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9004168 No.9004168 [Reply] [Original]

>Zero gets hyped as the eventual Mega Man killer in MM:TPF
>spend decades waiting to see this happen in a game
>they just make it so all the robots, including Mega Man, get unceremoniously decommissioned because reasons
>reveal this in some obscure data book or some shit
Fucking Capcom.

>> No.9004174

>they just make it so all the robots, including Mega Man, get unceremoniously decommissioned because reasons

>> No.9004196

Apparently "some obscure data book or some shit"

>> No.9004221

The Zero series is the sequel to X6

>> No.9004223

Why are people so obsessed with the idea of Zero killing off the classic cast? If anything, they probably went to some secluded island somewhere and lived happily without a care in the world.

>> No.9004224

Wily dying before he can complete Zero makes more sense than Zero killing all the robot masters since he should have destroyed the world too in that case as the doctor intended.

>> No.9004236

At the time, they wanted a continutation and link between the original and Zero series. Zero being made by Wily creates that link, and it is possible that Zero completed his mission of defeating Mega Man. However, this then creates a problem since the Mega series is light hearted and the X is more gritty. How can you make more classic games which have a feel and stasis like Mario when you would know everyone is gonna die horribly?

So Caps was leaning towards this answer, but then realized it's a bad idea.

>> No.9004286

Mega Man 9, it gives explanation for the whole robots decommissioning thing. The canon answer is actually that the fate of the classic cast is left to the player to decide, which was said in several interview.

>> No.9004291

>"The robots died of old age. Stop asking already"

>> No.9004304

Also, Zero was a psycho killer in his past

>> No.9004319

this. nothing lasts forever and the robots will eventually wear out beyond repair

>> No.9004453

>>Zero gets hyped as the eventual Mega Man killer in MM:TPF

>people make up edgy headcanon in their head
>get pissed Capcom didn't plan some grimdark ending for the relatively lighthearted classic series
I'd say you guys are almost as bad as Sonic fans, but at least they all agreed that the Shadow the Hedgehog game was a stupid direction to take.

>> No.9004486

>However, this then creates a problem since the Mega series is light hearted and the X is more gritty. How can you make more classic games which have a feel and stasis like Mario when you would know everyone is gonna die horribly?
I think that's one of my big problems with trying to link classic and X. Classic has such a hopeful feel to it, which is completely undermined when you realize that the next few centuries are going to be the horrible events of the X and Zero series, until things kind of get worked out with the ZX games.

>> No.9004509
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I always just assumed the X series and latter spin-offs timeline was a what if situation, a universe where Classic was less cute and ended horribly.

>> No.9004526

Still waiting for Dave Anez to finish the Cataclysm

>> No.9004607
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>all the robots, including Mega Man, get unceremoniously decommissioned
there are far worse fates

>> No.9004783

Before they started dying out, Mega Man fans were many times worse than Sonic fans.
MM fans were entitled and obnoxious about their headcanons and what direction they wanted the series to take, somehow like modern Sonic fans.
The average fan's age must have had something to do with it.

>> No.9004797

No one interprets it this way anymore, but since there are absolutely no traces of Rock and his adventures in the X series, it could be that Mega Man X simply takes place in an AU where none of the classic games happened.

>> No.9004976

>>Zero gets hyped as the eventual Mega Man killer in MM:TPF
He jobbed to a midboss. He is Mosquitus' bitch, not a Megaman killer. Zero fans who equal him to X are delusional.

>> No.9005062

Well that's the point; X is a variable of infinite potential and 0 is an unknown constant.

>> No.9005178

>absolutely no traces of Rock and his adventures in the X series,
Does the Batton in X1 count?

>> No.9005187

there's also shadow devil from X5

>> No.9005560

Not really. Ship of theseus.

>> No.9005580

Chou Hyakka Rockman & Rockman X.
The Robot ban and prohibition of Behavior research led to Mechaniloids. Dr. Cain after discovering X basically had to become a snake oil salesman and show off his very first reploid as evidence a tool that could make it's own judgement and assess a situation on a case by case basis like a human being led to the 21XX society, but they didn't expect an ancient computer to still be functioning, broadcasting a computer virus in a mountain area that's been sealed off after the "robot wars caused by a scientist of evil".

>> No.9005587

Wily under the guise of Serges has a slip of the tongue in the Japanese X2 where he says "Rock..." and course corrects himself to just say "X" when addressing X directly for the first time. Also, the events of Mega Man 9 and 10 have been confirmed to be the reason X was out on stasis for ethical tests and the latter for Dr. Light to start work on experimental antivirus software, which is what makes X unable to go Maverick in X5 even when infected.

>> No.9005592

My personal theory, albeit one influenced by BnG, is that Mega Man works under a stable time loop. Mega Man is destined to become Quint and be destroyed by himself and Wily will do some terrible shit that will lead to the robot ban.

>> No.9006430

The Maverick virus is also suggested to be connected to Evil Energy in some capacity according to the Zero Collection timeline.
It's also been outright said in an interview that Wily died in between Classic and X but was brought back by the virus.

>> No.9006592

Yeah between 8 and TPF, it's not farfetched to even assume Roboenza was a "test drive" of what would become the Maverick Virus.

>> No.9006812

Auto is still alive as shown in the Volt Catfish intro for the PSX version of X3.

>> No.9006971


based take

>> No.9006973

The Mega Man series is notorious for this shit,

Besides the link with the X series, classic has that subplot with Proto Man's body being defective and him basically having robo-cancer or some shit like that.

The X series teased Wily multiple times, even the possibility that he may be alive somehow and collaborating with Sigma, but he never showed up or was even acknowledged directly by name, the most we ever got was his silhouette in Zero's dreams.
While not a dropped plot point, the fact that X and Zero were destined to fight each other to the death was teased ever since X1, and the delivery on X5 was a wet fart of a boss fight that didn't have any real impact on the story of that game or future ones.

Zero series has the Elf Wars bullshit being constantly alluded as an event that happened between the X and Zero series but never fully explored, neither did they reveal the true identity of the Mother Elf who supposedly had some relationship with Zero.

I already forgot everything about the ZX series, but I wouldn't be surprised if it had it's own loose ends like the others.
Story in Mega Man was a mistake.

>> No.9007002

if you wanna go further than that, mega man legends is set like a million years after the other series

meanwhile battle network is an alternate timeline where dr light had kids so the world shifted to focusing on internet vr world instead of robots, and iirc starforce is the BN future too

>> No.9007038
File: 829 KB, 704x716, Kazuma&Geo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is. Starforce 4 was supposed to be about Geo becoming an outlaw hacker and working with a boy named Kazuma, who would have been Lan's great grandson.

>> No.9007058
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Uhh Megaman killed himself

>> No.9007063
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Would you say he had a hard transition?

>> No.9007095

It's just some paint, he's still a Mega-man

>> No.9007101

I always hated geos retarded reverse widows peak hair

>> No.9007110

>neither did they reveal the true identity of the Mother Elf who supposedly had some relationship with Zero.
They did. Shes the Sigma Virus vaccine created by Ciel's grandmother, Weil's former colleague. Her and the Cyber Elves were created by her being able to reverse engineer the Virus enemies (wireframes from X2 and X3, Sigma Virus as a whole and Zero Virus) by using Zero's good cognitive program ad a template.

Even though thanks to her and X the Sigma Virus was deleted for good, Weil was against reploids on the principle their free will makes them dangerous (this precedent was retroactively fueled by Lumine acting by his own decisions against humanity according to Makoto Yabe, writer of Zero and ZX) and infected the Mother Elf with a new type of virus that was based on his own discoveries in Zero's original body. This Virus would lead to keep infecting things in ZX broadcasted from the Ragnarok remains, Model W.

>> No.9007326

Because it would be a good plot and something new to design a game around. Doesn't have to be the "last" classic series game, just last canonical title.
>Mega Man 15
>Wily so done with this shit, going more and more mad with age, fueled by his own rivalry with Light and his failings feeding into a slow dementia, thoughts of his limited time left on the planet to make an impact to show the world his true genius and supperior mind to Light.
>looking for ways to extend his life, begins implementing artificial parts into his own failing body.
>begins to do some drastic shit, needs to finish his "BASS2-WILYSERIES000" project, the ultimate android, not just a single generation ahead of Lights designs, but multiple. The Rock breaker. >Needs resources.
>deploys a final batch of Wily Series masters, each one possibly using a prototype feature of Project-0, using an experimental unstable energy drive.
>Mega sent to clean up mess, realize they are using next gen tech in them.
>get Wily castle, shit seems more deteriorating, more over the top, more desperate, built by the aging mind of a mad scientist.
>Get to Wily, expecting Wily Machine fight, turns out Wily IS the machine, integration of his body into a mech to extend his physical body.
>defeat Wily, seemingly forced to kill him with what hes done to his body, reveals he was just buying time for the final diagnostic of his "legacy" to finish.
>secret lab, pod opens with unfinished but powerful as fuck Project-0. Mega fights hard, but gets ass handed to him.
>Light finds a way to save him, but he is heavily damaged. Forced to turn Roll into a fighting robot with the other side characters to help fight this new threat which is unleashing a computer virus that effects most machines, previous fought bosses and maybe old masters come back as harder, more insane versions. Know 0 is coming to finish what it was programmed to do.

>> No.9007359

It was a shitty tranny joke.

>> No.9007371

>Light bots not effected by AI irregularity virus, due to firmware updates he added as a means to test his own new invention.
>Light had reflected on the past decade and the conflicts with Wily, the explosion in robotics and technology and where this could be heading. Ultimately they are tools used by man, walking nuclear weapons that have no say in what way they are used. Perhaps this overuse will result in the end of human civilization. He does not want that to be his legacy, wants one of hope.
>For years has been working on his "Infinite Potential" project. A machine with the capability to choose what it is being used for, not just a mindless weapon. A thinking machine not just with artificial intelligence, but artificial emotion. He has watched his "children" Rock and Roll and how their own artificial intelligence has been pushed to limits not thought feasible. He uses this research to develop his true AI system.
>but that future may not happen. The 0 is spreading its virus as it rampages and the virus cant be stopped unless the source is deactivated.
>Rock is heavily damaged, tells Light he has to fight, but knows he can not. Asks the doctor if he will "die".
>Rock can not be saved, but he will live on. The final key he hopes to his Infinite Possibility project, Rock's own developed AI, the final piece, that is to become the "conscious" of this new machine, a sense of justice and what is right.
>One final time, Light will be forced to turn one of his children into a weapon, but for the future, they must fight. Rock's AI is integrated into the new machine to complete the intelligence, its armed with new tech Light had hoped not be used for conflict. Its powered on and the Proto-X is born.
>new abilities at the players hands. This new machine is faster, more nimble, able to react quicker.

>> No.9007373

>Proto-X faces Proto-0.
>0 is defeated, but the future is shown in their fight. Light realizes this technology is not ready for man. X must be sealed and tests run, tests he will not live to see finished.
>0 is recovered, it to must be adjusted to obey its maker. Final scene, we hear the ranting of a dead Wily, having escaped the bindings or mortal flesh, his mind uploaded to a super computer, to monitor his ultimate creation.
But nah, Wily being naughty again is better plot.

>> No.9007379

Then read the reply in that context

>> No.9007382

I get it now, kek.

>> No.9007445
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>Because it would be a good plot
No it really wouldn't. It's a jarring tonal shift from the goofy, cartoony atmosphere Classic is known for, and destroys the accomplishments from every game before it. Just like Battle Network is what would happen if Light chose computers over robotics, X and the games that followed it are best treated as a what if timeline where things went wrong, leaving proper Classic alone to be its own thing.

>> No.9007470

Well obviously you dont fucking do it as one quick game, you build it up. 7 and 8 were already "more serious" tone then the games before it and you can easily do a plot about a hero falling but still having a hopeful outlook for the future. Fucking Disney movies do that shit. Fucking Astro Boy did deeper plots. It doesn't have to be serious M rated sequel to tell a more serious story.

>> No.9007480
File: 21 KB, 244x226, ecomic5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you just don't fucking do it because it has no place in the series. The spin-offs exist in the first place to provide a darker experience without compromising the original series.

>> No.9007514

Yes, you are right, my bad, plots made entirely around justifying new gimmicks is better. Super mario tier plots are better because its only a platformer, they shouldn't sprinkle in elements related to the actual consequences of using robots to fight each other and expanding on that idea in any interesting ways while still maintaining a tone consistent to the games before it.

>> No.9007515

So a MegaMan & Bass 3 spin off that follows that concept would be fine? Sounds good to me.

>> No.9007546

There is the fact that Zero was supposed to show up acting on his own with a operator MMBN own version of Ciel as a virus research scientist, working as a "Special Virus Hunter" for the government along with lan's father after the events of the NGC game, also he would show up in Colonel and Iris story.
MMBN and Starforce was also supposed to have Sigma and Vile as Virus from a lost period, but that was cut because Capcom was livid with Inafune's faggotry over Zero and not being able to use and adapt X characters.

Even the plan was to give Hub his own upgrade to ROCKMANX.EXE after BN2 where he almost gets deleted, the Double Soul system is what survived of this idea.

>> No.9007680

>X and the games that followed it are best treated as a what if timeline where things went wrong, leaving proper Classic alone to be its own thing.
The issue with this take is that the various developers who have had a hand in Classic, X and Zero have made comments on books, websites and even god damn twitter (remember when the X1 planner posted a timeline to use as a framework for the X series?) that it's not a what if but an actual timeline.

It is a jarring change though, and I believe that's why Capcom won't go beyond than dropping nuggets here and there (Zero's blueprints in TPF, Roboenza, alluding to another project)

Canonically, Wily died without finishing Zero, Zero's cognitive program had an error he couldn't figure out, and it's why his hardware is incomplete in X1 (his TPF blueprint showed him in his X2 design, and Serges being Wily actually finishes Zero's body, but his cognitive program still has that error, since even if X and Zero fight, Zero snaps back into his "good" self.).

The fact that officially Wily dies without finishing Zero and robots just get banned must've been for the sake of keep pumping out classic games without need to worry about bridging both series in an actual videogame.

>> No.9007729

Yeah, at this point it seems only a fan game could be expected to explore this, and we all know how perilous that is.

>> No.9007748

This plus the game doesn’t have to be super dark. Megaman could survive somehow. Or it could have multiple endings with a bad one leading to the x timeline and a good one leading to more classic games

>> No.9007798

It would be a fun idea to explore as a spinoff like the Mega & Bass games so people who cant grasp the concept of numbered sequels not needing to be in canonical order, dont have a fit. Sell it on being the events people have wanted to see done officially, have multiple characters playable, mix in some actual X mechanics as prototype powerups you unlock, fuck do some debatable shit like the open world of the ZX games if it needs to be done to really sell it as its own thing. Its a fun and interesting concept to work around and doesn't have to be some super edgy pixel blood romhack project like some seem to think it would/should be. Seeing Rock take on a next generation machine, pushing himself to the limits he is capable of, teaming up with all the classic side characters, fuck maybe even Wily helps you when he sees he couldn't control Zero. If the normal games were a tv series, this could be like the big movie event. Could be so much more then "derrr zero killed everyone".

>> No.9008580

Fucking rad bro, I always wished for a gap between classic and X too and this is a great way to do it.

>> No.9008583


>> No.9008964

If this is tucked away in some dev comment or audio drama or some other obscure source it's barely any better than fan theories.

>> No.9009020

basically keiji inafune is a hack.

>> No.9009023

isn't essential evangelion lore locked in some bonus content on a ps1 game?

>> No.9009072

Sort of?
It's mostly just the boring stuff about progenitor aliens that made a boo-boo in seeding the universe with life and accidentally seeded the Earth twice, which doesn't even really matter to the characters.

>> No.9009135

This is the implication of X4 and the Power Fighters games, likely under the belief that they'd never release another classic game and the X series is the main series now. But since then, especially after 9-10, Capcom has completely gone against this. So yes, that WAS the plan, but is no longer.

>> No.9009142

>isn't essential evangelion lore locked in some bonus content on a ps1 game?

The PS2 games, yeah. All the stuff that everyone takes for granted was only explained in the PS2 games and several artbooks. This has been so heavily distributed through fan wikis and such that it's such common knowledge, that people forget that this is only hinted on in the original series.

>> No.9009318

IIRC we get some of it in the MMZ3 library mission where we need to find 3 data disks but some of the info is corrupted and only partly recovered, while the full thing was, indeed on Audio Dramas and Complete Works.
The difference between this and fan theories is that this was made by Inti Creates and Makoto Yabe, the writer of the Zero series (and background artist for the actual games) not Joe Schmuck on GameFAQs

>> No.9009826

Anyone who wants Zero to kill the entire classic cast doesn't really understand Mega Man and just wants it to devolve into grimdark shit. Just play the Zero games and be happy

>> No.9009846

Then perhaps Capcom shouldn't have made the allusions that they did in MM:PF.

>> No.9009849

All the Mega Man series are unconnected AUs. It was a mistake to imply otherwise starting in X5 and Power Fighters.

Trying to connect them is some embarrassing shit, you literally have to do mental gymnastics to get from Classic to X

>> No.9009863

And when I make mistake, I actually mean it, the manual and story lore for X1 makes absolutely no sense coming after Classic unless you do make up some stupid event that makes it so it practically doesn't matter.

Oh, you know, all the robot masters were banned with apparently no trace, AND zero killed everyone, AND Light works on X behind everyone's back in secret, AND Zero by Wily, so on so on.

Though at least that's not as bad as Legends being many, many natural disasters and floodings after X/Zero. That's 100% fanon and horseshit. At least Capcom, stupid as they were, are official sources that teased an X/Classic connection.

>> No.9009907

>Zero gets hyped as the eventual Mega Man killer in MM:TPF
This was always headcanon and they dismissed it as such

>> No.9009936

Inafune didn't work on MM:TPF. That whole thing with Zero was probably just advertising for MMX instead of serious foreshadowing, sorta like why Duo shows up. It's why Zero has his X2 design even though that causes a plothole: it wasn't supposed to be taken that seriously. This was just a budget game released for the arcades, after all.

>> No.9009969

>All the Mega Man series are unconnected AUs. It was a mistake to imply otherwise starting in X5 and Power Fighters.
The issue with your arguement is that this has never been the case, BN was the first official AU ever, since X1 began development already with it being the sequel to classic Mega Man. Classic Mega Man was supposed to end with 8 and TPF as his popularity was on decline and have something new take it's place (which would become BN).

I don't know where people got this "every subseries is an AU" idea when we have official materials stating otherwise. Hell, the official Rockman Zero Timeline site that was up back in 2010 directly cited MM9 and MM10 as the reasons why X is partly immune to the Sigma Virus and why he was put under 30 years of ethical tests.

He oversaw and had input on TPF, such as Zero himself, but didn't work in the main game itself. Similar to X5, his only input was the overall story and conclusion, but then he walked out to meet up with Aizu from Inti.

>> No.9009987

>serious plot point has to be grimdark
Way to show your age.

>> No.9009992

>100 or so years later
>technology advances
Yeah, such intense gymnastics.

People upset by X being connected to classic but ignore weird ass shit like time travel and alien civilizations.

>> No.9009996

There have been sources that confirm Legends is ass leagues into the future. While not "canon" to the official games causes its a cross over, Tron's referred to have came from "very far into the future", in a game that features X and Zero and specifically states she is from the future instead of an alternate world like other characters in the game. That at the very least must show Capcom does have an official placement of when the Legends games are supposed to be set.

>> No.9010369
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>And when I make mistake, I actually mean it, the manual and story lore for X1 makes absolutely no sense coming after Classic unless you do make up some stupid event that makes it so it practically doesn't matter.
>Oh, you know, all the robot masters were banned with apparently no trace, AND zero killed everyone, AND Light works on X behind everyone's back in secret, AND Zero by Wily, so on so on.

Okay this is too stupid, I need to address shit.

1) The X1 manual was written by CoA and shouldn't be taken at face value, you're better off just reading Japanese sources like Compendium of Rockman X
2) Zero didn't kill jackshit, he never got even finished FFS. "Zero kills everyone" was made up by Dave Anez just for his Bob and George webcomic, I can't believe it's 2022 and people keep spewing this Cataclysm bullshit.
3) Dr. Light's work always was heading towards X, he wanted robots with true free will to work side by side with humanity. Rock was close to it but still wonder under a prime directive. Him and Wily were friends for this goal originally.
4) Zero and ZX were always aiming towards Legends. The fact the Zero 4 epilogue, Eden's dome, mentions there's over 200 more Military-grade satellite cannons like the Ragnarok were to foreshadow why the world map in MML2 has so many perfectly circular craters.

>> No.9010425

>The X1 manual was written by CoA
>you're better off reading Japshit
Japs don't give a shit about Mega Man, it's practically an American IP at this point because only American fans were making worthwhile MM content (keeping the fandom alive mind you) while the Japs at Capcom flailed their arms about what to do with the legendary Blue Bomber.
Mega Man will be forever ruined now, especially in the hands of Japs and their gacha mobage bullshit.

>> No.9010463

Japan has had a lot of Mega Man exclusive material and while right now it has seen better days, they've always held robot design contests that always had a lot of entries, if the series wasn't popular it wouldn't had kept that momentum 8 games straight and even carried into the Battle Network series over there. And I don't know why you're so against material written by the actual developers but advocate materials written by some outsourced translator who half the time made up bullshit that wasn't there, like Serges:


I will give you that Mega Man has issues right now, but their issues lie with Capcom always underbudgeting the series like Konami did with Castlevania, so the younger staff don't look forward being overworked and underpaid, but there's also people who are still very passionate about Mega Man like Masazaku Eguchi, who keeps posting Mega Man shit and keeps pestering the suits to let him and his team to have another go at the series (but keeps getting sent back into Ace Attorney).

>> No.9010505
File: 36 KB, 363x499, 51a8+vQJEsL._SX361_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chou Hyakka Rockman & Rockman X.
>a non-canon kodansha manga
Are you one of the retards who claim Centaurman is canonically a girl?

>> No.9010513

>The X series teased Wily multiple times, even the possibility that he may be alive somehow and collaborating with Sigma, but he never showed up or was even acknowledged directly by name, the most we ever got was his silhouette in Zero's dreams.
That's just because you didn't play the games in Japanese. Serges and Isoc are heavily implied to be Wily taking control of repliroid bodies. Isoc even has Wily's voice actor in Japanese. Sigma talks about Wily a lot in X5 too, and X6 implies that Wily was behind the Soul Eraser (GB) incident. A lot of that shit was just removed from the English releases through incompetence and retarded localizers who were too busy renaming characters because their boyfriends told them too.

Presumably Wily would have played a larger part later on but the series made a bad transition to 3D and died before that could happen.

>> No.9010515

Also Zero and ZX are explicitly not canon to X. It's not just branching timelines with certain endings in X6 like the fanbase claims, the Complete Collection books have the timeline of events for the Zero series and its events of X are completely different, one of them being how the irregular/Zero virus works. In the Zero timeline X and Zero were infected with the virus and spreading it all along.

>> No.9010517

>Even though thanks to her and X the Sigma Virus was deleted for good, Weil was against reploids on the principle their free will makes them dangerous (this precedent was retroactively fueled by Lumine acting by his own decisions against humanity according to Makoto Yabe, writer of Zero and ZX) and infected the Mother Elf with a new type of virus that was based on his own discoveries in Zero's original body. This Virus would lead to keep infecting things in ZX broadcasted from the Ragnarok remains, Model W.

It was clear from X3 and on that irregulars are not just evil repliroids driven crazy by a virus, a lot are just escaped slaves who just want to live freely.

>> No.9010521

The Cataclysm theory was coined by the webcomic Bob and George, I'm serious.

>> No.9010523

Has there been any evidence that Wily is also whats his fuck from the Zero/ZX games (evil scientist dude). I know they play on the idea of those three main guys being based off of Light, Cossack and Wily, but i like the idea it may actually be some viral form of Wily's consciousness that is in control and not just a reference.

>> No.9010524

Why do you use weeb terms? Mega Man is American so speak English, you fucking faggot.

>> No.9010534

No, Chou Hyakka is a Mega Man book with developer commentaries and tidbits, not a manga. It's like a predecessor to the Complete Works books. The X3 edition was where we got our confirmation of the obvious: That Serges' mind is Wily's mind, or rather "a scientist of evil from a long time ago", per usual Japanese bullshit.

No, even Keiji Inafune back when Capcom Unity existed answered this. Weil is named Vile in Japan and he's a human scientist who was Ciel's grandmother's co-worker. His name was changed into Weil, but still pronounced Vile, to avoid confusion with X's Vile, who's named VAVA in Japan.

After Ciel's Grandmother created the Sigma Virus vaccine program, the Mother Elf, and X used it to fully delete the Sigma Virus, a younger Weil was against reploids as a concept. Weil stands against everything Light and even Wily, believed, Weil believes that robots should be tools and nothing more. That their free will makes reploids too dangerous even without the virus, and should be controlled. But also added the caviat that he should be master of the world.

Weil was the first person, however, to understand how Zero's body worked. He managed to figure out why Zero's cognitive program was broken and made a whole new code for it, which led to Omega.

>> No.9010536

>Oh, you know, all the robot masters were banned with apparently no trace,
Source of this is a non-canon manga.

>AND zero killed everyone
Never happened.

>AND Light works on X behind everyone's back in secret,
Nothing implies it was in secret. If anything it's implied that he started on X way too late in life which is why he couldn't be around to see the end of testing.

>AND Zero by Wily
This is the only part you got right.

Stop regurgitating retarded internet fanfiction.

>> No.9010539

>It's why Zero has his X2 design even though that causes a plothole
Zero was incomplete. Serges is Wily, and completed his body.

>> No.9010543

Vile/Weil is absolutely not Wily, and also the Inticreates Zero/ZX canon is an AU to the Capcom games.

>> No.9010545

No, from X3 it was first confirmed that there was something breaking down reploids into turning violent. Doppler City was built the tower at the center emmitting a signal that supposedly suppressed it, but ended up spreading it further as Doppler himself was infected. X3 was the first time we got confirmation Sigma is a computer virus now and it's even treated by the game as a revelation.

>Source of this is a non-canon manga.
No, the source of this is an actual developer comment, however this comment got used a plenty by mangaka and writers who did other materials: Hitoshi Ariga did a few manga panels of this for his twitter, and a whole novel used this in it's backstory, Irregular Report, but they all come to this one comment that "after several conflicts, the government decided to ban robots that fell under behavior research" (or something amont those lines).

This. People think what Wily shows Bass is a pod, but it's just the schematics, similar to the Mega Man X Specifications Dr. Cain saw when he found X.

>> No.9010557

>and also the Inticreates Zero/ZX canon is an AU to the Capcom games.
It's not an AU, Makoto Yabe confirmed to Ucchy the manger of Capcom's official japanese Mega Man site, Rockman Unity, that Zero and ZX, especially ZX, were supposed to connect to Legends from the get-go, to make the path there and gave us various tidbits about what plans he had as the series further reached Legends, as well as details like Capcom forbid Inti to interact with the people who were handling the X series since X5. So, his writer had to dance around unknown details (like MMZ not giving an exact date in-game, with an official date given just recently with the release of the Rockman 11 Official Production Book), as well as Model A being "Model Albert" being plausible deniability since Axl's fate was unknown, but his original idea was that, unlike other models, Model A is Axl and the soda bottle cap placed where Axl's blue gem would be being a seal that's keeping Lumine at bay.

This interview is translated to english in Rockman Corner.

>> No.9010563

The Complete Works timelines they shit out make it clear that it doesn't connect to X in the slightest.

>> No.9010568

It's set wat an unknown point and Yabe had his hands tied, he's very open and upfront about not wanting to step on the X series team's toes, so he kept details like the Elf Wars as WAY after the end of the X series. The Rockman 11 Production Book dates MMZ as 24XX, with the Elf Wars being set in 23XX. So, the X series still has a complete century of sequels, and even then, the last canon X game was still set in 21XX, X8.

>> No.9010576

>This interview is translated to english in Rockman Corner.
Translated by incompetent retards who don't know what イメージ means.

He talked about it in Complete Works too and it's literally the same as Model A, that's the idea that was used to conceptualize it, he's not saying it's canonically in the same timeline, he's saying that ZX was made to look and feel like it takes place halfway between X and Dash.

>矢部:はい、『ロックマン ゼクス アドベント』のとあるシーンで、人やレプリロイドの「オリジナルデータ」がある場所、ということが次作への引きになっているのですが、遠い未来にはそれがDASHのアレの雛形になるのかな?というぐらいのイメージでした。
the important part

>> No.9010580

It's not that. The Complete Works timeline for Zero has a clear and completely divergent explanation for what happened with the irregular virus and how it worked. The Zero series comes after a shitshow where X and Zero were infected themselves and inadvertently spreading the virus all over.

>> No.9010589

>The Zero series comes after a shitshow where X and Zero were infected themselves and inadvertently spreading the virus all over.
What the actual fuck is this, I don't recall this whatsoever.
I do recall more, however, the RMZC Timeline, which mentioned the classic games (9 and 10) and X5 and X6 as part of it.

I fucking hate how contextual is Japanese, but if the flaw with your arguement is, if the games were AU, why the fuck would Yabe then give a fuck about what Value Wave had planned for Axl and not gone on regardless? He was making a clear conscious effort to make everything fit together, and even the Rockman 11 Production Book treats Classic > X > Zero > ZX > Legends as a single timeline with dates.

>> No.9010603

>Zero were infected themselves and inadvertently spreading the virus all over.
well, at least Zero himself was spreading the robot coof around, it's why he went to his proctologist to get a beauty sleep

>> No.9010609
File: 172 KB, 720x710, f8f6f324d871050cb728fefbcb9405ce8c7e8e67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmx4 implies zero was completed and actually woken by wily, and was told to go after wily's nemesis.
the opening cinema makes it maybe seem like a dream conversation/moment but the final cinema makes it blatant it was real and zero started on his rampage.

its very possibly zero killed the classic cast, but obviously capcom said "no lol"

>> No.9010613

>What the actual fuck is this, I don't recall this whatsoever.
I don't have the book with me but you can find plenty of commentary and discussion online
I was misremembering, and only recalled after reading this it isn't just that they were spreading the virus, X (and not Zero) was the source of the virus in the Zero world to begin with. Which of course outright contradicts everything in the X series.

Staff also said in interviews that it was planned as an AU.

>why the fuck would Yabe then give a fuck about what Value Wave had planned for Axl a
Because it'd be dumb to outright contradict something like that and put it front and center? The backstory shit about the virus isn't actually in the games, it's something they were working off as background for the story that didn't come out until they put it in some book years later.

>> No.9010615


Google コンプリートワークス ゼロ ウイルス 苦悩回路 and you can get lots of comments on the revelation from OCW Zero that the Sigma Virus was X's thought circuit all along.

Speaking of bad translations, 苦悩回路 being translated to "suffering circuit" by the English fanbase (and I think officially too?) is prime retardation. 苦悩 means to think about something long and hard, and refers to X's ability to think for himself as a result.

>> No.9010619

I wonder if they realized this was fucking stupid and course corrected with the RMZC Timeline in 2010. I do recall something about X's suffering circuit being the thing that prevented him from going maverick, maybe the idea was that the circuit dispersed the virus tying to take over X and broadcasted it elsewhere?

I know suffering circuit is stupid, but I also find it humorous as a name. I think a better name would've been consciousness circuit, but eh.

>Staff also said in interviews that it was planned as an AU.
Maybe MMZ1 was? Then again, we all know the story MMZ1 had to be rewritten when they found out about X6 being made behind Inafune's back as well, so... So, I don't know what to make of it. Maybe each individual dev at Inti had different takes on what was supposed to be what. Yabe became the writer from Z2 onwards and it seems he was making more conscious efforts to make everything fit as good as possible within the limitations he faced.

>> No.9010621

And it should be noted that Inticreates constantly flipflops on their explanations for shit, the Japanese Zero Collection website alternatively claimed that the Sigma virus was the result of Zero getting robotenza while sleeping in his capsule at one point.

Both this and the thought circuit explanation of course fucking contradict the X series and everything seen in X4.

>> No.9010626

Don't forget
"the guardians died in that explosion at the end of Z3"
"no actually they died off-screen later in between Z3 and Z4"
"no actually they're alive and fine they didn't appear in Z4 just because"

Inticreates canon is a load of whatever the fuck bullshit they think is cool or convenient at the moment and should never be taken seriously.

>> No.9010627

>everything seen in X4.
Not quite, this is what makes sense when taking the X1 development document into account. When Zero gets the W on his forehead in the X4 FMV, that was when he got infected by the virus, but as he was already built to be, quote the document, "the baddest robot", Wily's spaghetti code had a stack overload in the evil hex of Zero's 8bit brain and began screaming. The virus was supposed to "cleanse and purify Zero", as Sigma puts it in X5, but clearly Wily is a shit coder, a constant always present both in classic and BN. Genius at hardware, though.

Hell, Wily as Serges had Magna Centipede broadcast the virus at a large range for the sake of fixing Zero if I recall correctly according to the Chou Hyakka X3 book but it wasn't enough. Don't quote me on this, I'm going off memory, but it'd make sense then he'd scale the plan further in X5 to be global.

>> No.9010631

>Inticreates canon is a load of whatever the fuck bullshit they think is cool or convenient at the moment and should never be taken seriously.
I blame this on Takiya Aizu. He tends to contradict whatever Makoto Yabe wrote in interviews. Yabe had it set in stone, "the guardians died", but then Aizu was like "lmao idk maybe they just hidin lol" in a separate interview. It must be frustrating to work under him and that's why Toshiki Tai does not tell Aizu anything about what he writes for iX.

>> No.9010634

>Not quite, this is what makes sense when taking the X1 development document into account. When Zero gets the W on his forehead in the X4 FMV, that was when he got infected by the virus,
That interpretation also contradicts the robotenza explanation which stated that the virus was the result of robotenza festering in Zero though.

They completely removed that stuff from the website for the new Zero collection stuff (it was on the site for the DS collection).

>> No.9010647

Problem is, Yabe may be the writer but he's just being contracted to write stuff, not to make decisions. It's unclear who makes the decisions and writes the stuff like the robotenza bullshit on the DS collection website or the RMZ OCW timeline, but Inticreates has a track record of this nonsense.

In any case Inti's (frequently changing, nonsense) canon diverges from Capcom's enough that it should not be seen as the same world.

>> No.9010656

Inti had no involvement with the MMZ stuff, Capcom want nothing to do with Inti after their fallout with MM10, Inti failed to deliver online co-op (and Inti were already not appreciated by Capcom, they're all Capcom ex-employees and the Japanese work culture is still very "muh honor" centered, with Aizu seen as a traitor who took most of the staff with him, hence X3 being outsourced).

Hell, they removed Inti's name from the collection box and even part of the games themselves except for the actual text credits in-game. But they did removed their logo from the boots.

>It's unclear who makes the decisions and writes the stuff like the robotenza bullshit on the DS collection website or the RMZ OCW timeline, but Inticreates has a track record of this nonsense.
Definitely Aizu if we go by Tai's own sentiment of "don't tell Aizu jackshit until the game is ready to be shipped and it's too late to go back". Inti is so small, he even goes to cons personally in the US despite being the company CEO. He probably feels like he knows better than the writers.

Either way, I can't agree with your take, anon. Unless we get an addendum to the 11 Production Book that says "btw not canon lmao", as imperfect as it fits, it's still one timeline.

But hey, stupid writing is no stranger to Capcom. Resident Evil, Dead Rising, Ace Attorney, Breath of Fire, even fucking Viewtiful Joe, ALL of Capcom's series are filled to the brim with stupid, self-contradicting bullshit.

I think in the end, Mega Man's own specific issues is because the writers are geeks who are like "Astro Boy, Casshern, Gundam and Hakkaider did this thing lmao, let's reference it because it's kewl".

>> No.9010657

>Inti had no involvement with the MMZ stuff
I meant MMZ/ZX LC stuff, but were hasty to write. Aizu promoted the collection on twitter because he's proud of those games, but had no obligation to.

>> No.9010658

>Either way, I can't agree with your take, anon. Unless we get an addendum to the 11 Production Book that says "btw not canon lmao", as imperfect as it fits, it's still one timeline.
So you're saying it's canon that the source of the virus is X, that it doesn't make irregulars violent and only causes repliroids to have free will, and that X7 and X8 never happened because of the elf wars? Because that's what RMZ OCW's timeline says.

>> No.9010665

X7 and X8 did happen. After all the Jakob got retrofitted to become Area X-2 and served a the basis to all Orbital Elevators present in Neo Arcadia, as well as the template to the broken Orbital Elevator that connected Earth to Elysium in Big Adventure in 5 Islands.
The thing is, Yabe was held back and didn't want to reference either game beyond the Jakob being a thing out of respect to the X series team, and I'll take his arguement at face value, since he's the one actually working in the games. The RMZC(NDS) Timeline didn't says X7 and X8 didn't happen, it just skips after X6 to the Elf Wars (similar to how the Classic MM stuff only mentions 9 and 10, rather than the whole series as a whole in said timeline).

Curiously, you say OCW says X7 and X8 didn't happen, but not only that isn't what OCW says at all, but even says that Area X-2 is the ancient original Orbital Elevator, Jakob, repurposed after the Maverick conflicts.

>> No.9011080

read the book lad

>> No.9011187

not him buts
>Neo Arcadia Tower (ネオ・アルカディアの塔 Neo Arukadia no Tou) is located between the Neo Arcadia Shrine and Area X. Zero fights the Rainbow Devil at the top of the tower. The tower used to be an orbital elevator for transportation between the Earth's surface and the moon, which was destroyed in the Maverick Wars. It was repaired and is now used to foil would-be infiltrators.

>> No.9011278

>Classic Mega Man was supposed to end with 8
of all games? and not MM6?

>> No.9011885

Oh, fuck off
If the name was never directly and clearly written on dialogue, it doesn't count, it's stil nothing more than a tease.

No, I don't give a shit if the jp dialogue named one or two syllables of the name, it's still not the full explicit name and it changes nothing.

>> No.9011958


>> No.9011973

>Centaurman is canonically a girl

>> No.9012046

6 sold good enough for Capcom to to request a 7. 8 was when classic Mega Man finally underperformed.