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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 23 KB, 320x122, working designs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9173490 No.9173490 [Reply] [Original]

What was their best release?

>> No.9173506

Do you mean what game did they translate most accurately, or what was the best game they bastardized?

>> No.9173510

Arc the Lad collection

>> No.9173589
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>> No.9173605

Whatever answer stops this thread from hitting page 10 immediately

>> No.9173626

Growlanser 2 & 3

>> No.9173643
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I really like Dragon Force. It is pretty addictive and encouraged multiple playthroughs because I found it so enjoyable. Working Designs only added QOL improvements with shortcut buttons bound to the XYZ buttons which weren't used before. Back then I didn't have money, so I did not get to enjoy every one of their games, but I'm glad I stumbled onto some of their best.

>> No.9173647

I've played a bit of this and the translation seemed spotty as usual. No weed or anal sex jokes though, which makes it the cream of the crop for WD.

>> No.9173654

Popful mail for me. The localization works since it feels like a dubbed 90s anime.

>> No.9173660

>it feels like a dubbed 90s anime
That's not a positive in any way.

>> No.9173686

Its fitting though for the source material. I cant imagine the Japanese is radically different in tone anyway, its not like some of the shit they added to Vay.

>> No.9173690

Oh I forgot about Dragon Force. That was a super fun game. I got Lunar 1&2 for the SS and used a translation guide because I didn't like a lot of their timely stuff from when it was released. Joan Rivers and Tiny Toons did that too, I don't know why everything was SOOO period comedy back then.
Central Park Media had some really good releases. Also Cypher was the best voice directed anime until FLCL. Both of them used the Japanese voice director to pick the players and ofc direct. Still, go watch Lilly Cat or Project-Ako. The Central Park stuff was a level above the rest.

>> No.9173698

People often bitch about Working Designs' extraneous jokes but what they don't understand is that they translated Japanese pop culture references via Western pop culture references because you, the player, had FAT FUCKING CHANCE to understand any of the original jokes.
These days we know enough about contemporary Japanese culture to get many of the jokes, but back then the only people who knew anything at all spoke Japanese anyway. Keeping the original references would have been a horrible choice, just dropping the jokes (as was often done) would've been even worse, so substituting local references for foreign ones was objectively the choice of a professional and dedicated translator.

>> No.9173715

>they don't understand is that they translated Japanese pop culture references via Western pop culture references because you, the player, had FAT FUCKING CHANCE to understand any of the original jokes.
No, they didn't, you fucking muppet.

>> No.9173738

>translated Japanese pop culture references via Western pop culture references
Why lie here, mate?

>> No.9173797

Can i get like a MEGA link or something of all of your pics?

>> No.9173949

the face of someone who got Worked

>> No.9173965
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Popful Mail

>> No.9173970
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What was his biggest mistake?

>> No.9174010

his and the company's existence, fuck these faggots for these lame ass "localizations"

>> No.9174034

Exile, before they went and fucked up the second one.

>> No.9174453
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>they translated Japanese pop culture references via Western pop culture references
"Japanese cultural references" get systematically removed as "untranslatable gibberish" even by "modern" "professional and dedicated translators" to this day (didn't you mean "localization editors"? they hate the word "translation") and the most they'll bother about and then brag about endlessly is trying to preserve puns that include double meanings, or the goodness in their hearts not to butcher a cultural reference to some Western concept that was in the original Japanese text.

Example of how Working Designs dealt with something that could only be loosely defined as a "cultural reference". A videogame reference to another series by the same developer, already localized and well known for the audience that would have bought this game.
JP Version:
>Face: Yuko (Valis heroine)
>She complains about being tired of fighting demons, so she went to medieval France for a change of scenery.
US Version (Working Designs)
>Generic NPC
>"Exile 2: THE REVENGE" will be coming out on the Super-CD!!!"

post-scriptum: you said "jokes", and they're making a mockery of the everyone involved (plot, player, developers, game) so in that aspect they were indeed successful in making everything they touch a massive $70 practical joke.

>> No.9174493
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More about Working Designs and cultural references.

This time from the sequel of Exile, called Exile II in Japan, but the roman numerals were localized away because they intimidate americans and now nothing immediately indicates this is supposed to be a sequel.

Working Designs being awesome localizers found some character looked like a sand mutt nigger, but the whiteish kind, and decided to name him Lawrence.


His original name was El Cid, named after some obscure "national hero in Spain" and an actual historic figure in the period of time Exile II was taking place.
Ted Woosley sadly translated the name Cid accurately in Final Fantasy VI and didn't localize it to a name that was less Japanese, but that's the choice of an unprofessional and amateurish translator.

>> No.9174494

not buttoning his top button, for one

>> No.9174508
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ALL of them

>> No.9174513

Why were they so obssesed with fart jokes?

>> No.9174517
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some of their "jokes" make the fart jokes look good

>> No.9174521

Albert Odyssey!

>> No.9174537

kek based

>> No.9174560

>same pictures
>same replies
>same shit endlessly
Are these bot threads? Are these actually the exact same like 10-15 people just screaming into a void about the exact same shit no one cares about? Is this really your life?

>> No.9174591

jesus fucking christ
>I cant imagine the Japanese is radically different in tone anyway,
It is.

>> No.9174596

Having to deal with Bernie fucking Stolar. Obviously people on /vr/ know he's the guy that killed the Saturn and subsequently fucked the Dreamcast and Sega's console line to death, but before that he was in charge of the PS1 in America.
Bernie Stolar single-handedly cockblocked so many of Working Designs's attempts to localize Japanese PS1 games during his tenure at Sony of America because, you won't believe this, the motherfucker actually thought that there was no market for JRPGs or "Japanese-centric" titles in The States. It wasn't just them either, he was doing this to a lot of other companies trying to localize stuff. Working Designs just happened to be small enough for him to wall off whereas Sony would not dare do the same to Capcom or Squaresoft (especially so when they were trying to get developers away from Nintendo exclusivity).
Then ol' Bernie got fired from Sony shortly before FF7 came out in America, completely proving him wrong and for some reason Sega thought it was a good idea to hire him right after this shit and opening the floodgates to more PS1 localizations. Of course by then it was too late for WD, Bernie had blueballed them so hard that, on paper, Sony believed he actually had a damn good reason for denying Working Designs so hard. That's why all of the WD releases that finally got to come out on PS1 wound up being some kind of premium package deal of some kind. None of the Arc the Lad games on PS1 were approved for a western release by Sony Computer Entertainment of America until Working Designs proposed to release them in a complete anthology bundle of all the games and at a lower price point.
If Bernie wasn't such a fucking cockhead and also if the Saturn didn't shit the bed so hard, WD had great success in Saturn localizations but made little profit due to the console not selling well then he and the rest of the company would probably still be around. Maybe as a better version of NISA.

>> No.9174604

not cuckolding your dad in 2001 so you woulsn't be born

>> No.9174615

you are a faggot
my photo is literally a mobile screenshot that i took myself so you are larping

fuck off

>> No.9174617

yes, they really are this upset about dude weed in alundra.

>> No.9174627

i think >>9174560 is correct. this guy always loves using the L-word

>> No.9174858

Lighthearted comedy fantasy anime? Theyd have to take it seriously for the localization to be truly off.

>> No.9174956
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>> No.9175012
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Imagine creating a new label for your action game releases and naming it RETARD.

>> No.9175202

>That's not a positive in any way.
It's more positive than modern dubbing. Dubbing died with ADV.

>> No.9175720

In the Japanese version of the game, Sirufa (whose Japanese name, シルフ, would be better rendered as "Sylph") is a fairy who controls the wind. Before recruiting Rachel, talking to her causes the party to "ride the wind" to Coryan, while visiting her after getting Rachel sends the party to Magmal Isle. That's it.

In the US version, Sirufa's dialogue has been rewritten. Now, her wind powers are due to a bet she lost with an unexplained "Thaldar," as a result of which she "received the curse of eternal seimic flatulence." This is then used to create a mechanic whereby, if Sirufa's teleportation is used without having all party members equipped with "Filtration Masks," the unequipped members will be "overcome by the noxious fumes" and remove the rest of the party's masks before dying, causing an instant game over.

>> No.9175734

Why do WD cultists act like this gay company invented games? All they did was slap retard scripts on top of gay jap shovelware

>> No.9175770

they werent scared of cancel culture pussies like you

>> No.9175774

I think you should call him a poopy boy instead, just like in their hit translation for Exile.

>> No.9175783

Who's scared of that you gay nigger? I'm asking why you like sucking their dick when they are literal no talent license buying hacks. They are no different than Hollywood kikes like Saban who went around buying up jap sentai shows . Take Vic's micro dick out of your mouth

>> No.9175787

Contrarianism is a hell of a drug, anon. He's gonna come at you with some more inane bullshit now. There's a good chance he probably doesn't even care about WD or these translations but he's wanting to start shit. Like the average toe-sucking /v/-tard.

>> No.9175791

>whos scared?
every mega corp ever now in this current year

open your fucking eyes

>> No.9175795

Not retro.

>> No.9175804

Holy shit fucking kill yourself before you pollute the gene pool you inbred nigger

>> No.9176065

I've never seen someone be more wrong about something on here. Working Designs absolutely added jokes where there were none. They also added references to real world things when none were there. Even the guide book is victim of this. I remember the Lunar hand book talking about yeti's being hairy like Ernest Borgnine. Which in the 90's was a dated reference.

>> No.9176067
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Overall I really like their game lineup. If I had to chose a favorite it would be Magic Knight Rayearth. There's something I find really enjoyable about those overhead action style games. The towns are also full of diolauge and lots of objects can be interacted with, and each of the three playable characters had something special to say. It made exploring the next town lots of fun.

>> No.9176107

That's just a statement.

>> No.9176112

Fuck all of you, Working Designs was awesome.
>muh accurate translations...
kek get a life losers

>> No.9176294

Honestly, I'm gonna be real, a lot of RPGs are full of fluff filler text, and Working Designs and other localizers adding more flavor to it kind of helped. It's like Stan Lee with comics, he constantly dumped words into the art he didn't make, but it's so unneeded. Working Designs added some levity to the drudgery.

>> No.9176569
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I liked their work on The Adventures of Alundra, really liked surfer Bonaire, I know a lot of people don't because of the weed line but he was one of the more memorable villagers. There is one egregious example of typical WD bullshittery but it's easy to miss it's the roger ebert line in elene's dream that one was fucking awful

>> No.9176621
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>> No.9176836

Being too based.
If Vic had a decent editor to rein him in and keep some of his more extreme edits to a minimum he might be held in similar regard as Ted Woolsey, but there was simply no one stopping him from running wild.

>> No.9176941
File: 2.05 MB, 1280x854, Goemon_dvd_insert_restored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanking the company by spending 3 years trying to get Sony US to let him release a mediocre Goemon game

>> No.9177378

Never even understood why Sony of America was so against Working Designs. They're bringing games over to the Playstation that other companies aren't willing to localize, why did Sony not want that for PS1?

>> No.9177580

guess you got btfo then huh

>> No.9177662

The more I hear about Stolar, the more he sounds like an insufferable cunt

>> No.9177676

without him fags would be posting
>f-f-fan translation almost done guise!
>f-fan translation when???
>magical knight rayearth its fun just skip over all the japanese text guys play it!
>p-popful mail is still my waifu!!!!

>> No.9177779

Might be the worst cope I've seen in years. Congratulations

>> No.9177787
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>> No.9177798

WD retard can't even make the difference between Bernie and Vic.
Well, that's the kind of literacy you'd expect from a fart jokes aficionado.

>> No.9178697

>I don't know why everything was SOOO period comedy back then
I feel like there was a sort-of time capsule mentality running deep in the 90s and early 2000s, like an expectation that future generations would want to know everything about the people of the 'turn of the century' and so everything in pop culture tried to reflect everything else in pop culture so none of it would be forgotten.

>> No.9178749

You're not supposed to button up a polo's top button.
Just like you're not supposed to button up a suit's bottom button.
You swine.

>> No.9178754
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Lunar Silver Star Story Complete

>> No.9178767

oh no the tranimes got em.

>> No.9178792
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>> No.9181307
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Is this legit? I don't know how I haven't heard about this translation before. WTF we they thinking? I want a source

>> No.9181320

Never mind. Just found out about the story behind the line in your pic. I can't believe they tried to cram this into the game. Wild. Sony made them took it out. That is really pushing it

>> No.9182259

>but he was one of the more memorable villagers
He was anyway. His story of missing out on a real woman that loved him because of his infatuation with the dream demon woman is the best of the villager plotlines.

>> No.9182349
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this is what they changed it to. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during the meeting where they discussed that line
Nadia got shafted harder than anyone else. Imagine getting killed by your crush's imaginary girlfriend