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8971703 No.8971703 [Reply] [Original]

Here's your controller bro.

>> No.8971823

This will call out the autist who thinks this is the be all end all mecha game.

>> No.8971830

The middle portion looks like a decent tool for a beatmania playthough

>> No.8971832

Hahaha someonepostthepic.jpg

>> No.8971964

I would love to play this game. If I can find the controller on the cheap one of these days, I'd buy an OG Xbox just to experience Steel Battalion. And probably Blinx.

>> No.8972212
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thx, but I'll stick with mine

>> No.8972217
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>> No.8972218

Is that fucking clutch pedal? Do mechas have manual gears in Steel Bat? Can Americans play it? I thought hardly yanks can drive stick?

>> No.8972227

Was kinda disappointed with this after finally obtaining it like ten years ago. The controller is a cool peripheral but the game itself is no more complex than Gungriffon. Huge waste of potential.

>> No.8972303

someone please post the stickfigure comic

>> No.8972307

its fun but the Ai is shit
your allies are useless

i got about to mission 6 or so
it starts becoming more about luck than skill which is frustrating / but its a "simulator" not a game so it gets a pass

ill probably repurchase someday but unless youre gonna squad up with tsop online and play with other people there really isnt a reason to dump $500+ on this

& thats coming from someone who loves capcom

>> No.8972319

americans can drive 5-speed anon
ive had: 1991 honda crx, 1989 honda prelude, bmw e30 1990, 1990 bmw 325i, 1999 bmw 318ti, and 2008 ford mustang
(all manual transmission) & im not even a carfag
also its not a "clutch" in steel battalion- its a quick lurch button / spamming it too quickly can cause your mech to overheat but its integral to dodging enemy missiles

>> No.8972320

i did exactly this
save your money instead anon
blinx is cute though

>> No.8972327

Oh, well that's disappointing. Itd be cool to manually upshift a mec.

Anyway, your one of those chosen few. I though like only 5/10% cars in the US were Mannys. Is it true manuals are basically theft proof?

>> No.8972332

you do shift gears (speeds) but its on a lever and automatic

a clutch would cause a 4th pedal to be needed and the game is ridiculous enough as it is

>> No.8972335

of all the women i dated
only 1-2 of them were able to drive manual - none of them seemed comfortable doing it

nothing is theft proof in america - there are tweaks everywhere in california & they steal parts from parked vehicles often

>> No.8972353

shame that no one else supported it; could have ported mechwarrior, iron soldier and maybe even descent

>> No.8972364

ya its kinda retarded capcom didnt atleast release an expansion pack

pc support is nearly there last i checked but seems like its not worth the trouble

i will say though,
the startup sequence always got me fucking hyped for each mission

>> No.8972407

also if you think about it, the controls would be great for space battles in star wars or wing commander

>> No.8972416

the sticks are not both free moving though- one is only up/down and the other controls the sight aim (free-moving)

>> No.8972419

*the left stick might be L/R only actually but you get the idea

>> No.8972423

found the problem sir

>> No.8972425

I hadn't realized the left only strifed

>> No.8972439

Man, I don't think there's a more "dazzle them with bullshit" game out there.

>> No.8972443

its a simulator not a game

>> No.8972459

It's so sadly fundamentally gimped as a good HOSAS setup or anything other than Steel Battalion, really.
>left stick is x-axis only, no trigger
>right stick doesn't auto-center

>> No.8972778


>> No.8972894
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>mfw the game is incredibly slow and NOT FUN AT ALL
Wasted opportunity. Could have been amazing, but I'm just clueless half of the time while somethings beeps all the fucking time for unknown reason.

>> No.8973117

thats part of it
they just throw you in and expect you to survive

the difficulty spike & poor Ai drags the experience down- your allies should have 4x the health

im glad i played but i surely cant go around recommending it

>> No.8973207

>driven multiple 30yo enthusiast cars
>not a carfag
It’s ok, be who you want to be.

>> No.8973234

Holy underage! Anon is just a grownup who's driven cars like any normal grownup. Ask you gramps for the list of cars he's owned. I bet it about the same because you've got to be that young to be that dumb.

>> No.8973319

I just had my catalytic converter stolen from my apartment parking lot in suburban Ohio. Tweakers are everywhere.

>> No.8973325

you have to build a cardboard canopy around your station for it to work

>> No.8973434

kek im old 33
i have a long trail of ex-vehicles because i was a bank route courier for years (millions of commercial driving miles driven)

it was a cool job but i could never do it again 9hours of driving a day made me depressed

the automatic style vehicles were ommitted as they do nothing to aide my original arguement- that many americans like manual transmissions (some even prefer it)

slushbox list now being posted due to autism: chevy metro (first car i was 16), chevy Cavalier, honda accord (2012), honda accord (2010), honda accord (2009)

i repurchased the same style accord 3 times because im a vengeful little cunt and had two repos

>> No.8973436

You had/have one I take it? Hope you Mom didn't throw it out 10 years ago.

>> No.8973443

>financially irresponsible
>2+ reposessions
>owned steel battalion instead

not sure if based

>> No.8973445

i sold it this year
it was sitting in a box for months after all my characters died

the guy who bought it was cool and had owned the game previously

>> No.8973513

>kek im old 33
Sounds about right. Birthin' age in anons neck of the woods is 12. So if gramps is 33 that'd make our little banjo boy about 9. Just a tad older than he came across as in that post.

>> No.8973652

You’re really offended about this shitty offhand joke I made, chill out. I’m 32 fwiw and I’ve driven my fair share of shitboxes and fun cars, both auto and stick shift, but I’ve yet to get my hands on something like an 89 Prelude or a CRX.

>> No.8973664

no one is perfect anon

when i read banjo boy
i immediately thought of their kid from deliverance (dueling banjos scene)

its not worth it now anon
i paid $800 cash for my crx
and about 1300$ for the prelude si
i do miss the ridiculous frog lights sometimes

>> No.8973674

Oh believe me, I know. Honda prices are insane these days, especially for anything interesting. The market has been picked clean, it’s like when cash for clunkers was in full swing.

>> No.8973735

This is awesome

>> No.8973832

>i'm really offended that you're making fun of me for my shitty non-joke
Mission accomplished. You're incredibly unfunny.

The kid in the movie is his great great grandfather, who is also his father. His family tree is a straight line with a few loops in it. The inbreeding explains a lot.

>> No.8973886
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>I’m coping because I got called out for sperging out
What else you got?

>> No.8973926

Based as fuck. The mkind of mad lad that would do a complete Mecha shutdown in Line of Contact just to get the jumpon some shitteronline.

>> No.8973930

Line of Contact was released

>> No.8973934
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>> No.8973941
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My great shame
>be in dorm in the mid 2000s
>some kid moved out and left his fat xbox and only a handful of games
>be at the mall, see Steel Battalion big box at gamestop or whatever, splurge the $200 or however much it cost because of the novelty and mistaken sense of superiority
>set up folding table and dark room and try to play SB
>game... actually fucking sucks, filled with jankass jap design decisions with no quality of life
>only played it a handful of times
>eventually have to move out of the dorms and couldn't pack much
>just chucked the controller in the dumpster rather than figure out how to pack it

Never trusted capcom after that.

>> No.8973952 [DELETED] 

reddit spacing. and shit taste in cars. oofa

>> No.8974083

>dumps a $200 controller in the trash as a student
So all the legends about retarded college kids in the US are true in the end?

>> No.8974103

Oh without question. If i could go back in time and prevent myself from buying all those useless trinkets I would.

>> No.8975356

So can the steel battalion controller be used for anything else? Can you hook it up to a pc using an adapter of some sort and play other games?

>> No.8975373
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>just chucked the controller in the dumpster

>> No.8975749
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>I'm projecting because I got called out for sperging out

>> No.8975790 [DELETED] 

its called punctuation sweaty

>> No.8975794

read the thread
what fucking game can you play with two broken arms?

maybe 5200 emulation with the non-centering joystick? kek

>> No.8975806

is it better than the original?

>> No.8975823

How much is it even worth nowadays, with the boxed controller and all?
I might consider selling mine (Europe) because I haven't played the game for the last 10 years.

>> No.8975835

Blinx is included in the game pass though, even on cloud streaming

>> No.8976238


>> No.8976279

Why don't they make cool shit like this any more?

>> No.8976315

the sticks are BOTH ass for anything but the two xbox titles its meant for

>> No.8976351

I'm sad that I never had a chance to play this game, it looks like exactly my kind of autism.
On a related note why has there not been a modern gundam 'sim' with a cockpit view? The last one I am aware of is Rise From The Ashes on Dreamcast.

>> No.8976412
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Yes, there are some custom drivers. You can find people using on space flight games
>the last one
There are like two or three in total anyway. I guess it's for the same reason light sims died in general, the same happened to any mech franchise that is not Gears of War/Dragonball with robots.

>> No.8976495

No smashfag ecelebs shilled it

>> No.8976502

Can’t be that bad

>> No.8976752

They didn't really do this at the time or in the past either, very few games require extensive and expensive control decks like these to be playable, because it's risky and difficult to make economically viable.
The one big exception I can think of is Guitar Hero, and Guitar Hero was quite popular and widely appealing, with far less complex and expensive controllers.

>> No.8976787

I don’t think guitar hero sold that much more than steel battalion, women like mech simulators

>> No.8976793

lol retard. GH/rock band sold like a bazillion units before fatigue set in.

>> No.8977591

What the fuck are you talking about you fucking faggot? Guitar Hero was pretty fucking big late in 6th gen and for maybe half of 7th gen. Kind of faded away after a while, but it made shitloads of money, meanwhile Steel Battalion were literally who game for enthusiasts nerds (which is a good thing) and was never big in the west (probably not that big in the east either), and which was raped out of existence after they insisted on saving money and replacing the custom control set with the Kinect, which made the game completely unplayable.

>> No.8977984

Simfags will build actual cockpits in their homes my man. They'll buy sticks, HOTAS, control panels, even fucking MFDs. Rich ones will literally build a cockpit that moves.

>> No.8978380

That shit is so fucking cool.

>> No.8978942
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>> No.8979448

idk what alternate reality you guys live in

>> No.8979487

Guitar hero was cheap, Steel Battalion was like $200 the controller only.

>> No.8979578


you really think 300 (((music))) exist because they sold like ass?

>> No.8979589

Can you elaborate? I don’t think I’m following.

>> No.8979595

cool controllers but they're not actually worth much since no other game supports them and no one hacked up a device driver to make it work with PC master rice games?

>> No.8979601

I refuse to believe it doesn’t work with PC. Can you just use button mapping software with anything you plug into a PC?

>> No.8979604

the guitar hero games sold so well metallica, ac/dc, and the fucking beatles cashed in on the hype

i hate the series and am glad its dead
but its foolish to deny they were ubiquitous

>> No.8979609

it does work with pc somewhat last i checked - but again, there is NO point

it is. i cant think of a single game that would benefit (MAYBE a flight sim?)

capcom was just drunk with power

>> No.8979621

what is it that’s so bad about it? I still use a old sidewinder or Logitech extreme whatever joystick from the 2000s for some games. I feel like if nothing else the novelty is fun.

Virtual on maybe could work?

>> No.8979626

oh there is one. made just 3 years ago?

only works with Steam games that allow Xbox pad OR games that allow "generic" controllers.

>> No.8979635

lack of movement in the sticks
they dont behave how you think you have a limited range on one & non-centering on the other

>> No.8979639

we need to pool a ransom & convince a speedrunner to beat mario 64 with the steel battalion controller (120 stars obv)

>> No.8979640

all I can say is a few years back I played this at someone’s house with the real controller, and while in only
Played for an hour or so, I didn’t notice anything about the controls that felt off.

>> No.8979646

fine, but he must play like this

>> No.8979649

because its meant for the game from the ground up, try to remember; your left hand could only move left and right- your right was loose and floppy

>> No.8979651
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this board is demented

>> No.8979665

How about the option of sitting upright only if A, B, and Z are only mapped to the pedals, so complex maneuvers require the footwork of a rally driver?

>> No.8979667

Based attaché case anon

So are you saying that you couldn’t use just one of the steel battalion sticks instead of both? I don’t really remember what they felt like. I just feel like there is enough there it should be salvageable for something. even if it’s more difficult than the default controller set up.

>> No.8979668

It does, see >>8976412

>> No.8979670

Growing up I very house I went to someone had steel batallion. One of my friends moms who played FarmVille played steel batallion.

>> No.8979695

because steel battalion is infinitely more cool than guitar hero

>> No.8979708

the stick on the right has a sensitive analog nub that could be used for movement technically -
theres a couple weirdos on youtube that got the controller working with other titles on windows

the briefcases were gifts from friends when i moved out of state & are filled with photos

>> No.8979731

Uhhhh bros? My attaché case is just filled with random pictures and shit of Leon and his friends all of my items are gone do I just start over? Is this a glitch? I’m not on the island and have no bullets- is this a bug?

>> No.8979812
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>> No.8980141

Sometimes I run into a simfag battlestation thread, they always make the OP controller look like a little toy. Anyone got pics? My old ones were lost with computer crash

>> No.8980173

How can anyone with a straight face think guitar hero sold as much as steel batallion?

>> No.8980180
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>However, we area bit puzzled about the "constant shock" feature, which activated a continuous, adjustable rumble effect whenever turned on.
Oh, you just know

>> No.8980361
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Oh yeah, plenty of them for any simulator.

>> No.8980395

The reality that existed before you were born isn't an "alternate reality" kiddo

>> No.8980410
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>> No.8980851

Imagine taking this into a nosedive to Wrestlemania.

>> No.8980994


>> No.8981005

Where the fuck did you grow up?

>> No.8981054


give your friends mom my number immediately

>> No.8981483

Based as fuck, I need to build a giant sized one of those.

>> No.8983574


>> No.8984598

clearly suburbia
>not having a wife that wastes all your money on shit like steel battalion
she probably bought it on impulse slightly buzzed while doing her favorite thing, shopping

im not talking shit, not even remotely - i think its hot

>> No.8984606

Based. Has she played through Steel Battalion?

>> No.8985953 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8985964

That's just offensive.

>> No.8986831

the buttons are mapped as you asked but the stickfigure requirement remains

>> No.8986879
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>I wasn't sure what would break first the controller or his spirit

>> No.8988308
File: 152 KB, 1920x1080, main-qimg-aee069b207372dd3b906ce1e61a35e03-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not a mecha fan; you wouldn't understand. Gundam fans would fucking KILL for a set-up where you literally have to start up your mobile suit as realistically as possible.

>> No.8988501

That would be Chrome Hounds

>> No.8989020

Had one. Sold it. Perhaps I shouldn't, I don't know. I remember the game being underwhelming. I remember it being a disappointment. I thought it was going to be a lot different then it was.

>> No.8989026

Top lel. This guy gets it

>> No.8989470
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>> No.8989506

>Gundam fans would fucking KILL for a set-up where you literally have to start up your mobile suit as realistically as possible.
lol no, all they want is the next beamspamming arcade arena shooter.

>> No.8989508

Neither of these are true.

>> No.8991220

How many people do you know who actually played this game?

That's why.

>> No.8992106
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The first guy is a UC-era fan and the second guy is a Gundam Seed-era fan. That being said, there's literally a Gundam arcade game that's suppose to replicate a mobile suit cockpit.

>> No.8993784

That's another reason.

>complex tank/mecha simulator game with a learning curve which requires a large and expensive control unit to be playable, you need to learn how to use the control unit and there's not much of an easy mode
>versus a pretty simple music rhythm game which isn't very expensive at all, and has a lot of cool licensed music, the controller is pretty easy to learn and there's an easy mode

>> No.8994467
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Yes I would kill