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9004685 No.9004685 [Reply] [Original]

What do you name your guys when you have the option?
Do you use canon names, your name, or make something up?

>> No.9004694

If its not narrative based, I use my own name.
If it is, I go with whatever they're actually named.

>> No.9004701

Usually named after characters from my favorite books or movies at the time. Kids that used dirty words for character names were uncouth and low IQ.

>> No.9004713

Depends on the game but usually my default RPG hero name is Lupin for no real reason

>> No.9004715

If you call him "I say" you make everyone in to foghorn leghorn.

>> No.9004860

I name him Ass.

I'm 37

>> No.9004862

Canon names, sometimes I name them after musicians or actors I like

>> No.9004869

If it already has a name filled in I just use that, if not I will just use a word that comes to mind

>> No.9004876

Names that produce funny text strings during dialogue sections, my dude.

>> No.9004892

Canonical names everytime.
I rename almost all Chrono Trigger characters to their real names, though (Nadia, Glenn, R-66Y...).

>> No.9004912

>Zelda games
>a generic profile not assigned to a character
my own name
>a specific character in a game where you only control one
something that fits the setting with a tastefully humorous twist
>characters in a game where you control more than one, like FF
chad medieval names
>games where you control the life of some poor creature, like chao garden
a cuck name like Babydick unless the creature is a chad, then they get a name that is intentionally chad compared to the others while still playing on the same theme, like LargeCock

>> No.9004915

You're crazy

>> No.9004931
File: 16 KB, 400x400, media_FMiIXfhXoAwrk-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I always name my characters AAAAAAAA, how could you tell?

>> No.9004937

Always default name. If that is not an option, then 'AAA'.

>> No.9004943

When I played Pokemon I used to name my trainer after the version

>> No.9004956
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>I always use my real name.

>> No.9004957


>> No.9004963

Would especially be fitting for thief characters like Zidane.

>> No.9004978
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>> No.9005201
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i have been doing this for such a long time but recently had a kid and began deleting these files. i'm sure there will be a game i forget about and will have to explain ANALCOCK at some point.

>> No.9005797

I really don't care. The only time I will modify the character's name is when I'm sure I'm going to have a hard time remember who's who like the moment JRPGs venture into Japanese names I haven't heard before.

>> No.9008172

This. Except the part about being a kiddo.

>> No.9008226
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How much would you charge to just hang around me for a few hours every day making sporadic remarks about me being a kiddo so I don't feel old anymore?

>> No.9008369

I always just use funny names that make me laugh, ESPECIALLY if there are canon names. Calling link Bepsibop or something is peak comedy and I won't hear otherwise.

>> No.9008407


>> No.9008408

growing up my mom would name her characters after me and my brother when ever she played and ill always remember that

>> No.9008774

So this is why brain damage looks like. Hopefully we can help fix that in the future.

>> No.9008791

I genuinely cannot comprehend what kind of sociopath you'd have to be to use your own name for a videogame character. Utterly bizarre.

I use the character's canonical name, unless the canonical name is stupid (The hero of Final Fantasy Adventure is "Sumo"? Yeah, not on my watch).

>> No.9008808
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>> No.9008825

>im actually a very mature player of children's toys

>> No.9008829

Why? It's not even that funny

>> No.9008832

Your mom often shouted my name if you catch my drift

>> No.9008835

Always using the canonical names unless it's Pokémon, where I use my own name

>> No.9008851

I usually go with canon character names, however in game's with a character creator I make a pale white dude with an extremely long nose and chin. He's got teal hair and his name is the Virgin Slayer, which is integral to the story I create in my head

>> No.9008859
File: 36 KB, 280x240, Final Fantasy Origins (USA) (Rev 1)-0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God Tier
Original made-up names which fit the themes of the game and the characters

>Okay Tier
Default names

>Highschool tier
Name the hero yourself and the love interest the girl you have a crush on that you never even talked to

>Drone Tier

>Shit Tier
LMAO I named the protag Anal and the girl Sex, JUST YOU WAIT at one point maybe after 50 hours it will be funny and I'll share a picture with my phone xD

>> No.9009057
File: 244 KB, 752x1097, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So this is why brain damage looks like.

>> No.9009080

For Zelda games I use Link
For RPGs, I use names that my childhood friend and I used, which are actually names from my friend's family and school (we went to different schools). Recently, when I'm playing games with a younger male protag (Pkmn, River King), I name them after my son.

>> No.9009979

I have a pool of names I use, depending on the setting and character. Some I picked up along the way from various media, some are real names that I really like, and a few I made up.

>> No.9010009

Whatever I feel like at the time. Sometimes I'll just leave the names as they are. Other times I'm in a juvenile mood and will name the MC something retarded like Faget. Still other times I'll make it a pun or something stupid reflecting their superficial character, (last FFVII playthrough I did I named Cloud "Nimbus", Barret "Dr. Dre", Aerith "GonnaDie", etc.).

>> No.9010028
File: 183 KB, 707x1000, Sabin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name the hero yourself and the love interest the girl you have a crush on that you never even talked to
My older brother did this in FFVI with Locke and Celes. I thought it was cool that he named Sabin after me though. Would've worked better if he was Edgar, but I didn't care. One of the reasons Sabin has always been my favorite.

>> No.9010031

As for me, I used to always name the main character my own name in all caps.

>> No.9010069

When I was a kid, I used my name (the short version). In my late teens-early 20's, I used my online handle.

Nowadays, I just use an anagram of my name. An alias, basically.

>> No.9010109
File: 279 KB, 2000x1153, 31bbfd00-a4de-11ea-b7ff-fbbac19a8cbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I named him SEXY. Can't remember the girl's name.

>> No.9010198



"You're the final hope for this world, Toilet."

keks every time

>> No.9010280

Canon names, properly capitalized. Then my friends will come along and write "cum69" on my save or something.

>> No.9010286
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>name characters with proper casing
>npc names are ALL CAPS

>> No.9010292

Ash. Housewares

>> No.9010327
File: 43 KB, 218x231, 1655254063069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9010342

Canon/Default names, i'm not creative
I even chose a female for one of the assassins creed games because it was what was used in the book adaptation.

>> No.9010450

Self insert protagonists: own name; maybe something fitting in the setting if atmosphere is important.
Protagonists with an actual personality: canon/default name.
Party members and side characters: canon/default name.

>> No.9010625

a man of culture

>> No.9010628

Fuck, Fucker, Fucky, Fucko, or Jim.

>> No.9010669
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I can't be the only person who called Link "faggot" in LTTP, can I?

>> No.9010693

I called him "faget" in OoT, does that count?

>> No.9010706

I find canon fags way more insufferable
Default name is acceptable, as in, if the name is already inputted for you on-screen and you simply choose not to make any changes and go with it, fair enough.

However, if the game gives you a blank input (meaning it clearly wants you to come up with your own thing) and you still manually type in MUHCANON name, you're a colossal faggot, more so if the canon name is not even written anywhere on the box or manual and you had to dig it up from some obscure ass external source like a japan only manga or some shit, like Persona/SMT fags do.

>> No.9010751

Whatever I'm in the mood for.
First playthrough,silent protag? My name
Rpg that lets you name every character? I randomize and then make small edits to the randomized names
Sometimes I name them stupid shit
Named my last protag Richard Ryder. It's not that deep.

>> No.9010847
File: 614 KB, 640x360, 1649112299579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure does