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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9258691 No.9258691 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>want to play some lightgan

Help me out here bros. Is picrel good, or is it a meme?

>> No.9258698

Fuck light guns. Get yourself a /vr/ headset

>> No.9258702

I bet you could use a wii remote if you have one lying around. unless you are doing full hd widescreen, I don't think the ir sensor has that much range.

>> No.9258725
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Sounds like a plan. I also wanna do sick tricks while shootin' sum niggaz. Guess one of these attachments would suffice.

>> No.9258740

>Fuck light guns. Get yourself a /vr/ headset
VR is a joke. Not everyone wants motion sickness, or to stick a dorky looking helmet on their head.

Lightguns are way superior.

>> No.9258785

I have one and it's pretty good, but not perfect. You do need to calibrate some times and configure the size of your TV screen. The biggest drawback is the big ass white border on the screen it uses to track the pointer.

It doesn't work out of the box. You need shit like Demulshooter to make it work properly with emulators. You should use SindenLauncher for an easy interface for configuring it with emulators.

Anyway you have to order one and it will take a couple of months for it to arrive so....

>> No.9258809

>motion sickness
Uh oh sounds like someone is genetically inferior

>> No.9258881

My broad can't even handle FPS games or even third person games with too much camera dynamism. I don't understand how anyone can get motion sick when you aren't even fucking moving. The fuck is this shit? It's not like I'm some space camp graduate. Spinny/loopy rides make me feel like shit, but I can play 6DOF games in VR all day.

>> No.9258886

Can you change the color to something less obnoxious like dark blue?

>> No.9258936 [DELETED] 

It's the brain's defense mechanism.

How does it work? It's the brains reaction to thinking you've been poisoned.
The brain gets input from all 5 senses at the same time. They all must be "in sync", and confirming the same information. For example, you are walking. Your body (touch) confirms you walking. Your eyes (vision) confirm the same thing. So do the other senses.

When your eyes don't "match up" to the rest of your body's senses it causes alarms in your brain to go off. For example, if some people get motion sick while playing an intense "first person shooter" with lots dynamic movement (while sitting down), it's because the brain thinks you are hallucinating, and the hallucinations is caused by poison. Your eyes are sending information (the fast movement in a video game) that does NOT match what the rest of your body is doing (sitting down).

The brain activates the "nausea and headaches" defense mechanism in your body. This is to make you sick enough to throw up. The idea is that you throw any poison you ingested and to hopefully limit harm to your body.

This goes way back to the caveman era when humans would eat random plants, and food in order to survive. Sometimes they eat the wrong thing like a bad poisonous mushroom. So the brain makes you vomit it out before more harm is caused to your body.

If you don't get sick while playing some first person shooters (and your wife does), it means your brain lacks the higher sensitivity necessary to detect hallucinations caused by poison. And if this were the caveman era you might be the first to die.

So congratulations, your wife has the defense gene in her DNA that protects her from eating food that might be poisonous. Your offspring will be better be able to avoid poisonous plants, veggies and other animal items.

>> No.9258978
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It's only one little zoomie faggot trying to force this meme, right?

>> No.9258987 [DELETED] 

Or maybe I can distinguish reality from an easily fake version of it and keep my shit together. I'm convinced she's just mildly retarded, and so are you.

>> No.9258995

For a more diy based approach there is also GUN4IR

>> No.9259004
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You fucking idiot, never put on a vr headset. That's when the demons get you... some of you people are dangerous.

>> No.9259007 [DELETED] 

>I'm convinced she's just mildly retarded
1. I just gave you the legit medical reason behind it. Don't be upset because you would die in the caveman era

2. Nibba she's YOUR gf. Not mine. What does thst say about you if you date people you think are retarded. You insult yourself.

>> No.9259059

The Wii supported 16:9 widescreen, it shouldn't have a problem.

>> No.9259701

Just setup a wiimote dummy

>> No.9259780

Wii lightgun games are fun and the best alternative to the real thing, doesn't match the OG lightgun but fun will be had with Ghost Squad, HotD 2&3 and Gunblade NY/LA Machineguns not to mention all the original rail shooters for the system.

>> No.9259795

There's red, black and blue versions.

>> No.9259796
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They're light gun shooters, not rail shooters. Rail shooters are games like Space Harrier, Star Fox, and Panzer Dragoon. The main difference is that you control a character in a rail shooter (but the character is on a plain scrolling on a rail, as it were, hence the name), while light gun games are shooting galleries where you take damage based on a timer.
Rail shooters can be 2d-in-2d (Gradius), 2d-in-3d (Star Fox), or 3d-in-3d (Omega Boost). In Star Fox you are on a scrolling 2d plane, while in Omega Boost you are inside a scrolling sphere.
Some light gun games pretend to have dodging (Time Crisis), but there is no character movement - just an invincibility pedal. Other light gun games put an avatar on the screen and visually resemble rail shooters without actually being one because you can not control the avatar and no collision detection happens - you still get hit based on a timer, i.e. if you don't shoot the targets in time (Rez).
Specific semantics are unimportant, but games like Star Fox and games like House of the Dead clearly do not belong in the same genre.

>> No.9259808

EmuVR - works great, but you have to fucking blindfold yourself with a stupid headset.

Wii remote - Cheapest option. A shitty pale imitation of a light gun. Dragging a shitty mouse cursor through the air is not the same thing.

Aimtrak Lightgun - The exact same tracking method as the fucking Wii remote, except it's gun-shaped and costs $100. Avoid at all costs.

Sinden Lightgun - Works great, but you'll have an insufferable white border around the edge of your screen.

GUN4IR - Works great but you'll have to build it yourself. This is the option I took, and unless you've never held a soldering iron in your life, it's the option you should take as well.

>> No.9259842

if you shill for VR then you're the genetically inferior one

>> No.9259853

>Aimtrak Lightgun - The exact same tracking method as the fucking Wii remote, except it's gun-shaped and costs $100. Avoid at all costs.

It's the same technology as the Wiimote yes, but the hold and weight is better than the Wiimote (with or without plastic fake gun attached to it), and it also works on PS2.
Whether that's worth 100$ is up to you.

>> No.9259857

Sindens fucking suck. Got conned 300 bucks for two and they are useless

>> No.9259860

Don't fucking call Gradius an on-rails-shooter you stupid clown. Don't you ever try this again.

>> No.9259902

>they are useless

Are you some clown with bright lights behind your TV or something? Or are you just too retarded to use Demulshooter?

>> No.9260189 [DELETED] 
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And to think. It's a bloke spewing that crazy.

>> No.9260209 [DELETED] 

Some people who are more tolerant of VR actually have vision problems. There's a similar phenomenon in climbers where they discovered that the reason people who climb sheer cliff faces don't suffer from height related vertigo is more often than not caused by a depth perception issue because of a lazy eye, short sightedness, optic nerve issue, etc. etc. Their brains literally aren't perceiving the depth so the fear response doesn't occur.
Same thing is happening to some people with VR. They don't feel sick because the information that your brain is expecting simply isn't there and it's processing the stereoscopic image no differently to "pancake mode" on a TV. You aren't lucky you don't suffer from motion sickness, you are unlucky that you suffer from a lack of depth perception in your daily life.

>> No.9260220

How do newer lightguns work in arcades? I see them all the time in modern arcades. Just use whatever technology they use.

>> No.9260231 [DELETED] 

>They don't feel sick because the information that your brain is expecting simply isn't there
>You aren't lucky you don't suffer from motion sickness, you are unlucky that you suffer from a lack of depth perception in your daily life.
Yup. This anon hit the nail on the head.

>> No.9260234

The wiimote sensor is scaled for small 16:9 TVs. No larger than 32" and barely that. Today's 65" walmart specials are so far outside its wheelhouse you have to stand REALLY far back so it can see the pair of LEDs when you aim at the corners. on the plus side standing so far back helps avoid the biggest issue with LED tracking: spherical distortion. Tracking is not linear as you point from center to corner and back again. So software "corrects" it by applying a logarithmic scale. Unfortunately if you take a step off center, even a small one, now the scale is off and your cursor will drift off the calibrated sights.
The Aimtrack has a special corrective mode where it tries to use the shape of the LED, assuming certain kinds of splodges denote certain angles and this in theory allows it to dynamically correct over time. In my experience it just makes it permanently fucked so I don't use it.
Other guns use pairs of LEDs that you mount on the corners of your TV. You still need to stand WAY far back because now you have a much much wider set of targets to fit in frame but you negate most of the tracking distortion.

>> No.9260243

The ones I've seen use an LED array. Basically just a wiimote++. They have all the same problems as any lightgun you can buy and they "solve" the problem by having the game tailored to the lack of 1:1 tracking. They require less precision and more blind firing.
Other games have gone completely old-school and are using potentiometers on mounted guns. They are essentially just analog sticks moving a cursor like an old operation wolf cabinet. Again, the game needs to be programmed to use that approach and it's not applicable to emulated Time Crisis or House of the Dead.

>> No.9260247

I should add that one of the chinese cabs I saw used essentially an infrared version of the Sinden approach. Instead of tracking a white box it was tracking a full rectangle of IR LEDs. I'm sure someone could make a home version of that, but it wouldn't be the cheapest thing.

>> No.9260254
File: 100 KB, 540x498, time-crisis-5-bandai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not applicable to emulated Time Crisis
So how does modern Time Crisis 5 do it? Are you telling me it's less skilled of a game than older Time crisis?

>> No.9260272

>motion sickness
Normie pleb
>dorky looking helmet
Yeah stud I'm sure it would block your devilishly handsome looks, faggot.

>> No.9260279

Maybe? I dunno. Haven't had a chance to play it. I can tell you that TC4 was relatively dumbed down on PS3 to accommodate the GC3. Bigger hit boxes, more emphasis on area of effect weapons, more spray and pray gameplay...

>> No.9260360 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry this is offtopic, but you sound like the worst kind of stupid, the kind who thinks they have it all figured out.

>I get sick from video games therefore it means I have superior genes! It's true because I read an article about cavemen and stuff!
Holy mother of cope.

>> No.9260368 [DELETED] 

Yep. Another example are people who are perfectly fine driving fast cars, but get sick when they sit in the passenger seat and someone else drives quickly.

>> No.9260370
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>> No.9260541

I think this also explains why House of the Dead 4 and Scarlet Dawn have Uzis as the main weapon.

>> No.9260634

Lightguns are not even in the same realm of discussion as how good VR is. Your own user error and pathetic excuse of human cumrags that gets motion sickness are the minority.

If you went outside once in a while and tried it before you pretending you have, you would know.

>> No.9260640

They are fine. However they will be cheaper in a few years. VR is superior in every way and would be a better purchase. If you are desperate for mediocrity then at some point soon we will have cheaper alternatives to the sinden (and other camera guns) because the tech is laughably easy to replicate. Again just get VR and if you are desperate use Wiimotes for emulation on pc until the alternatives launch.

>> No.9260642

They are at 2 week turn around. I know someone that just ordered one and it was 16 days to arrive (in the US not smelly UK)

>> No.9260647
File: 43 KB, 800x450, pepelaughz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol imagine coming to 4chan and pretending HMDs are bad AND admitting you are genetically weak and get motion sickness.

>> No.9260669

>bro what if we used VR to simulate NOT having VR?
This is such a boring way to apply this tech.

>> No.9260698

>Lightguns are not even in the same realm of discussion as how good VR is.

I know right...VRshills are just ridiculous pretending their shit doesn't stink.

>> No.9261176 [DELETED] 

>Anon Starts bragging about genetic superiority
>Calls his own GF retarded
>Gets told the true reason for motion sickness

Maybe don't come into a thread bragging about stuff you aren't educated about? Lol

>> No.9261217

I just checked the manual. Time Crisis 5 uses basically the same, exact setup as HOTD4: 10 LED sensors around the border of the screen. It's VERY similar to the system Gun4IR uses, except cut down to only 4 sensors. Arcades mainly use 10 so the game is still playable even if one of the sensors goes out and can't be replaced right away. I'm sure if you've ever been to an older arcade, you've run into at least one old Jurassic Park machine or something where 2-3 of the sensors went out and the game was still sorta-kinda playable.

>> No.9261218
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>> No.9261231 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 752x1097, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe don't come into a thread bragging about stuff you aren't educated about? Lol

>> No.9261243 [DELETED] 

You keep posting troll responses, but haven't actually refuted what the other anon said. Are you anti-science or something? No one cares anon.

>> No.9261247

Interesting. Thanks for the info. So does more IR sensors mean the guns become more accurate? Is there a "sweet spot" for the number of IR sensors a modern arcade game should have? Such 5 sensors with 5 for backup redundancy? Or do they all contribute to more accuracy?

>> No.9261302 [DELETED] 

That was my first post in this thread. SCD harder faggot.

>> No.9261923

This is a braindead post. Sega first started using IR on fucking HotD2 deluxe cabs, and on everything after. Nobody even noticed the switch.

The problem with 4 point IR tracking (technically arcade is higher but it's all essentially 4 point from an algorithm perspective) is the minimum distance to screen, because now you're using a camera with a short FOV.

More just gives you a bit more leeway, in terms of accuracy you're not going to notice any major improvement. It's when you go below 4 point, and into 2 point systems like aimtrak and wiimotes, where you notice massive accuracy instability. Or worse, 1 point solutions like PS Move.

>> No.9262169 [DELETED] 

>That was my first post in this thread.
No one cares or believes you.

>> No.9262227 [DELETED] 

>I SCD cause i'm a no one

>> No.9262231 [DELETED] 
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"is is le bad"

>> No.9262238 [DELETED] 

I know it's shit but the concept is cool in a video until you put the headset on.
Like all VR.

>> No.9262240 [DELETED] 

Basically just using a mouse at this point.

>> No.9262246 [DELETED] 

The more you angrily reply pretending to be "just a random anon", the less people believe you. Just stop. It was hardly believable the first time.

>> No.9262438 [DELETED] 
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> Basically just using a mouse at this point.

to be fair it is a bit silly to simulate a 3d environment to play a 2d game as in, you in this 3d environment holding a light gun shooting at a 2d surface onscreen.

i did played lightgun games in VR mostly as a trowback but they sure dont have the experience that you get at "shotting at 3d stuff in a 6dof" environment. (pic rel)

>> No.9262441

i bought 2 of them after being unable to make aimtrak ones work on linux.
so far i only tested with a premade raspi4 distro and it works like a charm.
when i have more time this winter i'll try on a desktop but no reason it won't give the results i expect

>> No.9262814 [DELETED] 
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The post that anally devastated nu-/vr/

>> No.9263373

It's good but it's not simple pick up plug in and play. Expect to read the wiki and do some tinkering for a lot of games.

>> No.9263602 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9263605 [DELETED] 

Stop samefagging so much holy shit.
Fuck off.

>> No.9263838 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9264770

>does more IR sensors mean the guns become more accurate?

With two sensors you can calibrate tracking that will be reasonably accurate provided you don't move much. It would actually be perfectly sufficient for an arcade cabinent with a mounted gun like silent scope.

With three sensors you can now triangulate coordinates, and accuracy will be virtually perfect provided the camera inside the gun has all three sensors in its field of view.

With four sensors, you have a better chance of always having at least 3 sensors visible to the camera regardless of where the player is standing and how they're pointing the gun.

With more than 4 sensors, you're just building in extra redundancy. If you paid 50c to play, you deserve that redundancy. If you're playing at home, you're probably not going to mind if one in every 500 shots is off.

>> No.9264924

i've put together a samco gun (similar to gun4ir) using a guncon2 shell and two wii sensor bars and it's decent but you definitely need the correct distance from the tv if you're not using a fish eye lens
for a 50+ inch tele you need like 8 foot or more between you and the screen

>> No.9265282

Don't waste thread space with posts like this.

>> No.9265528

I disagree.
When we have the ability to connect our brains directly to computers and never leave our pods, you can bet one of the things I will be doing is recreating my childhood room and playing contra on the nes with my brother. You know, in between visits to my harem planet.

It also seems like a good way to bypass the calibration issues.

>> No.9266437
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It's not bad. I hope some Mister cores would support it in the future, but right now it is alright with a PC.

>> No.9266589

It's crazy the amount of money you have to spend on gimmicky garbage, and yet you can't seem to afford a fucking CRT and a Zapper. Why are you like this?

>> No.9266641

>use a wii remote if you have one lying around. unless you are doing full hd widescreen
I have my Wii hooked up to a rather large screen, and it works fine. Only thing is, what you actually point at doesn't really match where the cursor is. There are a few games where you can use "true aim" and turn off the cursor (not aware of any emulators that support this, only actual Wii ports), but it doesn't work on my screen.

>> No.9266648

All the fags on here saying the Sinden is good are just coping, its fucking trash. Sinden will never be a real lightgun.

>> No.9266652

Can't play dumps of modern PC-based arcade games with a real light gun

>> No.9266659

I guess sometimes you have to settle for inferior trash then

>> No.9266672

>>Can't play dumps of modern PC-based arcade games with a real light gun
Sure you can. I've done it, they made VGA based CRT guns.

>> No.9266678

You've played Scarlet Dawn and Operation GHOST on a CRT?

>> No.9266682

I don't play machine gun games because I hate them and think they're the exact opposite of what I want from a lightgun game.

>> No.9266685

Time Crisis 5 then?

>> No.9266687

4 was so bad I honestly haven't even touched 5, the stupid pedal gimmick isn't worth setting up.

I'm sure I could play it, I just don't want to.

>> No.9266696

Then what did you play?

>> No.9266701

Honestly, the newest game I played was probably Frightfearland. Wasn't very good, but it's PC based. Silent Hill the arcade was probably the last PC based title I had fun with.

>> No.9266724

Honestly you should really give Operation Ghost a shot, it's basically just Virtua Cop and not really a machine gun game.

>> No.9267141
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the HOTD 2 and 3 collection was the only game that made me wanna get a goofy gun attachment for the wii. Umbrella chronicles was also a shitload of fun. the orange gun packaged with time crisis 3 is probably my single favorite gun controller, maybe tied with the HOTD4 uzi.

>excuse me mostly non-retro but the wii collection is my fav way to play HOTD 2, PS3 fav way to play HOTD 3

>we're meeting G... over..there...

>> No.9267205

he right doe nignog