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File: 97 KB, 1156x1024, PS2-Versions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9251016 No.9251016 [Reply] [Original]

>Sega's Noah Musler explained that running the PS2 version at 60 FPS would have caused performance problems.[9]
>Iizuka also noted the system is less powerful than the GameCube and Xbox.
Why did /vr/ lied about the PS2 being more powerful than the GC?
In fact most multi platform games from this gen play worse on PS2

>> No.9251026

Who's lying? The PS2 is objectively less powerful than the GCN and Xbox, it just has more shovelware.

>> No.9251045

I think people started saying that because of some Burnout 3 dev who said the GC wasn't powerful enough so that's why there is no port.

>> No.9251078 [DELETED] 

Tendie seethe thread I see. It has been known, even when that generation was the current generation that the PS2 was the weaker console among the Gamecube and Xbox.

>> No.9251109

It's less powerful in compute power but the transparency effects it could pull off were not repeatable on any other platform to this day.

>> No.9251156

the caveman friendly answer is that the PS2 was weaker when it came to raw computational power but the system possessed various hardware features that when properly taken advantage of allowed it to have effects comparable to the Xbox, which did have the raw power to just brute force things.

>> No.9251158
File: 384 KB, 3620x918, Burnout 3 LARP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing is that wasn't even a real quote.

>> No.9251173

>I think people started saying that because of some Burnout 3 dev who said the GC wasn't powerful enough so that's why there is no port
Yeah, that is what I usually see posted as evidence to say the GC was weaker

>> No.9251251

That's me, I usually post that but have talked to john linnemann who has interviewed criterion devs and clarified that it was running on the gc just fine but the game data could not fit or be easily split. Even if you cut all the music the game data is bigger than the gc disc. Gc already had more than one two disc golf game, burnout 3 wouldn't work if structured like that.

People are in denial about the capability of the gamecube, it's a very capable gpu and has some built in effects all games can use, but many games suffer from performance issues, many games look worse than competing versions and it's telling the most consistent example of cube supeiority is a game with 4 years of development hastily being ported to the ps2 in 8 months so it actually breaks even. The ps2 had far more impressive looking games than the cube and by the end of the generation the question of who got the most out of their platform steers hard in the favor of ps2. Many late gamecube games only look as good as some mid gen games. Late ps2 games outpace even early 360 titles let alone xbox titles.

If the cube was such a powerful console it sure doesn't seem to have mattered because none of the games demonstrate it.

>> No.9251267

>Late ps2 games outpace even early 360 titles let alone xbox titles.
Get your eyes checked.

>> No.9251276

The PS2 is the first of the true POS mainstream consoles. The only decent parts in the thing are the mainboard and, if you have an earlier model, the Mitsumi PSU which is as typical Mitsumi standards very well designed and made.

Better than the 3090 or 6900?

>> No.9251280

You're not ready to discuss this topic without getting emotional. Get help.

>> No.9251282

>if you don't think outlandish fanboy nonsense about the PS2 is true then you're emotional
You've got it backwards.

>> No.9251285

>if you have an earlier model, the Mitsumi PSU which is as typical Mitsumi standards very well designed and made.
Never heard about this

>> No.9251297

Gamecubes also contain a small Mitsumi power distribution circuit under their mainboards, and those are very well made too.
Fun fact: Mitsumi made the original NES controller.

>> No.9251369

>Fun fact: Mitsumi made the original NES controller.
My nes controller from my childhood still works well and so does my gc. Seems like you are right

>> No.9251370
File: 2.93 MB, 1600x900, tcnycomp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9251380

Why does xbox have the black bars?
And the GC video frame seems to show more of the video. You can see the cross of the guy in it

>> No.9251381

>farmed out ports of an unfinished mess
What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.9251382

all 3 consoles run at different resolutions

>> No.9251384

Xbox one is not a case of resolution they cropped the image to make it look like a movie

>> No.9251391
File: 2.90 MB, 1600x900, tcnycomp2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, cube version still looks the worst

>> No.9251393

They're all quite awful looking. I remember hearing the Xbox version isn't even completable without cheats or save editing because of a bug.

>> No.9251408

PS2 and Xbox both look nice, especially for open world games. Gamecube is just the worst. Gamecube is...the worst.

>> No.9251432

>PS2 and Xbox both look nice
They both look pretty horrendous. At least the Xbox version has a better framerate.

>> No.9251445
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They both look pretty horrendous
Shaders are pretty, if gamecube could do them you'd like them too.

>> No.9251448

>shaders are pretty
Are you sure? I'm not convinced by that picture.

>> No.9251451

Everyone else is, get your eyes checked.

>> No.9251472

Shitty early implementation of shader effects did not age well. Games from early 2000 before that shit started look way better.

>> No.9251637
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1078, Captura de pantalla 2022-09-11 a las 8.04.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this supposed to be a compelling image? they look like shit, if you want a game a with great art direction look at killer7. The ps2 version looks like a ps1 at times.

>> No.9251656
File: 310 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow gamecube games sure are impressive... (this game looks like shit btw why is this your example?)

>> No.9251663

the art directions shits all over the trash Chad-Warden level game you posted. Killer7 as basic as it looks from a technical perspective chugs horrible on the ps2.

>> No.9251665
File: 487 KB, 800x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the art directions
oh its really artistic, I see now...yeah it looks like shit

>> No.9251668

and xii or whatever is supposed to look better? get fucking real, what's your argument here?

>> No.9251678
File: 557 KB, 900x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it just lacks the artistic art direction of uhh...this

really why does your argument hinge on putting the shittiest looking and playing games on a pedestal?

>> No.9251679

nothing on PS2 looks anywhere near as good or pushes the polys/lighting effects of a launch title like Perfect Dark let alone anything released 1-2 years into the 360's life. you're talking about a difference of millions of polygons and 32mb of RAM vs 512. you are extremely stupid.

>> No.9251681

>really why does your argument hinge on putting the shittiest looking and playing games on a pedestal?
Is this really coming from the guy who posted True Crime Streets of NY? Come on.

>> No.9251683

its a better game than that kill 7 trash lmao, but a pretty mid tier 6/10 imo nothing i'd get invested in. unlike you who is bending over backwards for this ass looking game

>> No.9251684

IT'S LACKING SOME BAWLING DAWG SOME GANGSTA SHIT. Why does it run like ass on ps2 mr apologist ?

>> No.9251685

shitty low effort port obviously, same reason why true crime ny looks 20 times worse on the gamecube despite it being twice as powerful...only logical explanation of course. if you disagree explain why.

>> No.9251705
File: 72 KB, 642x426, 4f5f39b6eedc1d6a81155601df9bc4d41a88ddd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was an XBro back in the day
>finally bought a PS2 recently
>get some PS2 classics
>want to play the PSX classics on it as well
>won't save PSX saves on PS2 memory cards

There's no way that this wasn't some sort of Snoy bullshit to get players to buy more memory cards.

>> No.9251720

sony should've ditched the proprietary control plugs as soon as the ps2 and went full usb as well as ditching memory cards in favor of just a sliver of internal memory, or do something like the saturn did.

>> No.9251730

PS memcards are thankfully pretty cheap.
If you buy off-brand ones you can transfer PS1 saves to a PS2 card just as a means of storage, to protect them.

>> No.9251753

How reliable are the off brand ones? i was interested in the memcard pro, it has like a billion blocks but at a 70 bucks it seems a little excessive

>> No.9251790

usb is shit for controllers

>> No.9251810

holy projection

>> No.9251816

oem cards are cheap, i have a crapload and keep a couple aside to backup my files

>> No.9251836

>Literally who game
Who gives a shit

>> No.9251852

How come? is it inherently more laggy? if that's so then maybe it should've stayed proprietary for longer. ps3 controllers are just wireless ps2 controllers with whack triggers

>> No.9251928

Yes, usb is laggy
Controllers should be like the old PS/2 keyboards, those have no input lag

>> No.9252009

What? There's plenty of PS2 games that run at 60 FPS.

>> No.9252025

>If you buy off-brand ones you can transfer PS1 saves to a PS2 card just as a means of storage,
You can do this with the regular PS1 memory cards on a PS2, dumbass.

>> No.9252085

its in the snoys nature to lie

>> No.9252102

I know, OBVIOUSLY. Why would you want to, OEM PS1 cards don't tend to fuck up. That's the point. Please try to keep up.