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File: 121 KB, 256x374, Ffxboxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8930581 No.8930581 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, I'm not having much fun with this.

>> No.8930591

That's unfortunate, because playing it is your inescapable obligation

>> No.8930593

Make sure to use everyone in every battle even its just to defend for one turn.

>> No.8930603
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>> No.8930857

The opposite. Skip as many battles as you can.

>> No.8930871

yeah, that game blew, everything about it was wrong. it was then that I realized that they were making games for retards instead of their fans

>> No.8931050

It's a really tidus game.

>> No.8931052

Fuck you

>> No.8931212

no one cares

>> No.8931268

Music was fine

>> No.8931325 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, moogles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, I'm not having much fun with this.
I enjoyed the story, but the actual game was boring.
Still finished it, but just to see more of those MOOGLES

>> No.8931347

The visuals and music are great, it’s the gameplay that ain’t so hot.

>> No.8931360

the atmosphere and story hit me so hard when I was younger. as someone who sucks off FFX I understand why so many people suck off FFVII (because they were five years older than me)

>> No.8931406

The game improves dramatically once you leave Luca

>> No.8931526

Shit combat system

>> No.8931802

Terrible advice. The combat gets worse the more you grind since it trivializes future combat.

>> No.8931810

Filtered hard. These people haven't captured an arena monster or changed a piece of the sphere grid in their lives, just played it like another brainless JRPG.

>> No.8931863

>we got gipped out of Teedus hooking up with Lulu because the director seethed too much when all the internal playtesters went with Lulu instead of his waifu

>> No.8931886
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FFVII is overall a better-designed game, if you can look past the relative lack of polish and early 3D jank. FFVII introduced the cinematic approach but still kept the traditional formula and gameplay loop entirely intact. FFVII is the last Final Fantasy game that's just simple fun to play.
>sphere grid
Every Final Fantasy has some unique system for doling out abilities to characters you can always tell plebs because that's all they think that matters apart from the story itself. Indeed the Sphere Grid is a particularly fagged up system because it's essentially a glorified skill tree with a goofy label and a pointlessly obfuscating layout.

>> No.8932250

just finished post-game content about a week ago and holy FUCK was that 100% not worth it, even on an emulator at 400% speed.

what on earth were they thinking lol

>> No.8932267
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im sorry to hear that anon, FFX isnt for everyone, but goddamn do i love Rikku

>> No.8932268

>post game content
>emulator 400% speed
Go on. Tell us MOAR.

>> No.8932278

not much to tell really, it's called post-game because it's content that should be done after the final battle otherwise the final boss will be pointless.

You have to capture 10 of every fiend, grind all stats to maximum (which means farming levels, farming spheres, farming nodes, etc.), do celestial weapons, farm the right gear materials, then you can face the dark aeons + the superboss Penance

the big pain in the butt is that you're locked into fighting everything with the same gameplay style, and you can't deviate from your preparation at all
>you HAVE to have max stats or you will die
>you HAVE to have gear with the exact same abilities
>you (essentially) are locked into just spamming Quick Hit every round + Rikku refreshing mixes + Luna calling out Aeon when a boss is about to use their ultimate
Only bosses that were actual pains were 3 Sisters, Bahamut and Penance but honestly his strategy was basically super simple once you started the fight, just takes forever without making a mistake

Yeah, not too fun. You're just grinding for the sake of it, there's no actual skill involved.

>> No.8932296

>he doesn't know
Thanks for proving my point.
FFX filters more people than any other game in the franchise, both the gameplay and the story. If you play it like a shallow retard you'll think it's a shallow retarded game. Simple as.

>> No.8932304

I'm not the OP.
I'll take your word for it, anon.

>> No.8932327

Wait, I've never played the international version.
post-end-game to me means after HAHAHA fades away after the spirits wake up. After Auron finally sends himself. Isn't that the END of the game? It must be if you're using Quick Hit because Tidus has to be there for his sphere grid to exist.
How can there be "post game" content?

>> No.8932335

Oops I messed up what I said earlier, meant to say it's called post-game among the community because 99% of players beat the final boss and then load the final save and then go do optional content. If you do optional first, then the entirety of the final battle(s) are reduced to random encounter tier.

You're not really missing much if you didnt play International, just the inclusion of superbosses because everyone complained the base game was too easy (which it was.)

>> No.8932346

>because everyone complained the base game was too easy
Only if you overpower yourself. Almost all JRPGs can be easy or brutally hard. They're actually very adaptive games in general.
I'd rather just play the original again. I usually run about 90-100 hours on a playthrough of FFX and that's enough.
I haven't played X-2 since I mastered it(thru new game +) in 2004 or so. I should load up my old save and give my Retrotink a workout.
This thread is making me feel nostalgic for FFX and Dragonball.
FFX-2 has batter gameplay than X

>> No.8932354

International just adds the dark aeons and Penace which don't add much to the experience. Agreed that the game really doesn't scale well at max sphere grid, not that you need to max out everything to beat everything. The game plays best at what the game makers intended which is the storyline bosses with little to no grinding.

>> No.8932360

You have to actively play retardedly or run from every fight for FFX to not be easy.
Time magic and status ailment weapons are insane.

>> No.8932365

That shoulder tho...mmm

>> No.8932367

The only way to avoid over leveling is to run away from X percentage of random encounters. I fought every enemy I came across and by the end there was no difficulty at all. And that's if you don't even bother with side content like captures, etc. which get you leveled quickly too. Good JRPG difficulties are ones that still have challenge at the end assuming no or little grinding. FFX you just just caste haste and win lel.

You make it sound like this isn't a common complaint about the game or something. The fucking devs themselves acknowledged they made most of the game (outside of a couple bosses) too easy, hence the addition of bosses in the int version.
You do need to have max defense, mag defense attack and roughly uh 80 or so luck (+rikku mix) or else you just die. Otherwise yeah I completely agree with what you said.

>> No.8932375

Don't use time magic.

>> No.8932382

To expound and tie-in to my above post, the magic(pun intended) of jarpigs, is you can completely forego commands in the games that make the game easier. Playing FF1 with an all-fighter party, but banning all item use for example. Tech-free Chrono Trigger is a bastard of a game.

>> No.8932718

The side content is the absolute worst.

>> No.8932736

Filtering people with taste is not something to be proud of.
Final Fantasy had never been a franchise about filtering anyone anyway.

>> No.8932748

me either
i never finished it,
ive started and stopped several times
i might beat it finally on the vita at work but
ps2 era was the end of final fantasy games for me

12 is even more ridiculous

>> No.8932771

I actually never finished this game. It was just so bad. I enjoyed every SNES and PS1 FF games, though.

>> No.8933551

I finished the game. It was the only FF game that I stopped playing for a month before going back and forcing myself to finish it. What makes me most angry about the game is the progression between zones feel like I am fighting the same reskinned monsters over and over again.

>> No.8933560

I honestly have some fond memories of this game and did enjoy the worldbuilding a lot. The Titus/Jecht thing was interesting, Auron was a pretty badass old dude, the Al Bhed language was cool, and the whole religion versus technology/free thinking dynamic was interesting.

I didn't like Blitzball, thought Yuna had the personality of a kicked puppy, thought Kimarhi was a carbon copy of Chewbacca, and can't remember a thing about Lulu other than her boobs. Worst of all, there's no exploration. There's no moments to just take a breather and wander the world like you could in nearly every other Final Fantasy game. It's basically just one long hallway from beginning to end, like a precursor to XIII (the last one I played). I missed Final Fantasy games with world maps after playing this one.

Weirdly enough I didn't mind the combat in X2, but everything about the story was ruined by turning the main crew into a JPop band and making the story totally meaningless. I liked the job changing element of it though, felt very FFV.

>> No.8933581
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>> No.8933582

Don’t stick your dick in dem Al-Bhed girls, ya? Dey got teef in deir vaginas.

>> No.8933612

Yevon say dem Al-Bhed girls use machina to get off instead of real men, and dat's forbidden, ya?

>> No.8933632

>Filtering people with taste
FFX does the opposite. Sorry. FFX's story and gameplay are too hard for the usual FF brainlets to appreciate.

>> No.8933639

Only the ultimate weapon minigames. The arena and breaking the spheregrid to fight superbosses was kino. The FFVII babs were just too dumb to figure it out.

>> No.8933648

>Don't use time magic.
I already covered that:
>You have to actively play retardedly

>> No.8933653

>story and gameplay
Story was great, gameplay not so much.

I can see the appeal of spending hundred of hours for the novelty of makimg Titus a black mage or something with the sphere grid, but the battles were the easiest in the series. You can swap out dead party members at any time. On top of that, there's nothing optional to explore, no minigames except for fucking Blitzball, and there's no world map.

>> No.8933672

Melodramatic hallway simulator

>> No.8933735

Long game and my laser fucking died at the end

>> No.8933746

Your laser was Titus this whole time.

>> No.8933765

>the battles were the easiest in the series. You can swap out dead party members at any time. On top of that, there's nothing optional to explore, no minigames except for fucking Blitzball, and there's no world map.
FFX trannies on suicide watch

>> No.8933785

>be me
>buy this just a bit after it comes out
>play, enjoy
>enjoy story, gameplay, all the things
>learn sphere grid, max characters out, get ultimate weapons, game BTFO
>beat and feel very satisfied, spent many hours
>put away and never play again
>completely forgot story and gameplay and anything else about it
Anyone else have this experience?

>> No.8935193 [DELETED] 

>>completely forgot story and gameplay and anything else about it
Not with this game particularly, but if I'm playing a handheld game in bed and drift off to sleep I don't quite remember what the fuck happened after I beat it.

>> No.8935198

It is in a way the progenitor for everything wrong with XIII.

>> No.8936334

rpgs like that aren't meant to be "fun", they're meant to be immersive which some people don't enjoy. If you've never had dreams of wielding an 2.5 meter long sword or dressing like you're in a pirate themed k pop band that probably explains why you can't get into it.

>> No.8937526

How can I still enjoy dreaming about being a k-pop pirate as a 30 year old grown ass man with a normal ass life? Genuine question btw. I don't want to grow up.
I've been playing this for a couple days now and it feels fun to play for sure but there's just something missing. I just can't get invested into stupid stories like this like I used to.

>> No.8937546

>Her eyes say masturbate, her shoulder says dislocate

>> No.8937554

It's a shit game. I've never got more than 10 hours in and I love final fantasy.

>> No.8939662

Auron is the best, right?

>> No.8941310

I just can't get into it for some reason

>> No.8941581

Not retro, but FFXIII is very underrated. Unique battle system, an actually pretty interesting story about the messy nature of civil war and the concept of terrorism vs freedom fighters.

>> No.8941603

XIII is fucking atrocious, it's the worst FF right there with VIII.

>> No.8941621

f i l t e r e d

>> No.8941627

FFX killed the franchise for me. I loved 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. 10 was the end. Terrible writing. Terrible game play. Just awful in general and I've never been able to get into another Final Fantasy since.

>> No.8941642

Same. 9 was the last real Final Fantasy game.

>> No.8942374

The gameplay was the best part of X-2 and there is no shame in enjoying it. But thinking the story in it was meaningless? You paid absolutely no attention at all to the development of Spira, blindfolded yourself to Yuna and Paine's character arcs (and many other returning characters, notable or no). You furthermore decided to completely ignore the Youth League and New Yevon waving their dicks at each other despite having the same goals, and the ultimate threat of Vegnagun being the only nuke in the world under the control of a 1,000-year-old dream of vengeance. Yuna having a jpop concert does not make all that go away.

>> No.8942389

VIII is awesome.

>> No.8943160

I had a blast lol. It was very cinematic.

>> No.8943178

>Not having much fun with it

Anon stop playing it then.

The highlights of FFX are as follows:

>The first season of blitzball if you hire a team of jobbers

>The Chocobo race in the Calm Lands

>The Lightning dodges

I am being unironic here

>> No.8943243

>Story was great
Not with all that needless melodrama and overused plot devices.
Now, the worldbuilding on the other hand was great.

>> No.8943286

It's a trash hallway simulator. I remember some vg rag back in the day, EGM or GamePro had an interview with the director and he said he wanted to make the player feel like they were traveling to different countries. Too bad every country was a shitty hallway with crap characters

>> No.8943296

There was another interview where they asked the battle director why the battles were still random bullshit and he said the PS2 didn't have the ability to show enemies in realtime on the field, lol. I guess the PS2 could render a realtime airship map either. Game was a joke.

>> No.8943303

XI was great. That's the last one I genuinely enjoyed.

>> No.8944774

11 was an MMORPG. I've never been able to enjoy an MMORPG. I've tried a few times. Just not for me.

>> No.8944785

the japanese are experts at spinning obvious inadequacies as artistic choice

>> No.8944952

Semi related. I found an old save of digital devil saga on a old hard drive from like 2012? Im in some place called brutes fortress and every random encounter I'm getting smoked. I don't remember how I even got this fucking far

>> No.8944984


>> No.8944992

and by that I meant to say, it don't matter
ffx is the 2nd best square game ever made behind ff7

>> No.8945001

what's your question? alot of jrpgs can be brute forced with healing items and running away from random encounters.
I did it with xenosaga and ffx
that might be what happened for you to end up in that situation.

>> No.8945554

>the PS2 didn't have the ability to show enemies in realtime on the field,
That's a complete fabrication if he even said that. The SNES did that with Super Mario RPG in 1996.

>> No.8946686


Same. IX, with its huge flaws, felt like a FF game in ways that X didn't.

>> No.8947245

The only FF i had to force myself to finish, ffs those hallways for 40 hours wasn't fun, gameplay sucks and didn't care about the history, even FFXII was better and has pretty much plain characters

>> No.8947337

Irrelevant considering they're dealing with 3d. Anyway the random battles aren't a problem and never have been. People who whine about that are huge fags

>> No.8947393

You're not, these games are designed to appeal to 8-15 year olds. They're playable anime episodes, and nothing more. They're not challenging, they're have no in depth mechanics, and the plots and characters are incredibly basic, typecasted, and will always feature some zany twist 3/4th through to make the intended audience go "OMG WOW"
Short of smashing yourself in the head with a hammer, these games will lose all appeal to you when you get older unless you were born with a cognitive development disorder.

>> No.8947397

I liked the old man you met at several places who explains you shit about the land
That's basically the only thing I remember about the game (played it like 18 years ago... wheredidthe timegobros... I don't feel so good)

>> No.8947664

>IX, with its huge flaws
Such as? (This isn't an accusatory post, I'm genuinely curious)

>> No.8947797

>t. no fun allowed

>> No.8947810

i died in the first fight of this game on the bridge and never played it again

i could have just started it up again but i didnt want to play as Titus anyways. honestly fuck RPGs where you have to play as a complete dweeb, if im gonna play a JRPG character can I at least play as one I like?

>> No.8947839

That comment about random enemies is obviously made based on the established baseline quality of 3D environments and models for the game. FFX already looked insanely good given the year it came out, it's no surprise they had to cut corners somewhere to achieve that fidelity in 2001. Though they'd clearly improved their capabilities by the time FFXII came out.

>> No.8947879

>FFXIII is very underrated. Unique battle system
Battle system is horrendous. It's the only mainline FF game that I dropped. I was so bored only inputting commands for the party leader while watching the other two chars being controlled by the computer.

>> No.8948293

Agreed. Also every character in the game was weird looking. even the tough black guy with guns looks tame. heros and villains all look like they are in a gay pride parade in California or something.

>> No.8948402

These are the people that hate on FFX. Completely braindead drooling retards.

>> No.8948407

Yeah give us more RPGs where you play as a cute girl.

>> No.8948408

FFX was originally going to feature Yuna as a pop star and having a concert.

>> No.8948413

The religion thing was just rehash of Morrowind's story with a some slight changes. Yu Yevon's religion is basically the Tribunal. A lot of story devices in Morrowind appear in FFX with just slight differences.

>> No.8948416

you have to switch tactics at the right time, it's almost like a rhytmn game.

>> No.8948417

yeahvthey copied morrowind which is totally the same story

lmfao you faggots are something else

>> No.8948421

Not to mention FFX released before it. Why are FFX haters always so fucking retarded?

>> No.8948429

>A corrupt religious establishment is hiding the fact their powers are behind the woes in the world
Literally no different than Morrowind. Both Morrowind and FFX's stories made by story directors who said themselves Eastern Gnosticism had an influence on their game. Its clear FFX borrowed some themes.

>> No.8948438

FFX is for better or worse, a very linear game. It feels like you're being dragged through a very long boring movie. I recently played it and found it boring too. It's too easy, too cinematic. If you aren't enjoying it, don't force yourself to keep playing. It's essentially the same the rest of the game.

>> No.8948441

But yeah FFX was a shit game that just copied Morrowind's story

>> No.8948446

All 3D FF are trash
The series died when it came to PS

>> No.8948447

Admittedly she’s much better as a summoner.

>> No.8948453

Literally the only people who hate the battle system in 13 are legit retards who try to play it like every other boring weeb RPG and just sit mashing confirm, in a com/rav/med setup and then wondering why the battles take 5 minutes and they die all the time. The battle system in 13 is great and the closet any non-action rog has come to having actual gameplay and mechanical complexity.
Morrowind didn't invent corrupt religious sects you fucking retard.

>> No.8948459

Final Fantasy X didn't invent corrupt religious sects you fucking retard.

>> No.8948470

Saying Morrowind and FFX have similar cultural influences isn't saying they invented religion you retard. You gotta be a senile old man to fail such basic reading comprehension.

>> No.8948472

ffx didn't invent anything because it's the epitome of a generic jrpg that plays like a game from 1985 but looked great at release. this has nothing to do with morrowind

>> No.8948476
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Is XII worth a shot if I found X immensely boring and shallow? Heard the gameplay is more interesting and the story is about politics more like in WRPGs.

>> No.8948481

Yeah, no, Morrowind's development started in 1996. FF X's development started in 1999. The release date of a game has nothing do with when it was developed, retard.

>> No.8948490

12 is the worst game in the whole series. literally just weeb star wars with some of the worst pacing, writing, and level design of any game ever made.

>> No.8948497

It can't be worse than this 100% linear clown shit though?

>> No.8948516

they replaced the linearity with 2 hours of trudging through mmo dungeons of total nothingness, until you watch a cutscenes for 10 minutes and then trudge through another 2 hours of mmo dungeons. the game is fun for the first 3-4 hours and then totally falls apart, and the battles are godawful

>> No.8948563
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>Auron was a pretty badass old dude
>age: 35

>> No.8948601

That's everyone associated with FFX.
Final Fantasy was never known for its smart fanbase and that's especially true for FFX and onwards.

>> No.8948631

Dat's why you do them in the rear, ya.

>> No.8948640

Final Fantasy uses anime ages for everything, where 18-year-olds are regularly elite special forces operators, world class doctors, engineering geniuses, college professors, and military generals. 35 in Final Fantasy years may as well be 70 in real life.

>> No.8949864

Yeah whatever you do, don't do this

>> No.8949870

Story is good for the first few hours, later it falls apart, as for gameplay, is like a MMO where you specify gambits, these gambits are highly configurable for like an "auto mode", i.e:
if ally has less than 50% hp, use cure,
if enemy is weak to thunder, use thunder magic,
if you see any enemy, attack it.
If you want to try, play zodiac version with jobs, the original ps2 sucks since all the characters end being the same

>> No.8949871
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>Only the ultimate weapon minigames
Here's the true super boss of FFX

>> No.8949879

>Going Al Bhed? You'd be better off dead

>> No.8949882


>> No.8949883

The Japanese are youth obsessed to unhealthy levels

>> No.8949886

Butterfly minigame is harder than 0:0:0 at chocobo races. Doesn't help that it's for the worst character in the game that no one likes. In my 100% playthrough, Kimahri was the only weapon I didn't bother with.

>> No.8949892

I’m not entirely convinced that this utter disdain of yours is as healthy as you make it sound.

>> No.8949893

Really? I thought the butterfly game was one of the easiest. Wakka's was the weapon I didn't bother with because fuck playing that much Blitzball

>> No.8949917

Not that anon, but FFIX definitely had it’s fair share of bizarre design choices:

>can’t store trance
>sluggish pace (I had no problem with this, but it’s a common criticism that I can respect)
>questionable party members
>extremely obtuse card game
>faggy villain

I loved FFIX and so I can’t really shit on the game without making excuses for why it just werks, but there’s a lot about it that I’m sure most people who end up playing it just can’t see past.

>> No.8949923

>>faggy villain
Kuja is my favorite villain of the PS1 era. He's the most fleshed out and I understand his goals and motivations. Sephiroth just goes insane after a sperg out in the reactor and Ultimecia only cares about Kompresion

>> No.8949931

This. I forced myself to finish FFXII (and all side quests) because I desperately wanted to believe there would be SOMETHING redeemable about it (aside from it being a technical marvel). Lo and behold, it was a 125 hour waste of my life.

As someone who was a diehard fan of the PS1 FF games, FFX was a hard pill for me to swallow. The story and cinematics blew my mind, though, so that was enough to keep me enthralled. So believe me when I tell you that FFXII makes FFX seem like the best Final Fantasy game ever made. The political “intrigue” in the story is completely overshadowed by how unforgivably boring it is to play the game. I swear I had no fucking idea what was going on the ENTIRE time I was playing because it took so goddamn long to get from point A to point B that by the time I got there, I couldn’t even remember where the fuck I was.

FFXII is not a fun or rewarding game. It’s a fucking chore.

>> No.8949952

Eh, I can see why it’d be hard for the target audience of FF games (adolescent boys) to appreciate, let alone understand the motives of a villain like Kuja. Young people don’t ordinarily feel threatened by their mortality, and I don’t recall Kuja doing a very good job of explaining his motives to begin with. Ironically, that sort of works with his character, but it still leaves the audience (teenage boys) in the dark as they wonder why this uppity faggot is the villain and not some edgy, grimdark turbo demon with less complex motives.

>> No.8949971

Kuja is no more faggy than Seymour.

>> No.8949984

Yeah, and Seymour was also a shitty, forgettable villain.

>> No.8949990

Kuja is based and the only "questionable" party member is Quina.

>> No.8949992

All Final Fantasies are linear. Just admit you're crying about not having a world map. FFX's endgame is more content-rich and deep than anything that came before it.

>> No.8950025

Quina is less questionable than Amarant tee bee aytch. Nigga had like 2 lines of dialogue in the whole game.

>> No.8950041

They aren't all equally linear

>> No.8950801

I wanna try it. Is the remaster worth it or should I just stick to the original PS2 version?

>> No.8950826

The original ps2 version has better facial expressions, backgrounds and some sounds like Valefor overdrives can be heard unlike the messy Remaster that removed them
So, i would recommend you the original
There are three hard segments in the game which could have filtered lots in this thread, Mi'ihen Highroad, Post Macalania Woods and Bikanel

>> No.8951126

It's because their lives are essentially over when they're done with high school. Their careers consume them from university onwards, and they're quickly broken down and rebuilt as cogs in corporate machines.

>> No.8951957

Whichever version you play, be sure to use Japanese voices. There's an undub for the PS2 version. For the remaster you'll need to move some audio files if I'm not mistaken, there are mods on Steam that do this for you. Not sure about the console versions of the remaster, I think I saw an undub for the PS3 version once. Also, I recommend playing with the original soundtrack, the rerecorded tracks from the remaster just don't feel right.

>> No.8951961

it's a game for teenage girls

>> No.8952018

John DiMaggio's voice acting is one of the only good things in the game. Imagine having your brain this rotted by weebery.

>> No.8952083

The man is a legend and I like his voice, but it doesn't change the fact that the dub is terribly directed, the actors' performances are lacking in emotion and most of the time sound flat. Not to mention speeding up some lines artificially to match the animation. Tidus, Yuna and Auron just straight up sound better in Japanese, their voices are spot on.

>> No.8952129
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Look, do you want your "over thirty" party members to look like Auron, or to be more animu pretty boys who look 15?

>Is XII worth a shot if I found X immensely boring and shallow?
FFXII has a grounded political intrigue plot if you are into that. Good localization, English voice acting, and dialogue. Unfortunately the main characters are very dull and boring to watch, and the game suffers from severe pacing issues. Combat is a snooze and doesn't have the fancy presentation that prior FF game's battles had. FFXII also doesn't have the high fantasy art direction FF10 had.

>> No.8952159

He’s peeing in the water

>> No.8952201

You could've spared us the composite ass filter.

>> No.8953540

That would be the sequel

>> No.8953650
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>Square had insiders working at Bethesda so they could copy the story of Morrowind
FFX haters are unreal

>> No.8953686
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>Yeah, I'm not having fun with this

>> No.8953701

No that's just when everyone else noticed.

>> No.8953792

Look it's proto sora!

>> No.8953846

Proto-Sora is actually Sion

>> No.8954002


There are only 4 characters (Zidane, Vivi, Garnet and Eiko), everyone else is or becomes silent and pointless like the game makers forgot about them.

>> No.8954015

>the tough black guy
Sazh is a middle-aged single dad, where did you get the impression he's supposed to be a tough guy?

>> No.8954107

>Literally the only people who hate the battle system in 13 are legit retards who try to play it like every other boring weeb RPG and just sit mashing confirm, in a com/rav/med setup and then wondering why the battles take 5 minutes and they die all the time. The battle system in 13 is great and the closet any non-action rog has come to having actual gameplay and mechanical complexity.
If I wanted to play an action game I would play an action game. Fuck off zoomer. Watching the computer control 2/3 of the party is braindead.

>> No.8954382

>not liking movie games with 0 difficulty, 0 tactics, and 0 mechanical depth makes you braindead
Truly amazing post.

>> No.8955268

>terrible writing
holy filtered. any story that's about self sacrifice for all of mankind can never be bad

>> No.8955480

Anything can be bad

>> No.8955613

You just described FF13 though

>> No.8955689

>requires proper use of paradigm shifting, buffs, debuffs, status effects, and attack cancels to defeat even basic enemy encounters, as opposed to the jrpg standard of mash confirm on trash mobs until number next to lvl goes up
>boss encounters are difficult and require knowledge of the game mechanics to not die, impossible to just grind levels until you win
>battle system is more than surface level complex, and features things like animation canceling, enemy attack dodging, enemy juggling, intentional grouping of enemies, and attack pattern variation which allows even some of the hardest fights in the game to be defeated by lower level parties through proper use of these tactics
Literally the reason people hate this game is because you can't just mash X for 45 hours in between watching fancy anime cutscenes and succeed.

>> No.8955725

I think about death and decay, the purpose of life, the inner workings of our minds etc. constantly, sometimes pretending to go on an adventure with some cute girls and some fun bros is relaxing.

>> No.8955732

You typed all that thinking I care how you justify your shitty 2/3 automated devil may cry clone set in the FF universe. Go back to /v/ kid.

>> No.8957103

Sounds like a gay zoomer take on Final Fantasy IV.

>> No.8957656

Hey Tidus, did Zanarkand even really exist?

>> No.8958305

The game's just a reflection of its time period in an unusually bad way. It looks and feels like a magazine ad for a graphics card. Its aesthetics are inconsistent and incoherent. The fashion is terrible.

>> No.8959232

Dream Zanarkand exists as physical place the same way Aeons do. It's on the bottom left of the map close to Baaj temple

>> No.8960171

Dw about your hot take, mine's worse. It's gonna sound like bait, but I assure you it's 100% unironic. Of the ones I've actually played:

13 > 4 = 7 > 10 > 1

But I quite liked all of them. None of them are masterpieces but I felt like 13 had the most well balanced battle system and difficulty curve (the advantage of it being so linear and why I tend to enjoy linear games over open ended ones).

Based on my questionable opinions, which one should I play next? I'm thinking about 8 and from the looks of 15 I'd hate it

>> No.8961014

I did get filtered hard by the game. It was Seymour's third form, because I didn't understand that for some odd reason, you can actually poison him in that encounter, and that you need to pop him with Mega Flare when he gets below 30% because that final attack is not meant to be survived. The concepts of a damage rush or wipe boss were not clear to me at the time because it had never been in any other RPG I had played up until that point..

>> No.8961903

>because that final attack is not meant to be survived
Or you could just cast protect and use cheer a few times

>> No.8963613

Tbf, I'm not even mad. My guy, the Grad Wizard Wakka, ended up with Lulu so all is right in the world. Tidus deserves the worst girl.

>> No.8963636

But those are ages where those things could be accomplished if we didn't coddle children with the slow bore of no child left behind teaching.

>> No.8964683
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Yuna is cute

>> No.8964717



>> No.8965531
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, FFX-2_Yuna_FMV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cute

>> No.8965540

I’ll say this, the set pieces are cool and make up for the extreme linearity.

>> No.8966552

I’ll agree that modern parental coddling has gone too far, but you’re out of your mind if you think toning it down will turn kids everywhere into JRPG protags.

>> No.8966816

And autistic

>> No.8966969

Better than any ATB system.

>> No.8967381

Autism is a positive trait for girls.

>> No.8968672

i played it in 2003 as a 17yo, and i thought it was really good, by todays standards there are better games,
those calling it a hallway sim obviously never played 13, thats literally running forward in a straight line for like 60hrs.

those that get filtered by this r clearly just shit, the only part i had trouble with was the sin fight where u go inside, u get its health right down then it launches an attack that wipes u out, some kid told me u have to use yojimbo n he does it in 1 strike, the rest was easy

>> No.8970573
File: 960 KB, 3756x2704, tidus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking Carlos...

>> No.8970589

Based Bouncer player
Dominique is love
Dominique is life

>> No.8970836

No not really. CTB worked great for Final Fantasy Tactics and the combat FFX was an improvement on IX, but that's not saying much.
Classic ATB games are much more fun.

>> No.8971505

I'd argue for sheltered then autistic

>> No.8973285

How do I beat the machina in Lake Macalania?

>> No.8974606

Use Monado Enchant to allow your party members to damage them.

>> No.8974795

VIl and XI are still great.

>> No.8974972

Playing for the first time after putting it off for years. I like how you can attack while the enemy is going back to position, feels fluid for turn based. Wish you could skip non-fmv cutscenes.

>> No.8976245

It's a piss easy, tedious grind fest that only appeals to faggots who enjoy grinding for hundreds of hours doing the same repetitive task to get a piece of equipment that's only marginally better than what they already have. Easily the worst FF game until XII

>> No.8976543

Anybody ever notice how asian the characters look in the FMVs?