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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9113854 No.9113854 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9115304

you ever watch the news, anon?

>> No.9115347

humans literally make the world a worse place for everything that isn't human

>> No.9115358

>humans literally make the world a worse place for everything that isn't human
Humans make the world worse for humans as well.

>> No.9115362

Humans kinda are evil bro. <500k by 2050, let's go

>> No.9115364

first time playing tips? i don't know anything about this game and i played chrono trigger forever ago and don't have much attachment to the plotline.

>> No.9115375

Humans ARE evil, but this game approaches it with a high schooler’s level of depth.

>> No.9115394

Why do my ironic shitposts (comments) get b& all the time and yet these threads stay up? Jannies, are you even real?

>> No.9115510

A lot of them are.

>> No.9115645
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The fact that people take away from this game is "Le humans are evil" I just have to assume you've barely read any of the dialogue in the game. Yes a lot of the other sentient life in the game blame humans for their misfortune, but you'd have to be an utter dimwit to ignore the ending where they literally tell you plainly that every living being, including humans has function to play in the progress and evolution of life. One of the major points of the game is proving that humans AREN'T indistinctly evil... Despite everything.

>> No.9116145
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the battle system isn't explained all too well (there's a tutorial early on but it's possible to run right past it and never engage) and its usually what trips people up because it seems overly complicated when its like the simplest thing.

all you need to know is that weak attacks are more likely to hit than stronger ones but you can build up accuracy by landing weak hits first, and you should always end a character's turn by casting magic before you're out of AP. Provided you have a full team of 3 fighters, you'll build that spent AP back up by the time you're done with the other character's actions.

Enemies just take turns whenever they want, there's no rhyme or reason to it.

As for magic, all 6 elements are simultaneously strong AND weak to one other specific element and vice-versa. Just depends if you're dishing out the damage or receiving it. Also, like Pokemon, every party member has an innate element that buffs magic of the same element but also makes them more vulnerable to their element weakness.

>> No.9116151

On top of easy to miss, the tutorial is awful at explaining anything. It pulls you into a battle, obviously to SHOW you the mechanics, but most of it is just watching the tutorial guy TELL you shit as the camera spins around him. It's dizzying and not helpful. It wasn't until I made it to the fight against that little girl before I understood how the game worked. I didn't equip anybody with any spells up to that point either.

>> No.9116358

I figured it out when I was 11, the fuck is wrong with yalls brains?

>> No.9116373

Do you do more damage by going straight for heavy+heavy or all light attacks?

>> No.9116383
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>> No.9116506

Like, for who?

>> No.9116558

Cattle, swine and a lot of the stuff that has gone extinct in the last 30000 years

>> No.9116621

Many more animals would go extinct without humans. Also quit anthropomorphizing animals, they don't care.

>> No.9116646

Cattle, swine, the list can go on.

>> No.9116647

Says the anon who plays video games to escape from society. If people are so great, put down the controller and go outside.

>> No.9117052

Outside isn't people, outside is nearly 100 degrees fahrenheit