience for these games, but I think all of them are mistaken.

>> No.9442827

Anything that anyone ever says "You had to be there bro" for, in response to criticism directed at it, acknowledges that it doesn't hold up, and it was primarily based on hype surrounding it.

No one says "You had be there bro" when they read The Iliad and the Odyssey, or Dante's Divine Comedy...Why? Because they fucking hold up.

>> No.9442837

>Do mediocre games

Well, look at the best-selling game of all time...Minecraft....Then look at the most popular games nowadays....Fortnite, Valorant, and Apex Legends...So yes, mediocre games very much sell in the millions and live rent-free, because they're fucking inescapable in modern society where every room-temperature IQ retard has an opinion and likes to share their bland tastes with the world thinking they're special for liking said thing everyone else likes pretending we haven't already heard that a million times before.