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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 160 KB, 1280x720, sonic2_ehz_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9049456 No.9049456 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like widescreen Sonic 1-3?
It destroys the difficulty and balance.

>> No.9049526

shut the fuck up the game is still good
the challenge in Sonic isn't reacting to obstacles; it's pathing

>> No.9050018

>Why do people like widescreen
because nobody but autists actually likes letterbox

>> No.9050040
File: 2.58 MB, 840x274, sonic 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21:9 just as Naka-san intended

>> No.9050043

>It destroys the difficulty and balance.
Are you saying that Sonic is only hard because you can't see what's coming?

>> No.9050051

Can see where the sprint is taking you.

>> No.9050054

Shut up.

>> No.9050068

DWT is that you?
Do you still call stretching everything to 16x9 "fixing aspect ratio"?

>> No.9050121

Yes, Sonic is only hard because you can't see what's up ahead. It's fake difficulty, and it fits in well with Sega's philosophy: being fake.
The Genesis' shitty graphics that had to use composite signals to look better than it really was.
The Saturn faking 3D with its tiles and quads.
It's fake branding of being an edgy underdog, even though they were one of the biggest developers around and still owns the most recognizable cartoon character of all time.

>> No.9050135

>he is so braindead that he thinks sonic is hard because of the screen
>he doesn't think the challenge of the game comes from mastering the physics because he's a detroit nigger whose mind is blown when a ball doesn't stay in place on a hill
>he thinks dithering wasnt used in every single retro console (and even pc before vga)

>> No.9050165
File: 55 KB, 933x537, megacucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is so braindead that he thinks sonic is hard because of the screen
No, that opinion makes you intelligent, actually.
>he doesn't think the challenge of the game comes from mastering the physics because he's a detroit nigger whose mind is blown when a ball doesn't stay in place on a hill
Hold right to build up enough speed to run through a loop. Wow, so challenging!
>he thinks dithering wasnt used in every single retro console (and even pc before vga)
Name a single other retro console that used vertical line dithering like the Sonic 1 waterfalls. You can't. It only worked because the Genesis had especially trash video output, and even the Sonic devs are on record calling it awful and feeling jealous of its competitors.

>> No.9050215

Sonic isn't hard at all actually.

>> No.9050238

It's not honestly, I should've put "hard" in quotation marks. It's more like, if you play in wide screen, there's almost no challenge whatsoever.

>> No.9050243 [DELETED] 

Sonic 1 filters zoomies and soiboys.

>> No.9050245

Dithering is used in VGA and SVGA on PC.

>> No.9050265

This post smells to me like you are simply upset Sonic and Sega used to be good is all. You didn't like them so you're projecting falsities pretending like these are facts.

>> No.9050273

>No, that opinion makes you intelligent, actually.
>>he thinks dithering wasnt used in every single retro console (and even pc before vga)
>Name a single other retro console that used vertical line dithering like the Sonic 1 waterfalls
Nice moving of the goalposts, fucking retard.
Yes, and in many SNES and arcade games, too (SFA3 is one of the most obvious examples).
Yes, it seems to be a malding Nintendo fanboy.

>> No.9050290

At twice the resolution or more.

>> No.9050327

>no counter argument
I accept your concession.
It's only moving the goalposts if I said only the Genesis used dithering. I didn't, in fact I wasn't the one who brought up dithering, that was >>9050135. All I initially said was the Genesis had shitty graphics and relied on composite signals, something acknowledged by the Sonic devs themselves.
>and arcade games
Which didn't use composite, as I'm sure you know. Surely you see why it's stupid to respond to a criticism of Genesis graphics with "but ALL retro consoles used dithering!!!"

>> No.9050346

>Sonic is hard
Massively filtered.

>> No.9050513
File: 113 KB, 474x529, 1586500179108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this thread really went into the discussion about Sonic being fundamentally flawed as a video game? Jeez, nothing against us having more controversion conversations, it's why image boards can be interesting in the first place, but as someone who got to see the rewriting of history this franchise has suffered, it always baffles me. At first most people agreed that Sonic was good up until the Adventure duology or Heroes... then suddently all of those titles started getting harshly criticized on the web and consensus shifted to only the 2D classics being good... and now suddently I'm seeing the argument that Sonic was never good a lot more often. I don't recall this happening to any other popular franchise, the idea that it was always fundamentally flawed and poor in concept, that all of the acclaim it got was some sort of collective delusion by most people at the time. Sonic is a platformer with physics and level design that encourage experimentation and learning to go faster every time, with the rings mechanic making sure you don't play too cautiously, to keep the experience exhilarating. Of course it slows down at times and some levels might be trickier to see what's coming ahead, which can lead to you getting hit... but it's a video game, you can win or lose, and as you play and learn you also get better.

>> No.9050575

It's just one malding Nintendo fanboy who can't stop screeching about MUH GRAFX because it helps him sleep at night. Must be tough having Sonic live in his head rent-free for over 30 years.

>> No.9050942

>using tricks in 3d software to improve performance is wrong because it's dishonest and lying

>> No.9051101


>> No.9051116

holy projection batman

>> No.9051137


Not retro

>> No.9051235

All Sonic needs is a dynamic camera that shifts ahead once Sonic is running.

>> No.9051275

4:3 isnt letterboxed, even on a widescreen monitor, you fucking retard

>> No.9051281

just for the record: heroes always sucked balls, and adventure 1-2 aged incredibly poorly. i understand a lot of people liked them when they came out, but i never did because of the same reasons people dont like those games now

>> No.9051283
File: 1.20 MB, 850x1170, 1656441259068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a problem with playing some classic Sonic in the 4:3 resolution they were released in, of course having more visibility of what's coming ahead would make it simpler to go fast and to avoid getting hit unexpectedly by something that's off screen, but classic Sonic in general isn't too difficult and, while some cheap shots are thrown at you from time to time, it's not as obnoxious and common as many would make us think, and overall it's not too difficult to avoid it once you understand classic Sonic's rules. Still, I have to say, looking at this footage, being able to see more on screen while playing looks lovely, especially the 21:9 one, seeing badniks in the distance even though you're so far away, it just makes the world come alive more. How does one achieve this? Is it Sonic 2 Absolute or a mod for Sonic Origins? Or something else altogether? I have to say I'm not too experienced with playing on PC, besides installing emulators.

>> No.9051285

Because nobody wants to play an arcade-style game for 100 hours to autistically learn where and when to press a button. Widescreen lets you play Sanic properly. That's why Sonic Mania is the best game in the series.

>> No.9051314

>HURR DURR PROJECTION, even when it makes no sense whatsoever
Every time, lmao. Keep seething.
It's probably one of the mobile decomps: https://github.com/Rubberduckycooly/Sonic-1-2-2013-Decompilation

>> No.9051342

Because it's nice to have the screen filled out without stretching, the same reason I use widescreen hacks on 3D games.
I don't give a fuck when I'm playing on a CRT but black borders are shit.

>> No.9051369

looks i like i hit a nerve
keep arresting yourself

>> No.9051376

>he's still malding in a Sonic thread
Keep it up, fatty. You're hilarious.

>> No.9051404


>> No.9051424

If that’s true, why isn’t sonic on the left of the screen instead of centred? What’s the point of widescreen only to keep focus on the middle?

>> No.9051434

because it's not a big deal

>> No.9051442

Arcade cabinets are not usually considered consoles, so yeah you're gay

>> No.9051467

mario is gay btw

>> No.9051485
File: 98 KB, 621x486, Blas_Comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hold right to build up enough speed to run through a loop. Wow, so challenging!
Clearly you beat the level eloquently this way
>Name a single other retro console that used vertical line dithering like the Sonic 1 waterfalls
This is really trolling, but I'll bite:
>Mega Man and Bass on SNES uses dithering for translucency on depleted health bars
>Misadventures of Tron Bonne on PS1 uses dithering for translucency behind character portraits
>PS1's global dithering
>2D assets in just about every PS2 game (loading screens come to mind)
>every NES game released after 1987

>> No.9051514

>VERTICAL LINE dithering
There's different methods of dithering, and almost all that you've listed is checkerboard dithering which yes, was common.

>> No.9051529
File: 15 KB, 480x360, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mega Man games on NES notorious use vertical line dithering for round objects, even on the title screen of 2

>> No.9051650

I don't really mind ether, I will say that the special stages from sonic 2 are far better though in the remake. I do prefer difficulty modes or layout changes though to just adding widescreen.

>> No.9051857

>still owns the most recognizable cartoon character of all time.
Saga owns Mickey Mouse?

>> No.9051873

It really doesn't make much of a difference.

>> No.9052028

CD and a bunch of romhacks have it. I don't really like it. It's kind of disorienting.

>> No.9052265

>The Genesis' shitty graphics that had to use composite signals to look better than it really was.
graphics looking better than they are
lmao this ninja

>> No.9052269

Don't think you understand what lettboxing is.

>> No.9052816

This is the correct answer. I understand getting mad at people stretching to fill the screen, because that looks terrible, but when it's filled without stretching it's actually an improvement on the original imo.

>> No.9053145

It's easier to remember and say than pillarboxing

>> No.9054092

they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.9054265
File: 1.53 MB, 2400x2871, 1656574962424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was possible to play Sonic's 8-Bit installments in 16:9 or 21:9 too, I don't think it'd change all that much since they're usually slower than their 16-Bit counterparts anyway, and you have decent visibility for the most part, but it'd still be enjoyable, a way to make the experience more comfortable on the whole for those who either already played them many times, or for those who never did because they thought it lacked visibility. On the Game Gear they usually have Sonic on the corner of the screen so you can see ahead, to make up for the small resolution which can make it harder to play, while on the Master System you can see a lot more due to the resolution, but Sonic's closer to the middle of the screen instead of in the corner. Having a way to play them, especially the Master System versions, in 16:9 or 21:9 would be lovely, even if just as a novelty.

>> No.9054354
File: 82 KB, 406x492, fanboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.9055182

Games don't age. Make an actual point or don't post.

>> No.9055186

That's not vertical line dithering.
Nope, it's Sonic the Hedgehog. It's because in some countries Disney's influence isn't as strong.

>> No.9055242


>> No.9055246

Because most people don't give a shit if a game looks like crap as long as its playable.

>> No.9055301
File: 10 KB, 404x477, vertical line dithering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9055306

One is to create a sense of shading that works even with sharp pixels, let alone a real CRT, and the other is to fake transparency and looks horrendous even when on real CRTs, unless you're playing with very blurry composite.

>> No.9055312

You have to have some sort of mental illness. Did Sonic molest you cunt?

>> No.9055320

For people that haven't played it since childhood they appreciate being able to see more in front of them, mainly.

>> No.9055326

>one looks good when not on composhite
>one looks bad when not on composhite
To put it more clearly: in MM2, similar colors are used, so the effect works nicely even on sharp signals. But in Sonic 1, very different colors are used, and thus the effect only works when displayed through the Genesis' blurry composite.

>> No.9055341

>autistic off-topic Nintoddler screeching continues in a Sonic thread
Rent free.

>> No.9055369

>I Am Angry That He Criticized Sega But I Can't Disprove His Points So I Will Insult Him With Buzzwords And Get The Last Word In For My Ego
Why would "Nintoddlers" hate Sonic anyway? Sega's been making Sonic games for Nintendo consoles for the past 20 years, the port in OP is on the Switch right now. Not everyone is still stuck in the early 90s like you are.

>> No.9055450

I don't know why you're angry bro, why don't you tell us why you came barreling into a sonic thread like a downy wrecking ball screeching about
>Muh composite dithering

>> No.9055539

>looks bad when not on composite
You really are a fuckwit, your logic is like saying Beowulf is bad English because it was written 1000 years ago

>> No.9055615

Speaking of getting mad, you should check in on your buddy right here: >>9055539
Anyhow, the difference is that Beowulf is still good even if you translate it into modern English. Meanwhile the waterfall effect on Sonic breaks completely on literally anything that isn't a shitty 90s set up. What makes art good is if it stands the test of time. Genesis art generally doesn't because it relied so heavily on composite. There's a reason why professional game reviewers from back then, who generally played their games on sharp RGB monitors, routinely criticized the Genesis once better 16-bit systems came out.
Again, read the interview at >>9050165. The very developers of Sonic thought the Genesis had cheap, garbage visuals and were jealous of their rivals. Straight from the horses mouth.

>> No.9055621

>Beowulf is good if you know what it says
Like how sprites made for composite look good over composite?
>What makes art good is if it stands the test of time
Time has given us composite filters, nigger. Also what the fuck kind of pseud retardation is this? What makes art good is if it's enjoyable in its own right, I don't think even you know what you mean by "What makes art good is if it stands the test of time".
Maybe the Mega Drive had worse video quality than other systems sure, but the fact is every other system still saw blended dithering and YOU are a nigger

>> No.9055661

>buh-buh-buh- he was mean back! That makes it ok!

Start shit get hit. Take your extra chromosomes and fuck off

>> No.9055668

There is a Master System Sonic in 16:9 on gamebanana, but the physics are screwed up.

>> No.9055682

>Beowulf is good if you know what it says
Yes anon, that's how translations work. If you wanna extend the Beowulf analogy, then sprites made for composite would have to be "translated" into something for newer monitors. Which you bring up, here:
>Time has given us composite filters,
That doesn't actually change anything though. You're still turning the screen into a blurry mess in order for some effects to look right. That's where the Beowulf analogy falls apart: you lose nothing by reading Beowulf in modern English because there's a fundamental difference between "creating something in a different/older language" and "creating something under the limitations of your higher-ups being cheapasses".
>What makes art good is if it's enjoyable in its own right, I don't think even you know what you mean by "What makes art good is if it stands the test of time".
Obviously you don't, if your view on art is as childish as "its good if its enjoyable :B"
>Maybe the Mega Drive had worse video quality than other systems sure,
Again, not a maybe. It's a fact. Why do you keep downplaying what the people who worked on the console say? It's interesting how this supposed "autistic Nintoddler" is respecting the Sonic creators more than the Sonic fanboys, by taking the creators at their word.
>but the fact is every other system still saw blended dithering and YOU are a nigger
I think your anger is making you forget, anon. I've agreed that every retro console used dithering several times now.

Huh? My point was that it's funny you accuse me of being angry when your buddy is the one typing in caps like an angry teenager. What am I doing that needs to be OK'd? Criticizing SEGA?

>> No.9055701

>This autistic Nintoddler retard is STILL ranting about 90s console wars in a Sonic thread
Rent free. Maybe you're seething so badly about "muh blurriness" because you're self-conscious about the Nintendo 64 having the blurriest graphics of all time.

>> No.9055717

>deflecting to the N64 when I've made no mention of it
Someone here is console warring, and it's not me. But yes, the N64 was blurry. Fifth gen as a whole largely sucked.

>> No.9055749

>That doesn't actually change anything though
??????????????????????? Do my eyes deceive me when I load my shaders on retroarch? To make the game look like it does over the RF signal the devs playtested with?
>you lose nothing by reading Beowulf in modern English
Rhymes? Wordplay? Metre? You really are a retard
>as childish as its good if its enjoyable
Most pseud thing I've read here in a long time. Yeah dude something isn't good if it's good, no it has to follow some gay criteria that some paedophile in Paris who never worked one job in his life conjured up during one of his schizoid mental breakdowns. I don't care about your communist structuralism or whatever the fuck, some things are just the case. It is the case that some things are good
>Why do you keep downplaying what the people who worked on the console say
You must be ESL if you're unfamiliar with an affirmative maybe, never mind that I said blended dithering saw use on all systems.
>I've agreed that every retro console used dithering several times now
You said that only the Mega Drive used "vertical line dithering", and when you were paramountly shown with counterexamples to be a lying retard, then you said "that doesn't count". NIGGER

>> No.9055750

>Someone here is console warring, and it's not me
>It's fake difficulty, and it fits in well with Sega's philosophy: being fake.
>It's fake branding of being an edgy underdog
Lol, sure thing, schizo.
>he says this after derailing the entire thread with an off-topic bitchfest
This Nintoddler has no self-awareness. Enjoy your blurry N64 graphics.

>> No.9055757

An affirmative maybe is used for concessive statements btw
Fuck why am I teaching English on /vr/

>> No.9055796

>??????????????????????? Do my eyes deceive me when I load my shaders on retroarch? To make the game look like it does over the RF signal the devs playtested with?
Did you read the next sentence before immediately responding in a fit of rage? I then said "you're still making the game blurry"
>Rhymes? Wordplay? Metre? You really are a retard
You do realize that's what good translations attempt to account for, right? Though I will concede it can never be 1:1. It's a good thing I already said why the analogy to Beowulf falls apart, eh?
> Yeah dude something isn't good if it's good, no it has to follow some gay criteria that some paedophile in Paris who never worked one job in his life conjured up during one of his schizoid mental breakdowns. I don't care about your communist structuralism or whatever the fuck, some things are just the case. It is the case that some things are good
Who brought up fucking communists, dude? Are you implying that the right wing is incapable of analyzing art? That's a pretty embarrassing admission if you're a right-winger yourself. Even Hitler and the Nazis had a coherent theory of art. You're really having a psychological breakdown right now, huh? All because I dissed a video game company.
>You said that only the Mega Drive used "vertical line dithering", and when you were paramountly shown with counterexamples to be a lying retard, then you said "that doesn't count".
I didn't say "it didn't count", I explained clearly how it was different from how other consoles used dithering. It doesn't actually challenge the substance of my original post.

I've already said fifth gen sucked and you're still assuming I'm some N64 fanboy? Sorry about your reading skills.

>> No.9056563

games *do* age, retard; do you think many people who didnt grow up with, say, knight lore for the ZX spectrum, would enjoy the game and play it to completion?
critically acclaimed when it came out, so obviously it's still a real thrill now, right? nothings changed, it's the same game, right?
with regard to sonic adventure: those games *always* had a shitty schizophrenic camera and clumsy controls. don't get me wrong, mario 64 did too, but in 1996 as the first real first party 3D platformer (and id argue mario 64's issues are less awful). i haven't paid much mind to "professional" game reviews for a long time, but even when i did it was painfully obvious when they gushed over shit just because it was a first party title or they were over-sympathetic as a fan of a certain developer or series.

>> No.9056585

The ZX Spectrum is the 80s equivalent of the graphing calculator games kids would play in the 90s. Not representative.

>> No.9056592

> I explained clearly how it was different from how other consoles used dithering
It was the same dithering method and you really did just say it didn't count. We have nothing left to discuss because my previous reply (especially the communist part) already rebuts you

>> No.9056616

>Not representative.
lol no argument

>> No.9056648

>It was the same dithering method and you really did just say it didn't count.
No, I said it wasn't the same, you asked how they were different, and I clearly explained: one only works for composite, the other doesn't. You then brought Beowulf into the conversation, which escalated into you going on an unhinged rant about communists and pedophiles. And here I thought only leftists inserted politics into video games...
>We have nothing left to discuss because my previous reply (especially the communist part) already rebuts you
I too would wanna bow out of the conversation after I went on an embarassing rage-fueled rant over a second-rate video game company like you did. Good thing this is an anonymous board, eh?
It's a shame this board doesn't have people who grew up on the ZX Spectrum anymore. It'd be funny to see them sperg out at you and further solidify >>9056563's point.

>> No.9056661

>stinks up the thread with his screeching about muh blurriness, a common criticism of the N64
>REEs about the Saturn in his first post, which was one of the N64's competitors
>only says that the fifth gen sucks in general, but won't admit that the N64's graphics are blurry shit
>n-no, I'm not an N64 fanboy!
Sorry about your denial.

>> No.9056668

I said the N64 was blurry here, though? >>9055717
I also really like the idea of N64 fans feeling insecure by the Saturn, considering the N64 outsold it by a very large margin. What a bizarre conspiracy theory, much more creative than assuming I'm a SNES fan boy, I'll say that much.

>> No.9056671

Following up on this, I'm pretty sure outside of Japan, the Saturn was pretty much in the grave by the time the N64 dropped? lol

>> No.9056712

>N64 fans feeling insecure by the Saturn
Who said anything about feeling insecure? It's only natural for fanboys to blast all competitors of their consoles of choice. Since when did sales matter in that regard?
>considering the N64 outsold it by a very large margin
And here comes the fanboy gushing, right on schedule.

>> No.9056765

He's pathetic, us nintenchads would never admit to any of the nonsense criticisms of the N64 being true. I mean, it's literally the greatest console ever

>> No.9056838
File: 140 KB, 480x329, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If being able to see the obstacles you need to avoid "destroys the difficulty", then your game is shit regardless of the aspect ratio it's played in.

>> No.9056925

>Who said anything about feeling insecure?
Here: >>9055701
>Maybe you're seething so badly about "muh blurriness" because you're self-conscious about the Nintendo 64
>And here comes the fanboy gushing, right on schedule.
Pointing out sales figures is "fanboy gushing"...? If you say so, anon.

>> No.9056956

Absolutely based, I need to try this one day.

>> No.9057106

looks amazing
>I also really like the idea of N64 fans feeling insecure by the Saturn
nobody was insecure about anything. both consoles were pure fucking cancer and things didn't improve at all until playstation 2 and xbox era.

>> No.9057112

You can see them in 4:3 just fine, you just have to have the skill and reaction speed to deal with the obstacles once you speed up. Sonic rewards good play with speed, it's not supposed to be a game where you run as fast as you can to the right and easily dodge everything.

>> No.9057167


Lmao, imagine being this cucked about a twenty year old+ kiddy videogame you spend your precious time on earth writing reams of text arguing about a single waterfall effect.

>This wide-screen mode is kinda weird, huh?

never change /vr/

>> No.9057174

Cybershell is a big proponent of widescreen Sonic. He considers it the definitive way to play because he hates running into enemies due to slow reaction times.

Even when something like Sonic 3 Complete is perfect and runs on original hardware, Sonic 3 AIR is the definitive version because of widescreen despite the bugs and visual glitches and modding required and pc-emulation-only nature of it.

>> No.9057176

Filling the fucking display with visuals, that's what the point is.

>> No.9057181

You would be one of the people who wanted all black and white films to be colorized because everyone had a color TV.

>> No.9057191

I'm one of those people who said we shouldn't crop theatrical versions.

>> No.9057497

>both consoles were pure fucking cancer and things didn't improve at all until playstation 2 and xbox era.
I've been saying that anon, unfortunately the other person can't prove me wrong so he's assuming I'm a deceiving N64-obsessed manchild as a psychological defense mechanism.