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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9144530 No.9144530 [Reply] [Original]

I want to play FF7 for the first time, and I'm all out of sorts about the versions and all that. So after some research I gathered that
PSX version is good but has translation errors
PC1998 version doesnt work on my pc
PC2012 version has weird graphics upscaling and music is worse than PSX but better translation
I also found that theres some RETRANSLATION mod for the PSX version that ports the translation, which sounds like the thing for me, but reading comments people are saying that its modded in a way that damage for some bosses is bigger and there are bugs and stuff like that?

How the hell do I get original good PSX version, with good music but have the translation fix on it? The one I found was called R06g

>> No.9144546

learn japanese

>> No.9144548
File: 579 KB, 1200x1500, learning japanese is fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not possible

>> No.9144549

Don't overthink it dude. Just play the same original Playstation release everyone else did.

>> No.9144550

Hi OP I hope to give you a definitive answer right off the bat and the good news is its the easy one, you're over thinking it.

Just play the original PS1 version of the game, there's a reason it's considered one of the greatest of all time. About the translation, yes it's a little goofy and has some rough edges, but actually I don't think it's undesirable at all. FF7 is from a time when these games were still lighthearted and came off more like dramatic plays rather than Hollywood movie scripts.

I played the game for the first time recently and had an amazing time with it, even though you will certainly have some drive by shit posters say some negative things in this thread and try to convice you otherwise. Play the ground breaking RPG as it was released and keep in mind its over 20 years old! Let it transport you back and have a good time.

>> No.9144556

but isnt the translation really really bad back then cause it was rushed and translators didnt know japanese that well?

>> No.9144557

like, every version past the original psx one has updated translation, it must be worth something, rihght

>> No.9144560

should have learned your radicals

>> No.9144561

also whats a good site to get the iso from
emuwiki has so many sites and i get lost
do i get international, or american version?

>> No.9144567

I did it. English and Japanese are completely different languages so translations will always be shit no matter how good the translator is. It's simply not possible to translate everything accurately

>> No.9144568

PSX is fine.
Translation errors really aren't that many or that bad. Couple grammar errors, a use of the word retard that changes a jokes context, and a warning some kids didn't pay attention to but anyone reading the whole sentence had no issue on.

The reason some go for other options now is they can't handle the lego people design or want some quality of life things for another play through like running being the default or switching the accept button from O to X.

1998 was a buggier than the PSX version and the music is worse (unless you have a very specific Yamaha sound card then it was amazing)

Steam version is fine if you want to mod the backgrounds, models, quality of life stuff, or make the game harder. (FF7 requires 0 grinding so if you have get lost a lot or enjoy battles you can end up overpowered easy in the default game) 7th Heaven mod is basically a mod selector that will download and install every mod you could want for the game. By default it does continue some of the bugs from 1998 (the most annoying of which is in PSX there are no mouths as the idea was scrapped for looking weird but in the PC versions they show up sometimes looking dumb)

Never played a translation patch for the original PSX version. I would imagine it just fixes the few errors people exaggerate and renames magic like fire to firaga and stuff to be in line with other FF games.

>> No.9144573

the weird translation is what adds to the games charm. not everything you indulge needs to be Oscar Wilde, you know. and there's enough subtext there for you to ponder over with the given writing that goes beyond the writing itself.

>> No.9144574

so any particular place i should dl it from? or maybe any guides on how to emulate it properly? i havent emulated for a good decade

>> No.9144575


>> No.9144581

The french translation of that game is infamously terrible but the english translation is decent.

>> No.9144586
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thanks, thats actually where i found the retranslation
this is the one, right

>> No.9144593

People seem to mess with iso files less than the days of old roms so anywhere is probably fine. Emulation Mednafin or Duckstation depending on good PC or potato or preference. I like retroarch and using the cores because I enjoy shaders (specifically xm29 royale). Not totally the same as having a CRT's warmth but at least the look comes off fairly close then.

Its a fun game that avoids a lot of the JRPG issues and still one of my favorites. If you finish it and want some more good ones from the era Breath of Fire 3 and 4, Xenogears, Suikoden and Wild Arms are all pretty solid too though not the same experience.

>> No.9144596

it's a jrpg, not high literature
sure it was rushed and you'll find some typos, but the fact that people are reduced to always posting the same 2 poorly translated sentences every time means that overall it's not that bad

>> No.9144601

I really hope Square realises that a lot of people unironically really like the PSX version. Something about the antilaliasing kind of removes the appeal about the character models too or something, like makes them less alive or something.

And the eyes remove that kind of unusual Manga look that Nomura was leaning into at the time, and with the shitty mouths thrown into it, it just makes it less unique as a result.
Hope they realise in the future there's more appeal behind the PSX version that they realise, and people would be happy playing it. Same with FF8 and FF9 too.

>> No.9144607

if you want to, you can try the PAL version as well. The small slowdown speed aren't really that noticeable, but the slight delay actually unironically makes the game feel even more cinematic, which is what FF7 was aiming for originally.

>> No.9144609

ill go with epsxe cause i atleast used it before and retroarch always kicked my ass when i tried to use it

i just know nothing about any of it and i got assaulted with versions, remakes, remasters, retranslations, re re re and it makes my autism flare up and i just have a panic attack and not play anything

>> No.9144617

let me guess, /v was trying to recommend all that nonsense to you and flared up if you just wanted the original, right?

>> No.9144618

no, all me
i was trying to find a torrent for the pc version

>> No.9144629

>Emulation Mednafin or Duckstation
actually i didnt realize these were emulators
i have a decent pc, is there any preference of one or the other?
back when i emulated metal gear i just used epsxe and it was alright but that was long ago

>> No.9144634

oh, ok then, i take that back.
then again, that kind stuff has been spilling online for the last several years.

>> No.9144639

yea i seen stuff like that happen myself
personally i just looked up the comparison and i dont know why people would ever want the dumb looking smoothed upscaled models and weird "remastered" soundtrack
my only conflict was the translation worry

>> No.9144652

epsxe was nice in its day but its really outdated. Mednafin (beetle core in RA) was the high accuracy standard for a long time. DuckStation (swanstation core in RA) came along and does a good job of being accurate and less intensive. I use Beetle but just out of habit since a decent PC either is fine.

>> No.9144656

duckstations seems easier to set up so im gonna give it ago

>> No.9144657

well then, you're a man of taste for finer things.
but as mentioned, the og translation is actually alright. if you want to, you can try playing the PAL version instead if you want the game to feel more relaxing and laid back, combined with an extra subtle cinematic flare. all up to you tho.

>> No.9144659

Trouble is they didn't use to keep their original files so PC versions now are either made from scratch or existing games flaws and all. Unless they decided to make an emulator to package the game in, which is possible Castlevania does this and the PS1 Classic did this, granted not that well but it did it.

>> No.9144667

>Unless they decided to make an emulator to package the game in

that's really all they have to do. PS5 is currently doing it right now and its working really well, even has filters and all too and save states. they're even planning on adding NTSC and PAL versions in the same ROM as well in the future, which is something Square would really benefit from if they decided to add their games to it.

>> No.9144668

euro one is the PAL right?
its just 25 fps instead of 29.97, so it just plays slower?

>> No.9144676

>euro one is the PAL right?

yeah, thats the one. it plays slightly slower, but you get to really enjoy their hurray into 3D a lot more and get to really enjoy the technology more. considering its an RPG as well and its a very short game thanks to its low difficulty barrier, the slight slowdown is actually a bonus, imo. NTSC version feels too fast imo.

>> No.9144685

fuck it ill just download both and compare them
i wonder if game saves are compatible, thanks

>> No.9144693

np man. the game is pretty good. have a fun time!

>> No.9144703
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thanks anons for all the info
its nice to see 4chan is not all shit nowdays, I should visit /v/ less and here more often
controller very dusty

>> No.9144707

maybe i should get my old CRT connected for this occasion
or is it a meme?

>> No.9144710

Same question but I'm not an EOP. Is the PSX version the best? Probably the version that requires the least effort to play.

>> No.9144713

game saves are not compatible cross region.

>> No.9144714

Its a good idea. I would probably still emulate for more options and usually better emulation, but its a good option for people not deep into the emulation world to just play a game. You are totally right that look is iconic and the PC versions were sort of weird ports at the time. A nice start to how we get everything on PC today but a weird rocky first try for sure.

If you can its nearly always better to stick with NTSC or USA releases over EU. Due to that frame rate is jacks up some things unless the game was specifically released as an EU game which is rare.

>> No.9144721

shame, thanks for saying

>Due to that frame rate is jacks up some things
i see
i remember playing MGS3 back in the day at like 50% speed cause my computer was real shit, was a bit painful

>> No.9144723

It's the best one in terms of ease of use.Also the one i recommend.

>> No.9144745
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Yeah or CRT shaders on an emulator (with ReShade), but that's more work.

>> No.9144748

With PAL copies its not that off. Its just on older games a lot code ran based on the frame rate so sometimes dropping from 29.97 to 25 could cause a slight speed up in audio, animations, and game timings that can make games weird. Works the other way around if it was designed for EU but there are so few games that way since Japan is also on NTSC. Its not huge but in the world of emulation may as well play the better version since we aren't on region locked devices.

>> No.9144752

I would be interested to see more coders trying to spruce up eumalors more to try and accommodate more EU rom files, personally. games i would have played nonstop on NTSC I'd be curious to try on PAL versions to see what its like.

>> No.9144765

Wasn't the "retranslation" just a scrubbed version of the old one? Sadly, most of the FF translations are fucking crap and nobody wants to deal with it properly since they're obsessed with the version they grew up with. It's just a fact of life you've got to deal with unless you learn Japanese.

>> No.9144767

PAL games play exactly how they were on console in emulation.

>> No.9144802

The emulation is accurate, it was actually a problem on real hardware in PAL regions. The frame rate being fixed in the old days meant when you program your game if you want an animation to play every so often the framerate itself was a built in clock you could use without wasting CPU power running a coded timer. So from animation to music it all sync'd and looped based on the frames as a clock. Emulators are pretty cool in their ability to scale up frame rates without breaking that but PAL versions were never corrected by the original companies making the games so the flaw is in the game itself. Its interesting stuff. PC games see a similar thing to which is funnier sometimes when you load an old 90s game that did this on modern hardware that can run at 1000 times more frames so suddenly if the dev didn't cap the frame output the game will run super fast breaking all physics into a jumbly mess. Typically patched but funny as shit during that transition period.

>> No.9144817

>i just know nothing about any of it and i got assaulted with versions, remakes, remasters, retranslations, re re re
Yeah I know the feeling. But the original version of the game is fine. There are some legitimate errors but the added charm is an objective plus.

>> No.9144841

The retranslation could've been interesting if they had just used the original Japanese release, but sadly it's just the basic-bitch US/"International" version. It also has weird choices like uncapitalizing SOLDIER. Until they backport to the original release with script fixes, I'd just stick with the official English translation. PlayStation is still the best way to play Final Fantasy VII and arguably the next two, since all the "clarity" of newer version does it make the imperfections more obvious, and there are signs of port laziness like oddly open mouth textures.

>> No.9144851

FF7 was probably the least fucked up translation of all Final Fantasy games, coming from someone fluent in Japanese and English and played both. They also did things properly and told the story more through images instead of words so none of the actual events or motivations, etc... are fucked up.

>> No.9144905

Stop listening to lies on the Internet.

>> No.9145063

I have heard people dislike the Steam version (of the original not remake) but I played that version and loved it, never had problems. Very accessible (because Steam)

>> No.9145759

Beacause canon translation on PSX
Emulated on your phone in portrait mode like a fucking gameboy so shit is small.
I use epsxe

>> No.9145763

Dude, just get the "beacause" canon translation on that same website.

>> No.9145773

Should I tell him?

>> No.9145789


>> No.9147373

anyone have recommendation on what kind of scanline settings to use for duck station?

>> No.9147775
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like, does this look about right?

>> No.9148141
File: 3.80 MB, 2880x6480, Final Fantasy VII (USA) (Disc 1)-220712-083624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use something like guest-advanced-ntsc and tweak it to look like a consumer Trinitron running it off s-video.

>> No.9148315


>> No.9148336

how do i install this to duckstation?
how do i even download it

>> No.9148337
File: 2.76 MB, 2880x2160, Final Fantasy VII (USA) (Disc 1)-220804-195925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda tweaked it since I was using my N64 preset in those shots.

It's a Retroarch shader.

>> No.9148339

so i cant use it on duckstation?

>> No.9148342

Beats me. I use the Duckstation core on Retroarch.
Not sure if standalone Duckstation can do advanced shaders like Retroarch.

>> No.9148387

why upscale the models, it looks bad

>> No.9148397

>I gathered that
PSX version is good but has translation errors
Who gives a shit? They didn’t change the story, it’s just syntactical errors in maybe 10 lines out of 10,000.

>> No.9148513

is there a way to use normal interface on retroarch?
you know, like, file, load menus you can use with the mouse? normal windows stuff

>> No.9148857

damn, that looks good
wish I could figure out how to transfer my save from duck to duck retroarch, don't want to start over

>> No.9149046

How retarded are you? You probably won't have fun playing it because you will be focused on the script.

>> No.9149050

No. Retroarch is absolute dogshit to use. All I like it for is the timer that shows how long you've played a rom, and the shaders.

Every single other aspect of the experience is dreadful.

>> No.9150440

yea that interface is something out of hell

>> No.9151351

Something I noticed with the Steam port is that the song that plays above the reactor with Cloud and Sephiroth inside Clouds head was messed up. In the original there's a unique version of the FF7 main theme that loops twice that plays there so it lines up with what's happening on screen, whereas in the port the regular reactor theme plays instead (which doesnt fit at all).

Considering how important that scene is that's a huge oversight, I don't know if they've fixed it since then though.

>> No.9151450


>> No.9151456

you alright bro?

>> No.9151464

other people have said this already but the PSX version is the best one
yeah the translation is goofy at times but honestly shit like "beacause" and "this guy are sick" are part of the charm. as long as you go in knowing how obviously vidya translations were done very differently back in the 90s you'll be fine. all the fan retranslations are incredibly autistic and either do shit like change enemy and item names, change character names or rename spells and shit

play the PSX version on an emulator. i'd also recommend a crt filter but that's on you

>> No.9151469

you know a way to put crt filter on duckstation?

>> No.9151586

Just learn to use retroarch, nigga.

>> No.9151592

its REALLY awkward and i dont want to start over my save again

>> No.9151612
File: 3.43 MB, 2880x2160, Final Fantasy VIII (USA) (Disc 2)-220805-223027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought so too. But once I learned it, and got it all setup, I started dreading going back to conventional standalone emulators. What really sold me were shaders and having universal controller shortcuts. Also, your save is compatible since you can just use the Duckstation core in Retroarch like I did.

>> No.9151617

yea i am using the core, but my card is empty when i copy it

>> No.9151765

Make a copy of your save file first, take that copy, paste it onto RetroArch's saves directory (it's literally called saves, you can't miss it), and rename it to have the exact same name as the FFVII file you're loading to play, and make the extension .srm (so, for example, if your file is ff7.bin, your save file should be named ff7.srm).

>> No.9151784

yea i did that, its empty when im in game the card is empty

>> No.9152995
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c'est le moins qu'on puisse dire

>> No.9153032

You are playing an objectively inferior translation by choosing some nu retranslation because its "grammatically accurate" over the original more soulful translations

>> No.9153037

Did you really have to ask? Never, ever play 6th gen or older games on anything else than a CRT. They look superior in every way on the crt

>> No.9153040

I think the FF7 Remake Part 1 for PC is the best version. Never played FF7 at all and i think thats good because that game is very short and only plays in the midgard city, very boring, you are never going to explore the outter world.

>> No.9153045

my CRT doesn't look that different from my flat screens desu

>> No.9153048
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Original discs on original ps1.

>> No.9153050
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>> No.9153051
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What CRT do you have?

>> No.9153064

Samsung syncmaster 755dfx
used it for color work and photo editing, its a bit old though I haven't used it in many years

>> No.9153107

That's not a CRT TV, anon...
Obviously the game was meant to be played at 240p on a consumer set.

>> No.9153119

yea its a CRT monitor
i dont even know how youd hook up a tv to a computer, of who even has a tv nowdays

>> No.9153120


>> No.9153132

actually i might have a tv somewhere, but i doubt it has VGA

>> No.9153281

Just get a PS1 and a PS2 and burn a copy of FF7

>> No.9153286

*PS1 OR a PS2

>> No.9153347

give it 10 more years and bait will become true horro

>> No.9153935
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can someone tell me what these actually do? all i can find is remake shit
also any way not to have fights literally every 5 seconds when im just trying to walk somewhere

>> No.9155631

>Battle speed
How fast the ATB bar fills up during fights, scales for all players and enemies.
>Battle message
How long character dialog and attack text shows up for during battles
>Field message
How fast text scrolls within the box when doing anything outside of battles.

>also any way not to have fights literally every 5 seconds when im just trying to walk somewhere
This is just part of the game. You should get used to it fairly quickly.

>> No.9155662

I don't remember encounters being that fast in most areas, and I don't know where you are in the game, but without spoiling anything a materia can be won at chocobo races that lowers encounter rate by a huge amount. I only ever used it when I wanted to master all materia though, I didn't have an issue and always wanted to level up characters, Limit Breaks and Materia.

>> No.9155941

thanks anon
game is amazing I'm sucked in

thanks, i think I'm already pretty used to it
the area that was annoying was the little dump between sectors

>> No.9155950

Oh yeah, always hated that bit in replays. Also the area with abandoned trains or whatever, though at least it was atmospheric.

>> No.9158639

man this game really opens up after midgar
what an introduction to jrpgs
I might have to play more games from the genre after this
I didn't expect there to actually be choices and open world